Inclusion of the period of the employment center in the work experience. Northern experience, a year and a half. When does this rule apply? What documents are required

Labor exchanges provide intermediary services at the state level to the employer and jobseeker in finding a job. A citizen can count on receiving unemployment benefits, provided that he registers with the Employment Center. The registration procedure is simple: you must have your documents with you, know where the territorial division of the Employment Service is located, come to an appointment during working hours. The applicant fills out a questionnaire, submits documents in the original, registers.

What does the job seeker get from the Labor Exchange?

Accounting gives the right to receive financial assistance from the state in the form of benefits. The amount of payments depends on the average salary at the previous place of work, but the law sets the maximum and minimum threshold for benefits. Inspectors of the Labor Office offer vacancies to the applicant that correspond to his qualifications. If the qualifications are not enough, or the applicant has lost the skills for a certain type of activity, he can be sent for training. It is carried out in person, in a group or individually at no cost.

Work experience and registration at the labor exchange

If a person is at the labor exchange, is his experience worth it? This question is relevant for the unemployed. The concept of seniority is generalized, it includes varieties:

  • special;
  • continuous;
  • insurance experience;
  • general.

For each of these types of seniority, there is a separate calculation procedure established by laws. The length of service is important from the point of view of determining a citizen's retirement pension. Indicates the total duration of periods of work and other activities. During these periods, insurance contributions must be paid to the FIU.

If you stand at the labor exchange, does your work experience go? The answer to this question can be found in Article 11, Part 1, Clause 4 No. 173-FZ of 2001, which regulates the issue of assigning labor pensions to Russians. In particular, the article explicitly states that the periods of receiving unemployment benefits, as well as the paid periods of participation in public works from the Employment Service, are included in the insurance period together with the periods of work or other activity.

Is the labor exchange included in the length of service when calculating a pension?

Benefit periods and community service will be counted as seniority provided that periods were preceded or followed by periods of work, regardless of length. The time spent by citizens to register with the Employment Service, to receive unemployment benefits, to participate in public works is counted in the citizen's insurance record. The length of service includes the periods when unemployment benefits were accrued to the applicant.

You should be aware that the periods of benefit payment do not affect the amount of the pension. Benefits do not deduct contributions to the FIU. It is from them that the size of the future pension is formed. It turns out that the period of payment of unemployment benefits is included in the length of service, but without increasing the size of the future pension. When deregistered, the Employment Center issues a certificate to the citizen, which indicates which period to include in the length of service.

The benefits of residents of the Far North are more significant than the benefits that people who work in areas equated to the North receive. Therefore, an employee in the northern region will definitely have to study Resolution No. 12 in order to accurately calculate what kind of pension can be counted on. When you can retire earlier The northern pension record for men should be 15 years in the Far North or 20 years in the territories annexed to the north. In this case, the total length of service of a man must be more than 25 years. Then the employee will be allowed to retire not at 60, but at 55. The northern seniority for retirement for women is the same as for men, however, the requirements for total seniority are more loyal - you need to work for more than 20 years. Women who meet these requirements retire even earlier - at 50 (not 55).

Labor exchange - accounting of work experience when registering on the exchange in 2018

When registering on the stock exchange, only the last three months of work are important. This period determines how much payments a person will receive in the form of unemployment benefits.

  • 1 Does the length of service include the time of registration at the labor exchange
    • 1.1 Work experience and stock exchange registration
    • 1.2 How to calculate seniority
  • 2 Is the labor exchange included in the length of service when calculating the pension
    • 2.1 Can the labor exchange send you early to retire
    • 2.2 Early retirement from the labor exchange
    • 2.3 Read on

Is the time of registration at the labor exchange included in the length of service? For those unemployed who are interested in whether the time spent at the labor exchange is included in the length of service, the Federal Law on employment is relevant. It says that the time spent at the employment center will not be counted in the insurance experience.

Is the time of registration at the labor exchange included in the length of service?


As you know, in Russia the age of 55 and 60 is relevant for the female and male, respectively. You can go through the labor exchange two years earlier, i.e. at 53 and at 58 years old. However, representatives of this state organization dealing with the rights of unemployed citizens, on their own initiative, cannot send a person to retirement.

