Skin toning - Homemade tonics for face and body. Different skin - different tonics. Steam baths for cleansing

Toning is the final procedure of the cleansing process. It is significant in that after it is carried out, the normal pH level (5.5) is restored, which was disturbed during the use of cleansers.

With the help of tonics, the remnants of the cleanser and sparingly soluble cosmetics are removed, deep cleansing of the pores is carried out, disinfection is carried out, the normal level of moisture in the skin is restored, blood circulation and lymph flow improve, skin tone, firmness and elasticity increase, puffiness decreases, cell regeneration accelerates.

Toning has a positive effect on the condition of the skin fibers responsible for its natural tone. In addition, the plaque of metal salts, which remains on the face after washing with tap water, is removed. Toning returns the skin to a wonderful feeling of renewal and freshness.

There are alcoholic and non-alcoholic tonics. They also contain other components. These include glycolic, lactic, salicylic acids, fruit extracts with disinfectant properties, astringents, such as various phytocomplexes: tinctures of sage, calendula, decoction of St. which moisturize and tone, have a regenerating effect. Tonics also contain anti-aging antioxidants and vitamins.

Glycerin, allantoin, hyaluronic acid, other moisturizing additives, and sometimes substances that strengthen capillary walls are injected into tonics for dry skin.

Tonic for oily and problematic skin has an anti-inflammatory effect, tightens pores, contains particles that absorb excess fat secretions.

These products are used after cleansing the skin. Saturate a cotton swab with tonic and lightly wipe the surface of the face along the lines of the least stretching of the skin. Avoid contact with eyes. Apply moisturizer after use.

The use of a tonic is simply necessary after cleansing the skin with lotion, milk or oil, which leave a greasy film on the skin.

Tonic that contains alcohol can dry out the skin, and ingredients that don't evaporate completely can cause allergic reactions and irritation. Therefore, women with very dry and sensitive skin should completely abandon alcohol-containing products. On the contrary, proper skin toning can eliminate the need for moisturizing creams and significantly reduce the need for color cosmetics.

The tonic completes the cleansing process, removing the remnants of impurities, refreshes the skin, but most importantly, normalizes the acid-base balance.

Facial skin is a clear indicator of the state of the whole body and age, so it needs regular appropriate care. Proper care guarantees a lot of advantages - youth, health, radiance and tone of the skin. Indispensable stages of care - cleansing and toning.


The skin of the face is constantly exposed to the influence of the environment, and dust and various particles from the air settle on its surface. In addition to this, the remnants of cosmetics that are not removed in a timely manner clog pores. Over time, all this affects the health of the epidermis and its condition. That is why cleansing is an indispensable element of facial care, and it is best to do it twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

You can clean the skin with the appropriate formulations: gels, lotions, foams - there are plenty to choose from. All of these products should contain a small amount of alkali, enough moisturizing ingredients, vitamins and herbal ingredients. Properly selected compositions gently cleanse the skin without injuring it. There are specially designed lotions containing some active ingredients that renew the epidermis even at the stage of cleansing.


Another important step in skin care is toning after cleansing. Its tasks are the following:

  • mitigation of negative reactions from some cleansers;
  • restoration of normal pH levels;
  • preparation of the epidermis for the subsequent care procedure.

At the time of cleansing the face, there is a violation of the protective skin layer, and it is tonics that help restore it. High-quality tonic with a natural composition quickly restores the acidity of the skin, activates its microcirculation, delivers oxygen molecules to the cells of the epidermis.

But in no case should you choose alcohol-based tonics, since alcohol negatively affects the epidermis and contributes to an even more active work of the sebaceous glands. The toning stage is not recommended to be ignored, because if you use a cream immediately after cleansing, then again the process of active fat release starts. And this can make the skin too oily.

Sometimes in the cycle of affairs and a busy schedule, people forget about taking care of themselves, sometimes they are just too lazy to spend their free time on these procedures. To this end, cosmetologists have developed certain life-saving products that are enough to use several times a week so that the skin shines with health again.

