Long hair care name. Long hair care. Folk remedies for the care of long hair

Proper care for long hair will be long, but it will definitely bear fruit!

It takes a lot of time and effort to properly care for long hair. But the result is worth it, especially your hair is not just long, but healthy, thick and radiant.

Proper long hair care involves these 5 things

Do you want to know what effective care for long hair really consists of? In fact, in order for the strands to be healthy and grow further, you need to follow only five rules.

1. Long hair care is a regular haircut

You are hardly surprised, because this is the first advice given to those who want to grow long hair: cut it. Of course, no need to cut your hair radically. Come to the salon and agree to cut as much as the master says.

If he thinks that the hair at the ends is of poor quality, heed his advice. Ask if there is a salon where you go - if this procedure is done well and correctly, it gives excellent results and has a cumulative effect.

To grow long hair, you need to cut it. Here is such a paradox!

2. Permanent and complete care for long hair

If you have long or very long hair, you need to take special care of it. Start with a good one. The most important thing about it is not that it is expensive or professional. The main thing is how it suits your hair. Long hair usually needs help, as it is already heavy due to its length.

About half of the women in Russia do not use or, and in vain. Little life hack: you don't have to use shampoo and conditioner from the same range.

Editor's tip: for example, if you chose but still want to protect your dyed hair, match it with.

3. Care for long hair to the very ends

Proper care for long hair necessarily includes additional products to provide nutrition and hydration to the hair along the entire length. Long hair is especially prone to split ends - to avoid this, use a special tool for split ends.

Editor's tip: restorative is suitable for any damaged areas of long hair, but do not apply it to the roots.

4. Caring for long hair is gentle handling

It is difficult to have long luxurious hair if you have damaged it once or repeatedly with dyeing,. But it is quite possible to restore them, you just need to take a break. What else can damage your hair? For example, sloppy combing, if in the morning in a hurry you literally wade through the knots.

Allow enough time to comb long hair, slowly and carefully process each strand, moving from the tips to the roots. Try a new generation of silicone bristle combs, which are much less damaging to the hair and more pleasant to use than their classic counterparts.

5. Collected hairstyles

If you often use elastic bands, it makes sense to opt for soft seamless spiral elastic bands, which are so popular now - they do not form creases on the strands, the hair is not injured (which means they grow and look much better).

If you are growing your hair

If you really want to grow your hair and measure the result every day, then this is not a good strategy. Try not to think about, let go of these thoughts, and the hair will grow on its own.

To ensure growth and proper care for long hair, try to use curling irons and irons less often, especially without. Don't wash your hair too often, let it dry mostly naturally. If you can’t refuse the hair dryer at all, then use it not immediately on wet hair, but on slightly dried hair after 20 minutes. Do not forget to drink vitamins and, if possible, and the hair will grow faster.

By the way, did you know that hair grows faster in an airplane as it climbs than on the ground due to increased internal pressure? Great excuse to take a vacation and check it out!

Long curls have always remained in the sea, but not all girls have managed to maintain such wealth since childhood. The lucky ones who succeed are wondering about basic care. To keep the mop in combat readiness, it is necessary to properly wash, dry, comb and style it. All manipulations are carried out in accordance with the instructions, which professional masters call correct. Consider the basic techniques for caring for long hair, highlight the main thing.

Choosing a Shampoo for Long Hair

  1. In order not to harm the hair, you need to choose the right shampoo. To do this, you need to find out what type your hair is. Discard all-purpose cleaners designed for all types of curls. Also, do not buy formulations marked "2 in 1", they are less effective.
  2. Take a look at the line of professional tools. Cosmetics of this kind are available in 0.5-1 liter bottles. At the same time, the pricing policy corresponds to a lower consumption, shampoo and balm will last you for a long time.
  3. Choose cosmetic products based on individual problems. If you have dandruff or hair loss, look for the appropriate mark on the tube. In this case, the tool must be used for a limited period of time until you get rid of the problem.
  4. Never use cosmetic compositions for washing from different manufacturers. Often, these tools have a bad effect in the aggregate. Buy a balm and shampoo of the same series.

