Durce water for newborns: instructions for use and what is needed for; How to cook and give. Useful influence on the baby. How to cook dopey water at home

This test for the baby is pain in the stomach. Doctors know what dill water for newborns from colic and advise it to apply. In pharmacies and stores of goods for children there are a lot of money to facilitate the state of the tummy in the first months of the child's life. But how to figure it out? Is it worth preparing dill water yourself? The answer to this question can be found by studying the existing medicines and the recipe for a dill drug.

Durce water for newborns is a fennel oil dissolved in water. In some cases, auxiliary components are added - a variety of drug tinctures, including chamomile decoction. Fennel is sometimes called dill, although these are different plants. Hence the name of the drug. Newborn can receive it from the first days of life.

Where do the problems with digestion come from?

The digestive system of the child by the time of his birth is not fully formed. The development of the intestine is completed by age of 6 months. The stomach and the esophagus are still very weak and ready to digest only perfect food. But even the maternal milk can cause colic in the baby. Products that use a child's mother do not always give confidence in the consequences of their admission. All components that fall into the human body with food penetrate breast milk. The baby can even react even on a relatively safe bread or a dish cooked for a couple, not to mention different fruits.

So that the baby does not appear allergies, colic, mom is carefully approaching food selection. You need to exclude red and orange products:

  1. Strawberry.
  2. Malina.
  3. Beet.
  4. Apples.
  5. Watermelon.
  6. Oranges, tangerines.

Pediatricians advise not to use citrus and exotic fruits. It is advisable to include more vegetables, croup, plants in the diet. There are only those of them that do not cause increased gas formation, eliminating:

  • Cabbage.
  • Beans, peas, lentils.
  • Radish.
  • Grapes.
  • Apples.
  • Melon.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet of sweets, smoked, excessively salty and acute food, fast food.

Baby reaction

Chickens of the newborn are often tormented during or after meals. The baby begins to frown, grind. Often, pains make it shout, pressing the legs to the tummy. It is easier only after a chair or release from gases.

You need to be attentive. If the child eats badly, it begins vomiting, diarrhea, dill drug, not escape. It is urgently to cause ambulance or contact the doctor.

In other situations, it is worth watching the baby, to study his reaction to meals. Perhaps you will have to change the brand of baby food if the mother moved to the artificial feeding of the child. Another means may not cause rapid reactions of the intestinal tract of the newborn.

If, when changing the power and with strict compliance with the rule of mom (with breastfeeding), the kid suffers from colic, dill water for newborns will come to the aid. From the drugs is known to PLATEX. The doctor will advise other means from the pharmacy or send to the prescription department. Drug can be prepared independently. It is known that in the old days children were given a tincture of dill seeds.

Useful properties of Fennel

These include:

  1. Cleansing the body from toxins.
  2. Help in creating useful intestinal microflora.
  3. Assistance in relaxing muscles, getting rid of spasms.
  4. Expansion of vessels.
  5. Assistance in the accelerated urine removal.
  6. Removing inflammatory processes in the intestines.
  7. Stabilization of the work of the heart muscle.
  8. Assistance in stabilizing the work of the nervous system.

Dill is useful for all organs. It is used to improve the work of bronchi, lungs, and even to increase visual acuity, in a mixture with carrot juice. Durce water for newborns can be used by the mother of the baby to increase the amount of milk and get rid of gas formation.

The main property is to eliminate colic in a newborn. The dill is as if the gas bubbles collapses, the baby becomes much easier.

Preparation of tincture

In the prescription sectors, water for newborns from colic is simply prepared. The pharmacist mixes 0.05 g of fennel oil (extract from dill seeds) with 1 liter of water and thoroughly mixes, in sterile conditions.

Such a drug is stored until 25-30 days.

But it is better not to keep so long. It is advisable to use the tool in 2 weeks.

In pharmacies, you can purchase Fennel Powder in bags. Pretty fragrant and pleasant product product need to be dissolved with water in the proportions indicated on the package. Kids with pleasure drinking such a liquid.

For children at the age of several days, the doctors are recommended to acquire pharmacy funds, since parents cannot always comply with the optimal proportions. Causes concerns and sterility of preparation of tincture or dill beam. As soon as the baby gastrointestinal tract is strengthened, you can prepare the drug yourself.

Several grams of Fennel seeds insist in boiling water for 1 hour, filter and implemented in the prescription department.

If the tool is sold in glass containers, the glass must be darkened, and it is impossible to store such a medicine.

How to make drug at home?

Original preparation recipe for colic:

  1. Fennel seeds crush.
  2. Measure 25 g of raw materials.
  3. Pour 1 liter boiling water.
  4. Insist for 60 minutes.
  5. Straighten the remedy and cool it.

The tool is stored for a short time, so you need to use it until the end of the day.