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It is done in order to narrow the pores, normalize the pH level of the skin and prepare for further care. After toning, the skin absorbs cosmetic care products better, which means that their effectiveness increases.

Also, the use of a tonic is necessary for the complete completion of cleansing, it helps to remove the remnants of the cleanser and hardly soluble particles of cosmetics.

Long-term regular use of tonic allows you to hide the microscopic irregularities of the skin, improving its appearance.

Lotion or tonic?

Toning agents are divided into two types: lotion and tonic. How do they differ and what to choose for your skin?

Lotion- This is a skin care product, the main components of which are water and alcohol. In addition, detergents, deodorants, vitamins and medicines are added to lotions.


  • the moisture that lotions give does not evaporate for a very long time, which gives the skin long-term hydration;
  • quickly absorbed;
  • do not leave greasy marks;
  • contain substances that protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.


  • alcohol contained in lotions dries the skin, so lotions are not suitable for dry skin;
  • they are also not suitable for oily skin, because. together with sebum, they also remove moisture, which will lead to peeling;
  • also lotions are not suitable for sensitive skin.

Tonic- this is the same as lotion, but without the alcohol content.


  • due to the absence of alcohol, it has a milder effect than lotions, and can be used for, and sensitive skin.


  • instead of alcohol, fat-dissolving substances are added to tonics, which can be more dangerous than alcohol.

To disinfect acne, instead of lotions and tonics, it is better to use salicylic alcohol, treating them directly only with damaged areas. You can also use tea tree or fir essential oil, gently cauterizing only inflammation.

In addition to purchased tonics, you can use homemade products. They cope with their task no worse than industrial ones, while you know exactly what they are made of and that they do not contain substances dangerous to the skin.

Recipes for homemade lotions and tonics.

For all types.

Tonic "Vitamin mixture".

Chop a bunch of fresh parsley (or celery), preferably very finely, and pour boiling water in a 1: 1 ratio. Infuse for 30 minutes, strain. The broth can be frozen and wipe the skin with pieces of ice.

This tonic eliminates peeling and smoothes the skin.

Honey water.

1 tbsp dissolve honey in a glass of boiled water. The tonic is ready to use.

Honey water makes the skin exceptionally soft and velvety, nourishes and softens it.

Apple cider vinegar tonic.

Add 1-2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass of chilled water. Mix and use after cleansing in the morning and evening.

If you mix apple cider vinegar with water in a ratio of 1:2, you get a tonic with a chemical peeling effect, which should be applied no more than once a week, avoiding the area around the eyes. This product will visibly refresh and purify the skin.

Green tea tonic.

Pour 1-2 tbsp. dried green tea leaves 100 g hot water (about 80 degrees), leave for 10 minutes. Tonic can be stored in the refrigerator for 5-7 days.

grape lotion.

Mash 300-400 g of grapes and leave for 2 hours, then strain to get about 200 ml of juice. Mix juice with 1 tsp. honey and 1/2 tsp. salt. Pour 50 ml of vodka into the mixture. Mix everything thoroughly. Moisten a cotton swab with lotion and wipe the skin of the face and neck in the morning and evening. Blot the rest of the lotion with a napkin. The lotion can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 months.

Pink lotion.

Pour a glass of rose petals with a glass of vodka. Close the mixture and put in a dark place for 10 days, then strain and add 1 tablespoon of boiled water. Use to refresh tired water.

For oily skin.

Lemon tonic.

Lemon whitens the skin, reduces its fat content, tightens pores. The vitamins contained in its pulp nourish the skin. A slice of lemon can be rubbed on the skin. Lemon juice is added to the water for washing. You can also mix it with the juice of other fruits and apply the mixture on your face for 15-20 minutes.

Tonic "Five herbs".

Boil mint, horsetail, chamomile, sage and calendula. Strain and wipe the skin with the resulting broth after washing. If you add lemon juice to the decoction (1 tsp per 0.25 cup of decoction), you will not need a gel for washing.

