Solemn invitation. Writing an invitation in a classic style. Traditional or video invitations

Examples of wedding invitation texts

The text of a wedding invitation can have different emotional connotations: it can be official, humorous, or simply soulful. If you are organizing a stylistic wedding, then in your invitations try to use phrases and individual words that are characteristic of the era that you are going to recreate at the holiday.

Our dear ________ and __________!

The solemn registration of marriage will take place at __ (time) at the address: ____.

The wedding banquet will start at __ (time) in the cafe "" at the address: ___.

Best regards, (names of the bride and groom).

Wedding invitation text for witnesses

Our beloved ____________!

Your support, understanding and friendship have always been important to our couple. That is why, on the happiest day of our life, we really want you to be by our side!

We are pleased to invite you to become witnesses at our wedding. Solemn registration will take place at the central registry office (date, time) at ___________. The wedding will take place in the ________ temple at ____.

The festive banquet will take place at the restaurant _____________, at ____ in the evening. We are looking forward to seeing you.

With love (names of the bride and groom).

There are billions of galaxies in the Universe and
My only half!

We received the greatest gift from fate:
our hearts were trapped in love
our souls found happiness in each other!
On July 1, 2011, we decided to take our vows and become husband and wife!
Expensive ___ !
We will be very glad if you will be with us and share our happiness!
We want to seal our union with a seal at (registry office, address and time).
And celebrate this event at (address). Start at (time).
We would be grateful for your participation and support on this important day for us -
July 1 is the day of the beginning of our happy family life!

The names of the bride and groom

parent wedding invitation text:

Dear and beloved mom and dad !!!
You are the main guests at this celebration! This day would not exist without you!
Thank you and we know that you will be with us.

You have opened this bright envelope, and we invite you
together with us to open a new stage in our life -
the same sunny and beautiful.
We will be happy if you share our joy
on this unforgettable day.

We are waiting for you on September 9 at 16:00
at the address: st. Mosfilmovskaya, 8
Bellagio restaurant
Vitaly and Ksenia

The original text of the invitation to the wedding. "Medieval invitation."

It is made in the form of a scroll, you can attach a rose to it or decorate with knightly symbols.

Virtuous signor and signora _______!

We hasten to inform you the good news. The Union of Children will be consecrated in two glorious and noble families. It will take place in the ancient castle in the afternoon, on the fifteenth day of cold January of this year (you can change the date at your discretion).

The noble knight (name) and the young lady of his heart (name) are waiting for you at the evening feast and the knightly tournament that will take place (the name of the restaurant and its address). Give this event your attention, let the pass for the guests be a white or red rose.

With gratitude, (names of newlyweds)

text for wedding invitations Dear ... ...!
We will be very glad if you share our happiness with us!
We want to celebrate this event in a restaurant ………. Start at….
We will be grateful for your participation and support on this important day for us - ... date ... - the day of the beginning of our
happy family life!

Wedding invitation text for wedding in nautical style.

Love is a beacon raised over the storm
Not fading in darkness and fog;
Love is the star by which the sailor
Determines the location in the ocean.

The captain of the ship is the name of the groom
and his muse is the name of the bride

Autumn red gold wedding wedding invitation text.
An autumn wedding invitation can be made in the shape of an autumn leaf. Alternatively, a dried yellow or red leaf can be varnished and glued to the invitation. You can also use red rowan in the design. The invitation describes the dress code: the colors used to decorate the wedding are gold and red.

It will take a few seconds to say "I love you"
show how -
all life…

Under the rustle of golden leaves,
in the crimson beauty of a blushing mountain ash,
in heaven or somewhere higher
We decided to light the hearth of the family.
We hasten to inform you of this message,
Having ventured into the main decision,
On an autumn day, an autumn leaf
Let the talisman be faithful.
We ask relatives and friends for support,
At such an important hour for our couple,
We want to give warmth to everyone
and complete everything with a grand ball!

Let nature rejoice with us
our precious guest!
We are waiting for you in autumn clothes: crimson with gold
and red flowers.

Solemn speeches, ceremonies are waiting for you (date, time, place).
The autumn ball will spin (time, place).

Wedding invitations. Invitation text on postcards

Wedding invitation text

Dear _____________________, we have the honor to invite you to the solemn registration of our wedding, which will take place on ____________________________ (date) at ______ hours at the address: __________________________________________.
We are waiting for you at our holiday!

