In the hippie style - how modern “flower children” live. Hippie style - history and features in modern fashion

The hippie is one of the most peaceful subcultures

Fashion for a particular style of clothing never goes away forever. At the right time, under the influence of external factors, aspirations or desires, designers return the style again, complementing the collections with special details. Such permanent informal leaders in fashion, imbued with a special spirit of freedom, is the hippie style. Natural chic, love for the whole world, a clear anti-war stance, propaganda of love and friendship - all this is the original American subculture.


Initially, it should be noted that the hippie style is not only fashion, but also a whole subculture with its own laws, canons of behavior, and also a worldview. The style was born in the USA, in the 50s of the twentieth century. But the subculture gained massive popularity after 10 years. This period is considered the heyday of such a movement, which went down in history under the name "Summer of Love". Such a unique subculture is an intertwining of music, fashion, social movement.

During the "Summer of Love", the hippie subculture gained millions of adherents
60s hippies

The main propaganda of the movement was freedom without any conventions and boundaries. Under the same motto, a special fashionable image was born, which today is known to the whole world as the hippie style in clothing. Undoubtedly, the hippie subculture had a powerful influence on fashion in the 60s and 70s of the twentieth century. Fashion that originated on the streets has taken its rightful place on the pages of glossy magazines.

70s fashion changed a lot under the influence of the hippie movement

Hippies are always out of politics. With all their appearance and way of thinking, they tried to convey to the public that a world without war is beautiful!

The hippie movement was especially strong during the protests against the Vietnam War.


The unusual hippie style made a real revolution in its time, overthrowing the stiffness, pedantry and strict boundaries that the usual fashion dictated. That is why the hippie style in clothing, like no other, has its own chic and distinctive features:

  • The habit of dressing in comfortable clothes is especially relevant for flares.
    Thanks to hippies, flared trousers have gained immense popularity.
  • A special chic in bright, even colorful prints and unusual contrasts.
    There is no main or secondary color in hippie clothes, because everything is mixed into a single psychedelic composition
  • Fashion for the absence of boundaries and prohibitions.
    Hippie clothing is complete freedom of expression
  • An abundance of bright and original accessories (baubles, badges, amulets, beads, fringes, scarves and bandanas).
    Accessories can be very different
  • The most natural materials (cotton, linen, denim, chintz, cambric, knitwear).
    Lightweight natural materials are what hippies love
  • Lack of brands and strict standards that fashion dictates.
    Often, hippies make their own clothes from scraps, scraps of fabric, etc.

In society, representatives of the hippie trend were called children of flowers for their desire to dress brightly, to be special, free and natural. The rebellious spirit of people free from prejudices who love and value Life above all else was embodied as much as possible in clothes that are still relevant today. Another important nuance was ethno-motives, which were added to all things: jeans, a dress or a T-shirt. The entire fashionable image was filled with recklessness, fun, freedom of action and choice. To understand how hippies dress, you need to look at their wardrobe in detail.

As befits free people, hippies often traveled in brightly decorated cars.


In the US, jeans can be classified as hippie-style headwear. The main model is flared jeans. Such things, male or female, should be mandatory in the wardrobe of a real hippie. As a rule, the flare starts at the knee and rapidly expands towards the bottom, covering the foot.

Flared hippie jeans

Traditionally, flared jeans, in addition to their unusual cut at that time, had several more features. These are scuffs, the effect of heavily worn or artificially aged trousers.

A dozen or so patches will also not be superfluous.

Flared jeans acquired originality and special chic along with interesting and unusual decor: cowboy fringe, embroidery of floral or ethnic patterns, trimming with wooden beads or natural leather.

Every hippie tries to decorate their jeans in their own way.

Hippies were pacifists in spirit, that is, they expressed a persistent negative attitude towards the war. Therefore, flared jeans were often adorned with hand-painted slogans or mottos, urging to make love, not war.

Over time, the jeans of a real hippie were covered with so many patterns, patches and embellishments that they turned into a real painting.

