Delayed menstruation 2 3 days. Delayed period, but the test is negative: what to do? If the test is negative

A two or three day delay in menstruation can be a serious cause for concern. If the menstrual cycle is regular, then a short delay is considered normal and you should not particularly focus on and wonder why there is no menstruation.

But it should be remembered that any deviation caused by external or internal factors must be taken into account.

Helpers to solve the problem

Every woman is faced with the problem of delayed menstruation. For some it is two or three days, for others it is a week, for others it is 21 days or more. If the delay happened at a young age of 14 - 16 years - do not be shy and tell your mother. Not the fact that you are suspected of pregnancy. All women, before becoming mothers, suffered from delays.

If circumstances do not allow to do so, then every girl should know about her rights. From the age of 14, anyone has the right to visit a gynecologist in a children's clinic independently and on any day.

The doctor will tell you the possible reason for the delay, prescribe an examination or tests. Most cases of missed periods of two or three days are considered normal. However, only a gynecologist can determine the reasons.

Women's health should be taken care of from adolescence. Even if there is no doubt about the presence of the disease, no later than after a week of delay, it is necessary to seek advice from the hospital.

So, if a woman is sure that there are no diseases and infections, then the reasons for the delay of 2-3 days are more diverse.

“I’m pregnant” is the first thought that comes to mind when menstruation is delayed by 2-4 days. Often, this is an erroneous opinion, and if there is no menstruation, there may be other reasons. Only a delay of a week or more indicates the possible fertilization of the egg. At the same time, obvious signs of pregnancy appear and after such a time, the “interesting position” will be determined by the test.

Associated signs of pregnancy:

  • soreness and enlargement of the mammary glands;
  • drowsiness, apathy;
  • migraine;
  • temperature change in the anus (basal temperature);
  • nausea, aversion to previously favorite foods, etc.

But a negative test does not mean that you are not pregnant. It must be repeated after three days. In all women, the hCG hormone rises in different ways. If a woman is not sure that there is no pregnancy, it is better to immediately contact a gynecologist.

There are cases when a woman finds out about a child when she is 8-9 weeks old. The main reasons for this: inattention to one's body, spoiled or defective tests, low test sensitivity.

Stressful situations as the culprits of the delay

"Accomplices" of a delay in menstruation can be:

  • quarrels and misunderstandings in the family;
  • work load;
  • conflicts with employees;
  • sleep deprivation and poor nutrition.

According to statistics, frequent visitors to the gynecologist's office are 1-3 year students, who have a lot of moral stress and frequent stressful situations, especially during the session. But, usually, girls run to the hospital after a long time, most often linking the delay with a possible pregnancy. For example, two or three weeks, but a delay of 2 days scares few people.

An unstable mental state can provoke not only a delay of three days or more, but early menstruation. If your period has shifted this month, your period may start a day or two before your due date next month. Emotionally, a woman should be restrained, at least for the sake of her health.

The influence of hormonal drugs

Abrupt cessation of contraceptives or other hormonal drugs. The most common causes are in the ovaries. They may well work "inhibited" due to the large production of hormones. You should consult a doctor if there is no menstruation for two or three months, but a slight delay of 2-4 days is considered the norm.

Emergency contraception leads to slight delays. For example, the drug "Postinor" or "Escapel". The ovaries can be under stress due to the sudden load of the hormone. This item includes pregnancy. Most protection products cannot provide a 100% guarantee. For 5-7 days of delay, you need to contact a gynecologist.

Was there a pregnancy?

Not all women know that sometimes there is a miscarriage, which they may not be aware of. Accordingly, menstruation begins with a delay of 2-3 days, but can go more abundantly.

Such a pregnancy, from a medical point of view, is considered unconfirmed, so the doctor does not record this delay due to a miscarriage anywhere. It is quite possible that it was a banal stress and on the second or third day after the delay, menstruation began.