Formal friendly wedding invitations:
Invitation text 1

Dear ___________________________! We will be very glad to see you at the long-awaited celebration of our entry into the family union, which will take place at: _____________________________________.
Sincerely ____________________________.

Wedding invitation text - 2

Dear ____________________________.
We are glad to inform you that on ___ __________ ____ a solemn holiday dedicated to our wedding will take place. We ask you from the bottom of our hearts to spend this unforgettable day in our life with us. The wedding will take place at:

Wedding invitation text - 3

Expensive___________________________! We invite you to the wedding celebration on the occasion of our wedding, which will take place on ________________ (date) at ______ hours
by the address___________________________________________.
We will be glad to see you! ____________________________.

Our dear Vitaly and Elena!
Soon, or rather October 12, 2019, something will come true
what everyone was waiting for - we decided to get married!
We decided to unite our hearts and destinies, we intend to live happily ever after!
We would be pleased to see you among our guests,
who came to share with us our happiness and joy.
The official part will be held at the Tagansky registry office,
well, and unofficial a little later, namely in
"Casa del Vino" at the address: B. Drovyanoy per., 7/9
Please be present, have fun from the heart, drink and eat and be happy for us.
Denis and Natalia

Expensive …!
... July, 2012
we really want to be surrounded
the closest and dearest people to us
that evening when for millennia
the traditional ceremony will unite our destinies!
We are looking forward to seeing you on our happy
holiday - OUR WEDDING !!!
The wedding will take place in ...
By the address: ….
Start at ...
The celebration will take place in ...
by the address: …
Start at ...
PS: Bring warm words and congratulations in your heart, and gifts in an envelope.

Cool invitation texts for wedding day, wedding invitation text

Funny invitation text with humor

Expensive _______________!

Forget about all your business! Leave your phones at home, turn off the TV and lock the door, because we are waiting for you at our wedding celebration.

The painting will take place at the Central Registry Office at ________, at _______.

After that, all guests will go to the party that will take place (date, date, name of the restaurant, its address).

Stock up on good mood and comfortable shoes, the celebration will be fun.

We are waiting for you (signatures of the bride and groom).

Poetic version of the invitation.
This is the most creative option. If you have a talent for poetry, try to come up with invitation texts. They can be serious or playful. Everything will depend only on your imagination.

Deciding once and for all
Connect your paths
We invite you to an evening
To share our joy
Say a parting word
Exclaim "Bitter!" (and more than once!).
We will be infinitely happy
See you at our wedding!

Let me invite you to the Most Important Celebration of our life - our First family holiday, where we will unite our destinies and our hearts! We would be very pleased if you witnessed this event and shared with us an exciting atmosphere of love and happiness!
The solemn ceremony of registration of our union will take place at (place) at (time) of this year. Our First Family Party will take place (time and place).
A white flower, a symbol of purity and nobility, will serve as a pass to the celebration.

Vlad and Alesya

Wedding invitation in verse for a traditional wedding.

Wedding date.

This day is the beginning of all beginnings!
On this day, we will double our happiness!
It was destined for us in heaven
To become each other a better destiny!
Invite, let the joy of the day
Split and complete the event
A friendly toast of the best wine,
Wish of love for the century!

The names of the bride and groom

You will like this invitation text if you decide to put more soul into your invitations and not only show that you are not indifferent to the guests, but also emphasize that the wedding day is the most important in our life.

"Dear ...! Let me invite you to the Most Important Celebration of our whole life. We want to connect our destinies and our hearts on September 9, and we would be very pleased if you witnessed this event and shared our joy with us. The celebration will take place at… at… hours ".

Sometimes it's better to write a postscript where you can ask guests to respond to your invitation. This is necessary in order to know in advance how many guests you can count on.

Expensive ___________
January 28, 2011
can go by like a normal day and
you will not remember anything special ...
Or it may become one of the most enjoyable
days not only for us, but also for you!
We are looking forward to seeing you on our happy
holiday - our wedding!

Registration will take place at the Wedding Palace
at 11 o'clock at the address: Voronezh, Lenin square, 11
The celebration will take place in the banquet hall
at 17 o'clock at the address: Voronezh, Leninsky prospect, 2

We ask you to inform about your consent or refusal by the date, month
by phones: ...

Cool invitation texts for wedding day, wedding invitation text

Friendly invitation:
Friendly wedding invitation text

Dear ________________________! We hasten to tell you the good news - we are getting married! We invite you on _______ date at _______ hours to our wedding. We are looking forward to at ___________________________.

