Toasts on the occasion of the birth of children, a toast for a son and daughter, festive toasts for children, children and toasts, toasts for children's parties, a toast for a newborn, a toast for a first child, a toast for a baby's birth. Toasts on the occasion of the birth of a child

I congratulate you on the birth of your son! Let your boy be strong, strong and courageous. And I wish you, parents, to gain patience, strength, and raise a healthy child! For my son!

The birth of a son is the occasion, the significance of which cannot be overestimated. This is a reason for pride for both father and mother, as well as all relatives and close people. So let's drink to the birth of this little boy, who is the successor of this glorious family and bearer of the surname!

The birth of a son is always pride for the father and joy for the mother. After all, it is not for nothing that psychologists noticed that the relationship between mother and son is the closest, but the masculine character is formed only under the influence of the upbringing of the father. So let's drink to our little boy growing up in the tenderness and care of his mother, but under the strict supervision of his father!

Whatever language people speak, the word “son” sounds the same in almost everyone. This word is the name of the heirs of the clan of Adam, it is not for nothing that many peoples believe that the clan and tribe acquire real immortality only if they have a son. So let's drink to the successor of the family!

I congratulate you on the birth of your son! I wish that every step he took in life, starting from the first, was firm, that all the knowledge that he will absorb every day, lead him to "heights", and may, to your delight, his life path develops happily and successfully!

No one rejoices in his son as much as his father. And for a mother, this is a reason to raise a real man. To grow up strong, strong, courageous, equal to dad, love mom. To the boy's health!

When a person is lucky in life, when he achieves great heights in his career, earns a huge fortune, he has a happy family, and just fortune always smiles at him, they say that such a person was born under a lucky star. I wish that such a star would shine in the sky today, when your baby was born. Happy birthday to your son!

A hero was born. In this regard, a toast was born to me. I want to wish this little miracle to always please mom and dad, grow up big and successful, gain wisdom and comprehend unknown secrets. Be a good person throughout the century!

Dear ones, I congratulate you and your baby on the birth! Let it grow quickly and easily. May you never need anything. Strength and patience to you. To the boy's health!

Today the future hero and champion was born, mother's and father's joy - your baby. I sincerely wish him and you happiness and good health! Of course, for you, he will always be the best in the world, but I also wish that he was the best in all his endeavors on a long life path!

Barely had time to be born, the baby has already become the subject of universal adoration, the idol of the family. This means that he will not be deprived of parental affection and will develop in an atmosphere of kindness. Let us wish the newborn to be as charming, beautiful and cheerful as his mother; smart and kind, like his father.

Pythagoras said: "Do great things without promising great things."
Let's drink to this promised, long-awaited and great - to the newborn!

"It's time to stop waiting for unexpected gifts from life, and make life yourself," Leo Tolstoy wrote.
So let's raise a glass to the most important gift - life itself! For the newborn!

The child will grow up and become an adult. But even then, you will remain a parent. Therefore, I want to congratulate your baby on the newly made mom and dad!

The very birth of a child is a gift not only for mom and dad, but also for newly-made grandparents, as well as for all close friends gathered at the table. For gifts, you should thank gifts, so today we have prepared many gifts for the baby that will be useful to him in life!
For the happiness of the parents of the newborn, his grandparents!

I propose to drink to the newly made parents to be guided in the upbringing of their child by the words of Pythagoras: "Take care of the tears of your children so that they can shed them on your grave."

Congratulations on your growing family! Remembering the law of the transition from quantity to quality, I can say that since the family has become larger, it means that it has become better! This means that you can only wish one thing - that your life would become better! Happiness to you and your baby!

Dear newly baked mom and dad!
A thousand years ago, a Persian poet gave young parents some very good advice:
Raise a child while he is stupid and small,
So that he was noble, so that he became reasonable,
As long as the trunk is young, as long as the fruit is only ripening,
The trunk can be grown as the gardener wants.
The old trunk cannot be straightened and the other cannot be bent,
It is impossible to instruct those who are mature on another path.
Let's raise our glasses to a wise wish!

Dear Parents! Now a part of you both exists separately from you. Now you have a stricter judge than the opinion of others. Now each of you can say: "Everything that I could not do in this life can be done by my child."
I congratulate you on the birth of your first child, on the new quality of your life, on new worries and new joys!

If by the age of forty a person's room is not filled with children's voices, then it is filled with nightmares.
Let's drink to the kids!

Our children are our old age:
So let's drink to our children!

If children are found in cabbage,
I suggest a drink to this wonderful vegetable!
If a stork brings children,
I suggest you drink to this amazing bird!
In short, for the root cause of our meeting today
- for new parents!