If we touch on the topic of abortions and miscarriages, then some frivolous ladies believe that after a pregnancy failure, there will be no possibility of re-fertilization in the next cycles. This is wrong. After such cases, pregnancy happens even faster, but only it is unlikely to be successful. The body has a memory, and out of habit it can again reject the fetus, which threatens with chronic miscarriage.

The reason for the delay can be three of the most commonplace reasons, for example, a cold:

The second option is chronic diseases:

  • gastritis;
  • ulcer;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney and endocrine diseases;
  • liver problems.

A delay of a couple of days is not terrible, but if there is no menstruation on the 7-8th day, it is worth considering. As a result of the treatment of chronic and catarrhal diseases, various drugs are prescribed. Taking them, only 10% of women think that drugs can cause delays.

The most common cause is inflammation of the reproductive system itself.

Additional symptoms:

  • pulling pains in the lower abdomen;
  • uncharacteristic discharge;
  • an unpleasant purulent (sour) smell from the vagina.

Doctors note a tendency to polycystic. This disease, in addition to the above symptoms, is supplemented by a sharp weight gain, increased hairiness, acne (acne on the skin).

Diets, diets...

How many times have doctors warned: "before you go on any diet, be sure to consult a specialist." However, many girls believe that there is no need to visit a nutritionist. Everything is on the Internet.

The World Wide Web is full of advice "how to become slim on day 4 after a special diet." But following these tips, a girl can easily get a hormonal failure. As a result, there are delays. First, in 2-3 days, then longer, then a failure occurs and it is no longer clear how long the menstrual cycle lasts.

From all of the above, we can conclude that health must be taken care of. If a woman does not do this, the body will also not perform its functions. Everything is mutual.

A girl can be frightened by a delay in menstruation for 2-3 days, these experiences are often unfounded. After all, a short-term absence of menstruation in due time is not a deviation from the norm. But in some cases, a cycle failure indicates disturbances in the body caused by internal or external factors. Therefore, women should always be attentive to the signals of their body and find out the cause of the changes.

Almost every woman at least once in her life faced with a delay in menstruation, which lasted several days. But even such a short waiting period is terrifying, especially this situation is frightening due to the onset of an unplanned pregnancy. This thought first visits a woman's head, and every day of waiting for menstrual bleeding is more and more fixed.

But a delay of less than a week is a completely normal phenomenon, it may not mean anything. Each organism is individual and even a change in climate can affect the arrival of menstruation. At the same time, normality can easily go into the stage of a dangerous symptom of any disorders in the female body. And it depends on additional signs that disturb the woman, the consistency of vaginal discharge and the fact itself - whether menstruation came on the 7-8th day or not.

If the test is negative

What does an overly emotional lady do when her period is delayed for a couple of days? Runs to the pharmacy for a pregnancy test! This auxiliary tool, even if the conception of a child has occurred, will most likely give a negative result in such a short period of time. Roughly speaking, it is too early to rejoice or be sad. The level of hormones in the body in the first weeks of pregnancy does not rise so much that the test shows a positive result.

Therefore, it is worth to suffer at least one more week and repeat the manipulation. And if the test turns out to be negative again, then this could mean:

  1. Misuse. Pregnancy tests are different - they differ in the level of sensitivity. Less sensitive specimens (they are not marked "carrying out at any time of the day") should be used in the morning. After waking up, the highest concentration of hormones in the body.
  2. Ectopic pregnancy. With such a pathology, the test will always be negative, by the second week the woman will feel pain in the lower abdomen. The appearance of a small amount of dark-colored vaginal discharge can be confused with the onset of menstruation. Understanding an ectopic pregnancy will come with other symptoms - a sharp rise in temperature, indigestion, chills.

A negative test result may be due to recent surgery on the woman's body or the use of strong antibiotics. Some medications reduce the ability of hormones to multiply.