Anti-shine lotion.

Squeeze juice from fresh nettle leaves. In 100 g of vodka, add 2 tbsp. juice, tightly close the container and leave for 1 day. Then dilute the infusion by half with mineral water and wipe the oily skin with it 2 times a day, morning and evening.

The lotion not only eliminates shine, but also gives a matte finish.

Lemon-carrot tonic.

Mix 1 tsp. lemon juice, 2 tbsp. carrot juice and 1 tbsp. mineral water. The tonic is ready. 10 minutes after using the tonic, wash with warm water.

Green tea tonic.

Mix 2 tbsp. lemon juice with a glass of cold green tea. This toner is great for getting rid of oily skin.

Oak tonic.

1 tbsp oak bark pour 1 cup boiling water. Boil for 5-10 minutes over low heat. Strain. The tonic is ready to use.

For dry skin.

Tonic "Mint coolness".

2 tbsp dry peppermint herb pour 1 cup boiling water. Let it brew for 30 minutes. The resulting infusion wash in the morning and evening. The broth can be frozen and wipe the skin with pieces of ice.

For dry flaky skin.

2 tbsp spoons of dry peppermint leaves pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 20-30 minutes. Then strain and add 2 tbsp. lemon juice. The tonic is ready.

Oatmeal tonic.

Grind a glass of oatmeal in a coffee grinder. Pour two cups of boiling milk or water over. Leave closed for half an hour. Squeeze out the resulting mixture and wipe the face with the remaining infusion in the morning and evening.

Peach tonic.

Peel the peach from the skin, remove the stone. Mash until puree. Add raw egg yolk. Pour in one glass of cream. Store the mixture in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Linden tonic.

Pour 1 tbsp. dry crushed linden leaves with one glass of boiling water. Add 1 tsp. honey. Close the lid tightly and leave for half an hour or an hour.

Egg tonic.

Grind the yolk together with 1 tbsp. olive oil. In this mass, moisten a cotton pad and wipe the skin with it. After 20 minutes from the moment of applying the tonic, wash your face with warm water.

For normal skin.

Vitamin tonic.

2 tbsp spoons of finely chopped green lettuce leaves mixed with 1 tbsp. olive oil and 1 tsp. lemon juice. Apply the mixture for 15 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature. This mixture nourishes and refreshes the skin of the face.

Pink tonic.

You will need 2 cups of rose petals. It is better to take petals of a bright color: pink, burgundy or red. Pour the petals with two glasses of filtered or mineral water. Put on a slow fire and hold until the petals turn pale, coloring the water. Cool, strain and use as a tonic.

Herbal tonic.

Take 1 tsp. crushed dry leaves of chamomile, calendula, mint and lavender herbs, pour a glass of boiling water, leave closed for 1 hour, then strain. This tonic has healing properties, eliminates foci of inflammation, helps get rid of acne and pimples.

Cucumber lotion.

Mix freshly grated cucumber with vodka in a ratio of 4:1, let it brew for 4-7 days and strain. The lotion is ready to use.

Parsley tonic.

1 tbsp finely chopped green parsley, pour a glass of hot water, leave for an hour, strain. Store in the refrigerator for no more than three days.

This tonic refreshes and revitalizes the skin.

For mixed skin.

Nettle tonic.

2 tbsp fresh chopped nettle leaves (or 1 tablespoon dry leaves) pour 1 glass of freshly boiled water, cover tightly and leave for 2-3 hours. Then strain and use as a tonic.

Salt tonic.

Add 1 tsp to a glass of boiled water. sea ​​salt. If you don't have sea salt, you can use regular salt. Salt should be completely dissolved in water, after which the tonic is ready for use.

This tonic will prevent the formation of blackheads and acne. If the skin on the cheeks is very dry, you can add a little glycerin.

Tonic with parsley.

2 tbsp dry or fresh chopped parsley pour a glass of boiling water and hold on fire for 20 minutes. Cool and then add 1 tbsp. lemon juice.

Watermelon tonic.

