Why freckles appear on the body: shoulders, chest, back. What causes freckles on the face and body Why do people get freckles

Freckles (Greek ephelides) are small spots on the face and body, of a brownish tint. Mostly observed in people with light skin tone and eyes. Ephelids constantly exist on the body, but during the period of solar activity their number may increase, as well as the intensity of the pigment itself.

Among the people, freckles got a beautiful name - a sunny kiss, and people with this feature are called "people of the sun." In order to understand whether it is worth trying to get rid of these cosmetic defects, it is necessary to consider in detail the question of why freckles appear on the face.

Investigating this issue, many scientists have come to the consensus that this feature is a genetic predisposition. Freckles can be located all over the body, but they are more pronounced in the face and limbs. Usually the pigment has a light yellow tint, but darker colored ephelids are also common.

Age spots usually appear in children (5-8 years old) and then begin to disappear. In winter, ephelids may be less noticeable, but in warm weather their intensity increases several times.

Freckles appear due to uneven distribution of melanin.

So why do freckles appear on the face? There are several factors contributing to their occurrence. For example, the pronounced presence of age spots on the body can be caused by a number of diseases of the liver and kidneys, intestines. To get rid of unwanted pigment and further prevent its appearance, it is necessary to establish the causes that caused its appearance and begin treatment.

For the group of people whose ephelids are of natural origin, there are certain rules for caring for freckles. By the beginning of warm times and clear weather, all "sunny" people are advised to start using creams that increase skin protection from the effects of ultraviolet radiation. Constant care will give the skin not only beauty and freshness, but also partially protect the skin from the manifestation of a pronounced pigment.

Causes of freckles

Why do people have freckles, the answer to this question lies at the heart of our DNA. This disease is genetic. Insolation (solar radiation) stimulates the active production of melanin in melanosomes.

Despite the variety of reasons contributing to the appearance of ephelids, heredity plays a major role in this matter. In the body of people with this predisposition, changes occur leading to an increased synthesis of melanin pigment.

The disease is genetically determined. Solar radiation stimulates the active production of melanin in large melanosomes. With an excess of pigment in the body, as well as under the influence of solar radiation, freckles begin to show their activity.

Freckles are small pigment spots on the skin

In a way, ephelids are a protective reaction of the human body to the radiation of ultraviolet waves from the sun. Thus, the skin is saved from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, protecting the skin from sunburn and malignant pigment.

What are freckles on the face, the answer to this question is quite simple. Freckles are one of the ways the body fights against the harmful effects of the sun.

A number of main factors in the appearance of ephelids:

  • hormonal failure during puberty;
  • stress, as well as heavy physical exertion;
  • malnutrition;
  • difficulty in the production of melanin pigment in the body.

In addition, frequent visits to beauty salons and procedures such as skin peeling can become the causative agent of age spots.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to achieve complete elimination of freckles, but if the disease is prevented in time and the cause of its occurrence is determined, this cosmetic defect can be made less noticeable.

Symptoms of freckles and methods of dealing with them

Freckles are small, oval or round spots that are mostly located on open areas of the skin. Ephelids appear in children between the ages of five and eight. There are quite a few reasons that contribute to their appearance, but most often they are hereditary. If one of the parents has age spots on the body, then there is a high probability of their appearance in the child. The peak of manifestation of ephelids falls on the period of puberty. And the decline occurs closer to forty-five years. At the first manifestation of a pigment disorder in the body, it is necessary to consult a specialist to prevent the development of skin diseases.

Freckles are more common in blondes with fair skin and blue eyes.

Frequency of location of freckles on the body in descending order:

  • head;
  • shoulders and arms;
  • upper back, chest area;
  • legs.

A small accumulation of freckles in the face area, few people would call a cosmetic defect, rather, this feature is attractive and gives a certain charm. But if their number causes a feeling of discomfort, you need to seek help from a beautician.

You can also try to get rid of freckles on your own with the help of whitening masks and creams with a moisturizing effect. Masks should contain natural ingredients. The perfect combination is freshly squeezed lemon juice, real sour cream, fresh parsley and cucumber. This composition has not only a moisturizing effect, but the time of its manufacture is literally a few minutes.

