Normal menstruation cycle how many days in 30. Which menstruation cycle is considered normal. When does ovulation occur

A 28-day menstrual cycle is considered ideal, which means that exactly 28 days pass from the start of one period to the start of another. But under the influence of the environment, the state of health and the reproductive system, the lifestyle of a woman is changing: for some women it is 25 days, for others 30 or more. Doctors consider the duration of the cycle from 21 to 35 days to be the norm, and if it deviates from this norm, it is advisable to check with a gynecologist and exclude possible diseases. If once or twice a year the cycle went beyond these limits, but not more than ten days,.

Not always too short or too long a cycle indicates the presence of problems, this may be an individual feature of the woman, but it is recommended to do an examination.

The length of the menstrual cycle can change throughout a woman's life. With age, with a change in environment and lifestyle, due to diseases and other factors, the cycle can become shorter or longer, if it remains regular, this is not a cause for concern.

Deviations from the norm

During the first year or two after the onset of the first menstrual cycle is irregular, several months can pass between periods, this is normal. In some cases, the cycle, on the contrary, is too short. Over time, the cycle stabilizes, but if after a few years this has not happened, you need to consult a gynecologist.

Cycle length may change and go beyond the normal range after pregnancy or lactation. In breastfeeding women, menstruation occurs at the end of lactation, and the cycle is restored in a few months. With mixed feeding, menstruation appears 3-4 months after birth, but the cycle also does not immediately become regular.

The duration of the cycle also changes before menopause, first for several days, then for months. When menstruation is absent for more than a year, menopause occurs.

Deviations in the duration of menstruation from the norm can be associated with inflammation of the genital organs, tumors - fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometritis. In some cases, congenital disorders in the reproductive system lead to too short or long menstrual cycles. Chronic diseases that are not directly related to the genitals can also affect menstruation: diabetes, thyroid disorders.

Menstruation accompanies a woman most of her life. A regular monthly cycle is the key to women's health. For girls who have recently encountered this process, there is a lot of secret, hidden, unknown. What is a monthly cycle - how to calculate its duration, from which day to start, how long does each phase last?

Menstruation in girls begins on average between 14 and 16 years of age. Due to individual characteristics and in the presence of pathologies, menstruation appears at an earlier age - from 9 years old, and later - 17-18 years old. Doctors call a woman's normal cycle a duration of 28 days. But under conditions of constant exposure to adverse factors, a deviation upwards of 4 days is allowed. Therefore, a cycle of 32 days is also normal.

What does a woman's menstrual cycle mean? A sequence of events that constantly repeats itself. The hormonal background controls the process in the female body. The whole cycle is divided into 4 parts, but conventionally it is usually divided into 2.

Follicular phase

Under the guidance of the brain - the pituitary gland and with the help of the central nervous system, the ovaries produce sex hormones. In the first phase, estrogen predominates. He is responsible for the formation of follicles, the development of an egg in them. Initially, a large number of follicles appear in the ovaries. In a week, a dominant appears, an egg develops in it. In parallel with this process, the structure of the inner layer of the uterus - the endometrium - changes. How to count the follicular phase at home? To do this, there is a calendar method. The calculation is very simple. Add the number of days or look at the calendar. The calendar method is taken as the basis of the online calculator. You don’t even have to bother counting, just enter the start and end dates of the cycle. In 12-14 days, the development and preparation process is completed. The next phase begins in the body.