Stylistic jeans, even for men, had a tight cut. Usually, flared jeans were so long that they wiped themselves on the ground when walking, turning into a careless fringe. Today, hippie-style flared jeans are decorated with such details from the very beginning, as high fashion requires.


A traditional hippie-style dress has a loose fit, made of light, mostly natural fabrics. A special place in the wardrobe of hippie girls is a sundress. Such a summer dress usually resembles a hoodie with thin straps.

A sundress can be sewn from multi-colored patches using the patchwork technique
One of the distinguishing features of such sundresses is bright colors and intricate patterns.
The sundress should be free and as comfortable as possible

The traditional dress of "flower children" does not restrain movement, promotes naturalness, naturalness, as well as femininity and romanticism. The material from which the dress is made can be light chintz, textured linen, contrasting silk, airy chiffon or cozy cotton, short or long flared sleeves.

Hippie style in clothes does not like synthetics and other artificial fabrics

The colors are predominantly variegated, floral prints, ethnic motifs or geometric patterns are welcome. The style in which the dress is performed is extraordinary.

Bright abstract patterns fit perfectly into clothes of this style.
Bright ornaments and loose fit - this is how you can characterize hippie dresses

Such an ambiguous dress or sundress in the style of a hippie must be flying, flowing, there should not be any mini or tight-fitting silhouette. Ruffles, flounces, asymmetry and cuts endow the dress with a certain seductiveness and attractiveness.


A shirt or T-shirt in the style of a hippie was directly related to both men's and women's wardrobe. We can say that the men's shirt did not differ much from the models for girls, except perhaps in size.

Hippie shirts were often very colorful

Motley colors, invocative slogans, ethnic motifs or bright geometry - all this is a special chic and appropriate decor. The shirts were similar to the national clothes of those peoples who lived a peaceful and spiritual life.

The shirt can be sewn from patches using the patchwork technique

So, the appropriate and favorite prints were the motives of the Gypsy people, Hindus, the inhabitants of Bali and Nepal, as well as the Indians of Central America. There could be no brands on T-shirts or shirts. The only inscriptions that took place were slogans in his own hand or "cross of peace" - a sign of the pacifists.

Most often, it is just a bright colorful print.

Usually men's T-shirts were worn under vests, caftans, bell-bottomed jeans. Women often wore bright T-shirts under sundresses. The color scheme of hippie-style shirts is still variegated today, somewhat acidic shades prevail. Popular men's things in natural, close to natural, shades, but always with bright details in the form of ethno motives.


A special chic and charm to the style of free hippies is given by original accessories, which are better to create with your own hands. It was the hippie style that gave the world such a popular accessory as the bauble. Traditionally, the subculture has promoted peace in the world and in relations between people. Fenichka in the hippie language is a sign of friendship!

Hippies wove a variety of baubles and gave them to each other
And all these gifts they wore at the same time

The habit of decorating oneself with all kinds of accessories was inherent not only to women. Modern men's accessories such as leather bracelets, braided baubles and more are the legacy of the hippie movement.

Leather hippie bracelet

The original subculture dictates its own rules. To create a harmonious and realistic hippie look, you will need the following accessories:

  1. Hairatnik, or a bandage around the head. Both women's and men's headbands are made from leather, textiles, threads, flowers, and even metal.
    Hairatnik made of bright multi-colored fabric
    Hiratnik with multicolored feathers
    Leather hiratnik

    Nowadays, polymer clay is a very popular material for making hippie-style earrings.

  2. Glasses. The style of the great musician John Lennon is recognizable all over the world thanks to the original round glasses. Since then and to this day, such glasses for men or women are a special chic and always out of fashion trends.

    Crystal pendants are popular among modern hippies.
  3. Bracelets. Such jewelry was intended not only for girls; men's bracelets were also very popular. Such bracelets were made of wood, metal, ceramics, baubles were woven from colored threads or beads.
    Hippie bracelets were also made by hand
    The modern range of hippie bracelets is much larger than in the 60s

All decorations are necessarily colorful and catchy. Today, the hippie style, embodied in original accessories, is also at the peak of its popularity.

