How to start a straight weave bauble. How to weave baubles from floss threads, direct weaving for beginners with photos, videos. Patterns of weaving floss baubles, knots, lessons. Rubber bracelet - a master class for beginners

Modern girls are increasingly decorating themselves with all sorts of braids and plaits. Such hairstyles are universal: they hold hair well and look very beautiful. With a scythe, you can go to work, study, holiday, party. You can add styling with ribbons, flowers and beads. About what and how to weave pigtails, this article will tell in detail.

Hairstyles for myself

It is not always possible to turn to a professional hairdresser. And sometimes you don't want to ask someone for help. It is better to learn how to weave braids for yourself. It's not that hard. A little patience, practice, and everything will work out.

For the process to be effective, it is worth preparing everything you need in advance.

You will need:

  • large mirror;
  • styling spray;
  • combs;
  • elastic bands, hairpins, hairpins;
  • fixation means.

You can learn how to do your own French braid.

This styling looks stylish and interesting. Suitable for any situation. At first, unaccustomed hands may get tired, but over time, experience will come.


  1. Comb the strands back.
  2. On the crown or near the forehead, select a section of hair. Divide it into three parts.
  3. Braid a regular three-strand braid. Then gradually add strands of hair from the sides.
  4. Reach the base of the neck and go into a regular braid.
  5. Secure it with a rubber band.

The complexity of self-weaving is the inability to see yourself from behind. Therefore, it is better to use two mirrors. The second will display the back of the head, which will facilitate the work. If the styling turned out to be sloppy, you should pin up individual hairs with hairpins.

How to french braid yourself - video

You can make a tourniquet for yourself.

It is much easier to weave it.

  1. It is enough to comb the hair well and pick it up in a high tight tail.
  2. Divide it into two parts.
  3. Twist them in a spiral in the form of a tourniquet.
  4. The tip must be tousled so that the tourniquet does not unravel.
  5. Then secure with an elastic band.

fishtail braid

Laying, similar to the tail of a mermaid, looks interesting and provocatively. It is suitable for both little girls and adult women. If the density of the hair allows, you can braid two braids. You can leave them smooth or tousled.

With proper skill, ribbons can be woven into a braid.


  1. Wash hair, comb and moisten with water.
  2. Divide your hair into two sections. You can collect strands at the base in a tail, and then separate.
  3. Start weaving. To do this, select a thin strand on the left and throw it to the right.
  4. The strand on the right is thrown to the left.
  5. Thus, weave a braid of the desired length. The thickness of the sections must be monitored, otherwise the hairstyle will turn out uneven.
  6. Secure the finished fishtail with an elastic band. To give carelessness, it can be disheveled.

For beginners, stylists are advised to weave a braid from the tail. And only then you can weave immediately on loose hair.

To make the fishtail look spectacular, it is worth applying a styling product to the curls, and then fix the hair with varnish. Such a braid reflects light well, so it will shine.

hair band

Many girls complain about naughty bangs and strands hanging over their faces. You can remove them with a headband from your own hair. This hairstyle looks very feminine and elegant. She will make any outfit more romantic.

Weaving pattern:

  1. First, comb your hair well.
  2. Separate three strands near the ear and start weaving a regular braid from them.
  3. Continue weaving with a “spikelet”. In this case, you need to move along the crown, and take the strands from both sides.
  4. Near the other ear, the styling can be fixed or finished with a regular braid.

This headband will remove the hair, so they will not interfere. You can separate the strands with a straight parting and start weaving from the center to the ears. Further, it all depends on the imagination: you can pick up the curls in a bun or tail.


Braid and loose hair go well together. The waterfall hairstyle is now popular with girls. Weaving goes well with slightly twisted curls. Styling looks great on hair of different shades.

Weaving pattern:

It turns out a beautiful hairstyle that imitates a waterfall. The advantage of this styling is the ability to remove hair from the ears and leave them behind. At the same time, they are disbanded. The basis of the waterfall is a braid that runs around the head and leaves curls falling down.