It is generally accepted that ovulation in a healthy woman's body occurs from the 12th to the 16th day of the cycle. The ideal option for a menstrual cycle of 28 days is 14 days. With a duration of 32 days - 16 days. At this point, hormonal changes occur in the woman's body. The level of estrogen decreases, the level of progesterone increases. A sharp jump leads to rupture of the follicle. The egg is released in search of the sperm. This phase in a woman lasts no more than 2 days.

luteal phase

Immediately after ovulation, progesterone remains in the vast majority. Under its influence, the egg continues to develop. The structure of the endometrial layer is changing. It becomes loose so that the fertilized egg can quickly gain a foothold in the uterine cavity. After fertilization, the egg develops autonomously. After 7-10 days, it begins to move through the tubes into the uterine cavity. Implantation takes place. From this moment, the pregnancy is considered to have taken place. If fertilization has not occurred, 10 days after ovulation, the body begins to prepare for menstruation. The uterus uses sedentary muscles. Makes a strenuous contraction, tries to reject the endometrium. A few more days later, the final phase of this cycle begins, and it is also the beginning of the next one.

Desquamation phase

Nothing but menstruation. Under the influence of hormones, blood circulation in the pelvic organs increases, blood vessels expand, and stagnant blood comes out through the uterus. At this time, the layer of the endometrium is rejected, in menstrual flow it looks like clots. Menstruation in women lasts from 3 to 5 days. All deviations up and down are deviations. The beginning of menstruation is the renewal phase. Restoration, transformation. The uterus is cleared of the previous layer of the endometrium, regurgitates an unfertilized egg and is already preparing for the second process again. This ends the current menstrual cycle, the next one begins.

The usual calculation of the cycle of the house

How to calculate the length of your menstrual cycle method is usually used by women who use a natural method to prevent unwanted pregnancy. How can a woman conduct a regular calculation at home using the calendar method?

From the beginning of menstruation, mother, sister, girlfriend, doctors recommend starting a regular calendar, marking the start and end date of menstruation there. They should be guided by the usual calculation of duration. The date of the beginning of the previous menstruation is considered the first day of the cycle. The date of the next menstruation is its end. For example, menstruation began on September 22, the next one began on October 24. Then the duration of the menstrual cycle is 32 days.

The usual calculation of a woman's menstrual cycle is complicated by an irregular cycle. Indeed, for many women, menstruation does not come on time. Then the gynecological count is averaged. Data will be required for at least 6 months, and preferably a year. Then add up the duration of all cycles, divide by the number of months. For example, 28+32+27+33+28+40 = 188 days. The number is divided by 6 months, it turns out the duration of the menstrual cycle on average 31 days.

The calendar method allows you to get the total duration of the entire cycle of a woman. To find out how long each phase lasts, you should use another calculation method - measuring basal temperature. It is often used in gynecological practice.

Calculation of each phase of the cycle at home

By indicators of basal temperature, you can determine the phase of the cycle. For the most part, women are interested in the moment of ovulation. After all, only a week before it starts and 2 days after ovulation, the period is considered favorable for conception. The basal temperature is used for pregnancy to occur and to prevent it. You can determine when your period starts.

After ovulation, no more than 6 days pass before the start of the next menstruation. A change to this rule is considered a deviation.

Measurement of basal temperature is carried out by a woman in the morning, without getting out of bed. Used to measure a mercury thermometer. Record the date of the onset of menstruation, mark the temperature on the graph every day, connect with a line. To get the most complete picture of the duration of each phase, the measurement should be carried out for at least 3 months, preferably half a year. It should be remembered that a healthy woman has 2 cycles a year without ovulation. This is how the body rests. After 35 years, there are about 6 such cycles.

  1. If the basal temperature chart is without much delay and temperature rise, then there was no ovulation in the cycle.
  2. If the changes are minor, ovulation is weak.
  3. If in the second phase there is again a decrease in temperature and again an increase. The basal temperature indicator is kept at 37 degrees - an egg implantation has occurred, a pregnancy test should be performed.

Measurement of basal temperature will allow you to determine the presence of pregnancy even before the test shows it. In addition, while the gynecological calculation gives only an average value. The basis is ovulation in the middle of the cycle. Although in fact it can occur on any day of the cycle, even when menstruation is on. Hence the deviation of the gynecological gestational age from the present by 1-2 weeks in one direction or the other. The exact date of ovulation allows you to determine the actual date of birth.