Another recipe. Need to purchase oil Fennel oil in the pharmacy. Water - clean (you can take from the filter and boil). Proportions: 1 liter of water - 5 drops of oil. You can store such a tool longer than tincture or decoction of dill seeds. Keep the drug in the refrigerator is permissible up to 3 days.

You can prepare medicine and fresh dill. It needs to be chopped fine and insisted in boiling water, or peak 2 minutes. The effect and cold liquid should be given a newborn.

Preparation of dill tincture at home is a more budget option. In pharmacies, the tool is expensive, especially if it is from well-known manufacturers.

How to give a baby a decoction?

On droplets. If the kid is very small, 15 drops dissolved in milk or water are enough. You can give a means of pipette to the tongue. At the age of 1 month, the number of drops gradually increase to 30.

The reception of the drug should be carried out before meals and in breaks between feeding when the baby gives a simple driver. At the same time you need to stroke the baby on the tummy clockwise. Massage helps to cope with pain and delivers pleasure to the child.

5 ml means of dill are added to a mixture for feeding. So that the child is getting faster to receiving food from a spoon, the drug is poured 1 drop in the mouth not from the pipette, but from a small spoon. Such a method is used when the crumb is only on breastfeeding, without food mixtures. It is permissible to give a dill up to 6 times a day.

In rare cases, Fennel is able to cause allergies. If this happened, you must consult with the pediatrician about funds from colic and increased gas formation in the baby.

An overdose should be fear. You need to carefully read information on bags with Fennel seeds. It is advisable to avoid buying a pharmacy with impurities of other components. In a newborn, even an ordinary chamomile, adopted with a dill drug, is able to cause unwanted reactions.

From contraindications of a dopey agent from colic one warning. The drug cannot be used to humans with reduced arterial pressure. If the newborn has deviations in health relating to the work of the heart or vessels, it is worth consulting with the doctor before giving the dill tincture.

From colic dopey tincture or phantheal medicine based on Fennel is the best tool. Salvation is such a drug is for mom's mother. A decoction of dill seeds is setting up digestion, contributes to the removal of gases and getting rid of pain.

Before applying a dope drug should be consulted with a pediatrician, discussed the optimal dosage and intensity of application. Prepare the healing liquid for the baby is necessary only in sterile conditions, so as not to submit an infection, and to provide a child effective assistance.

Young mothers often fall into panic, when a newborn, after a few weeks after arriving from the maternity hospital, begins to hurt the tummy. However, how not to worry, if the baby shouts greatly, blushes, pursues the legs and everything frowns from pain! However, almost every mother should be ready for this.

In pediatrics, this is the norm

In the newborn, the process of addictiveness of the gastrointestinal tract to new living conditions, as well as food, is very often accompanied by increased gas formation and, as a result, bloating. As a result, kid and intestinal colic appear, which in pediatrics are considered the norm.

To facilitate suffering, a dill driver for infants will help. This means is tested by time, our grandmothers used it, and today they prescribe pediatrician doctares.

How to do dill water?

It can be done by himself, and you can buy in a pharmacy. The home method of cooking a dill driver will cost, of course, cheaper. For this, just need the seeds of dill, which will need to brew.

So how to brew dill water? We take one teaspoon of dill seeds and pour them with a glass (200 ml) boiling water. We insist about an hour, then filter. Prepare it better every day and in fresh form.

A dill driver for infants can be prepared in another way. It is purchased at the pharmacy oil fennel and 0.05 g it is diluted in a liter of purified water. You can use the resulting solution within 30 days. Fennel is a medicinal plant, the seeds of which are very similar to the seeds of dill. They have a soothing, antibacterial and antispasmodic effect, therefore are used not only in the treatment of high gas formation in children, but also in drugs of another destination.

Durce water treatment procedure

A dill driver for infants, prepared with all conditions, is given by him 3 times a day, preferably after feeding or between feeding. You need to start with one teaspoon. After you make sure that the allergic reaction does not follow, the dose can be increased and give dill water directly from the bottle or mixing it into the mixture. But if the child is on breastfeeding, then it is necessary to continue to poison it with a dill water with a teaspoon, increasing the number of techniques a day to 6 times.

Intestinal colic starts to calm down 15 minutes after the adoption of a dill driver.

Analogs of dill water

A dill driver for infants is not the only tool that can help cope with intestinal colic. Special phytquias and some other drugs are sold in pharmacies, the basis of the Fennel fruits. For example, the PLATEX drug is known, which is sold packaged in the bag in dry form, it is possible to apply it from the 2nd week of life. Before use, it needs to be diluted in boiled water having a room temperature. Effective drugs also include Espumizan and Sab-Simplex. Of course, before starting them to give the baby, you should consult with your patio doctor.

The main thing is not to be in panic, if the newborn baby has a tummy and intestinal colic began. A dill driver will help you to cope with them.