To prevent the waterfall from falling apart, you should fix it with hairpins.

You can use your imagination and weave a small ribbon. Or make two braids on the right and left sides. Then they should be connected.

4 strand braid

A four-strand pigtail is a more varied version of the boring "grandmother's" braid. With such styling, you can go to the office, school, party, walk. The braid can be done on the side. Weaving it is easy. Those who have at least a little experience in creating hairstyles from braids can handle this option.

It is not necessary to wash the head, but the hair must be clean. The strands should be slightly wetted, as wet hair lends itself better to weaving. If the curls are naughty, you should first apply a styling product.

The scheme of weaving a braid of 4 strands:

At first, you can get confused in the process of weaving, so hairdressers give beginners advice:

  1. The first section on the right is always directed downwards, and the last - upwards.
  2. Those strands that are on the edge should then be in the middle of weaving. This is the whole principle of creating a braid.

A pigtail of five strands looks no less interesting.

This hairstyle can be both formal and casual. It all depends on the technique.

To get started, you should familiarize yourself with the weaving pattern:

  • comb your hair thoroughly;
  • make a high tight tail (this is optional, but it will help fix the braid, so it is better for beginners to choose this option);
  • divide the whole mass into 5 parts.

For convenience, it is better to number the sections.

How to start weaving:

  • place section 5 above 3 and below 4;
  • place 1 over 3 and under 2;
  • 5 to hold over 4 and under 3;
  • draw section 1 over 3 and under 2;
  • repeat all actions;
  • at the end, secure the braid with an elastic band.

You should get an interesting voluminous braid of 5 strands. This hairstyle looks spectacular. But if you want to decorate it further, you can use ribbons and beads. It is not easy to weave a ribbon into such a braid. If you want to try, it is better to choose a thin ribbon of sliding fabric, otherwise it will get tangled in weaving.

If it turned out well to braid the braid from the tail, you can start doing your hair right away on your loose hair. It is better to number the sections and remember them. This will make the task easier. To make a braid of 5 strands look voluminous, you should stretch out a couple of strands and fluff the hair a little. It is better to slightly fix it with varnish.

This hairstyle is somewhat different from other types of weaving. African braids are chosen by courageous and self-confident girls who always want to be in the spotlight. Hairstyle may seem simple, but in reality everything is much more complicated.

  1. If it’s hard to figure it out right away, you should use the diagrams for beginners. Then the hands will get used to it, and it will be possible to do without schemes.
  2. Stylists advise braiding slightly damp strands. Dry ones disintegrate quickly.
  3. Braids are a great solution for owners of thin hair. All kinds of weaves make it more voluminous and rich.

"Spikelet", "dragon", "French braid", "fishtail" - all these names are the classic women's hairstyle, which is distinguished by beauty, convenience and ease of weaving. This is one of the ways to braid a braid suitable for women of any age. And if you learn the basic version of the spikelet, then, starting from this, you can vary the hairstyle in various ways.

The French braid is not a new invention. It appeared - as we understood from the name - in France, and later it went out of fashion, then returned. But there are perhaps good reasons to consider this type of hairstyle a classic, because it is beautiful, elegant, and comfortable ... Such hairstyles should not disappear from use: simplicity and beauty are eternal!

But 10 years ago, the approach and view of the spikelet was different. Then it was believed that the hero of our story is suitable only for solemn events, for an elegant and spectacular exit. A cool and playful fishtail was a serious, strict hairstyle.

Now there is no such limited approach. Spikelet is suitable for almost any occasion: a friendly meeting, a party, a business trip, a walk ... whatever you want. The only criterion is the correct weaving. This is where the main lessons really need to be learned.

Basic spikelet weaving technique

So, there is a fairly simple scheme that will make it easy to braid a spikelet with your own hands. We will analyze different options, but the main type of braid on which we will be based is the following:

Follow each item from the step-by-step instructions. We will explain step by step so that you can properly style your hair, as in the pictures.