Wedding invitation text
Lovely ...!
We are waiting for your congratulations and wishes at our wedding.
The banquet will take place "..." ... 201 ... at ... h ... min at the address: ...
The names of the bride and groom
Please confirm your presence at the holiday by phone call.
We are looking forward to it!
Oksana and Sergey.


Julia and Alexander

French wedding invitation in travel style.

My friend!
You soar behind a cloud with a dream -
You rave about the village of Kursk ...
Shouldn't we wave to Paris,
So, say, on an excursion?
We will devote Van Gogh to the works
Clock: rural landscapes ...
We'll see the Louvre and Notre Dame
Elysee lawns!

We go on a journey on a honeymoon charter flight (date, address)
Please take the minimum amount of luggage with you, and wedding gifts in an envelope.

Friends wedding invitation text (humorous)

Our beloved _________!

If you want to see your girlfriend (name) in a white dress, and your friend (groom's name) in a classic suit, then you definitely need to free the day (date).

A painting ceremony will take place at the registry office at ____________.

After that, we are waiting for everyone to a fun banquet, which will take place at ____ hours, in a restaurant (cafe and its name), at ____________.

Yours (names of the bride and groom)

Loved ones ...!
You opened this delicate transparent envelope,
and we invite you to open a new stage with us
of our life - the same gentle and transparent.
We will be happy if you share our joy
on this unforgettable day -… (date).
We are waiting for you at ... at the address: ...

Your Bride and Groom.

Dear _________ and __________!

_____ (date) the long-awaited event in our life will take place - our wedding. Among the people who are happy with our happiness, we would like to see you. Please accept our official invitation to the wedding ceremony and gala dinner.

The marriage registration will take place at __ (time) at the address: ___.

The banquet is scheduled for ___ (time) and will take place at ___.

Sincerely yours (groom, bride).

Expensive __________!

No matter how he resisted his happiness (the name of the groom), he did not manage to escape from his Destiny: our wedding was scheduled for ___ (date).

We will be very happy if you come to support and congratulate us at ___ (time) at the address: ___ and have fun in a noisy company at the wedding party, which will take place in the restaurant "" at the address: ___, starting from __h.

Will wait! (groom bride)

In the event that you are planning to get married in a church, you should also inform about this in the invitation to the wedding or prepare separate invitation cards for a narrow circle of relatives and friends.

Our dear ______ and _______!

We are glad to invite you to the temple "", where our wedding ceremony will take place on __ (date). We will be sincerely glad to see you among our closest and dearest people.

Respectfully yours (groom, bride).

Cool invitation texts for wedding day, wedding invitation text

Wedding invitation with original text for urban wedding.

“To love is not to look at each other,
but look together in one direction "
/A. De Saint-Exupery /

We decided to create our own city of the future, whose name is Family! We dream of settling in a house on the street of Love in the area of ​​Joy, where there is light from the lanterns of Care and the music of Tenderness. We would like to walk along the alleys of Infinite Sincerity and watch the attraction of Passion. On Doverie Boulevard, we would sit with friends in a cafe Attention, and work on Respect Avenue. Family - The city of our future - where all residents are happy!
Expensive ____ !
(Date) we invite you to the official ceremony of laying the first stone of Reciprocity of our future city of Semya. The ceremony will take place (Date, time). And we will be glad to see you at the grand celebration in honor of the birth of our city (place)! The city gates will be open for all guests at (time).
Your pass to the first celebration of our city Family will be a red rose - a symbol of our love!

City founders Family
The names of the bride and groom

Wedding invitation from bride to girlfriends

Ah, dear girlfriends,
I'm getting married!
My beloved finally
He made a confession.
There will be a wedding, there will be guests
Soon in our house.
Let's have a drink, have some fun
Let's dance from the heart!
Invitations to all relatives
We send with sweetheart.
You, dear girlfriends,
We invite you to visit!

Official invitation text
In this version of the invitations, only official words are used, i.e. the invitations contain only the information you need.

Dear Ivan Ivanovich!
We invite you to the wedding ceremony, which will take place on July 10, 20__. at 13 o'clock at the address: st. People's Militia, 23, bldg. 2 in the Khoroshevsky registry office.
The name of the groom, the name of the bride.

I followed her
I wandered at night
Suitable words
I didn’t find it.
But she found
She came up to me
For life love
She came to the two of us.
We create our
A new family.
Come to the wedding
Best friend, mine!
Congratulations to us
Get yours ready!
Happiness in our lives
Brought love!