To do this, you will definitely need the consent of a person near retirement age. Early retirement from the labor exchange Very often persons of pre-retirement age are laid off when the staff is laid off. This basis is admissible for early retirement.
Also, this procedure is possible if the dismissal occurred due to liquidation. In addition to the type of dismissal, it is important to have an appropriate length of service and reach the age of 58 (53 for women).

Types of work experience: is the work experience at the labor exchange


If a woman has two or more children, then she is 12 years old in the Far North or 17 years in the attached territories to retire at 50. Please note: a northerner does not have to work in the Far North for exactly 15 years to retire before - such a northern experience gives the right to the maximum benefit. Having worked in the north for only 7.5 years, he can already count on early retirement.

For a year of work in cold regions, the retirement age is reduced to a citizen by 4 months. This table will help to understand the mechanism: Northern experience (in years) Age when a man can retire Age when a woman can retire 7.5 57 years 8 months 52 years 8 months 8 57.4 52.4 9 57 52 10 56.8 51.8 11 56.4 51.4 12 56 51 13 55.8 50.8 14 55.4 50.4 15 55 50 It is very simple to calculate: if, for example, a man has worked in the North for 8 years, you need to multiply 4 months for 8.

Does the seniority for receiving a pension include a labor exchange?


This is not the only way how to confirm northern seniority for retirement - if there is no mark in labor, you should take a certificate of northern seniority from the organization.

  • Documents confirming the presence of dependents or disabled wards. For example, if a citizen has a minor child, it is enough to present his birth certificate.
  • Residence registration certificate.
  • At the very office of the PF RF, the citizen will be given an application form, which must be filled out and submitted along with the rest of the documents. Within a month after contacting the Pension Fund, the “northern” employee will be given an answer whether he can retire earlier than expected.

The state provides workers in the "northern" regions with very tempting privileges - early retirement and increased pension payments.

If you stand at the labor exchange, is this time included in the total length of service?

Labor exchanges provide intermediary services at the state level to the employer and jobseeker in finding a job. A citizen can count on receiving unemployment benefits, provided that he registers with the Employment Center. The registration procedure is simple: you must have your documents with you, know where the territorial division of the Employment Service is located, come to an appointment during working hours. The applicant fills out a questionnaire, submits documents in the original, registers. What does the job seeker get from the Labor Exchange? Accounting gives the right to receive financial assistance from the state in the form of benefits. The amount of payments depends on the average salary at the previous place of work, but the law sets the maximum and minimum threshold for benefits.

Inspectors of the Labor Office offer vacancies to the applicant that correspond to his qualifications.

Does the insurance period include the time of being registered at the employment center?

  • Themes:
  • Social insurance

Question Tell me, you need to take into account the time registered at the employment center in the insurance experience? Are there any nuances for the residents of Crimea and Sevastopol when calculating insurance and general experience? Another question is the director wants to take a vacation for 1 week, and then, if circumstances arise, to extend the vacation. What is the best way to arrange it? Answer Hello, Natalia Evgenievna! Thank you for using the Human Resources System and contacting the experts. The answer to your question from 04.08.2016 "29.12.2006 No. 255-FZ.
The insurance period includes: Thus, the period during which the citizen was registered at the employment center is not taken into account when calculating the insurance period. Read about filling out the insurance period in the certificate of incapacity for work, so as not to make mistakes.

Does the time "standing" at the labor exchange go into seniority?

Is the time of registration at the labor exchange included in the length of service?

Sevastopol as of March 18, 2014. In the length of service of such an employee, include the periods of work under the employment contract, as well as other periods in accordance with the general rules for determining the length of service. In addition, periods of payment of insurance premiums for compulsory state social insurance in connection with temporary disability should be included in the insurance experience. These contributions were subject to payment in accordance with the legislation that was in force in the Crimea and the city.
Sevastopol until January 1, 2015. This follows from the provisions of part 5 of article 10 and article 1 of the Law of December 22, 2014 No. 421-FZ.
Since in practice this condition is almost always met, then if you stand at the labor exchange, your seniority goes on. How unemployment benefits affect retirement Interesting article More information about the length of service required to calculate a pension in this article. According to Art. 56 of the Law on Pension Provision of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ, the period of receiving unemployment benefits is included in the length of service taken into account when assigning a pension. The minimum length of service with which a person of retirement age is entitled to receive an old-age pension was five years until 2015, then it began to increase annually by 1 year to 15 years in 2024. The periods when the benefit was not paid are not included in the length of service when determining the pension.
An acquaintance, after 2 years of standing on the stock exchange, managed to get a job. At the exchange he was given a "certificate of time, which, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, does not interrupt work experience and is counted in the total length of service." and he is looking for work on his own, also for half a year, if he has not got a job - again for half a year he can register at an employment center and receive benefits; and so for periods of half a year) - he has such "periods of stay" 2 for half a year each. As the inspector of the employment center explained to him, these two for six months = a total of a year will be counted in his total length of service. Let's say there was a total work experience of 23 years, and after this 2-year break it became 24 years. My wife also had a period of unemployment and “standing” on the stock exchange.