  1. Wet your hair a little - just a little bit. This will make them more obedient and allow you to lay neater. If there is mousse, then you can use it. The main thing is that the hair becomes more obedient and does not unravel. Collect a strand of hair at the crown, as shown in Figure 3. Tie with an elastic band, since during weaving both hands will be busy with us, and there will be three strands.
    Figure 3. The elastic band holds the first strand of hair.
  2. Leaving the fixed strand in the center, collect two more on either side of it.
  3. Shift the right strand to the left side, and transfer the central one to the right so that it runs under the right strand of hair.
  4. Lay the left strand also to the right, but it should fit over the right, as shown in the figure.
  5. Now draw over the left strand, which is currently on the right side, our central strand, but be sure to weave an additional strand together with it, having previously gathered it into one bundle. A voluminous knot of the spikelet base should already be formed on the head.
  6. Continue in the same pattern on both sides until you reach the neck area.
  7. Having reached the neck area, make a continuation in the form of a regular braid. Thus, the tail of the spikelet will be completed.

Well, the spikelet is ready. The elastic band holding the central strand is either carefully cut and removed, or hidden under the hair. Apply a little varnish and straighten it a little so that the dragon takes on a voluminous look.

This step-by-step instruction is just a base, the simplest foundation on which many other types of spikelet are based. Now, having knowledge of this base, you can change the look of your hairstyle according to your fantasies.

Side French braid

It will look beautiful and neat, for example, a spikelet braided on its side. It is both stylish and youthful, and looks good on the head of adult women. In principle, the scheme is the same as we said, only when adding side strands, it is necessary to twist it like a tourniquet.

Step by step:

  1. Comb your hair back;
  2. On the left or right side, collect a larger strand and make three small strands out of it;
  3. Start making a regular spikelet, as in the first steps of our instructions - before we began to weave additional strands;
    Weave an additional small strand into the pigtail from the side that was chosen in the first paragraph of this instruction;
  4. Add the next strand on the other side of the head;
  5. In turn, add strands on both sides, while not forgetting to tighten the pigtail so that the hair does not unravel and the spikelet does not lose its shape;
  6. In the final part, everything is the same as in the usual spikelet. At the base of the neck, braid a regular braid. Secure the braid links with hairpins and gently straighten each one to make the hairstyle more voluminous.

In Figure 10, you can see a step-by-step illustration of the spikelet on its side in order to follow the execution of all instructions correctly.

Figure 10. Pigtail on the side

French braid inside out

This type of pigtail is not much different from the classic spikelet in the way it is woven. It looks very solid, the links are pronounced and puffy. Undoubtedly, such a hairstyle will look very elegant.

  1. On the left or right side of the hair caesura, select a larger strand and divide it into three equal strands.
  2. Move the right strand under the center strand. And move the last one up and to the right as in Figure 12.
    Figure 12. First link
  3. Then pass the strand on the left under the right and it goes into the central part of the pigtail.
  4. Start picking up strands from both sides of the pigtail, as has been shown many times.
  5. Connect the extra strand to the central one, which is now to the right of the pigtail.
  6. Draw two strands connected together under the central one.
  7. Do exactly the same with the left side.
  8. Continue weaving the links of the spikelet until you run out of additional strands. Then weave a regular braid, finishing with a ponytail. Straighten out for volume.

Actually, now you know how to weave several types of French braids. Show your imagination, you can use completely different ways to make the spikelet look more spectacular, more beautiful. Adjust the tightness of the braids so that they do not fall off and do not deteriorate, and on the other hand, they are not tightened too much. Change the central braid to shift the location of the entire braid. Experiment with color and use hairspray.

You can braid a spikelet around your head or do it in the French style. Here's what the last one looks like:

The same hairstyle can be made double. By the way, a great solution for your daughter.

The spike weaving technique basically follows the same laws, as you can see. Surprisingly, this is a truly versatile hairstyle, while it always looks beautiful and neat. The little dragon does not allow the hair to fall on the face, which is very convenient and practical.