Long hair washing technology

  1. Follow the washing technique, long hair should not be subjected to any mechanical stress (friction, twisting, wringing). All manipulations are carried out as slowly as possible. The scalp must be treated with shampoo 2 times, only then the product is carefully distributed along the entire length.
  2. Some girls do things differently. They dilute the shampoo in warm boiled water, shake it into foam, then rinse the strands with the composition. The washing method is effective, but takes more time. The procedure is also carried out 2 times.
  3. After shampooing your hair, use a conditioner. The product is applied to the entire length, retreat from the roots by 1 cm. No need to treat the scalp, otherwise the hair will quickly get dirty. When you distribute the conditioner, comb the curls with your fingers, wait 10-15 minutes, rinse.
  4. After all the manipulations, collect the hair into a fist, gently squeeze out excess moisture. Hold the strands in the middle, remove the water, going down. Then wrap the mop with a towel, wait for partial drying.

Features of washing long hair

  1. Never wash your hair with your head down. After taking the starting position, the hair will become tangled, the structure will be damaged. Wash in a tub, basin, or under a fine stream of water. Before the procedure, do not forget to comb the mop.
  2. Set the optimum temperature. Water should not be too hot or, on the contrary, cool. The ideal indicator is 35-38 degrees. After washing, rinse your hair with a decoction of sage, do not rinse.
  3. If you are forced to wash your hair every day, choose products that are labeled accordingly. If possible, wean your hair from frequent rinsing, since such actions wash off the protective layer and provoke greasiness.
  4. Change shampoo and hair conditioner every 3 months. Over time, the scalp and shock get used to the same composition, as a result of which the product loses its effectiveness. The same applies to masks and serums.

  1. After you have washed your hair, wrap the mop with a towel and wait 20 minutes. During this period, water will be absorbed into the fabric, the strands will partially dry out. Do not rub them between your palms immediately after getting out of the bath. Such a move will provoke a mass section, brittleness and entanglement.
  2. Long hair is always deficient in vitamins that nourish the strands from root to tip. For this reason, it is necessary to fill the lack of minerals with cosmetic products. After removing the towel, distribute a spray conditioner or leave-in serum through the hair. The product also makes combing easier.
  3. Hairdressers unanimously say that ladies with long strands should not use a hair dryer when drying. The procedure should be carried out in a natural way. If you are forced to disregard the rule, turn on the device for cold blowing.

Combing long hair

  1. Girls with a very long and thick shock need to first break their hair into strands, then comb each curl separately. After drying, spray your hair with a detangling spray.
  2. It is worth remembering forever that combing injures even dry hair. Do not perform the procedure on wet strands, so as not to provoke a section. In the process of drying, comb the mop with your fingers.
  3. In all other cases, you must use a wide comb with thick teeth. They are located at a certain distance from each other. Choose from tortoise shell or wood.
  4. Plastic appliances contribute to electrification and brittleness. Metal combs oxidize, they must be abandoned forever. With regards to the massage brush, choose a tool with natural bristles.
  5. Combing is carried out from the tips, gradually moving up. At the same time, the hair must be well fixed with a fist in the middle so as not to delay the follicles.
  6. If you need to unravel the tangle, do not make sudden movements. First, spray the tangle with oil or a special compound that makes combing easier. Then try to disassemble the lump with your fingers, pulling out one hair at a time. As a last resort, cut off the neoplasm.