According to the instructions for use, the dill water is allowed not only for adults, but also a newborn. It helps them to cope with colic, which appear during feeding or after. Adults use such water with almost the same purpose - to facilitate the state in the meteorism. There are other indications for its use. The drug with such useful properties is sold ready in the pharmacy, but there are several ways to prepare dill water.

What is dill water

Incorrect is the assumption that such a driver is prepared simply by brewing the greenery of dill. This drug is produced on the basis of Fennel. And for the manufacture of the fruits of this plant take. A dill driver is not an infusion and not decoction. The use of fennel seeds (pharmacy dill) in industrial conditions allows pressing method to extract essential oil. Then this substance is diluted with water in proportion of 1: 1000. Prepare yourself Such a tool will not work, so at home just make a decoction.

Composition and form of release

The pharmacy sells dill water in the form of industrially obtained fennel essential oil. The medicine is produced in bottles of dark glass with a volume of 100 ml. The oil solution is refused by cardboard packages. The composition includes only 2 components - purified water and dope oil. The taste of drink is soft and pleasant. Due to the absence of preservatives, the drug is allowed to use newborns. Analogue of a dill driver is a modern PLATEX drug.

Indications for use

The drug has a very large list of readings. In general, it is used to remove gases and normalization of the intestinal work. Adult patients use with:

  • diseases of the digestive tract accompanied by intestinal spasms;
  • bad appetite;
  • meteorism;
  • dyspepsia;
  • bolshes in the intestinal digestive tract.

Due to the vasteransior action, the driver is used in the first stage of coronary insufficiency, arterial hypertension, hypertension and angina. If, with bronchitis and other infectious or colds, the upper respiratory tract does not leave the sputum, then this means is assigned. Nursing women use water to improve lactation due to an increase in the amount of breast milk. It helps and in case of disorders of the menstrual cycle. The newborn is prescribed such a clock to remove gases when the tummy is blown.

Contraindications and side effects

If hypersensitivity is observed to dill oil, then take the water is contraindicated. Suffering from arterial hypertension is worth using the tool only under the supervision of the doctor. After receiving the driver, side effects are very rarely developing, but allergic reactions may occur in isolated cases:

  • small itching;
  • redness;
  • hives.

Even with its naturalness, the drug should not be used or given a newborn too often. The use of the drug in large quantities causes a chair disorder and, on the contrary, amplifying gas formation. In addition, according to some doctors, such a driver can reduce blood pressure. For this reason, it is not necessary to dilute with the reception of the drug, and replace it with another tool with the windy properties. In a child, water often causes allergies that manifests the rash and the following symptoms:

  • challenge chair;
  • vomit;
  • meteorism;
  • employ mucous.

The emergence of such symptoms is a reason to cancel the drug. It needs to be replaced with those drugs whose composition does not include fennel or dill. These plants are capable of pulling out of the soil on which heavy metals grow, which can also lead to poisoning. It, as well as an overdose of dill water, is manifested by a liquid chair and vomiting. If the symptoms of intoxication are strong, then you must refer to the doctor.

Use of dill water

The main substance in the oil of Fennel is an aetol that manifests the wind turbine effect. This means that the drug contributes to the relief of colic, but this is not the only benefit of such a driver. The composition contains a large amount of carwon that promotes the improvement of digestion. Durce water also shows:

  • antispastemic effect;
  • antifungal and antimicrobial effect;
  • laxative effect;
  • expectorant action;
  • ure course.

For newborns

In the first months of the life of almost all newborns, intestinal colic is tormented by a strong gas formation. This leads to painful sensations in infants and restless nights among the parents. The driver neutralizes colic, eliminates spasms, which has a beneficial effect on the transportation of hiding masses and gases. It only facilitates this process, because it is an integral part of adaptation and does not require serious treatment.

For adults

Due to the suppression of gas formation and stimulation of the promotion of the roaming masses, the dill driver for adults is shown in the meteorism. With a cold and other respiratory tract diseases, the tool helps to improve the debit of sputum. It has several more medicinal effects:

  • expands the vessels, facilitating blood flow into any part of the body;
  • stabilizes cardiac activity;
  • reduces the pressure on the intestinal walls;
  • helps healing wounds, ulcers and even fractures;
  • eliminates inflammatory processes;
  • prevents the stroke of air flow in the respiratory tract;
  • relaxes a smooth muscles in spasms.

During pregnancy

The main indication for the use of the drug during pregnancy - constipation and bloating, which are observed due to the rapid increase in the size of the uterus. It squeezes and shifts some intestinal deposits, which causes such unpleasant symptoms. In this case, the dill driver helps:

  • improve sleep;
  • reduce gas formation;
  • remove headache;
  • reduce nausea;
  • improve blood composition.