DIY hippie style

The ambiguous, but so alluring, hippie style is experiencing its second coming today. Everything that the subculture promotes is extremely popular: clothing, accessories, and even a way of thinking in the style of people who are supporters of peace and with a clear anti-war stance. Unpretentiousness, comfort, a kind of chic, simplicity and naturalness, as well as original contrasts, are today again at the peak of modern fashion trends.

As you know, fashion, especially for clothes, is cyclical, so many trends from the past periodically return to the windows of fashion boutiques and flash at the shows of famous couturiers. For example, the hippie style, with its unmistakable accents, is now popular not only among the followers of this movement, but also among those who closely follow fashion trends.

Greetings from the 70s

A unique hippie culture arose in the 70s of the last century in America, its adherents were distinguished not only by an unusual style of hippie clothing, but also by their own philosophy, a special lifestyle. The main leitmotif of the entire movement was human freedom, both internal and external, and this freedom can be obtained through love. Only following the principle of non-violence (that is, ahimsa or pacifism), abandoning any social hierarchies and developing spiritually, can one come to a harmoniously developed society.

Symbols of the hippie movement

"Children of flowers" used certain signs and symbols, having seen which, we now understand that we have before us clothes in the style of a hippie. The most famous is the pacific sign - known as a symbol of peace and disarmament. The minibus, painted with bright colors and slogans, has also become an attribute that reflects the hippie style. The rainbow is another symbol borrowed from the Indian prophecy of a new tribe that will help the Earth turn green again. And of course "Flower Power" - the power of flowers, which were portrayed in bright, psychedelic shades.

Clothing and jewelry

If you are looking to shop for hippie clothing, your shopping list will likely include the following:

  • jeans or flared trousers;
  • T-shirts, dresses and T-shirts with a tie-dye print;
  • vests, fringed tops;
  • oriental sundresses;
  • authentic Indian jewelry;
  • a special headband - a hiratnik.

It is impossible not to notice that the hippie style in clothing has absorbed many ethnic elements. Indian culture occupies an especially important place in it, due to its consonance in many issues with hippie philosophy. Meditation, Indian cuisine, Ayurveda were familiar and close to the followers of the hippie movement.

Hippie aesthetics in modern clothes

The hippies themselves have always been against fashion, as such - hippie clothing denied the latest trends and the promotion of endless consumption. But times are changing, and now recognizable images flicker, now in one, now in another collection of eminent designers. If you love the spirit of the 70s, the freedom and creativity that hippie style is imbued with, be sure to add some iconic pieces to your wardrobe. It is absolutely not necessary to create a full-fledged image in this direction, it is enough to buy only a couple of parts to look bright. It can be flared trousers combined with baubles on the arms, a sundress with ethnic patterns, non-trivial things with tie-dye patterns.

Unusual hippie clothes in the online store will be located next to the boho style, which has absorbed many of the outfits of the "flower children". With our wide range, you can easily create your casual and natural hippie look.

Hippie ... This style is associated with unlimited freedom and protest against the existing system. A subculture promoting such values ​​emerged in the United States in the last century. Young people and girls rejected everything that was imposed by society and government. They left their usual life in order to feel free outside any system with its rules and conventions.

Gradually, the hippie movement lost its popularity, but a special style of clothing with the same name remained. It is chosen by those who are close to the philosophy of this subculture and its traditions.

Hippie clothes: what are they?

Jeans are suitable as the main element. They must be flared, decorated with embroidery or patches. All of the hippie-style items look worn. Therefore, new jeans can be faded or dyed. The flare is expanded by stitching in additional wedges. The jeans are embroidered at the bottom with buttons, beads or large beads. The more casual they look, the better.

For trousers or jeans, you must choose a loose T-shirt or shirt. They are also decorated with various prints, handmade elements. For example, embroider with floss. For girls, a great option is a light blouse with tassels in ethnic style. This trend can be combined with hippies.

No emblems of well-known companies and logos are welcome on clothing. After all, hippies are against globalism. In each element of the image, individuality must be traced. Fringed short tops or leather vests are appropriate.