Squeeze the juice of half a watermelon, pour into ice molds and freeze. Wipe the skin with ice cubes every morning. This tonic makes the skin fresh and gives it a natural natural glow.

Grapefruit tonic.

Put a fresh grapefruit peel in a ceramic dish and pour cold water over it. Cut the peel directly in the water and let the mixture brew for a couple of days. The tonic is ready to use.

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Features of normal skin care

To look good, you need to pay attention to the condition of the skin of the face. Basic skin care consists of several mandatory procedures. Daily procedures begin with cleansing and toning the face, then comes the turn of nourishing or moisturizing creams. Let's take a closer look at each step in caring for the epidermis.

Determining the type of skin

Regardless of the type of facial skin, it is necessary to carry out cleansing procedures every day. The type of skin should be considered when choosing cosmetics.

The structure of the epidermis is almost the same for all people. The difference depends on the intensity of the sebaceous glands, the degree of openness of the pores. One thing to consider is age. In youth, there may be one type of epidermis, and in an older period, another. Let's look at each type.

Dry skin

At first glance, the skin looks healthy, without inflammation, oily sheen. But, dryness is manifested by peeling, tightness. The first sign of dry epidermis - after pressing on the skin, redness remains. The face needs hydration with nutrition, otherwise the face will look older.

Normal epidermis

The sebaceous glands work normally, so that the skin is sufficiently hydrated and has a healthy tone. No inflammation, peeling, redness. But, normal skin type often goes to dry.

mixed option

The combined epidermis is easy to determine. Most often, the skin on the forehead, chin, and nose is oily, while on the cheeks and under the eyes, the skin is dry or normal. In this case, you will have to use cosmetics that are suitable for two types of skin.

Problematic epidermis

The face is characterized by enlarged pores, the presence of inflammation of a different nature. Blot your face with a napkin, it will leave a greasy spot - this is a sign of a problematic epidermis. But, oily skin has a significant advantage - the signs of skin aging appear later than with other skin types.

Step by step skin care

When you know your skin type, you can start cleansing and caring for your face. Regardless of the type of epidermis, caring procedures are performed twice a day and include the following steps:

  • morning and evening cleansing with the use of cosmetics corresponding to the type of skin;
  • treatment with a tonic composition;
  • moisturizing;
  • food;
  • the use of cosmetic masks;
  • caring procedures for the skin in the eye area;
  • protective measures.

The main stages of facial care are cleansing, toning and moisturizing. All steps are required and must be performed regularly. Now about the main steps for facial care in more detail.


After waking up, as well as before going to bed, cleansing is performed and facial care is reduced to washing with treatment with special lotions or tonics. When washing, use warm or cool water. Hot water is contraindicated. Instead of water, you can wash your face with herbal infusions of chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, or use mineral water (pre-open and let the gases go out).

Depending on the type of skin, mousses with lotions are selected. Means are produced on the basis of alcohol or herbal decoctions, can be acidic or alkaline. Tonics with cleansing lotions have an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect.

Cleansing measures include the use of scrubs with peels. You can use face peeling and peeling no more than once a week. Peelings are used even with dry epidermis, but with more gentle components.

With the help of cleansing scrubs and peels, you can easily get rid of dead skin particles, due to which the pores are cleansed, the skin breathes.

Cleansing massage

You can perform a massage when cleansing and caring for the skin of the face. Sessions are conducted with the help of special devices or manually.

Manual massage is performed with a small brush. With gentle movements with a brush, you can improve blood circulation, cleanse pores, give access to cosmetics to the deep layers of the epidermis.

You can massage with a facial cleanser, which come in the following varieties:

  • intended for the eye area, used for sensitive skin. The device can cope with pigmentation;
  • roller. Made from wood, plastic or stone. The device performs gentle movements along the massage lines;
  • the vacuum version effectively eliminates wrinkles, black spots, various inflammations;
  • oxygen version normalizes metabolic processes;
  • an ultrasonic device is able to smooth the surface layers of the epidermis;
  • laser acts as a lift;
  • electrical device, stimulator gives a lifting effect,
  • comparable to injections for rejuvenation.