  1. Professionals do not advise long-haired beauties to use appliances that operate at high temperatures. These include a curling iron for the formation of curls, an iron for straightening, thermal curlers.
  2. However, in the modern world, you always want to be beautiful, so styling with stylers cannot be avoided. Before the procedure, spray your hair with a thermal protection spray. The composition forms a film that prevents damage to the scales.
  3. Set any household appliance to minimum power. It is better to spend more time on the formation of hairstyles. Do not pull long hair into a tight ponytail, such a move will weaken the curls. Try to keep your hair light.
  4. Be careful when choosing hair accessories. Do not use hairpins with metal teeth, give preference to crabs or magnetic clips. Long hair cannot always be worn loose, however, fix it with maximum damage.
  5. Do not use brushing (round comb) during styling. Such a tool is designed for short hair, the bristles get tangled in a long shock. Give up Velcro curlers, they electrify the tips and make the hairstyle fluffy.
  6. Use stylers with caution. These include foam (mousse), gel, wax, varnish for fixation. These compounds make the hair heavier and make it stiff. To shape the hairstyle, it is better to buy a light spray with the same properties.

Haircut long hair

  1. As mentioned earlier, long curls do not receive nutrition along the entire length. The ends suffer from this. To always keep a beautiful hairstyle, cut your split hair once every 2 months.
  2. If the hair is in a more deplorable state, the master should be visited monthly. At the same time, insist on a haircut along the entire length if you wear strands in a cascade, ladder, bean.
  3. Girls living in a big city have the opportunity to cut a mop with hot scissors. Do not neglect this procedure. The tool seals the tips, prevents cross-section and brittleness.
  4. Don't spare your hair while cutting. If the hairdresser says that you need to remove 3 cm, so be it. Otherwise, you will have to visit a beauty salon twice a month and it’s great to overpay.
  5. After the haircut, do lamination or keratin restoration. The cost of the procedure is 2500-3500 rubles, but the result is enough for a long time. The composition penetrates the structure of the hair, nourishing and healing it from the inside.

  1. Body cleansing. If you notice that the hair began to fall out strongly, split and fade, it's time to clean the gastrointestinal tract. Buy Polysorb at the pharmacy, drink a course, remove poisons and toxins from the body. You can also remove toxins with activated charcoal by drinking 10 tablets per day for 4 days.
  2. Hair nutrition. To maintain healthy hair, you need to consume a large amount of vitamins from food. However, the result will still be insufficient. Buy fish oil capsules at the pharmacy, take a two-week course according to the instructions. Once every six months, drink vitamins aimed specifically at the hair.
  3. Moisturizing hair. Hair needs to be constantly nourished with moisture. You can do this with homemade masks or cosmetic serums labeled "Moisture from Roots to Tips." It is also worth reviewing the drinking regimen, use at least 2.5 liters. clean water per day. In summer, the indicated amount should be increased, especially if you have dry hair.
  4. Hair protection. Solarium lovers must put on a medical cap before entering the booth. In the summer, spray the strands with a spray with UV protection. In winter, do deep nourishment masks at least 4 times a week. After swimming in the pool, sea or river, rinse the curls with plain water. When visiting thermal complexes, do not neglect the appropriate headgear.
  5. Hair coloring. Ammonia products dry out the hair, wash out the beneficial elements from the core, and contribute to the cross section and brittleness. Try to dye your hair no more than 1 time in 2 months, less often is better. If branches are roots, process only them. There is no need to burn the strands along the entire length. Always complete the manipulation with a lamination or keratization procedure.

Long hair care involves washing, combing, drying and cutting according to strict guidelines. However, it is difficult to achieve beautiful hair if you do not adhere to proper nutrition. Take as a basis to eat at least 2 eggs a day. Lean on low-fat dairy products, cheese, chicken. Eat beef and rabbit, fish, seafood. Include cereals, cereals, beans, vegetables, berries, fruits in the menu.

Video: how to grow long hair

Finally, she grew her hair, but now she is tormented with split ends and oily roots? Yes, keeping long hair beautiful is sometimes harder than growing it out! What should be the care of curls in order to gain the glory of Rapunzel? We have selected the best tips for you!