Gangster style wedding invitation

Dear don and donna (surname)

We are pleased to inform you that (on such and such a date, at such and such a time) a solemn unification of the two most powerful clans of mafiosi (surnames) will take place.

We are waiting for you on a holiday that will take place (day, month, year, time) in a cafe (restaurant, house) at ________.

The ability to shoot, bluff and dance is encouraged.

Signatures of the bride and groom

Is there a celebration planned for your company? Whatever its theme (a professional or calendar holiday, a company's birthday, a presentation of a new product, opening a branch or a new office, a chief's anniversary), it starts with invitations.

What is the best way to compose the text of an invitation to a corporate party? On the one hand, you need to show originality, interest guests and make them want to attend the celebration. On the other hand, in the invitation to such an event, you need to list important data.

Corporate invitation text

So, in the text of an invitation to a corporate event, you should indicate the date and place of its holding, the method of delivering guests (by your own transport or, for example, by buses from the office), the form of dress (it can be free, evening or themed if you are organizing a carnival).

Check if you can take your spouse or children with you. If the invited artists will perform at the party, this can also be mentioned in the text of the invitation to the corporate party.

As for the style, variety is allowed here depending on the status of the celebration. The text of the invitation can be formal or informal, even playful.

But in any case, an invitation to a corporate event must be properly formalized. It can be sent in the form of SMS, by e-mail, placed on postcards, in a wall newspaper or on a bulletin board.

It is not so easy to take into account all the requirements that apply to the texts of invitations to a corporate event. We decided to make this task easier for you and have provided examples of texts of this kind of invitations, so that you can choose the most suitable one as a basis.

Complete it with a little effort and imagination - and then your invitation to a corporate event will not leave anyone indifferent.

Dear _________________!
We are pleased to inform you that ___ (date) ___ marks exactly ___ years since the foundation of our company.
In honor of this wonderful holiday, we are organizing a large banquet,
to which we invite you with pleasure!
The festive event is scheduled for ___ (date) ____ in the entertainment and restaurant complex "____ (name) ____" (__________ (address) ___________),
start at __ (time) __ hours.
We are looking forward to seeing you!
Employees of the company __________

We invite you to a bright holiday dedicated to the birthday of our friendly team.
The celebration will take place on ___ (date) __ in the restaurant "_________", beginning at __ (time) __.
On the birthday of our company, we will get together to congratulate each other on a productive and successful past year, as well as have a pleasant
time in an atmosphere of fun and celebration.
Be sure to come - we will have fun!
Close-knit team of the company ____________

An invitation to a corporate event can be laconic and restrained, or it can be quite emotional, especially when it comes to an upcoming warm meeting of friends and like-minded people. For example, the text of an invitation to a corporate party in honor of a company's birthday or New Year's may be as follows.

Dear friends!
We are sure that real wealth does not lie in the accumulation of material wealth. It is important to know that there are faithful friends and partners nearby, tested by time and deeds. Reliable companions are the fulcrum in the movement towards success and overcoming any obstacles.
We will be glad to meet you at the Christmas dinner, which will take place on ___________ (date) at _____________ restaurant. We hope that this festive evening with friends, partners and colleagues will become a pleasant and interesting event for you.

Dear Colleagues!
The most valuable thing for our company is our reliable partners and our friendly team. Our joint work last year contributed to the development of our enterprise. And, of course, we would not have achieved such success without your dedication and desire to develop.
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to a festive party that will start at _________ in the cafe ______________. We will celebrate the New Year in a festive atmosphere with friends and colleagues.
May the coming year be no less successful than the outgoing one. We wish you and your loved ones happiness, joy, health and prosperity!

An invitation to any kind of corporate event can be sent on behalf of colleagues. But it will be especially pleasant for the employees to receive it on behalf of the management.

Dear _______________!
I am glad to welcome you on behalf of ___________________ (name of the company). You are one of the leading specialists of the company and your contribution to our common cause is truly invaluable.
20 .. a year with all the achievements that he brought, and the difficulties are almost over. The time has come to welcome the new 20 .. year, which, we hope, will bring us new opportunities, new achievements, new successes and new ideas.
I hope that, surrounded by colleagues, you will truly enjoy the holiday dedicated to our partners, friends and employees.
We are waiting for you in the entertainment complex ___________ at ___________. The event is scheduled to start at ________ hours on December 25th.
The invitation is valid for two people.
director of the enterprise ___________________

Dear Colleagues!
Working on the last project, you showed the proper professionalism and competence, as well as put in a lot of effort, which brought amazing results for our company. As a token of gratitude, we are throwing a small corporate party and invite you to join us.
The holiday will take place on ________________ (date) at the address: ____________________. Party start time: 19:00.
We will be glad to see you!
Deputy Director ________________.