Which cleansing facial massager to choose depends on the problem with the epidermis and skin type. Before buying a device, it is advisable to consult a beautician. Also pay attention to additional devices in the form of nozzles to the device.

Steam baths for cleansing

For cleansing baths, use herbal decoctions from pharmaceutical plants (chamomile, mint, sage, linden, lemon balm). It is not difficult to prepare infusions, it is enough to observe the proportions (for 2 tablespoons of a plant, you will need a liter of water). The prepared broth is poured into a container. Tilt your face over the pot of herbal bath, cover your head with a towel. Steaming lasts about 10 minutes.

You can not steam the face with purulent inflammation, and closely spaced vessels on the face.


We start toning the skin of the face after cleansing. Despite gentle cosmetics, cleansing procedures put the epidermis in a state of stress. Treatment with tonic compositions is needed to soothe the skin and relieve irritation.

Toning is performed using tonics or lotions designed for a specific skin type. For example, tonic compositions for problem skin narrow pores after cleansing procedures, return dullness to the epidermis. Tonics for dry skin help tissues retain moisture throughout the day.

Try to prepare a tonic composition yourself, using rose petals as a basis:

  1. you will need petals from three or five flowers;
  2. chop the petals, leave in a container so that the juice stands out;
  3. pour the petals with boiling water, leave to infuse for 20 minutes.

Strain the resulting composition, and treat your face after cleansing procedures.

If the skin is particularly sensitive, then in the process of preparing a pink tonic, replace the water with milk. If the skin is a little irritated and redness is visible, then add chamomile to the tonic composition.

If there is no time to prepare a tonic lotion, then you can purchase ready-made formulations in pharmacy chains or specialized stores.

Hydration and nutrition

Since the main stages of care are cleansing, toning and moisturizing the skin of the face, the steps are performed in the stated sequence.
Application of moisturizing creams on the face is performed after complete cleansing and treatment with tonic formulations. It is especially important to moisturize the skin on hot days. In addition to applying special cosmetic creams, it is recommended to carry a bottle of mineral water or special, ready-made formulations. Your skin will tell you when it needs extra hydration.

Do not forget about moisturizing creams around the eyes, where the skin is very thin and delicate.

Moisturizing creams are mainly used after morning cleansing procedures. But before going to bed, it is recommended to apply nutritional formulations to a previously cleansed face. The skin at night not only rests, but receives the necessary nutrition.

If the skin on the face is oily, it still needs moisturizing with nutrition. Do not forget that it is important to choose cosmetics designed for a particular skin type.

Important: in order for the skin of the face to look young, healthy and beautiful for longer, it is necessary to carry out all cleansing activities daily. Cosmetic procedures for cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing are performed twice a day, regardless of the type of skin. Do not be lazy, because the condition of the skin on the face speaks of general health and indicates age.

And if she also suffers from natural dryness, then her tendency to thinning increases significantly.

But dry skin is not a sentence, but only an excuse for more thorough and gentle care.

Characteristics of dry skin type

Dry skin looks unusually beautiful: smooth, with a peach tint, without oily sheen, eternal blackheads and enlarged pores.

But with age, it becomes thinner, the smallest capillaries and vessels are visible through it, and wrinkles on the forehead, in the corners of the eyes and around the lips can be seen not only with a smile.

In addition, the increased sensitivity of dry skin to external influences (precipitation, wind and polluted air) causes more and more inconveniences with age.

What is the reason? The phenomenon of dryness is objectively characterized by a violation of lipid and water metabolism, a slightly acidic pH reaction and a disruption in the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

Dry skin is:

  • finely porous structure;
  • lethargy;
  • pallor (dull shade);
  • dryness and peeling;
  • a feeling of constriction;
  • frequent annoyances.

Dry skin, unlike others (, and), is smaller, because it produces much less fat and practically no natural protective film forms on it.