Sandals or flip-flops are the shoes that hippies feel comfortable in. In the summer, they often go barefoot at all. For cool or wet weather, sneakers are good. For girls, models with thick soles or low wedges will be appropriate.

Dresses or skirts should be long. Decorated with stripes or floral designs, they flutter beautifully in the wind and do not hinder movement. You can complement the skirt with fringe, and the dress with a wide belt. Loose sundresses with ethnic patterns look good.

In the hippie style, things decorated with the "pacific" icon are welcome. It can be painted with acrylics on a T-shirt or embroidered with floss threads. All clothing should appear well-worn. During the heyday of this subculture, its representatives often chose things in cheap stores and second-hand shops. To find interesting details for the hippie look, you can look at the flea market. There are often original things come across.

Details that complete the hippie look

First of all, these are accessories. Homemade baubles are very popular among hippies. They can be woven from floss threads, beads, made of leather. Several such hand-made bracelets are put on the hand at once. The hippies did not wear any expensive jewelry. Therefore, for an image in this style, only simple jewelry is allowed. It is better if the pendants or rings are made from natural materials. If you choose earrings, then let them be long, decorated with feathers or flowers.

Girls should choose a rectangular bag that is worn on a long shoulder strap. It should be sewn from rough materials or in a patchwork style, that is, from small pieces of different fabrics, and decorated with beads, beads, and embroidery.

An important part of a hippie look is the hairstyle. Usually it is just loose long hair. You can wear a headband or leather band on your head. With its help, it is convenient to fix fresh flowers in the hair.

It is sometimes difficult for a modern girl to give up makeup, but painted eyes or lips are inappropriate for a hippie look. Everything should be as natural as possible. You need to limit yourself to skin care products, but do not use decorative cosmetics.


Practical simplicity, natural fabrics and shades - the hippie style in clothes cannot be confused with any other fashion trend. Towards the middle of the last century, an interesting movement began to emerge among young people. Its founders decided to call themselves "flower children" - bright, creative personalities, optimists who develop on their own.

It was a kind of protest against the cult of money, world enmity and economic turmoil. Hippie has become an expression of freedom, lightness, harmony with nature. Thinking outside the box, rejection of moral foundations was reflected in the appearance of people who decided to accept this style as a way of life. Their clothes are bright and comfortable, loose and sexy, sometimes shocking, but always uplifting. Find out what to wear and how to match hippie wardrobe items.

Important features

The hippie style in clothing is a casual simplicity, brought together from several ethnic cultures. There are American, Indian, Moroccan and even Gypsy motives in this direction. This is a kind of respect for all peoples and cultures. What is the priority for such clothes:

  • Reluctance to constantly buy new things. Hippies believe that as long as patches fit on clothes, they can be worn forever. Love for the old wardrobe and the "grandmother's chest" is the basis of this trend, therefore "flower children" often dress in flea markets and second-hand;
  • Sexuality. This style has always called for free love and the rejection of existing moral norms in any area of ​​life, and even clothing. Therefore, the bulk of hippie people do not wear underwear, even under translucent dresses and blouses;
  • The combination of the incongruous. Initially, the style was collected from different cultures and directions, and the gypsy skirt was strangely adjacent to the Indian tunic or cowboy hat. Modern fashion designers offer quite logical options for the appearance of a hippie, skillfully combining the main features of the style;
  • The absence of the main and the secondary. The appearance should be a single whole, where every detail is important and irreplaceable.

Jeans are the main thing in the wardrobe

This is a separate chapter in the book of the life of "flower children". Perhaps, if not for the hippies, we would never have known about stylish and comfortable jeans. Such pants in those days were only a working attribute of a dark blue color. Representatives of the rebellious subculture liked cheap denim, because it is very strong, easy to wash and repair.

The bottom of denim pants, starting from the knee, was cut into strips, between which multi-colored pieces of fabric were sewn. These wedges have become ubiquitous and fashionable for a long time. Denim pants are still the favorite clothes of hippies, while the flare should cover the foot.