Dear Colleagues!
We value the responsibility, dedication and efficiency that our employees have, but at the same time we understand that proper productivity is impossible without good rest. Therefore, we decided to please our employees and arrange a small party for them. This Saturday, _________ (date), we invite you to a corporate picnic, where you can relax, chat with colleagues and enjoy the beauty of nature. A transfer will be organized to the venue.
Gathering at ________ (time) near the main entrance to the office. We hope you will accept our invitation!
company management _________________.

And finally, the text of an invitation to a corporate event can be written in poetic form.

We cordially invite you to a wonderful holiday,
Come celebrate, we will be grateful to you!
After all, today is the New Year, the tale begins.
As you know, miracles happen on this day!
Happy New Year, friends, we congratulate you in unison!
Miracles, surprises await you, we promise fun!

The table is set, gifts, candles ...
Everything froze in anticipation.
On this warm, wonderful evening
We are looking forward to your visit.

We invite you with love
Come to us for the New Year.
This New Year's fairy tale
Spend with us!

Vika Di July 9, 2018, 15:00

Wedding preparations - very responsible and troublesome business when you need to take care of a thousand things, from a wedding dress and finding a restaurant for a wedding banquet to seemingly trifles like an invitation to a wedding celebration.

The time factor plays an important role here: it is best to send out invitations 8-10 weeks before the ceremony, which means that you will have to order invitations even earlier, 3-3.5 months in advance.

Wedding invitation

Traditional or video invitations?

Recently, a new trend has appeared - to send not paper invitations by mail, but video invitations by e-mail (mailing lists). Their undoubted advantage is that:

  • they will not be lost due to poor mail performance, but will be delivered almost instantly;
  • the personal appeal of the newlyweds always looks warmer and more sincere than the rather official text of the invitation;
  • When filming a video invitation, young people can fully demonstrate their creative abilities and turn it into a small movie masterpiece.

However, the video invitation also has a drawback: the text version contains a lot of factual information(where and by what time you need to arrive, where the registration will take place, and where - the wedding banquet, etc.). Such information is perceived poorly by ear, it still has to be written down, so the choice of the invitation format is yours.

In principle, you can use both options, because if young people have come up with beautiful texts for wedding invitations, and the "card events" themselves look like a decent " business card»Weddings, many guests keep them as a memory of this important event in the life of their relatives or friends.

What are Save the Date cards?

Before talking about real invitations, let's recall the preliminary - the so-called Save the Date cards, which are sent to future guests immediately after the date of marriage registration is determined. As a matter of fact, they contain only information about this date.

This is especially true for guests living in other cities or countries, those who often travel on business or travel a lot, especially if the wedding falls on the vacation period.

Save the Date card

What should be in a wedding invitation?

Whatever may be text options on wedding invitations, they must contain the following information:

  1. Date of marriage.
  2. The time of the ceremony and its place (registry office address).
  3. Time and place of the wedding banquet (with the name and address of the restaurant).
  4. Signatures of the newlyweds (if the invitation is official, these must be first and last names).
  • 10:00 - registration of marriage at the registry office (address);
  • 14:00 - wedding banquet at the restaurant (name, address);
  • 20:00 - fireworks.

A sample of filling out invitations for a wedding is easy to find on the Internet.

Photo of a sample of filling out invitations for a wedding

It is advisable to attach to the invitation on a separate sheet Additional information:

  • a request to answer whether the invitees will be able to attend the wedding with the indication of contact information (phones, e-mail);
  • detailed directions for nonresident guests to the bride / groom's house, registry office, restaurant;
  • information on whether the presence of children or a companion / companion of the invited person is permissible;
  • if there are wishes for the dress code, then they are also included in addition to the invitation.

The last moment, that is, issuing an invitation with a dress code, may cause misunderstanding among the invitees.

Now it has become fashionable to hold themed weddings, for example, in the form of a party in the spirit of the 20s, pirate, gaming, Italian, etc.

The idea is, of course, creative, and many young guests will delight, but the older generation is unlikely to appreciate it and may simply not come. Don't forget that the theme party requires and themed costumes, and not everyone can afford it.