With age, this becomes more and more noticeable, since the production of fat by the age of 20 decreases, and by the age of 30 such skin needs special care.

Dry skin care

Dry skin type must be carefully and timely looked after, otherwise wrinkles will inevitably appear, which every woman is so afraid of.

This is easy to do, because on the shelves of pharmacies and stores there are enough products designed for dry skin. But it is better to buy them after consulting a beautician - do not blindly trust advertising or the advice of friends.


Ideally, it is better to test test samples on your skin, but if the cosmetics suits you, then purchase the entire series.

The action of modern skin care preparations is not limited to a few hours, but manifests itself all day long. If you use high-quality products regularly, then their long-term effect is ensured.

Please note that if you want to apply a cream after applying a moisturizer, then you should abandon your moisturizer. Most likely, it does not contain enough fat, and it will be completely useless for you.

For dry skin types, products containing nanospheres, thalaspheres, ceramides and liposomes, which are designed to bind moisture in the skin.

For dry skin, creams that contain linolic (gamma-linolic) acid or sassanqua oil.

Regular care rules

Dry skin needs to be taken care of regularly, it must be constantly nourished, moisturized, and be sure to protect from exposure to sunlight.

Clean it at least 2 times a day.


Morning use toilet milk, liquid cream or oil, then the face is wiped with lotion and a cream is applied, the excess of which is removed with a paper towel.

During the day

Dry skin type cleanse milk or cosmetic cream. After cleansing, a nourishing cream containing vitamins is applied. For dry skin type, you should regularly make nourishing and moisturizing masks at least 2 times a week.


Cleanse dry skin in the evening preferably with a soft milk with nutrients. Then apply a night cream with moisturizing ingredients. You can additionally apply the gel if the skin lacks moisture.

Proper care of dry skin ensures that it looks great and well-groomed, and the skin will not lose its beauty over time.

Any cleansing preparations intended for dry skin should not remove natural oils from the skin, but should contain moisturizing agents at their core.

It is advisable not to use toilet water and any products containing alcohol..

Even ordinary water can cause inflammation and irritation, so for washing, it is advisable to use special lotions or melt water.

If there is no melted water at hand, then you can use ordinary water, adding a little soda to it, or wash your face with milk diluted with water.

To clean dry skin, use mild lotions.

Mild rose petal lotion can be easily prepared by yourself: three cups of dry petals are poured with almond (peach) oil to coat the petals. Keep in a steam bath until the petals lose their color. This lotion can be used 2-3 times a day.

Water for washing in winter should be at room temperature, and cooler in summer.

Dry skin tolerates washing more easily if it is previously slightly lubricated with vegetable oil or fermented milk products (sour cream, kefir, yogurt). You can also lubricate dry skin with oily cream or cream before washing (15 minutes in advance).

Decoctions (infusions) of medicinal herbs are also excellent for washing.

In the evening, it is better to cleanse dry skin not with water, but with a cleansing cream, herbal infusion or kefir.

As possible as possible use less soap(both when washing and bathing). With the help of oatmeal, you can perfectly wash dry skin, both face and body. Just put oatmeal in a linen bag and use it as a washcloth. Oatmeal contains beneficial substances that nourish the skin and do not wash off its fatty layer.

One of the most important steps in the care of any skin is toning.

Many women are sure that it is enough to cleanse their face, and it is not necessary to use a tonic, but this is not so.

The use of a tonic improves blood microcirculation, thereby preparing the skin for the application of cosmetic preparations and greatly improving their effect (almost by a third).

So that cleansers and toners complement each other, use the same cosmetic line.

Tonics designed for dry skin should not contain alcohol, and they should contain a sufficient amount of moisturizing and softening ingredients.

For toning, you can use rose water or glycerin lotion - they perfectly moisturize and cleanse. Nettle juice gently tones fading dry skin.

Good tonic means, which include:

  • algae extracts;
  • silk and wheat proteins;
  • wheat germ extract;
  • vitamins;
  • marine collagen.