Characteristic prints

Fans of this subculture never wear clothes with fashion labels. This runs counter to their anti-globalization ideals. Each thing of such a person is like its continuation - it is unique. A hippie wardrobe is a set of seemingly worn clothes. But there are characteristic features, details and prints peculiar only to this style:

  • A symbol of peace... This is the so-called pacific sign, which resembles a pigeon's foot upside down. It is a symbol of the unity of mankind against anger and nuclear war. This badge adorns earrings and pendants, bracelets and shirts;
  • Patchwork Is an important feature of this style. These are stripes, bright patches, patches of various sizes sewn to clothes and bags. Many things can consist entirely of colored pieces of fabric;
  • Eco-style features - drawings of flowers, trees, silhouettes of animals and birds on things;
  • Embroidery- crochet, satin stitch, beads. Hippie clothing should arouse interest, a desire to consider and understand the meaning of each ornament;
  • Psychedelic drawings... The love of freedom of expression originally linked hippies to soft drugs. Hence the images on clothes - patterns, figures that resemble psychotropic hallucinations. These are concentric circles, unusual fractals, geometric kinks;
  • Acid colors... Unusual designs on things, like the clothes themselves, should be bright, "cutting eyes" shades, because hippies are the style of frivolous, cheerful optimists;
  • Mouline threads, paints, beads, wooden and metal buttons - all this adorns jeans and windbreakers, scarves and bandanas.

In harmony with yourself

If you want to have a relationship with the hippie style, do not forget about the sense of proportion. After all, you don't want to be like a circus actress or a gypsy from the market? The harmonious combination of things is determined by the details. Accessories here can be:

  • bright scarves around the neck, arms, waist or tied to the knee;
  • leather straps and bracelets with coins;
  • unusual pendants with uneven crystals, silver rings and earrings;
  • sunglasses with colored, round glasses;
  • unisex hats and bandanas;
  • shapeless, baggy bags and backpacks;
  • necklaces from colored laces and ribbons, badges;
  • feathers and artificial flowers;
  • beads with fangs of wild animals.
Leather and fabric head straps in the form of a pigtail with threads, ribbons or feathers falling from the back or the side - this is the so-called hiratnik. This jewelry is worn so that it covers the upper part of the forehead, gathering back all loose strands.
The makeup of the hippie girls is natural, with a slight blush. On the lips - a gloss or transparent balm, on the eyelids - a light pearlescent gloss. Such ladies rarely paint their faces and nails brightly, although some of them prefer to paint in the same unusual and flashy way as to dress.

Stylish wardrobe

Hippie style clothes cannot be strict. You won't go to a conference or a theatrical premiere in it. Their light and youthful wardrobe is loose, elongated T-shirts and T-shirts, flowing, colorful skirts and dresses. What other items of clothing are characteristic of this subculture:

  • shirts that look like oriental caftans;
  • coarse-knit cardigans, oversized sweaters with a deep neckline;
  • translucent, loose blouses;
  • trousers with fringes of different lengths;
  • vintage sundresses with an open shoulder, neckline or back;
  • an openwork T-shirt over a bright top;
  • sun skirt just below the knee;
  • fur vest or short jacket with fur inserts;
  • skinny striped trousers;
  • tunic with embroidery in ethnic style;
  • safari-style leather vests and trousers;
  • harem pants with Indian patterns;
  • crocheted long skirts;
  • elongated multi-layer skirts, similar to gypsy;
  • short shorts with asymmetrical flounces;
  • jeans with frayed and loose holes;
  • sweaters-nikidki with a long fringe;
  • long raincoat, parka jacket, poncho;
  • loose-fitting dress in the form of a hoodie with thin spaghetti straps;
This style mainly involves women's flat leather shoes. Woven sandals with high lacing, slippers, moccasins, clogs will be quite appropriate. But shoes with wedges or regular, thick heels will perfectly complement a romantic look with a long skirt or short shorts. In the cold season, put on suede low shoes, high boots without a heel or in a cowboy style, high boots or ugg boots. Fabric handbags with a long strap go well with heels.