Discharge in each phase of the menstrual cycle

You can determine which phase lasts by the discharge from the vagina. We'll have to watch them for a few months. Then the woman will know for sure when what is happening in her body:

  1. In the first phase, the discharge is scarce, practically absent. Odorless, transparent or .
  2. During ovulation, there is a change in consistency and quantity. The secretions become more abundant. Transparent, viscous. Reminds me of egg white. Sometimes blood particles are present. Allocations acquire a pink tint or smear with brown.
  3. In the second phase, they remain plentiful. Again there is a change. The color is white, the consistency is thick.
  4. Before menstruation, the discharge becomes a little less. A brown tint appears. When calculating the duration of the menstrual cycle, days with brown daub are not taken into account. If they are followed by full periods.
  5. During pregnancy, the discharge remains thick, the amount increases.

The normal monthly cycle proceeds every month in the same way. However, due to the fact that many internal and external factors affect a woman's body, the timing changes. For example, ovulation does not occur in the middle of the cycle, menstruation is late or starts earlier.

Factors affecting the length of the menstrual cycle

Gynecological diseases are not always to blame for the violation of the cycle. Failure occurs due to hormonal imbalance. Various factors can affect the level of hormones, including gynecological diseases. For example:

  • climate change;
  • physical exercise;
  • disorder of the nervous system;
  • diseases with fever;
  • viral disease;
  • thrush;
  • medicines;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • cervical erosion;
  • endometriosis;
  • endometritis;
  • change in woman's weight;
  • bad habits;
  • nutrition.

If the cycle is irregular, in order to calculate its average duration, all these factors should be taken into account. If a woman was undergoing treatment, there were serious psychological stresses, such a cycle should not be taken into account.

All methods for calculating the monthly cycle can be carried out at home. If desired, an online calculator on the Internet is used. Every woman should know the duration of the cycle. The well-being of a future pregnancy depends on its regularity. After all, sooner or later, every woman will think about the child. A constant delay in the menstrual cycle indicates the presence of problems in women's health. You should seek help from specialists. In some cases, you will have to undergo hormone therapy. An irregular menstrual cycle is allowed only at the beginning of its formation, 2 years after the start of the first menstruation.

Menstruation for a woman has become a familiar and routine phenomenon, which is given too little attention. To maintain your health and well-being, you should know how your periods go, what should be the discharge and their amount. Both adolescent girls and women at a more mature age should be able to recognize deviations from the normal course of the cycle.

It can be characterized by the degree of soreness, regularity and the amount of discharge. This process is individual and every woman goes through it in her own way.

Unfortunately, during menstruation, most women experience significant discomfort associated with pain. They provoke spasms of a group of lipid biologically active substances that stimulate the contraction of the muscles of the uterus to remove blood from the body. Some women claim that the pain of menstruation is significantly reduced after the birth of a child.

Painkillers such as tempalgin, tamipull, solpadein, no-shpa help women cope with pain. Reception of antispasmodics should be carried out strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. It is not recommended to exceed the dose so as not to provoke side effects. Also, do not take aspirin and apply a heating pad to the stomach, as this increases bleeding.

Although most doctors advise to refrain from playing sports on critical days, moderate physical activity helps to reduce the intensity of uterine spasms. Therefore, with good health, a woman can go for a walk or bike ride. It will only benefit the body.

When a woman notices that menstruation (menstruation) after the age of 35 has become accompanied by more severe cramps and pain, a gynecologist should be examined for the development of endometriosis, or the presence of polyps.

Women should be especially sensitive to their health and regularly undergo preventive examinations by a gynecologist. This will help to avoid the development of many pathologies of the organs of the genitourinary system.

Normal does not pose a threat to the body. Moderate blood loss is quickly replenished and is imperceptible for a woman. The rate of discharge during menstruation is in the range from 20 to 50 grams per day. The duration and intensity of the discharge is individual, these figures may vary slightly in each case. The total blood loss does not exceed 250 grams.