Braiding pigtails, try to capture the strands on each side in the same amount, evenly. How much hair you capture will determine the shape, which means the beauty of your hairstyle. In addition, it must be said that the French braid is woven, as a rule, for straight hair, so if you have curls, you will have to thoroughly stroke them with an iron, level them so that the appearance of the spikelet does not deteriorate.

You can decorate the pigtail in different ways: with rhinestones, a bow, a rim, various hairpins. In this, perhaps, the matter is limited only by your taste.

If you want, then make two spikelets on the sides. It is not necessary to braid it tightly and collected. Lower the hairs, straighten the hairstyle so that it looks like you have been wearing it for more than a day. Look at Figure 21 and see for yourself:

Figure 21. Add simplicity

You see - there is no need to create a strict hairstyle. Improvise.

It does not hurt to release a few strands from the braid. Lower them so that they fall casually on both sides of the head.
If you made two spikelets, is there really a need to bring them into a mirror-symmetrical form? For what? After all, the hairstyle will look interesting if they are absolutely asymmetrical. Let go of the reins and cast off the blinkers! - Let your imagination run wild. Believe me, this advice is no less important than the step-by-step instructions!

Make the spike "upside down", i.e., so that the weaving goes from the bottom up. Only in this case, you should not make the tail in the form of an ordinary braid, but simply braid the remaining hair, tie it so that it looks beautiful.

In fact, the French braid is a hairstyle that MUST be free from restrictions. Monotony contradicts the very meaning of female beauty, because the main goal is to pleasantly surprise. Take a look at figures 22 and 23.

Rice. 22. Different approach
Rice. 23. Another option

It seems that these are two different pigtails. No! — This is a simple spikelet, laid with taste, but in different ways. Models and world celebrities use this elegant and simple hairstyle to their advantage. Make yourself a fashionable and beautiful pigtail for yourself, your girlfriend or daughter. You can be sure that with sufficient dexterity and diligence, it will turn out just great.

2 years ago 1 year ago

Do you think about a hairstyle for a celebration for a long time? Do you collect your hair in a boring ponytail every day? Think about learning how to weave braids. It's easy and we'll prove it to you. 1 min

Every girl should learn how to make a couple of simple but elegant braids. Even a beginner can easily get a braid and at the same time always looks stylish and neat. Believe me, there are many variations of braid-based hairstyles, as well as weaving techniques that any girl can master.

The article presents seven options for hairstyles:

Based on these weaves, you can experiment and create new masterpiece braids for yourself. Take action!

What you need to braid your own braid

To successfully create any hairstyle, including braid-based, you need to have some tools at hand:

  • Comb: ponytail comb(fine-toothed comb with a sharp tip to separate strands), hair brush or comb-comb (for combing hair)
  • Sets of elastic bands, ribbons and other accessories with which you will fix your hair
  • hairpins(wavy or jagged, of various sizes, for small strands or large hair elements), invisible, clips and other tools for fixing strands or entire hairstyles
  • Decorations, ribbons, flowers and everything that can be woven, braided and pinned into a hairstyle
  • Hair cosmetics: varnishes, gels, mousses for fixing hairstyles and hair care

You can find out more about what is needed for beautiful and neat weaving at.

1.How to braid a simple three-strand braid for yourself

How to weave a regular three-strand braid: 1) collect the hair in a low ponytail, but do not pin it 2) divide the ponytail into three approximately equal strands 3) put the left strand on the middle one, then the right strand on the left, which is now the middle one 4) continue to weave braid, repeating the same steps 5) secure the braid with an elastic band after weaving is completed

2.How to french braid yourself

How to do a French braid: 1) Separate a section of hair from the front of your head and divide it into three strands. 2) Start weaving a simple braid. 3) Add alternate strands to the right, then to the left 4) Weave the braid until the curls on the sides end 5) Secure the braid with an elastic band.