To get rid of spots on the hands, there are also many special creams and masks. However, before you start using them, you should consult with a dermatologist. It must be remembered that age spots are one of the body's ways to resist ultraviolet radiation and sunburn.

Since ancient times, it was believed that a freckle is a kiss from the sun.

The appearance of freckles on the skin in the back and thoracic region is the result of sunburn. In most cases, after a long stay in the open sun and sunburn, you will be able to find small marks on your body that have an unusual shape and color. It is the color shade of freckles located on the body that directly depends on the time of exposure to the sun's rays. The more time you are in direct sunlight, the darker these spots will be, but such freckles disappear quickly. This is how you can answer in the most detailed way what freckles mean.

Freckles: beautiful or not?

Many girls suffering from pronounced age spots scattered over the skin are interested in the answer to the question, are freckles beautiful or not? Of course, there is no single answer to this question, but freckles should be looked at more as an advantage than a disadvantage.

History knows many examples when girls with age spots on their faces received not only a world celebrity, but also became sex symbols of their generation. Suffice it to cite as an example such popular personalities as Penelope Cruz and Christina Aguilera, who have millions of fans around the world. From this we can conclude that a freckled face is a kind of natural feature that gives a special charm and charm.

It must be remembered that with proper skin care and perfectly matched makeup, freckles can become your main weapon of charm.

In contact with

Do you have freckles? If not, then for sure you have acquaintances, happy owners of freckles, because freckles give the face a unique charm. But what are freckles and why do they appear?

Causes of freckles

Freckles are small pigment spots that range from light to dark brown in color. These spots are predominantly on the face, but can also appear on other parts of the body that are exposed to sunlight, such as the shoulders, neck or arms.

Freckles are caused by sun exposure and are not a skin disease or disorder. These are skin cells that contain a pigment called melanin that helps protect the skin from harmful UV rays by reflecting and absorbing them.

Freckles are caused by a genetic predisposition and if your parents have freckles, then there is a good chance that you will have them too.

Fair-skinned people, especially blondes and redheads, are more prone to freckles than dark-skinned people. This is due to uneven distribution of melanin in the skin of people of light type, and instead of getting a beautiful tan under the bright rays of the sun, the skin is covered with freckles. Such people in the summer, it is necessary to apply products for the skin with a high degree of protection against UV radiation.

In winter, solar activity weakens, from which freckles can turn pale. Also, freckles tend to fade as people get older.

Although freckles are not harmful to the health of the skin, still some of the fairer sex are ready to do anything to get rid of them. To brighten themyou can use special creams, or you can use improvised means, fruit juices, vegetables and berries. However, the effect of using home remedies will not appear immediately, the result will be visible only after a month.


The papaya fruit contains a special enzyme papain, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, renews it, improves tone, and also helps to lighten freckles. That is why, when combined with other home remedies, it is a valuable freckle remover.

To prepare a remedy for freckles, puree fresh papaya, add a little lemon juice and apply to the skin affected by freckles. After 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water. For very dry skin, instead of lemon juice, it is best to use a few drops of some kind of oil or vitamin E.

Liquorice root

Licorice root contains lactic acid, which inhibits the production of melanin. For greater effectiveness, this ingredient can be mixed with various oils, such as jojoba oil or wheat germ oil.

Take ½ teaspoon of licorice extract mixed with 4 teaspoons of any oil of your choice and place the resulting mixture in a small container. To use, it is necessary to moisten a cotton swab in the resulting mixture and apply to the affected skin for 30-40 minutes, then wash with warm water. For best results, use daily.

Lemon juice

Lemon is a beneficial product for skin health and has excellent brightening properties.

To the freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon, add ½ teaspoon of sugar, mix and apply to the affected area of ​​the skin for several minutes, then rinse with cold water.

Also, to lighten freckles, you can gently massage them with lemon juice for 5-10 minutes, and then wash with cool water. For very sensitive skin, add a little water to lemon juice. This remedy can be used twice a day.

Sour cream

Sour cream is a beneficial ingredient for dry and sensitive skin.