Registration of a wedding invitation

If a large number of guests are expected, then wedding invitations are often ordered from a printing house. Then the young can only enter the names in the invitation . Most young people today have simply forgotten how to write by hand, so it is often beautiful to fill out invitations ordered by a professional calligrapher, which is more expensive than printed invitations, but looks very sophisticated. It is only important that the inscription in a beautiful font on the invitation is at the same time readable and legible. Remember that the newlyweds themselves must sign the invitations by hand.

The inscription in a beautiful font on the invitation

A more budgetary option is to purchase wedding invitation cards and write the message inside by hand. They can hand over to family and friends with whom you are in direct contact.

The text should not contain spelling and punctuation errors, so be sure to check its literacy

The easiest way to do this is by typing text on a computer in a Word, and the program itself will highlight the errors.

What to write?

The easiest way is to write in the invitation traditional wording: "Dear ..., we invite you to the celebration of the wedding, which will take place ...".

Informative? Yes, but no warmth, but a touching, soulful text for a wedding invitation is so important, especially for elderly relatives.

It is not enough to write only dry information in the invitation for relatives, where and when will the wedding be, you need to feel your own desire to certainly see them at your wedding. If these are, for example, aunties and uncles close to you, then you can address them not by name and patronymic, but more cordially: "dear and beloved aunt Manya and uncle Petya."

Try to find beautiful words for your wedding invitation that would express not only your reverent attitude towards the upcoming event, but also your attitude to addressees... They should feel how dear to you, what a great place they occupy in your life.

For many, drawing up a non-standard wedding invitation becomes a real problem, and here, as always, will come to the rescue Internet, where you can find an example of creative text for wedding invitations. But this should be just an example, in which you definitely need to add something personal: a reminder of some important episode from your relationship or a joke that only you understand.

Example of creative text for wedding invitations

Even if you fail to complete your signature in pretty letters, the personal nature of the invitation will be very touching impression and will strengthen family or friendship ties.

Many people make a common mistake - they use templates from the Internet.

Especially if they want position your wedding as something special, thematic or seasonal. It is best to compose an interesting text for an invitation to an autumn wedding, as well as to a wedding in any other season, by yourself, or at least rework what you have found on the Internet.

Now there are many sites with texts for any occasion, including poetry. It is better not to use such verse invitations - they tend to look rather inappropriate from the point of view of poetry and immediately betray their origin. Much preferable a few simple warm words coming from the heart!

The tradition of arranging wedding invitations in the form of exquisite and delicate cards in an envelope or unusual cards and invitations is a kind of way to preserve the memories of the holiday. Taking such a postcard in your hands many years after the wedding, and reading the text of the wedding invitation, you will definitely remember the solemn ceremony, a cheerful and bright holiday, which can be confidently called one of the most important in life. Choose a ready-made template with the text of the invitation at your discretion in prose or poetry, and let your own memories of the wedding and the impressions of your guests be the most pleasant.

Original wedding invitation text for any guest

Our dear (guest name)!

Wherever we are in the world, wherever we are, all the brightest moments in life are created for us by people - close, loved and necessary. In the new history, the history of our young family, we want to see you among our guests. We invite you to share all the importance and joy of our wedding with us.

(Date) at (time) at (street and house name).

To celebrate the event, we expect you to arrive at (time) at the restaurant (name) at (street and house name).

The groom (name) and the bride (name).

Dear (guest name)!

(Date) our most cherished dream will come true and we will become spouses.

We want to share the great joy and happiness of this moment with the most important and close people.

Therefore, we are waiting for you at (name of the registry office), where the official painting will take place at (time).

And then we invite you to taste champagne and a wedding loaf (name of the street and house), where a festive banquet will take place at (time).

Best regards, (names of the bride and groom).

Dear (guest name)!

Where two souls strive to be one, where hearts burn with sincere love, and eyes burn with happiness, the strongest and happiest family is born. We create such a family and invite you to spend this day with us.

(Date) at (time) at (street name, registry office) we will exchange rings as a sign of our eternal marital fidelity.

At (time) in the restaurant (name) we are waiting for you for an unforgettable celebration.

Future newlyweds (names of the bride and groom).

Beautiful parenting wedding invitation text

Our dear parents! We are glad to inform you that we have made the most important decision in life - to create our own family. Following your example, we want to make this union strong, faithful and happy.