Masks for dry skin

For dry skin type, it is desirable to make masks that smooth its surface, make it supple, smooth and beautiful. You can buy them ready-made or make your own. Natural masks perfectly nourish and moisturize the skin, supply it with vitamins. Natural fats (vegetable oil, sour cream, cream, etc.) must be present in the composition of such masks.

apple mask

Apples have an excellent moisturizing effect, to make a mask out of them, grate 1 apple and apply the resulting mixture on your face for 15 minutes. Rinse off the mask and rinse your face with cool water.

Potato curd mask

With the help of this mask, it is easy to restore the water balance of the skin. Boil a medium potato “in their skins”, peel it and mash it with a fork. In the resulting puree, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cottage cheese and olive or vegetable oil and 1 teaspoon of glycerin. Stir the mixture thoroughly. A warm mask is applied for 20 minutes, if it does not stick well on the face, then put gauze on top. The mask is removed with warm water, and the face is rinsed with cool water.

Aloe juice mask

1 st. a spoonful of aloe juice is mixed with 2 tbsp. tablespoons of warmed honey and applied for 15 minutes. This mask quickly improves the complexion, because it stimulates the natural processes in the skin (blood flow, metabolism, the formation of new cells).

Oatmeal mask with yolk

Pour some oatmeal flakes into boiling milk, do not boil. The consistency of the mask can be any, but it is better that it be thick. After cooling the mass, add 1 teaspoon of vegetable or olive oil and one yolk, which must be beaten well. Mix everything and the mask is ready.

Yeast mask

Mash up a package of pressed yeast and pour milk over it to get the consistency of thick sour cream. The mass is applied to the face in a dense layer, washed off after 15-20 minutes with warm water. Yeast contains many B vitamins that our skin needs.

flaxseed mask

2 tbsp. tablespoons of flaxseed boiled in 2 cups of water. The finished porridge is applied warm on the face for 20 minutes. This mask will help restore dry skin that is irritated by exposure to wind and cold.

Moisturizing cosmetics for dry skin

Dry skin type requires mandatory nutrition and protection. Therefore, before a walk, it is better to use a moisturizer, which must be applied for 10-15 minutes, and then remove its excess.

For dry skin use nourishing moisturizing day cream.

When choosing it, pay attention to the consistency: if the cream is light and resembles milk, then most likely it will not be fat enough.

Apply a day cream after washing, and then after 5 minutes additionally lubricate the driest parts of the face.

Be sure to use a night cream, with dry skin type, you should not use the same product both in the morning and in the evening. The composition of night creams contains fats that promote the renewal of skin cells, so it is a must to use them.

Video: Get rid of dry skin

Prevention of premature age-related changes

If you have a dry skin type, it is not recommended to visit the sauna often, swim in chlorinated water and get involved in diaphoretic sports. Since the protective properties of the skin are washed away, it is very difficult to replenish them. After such procedures, apply a thick layer of nourishing oily cream or make a moisturizing mask. It is advisable to rub in a moisture-resistant sunscreen before visiting the pool.

Dry skin does not require cleansing with peels or scrubs, they only harm it. Alcohol-containing cosmetics, as well as hard masks, will also harm her.

You should not experiment with new moisturizers in the winter, because the protective properties of the skin weaken in the cold.

The moisture reserve in the body is reduced under the influence of the sun, wind, dry wind and improper care. In cold weather, use special protective equipment: oils or creams suitable for dry skin.

Dehydration of the body and, accordingly, the skin contributes to the intake of alcohol, laxatives and diuretic teas.

Air conditioners, central heating, fans - all this additionally dries our skin.

A sufficient amount of fluid in our body helps to moisturize the skin, improve all metabolic processes, and remove toxins.

Protect your skin from sun exposure, not only in summer. Thanks to this, dehydration, the early appearance of age spots and wrinkles, and premature skin aging can be avoided.

In order for your skin to look young and fresh, it needs proper rest. Go to bed before 12 o'clock at night, try not to work at night, otherwise all this will be reflected on your face.