For a temporarily unemployed person of working age, it is important whether the seniority is at the labor exchange and how the periods of unemployment benefits affect the future pension.

Types of experience

The current labor and pension legislation defines three types of seniority:

  1. general work experience;
  2. insurance experience;
  3. special work experience.

The total length of service is the sum of periods of employment and other statutory socially useful activities. The list of periods that are included in the length of service is written out in the law on labor pensions of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ.

Curious information

Also, the total length of service may include periods of study at higher educational institutions. The corresponding entry is made in the work book after graduation or after receiving a diploma.

Insurance experience is the sum of periods of work or other activity when insurance premiums were calculated and paid to a citizen's account in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, and other credited periods.

Special work experience - the sum of periods of work or service in special conditions, localities or professions, taken into account when assigning an early state or labor pension.

Please note: earlier, when determining the amount of payments for sick leave, as well as for pregnancy and childbirth, continuous work experience was taken into account. Today, these payments are calculated on the basis of the total length of service, and the concept of “continuous length of service” has been de facto abolished. A break in work experience is bad only in that it reduces its total duration.

Having dealt with the types of seniority, we will consider whether the labor exchange is included in the seniority and whether the time of registration in the employment service is included in the insurance experience.

Calculating the insurance experience, it is correlated with the continuous one. Moreover, if the insurance experience is inferior to continuous, then the calculation of future benefits is made on the basis of continuous experience.

Seniority and labor exchange

As indicated in paragraph 4 of Part 1 of Art. 11 of Law No. 173-FZ, periods of insurance are credited to the insurance experience:

  • receiving unemployment benefits;
  • participation of a temporarily unemployed person in paid public works;
  • resettlement (relocation) for employment in another locality in the direction of the state employment service.

According to part 2 of this article, these periods are included in the length of service provided that they were preceded and (or) followed by labor or other activities included in the insurance experience on the basis of Art. 10 of the law.

Since in practice this condition is almost always met, then if you stand at the labor exchange, your seniority goes on.

How unemployment benefits affect retirement

According to Art. 56 of the Law on Pension Provision of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ, the period of receiving unemployment benefits is included in the length of service taken into account when assigning a pension.

The minimum length of service with which a person of retirement age is entitled to receive an old-age pension was five years until 2015, then it began to increase annually by 1 year to 15 years in 2024.

The periods when the benefit was not paid are not included in the length of service when determining the pension.

The amount of unemployment benefits assigned during the period of registration at the labor exchange depends on:

  • the average salary of a temporarily unemployed person at the previous place of work;
  • maximum and minimum threshold established by law.

Important: the amount of the unemployment benefit does not affect the amount of the pension. This is due to the fact that when a person is on the stock exchange, insurance premiums are not charged or paid to the FIU.

Also, the periods of receiving unemployment assistance are not counted in the total length of service, on which the size of payments for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth depends.

If you have any questions, write in the comments.

Work experience can be:

  1. General.
  2. Special - characterizes only certain industries, positions and professions. For example, special working conditions, disabilities of varying severity. Also, the monetary remuneration for the length of service depends on the duration of the special experience.
  3. Continuous - characterizes a certain period of time for the entire time of work. At the same time, in some cases, it can affect the receipt of additional benefits and allowances.
  4. Insurance.

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Total experience

General work experience- represents the amount of the duration of labor and socially useful activities, as well as the periods of activity that are stipulated by law. Based on the total experience, the size is determined:

  • old age pensions;
  • in some cases it may be necessary to determine the amount of the seniority pension.