Long Hair Care: Learn Your Hair

Take a close look at your hair, how oily are your roots, do the tips need to be moisturized, do they have enough nutrition? By answering these questions, you will be able to choose the right care products for you. We know that advice very often sounds from everywhere, but, for some reason, many girls neglect it! If you buy shampoo without looking, then this recommendation is for you!

Visit a trichologist

Yes, even for prevention it is useful! You will find out at what stage of growth the hair follicles are, you will be able to prevent hair loss, find out where your dandruff comes from, etc. And then take the necessary measures to deal with existing or “sleeping” problems.

How to care for long hair: oil

Pamper your hair with oil wraps once or twice a week. Oiling will provide nourishment and hydration to the hair, strengthen the roots and rejuvenate the scalp. Warm the oil in a water bath to a comfortable temperature, and then gently massage it into the root zone. After the massage, you can distribute the oil along the entire length, wrap your head with a warm towel and enjoy the procedure. You will definitely like it, and your hair will be delighted!

Do a scalp massage

And regularly! It improves blood circulation, which ensures good hair growth. By the way, you can combine massage with oiling and save time!

Long hair care: make friends with dry shampoo

Have you noticed that the roots have become greasy and you immediately run to wash your hair? And the rest of the hair suffers greatly because of this! So close to brittle ends! Now, at the first sign of a "dirty" head, use dry shampoo, using it locally.

Use shampoo only on the roots

Gently massage a small amount of shampoo into the hair roots and then rinse. Believe me, for cleansing your hair will be enough foam sliding down when washing off the shampoo.

How to care for long hair: do not forget about the conditioner

Use it after every hair wash. Only here the rule is the opposite - apply the product only to the tips!

Temper yourself!

Of course, no one urges you to irrigate your head with ice water, but a cool rinse after washing your hair will close the hair scales and make your hair smoother and shinier.

Don't brush wet hair

Wet hair tends to stretch, you run the risk of injuring them when combing. Therefore, use your own fingers to detangle the strands if necessary and wait for it to dry completely!

Comb it right

Always start at the ends and work your way up to the roots.

Long hair care: mark a trip to the hairdresser on the calendar

Trim the ends of your hair regularly, so you get rid of split ends and ensure the rapid growth of healthy hair.

Pay attention to pillowcases

What your hair comes into contact with at night is very important for their health and beauty. Satin and silk, due to their more slippery surface, cause less friction, which means goodbye, tangled hair in the morning!

Do not abuse the "hot" styling

Yes, yes, you have already heard this, but, we cannot ignore this advice, especially since girls neglect it so often!

How to care for long hair: protect yourself!

Do not neglect protection when:

· Blow-drying or flat ironing (use heat protectants);

· Rest on the sea (products with a UV filter and panama hat to help);

Bad weather (always wear a hat).

Prevent injury

Hair is very easy to damage, so forget about:

Tight rubber bands

· Metal hairpins;

· Combs with broken teeth.

Long hair care: vitaminize

Both outside and inside! Improper nutrition immediately affects the condition of your hair, so try to make it more composed of fresh fruits and vegetables, herbs, fish and seafood, nuts and legumes. To nourish your hair, add a few drops of vitamins A or E to your shampoo or mask.

How to care for long hair: make masks

At least once a week, apply nourishing masks to your hair, believe me, well-groomed curls are immediately noticeable! You have a wide choice of ingredients, we will list the best, choose from the available, combine with each other and enjoy! So, for long hair are useful:

· Yolk;

· Olive oil;

· Cognac;

· Coconut oil;


curry leaves;

· Jojoba oil;

· Almond oil;

· Grape seed oil;

· Sea buckthorn oil;

· Castor oil;

· Burr oil;

· Mustard oil;

· Sesame oil;

· Shikakai powder;

· Hibiscus;


· Lavender;

· Rye flour;

· Yogurt;

· Sour cream;

· Mayonnaise;

· Gelatin.