In order to lighten freckles, you can simply apply sour cream on the skin affected by freckles, leave for 10-15 minutes and, without rinsing, wipe with a damp cloth.

You can also use sour milk or yogurt as an alternative.


Honey is also a great remedy for freckles because it contains enzymes that can hydrate and even out skin tone.

To lighten freckles, you just need to mix honey with a little water and heat it up a little. The resulting composition should be applied to freckles for a few minutes, then wash with warm water.

Also, warm honey can be mixed with wheat germ oil and applied to the skin, left for 10-15 minutes and washed off with warm water. For best results, use these products daily.


Onion is an equally valuable tool in the fight against freckles.

Onion should be cut into thick slices and grate the freckles. This procedure can be used twice a day.

Another way is to grate the onion, squeeze out the juice and apply it on the skin affected by freckles. For the best effect, you can add a little apple cider vinegar to the onion juice and apply the resulting mixture to the skin. After these procedures, wash your face with warm water and apply a moisturizer.


Buttermilk will not only reduce the appearance of freckles, but will also make your skin firm and smooth.

Buttermilk should be applied to the skin for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Or you can mix buttermilk with oatmeal, apply the mixture on the affected skin for 30 minutes, then rinse with water as usual.

Another recipe is to combine lemon juice and buttermilk by gently rubbing the mixture on the freckles for a few minutes, then washing with cold water.


In parsley juice, there are bleaching agents that can help remove freckles.

To prepare a remedy from this ingredient, you need to squeeze the juice from a small bunch of parsley and mix it with an equal amount of milk. Apply the mixture on the face for 15-20 minutes and after the time has elapsed, rinse with water at room temperature.

You can also mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped parsley and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey You can add a few drops of lemon juice to the mixture. Apply for 30-40 minutes on problem areas. Rinse afterwards with warm water.

Castor oil

Also in the list of effective home remedies against the appearance of freckles, you need to add castor oil, it has bleaching properties, from which the freckles will noticeably turn pale.

Before going to bed, freckles should be treated with a cotton swab dipped in castor oil, left overnight, and in the morning just wash with warm water. Before performing this procedure, make sure you are using castor oil that is odorless.

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Small brown spots on the skin in dermatology are called ephelids, and in the people they have many cute names. In our country they are called freckles, as their appearance is associated with the bright spring sun. In England they are called angel kisses, and in France they are called pollen. Freckles on children's faces cause tenderness, giving the child's appearance a special charm.

The appearance of ephelids is genetically determined, that is, if the child's parents have "sunny marks" on the skin, then there is a high probability that their baby's face will also be "decorated" with freckles. It should be noted that freckles appear in children not immediately after birth, but after a few years. Let's figure out what causes freckles in children.

Ephelids or freckles are small round or oval spots on the skin.

Most often, such spots appear on the face, but they can also appear on other parts of the body - on the arms, shoulders, chest, back. It is much less common to see freckles on the legs.

Do you have freckles?

Of course have!No, and don't!

Reasons for the appearance

People with fair skin and fair and, especially, red hair are predisposed to the appearance of freckles.. And since such features of appearance are transmitted from parents to children, the predisposition to freckles is inherent in the set of genes.

It is on this type of skin that the effects of solar activity are worst tolerated. And the appearance of ephelids is a kind of protective reaction of the body. Special cells begin to produce a pigment - melanin. In most people, this pigment is distributed evenly, that is, the skin becomes tanned. And in people predisposed to the appearance of ephelids, the pigment is located “dotted”, so brown spots appear on the skin. The more pigment is produced, the darker the spots will be.

Thus, we have identified the second reason for the appearance of freckles. This reason is skin exposure to sunlight. That is why freckles have such an interesting feature as a seasonal change in shade. In autumn and winter, the spots turn pale and may even disappear completely. And in spring, the spots gradually darken, as the spring sun is brighter and more aggressive.

Why else can pigmentation appear?

Sometimes freckles are not formed due to a hereditary predisposition; other reasons can also provoke their appearance. In particular, the “trigger” for the appearance of pigmentation can be prolonged sun exposure and sunburn. Such spots may appear if the child was taken to rest to the sea, and he spent most of his time on the beach.