Instructions for the use of dill water

The pharmacy sells a dopey driver with the instructions for use where the dosage is indicated. It is determined depending on the problem. With constipation, the bloating and colic are used different treatment schemes. In any case, it is pre-testing the body for allergies. To do this, drink 1 teaspoon of an on an empty stomach, and then over the day to observe your condition. If no side reactions appeared, then the driver can be taken. Newborn needs to give a smaller dose - just half a teaspoon in the morning before feeding.

From constipation

For the treatment of adults, 1 tablespoon of water is shown to 5-6 times a day. It is necessary to use the tool after eating. The drug begins to act about 15-20 minutes, facilitating the state as a whole and helping to stimulate the act of defecation. If the constipation in the adult becomes chronic, then such water does not give an accurate guarantee of getting rid of them. In this case, it is still worth consulting a doctor for clarifying the cause of such a state.

From bloating belly

Dosage and method, how to drink dill water with adults with meteorism, remain the same as in the case of constipation. It is 1 tablespoon of the means. It is accepted immediately after eating up to 5-6 times throughout the day. In addition to the removal of symptoms of meteorism, the drug contributes to the stimulation of appetite, a decrease in gas formation and eliminating functional disorders of the digestion process.

From chickens in newborns

Pediatricians are recommended for adaptation of the body of the kid to give a water from 1 to 3 times a day along a teaspoon. If the toddler's reaction is normal, then you can gradually increase the dose. As it is portened, 2 teaspoons are 3-6 times a day. Drip method means give 15 drops to the tongue using the bottle with the dispenser. If the baby refuses to take a medicine, the drug can be added to a bottle with a mixture or recreational breast milk.

Drop water price

The cost of the drug is determined not only by the manufacturer, but also the acquisition site. Buy dill water for a newborn or adult can be in a conventional pharmacy. It is even easier to order it in the online store, making delivery, because it is released without a doctor's prescription. Read more about how much dill water is, you can learn from the table:

Lamizila shopping place

Form release

Volume, number

Price for Moscow and St. Petersburg, rubles


Water dopeful

Drop water. Children's tea

20 bags


Water dopeful

Dill water. Children's tea

20 bags

Pharmacy IFC

Children's tea

20 bags

Durce water for newborns

Regardless of the preparation method, the diagram of its reception involves a preliminary verification for the presence of allergies. After that, you can start receiving the driver every day. With the baby will have to tinker a little:

  • take 5 ml syringe or syringe from the nooofen medication;
  • to dial the cloth, try to offer the baby instead of the nipple, gradually squeezing the contents;
  • the child must start sucking the tip of the syringe, otherwise, if he rinsing against the procedure, you should not torment the child, causing even greater stress.

How to make dill water at home

You can prepare yourself by different recipes. In the classic, dry seeds of conventional fennel are used, previously processed in a coffee grinder or blender. For a healing beam, a glass of 250 ml will be required. Preparation Instructions:

  • pour the spoonful of seed hot water, leave for 40-45 minutes.
  • strap, cool to room temperature.

Another method of preparation of dill infusion involves the use of fennel essential oil. Approximately 0.05 g is diluted with 1 liter of boiled water. If the seeds or oil of Fennel was not found, then the usual dill is rude. Instructions for cooking the driver of it this:

  • take 1 teaspoon of greenery or fresh dill seeds;
  • pour their glass of boiling water;
  • insist for an hour;
  • strain, store between applications in the refrigerator.

How to breed

In case of artificial feeding, 2-3 teaspoons of finished infusion are diluted with warm boiled water in a volume of 50 ml. The resulting agent can be used throughout the day, giving the baby instead of ordinary water. After cooking, infusion is mixed with breast milk in proportion 1: 1. The procedure continues to disappear from the child of unpleasant symptoms.

How to give

Dosage of the driver, cooked at home, is slightly different. Newborn gives 1 tablespoon medicine after feeding up to 3 times every day. It can be mixed in a mixture or breast milk. Instructions, how to give a dill driver with a newborn, allows it from two weeks of life. During this period, most babies and colic appear. The tool is safe for infants, so it is not necessary to fear negative consequences. The number of techniques can be increased if the attacks of colic in the child are rapidly and go one by one.

Is it possible to add dopey water to the mixture

If the baby is on breastfeeding, then the driver can be added to a bottle with a mixture. This applies to both the pharmacy form of the drug in the form of oil and ready-made teas, and the beam. In addition to the mixture, they are added to a bottle with water to drink to give it to the baby throughout the day. For the prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is not necessary to use the drug, as it does not have a storage effect.


Colics in newborns are a heavy test for both kids and parents. The first three months of the child's life is almost always overshadowed by suddenly arising pain in the intestines. The attacks happen, as a rule, daily, at the same time. It can last 2 hours. And at this time, the baby is more or less calm only on hand. He cries greatly, puts the legs, blushes, can produce gases. His stomach is very tense.