Sometimes women complain of copious discharge, which literally "flood" them in the first days. They have to change tampons or pads every two hours, and blood can come out in clots of various sizes. For women of mature age in the pre-menopausal period and for younger ladies, such periods signal a hormonal imbalance in the body.

To correct the situation, you should contact a gynecologist, undergo an examination and, on the recommendation of a doctor, take additional tests. A visit to a specialist with blood loss above the norm is mandatory, since abundant menstrual flow indicates the presence of inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system.

Such a popular method of contraception, as a spiral, sometimes causes heavy bleeding during menstruation. This situation is fixable, it is enough just to draw the attention of your gynecologist to this issue.

From heavy periods, a very effective remedy is sorrel, which is added to food, fresh or boiled. They are also used on the basis of yarrow, chamomile, horsetail, shepherd's purse, lungwort and horse chestnut (bark, leaves or flowers), pepper mountaineer. Effective ways to reduce bleeding are a decoction of stalks and cherry leaves, an infusion of oak acorns. With severe bleeding in the evening, soak flax seeds. The next day, only flax is allowed to be taken as food.

A meager amount of menstruation for only two or three days may be due to the following reasons:

  • taking contraceptives;
  • preclimax period;
  • hormonal failure due to a sharp change in body weight.

If scanty discharge appeared after an abortion or a procedure to clean the uterus after childbirth, you should check for the possibility of gluing the walls of the uterus. Surgery is sometimes used to correct this problem. Weak bleeding occurs sometimes during pregnancy.

Menstrual flow is characterized by a bright red color and a specific smell. Often women notice traces of blood clots on the pads. Their size can range from small grains to large clots. This phenomenon is considered absolutely normal. Enzymes intended for the processing of secretions do not have time to correctly perform the functions assigned to them. Therefore, the blood that remains unprocessed accumulates in the vagina, transforming into clots.

As mentioned above, intrauterine devices contribute to abundant blood secretions, which are also converted into clots. In the presence of a spiral, clots can be explained by the fact that fertilized eggs could not attach to the walls of the uterus and left the body along with menstrual blood.

We found out how normal periods should go in the middle of the cycle. At the very beginning and end of menstruation, instead of bright red blood, a slight spotting may appear. A small amount of discharge has a brownish tint and lasts about two days. A longer release of such blood indicates gynecological problems, the nature of which should be established by the doctor during the examination.

Allocations are spontaneous and irregular. The formation of the cycle can take about a year. As a result, the question of how often menstruation occurs can be answered that the duration of a normal cycle is 28 days with possible deviations of 1-2 days. Some have cycles as short as 25 days (short cycle). The longest cycle, which is not considered a deviation from the norm, lasts 32 days.

The most favorable are regular periods, that is, when the beginning and end of menstruation occurs approximately on the same days of the month. In this case, we can talk about the coordinated functioning of the genitourinary system of the body. When the cycle is constantly changing, lengthening or, conversely, becoming shorter, we are talking about irregular periods. Normal discharge during menstruation and a regular cycle are two parameters that indicate a healthy state of the reproductive system.

Irregular periods are not the result of pathologies, if we are talking about young girls with a still unformed cycle or about the premenopausal period in a woman's life. Sometimes there is a violation of the cycle due to the absence or failure of it. For couples planning children, the ability to calculate the days of ovulation is extremely important, so it makes sense for a woman to make an appointment with a gynecologist.

If a woman has a long absence of menstruation, this cannot be called the norm. If the possibility of pregnancy has been excluded, it should be examined for early menopause, for the presence of hormonal or psychological causes of cycle failure.

Hygiene procedures and intimate life during menstruation

Attitudes towards intimacy during menstruation in women and men often do not coincide. Men seek unprotected sex and the opportunity to experience pleasure, while women are somewhat wary of such experiments. And not in vain. The health of the beautiful half of humanity on such days is especially prone to various diseases due to the ajar cervix. Therefore, if you can’t do without sex, you must follow the basic rules of hygiene, as well as use a condom to protect against penetration of infections into the female body.