Freckles, provoked by prolonged exposure to the sun, are different from the usual ones. The differences are in size, shade and shape. If "normal" freckles are rounded, reddish-brown and small, then "sun spots" can be quite large and irregular in shape. In addition, they have uneven wavy or jagged edges.

Spots from sunburn most often form on the shoulders, upper back, arms and chest. It is these places that burn under the sun in the first place. The appearance of such spots is not related to heredity, they can appear on the child's body, even if the parents never had such "marks".

Do you like your freckles?

Oh yeah! Certainly!No, nightmare!

Freckles from sunburn can appear on the body of people even if they have dark skin and dark hair. The appearance of such spots in people who are not prone to the appearance of freckles is considered by some dermatologists as a skin disease. Doctors recommend avoiding too much exposure of children to the sun. In addition, it is very important to protect children's skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, that is, you need to use special creams with filters.

Another cause of pigmentation is systemic diseases. Such formations are not freckles. Small brown spots are called chloasma. Unlike ephelids, the appearance of chloasma is not associated with the season of the year. The reason for their formation is the disruption of the internal organs. Most often, chloasma appears in diseases of the liver and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, malfunctions in kidney function or malfunction of the endocrine glands can provoke the appearance of pigmentation.

Chloasma in children appear infrequently, however, their occurrence cannot be ruled out. Therefore, when suspicious pigmentation appears in a child, it is worth visiting a dermatologist. It is possible that the child needs examination and treatment.

At what age do they appear?

If freckles appear on the face and body of red-haired children, then this fact does not cause much surprise for parents. But the exact age when the child will have freckles, it is impossible to name. Everything is very individual here. Children are not born with freckles, but they can appear, both at the age of one year, and much later. Most often, the first "sunny marks" appear on the face of a child at the age of 4-6 years.

As a rule, at the first stage, freckles appear a little, but with age, their number may increase. The most "peak" of the formation of ephelids falls on youth - 14-20 years old. Then their number begins to gradually decrease. By age 40, most people's freckles are completely gone. Therefore, it is generally accepted that freckles on the skin are signs of youth.

In older people, pigmentation may appear on the face and other parts of the body, but these are no longer freckles. The nature of the formation of such spots is different.

How to fight and is it worth it?

Freckles are not a disease or even a cosmetic defect, but a protective reaction of the skin. For white-skinned people, the sun can be very harmful, because even after a short stay in direct rays, the skin can turn red and blister. The presence of freckles reduces the likelihood of sunburn.

Toddlers, as a rule, are not at all worried about the presence of freckles on their face or body. Therefore, it makes no sense to fight pigmentation. However, parents should take care that the child is not exposed to the sun for too long. When walking, be sure to wear a panama or baseball cap with a visor. This will protect your skin from sun exposure. The clothes of the child should be light, light, made of natural materials. Make sure that the baby's shoulders are covered, as in this place the skin burns very quickly.

Be very careful when visiting the beaches. It is not recommended to sunbathe during the period of active sun, it is better to go to the beach in the morning (before 11 o'clock) or in the evening (after 16 o'clock). Make sure your child is not in the sun for too long. The maximum duration of sunbathing for a white-skinned child is 10 minutes. Moreover, you need to gradually increase the time spent in the sun.

Don't Forget Sunscreen. The skin of a child is very delicate, so it needs reliable protection. Do not use creams for adults, get your baby special children's cosmetics. Baby creams are usually hypoallergenic, do not contain fragrances, dyes and parabens. You can use such creams from the age of three.

Teenage Issues

Freckle problems usually occur when a child enters adolescence. At this time, children pay great attention to their appearance, and the presence of freckles on the body can be a real tragedy. Girls are especially acutely experiencing their "imperfection", but boys can also be very complex due to the presence of pigmentation on the face.

How to help your child? First of all, it is worth visiting a dermatologist to make sure that the excess pigmentation is just freckles.

You need to start fighting freckles from early spring. At this time, the pigmentation brightens and is not so noticeable. Therefore, the main task is to protect the skin from exposure to the sun. Of course, you do not need to constantly sit at home, fearing to go out into the sun. Walking is a must for teenagers. But you will need to get into the habit of applying a cream to your face that protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation.