There are two key points for inclusion in seniority:

  • Professional activity should be carried out only on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • It is necessary for payments to be made to the RF Pension Fund.

It is worth noting that the total length of service can include the period of work that was carried out outside the country, but subject to:

  • that this clause must necessarily be spelled out in an international treaty;
  • contributions were made to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

The total experience includes:

  1. The period when one of the parents provides constant care for the child until he reaches one and a half years. It should be borne in mind that there is a limitation - no more than four and a half years in general for each of the parents. Important, before January 1, 2014, the length of service included a period equal to no more than three years. Consequently, with an increase in this period, the amount of labor pensions, which was established before January 1, 2014, is subject to recalculation.
  2. The period of temporary disability during which payments for compulsory social insurance were received (sick leave).
  3. Service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and equated to it.
  4. The time when a citizen was in custody or in places of deprivation of liberty due to unjustified criminal prosecution.
  5. The period when a citizen is registered with the employment service and at the same time receives.
  6. Period of participation in public works that are payable.
  7. The time of relocation or relocation for the purpose of employment in another locality, provided that this is carried out in the direction of the employment service.
  8. The time of residence of the spouses of contract servicemen in places where they could not find a job due to the lack of such an opportunity. Important, in total, this period should be no more than five years.
  9. The period of time when permanent care is provided for a disabled person of the first group, for a pensioner whose age is over eighty years. Important, care should be carried out only by an able-bodied person.
  10. The period of stay abroad of the wives / husbands of employees who are sent to carry out professional activities in the diplomatic and consular offices of the Russian Federation. Important, the total should be no more than five years.

An important point, concerning the period of study of full-time students. Until January 1, 2012, full-time education, along with work, was included in the general education. But in connection with the current pension program, periods of study are not considered work activities, since the payment of insurance contributions to the country's Pension Fund does not occur, which means that this period will not be included in the calculation of future pension.

All of the above activities will be counted in the seniority only if the requirement is met.

Professional activity should be strictly obligatory before and after them. It should be noted that there is no duration limit.

Periods that are not included in the total length of service:

  1. Training, various training / retraining courses.
  2. The period of residence of citizens in the occupied regions during the Second World War.
  3. Staying in concentration camps during the Second World War.
  4. Accommodation during the siege of Leningrad.
  5. Time for caring for HIV-infected minors by parents and other legal representatives.

Confirmation of seniority can be carried out in two ways:

  1. Based on entries in the work book of the established sample. In case of loss of employment, you can provide a contract, an order for hiring, as well as extracts on deductions from salaries.
  2. Confirmation by testimony of two or more witnesses. This method can be used, for example, in case of loss of documents during a large-scale natural disaster.

Calculation of the total length of service

The calculation of the total length of service is necessary for a citizen, first of all, at the time of retirement. According to Russian law, full work experience is 25 years for men and 20 years for women. Provided that the length of service is fully worked out, the size of the future pension will be calculated according to the employee's average earnings, and equal to 55% of it.

The current pension program proposes to increase the length of service for processing over the established years, for 1 year there is an increase of 1%, but not more than 20%.

Thus, all pensioners who continue to carry out professional activities are adjusted to the length of service.

The calculation of seniority can be done in two ways:

  • simple;
  • preferential.

With a simple method, counting can be done manually, but a more convenient way is to use a special computer program. When calculating by hand, it is best and more convenient to calculate when all the data is collected in a column. The calculation is carried out for each individual place of work of a citizen.

To do this, it is necessary to subtract the date of the employee's first working day from the date of dismissal of the employee and add one day. The total will be the sum of all the results obtained. It is worth noting that a whole year of experience is 12 calendar months, and a month consists of only 30 days. Important keep in mind that if there are no exact dates of entry in the labor book, then the beginning and end of the period is considered to be the middle of the month (15th day) or the middle of the year - July 1.

Based on the legislation, each citizen must have at least five years of experience in order to receive a basic old-age pension. If the labor activity will be more than five years, then the following formula applies.

To the base pension is added the result of the ratio of all payments that were made by the citizen to the pension fund to the total number of months during which the state undertakes to pay the pension (228 months).