They say,
if god kisses a newborn
on the forehead - he will become a famous philosopher,
if by mouth - by a famous orator,
if in the legs - a famous dancer,
if in handles - a jack of all trades.
So may God not disregard our newborn,
may his life be long and wonderful!

The birth of a child is a miracle
Not everyone is given to know it.
But to you - the parents of such a toddler,
Incredibly lucky!
We wish you to grow up strong and healthy,
Your little son is joy and soul.
May he please you with his smile,
Never upsets.
And you give him love in return,
Save him from all adversity.
And happiness will knock on your house,
And it will be good for everyone in it!

There is more love and light in the world
when a girl is born.
So today it turned out to be a beautiful, sunny day.
The world welcomes the newborn
and rejoices in her bright sunbeam,
sneaking to the cradle.
Let's drink to the newborn!
May fate favor her!

Dear Parents! The Lord has awarded you this proud title by presenting a wonderful little miracle - a child. Instead of many words, let us recall the ancient wisdom: "Anything can happen, but if your children are healthy, you are a happy person."
For your happiness! Happy Newborn!

You have given life to a wonderful treasure, and this fate is in your hands.
The gift of God is the highest reward, a child that was born for two. Let your faithful union grow stronger due to doubled love. The child will thank you for everything that you have given him.

They say that there are no miracles. But, look the kid in the eyes - you will smile and say: "Well, a miracle!" I hasten to congratulate you on your miracle! Let's drink to the health of our newborn.

Dear parents of our hero of the occasion, on this holiday, I want to drink to you and say that raising children is certainly necessary, but no matter how you raise them, they will still be like you. Therefore, if you want to change them for the better, then fight your bad habits and then the child will be deprived of them!

I want to raise a glass to the newborn and wish health to parents and baby. Let him grow up healthy and beautiful. Parents have patience, strength for education and study. We wish to raise a good, kind and fair person.

Now you have a baby. While he is still a very small lump - a bundle of happiness! Take care of him, educate him, thinking about how you would like to see him in the future. Fill it with only good and positive qualities. Teach what your parents taught you. Take care of him, pamper him, sometimes chew. Let your baby grow up to be a man with a capital letter!

Today we drink to the happiest day of your life. A new person was born. A new member of your family. The sun gave one of its rays, and it became the smile of your newborn. May his health be strong, like the nerves of his parents. For our baby!

The birth of a new life is like a new discovery. You don't know exactly what it will bring, but you are insanely happy and interesting. Let's wish this little man to grow up healthy and strong. Let his world consist only of rainbow colors, and let his laughter be sonorous and pure. For you, our little miracle.

Great happiness happened in your family! A new family member was born, which everyone was waiting for! I wish, first of all, that the baby is always healthy, strong and beautiful. I also want to wish you, as parents, great patience, strength and courage, efforts, thanks to which your baby will become a real and best representative of our society!

Let's drink to the stork visiting this friendly house and giving them such a wonderful and healthy baby! Long years of happiness to him, a wagon of health and accompanying good luck! To parents, I want to say: great patience for you, be exemplary parents, and most importantly - the best friends of the baby!

The birth of a child is a great joy, but also a great responsibility, a lot of work. I want to wish you that this joy surpasses everything. Happy newborn!

Toast with the birth of a child to parents

Dear new parents! They say,
that the west wind brings with it diligence and efficiency;
eastern - wisdom; northern - courage and determination,
and the southern one is warm, soft and calm. In that moment and in that place
where did our baby come from
all the winds met and passed on their qualities to him!
Let's raise our glasses and drink to the baby and to you,
Dear Parents!

Beautiful toast with the birth of a child

They say,
if god kisses a newborn
on the forehead - he will become a famous philosopher,
if by mouth - by a famous orator,
if in the legs - a famous dancer,
if in handles - a jack of all trades.
So may God not disregard our newborn,
may his life be long and wonderful!

Toast with the birth of a baby girl

There is more love and light in the world when a girl is born. So today it turned out to be a beautiful, sunny day. The world welcomes the newborn and rejoices at her with a bright ray of sunshine creeping towards the cradle.
Let's drink to the newborn! May fate favor her!

Toast with the birth of a baby boy

It's time to stop waiting for unexpected gifts from life, and make life yourself, ”wrote Lev Tolstoy.
So let's raise a glass to the most important gift - life itself! For the newborn!

Toast with the birth of a child in prose

Barely had time to be born, the baby has already become the subject of universal adoration, the idol of the family. This means that he will not be deprived of parental affection and will develop in an atmosphere of kindness. Let us wish the newborn to be as charming, beautiful and cheerful as his mother; smart and kind, like his father!

A short toast with the birth of a child

So that your family grows and multiplies! We wish you to have as many daughters as there are bumps in the meadow !!! We wish you as many sons as there are stumps in the forest !!!