If a teenager decides to whiten his skin, then parents can be advised to turn to traditional medicine.

It is strictly not recommended to use bleaching creams containing aggressive substances (for example, hydroquinone). Such creams are unsafe, especially for teenage skin.

You can not use hardware procedures for skin whitening, since one of the contraindications to their implementation is a young age. So with these you will need to wait until at least 18 years old. The only procedure that can be offered to teenagers aged 14-17 in a beauty parlor is a light peeling. But this procedure is unlikely to help get rid of pigmentation, although freckles may turn a little pale after it is carried out.

Homemade ways to whiten freckles

If a teenager is very worried about the presence of freckles on his face, he can be offered to do a course of home masks. These procedures contribute to the destruction of the pigment and their clarification. But they don't completely remove ephelids, so sun protection is a key ingredient to success.

Dairy products

A simple and effective procedure - masks from fermented milk products. Since in adolescents, most often, the sebaceous glands are active, it is best to use kefir or yogurt. Owners of dry skin can recommend sour cream masks.

Procedures can be done daily or every other day in the evening. It will be necessary to wash yourself using a special foam, and apply kefir or sour cream to your face. Wait a quarter of an hour, and then wash off the mask with water.


The bleaching properties of this green vegetable are widely known. Cucumber masks can be done 3-4 times a week. You can simply wipe your face with a piece of cucumber or freshly prepared cucumber juice. And you can grate the cucumber and mix the mass with kefir or sour cream. This composition is applied to pigmented skin for twenty minutes.

Cucumber juice can be used to make ice cubes. The juice squeezed from the cucumber is poured into molds and frozen. In the morning, wipe the skin with a cube, allow the face to dry naturally. Then you need to wash your face and apply cream for teenage skin on your face.


Cosmetic clay masks in white or blue color are very useful for teenagers, as they not only whiten, but also cleanse. That is, they help to cope with another teenage problem - comedones and acne.

Clay must be diluted with water or kefir so that a thick slurry is obtained. Then it is applied to the location of the freckles, removed after twenty minutes.


Freckles on a child's face look very cute. This is not a disease or a cosmetic defect, however, pigmented skin requires more thorough protection from sunlight.

Reading time: 6 min.

Beautiful, clean skin is an indicator of physical health, a guarantee of self-confidence, especially when it comes to the fair sex. But not everything is so simple - sometimes rashes and age spots appear on the skin, which can cause psychological problems. Freckles are small pigment spots that are often inherited, especially when it comes to people with red hair and light eyes. Some consider freckles to be a small feature, while others think that this is a serious cosmetic defect and try to get rid of it forever. To do this, you need to figure out why freckles appear on the face and other parts of the body and whether this problem can be dealt with.

The main mechanism that leads to the formation of freckles is a violation of the production of melanin in certain areas of the skin. Such violations can occur due to a number of reasons, which include:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • negative impact of ultraviolet radiation;
  • age-related changes in the epidermis;
  • long-term use of hormonal drugs (including oral contraceptives), antibiotics;
  • congenital and acquired immunodeficiencies;
  • stress;
  • chronic diseases of the endocrine, nervous, digestive and other systems;
  • changes in hormonal levels during certain periods of life (during puberty, pregnancy, breastfeeding or menopause);
  • improper selection of skin care products;
  • mechanical, chemical and physical damage;
  • self-treatment of dermatological diseases.

All these reasons can lead to the appearance of freckles on different parts of the body. There are 2 main types of freckles: ephelids (occurring in childhood and provoked by the negative effects of UV rays) and lentigo (the appearance of this condition may mean that there are hormonal and age-related changes in the body).

Localization of ephelids and lentigo: typical places on the body

Freckles are characterized by a typical location on the surface of the skin - most often they occur on the face, on the neck, in the décolleté area, as well as on the chest and back. This is due, first of all, to the fact that these places account for the longest duration of exposure to ultraviolet radiation. It is these areas that are least likely to be covered with clothes in the warm season. Hence the reason for the emergence of psychological problems - if there are a lot of freckles on the skin, then covering up those areas where they have arisen is not so easy.