An impressive list, isn't it? You have plenty to choose from, feel free to include these ingredients in your weekly hair care, and you will definitely turn into Rapunzel!

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Long hair care

Healthy long hair is beautiful and feminine. But, unlike a short haircut, they require a lot of attention. And this is understandable - the longer the life of the hair, the more damage it receives, and this affects the condition and appearance. To keep your hair beautiful and healthy, regardless of its length, we will learn how to take care of it.

Washing head

Hair health starts with shampooing. The key to success is the right cosmetics. Hair can look unattractive, if only because inappropriate cosmetics are used. Cosmetics manufacturers research hair problems and produce comprehensive series to solve them. Professionals advise for care to purchase products from the same series, where all products work together and complement each other. Which series to choose depends on the condition and type of hair and scalp. If you yourself can not choose hair care, you can always turn to a professional. The hairdresser will determine the type of scalp, assess the condition of the hair and select the products that are right for your hair.

The process of washing the head itself also has its own nuances:

    It is important to wash your hair with shampoo 2 times. During the first wash, impurities and styling are removed from the hair, during the second wash, the active ingredients come into action. Do not apply the product directly to the hair and scalp. Lather the shampoo with a little water in your hands and apply the resulting lather to your head. This will distribute the shampoo evenly. In this case, pay attention to the instructions on the packaging of the shampoo. If the manufacturer indicates that the product must be left on the hair for 2-3 minutes, then this is how long it will take for the effect of the shampoo to work. Do not neglect this and save time at the expense of healthy hair.

    The balm conditioner is used every time after shampooing. It is recommended to apply it not to the entire length of the hair, but to about the middle. Start at the ends of your hair and work your way up. This way you are guaranteed not to apply too much product to the roots. Otherwise, you risk getting the look of unwashed greasy hair.

    Do not wash your hair with hot or very warm water. Hot water stimulates the sebaceous glands, causing the hair to get dirty faster. It is better to rinse with cool water after washing: this will not only reduce the work of the sebaceous glands, but the hair follicles will be activated and the scales will be smoothed, which will give the hair an extra shine.

    It is advisable to use hair masks at least 2 times a week. For best results, alternate remedies for the prevention of various problems. Using masks against split ends, for severely damaged and weakened, as well as for dull hair - even if you are currently happy with the condition of your hair - will help to avoid these problems in the future and always maintain a delightful healthy look.

    Pay attention to dry shampoos. It is not always necessary to completely wash your hair and then dry your hair. You can use dry shampoo to freshen up your hair. Obviously, this is a more gentle procedure for hair.

Protecting hair from traumatic factors

Of course, hair care is not limited to washing. There are many factors that cause injuries: both directly along the length - the visible part, and hair follicles - the invisible part, on which hair growth and nutrition depend. You can reduce your risk of injury by following a few tips:

    Avoid daily hot styling. Blow-drying, straightening or curling with tongs - all this affects the appearance, causing split ends, dry ends. The longer the hair, the more styling and drying they experienced. To prolong the life and health of your hair, be sure to use heat protectants during styling. It is also important to let your hair dry naturally as often as possible.

    If you have used a lot of styling and you do not have the opportunity to wash your hair, try not to brush your hair. You will not achieve a well-groomed appearance, and you will harm your hair very much. In this case, toss the hair with your hands, braid it in a loose braid and pull out a few strands for a deliberately casual look.

    Do not comb wet hair and use good quality combs. They shouldn't hurt. Natural wood, high-quality plastic will help maintain density and volume. Ditch metal accessories in favor of other materials.

    Weather is also a harmful factor for hair. In the summer, when going for a walk, use products with UV protection. In winter, do not forget about a hat and provide additional nutrition and moisture to your hair: heaters dry out not only the skin, but also the hair.

Extra care for long hair

As an additional care for long hair, visit your hairdresser at least once every 3 months. Even if you have just started growing long hair, the ends need to be trimmed regularly. This procedure will remove split ends and will not allow the hair to delaminate along its entire length.