3. How to braid your own braid

How to make a rope braid: 1) Gather your hair into a high ponytail. 2) Divide your hair into two equal sections. 3) Twist each part in one direction, forming a tourniquet. 4) Twist the resulting bundles together in the same direction in which the individual curls were twisted. 5) Secure the end of the braid.

4.How to braid a four strand braidto herself

How to weave a braid of four strands: 1) Divide the hair combed to the back of the head into four identical parts, mentally number them from left to right. 2) We put the first strand on the left under the second, the third strand is placed on the first. 3) The fourth strand is inserted from below the first, then the second strand is superimposed on the third, and the fourth on the second. 4) The first strand falls on the second, the third on the fourth. 5) The first strand goes over the third, and the third over the second. 6) We fix the braid with an elastic band.

5.How to braid a braid along the edge of your own hair

How to weave a braid along the edge of your hair: 1) Take a strand at the back of your head, divide it into three equal parts. 2) Weave the strands once, as for a simple braid: put the left strand on the middle one, then the right one on the middle one. 3) Each time add a part of the hair to the right side of the strand and continue to weave the braid (hair should be taken from only one side). 4) Secure the ends of the braid. 5) Slightly stretch the strands to add volume to the braid.

6. How to do your own fishtail braid

How to do a fishtail braid: 1) Gather your hair into a high ponytail and tie with an elastic band. Separate the strand and wrap it around the base of the tail, secure with a hairpin or invisible. 2) Divide the main tail into two equal parts. 3) Separate a thin strand from the right side of the tail, transfer it to the left. Add to the hair on the right side the next thin strand on the left. 4) Continue braiding as described. 5) Fix the braid.


The fishtail technique can be used when weaving a French braid

7.How to braid your own braid

How to weave a braid-basket for yourself: 1) Divide your hair into two equal parts with a simple parting. 2) Separate a small strand from the face and start weaving a French braid. 3) Gradually add part of the hair to the right and left strands, continue to weave the braid in the usual way, fasten the end. 4) Braid a similar braid from the second part of the hair. Roll the braid into a ring in the opposite direction from the beginning of weaving, secure both braids with hairpins or hairpins.

Final touches - how to keep the braid beautiful for a long time and how can it be decorated?

Your imagination will help decorate the braid at your discretion so that it fits your image. The same braid, but with different decorations, can look different.

The difference between a braid without any decor and a braid with floral decorations is obvious.

Most often used to decorate braids

  • decorative hairpins (with rhinestones, flowers, bows, etc.)
  • hairpins with decor that will not only transform the hairstyle, but also fix the curls
  • ribbons, colored laces, floss - they should be woven evenly, distributing decorations along the entire length of the braid
  • artificial strands of hair in various colors or artificial strands with rhinestones
  • fresh or artificial flowers that can harmoniously complement the image

You can watch one of the options for decorating braids with your own hands in the video:

To fix the braid and not worry about it all day, spray your hair with a little hairspray or pat unruly sticking strands with light finger movements and applied with special styling wax

Advantages of a braid over other hairstyles

Braided hairstyles have a number of advantages

  • Braid hairstyles are one of the most versatile hairstyle options for every day. The braid is suitable for both business style (going to work, study), and for a date, party or gatherings with friends.
  • Braided hair looks well-groomed, neat and elegant.
  • The hairstyle will be resistant almost all day, which is important for a modern active woman.
  • Every girl can master braiding techniques on her own (there are a lot of simple lessons and instructions).
  • You will always have a wide variety of options to choose from: a simple braid, a comfortable French braid, baskets and wreaths of braids, or complex layered hairstyles.
  • Weaving can always be decorated to your own taste.

Having mastered simple braiding techniques, you can always combine them and create new, bright hairstyles, be different every day. Weaving braids is an art, but it is available to absolutely every girl.