Do not forget what menstruation should be normal and how to keep the body clean so as not to infect. The basic rules of feminine hygiene are:

  1. Twice daily visit to the bathroom.
  2. The use of pads and tampons, selected in accordance with the characteristics of the female body.
  3. Regular replacement of hygiene items.
  4. The use of night-time pads at night to protect clothes and bedding from blood.
  5. Change of pads is carried out as they become dirty, but not less often than after 3-4 hours.

Both pads and tampons are convenient and practical devices. They provide protection of linen from pollution and leaks. For the convenience of a woman, you can try to combine these hygiene products.

Which periods are normal, and which ones indicate the need to visit a doctor, every girl and woman should know. The reasons for deviations from the norm can be: hormonal failure, weight gain or loss, stress, as well as infectious diseases of the genitourinary system. In order not to be lost in conjectures about the state of your health, you should regularly undergo an examination by a gynecologist.

Medicines and folk remedies


  • tempalgin;
  • tamipul;
  • solpadeine;
  • no-shpa.

Folk remedies:

  • decoction of sorrel;
  • yarrow;
  • chamomile;
  • horsetail;
  • shepherd's bag;
  • lungwort;
  • horse chestnut;
  • flax seeds.

The onset of menstruation is always an important and exciting stage in the life of every woman. This is a kind of evidence of the body that it has matured and requires further development. It is important to know which cycle of menstruation is considered normal. Indeed, only by the nature of the discharge and the regularity of critical days at any age can one already judge many pathological conditions, including the likelihood of pregnancy. Many women, losing relatively large volumes of blood every month, consider this normal, especially if friends and relatives have had similar conditions. Normally, critical days should not disturb the general well-being and interfere with the usual way of life. How to understand where in which case there is already a pathology, what do normal periods look like?

Read in this article

When does a girl get her period

The puberty of children today is significantly different from what it was, for example, 20-25 years ago. If our grandmothers and mothers can tell stories about how their periods started at 14 and 16, now this is more an exception than a pattern.

But just like the duration of the cycle, the duration can be affected by all of the above factors, leading to the fact that the critical days flow a little differently than usual. Additionally, the following can change the duration:

  • Sexual contacts during critical days. Sex at the beginning and end of menstruation can cause them to slightly increase, but reduce the number of days. This is explained by the fact that during sexual contact, oxytocin is released, which causes contraction of the uterus, and this leads to the fastest cleansing of its cavity. Sex during heavy discharge, as a rule, causes an even greater increase in them.
  • The intrauterine device, being in the uterine cavity, in many women contributes to an increase in the amount of discharge and the duration of critical days up to 14 days. A few days before and after menstruation are considered normal. It all depends on the individual properties of the organism.
  • Against the background of taking oral contraceptives, the nature of menstruation changes significantly. In most cases, the number of days is reduced to 2 - 4, and the discharge can only be spotting throughout them.

Norms of blood loss on critical days

How should a normal period go? Ideally, in 5-7 critical days, a woman can leave up to 150-200 ml of blood with secretions without harm to health. On average, this is 50 - 70 ml per day. With such a cycle, one pack of pads is usually enough for 5-6 drops per month, provided that they are almost completely full.

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  • The topic of menstruation is very relevant for every girl, since this process is the first indicator of women's health. Regular menstruation and a normal cycle indicate that there are no gynecological pathologies in the body, and therefore a girl can conceive and give birth to a healthy baby.

    At the same time, women often experience various cycle disorders. This can happen for various reasons, which can only be established by an experienced gynecologist. However, even before contacting a specialist, the girl herself can understand if she has any problems. To do this, you need to know what is the normal duration of menstruation.

    The duration of the menstrual cycle is normal

    Each organism has certain characteristics, therefore there is no clear standard for the duration of menstruation. However, there are certain limits to the norm. As a rule, menstruation lasts 3-7 days. It can cause a feeling of weakness and small. This condition is considered normal and should not cause concern.