What are the causes of colic in newborns? If they were known to science, then maybe the medicine would have already come up with them. But it is still not. There are only effective and not very effective ways to facilitate the condition of the child.

What to do with colic in newborns

1. Do not flip. Everything is clear with the mixture - it must be given after certain intervals and in a certain amount. But with breastfeeding, at the request, it is sometimes worth not to give a child the chest "on the first requirement." Or stop feeding if it brings pain a child.

So, in what case need to interrupt feeding, maybe even, give a pacifier to a child? If he presses the legs and cries, throws the chest. The baby does not understand that it is the flow of fluid into the intestines that provokes pain from him and continues to suck. Moreover, rather, not even from hunger, but simply because of the sucking reflex. In this case, you need to move a little from the standard recommendations of breastfeeding consultants and listen to the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky.

2. Create a good climate at home. This applies to both a psychological climate - no one should talk loudly, swear and air temperature and humidity. If the baby is comfortable, any colic experience easier. Humidity in the room must be at least 40 percent. And the temperature is not higher than 22 degrees.

3. Making a massage of the tummy. Clockwise around the navel gently spend palm. It helps gas gazes faster. After the massage, it is very good to attach a warm diaper to the baby's tummy (you can warm it with an iron or in a microwave).

Effective funds from colic in newborn children - Fennel or dill water

This is one of the most famous funds from the intestine in the child. Used our grandmothers everywhere. It remains only to figure out where to take it and how to cook.

Real dill water from colic in newborns buy in a pharmacy. Take a recipe for a doctor. And on this recipe indicated the composition of the means to be made in the special pharmacy department. Such a department is far from every pharmacy. The recipe for a dill driver for newborns, discharged by a doctor, may include the following active and excipients:

  • dill oil;
  • sugar;
  • distilled water;
  • talc.

And all this in certain quantities and proportions. If you are told that such dill water can be cooked at home - do not believe. Such water as in the pharmacy, you will not be able to make yourself in any way. Only something remotely similar. And if you try - then only at your own risk. An independent way to prepare dill water for newborns from colic at home is dangerous to the health of the child.

By the way, in pharmacies for the manufacture of the described means, the essential oil is not common oil, but its special varieties is a sweet fenhel. It possesses not only the windbath, but also antispasmodic, hepato-protective and antifungal. And also, like any essential oil, is a potential allergen. Therefore, to start giving the remedy in very small quantities, literally from half a teaspoon and observe the skin's skin reaction. If all is well - the dosage is gradually increasing. But, of course, dill water for newborns can not be brewing and give drinking to the child instead of a driver, to keep it. Consider this medicine. And, of course, it needs to be taken dosed, like any medicine, albeit natural origin.

A dill driver helps good from the colic in infants when used in very small quantities. Literally one teaspoon before feeding should help. Next, on the well-being of the child. It is usually recommended to produce this tool 3-4 times a day.

At what age can I give dill water to the baby on the recommendations of the doctors? Practically from birth. Usually advised from the age of 2-3 weeks, in fact, when the strongest colic begin. A large role in this is also played by a systematic increase in child nutrition. And if for some reason you have no opportunity to buy pharmacy dill, you can make it yourself. That's just the effectiveness of it will be at times lower.

Here is one of the folk recipes. A teaspoon of fennel seeds crushed in a coffee grinder, you need to pour 200 grams of boiling water, cover with a lid and insist within an hour. Further, if the volume of the fluid decreased, to supplement it to 200 grams. All is ready. Broth can be given to a child. It is very desirable to cook it daily and not to store more in the refrigerator.

Alternative to Durce Driver are such pharmacy means as "Plantx", children's tea in bags based on Fennel, and "Bebi Kalm", which also includes Fennel.

This medicinal product is often used with increased gas formation in children. In addition, the use of dill water has a beneficial effect on the CNS, relieves stress, removes painful spasms in the stomach, has a choleretic effect, eliminates irritability, contributes to expansion . The drug can also come in handy for adults as a prophylactic agent against diseases of the digestive tract.

The basis of the medication is not an ordinary dill growing in the gardens, as many people think, who are interested in how to make dill water at home, but the mature fennel fruits. They include aletole, anise acid and anise aldehyde. These components possess soothing , expectorant , antibacterial and spasmolitical action. Of Fennel fruits and make dill oil, which underlies the drug. It is also present in such a popular agent as Heppi Bebi. .

Indications for use

For infants, the medicine is used to improve the intestinal work and reduce gases.

Adult patients, specialists can recommend dill water in diseases of the digestive tract with intestinal spasms, pain in the intestinal tract of the gastrointestinal tract, increased and . In addition, it is prescribed for normalization and digestion.

The drug acts as vasodilative , so he is often accepted at the first stages coronary insufficiency , , hypertensive disease , arterial hypertension . This tool is also recommended for infectious and walnut diseases of the upper respiratory tract and without separation sputum .