How to weave baubles from floss threads, direct weaving for beginners with photos, videos. Patterns of weaving floss baubles, knots, lessons

In this post from various OPEN INTERNET SOURCES I have collected: a short theoretical course for beginners, a huge collection of patterns (part here and a link to the post with the rest) and video tutorials on weaving floss baubles. The text is sometimes written in ridiculous language (it seems like a translation) and has errors. Didn't fix everything.
I hope someone like me needs it.

Important! To understand everything that is written here - knots, weaving patterns - be sure to check out the video tutorials for beginners at the very bottom of the article.

Baubles are a symbol. Baubles friendship bracelets have their own history, which is briefly useful to get acquainted with any cultured person who is interested in this topic. Their history goes back to the North American Indians. Local custom obligated to wear such a bauble, donated as a symbol of friendship and love, until completely worn out, until it breaks. The meaning invested in this custom is simple, as a token of gratitude to a friend for the work and warmth and love invested during weaving, it must not be removed until the moment of spontaneous impulse. It was believed that a bracelet removed ahead of time means the end of friendship. Later, the tradition was picked up by American hippies, for whom the symbol of the exchange of baubles already meant the process of fraternization. So gradually the decoration itself came to the fore, and the brotherhood was understood as a matter of course.

Nowadays, it is just a cute unpretentious decoration, however, the knowledge of how to weave baubles from threads, in addition to history, also has its own secret meaning. For example, different colors of threads in a product and different patterns mean different preferences of a person, that is, they have their own specific symbolism that carries information about a person. Hippies use them instead of wedding rings. Such kind of wedding fenki should be the same and give them to each other. Sometimes they make beaded rings. Weaving is a special interest, a special kind of macrame. There are many types and styles of weaving. You can start your acquaintance with weaving with the main knots that will help you read patterns for weaving baubles from floss threads. This borrowed scheme is simple, it is not difficult to understand it. Here we use floss threads of two colors. The direction of the arrows indicates where to start the thread of a certain color. The exercise should be repeated several times until you fully understand and master the technique of tying knots, the whole process is based on this.

The scheme of weaving knots for baubles from floss thread for beginners. We carefully look at the instructions on how to weave baubles using knots.

A separate issue is the fastening of threads for weaving. Several fixing methods are known. You need to start practicing gradually. To secure the threads, you will need a clerical clip.
Method one, to secure the threads The threads are laid out in order according to the pattern and attached with a clip, for example, to a book.
Method two For notes as you work, you will need a tablet representing a board with a clip. The threads laid out in a certain order are fixed by clamping on the tablet.
Method three You can use a pin and attach the threads tied into a knot to any convenient object, such as a pillow or jeans. You need to try to make the canvas even. You can attach threads and electrical tape to the table.

How to start weaving floss baubles. Straight weaving baubles for beginners
Step 1 The folded desired number of threads is bent in half. A loop is made on top. This way of starting weaving is convenient for straight weaving a pattern; below are beautiful weaving patterns.

Step 2 You need to tie the leading thread in the place that will be the beginning of the loop.

Step 3 Start braiding the threads with the knots indicated above. Braid until you get a loop.

The next step is to tie the remaining threads in a straight weave pattern until the pattern shown in the photo below is obtained.

In the pattern, the background color is performed by the leading thread, and all other threads must be braided with it.

How to finish weaving baubles from floss thread

It is proposed to braid pigtails on both sides of the baubles, for beginners there should be no difficulties, the braiding pattern is known to everyone. Here you need to use another thread, which will be a guide to the place where the fastener is supposed to be made. Some additional device will be required to secure the pigtails for a while. For this purpose, scotch tape, and strings and other convenient little things can be suitable. Then the pigtails need to be folded and secured (this method is suitable for both straight weaving and oblique). Under the pigtails, you need to thread a thread of a different color (in our case, orange)

Now they are braided with an orange thread of pigtails, a square knot of weaving. You need to try not to tighten the knots too much so that the pigtails can move easily inside. In the photo below, the scheme of weaving with a square knot:

As a result, you should get something like the following image, in the photo below:

Finishing, a double or triple knot is tied. The ends of the threads are also cut off, smeared with transparent varnish so that the fringe does not turn out. Blue threads are untied.