Toast congratulations on the birth of a child

Dear Parents! Now a part of you both exists separately from you. Now you have a stricter judge than the opinion of others. Now each of you can say: "Everything that I could not do in this life can be done by my child." I congratulate you on the birth of your first child, on the new quality of your life, on new worries and new joys!

Son's Birthday Toast

We drink to you, our dear son,
So that the Guardian Angel saves you
From various misfortunes, adversities or troubles,
Let only joy and light fill your house!
We drink for you, be happier than everyone
Do not meet any obstacles or hindrances on the way !!!
Son, we raise our glasses for you -
So that happiness always accompanies you!

Toast to my son

I want to tell you the following parable:
“One day an old cat met a little kitten who was trying to catch up with its tail. When asked why he was doing this, the kid answered: “They told me that my happiness is in my tail. So I want to catch him. " The cat smiled and said to him: "Silly, you know, in my youth, I also tried to" catch happiness by the tail. " I didn’t eat, didn’t drink, but I was chasing after this illusory happiness. Nothing worked for me, then I dropped this business and hit the road. And do you know what happened? My tail is always with me, and, therefore, my happiness too ... "
I want to congratulate you on your holiday and to drink so that in your life you strive for your goals. if you can do it, then you will be happy.

Happy Birthday Son To Dad

Dad - we pronounce this word second in life after the word mom, but this does not mean that we love fathers less. And on this festive day, your birthday, I sincerely want to congratulate you and say a toast to you, dad, for the example that you set me, and for the same example you set to my children!

Birthday Toast To Son

I want to tell the following parable:
“A little boy took a firefly in his hands and asked his mother in surprise what kind of bug it was. Mom replied that this bug only shines at night. It is very small, but it helps other people not to get lost, their light soothes if it becomes scary and lonely. The boy was delighted and said: "I also want to be a firefly." Mom answered him: “Kid, if you do good and give love, then the light of your heart will warm other people, and your flashlight will become brighter and warmer. Do good and love and then you will become a firefly. "
Let's drink to our wonderful baby, who has become a whole year older and smarter. Children, like no one else, are sincere and kind, therefore it is so important to preserve these qualities for a long time.

Son's Birthday Toast

There is such a belief: if an east wind blows at the moment of a child's birth, then it will bring wisdom, if a west one - hard work and perseverance. The north wind will give your baby such qualities as courage and bravery, and the south wind - tenderness, gentleness and charm. But on the day when your wonderful baby was born, all the winds were able to meet and convey these qualities to him. Let's raise our glasses to young mom and dad and their wonderful baby!

Toast, the parents had an only son

The parents had an only son, and it was time for him to marry. The father gave him three arrows, the son went out into the field, and fired them one by one from a bow.
One arrow hit the merchant's gates, the second at the boyars ', and the third at the peasants'. The son looked at 3 brides and chose the most
smart and beautiful. And there would be three sons, each would get an arrow, and no one would have been able to choose.
So let's drink to freedom of choice!

Toast to his son for his birthday 1 year

Your little son is one year old. Looking back, you understand that only a year has passed, and there are still many joyful moments and difficulties ahead. On the other hand, you think that a whole year has passed, and you did not have time to do everything that you had in mind. I would like to drink to you enjoying the way your son is growing. 1 year is a very important date. Your child has become independent and independent in its own way. No wonder, they say about boys: "Every son belongs to the category of those boys with whom his mother forbids him to play."

Toast with the birth of a son

This is life's turn!
Everything has changed dramatically!
The birth of a son is not the result
And only half.
Now to raise and educate
The first task:
What to teach and what to look for -
It cannot be otherwise ...
I drink to always be in my heart
Source of wise truth
And so that the strength to live was
And her son would have absorbed it.

Toast was the parents' only son

There was only one son
The family is rich.
But the time has come unexpectedly
Sold out.
Bitter grief, what to do?
It’s a pity for the boy.
It was decided to marry
Our little son.
Now he got married, he lives for a year,
He did not forget his mother,
Every day he goes to her.
Everyone lives happily.
Only a poor wife
Wasted away from melancholy
And one day she left
Didn't come back.
The son returned to his father's house,
How glad he is there!
Everything is the same, everything is the way,
And you don't need a wife.
Only the years have passed
He became an orphan.
Life has changed abruptly
Not a dream, but grief.
Let's drink, brothers, so that we have
It didn't work out that way!
We will live, look for our own way,
To have happiness.
And when our mothers
Grandchildren will run
They will tell us honestly
There is no longing and boredom.

Toast to the father from the son

I'm glad that I have such a father,
You were able to put a lot of truths into my soul,
I grew up and became an adult at last
And I appreciated the fruit of your whole life.
I want to be like you,
Invest in your little son what you sowed
Today I'll drink while standing, I'm wine
For our ancestral generations!