It is impossible to receive a means for hypersensitivity to the body to dill oil.

Patients S. arterial hypotension You can use the medicine only under the supervision of a specialist.

Side effects

Negative side effects when taking the drug appear rarely. In isolated cases, patients complained about the development of skin : redness, small , .

Instructions for the use of dill water (method and dosage)

There are several ways to prepare this medicinal product at home. We give two main.

Before cooking medicine, you need to buy fennel seeds (pharmacy dill). Water is better to use well-filtered or drinking bottled.

First preparation recipe: It is necessary to grind 1 tablespoon of fennel seeds and pour 1 l of cold water, bring the mixture to a boil in a water bath and cook for 15-20 minutes, then strain through several layers of gauze.

Second Cooking Recipe: You need to grind 1 tablespoon of fennel seeds and pour them 1 liters of boiling water, insist under the lid of 60 minutes, and then strain.

If not chopping pharmacy dill, the time of insteading increases by 15-20 minutes.

Instructions for the use of dill water for babies reports that it is necessary to give it 3-6 times a day 1 teaspoon. Just as in the case of the popular Happy Babi tool, it should be done before feeding. You can give medicine from a spoon, from a bottle or with a syringe without a needle.

The means becomes noticeably about 15-20 minutes after use. To eliminate the appearance of allergic reactions, start receiving the drug better with small doses, gradually raising them.


In the case of an overdose of the drug, there is a sharp decline .


Drug interaction data is not provided.

Terms of sale

Without recipe.

Storage conditions

Keep the medicine is needed in the refrigerator.

Shelf life

The shelf life is no more than 30 days.

Durce water for newborns

Durce water is often needed for infants, but it is quite difficult to find it in pharmacies. She is prepared only where there are prescription departments. In a big city, it is not a problem, but in small towns it can be difficult. In this case, you need to know how to prepare dill water with the newborn yourself and how to give it correctly.

You can purchase Fennel seeds in a conventional pharmacy. In addition, it can be raised in her garden and put the "umbrellas" of the plants. After they get dry, it will only remain separated by the husk, and you can begin cooking.

Any recipe for dill water for newborns is suitable. For adults, the medicine is preparing the same as for babies. You can, for example, take a 1 teaspoon of seeds from the package, pour the glass of boiling water and close the lid tightly. The mixture should bother 1 minute, and then leave it for 30-40 minutes. When a fluid is moving, natural dill water for newborns. It is advisable to make it every day so that the decoction was fresh.

The instruction to the drug indicates how and how much to give newborns. The same dosage scheme is also provided for the means cooked at home.

From the first days of life, the child begins the process of adapting the activities of the gastrointestinal tract to the changed conditions, first of all - the transition to the nutrition of breast milk or an artificial mixture. This process is quite complicated, as a result of which almost each kid is observed caused by.

Symptoms colic appear often in the feeding process either by its completion, when the kid presses the legs, crying, the color of its skin acquires a reddish tint. All this takes place only after the natural defecation, as well as the fatigue of the gazikov. And here it is quite logical, the desire of each mommy at least somehow help the baby, alleviating his suffering. For a long time, it was for these purposes. dropy driver . True, the opinion of pediatricians about the use of this folk agent does not always coincide. Let's try to figure out what this medicine is, is it possible to give dill water newborn and how to do it right .

Durce water is a solution of fennel oil - a close relative of the dill, and use it in the fight against the colic from the first days of the life of the infant. In modern pharmacies as an analogue of dill water is offered medpreparation Pontackmanufactured from extract of fenhel seeds. This drug is available in powder form, it is dissolved in breast milk or water in a certain proportion, which can be found in the instructions for the medicine.

Use of dill water

Dill - This is a very useful medicinal plant. Among the advantages that drugs are manufactured based on it are boasting:

The ability to purify the body from reducing formations, assistance in the formation of beneficial microflora;
Relaxing effect, reducing the spasm of smooth muscles;
Relief of blood flow throughout the body, extension of vessels, stabilization of cardiac activity;
Reduction of pressure on the intestinal walls;
Diuretic, laxative property;
The contiguous effect on the respiratory tract, improving sputum removal;
Beneficial effect on the processes of chili, the work of the kidneys, nervous system;
The beneficial effect on the caulier's appetite and mother lactation.

The effectiveness of the use of dill water is explained by the ability of Fennel to relax the muscles of the intestines, reducing spasms, thereby paying a child from painful sensations and improving digestive processes.

And the property of dill water is very useful for nursing mothers, which in addition to this means can calm the nervous system and improve digestion.

Moreover, the impact of dill water, if a nursing woman is consumed, affects the baby directly. Drinking ½ cup tools 30 minutes before feeding, a woman provides an increase in the volume of milk produced, improving its composition, and also automatically eliminates the kid from subsequent painful colic. In addition, many mothers negatively relate to the dopation of the baby, if breastfeed. Therefore, the way that a woman itself takes dill water can be a solution to this problem.