Baubles with a clasp

If a clasp is to be made on a bauble, the threads are fixed in a certain way.

This drawing shows how to fasten the threads in general, and the following figure shows how to attach the threads to the buckle so that weaving is comfortable.

Straight (or oblique) weaving continues according to the chosen pattern (an approximate pattern is given below). When the work is finished, you need to tie the remaining threads together in pairs so that the knots do not bloom. The ends of the threads need to be folded inside out and carefully sewn with small stitches with threads that match the color. After flashing half a centimeter, the free ends of the threads are cut off. The length of the baubles made of floss threads should be 2 centimeters shorter than the grip of the wrist. From some soft, thin leather, 2 identical straps are cut out with a width equal to the width of the baubles. The straps are sewn in such a way as to completely cover the sewn ends of the threads. The strap is sewn on from the wrong side first.

Then the strap is applied and sewn on the front side. Thus, the end of a straight weave baubles is sewn between the two straps. For both beginners and experienced, this option fits equally well. Next, a hole is pierced in the right place. The finished bauble on your hand should look something like this:

Baubles - patterns of weaving floss

In the work, you can use such direct weaving schemes, as shown in the photo below. Do not forget about the knots of weaving baubles (fennec) at corners and turns

1) A beautiful six-color scheme, you can try to make your own unique color for each scheme, the main thing is not to get confused later.

2) In the style of "Yin - Yang". Good and evil, as they say, should be on the same level of confrontation:

3) Colored geometric shapes, squares and triangles, for lovers of contrasting colors, the result is beautiful and unusual:

4) In the form of red and blue hearts, beautifully intertwined in a pattern. Suitable for a friendly gift or for a loved one.

5) Another beautiful pattern of a straight-weave heart baubles, it’s quite suitable for beginners, you can choose the colors at your discretion:

6) Something resembling a pigtail, but for some reason called “Cross”:

7) The scheme in the form of a flame or fire, looks very cool. Average degree of difficulty:


Main knots

The next two videos are in English, but everything is clear :)

How to weave letters

How to weave a bauble with a smiley

A bauble is a beautiful handmade woven bracelet. Unlike, which are woven from rope, cord and thick threads, floss threads are used to make baubles. The main techniques for weaving floss baubles are oblique and straight weaving. More simple is oblique weaving, but the choice of patterns for it is limited. straight weave different variety of patterns and inscriptions. Let's learn how to weave floss baubles, where to start weaving and how to finish it correctly, and also consider oblique and straight weaving patterns with drawings and names. It will also be useful for beginners to watch a video with master classes in weaving baubles-bracelets.

How to do it right

All patterns for baubles are built from knots. Having studied the technique and the four basic knots of weaving, you can create a variety of patterns. The rows of nodules are arranged horizontally, only their direction changes. The work is carried out by three threads - the main thread, the warp thread and the auxiliary thread.

Having learned such a simple type of needlework, you can complicate the task and create fantasy - crafts from beads - and floss. For experienced needlewomen, it will not be difficult to create a large composition - a picture of floss threads, with beaded trees, flowers or animals.

Braid weaving

Below is scheme of weaving baubles from floss with three threads- pigtail. It is with a pigtail that the ends of the bracelets are most often braided, securing the work with a knot.

In the same way it is possible weave pigtails and from four threads. This principle applies to weaving any even number of threads. In order to weave a bauble of four threads, two threads are taken in the center. The thread that is on the left side is transferred to the right, and the right thread is transferred to the left edge.

How to make a bauble from floss with an odd number of threads can be seen in the diagram. The essence of weaving is that first the left thread is taken and moved to the center, and then the right one. We repeat as many times as necessary.

Oblique weaving of baubles

Like, it is better to weave floss baubles from the simplest patterns and techniques. The most popular for beginners is oblique weaving. There are many patterns of oblique weaving. Using the same pattern and different colors, you can make different bracelets. Such baubles are woven in one direction - from left to right or from right to left. Four main knots are used, which are woven and designated differently. In the diagram, the arrow shows which node should be done.