Freckle symptoms: how to recognize? Do I need to see a doctor?

The main symptom that patients will complain about is the appearance of small spots on the skin. They are characterized by a special location on the body, as well as the fact that they are placed in the form of large clusters, however, the size of the spot itself rarely exceeds 2-3 mm. The color of such age spots directly depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the production of pigment: it can vary from dark beige to dark brown.

In addition to the appearance of age spots, people with freckles are not bothered by other symptoms - there is no pain, no itching, no redness, or any other signs of inflammation that are often found in other dermatological diseases.

Do I need to seek medical help? First of all, it is necessary to monitor the condition of freckles - if the area of ​​the skin lesion does not increase, and the freckles do not change color, then it is not necessary to go to a medical institution. If large spots begin to appear (this happens in the case of lentigo), as well as if they change color, shape or other characteristics, you should immediately sign up for a consultation with a specialist.

If such a condition has been observed for a long time and freckles do not change in any way even after many years, then there is no reason to contact a specialist. Another thing is if this condition interferes with an active life, causes psychological discomfort and a person intends to get rid of age spots - in this case, a consultation with a dermatologist is required. It must be remembered that only a doctor can advise the necessary measures to combat freckles, and also help to select the right treatment on an individual basis.

Diagnosis: what examinations are needed?

The task of diagnosis, first of all, is to determine the exact diagnosis, establish the cause of this condition and exclude concomitant pathologies. Dermatologists deal with the treatment and diagnosis of freckles and other age spots. It is not very difficult to establish the presence of such a condition - for this, the doctor only needs to conduct a survey, examination and collect an anamnesis (medical history, life history, find out if other family members have the same manifestations). Usually this is enough for the doctor to confirm the presence of freckles.

But an additional set of diagnostic measures is carried out to identify the cause of this condition and exclude complications. Therefore, in some cases, consultations of narrow specialists (neurologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist) and a number of instrumental and laboratory studies may be necessary. Most often used:

  • dermatoscopy;
  • skin biopsy;
  • bacteriological culture of skin scrapings (especially if lentigo appeared after other dermatological diseases);
  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • determination of hormone levels.

Such examinations can help to find the root cause of this condition and, if it is a disease of the internal organs, begin its active treatment.

Traditional treatment. How to remove freckles?

The main principle of traditional treatment is an integrated approach, which includes the use of whitening cosmetics for the body and face, as well as the use of hardware cosmetology methods. The main advantage of whitening cosmetics is that it directly affects the metabolism of melanin, normalizes the production of this pigment, thereby reducing the risk of pigmentation in the future. However, to achieve the desired therapeutic effect, you need to use skin whitening products for several courses of 4-5 weeks with breaks of 2-3 weeks. But hardware cosmetology gives a result that can be seen immediately, but does not affect the production of pigment, so there is a risk of relapse. And the complex use of these 2 methods of treatment gives a fairly quick and long-term result.

Castor oil

This is the most gentle remedy that can remove small freckles, however, to achieve a visible result, you will need to use it for 4-6 months. It is necessary to apply castor oil pointwise to those areas of the skin where there are age spots. Rinse off is not required. This procedure can be safely carried out 3-5 times a day.

Skin care with freckles. Prevention measures

Care for skin that is prone to hyperpigmentation should be selected by a cosmetologist. However, there are a number of general recommendations that will help to avoid the appearance of freckles and improve the condition of the skin, if they already exist. So, experts recommend:

  • limit the time spent in direct sunlight and in the solarium;
  • use sunscreen with SPF over 50;
  • do not self-medicate;
  • regularly undergo preventive examinations with a therapist and a dermatologist;
  • use only high-quality cosmetics (you can also use a makeup base with UV filters);
  • avoid stress;
  • Eat a balanced diet, improve sleep patterns.

Thanks to modern methods of treatment, freckles are no longer a problem that cannot be overcome. If you persevere in the treatment of this condition, as well as follow the recommendations of specialists, you can noticeably improve the condition of the skin in a few months and remove freckles from the face and body. About the selection of ointment from pigmentation.