Reasons for a delay of 2-3 days

Monthly bleeding is a consequence of the expulsion of an unfertilized egg along with dead cells of the uterine mucosa. The interval between menstruation is from 28 to 35 days, it depends on the physiological characteristics of the female body. With excellent health, a delay of 2-4 days is insignificant if menstruation nevertheless appeared on the 4-5th day. In other cases, the absence of menstruation on time may be the first signal that indicates problems in the genitourinary or endocrine systems.

Several reasons can provoke a cycle failure in a woman:

The absence of menstruation occurs in different situations and depends on the actions of the woman:

It turns out that there are a lot of reasons for a short-term delay in menstruation; it is rather difficult to recognize them on your own.

Highlights on Delay

Even a slight delay in menstrual bleeding can be accompanied by a change in vaginal discharge. Their appearance depends on the processes occurring in a given period of time in a woman's body (pregnancy or pathological changes in the genitals).


Not the appearance of menstruation on time, accompanied by white discharge from the vagina, means the onset of pregnancy. When a woman feels an unpleasant odor from the discharge and its consistency does not correspond to the norm, this is a sign of serious health problems. This picture before menstruation is most often present in inflammatory processes, genital tract infections and hormonal failure.


After a short delay, menstruation may begin with discharges unusual for this process with brown clots. Normally, this happens only in girls in adolescence, when the menstrual cycle is just stabilizing. In the rest of the female representatives, brown daub appears after traumatic intercourse, during an acute infectious period, ectopic pregnancy and during menopause.


Yellow vaginal discharge with a delay of 2-3 days indicates that too many leukocytes and dangerous bacteria have accumulated in the body. Because of their violent activity, the microflora of the vagina is disturbed - the cycle is lost and a yellow substance is released. In rare cases, yellowish leucorrhoea is discharged from the vagina due to poor hygiene and allergies.

How to induce menstruation and is it worth it?

To call delayed menstruation, a woman hurries to use medications. After a single dose of pills, menstruation begins as early as 2-4 days. But most drugs are not designed to speed up menstruation, they are usually prescribed to stabilize the hormonal levels in chronic problems. Without objective evidence and the appointment of a gynecologist, you should not take it. After all, the consequences can be quite serious - profuse uterine bleeding, impaired reproductive function, malfunction of the endocrine system.

It is also dangerous to use emergency drugs such as Oxytocin. Yes, just one intravenous injection of this in just 3 hours, but this manipulation can cost you the opportunity to become pregnant in the future and even your life.

Folk remedies

It is better to use long-proven folk remedies - they are safe and effective in the absence of pregnancy. So, half an hour of relaxation in a hot bath with sea salt and iodine, and further sex with her husband will help induce menstruation. If there is none (in the sense of a husband), then after a pleasant procedure, a woman should drink 1 glass of warm tincture of nettle and tansy. For its preparation, you will need dry crushed raw materials in proportions of 1: 1. A mixture of herbs is poured with a glass of boiling water, the container is covered with a warm towel and infused for about 1 hour. Also - put 3 leaves in a glass of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes.

The most effective remedy for delay is considered medicinal plant. You should take 1 tbsp. l. root of the plant, pour 1 glass of water and hold over a water bath for 15 minutes. It is necessary to take a decoction of 50 ml 2 times a day. The result will appear the very next day. But even the most useful plant has contraindications, elecampane is no exception. Therefore, before taking it, you should familiarize yourself with them.

Inexperienced ladies, after listening to the advice of their friends, most often resort at first glance to a harmless way of inducing menstruation - ascorbic acid. With a large dosage of this vitamin, the arrival of menstruation can be overshadowed by poor health, incessant bleeding and serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Violation of the menstrual cycle will become a constant problem and it is unlikely that it will be possible to solve it without medical help.

A delay in menstruation for such a short period should not cause panic in a woman if there are no concomitant symptoms. When the situation with the menstrual cycle requires clarification, then a visit to the doctor is the right decision. And before trying to induce menstruation on your own, you need to make sure that there is no pregnancy. Otherwise, further health and life will be in question. The main thing for a woman is to take care of herself, listen to her feelings and respond in time to changes in the body.