You will see more information on how to weave oblique weaving patterns in our master classes.

Direct weaving of floss baubles for beginners

To start weaving, you will need threads, scissors, a pin to secure the beginning of weaving. For detailed instructions on how to weave a bauble from floss in a direct way, see below.

Direct weaving of floss baubles with sharp arrows

With step by step photos you can see how to weave baubles from floss threads in a direct way from six threads.

  • Take threads of 6 colors (2 colors of each thread) at least a meter long.
  • Tie a knot 7 cm from the top and secure with a pin or tape to the work surface. Divide all threads into two halves.

  • We start from the left side. With a red thread, make a figure like a four over the next second thread from the left. Pass the red thread and thread through the hole.

  • Pull the red thread to the right and up. And make another knot as well. This double knot will weave the entire bracelet.

  • As a result, the right thread moved to the right and became the second. We braid the third thread with the second thread until the second thread reaches the center. Weaved one half of the baubles.
  • Now repeat the same steps on the right side, remembering to make double knots on each thread.

  • Make a knot with two middle threads and connect both halves of the baubles.

  • In the same way we weave to the end the remaining lines of the baubles. At the end, make a knot and weave all the threads into a common pigtail. Try on the bauble on your hand to get the right size.

Any finished bauble can be decorated at will and give it uniqueness. Such jewelry will look no worse than beaded bracelets and rhinestones. If you have a chain with rhinestones, attach it along the entire length of the product and, making stitches with a needle and thread between the rhinestones, fasten the chain in the center of the baubles. Such a product will be in perfect harmony with a beaded brooch and white rhinestones.

You can braid a chain of small length along the edge of the finished baubles. To do this, loosen the knot and select one thread, which you attach to the end of the thread with a needle.

Insert the needle at the beginning of the baubles from the wrong side and hook the first link. Insert the needle on the inside and bring it out to the face near the second link.

Weave to the end, secure the last link with two stitches, loosen the knot and weave the thread from the needle into a common pigtail.

Shiny chains tied with floss threads look very impressive. To do this, the threads must be placed on one side of the chain and pass each color through each link of the chain. In this case, the threads must be superimposed one on top of the other.

You can braid the chain with floss threads on both sides according to the same instructions.

With the help of direct weaving, you can create not only patterns, but also various inscriptions, such as names. Using the two types of knot shown in the figure, you can weave letters. See how to make floss baubles to get names on the product.

  • We use green thread (8 pieces) for the background and blue thread (5 pieces) for weaving the name.

  • We tighten the threads and knots tightly so that the names are clear. Making knots to the left, we pass the main thread down.

  • Then we lift the thread up, making knots on each thread to the right.

  • Let's start weaving a name. Let's say the first letter is A. Make the main thread 3 knots to the left down. From 4 to 10 thread - knot to the right and again 2 knots to the left.

  • Next, we lead the main thread up. We make knots on all threads except 7 and 3. On these threads, knots have already been made to the left.

  • We lead the thread from top to bottom and make knots to the left. On threads 7 and 3 - to the right.

  • We finish weaving the first letter. We make knots from the bottom up to the right on threads 1, 2, 3, 11 and 12. And on the rest - knots to the left.

  • Go through the thread several times so that the letters are separated from one another.

We also weave the rest of the letters, not forgetting to try on the bracelet on the arm.

You can weave - flowers from beads -, or you can create flowers on a bauble from floss threads by direct weaving and get several bracelets of different colors according to one pattern. Change them depending on your outfit and mood.

Video with master class lessons

Baubles will add zest to your wardrobe. This is a universal decoration for women, men and children. They are especially popular with young people. For those who are interested in the technique of weaving baubles, we suggest using our diagrams and video tutorials. It will not take much time and will give you a lot of pleasure. Offer our readers your schemes and show off your hand-made baubles.