Create an image

The hippie style makes its fans a little dismissive of their appearance - girls may not shave their legs and armpits, dress in multi-layered robes and not cut very long hair for years. All this is quite justified - after all, these people pay more attention to the inner world than to the outer appearance. In any case, "children of flowers" bring goodness and equality to the world, creating a holiday mood, opening their arms to those who are interested in them. How to create a harmonious hippie look? Consider this option:

  • First, let your hair down - it can be straight and wavy, but the more natural the hairstyle looks, the better. No styling or tails - only lightness and carelessness, and even hairstyle confusion;
  • Wear ripped, skinny jeans. Sew a couple of patches to them in advance, for example, to the knee and back pocket. You can make a few strokes on the pants with acid-colored paints;
  • Wear a light-colored, elongated tunic with geometric patterns. Do not fasten the blouse with the top buttons - you should look simple, casual;
  • On top of the tunic, wear a knitted, brightly colored tunic or cardigan without buttons;
  • Instead of a cape or cardigan, you can pick up a denim jacket decorated with colored patterns and floss, or a short leather vest;
  • Be sure to decorate your hands with lots of bracelets or baubles. You can hang an amulet on a silver chain around your neck or two at once. Instead of a chain, use colored ropes, thin leather ribbons;
  • Wear a soft cloth hat with a wide, wavy brim, or a bandana to keep hair from falling over your face.
  • Details in the form of belts, a scarf on the head, chains on the ankle, braids on the hair, unusual beads and bracelets will distinguish you as a true representative of the hippie.

Fabrics and materials

Clothing in this direction cannot be prim or uncomfortable. No ironed collars or trousers with arrows. And it is always sewn from natural fabrics - linen, denim, cotton, wool, chintz, cambric. But airy chiffon, contrasting silk is also appropriate. You can sew cowboy-style leather fringes, wooden beads to things. Hippies like to glue artificial flowers to things, make slogan inscriptions with colored felt-tip pens. Fashionable earrings in this style are made of polymer clay, brightly painted by hand.

Today, finding clothes in a hippie style is not at all difficult - there are many shops specializing in this subculture, where they sell not only wardrobe items, but also amulets, unusual perfumes. But true fans of this trend sew and deliberately “age” clothes, knit scarves, weave web-shaped badges and bracelets in the form of oriental ornaments on their own. Many hesitate to fully conform to this culture, and choose only a few stylish hippie details.

Where to wear?

The anti-war stance and style of "flower children" is experiencing a new round of popularity today. This unusual, idle style of dress initially expressed a protest of courageous, young and extraordinary people against the moral teachings of the older generation, the moral pressure of society on all spheres of youth life. And such a policy of morals, as you know, is relevant at all times.

The hippie is considered more of a summer style, because in the cold it is difficult to imagine a person wearing a cotton shirt or a gypsy skirt with a guitar over his shoulder. The hippie style in clothes is not appropriate as an office, business image. This is how young, creative people, cheerful and carefree, dress. Dress up like this for a friendly party, a walk around the city, a concert, shops, a disco, a cinema and a cafe. Never forget about matching jewelry and your look will always be stylish and interesting.

The hippie style came to us from the distant 70s, when a youth movement emerged, one of the most widespread in the second half of the twentieth century. Having renounced the benefits of civilization, young people turned to the natural values ​​of life.

The hippies called themselves "flower children" and wanted peace, freedom and nature. Accordingly, a style of clothing was developed that was not the same as everyone else's, shocking the public.

However, for all their antisocial speeches, the hippies were fundamentally peaceful and good-natured. They did not fight their enemies with active means, but simply lived differently, not like everyone else.

Today, the hippie style is back in fashion, with its freedom, a hurricane of colors and a huge variety of accessories and jewelry.

The hippie style in modern life is a style for every day, shopping for friends and relatives, going out into the countryside, picnics and just any gatherings, but you should not wear clothes in this style for a business meeting or at the opera.