Finished dill driver sold in a pharmacy

How to prepare dill water for a newborn

Buy finished dill water for a newborn is not so easy. This can be done only in the prescription department of pharmacy stores, and the cost per 100 ml is approximately 150 rubles. In addition, it is possible to acquire the aforementioned PLATEX, or similar medpereparations such as Espumizan or Sab-Simplex.

You can prepare dill water for a newborn at home on a fairly simple recipe:

In an ordinary glass, fall asleep 1 tsp. Fennel seeds, grinding in a blender. Pour everything with hot water and insist for 40-45 minutes, after which it is infusable to strain and add to the writing breast milk or water in the amount of 1 h. Such. You can also drip the water to the tongue of newborn 15 drops. The trunk prepared in this way is stored.

Instead of dry fennel seeds, the essential phenhel oil can be used, 0.05 g of which dissolves in 1 liter of water. This solution has more shelf life - month. But it is necessary to store it in the refrigerator, each time heated to room temperature before applying.

Another way to prepare dill water for newborns, if there was no fennel at hand, take seeds to all the usual dill, pour them with boiling water at the rate of 1 cup of water for 1 pp. Such seeds, insist a couple of hours and strain. And having fresh dill, you can cook dopey tea. At the same time, 100 ml of boiling water poured 1 st. Supply of green dill and give a brew of tea about an hour. After that, cool and use the same rule as dill water for the newborn.

It is worth noting that in each of the recipes described, it is necessary to use purified water, cooking dishes to boil and comply with all basic hygiene rules.

Instructions for the use of dill water for newborns

The principle of how to give dill water for a newborn is determined by the method of its feeding. If we are talking about breastfeeding, then the child is shed from the spoon, but if it is on artificial nutrition, then in addition to the spoon, it is allowed to use a bottle. Take a medicine immediately before the feeding process. If the child does not show much desire to take infusion, it means that he does not really like the taste of medication. In this case, it is worth mixing with breast milk or mixture.

Start drinking water It follows from a very small dose - 1 h. Such 3 times a day . At the same time, it is important to closely monitor how the body of the kid reacts to the medicine. If you do not observe any negative manifestations, the dose can be increased to 5-6 times per day. Next, as the baby develops and the gradual cessation of painful colic, the use of dill water can be stopped if the problems are still observed, the treatment should continue. In most cases, the need for dill water for newborns disappears at the achievement of 6 months when the child's body fully adapts to new conditions and independently copes with all the difficulties of digestion.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that dill water is far from far from all newborns. It happens that its consumption is observed excessive abdomen, as well as allergic manifestations. Therefore, it is not necessary to fully rely on the use of this fund. For combat with colic with kid The nursing mother first must normalize its power mode, if artificial feeding is used, then it is rather responsible for the preparation of the mixture. In addition, the baby needs to regularly make a massage of the tummy, more often to be with it in the fresh air and try to give him a lot of positive emotions.

Dr. Komarovsky on dopey water:

In this article we will talk about water with dill, consider ways to prepare, and we will also find out this or not. In most cases, newborn children are concerned with abdominal pain, they are also called colic. Durce water is a great way to eliminate this problem.

Imagine how nice my mother returns home from just that appeared on the light of a new little man. Only mothers can understand this feeling of endless happiness. However, in addition to happiness, it comes very difficult time for parents. Starting from changing diapers, to lack of sleep. But the heavy test occurs when the child begins the blossoms of the tummy.

How to get rid of colic in newborns

You immediately arises the question how to help him? And what to do?

The child is constantly shouting, his face blushes. And even though it passes through the top three months, moms have time to be climbed and ready to give anything for the medicine from this misfortune. We just consider one of the effective ways to treat this problem.

After the birth of the kid, the first few weeks in his body remains the enzymes of the mother. They serve him as an assistant in the digestion of milk. They act a couple of weeks, so after he will have to work himself.

Colics are considered a normal phenomenon in breast kids, and many of it normally tolerate. However, there are cases when a child has very strong pains, and they need to somehow cope with them. If this problem is considered normal, it does not mean that it is necessary to endure it. Many mothers simply can not look like their baby suffers, and begin to look for an answer to how to help. Basically, they all advise dill water, we will talk about.

How to cook dopey clock for newborns

Let's start from the very beginning, dill water is dissolved oil of fhenhel, namely 0.1%. It is also called "pharmacy dill", from here and such a name dill water. Babies This solution helps to get rid of intestinal pain. But at the moment there was an alternative version, called Plantex. It is made from fennel seed extract, sell in the form of powder. It dissolves in breast milk or in water, as precisely and what proportions read in the instructions.

But there are such cases when the child besides colic can, other digestive disorders are observed, then the dill water will not save you. With constipation or diarrhea, you better contact the hospital.