Sometimes in girls and in adult women, menstruation fails, resulting in a delay in menstruation. 3 days is not a reason to immediately sound the alarm, but you should carefully monitor your well-being and associated syndromes.

Convenient infection what happened
leukocyte pain scheme
hurry up at the gynecologist's belly
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Menstruation is delayed by 3 or more days due to pregnancy. If you did a test, but it showed a negative result, then you need to pay attention to other reasons that cause the absence of menstruation for about 3 days:

  • stress and shock;
  • underweight or overweight;
  • serious physical activity;
  • abortion or miscarriage;
  • means of emergency contraception;
  • stop taking oral contraceptives;
  • taking medication.

It could be the pills you were taking

Causes of sudden cycle failure

Menstruation is often delayed under stress that causes various conflicts, overwork, passing tests and exams. The activity of the ovaries is regulated by the part of the brain that produces hormones. Stress can cause it to fail. Also find out the truth about and.

Due to a rigid diet, there is also sometimes a delay. 3 days or more - it already depends on your weight. Lack of weight and exhaustion of the body have an extremely negative effect on the hormonal background. Excess weight also negatively affects the onset of menstruation and leads to disruption of the endocrine system.

Pay attention to the degree of possible physical activity. Excessively active training can lead to a delay in the arrival of menstruation by approximately 3 days. It is possible that the negative impact of diseases of the genitourinary system, which occur in a chronic or acute form, as well as gynecological diseases. At the same time, accompanying symptoms are observed:

  • general weakness of the body;
  • pain in the chest and ovaries;
  • white discharge.

Dangerous chest pain

Pay attention to taking medications, which also often lead to failures. Often the culprits are contraceptives, the task of which is to isolate the ovaries from the cycle. As a result, after stopping the intake, the activity of the ovaries is inhibited for some time. After a couple of months, the menstrual cycle is restored.

During an abortion or miscarriage, the uterine membrane is injured, hormonal changes in the body occur, so menstruation can be delayed for several days. The cycle is also affected by the use of emergency contraceptives. Such medicines are used during unprotected intercourse and do not allow a fertilized egg to be introduced into the uterus. This micro-abortion causes a strong hormonal failure, which causes cycle disorders.

Why there are no critical days

If you have no periods for 4 days, the reasons can also be medical and non-medical. There are several.

  1. Young age.
  2. Strong stress.
  3. Sports.
  4. Excess weight.
  5. Lactation.
  6. anovulatory cycle.

Breastfeeding can contribute to failure

As you can see, the reasons are similar to those that cause a failure for 4 days. In young girls, the cycle is just being established, so this reason is not a pathology and a cause for concern.

Bleeding can be different in abundance and duration, occur either late or ahead of schedule. This is the norm for this period in the life of a teenage girl. A delay of 4 days is due to the anovulatory cycle. Ovulation may not occur twice a year. This happens if a woman does not get pregnant for a long time.

One of the reasons for the delay in the onset of menstruation for 4 or more days is a stressful situation. As described above, stress can cause hormonal failure and delayed periods. Monitor the intensity of sports activities. Intense training causes an increase in the level of male hormones, and this leads to menstruation failures.

Due to insufficient or overweight, there is also a delay in menstruation. 4 days or several weeks - depending on the severity of the disease. Do not worry if the cycle failure occurred during the period of breastfeeding. After childbirth, the cycle is not restored immediately. It may take several months before menstruation comes again.

Symptoms and possible dangers

If you have a delay of 3 days, but nothing hurts, then you are a happy person. Many women suffer from pain in the lower abdomen. They are often pulling, occur when the cycle fails due to pregnancy and other reasons. It does not matter if the delay is 3 or 4 days, if the lower abdomen is pulled, you need to see a doctor, as this may indicate a disorder in the reproductive system. The reasons are stress, fast pace of life, malnutrition. These factors negatively affect the cycle and excretion.