In addition, there are a huge number of salon procedures that are worth paying attention to.

The most popular salon hair treatments:

    Lamination, including color: a composition enriched with vitamins is used, which creates a protective film around each hair. Glazing and shielding are also types of hair lamination.

    Keratinization is the treatment of hair with a product that contains keratins. Strengthens and restores the structure of even very damaged hair.

    Oil wraps: an oil composition is applied to the hair and “sealed” under the influence of high temperature. Hair instantly acquires a healthy shine and elasticity.

    Biorevitalization or mesotherapy: the essence of the procedure is the introduction of a special vitamin cocktail into the scalp. An unpleasant procedure, but the result lasts a long time.

To determine what is right for your hair, consult with your hairdresser. The master will assess the condition of the skin and hair and recommend the most effective procedure.

The most important rule for beautiful and healthy hair is the regularity of care. Do not forget to pamper your hair, and the result will please you.


How to take care of long hair at home

Beautiful long curls have always been one of the main decorations of a woman. In past centuries, women's curls were even assigned the role of a talisman. It was believed that the scythe accumulates the energy necessary for the prosperity of the family.

Now the esoteric meaning of chic hair has been lost, but the aesthetic component is still relevant. However, this hairstyle is not suitable for everyone, since the longer your hair, the more difficult it is to care for them.

Features of care

Any hair requires attention, as it is constantly influenced by negative external and internal factors. Their ends are especially damaged, so women who wear short hairstyles are in a more advantageous position, since during the next haircut, the affected ends are cut off almost completely.

Therefore, in order for the strands to look attractive, they require special care, which includes neutralizing the negative impact on the hairline.

External factors that negatively affect the hair:

Rules for daily hair care

the washing up

When washing your hair, it is important to choose a product that suits your hair type. For example, if you have oily curls, you should not choose an all-purpose shampoo. You also need to remember that funds aimed at solving a specific problem should be applied for a limited period of time. If you have dandruff, then dandruff shampoo should be used only until it disappears.

Of great importance is the technique of washing long hair. To avoid damage to the curls, they can not be rubbed, twisted and squeezed. Also, you can not pour shampoo directly on your hair, as many women like to do. The detergent should be diluted in warm water (a tablespoon in a glass of water), beat until foam forms and apply on the head for several minutes. Then rinse the shampoo thoroughly with warm water.

It is important that the water is at the right temperature- about 37 degrees. If the water is colder, it will not be able to effectively dissolve fatty impurities, hotter water dries the scalp, but at the same time stimulates the activity of the sebaceous glands, which can lead to dandruff.

After shampooing on the hair, avoiding the roots, you need to apply a balm along the entire length, or rinse them with herbal infusion, for example, from nettle, so that they become more elastic and comb better.


Each combing damages the structure of the curl, so it is important to minimize the traumatic effect.

With proper care, sudden movements should be avoided, especially when a tangle forms: instead of trying to tear it apart with a comb, sprinkle the tangle with a detangling agent, then select the tangled strand and comb it from top to bottom until the hair returns to its usual form.

You need to comb your hair from the bottom, gradually rising up, the last combing can be done from top to bottom, starting from the parting. It is advisable to divide thick hair into strands and comb each part separately. For combing, it is best to use an oval brush made of natural or artificial bristles. It injures less, and also electrifies curls.

Wet hair should not be combed, as it is less durable than dry hair, so it should be slightly dried first.


It is better to dry long hair naturally, without using a hair dryer. To do this, after washing, the curls are blotted with a towel, changing it as it gets wet, when they become wet, you can wrap a dry towel around your head. Firstly, it will absorb some more moisture, and secondly, a warm and humid microclimate is formed under the towel, which favorably affects the scalp.

If you need to urgently dry your head with a hairdryer, it is better to use the mode with a minimum temperature and low blowing speed, the same mode should be selected for styling hair.