Since the topic is associated with the health of the kids, we will not immediately go far, and let's talk about all the details of this method of treatment. Before giving a child water, first consult with a doctor on this occasion. Ideally, the doctor will tell you about the application and cooking.

In addition to eliminating pain, dill water is beneficial and the mother, increasing the lactation, improves digestion, and so calms.

What is the use of dill water?

  • Cleaned organism;
  • Relaxes muscles;
  • Helps to expand the vessels;
  • Reduces the pressure on the intestinal walls;
  • Also serves as a diuretic;
  • Can take inflammatory processes;
  • Improves the work of the heart;
  • Helps with cough;
  • Helps the selection of bile;
  • Dill water for a nursing mothers improves lactation;
  • Also contributes to improving appetite;
  • Helps with constipation;
  • Antibacterial agent;
  • To this everything, also improves the work of the kidneys;
  • You might think that this is a medicine from all diseases, as it also also affects the nervous system;
  • It helps to heal ulcers, wounds and fractures, just a miracle.

The best developments of doctors around the world do not stand next to dill water.

The driver displays gases in children, due to the intestinal relaxation. Helps to save them from unpleasant sensations and improves digestion.

How to prepare dill water at home for a newborn

It is worth this miracle about 150 rubles, the price for some 100 ml, relatively not cheap. Yes, and you can not buy it in all pharmacies only in which there is a prescription department. So we will deal, how to cook at home.

To begin with, we need to buy "Plantx", as already mentioned, it is prepared from Fennel fruit, it is sold in bags in the form of a powder.

Drop Water Cooking Recipe

  • We take a glass of 250 ml, pour a teaspoon of the Plaktex, if you have a fenhel seeds, they need to grind them;
  • Pour boiling water;
  • We are waiting for when all this is tied up, about 40-50 minutes;
  • TSDIM;
  • Add the resulting water into breast milk, no more than one spoon and give the baby;
  • For children of very breasts - 15 drops in the tongue.

More dill water can be prepared from the oil of the same fennel. Just dissolve in a river 0.05 grams of oil and ready.

Dill driver for newborns instructions for use, if you did not find Fennel

  • Dill seeds 1 teaspoon, pour 1 glass of boiling water;
  • Insist 1 hour;
  • Strain.

Durce tea from colic for newborns

If you have a fresh dill, you can brew tea for newborns from 0 months

  • For this tablespoon of dill crushed;
  • Pour boiling water 100ml;
  • Hour insist;
  • Strain;

By the way, it is desirable to take purified water, and wash the dishes before boiling water.

On the use of dopey driver

It all depends on the method of feeding. Little children give dill water from a spoon, children a little older can be pouring into a bottle. Better of course in a spoon, as it is easier to measure the dosage.

How to give ukropy water newborn

If suddenly the child does not want to drink dill water, you need to make it tastier, or more familiar to taste. To do this, you can mix it with a small amount of breast milk. The first dose is equal to one teaspoon. How often can I give it: you need 3 times a day before meals. All the time carefully follow the reaction of the child. If everything is fine, then the dosage can be gradually increased to 6 times a day.

How much to give newborn dill water

Basically it depends on the age of the child. As we said, the first reception should be followed by a child. 15 minutes after the admission, the child should act and the child will decrease.

Durce water can also act as a means of meteorism, only when there is no more serious illness, such as dysbacteriosis or frequent digestive disorders.

Is it possible to give dill water newborn

Many mothers that use this remedy for pain, think it is absolutely safe, but it is not. Fennel can provoke an allergic reaction of the body. Carefully observe dosages!

More dill water helps not 100%, the effect of it can be short-term, or absolutely useless, and will not help your baby get rid of pain. Also, dill water may be harmful. Many mothers began to notice that after her kids begins to bother.

Hipp tea for newborns from 1 month

This dopey tea was pediatricians and nutritionists. It does not contain sugar, has a pleasant taste and aroma. Drop tea can be divided into three blocks:

  • Hipp tea for newborns from 0 months and up to 1 month. It is a 30 gram herbal bag. The composition is completely 100% of Fennel herb.
  • From the first to the fourth month, Hipp is used in 100 gram packs. This type of tea from colic for newborns has a larger composition of the components: Fennelhel oil with derived sugar, maltodextrime, herb of fennel. Used dosage - no more than 100 ml per day.
  • From 4 months and further buy 200gram packaging tea hipp. These are already instant mixtures of fennel extraty, sucrose and dextrose. The recipe for use to six months is no more than 150 ml, after 6 months - 200 ml per day.

Nevertheless, in many cases, a dill driver for newborns on the basis of Fennel helps children to cope with inconveniences because of the bloating. That is why pediatricians are still recommended to try to give a child dill water.

Did you use dill water for your newborn? What method of cooking used?

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