We invite you, as the most honored guests, to the wedding ceremony on (date) at (time) at (name).

With love and gratitude, (names of the bride and groom).

Thank you, our beloved, for the warmth and care that the family gives us. We strive to create the same happy family, and the reason for this is our sincere love and devotion to each other. We invite you to a wedding that will be the birthday of the happiest family in the world!

Dear mommy!

Your care, wisdom, patience and understanding taught me the most important thing in life: love and fidelity. My happiness is your merit, and creating my own family, I invite you, as the most honored guest (date) at (time), to the solemn ceremony of uniting two destinies.

With love, (name).

Funny wedding invitation text for friends

When all thoughts are near only one person, when every day you want to hold his hand - it's time to unite into one happy family with eternal sincere promises.

Dear (guests' names)!

We want our life to have a place for both home comfort and joyful meetings with friends. We are proud of our friendship and invite you to share all the joy of the solemn event (date) at (time, address).

In order for family life to be sweet, we will bake a loaf and treat you at restaurant (name) at (time).

With love in our hearts, happy bride and groom (names).

Our dear friend!

The most valuable things in life are respect, dedication and kindness. All this is in love and without all this there can be no real friendship. We unite our hearts with an official union, create a family, but at the same time we do not forget about an important and so valuable friend like you. We invite you to the wedding as the most honorable friend of a young family. We will become spouses (date) at (time) and on this occasion we invite you to arrive at (registry office address)

With love, (names of the bride and groom).

Dear (guests' names)!

We solemnly announce that the bride-to-be is ready to cook borscht, wash socks and iron shirts. The future groom is ready to give roses, take out the trash and hammer in nails. In confirmation of our words, and also because of the incredibly great love, we invite you to a merry wedding.

We will put murals under these promises (date) at (time) at (street and house name), and in the restaurant (name) at (street and house name) we will celebrate the event with you and other people closest to us.

Best regards, future spouses (names).

Fancy wedding invitation text template

Dear (guests' names)!

An unusual story has happened in our modern and everyday world. The beauty, wondrous and sweet, with her tender and affectionate gaze, captivated the valiant and courageous knight, who forever gave her his heart. Still don't believe in fairy tales? Then we invite you to see with your own eyes the existence of miracles and become a part of the magical story of the creation of our young family.

Come and make sure that fairytale love exists on (date) at (time) at (street and house name).

A royal feast and unforgettable fun will take place at (time) at (street and house name).

Young knight (groom's name) and young princess (bride's name).

Dear (guests' names)! In this letter we want to tell you an unusual story about love at first sight. She captivated us as a magic that makes the heart beat faster, inspires new achievements and dispels any adversity. In order to preserve this magical gift of fate, we will make love the basis of our marriage, create a strong family that will protect the flame of love as an impregnable fortress.

The official ceremony will take place on (date) at (time) at (street and house name).

Gala reception and refreshments for guests: at (time) at (street and house name).

Captured by love, (names of the bride and groom).

The desire to love, the desire to be happy and the strength to cross any vital rivers and conquer any mountains were given to us by our meeting. We realized how important and necessary each other is and we want to continue our path in life, holding each other's hands.

We invite you (guests' names) to our wedding. (Date) at (time) at (street and house name) we will unite our destinies, and at (time) we will gather all the guests at the festive table.

Inspired and in love, (names of the bride and groom).

They are the hallmark of the celebration, this is the first thing that your guests will see. Therefore, you need to think carefully about everything so that the style of the wedding invitation emphasizes the general theme of your holiday, reflects your sincere relationship to each other and to your guests.

It is advisable to send invitations 3-4 weeks before the wedding, so that people can plan everything and postpone their affairs. This method is very convenient and reliable, because even if you call all your friends, it is not a fact that someone will remember or not confuse the date. The style of the invitation may look different, it all depends on your preferences and the style of the wedding. The text of the invitation can be presented both in a classical form and in a humorous one. But if the wedding will be attended by older guests, then make sure that everything is done in a formal style. Remember, if you decide to order invitations in specialty stores, then be sure to write in the names of the guests by hand - this is considered good form.

Wedding invitations text (design rules):
  • the date, time and place of the celebration must be indicated
  • if the newlyweds want to see a guest at the official and banquet part of the holiday, then the invitation should contain information about the time and place of each part

  • if the guest is invited only to a banquet celebration, then also indicate the place and time of the beginning of the celebration
  • when making an invitation for a couple, the newlyweds must first enter the name of the woman, then the men
  • if a certain style and dress code is chosen for the wedding, then be sure to indicate this in the invitation
  • for guests, you can use one or several templates for writing text (for example, for friends to write a comic text, for older guests - respectful and official, for those closest to you - warm and sincere).