Blood can go plentifully or poorly, differ in consistency and color from normal secretions. When, with a delay in menstruation, the lower abdomen begins to pull for about 4 days, you may have serious pathologies: ovarian dysfunction, salpingo-oophoritis, polycystic ovaries, uterine fibroids. Therefore, if the delay is already 4 days, but nothing else hurts, the reason for the failure of the cycle may not be medical at all. Watch your condition, possible bleeding before the onset of menstruation.

Also, sometimes with a delay of 3 days, white discharge occurs. If they are cheesy and smell bad, you may have thrush. This is a rather insidious disease that requires treatment from a qualified specialist. If delayed due to pregnancy, the sore can be dangerous to the fetus. It is strictly forbidden to independently treat thrush in case of cycle failures due to conception.

Because of the thrush

If your chest hurts, perhaps this is one of the signs of developing mastopathy. Contact a mammologist who will diagnose and determine the cause of discomfort. Also, in addition to mastopathy, chest pain during cycle failures occurs due to an unbalanced diet or a strict diet. Solving this problem is simple: start eating right so that the body receives the necessary vitamins, trace elements and nutrients.

Using the test in case of a problem

When your period is 3 days late, and the test shows a negative result, this does not always indicate the absence of pregnancy. Regardless of the degree of sensitivity of the test, it will show the most accurate result only on the 4th day of the delay in the menstrual cycle. If the delay is already 4 days, and the test is still negative, you need to contact a gynecologist who will establish the true causes of the cycle failure.

With self-determination of pregnancy in the absence of menstruation for 3 days, the test may be false negative. Then he shows one strip, although pregnancy is present. This is due to internal diseases, a spoiled test, or incorrect diagnosis.

False negative result

Sometimes the opposite happens, when, with a delay of 3-4 days, the test shows a positive answer, although there is actually no pregnancy. An incorrect result may be due to trophoblastic neoplasms or a high content of hCG hormones.

In addition, a false positive result may occur after an abortion, miscarriage, or a recent ectopic pregnancy. In these cases, the test sometimes shows two strips even when menstruation occurs. find out

Typically, a woman's cycle is 28 days. If there is no menstruation for 35 days, then this can be considered as a delay. This phenomenon has its own, strictly defined time frame. There is also a rate of delayed menstruation. What it is? The rate of delay in menstruation is the period during which the absence of discharge is allowed. Then you don't have to worry. You never know, you were nervous, worried, did not sleep well, suffered an illness. All of these factors can cause a slight delay. And when is it necessary to "sound the alarm"?

If there is no menstruation five to seven days after the date when the period was supposed to come, then it's too early to worry. Any gynecologist will tell you this. But it is worth considering whether you are in a position. The possibility of conception with such a delay takes place. If you did not protect yourself, then it is quite possible that the pregnancy has come - you will soon become a mother. If there are no prerequisites for this (you didn’t have sex with anyone), then you can ignore the delay. A lot also depends on the presence of symptoms.

If you have signs of pregnancy, then a two-day delay should not be ignored. First, buy a good pregnancy test at the pharmacy, preferably three pieces from different companies (for reliability). If all three tests (or at least one) show "two stripes", then you need to go to your gynecologist, do an ultrasound and take the necessary tests.

What to think (do) if the menstruation is "delayed" for a couple of days, is it worth panicking

If a girl carefully keeps a menstruation calendar, then even a two-day delay will already cause some concern - why did the menstruation “not come”? If your cycle is regular, without failures, then you need to go to the doctor, or at least do a test. Still, of course, it is desirable to remember the entire past month: did you have any great physical exertion, were you overworked, were you nervous, did you change the climate. If you went somewhere to rest (flight, different climate), then menstruation may well be “delayed”. Then it's okay. But if all 28 days (the standard cycle) were calm enough, then the absence of menstruation should cause some suspicion.