Cutting split ends

The ends of the hair are the most vulnerable place. They suffer the most from styling, coloring and other procedures. From this, the ends begin to lose their luster and elasticity, and in the future - to break and split. To prevent this from happening, you should cut the ends at least once every 3 months. If the hair is in very poor condition, then once every 2 months.


Usually this is a fairly simple task, since long hair does not need to be styled in a hairstyle, but you just need to style it in the right direction. But there are a few subtleties.

The most important thing is to avoid using round brushes used for short curls. Very often, such brushes get tangled in the hair and it is impossible to pull them out without damaging the curls. For everyday styling, it is better not to use industrial products such as foams, gels and varnishes, as they destroy the keratin layer of the hair.

home remedies

Nourishing and moisturizing reduces hair breakage, makes them more elastic and resilient, and protection from external influences avoids damage.

This can be done using special tools, both industrial and home-made. In beauty salons, special procedures are also practiced, the most popular of them today: lamination, keratinization, haircut with hot scissors.

But despite the quick effect after such procedures, many women complain that after a while their hair looks worse than it was before the procedure itself. Therefore, the best option is to use homemade recipes for care that have proven their effectiveness.

Moisturizing mask with aloe

Peel the aloe leaf, then grate it on a fine grater and mix with sour cream. Apply the resulting mass to the entire length of the hair after washing, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This mask should be used in winter and summer, applying three times a week.

Nourishing mask with honey and nuts

  • 1 st. l. peeled walnut;
  • 1 st. l. liquid honey;
  • 2 tbsp. l. hot water.

Grind the nut in a coffee grinder, mix with the rest of the ingredients, apply to dry hair for 30 minutes, then rinse without using detergents. Depending on the density of honey, the amount of water must be varied so that the mask is liquid, but remains viscous. Apply this mask twice a week during the cold season.

Protective tonic with St. John's wort (for dry and normal hair)

Mix all the components of the tonic, shake well, apply to the hair through a spray bottle before going outside. This remedy can be used daily. The effect is noticeable after the first application, but you can continue the course for a long time.

Solving hair problems

Even with proper care for long hair, certain problems can arise.

Dropping out

If you take good care of your hair, then this phenomenon is most likely of a medical nature, and the appearance of your hair simply signals a disease or lack of nutrients, vitamins or trace elements. Therefore, it is best to visit a doctor for an examination. However, to solve local problems, you can use herbal decoctions or oils that improve the condition of the hair.

With hair loss, a tincture of red pepper, which can be prepared in many ways, has a good effect. The simplest recipe: pour half a crushed red pepper with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, rub into the scalp twice a week. Despite the effectiveness of such a remedy, it is not suitable for people with sensitive scalp, as it has a local irritating effect.

Split ends

From split ends, cold-pressed burdock oil helps well, which must be applied along the entire length of the hair an hour before shampooing, once or twice a week.

Dullness and brittleness

An infusion of nettle and chamomile copes well with this problem. To prepare it, you need to pour a tablespoon of dry nettle and a tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers with half a liter of water. Leave for 30 minutes, then strain, rinse your hair with infusion after each shampoo.

Local remedies will undoubtedly improve the condition of the hair, but we must not forget that in order to achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary to follow the recommendations for hair care.

In addition to all of the above, in order to have a luxurious long hair, it is desirable:

  • Do regular scalp massage. It helps to get rid of dead hair, improves blood circulation to the scalp, stimulates hair growth and relieves stress.
  • Eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle. Proper nutrition, sports and the rejection of bad habits improve human health in general, allow organs and tissues to receive enough oxygen and nutrients, and reduce the amount of toxins in the blood.
  • Choose the right hair care products. It is best if the preparations are selected by a trichologist from professional series. However, if this is not possible, industrial preparations can be replaced with home-made analogues from natural products.

To keep your hair always healthy and beautiful, just follow these simple rules that will achieve the desired result.