Hippie colors and fabrics

Bright candy and even flashy tones in all sorts of combinations and gypsy-colored fabrics are the main features of the hippie style.

Hippies considered themselves children of flowers, which means that they tried to wear appropriate clothes - colored, and the brighter the better.

Another feature of the hippie style is floral motifs of absolutely all shapes, colors and sizes. Starting with small scatterings of flowers on fabrics, reminiscent of cheap chintz from a grandmother's chest, ending with large and very large bright flowers.

As for psychedelic abstract patterns in clothes, this is probably a sign of love for soft drugs. Bright colored strokes and blots, ornate lines, a combination of contrasting colors - this is also clearly a hippie outfit.

The fabrics are also as natural as possible and close to nature. In the hippie style, the most popular fabrics are leather, velvet, silk, jeans, Indian cotton.

Features of hippie style clothes

Hippie clothing styles are very diverse. Many elements of clothing in this style were borrowed from the peoples of India, Nepal, Bali, American Indians, and from the ethnic clothing of peasants.

Hippie style clothes are sweaters, tunics and blouses of the most iridescent colors with flared sleeves and the same silhouette. Such a blouse gives the impression of weightlessness and airiness.

Long flared trousers have become the favorites of hippie fashion. Bell-bottomed trousers are unusual and beautiful, and the more bell-bottoms, the better.

Skirts were not worn as often as trousers, but if they did, they were bright, colorful and necessarily wide.

An unconditional sign of the hippie style has also become today an ultra-fashionable shirt dress. The traditional model combines a stiff collar, short loose sleeves, a zipper or buttons, patch pockets and a wide enough belt to match with a large buckle.

In my opinion, Olya Buzova demonstrates a super-cute hippie image, they are completely similar to Britney in this image.

Accessories and shoes for hippie style

In the hippie style, the most important thing is accessories. Hippies preferred to wear a lot of jewelry - on the neck, wrists, fingers, ankles. It can be a variety of beaded baubles, leather weaving, wood and fabric jewelry.

The main thing is that all this can be screwed up. dream up and do it yourself from what you can find

Hippies are very creative people, so it is not forbidden to make original jewelry with your own hands (felt flowers and beads are perfect for a warm version of the hippie style), knit a scarf or be interesting to beat a stole.

Hippie shoes bright and unusual. It can be fancy-shaped platform shoes, wicker or strappy sandals, bright high-heeled boots, or just barefoot slippers - whatever is wrong, that will distinguish you from others.

Tote bags

Do not forget about the appearance of the bag - it should be very roomy and hang casually on the shoulder.

Makeup hairstyles image

Finally, complete your look with a light, natural make-up and any hippie hairstyle, which has three main options:

Loose hair, parted

Loose hair interspersed with small braids

Hairstyle "Y" - two braids start from the parting, frame the face and connect at the back on loose hair


The hippie style is quite affordable and with a little money allows you to look fashionable and stylish. Among the obligatory set of hippie things are women's jeans with embroidery, original belts, colorful blouses and tops, a woven or patchwork large women's bag, open sandals or slippers on bare feet, a tunic or a long thin dress with a high waist.

Warm option

You don't have to walk barefoot in the snow or wear old-fashioned clothes to look like a hippie in fall and winter. Now the neo-hippie style is in vogue, in which the images of the 60-70s are recreated in modern fabrics, which often only imitate democracy and cheapness.

Fringed boots will be made of fine leather, sloppy and worn jeans will be high-quality denim, and handmade folk embroidery will fit into a blouse of a universal cut.

Use knits, knitwear, fur, and denim for a warm, hippie take on the look. Give special preference to clothes in ethnic style - they are always original and eye-catching.

All kinds of hippie accessories and symbols (pacifist sign, baubles, large flowers and beads) will make your image recognizable and complete.

Any ornaments - headbands, ribbons, artificial flowers woven into the hair are welcome!

And also read and see interesting things and details about other lifestyles, fashion in general and details in particular , in general, flip through, watch and get inspired

And finally - the most famous hippie slogan - Make love, not war! After all, love warms better than any clothes!