It is also worth remembering your sexual relationships, even if you, as it seems to you, were carefully protected, but there is no menstruation, then most likely the pregnancy has come. Ovulation was, conception occurred. In this case, even one day of delay can be an indicator that you are "in position."

What to think if there are no periods for more than three days

Probably, a woman never waits with such a desire for the onset of menstruation, as when they are delayed. If there is no menstruation for three days (and it should have begun), then the girls begin to panic. This happens especially often if the girl (couple) does not plan to have a child. Thoughts immediately come into my head: what to do, give birth or terminate a pregnancy ... But the onset (albeit not desired, not planned) pregnancy is not the only reason for "not coming menstruation." It can also be diseases of the reproductive system, uterus, ovaries, tubes, vagina, and so on. Viral infections, sexual infections are not excluded. Hormonal failure (due to various reasons) also takes place.

Anxiety should intensify if the period "did not come" after four days, and after five, and more. And if you also did a pregnancy test, and it shows a negative result, then you need to urgently go to the gynecologist, find out the reason for the delay in the cycle.

What else can be assumed if menstruation is "delayed" for four to seven days

First of all, this state of affairs may indicate a possible pregnancy, which did not manifest itself in the first days of the absence of the cycle. This happens sometimes. Twice a year, a woman's body (for no apparent reason) "arranges a restructuring", this happens by itself. Therefore, in this case, even a four-day delay in menstruation will be normal. The girl should go to the clinic and get tested for hCG (everyone knows what it is). Even if the pregnancy test showed you a negative result, this analysis will tell one hundred percent whether there is a pregnancy.

If you experienced some unrest in the last month, did not sleep well, there were worries, then your period may shift, starting 4-5 days after the due date. Don't "twist yourself", don't create more tension. Mentally "call" for your period. Sometimes these mental flows are very helpful. The main thing is to keep a sober mind and postpone panic. You can still get excited.

If you “can’t pull yourself together in any way”, went to the doctor, then be prepared for the fact that the gynecologist will give you his verdict - a violation of ovarian function. In other words, their dysfunction. This usually reports that there is some problem in changing the hormonal background. The situation must be corrected, the hormonal background must be restored. But before you start any treatment, you will have to undergo a serious examination. A weekly delay in menstruation is sometimes considered the norm (if there are no diseases), and is eliminated by itself - the cycle begins.

What to say a delay of a week or more

If during the delay you have absolutely no symptoms of PMS (nausea, sipping in the lower abdomen, moderate pain in the uterus, mood swings, fatigue), then you should seriously think about the reasons for the lack of menstruation. There is no menstruation for more than a week - you should go to the doctor, start at least taking tests. One pregnancy test is not enough here.

An unexpected, unexpected delay of more than a week can be caused by the following reasons. Perhaps you recently suffered a strong emotional shock, even experienced a shock. Thus, the body "reacted" to the current situation, a change in your emotional background - menstruation "did not come."

Prolonged physical overstrain, excessive loads can also provoke a delay. Unstable weight is also a bad sign. If you lose weight sharply, and then gain weight, but twice as much, then this indicates a hormonal failure. Menstruation can be delayed not only for seven days, but even for a month. In this case, there is no pregnancy. Transferred operations can also cause a failure in the cycle, a sharp change in climate. Prolonged illness and taking medications (antibiotics) provoke menstruation failures.

If the period was delayed for a month, what to think

This may indicate pregnancy. But if it is, nevertheless, not there, you passed all the tests, passed the tests, then you need to look for the cause in another. Perhaps you have some serious illness. You need an examination that will reveal everything, and after that the gynecologist will already be able to prescribe the necessary treatment for you.

Diseases can be as follows: failures of the endocrine system, hormonal imbalance, gynecological diseases (we have already talked about ovarian dysfunction), the follicle does not mature correctly. During adolescence or during menopause, a woman may experience problems with cycle stability. Otherwise, you need to look for the cause. It is difficult to determine something “by eye”, it is all the more impossible to do it on your own.