Continuous experience

Continuous work experience has no effect on the size of the pension. But there are cases when, nevertheless, when calculating the total experience, it becomes necessary to compare the data obtained with continuous experience. If, when comparing, the total length of service is less than the continuous one, then the determination of the amount of the benefit will be carried out according to the data of the continuous length of service.

Continuous seniority will be maintained if:

  • when changing the place of work, the period of termination of work activity did not exceed one calendar month;
  • the employee terminated the employment contract on his own initiative and the temporary break, until the moment of employment at a new enterprise, was no more than 3 weeks;
  • a woman is in a position, has children under 14 years old or a disabled child under 16 years old;
  • the employee terminated the employment contract on his own initiative, due to the fact that the husband / wife was transferred to another locality to continue his professional activity or retired.

Continuous work experience will not be maintained if the employment contract was terminated due to:

  • systematic failure to fulfill their direct labor duties;
  • failure to show up for work for a good reason;
  • being drunk at work;
  • if a court verdict comes into force, according to which the worker is sent to places of imprisonment.

So, let's summarize some conclusions about the article:

  1. The size of the pension is directly affected by the total length of service.
  2. Labor activity is included in the calculation of the total length of service, provided that it is carried out on the territory of the state and social payments are made.
  3. To receive a basic pension, you must have no more than five years of total work experience.
  4. To receive social benefits, for example, when calculating a sick leave, at 100% rate, you must have at least 8 years of work.
  5. It is possible to confirm the length of service by means of entries in the work book or by means of testimony.

It is worth noting that the calculation of the total length of service for each employee can be carried out not only by the pension fund, but also by the personnel department at work, which must have a special computer program.

Every citizen should think about the amount of his future pension in advance and consciously make a choice of work in favor of the organization that pays wages officially, and not in envelopes, since the size of the pension will be calculated on the basis of the employee's average wage.

Does the length of service in the Far North include the period when the employee was registered at the employment center?


The length of service, which gives the right to receive allowances, is determined in calendar days of work in the corresponding region on an accrual basis.

In accordance with clause 1 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 7, 1993 No. 1012, the length of service that gives an employee the right to receive a percentage increase to his salary is summed up regardless of the timing of the break in work. The duration of continuous work experience to receive a percentage allowance is determined by the work book or by certificates issued by organizations (clause 33 of the Instruction approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of the RSFSR No. 2 of November 22, 1990, clause 28 of the Instruction approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of the RSFSR of November 22, 1990 . No. 3).

Consequently, the length of service includes only periods of work under an employment contract.

Thus, we can say that the period when the employee was registered at the employment center (that is, in fact, did not carry out labor activities) is not counted in the length of service for calculating the northern allowance.

Details in the materials of the System:

Seniority for the allowance

Percentage allowances depend not only on, but also on his length of service in a given region (). The length of service, which gives the right to receive allowances, is determined in calendar days of work in the corresponding region on an accrual basis. In the event of breaks in work, the seniority is maintained regardless of the timing of such breaks (). The duration of continuous work experience for obtaining a percentage increase is determined by the work book or by certificates issued by organizations (Instructions approved, Instructions approved).

For shift workers working in the Far North and equivalent areas, the length of service includes:

  • the actual time (calendar days) of the shift in the Far North regions and areas equated to them;
  • actual days on the way (stipulated by the work schedule on the shift) from the place of gathering (location of the organization - the organizer of the work) to the place of work and back.

Such rules are established in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Nina Kovyazina
Deputy Director of the Department of Education and Human Resources of the Ministry of Health of Russia

    Legal and regulatory framework:








In accordance with Article 12 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On State Guarantees and Compensations for Persons Working and Living in the Far North and Equated Localities", the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Establish that the length of service giving the right to receive percentage allowances to monthly wages to persons working in the Far North regions, equated localities and in other regions of the North, where the regional coefficient and percentage bonus to wages are established, is summed up regardless of the timing of the break in work and the motives for terminating the employment relationship, with the exception of dismissal for guilty actions.

When an employee moves to work in another region or locality (from among those indicated), who has the work experience necessary to obtain this bonus, the percentage bonus to wages is recalculated in proportion to the time worked in the corresponding regions of the Far North, localities equated to them and in other regions North, in accordance with the procedure established for the new place of work.

Chairman of the Council of Ministers -
Government of the Russian Federation

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