In childhood, funny freckles on the face cause a smile of tenderness, but with age, a scattering of small spots on the skin becomes a real problem, causing their owners to ask the question - how to get rid of freckles? According to dermatologists, "kissing the sun" is an exclusively aesthetic problem, they do not pose any threat to health. But if you really want to get rid of freckles, then modern cosmetology knows many ways how to do it.

Freckles on the face, according to many reputable people from the world of fashion, the art industry and cosmetology, are by no means any visible skin defect. On the contrary - often freckles are perceived as a special touch of "childhood" and good looks. They emphasize your individuality and charm. So maybe you should throw out of your head all thoughts about how to get rid of freckles?

Freckles on the face: red, red, freckled ...

In the cartoon of the same name, based on the scenario of Eduard Uspensky, the main character - a red-haired freckled boy with a jackdaw on his shoulder - was always teased by his peers. The boy was very worried about the freckles on his face and did not know how to make the guys friends with him. The sun itself came to the rescue, which simply made everyone around the same red and freckled. And calling names became uninteresting.

But if for a boy this option of “getting rid” of freckles clearly came up, then many girls suffering from ephelids - that’s how freckles are scientifically called, want the numerous spots to disappear forever. But first, let's figure out why some are constantly looking for a way to get rid of freckles on their faces, while others simply do not have such a problem.

Freckles (ephelids) are small pigment spots of yellow or yellow-brown color, round, oval or irregular in shape, located mainly on open areas of the body (face, shoulders, neck, décolleté). Most often, freckles first appear at 3-5 years of age, reaching a peak concentration by 25 years. As a rule, new spots no longer appear, and those that are, remain for life.

The appearance of freckles on the face is caused by a violation of skin pigmentation. According to expert Uliana Ramazanova, a dermatovenereologist, the mechanism for the appearance of age spots (they are freckles) is as follows: with an increase in ultraviolet activity, the tyrosine enzyme awakens in the skin, which activates melanocytes - cells containing the coloring pigment melanin.

If melanin is evenly distributed throughout the body, then an even tan lies on open areas of the skin. If it is uneven, freckles appear in places where melanin is concentrated. Most often, freckles are a family problem that occurs in fair-skinned blue-eyed and green-eyed people, as well as in red-haired people.

The first freckles on the face are the harbingers of spring

A large number of freckles on the face and body is a purely aesthetic problem. Rashes do not pose any threat to health if they appear with the first bright rays of the sun and disappear with the arrival of autumn cold, and also if the freckles are no larger than the tip of the nail, not dark (brown-black) and not bright red.

Uliana Ramazanova, dermatovenereologist: “If you are a brunette, no one in your family had freckles, and suddenly they began to appear in your adulthood, this is most likely a health problem.

The reason for the appearance of freckles (especially on the face) can be hormonal changes (for example, during pregnancy), metabolic disorders, radioactive and chemical exposure, severe stress, diseases of the liver and biliary tract. Such sudden freckles should cause alertness and become an occasion to check the work of your body.

So if freckles are your constant companions that you decide to part with, then seek advice from a dermatologist-cosmetologist. Your doctor will help you find the right way for you to get rid of freckles. If the “kisses of the sun” appeared suddenly in adulthood, then it is worth visiting a therapist who, if necessary, will refer you for further examination.

How to get rid of freckles at home

There are many folk methods for how to get rid of freckles on the face, based on the use of products with a whitening effect. For example:

  • dairy products well lighten the skin. Rinse your face twice a day with koumiss, kefir or yogurt.
  • lemon is a natural brightener. Wash your face with lemon water (a few lemon slices per glass of cool water), and freckles will noticeably turn pale.
  • cucumber brightens the skin well. You can use cucumber juice, for this, cut the vegetable in half and wipe your face. Or apply cucumber gruel to the skin. After 10 minutes, wash with warm water.
  • parsley It also works well for blemishes. You can wipe your face with infusion of parsley. To do this, finely chop a bunch of grass, pour a liter of boiling water, let it brew for a couple of hours, then cool. An effective lightening agent is also a mixture of parsley, lemon and orange juice.
  • Red onion well provides freckles. To do this, the skin should be wiped with a cotton swab moistened with onion juice, or a cut fresh onion.
  • honey with lemon reduce the number of freckles and prevent the appearance of new ones. Two tablespoons of non-candied honey should be mixed with the squeezed and strained juice of 1 lemon. Soak gauze pads with the mixture and apply on the face for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

How to get rid of freckles once and for all? At the beautician!