Wedding invitation text (original)

Text wedding invitations in classic style

Formal text is suitable for seniors, parents, and guests of honor.

№ 1

Dear (___)!

We invite you to register our marriage, which will take place at (place, time), at (___)

Sincerely (___)

№ 2

Expensive (___)

The most long-awaited day in our life has come, which we want to share with you. We will be very glad to see you at our wedding, which will take place on (date) at (time).

The solemn registration of marriage will take place at (___) at (time)

The banquet part will start at (time) in the restaurant "___", at the address (___)

Best regards (names of newlyweds)

№ 3

Dear ___

Please accept an invitation to our wedding on (date). We will be very glad if you honor our holiday with your attention and share our happy moments together! The birth of our family will take place in the registry office ___ address ___, time ___ The banquet part will be held in the restaurant "___" at ___ hours.

Sincerely (___)

№ 4


We hasten to inform you that ____ will be the most grandiose event in our life!

We're getting married!

We are waiting for you ___ (wedding date), time ___, address ___

Sincerely yours ___

Wedding invitations text in a soulful, warm style

This type of text is suitable for a small celebration in a narrow family (friendly) circle.

№ 1

Our dearest and dearest ____!

We want to invite you to the warmest and happiest holiday! On this day, we are going to say the most important words to each other, surrounded by the people most dear to us.

We invite you to the wedding on ___ date, at ___ hours, at ___

We will look forward to waiting for you!

With love your ____ (newlywed names)

№ 2

Everyone dreams of finding their soul mate. And now the moment has come when we can proudly utter the words: “we have found our happiness”!

Fate has presented us with a wonderful gift, and on this occasion we want to arrange a grand celebration, where the people closest and dearest to us will be present!

The celebration will take place (date, time, address)

Always your ___

№ 3

We are very happy, because our love is the most sincere, and we want to tell the whole world about it!

We will say the most important words of loyalty to each other (date) at ___ hours, at ___

The celebration will be held in the restaurant "___" at ___ hours

We will be waiting for you with impatience!

Sincerely yours___

№ 4

The most cherished dream has come true - we are together! We invite you to our wedding, where we will open the first page of our book entitled "family". We will wait for you (wedding date) at ___ hours at ___

Registration time ___

Banquet part of the party at ___ hours

We are waiting for you dear guests ____

№ 5

Hooray! We're getting married!

It is with great pleasure that we want to invite you to our family's birthday! We cannot even imagine this holiday without people close to us. We are waiting for you with impatience and a great desire to share our joy at the beginning of our family happiness!

Address and number of the celebration

With love___

Wedding invitations for witnesses

Our most beloved and dear ____

We value your friendship very much and appreciate everything you did for our couple. You have always supported us in difficult times. Today you are the guests of honor who will accompany us from the beginning to the end of our family life. We will be extremely happy to see you (number) at our wedding!

Solemn registration will take place at ___, at ___ hours!

A festive banquet in the restaurant "____" at ___ in the evening!

We will be waiting for you!

With love ___

Humorous invitation text

№ 1

Dear our ____

So, forget about all the cases on ___ (date). We leave our phones at home, turn off the TV and come to our wedding party!

You should have comfortable shoes and a positive mood with you! Dances and songs are guaranteed!

We sign up in line for the solemn registration at the registry office, which will take place in honor of our wedding (address, time)

We are looking forward to seeing you!

№ 2


The day has come when you can see the most beautiful bride in a white dress and the groom in an exquisite suit with a bow tie! Don't miss the day (date)!

The painting will take place in the registry office number __ at the address _____

After that, we get into a chic convertible and go to the ___ restaurant, which will host a “private” party in honor of the happiest couple on Earth!

Your ____

Wedding invitation text (original) in verse

№ 1

You know miracles happen

Yes Yes! We are planning a wedding!

We will be glad to see you, our guests are the best!

Solemn registration will take place (date) at the registry office number ___ at ___ hours!

Best regards (name of bride and groom)

№ 2

Our dear ___

Beautiful postcard arrived

The day and the hour have already been set

You will certainly come!

We will be happy to wait for you!

Registration date ___

The festive banquet will take place in the restaurant "___" at ____ hours