If you don’t trust folk methods or don’t want to mess around making tinctures and brightening juice, then you can try out other effective ways to remove freckles on your face. True, getting rid of age spots once and for all will not work, any brightening effect is temporary. Modern cosmetology centers offer the following methods of getting rid of freckles:

Laser treatment or laser resurfacing. Areas of the skin are irradiated with a laser, under the influence of the energy of which melanin is destroyed in the skin. This method is practically safe, since the laser beam acts strictly on those areas from which stains are removed. There are two types of laser peeling:

  1. erbium, which is less traumatic, as it affects only the surface layers of the skin;
  2. CO2 laser working with deeper layers of the dermis.

Quartzization. This method causes peeling of the upper layer of the epidermis. Freckles disappear, besides, the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet light decreases.

Phototherapy. A safe and effective procedure that allows you to eliminate cosmetic skin defects, including age spots and freckles. The basis of the technique - IPL technology - high-intensity pulsed light emitting in a certain wavelength range. Melanin absorbs light and is destroyed by it.

Chemical peeling. This procedure is good because it not only discolors or completely removes freckles from the skin area, but also helps to get rid of many years of accumulation of dead epithelial tissues.

Exfoliating and whitening effect have special topical compositions based on natural plant extracts (bearberry, celandine, yarrow) and acids (kojic, zinc lactate, lactic acid, etc.). In addition, according to research by independent US consumer product experts, the safe and effective ingredients that are used for skin whitening are:

  • alpha-arbutin: blocks the formation of melanin and promotes its breakdown. With regular use, freckles and age spots fade.
  • Octadecendioic acid: Another powerful melanin blocker.
  • Unshiu citrus peel extract: extracted from the peel of unshiu tangerine, one of the main components of which is polymethoxyflavonoid. It has properties to inhibit the production of melanin and protects the skin from UV rays.
  • retinoids, tretinoin (vitamin A): reduce wrinkles, maintain firmness and elasticity of the skin, and lighten pigment spots on the skin caused by sun exposure.

Chemical bleaching creams are very hard on the skin due to their composition. In addition, they may contain ingredients that are hazardous to health. For example, hydroquinone, which is the most powerful bleaching agent, but very unhealthy.

Prevention: do not give freckles a single chance!

Most freckle removal procedures (especially on the face) can lead to early wrinkling, dryness and premature aging of the skin. Before making radical decisions, think about it, is it really so bad - fervently scattered freckles? If you still decide to deal with sun spots, then start with gentle natural remedies. Better yet, take preventive measures in advance. For example:

  1. First of all, do not forget that direct sunlight is dangerous for people with fair skin, namely, they usually develop freckles. Blondes and redheads, due to a lack of melanin, get sunburn faster, so they are strictly contraindicated even in early spring to go outside without an SPF cream and without sunglasses.
  2. Try not to go out in the heat of the day, from about 11.00 to 16.00, also, be sure to wear light clothes, but with sleeves, a hat with a brim or take an umbrella.
  3. Drink more water in spring and summer, eat less foods containing beta-carotene (carrots, pumpkin). Increase your intake of foods rich in vitamin C - oranges, lemons, grapes, cabbage, tomatoes.

How to get rid of freckles on the face (and whether to get rid of it at all!), of course, every woman decides for herself. However, we will not deny that freckles add the appearance of looseness and spontaneity. According to statistics, about three-quarters of men find freckles adorable. They say that a girl so originally gifted by nature is already beautiful. And how many stars of the world scale proudly wear their freckles, knowing full well that this is their trump card. Among them are Courteney Cox, Penelope Cruz, Lindsay Lohan, Christina Aguilera, Neve Campbell and many, many others. Maybe we should take an example from them?