    If the critical days last less than 3 days or more than a week, you should consult a gynecologist. Usually, such violations indicate an inflammatory process of the genital organs or problems with the balance of hormones in the body.

    How long do girls usually have their first period

    The first period, or menarche, usually occurs at age 12, but it can sometimes occur at other ages. A variant of the norm is considered if menstruation begins at 10-15 years. From the time of the first menstruation, it sometimes takes several months or a whole year until the cycle stabilizes.

    In healthy girls, the cycle should be 28 days. An error of 2-4 days is considered the norm, subject to the regularity of menstruation. An excellent option is the situation when menstruation lasts for 3-5 days.

    Adolescent girls usually have scanty periods. Moreover, brown discharge or a few drops of blood may be observed. This is absolutely normal and can be explained by hormonal fluctuations occurring in the body.

    Around the age of 14-15, the cycle stabilizes, and menstruation usually lasts 3-4 days. At this age, every girl should control her menstruation. If it lasts less than two days or more than a week, you need to visit a gynecologist.

    After childbirth or caesarean section

    After the birth of a child, the first menstruation can be quite heavy and more like bleeding. This is quite normal, because everything superfluous should come out of the uterus. It is very important to monitor the color and smell of the discharge. If a woman has the slightest suspicion of the naturalness of the process, you should consult a doctor.

    The second period should not be as heavy, but it is not at all necessary that they begin next month. This can happen sooner or later, and is also considered normal. After the recovery of the body is completed, the cycle stabilizes.

    After a cesarean section, menstruation usually comes at the same time as after an ordinary birth. However, if complications occur after surgery, menstrual function may not recover for a long time. This is due to the long period of uterine involution due to the suture. If infectious complications occur, it will take some time to restore the work of the ovaries.

    The duration of the cycle of menstruation - how to calculate?

    Some girls mistakenly believe that the menstrual cycle is the number of days between periods. In fact, it is necessary to count the time from the beginning of one period to the beginning of the next. The first day must also be taken into account when making calculations.

    Date of the beginning of the current menstruation - the date of the beginning of the previous menstruation + 1 day = duration of the cycle. For example, August 25 - July 28 + 1 day = 28 days. Thus, the duration of a normal cycle is 28 days.

    The duration of the cycle is influenced by many individual characteristics of the body:

    • stressful situations;
    • acute and chronic diseases;
    • chronic fatigue;
    • environmental factors;
    • changing climatic conditions.

    Given these features, it is not surprising that the work of the body can change. That is why deviations from the normal cycle of 6-7 days are not a pathology. Doctors say that the duration of the cycle can be from 21 to 36 days.

    To facilitate the counting process, you can use an ordinary calendar. It must be noted how long the menstruation lasts. Thanks to this, you can monitor the regularity of the cycle and report this information to the gynecologist.

    What determines the duration of menstruation?

    The length of this period is influenced by many factors:

    1. genetic predisposition. If your closest relatives in the female line have menstruation for 8 days, then with a high degree of probability you will have the same duration. This situation does not require medical attention, since it cannot be changed with the help of drugs.
    2. Features of the body. The duration of menstruation depends on the functioning of the blood coagulation system. Equally important is the length of the cervix and the structure of the reproductive system. It is from these indicators that the duration of critical days depends.
    3. Violation of the regime of the day and nutrition. Girls who constantly adhere to debilitating diets or spend too much time at the computer, sacrificing sleep at the same time, should understand that this will invariably affect the functioning of the genital organs. As a result, periods may become more scanty or last a whole week instead of the usual three days.
    4. High physical activity. Excessive exercise can negatively affect the cycle. Remember that any load must be increased gradually.
    5. Stressful situations and psychological stress. Such problems can cause serious disruptions in the menstrual cycle. As a result, the duration of menstruation may increase or decrease. In some cases, they disappear altogether.
    6. Taking oral contraceptives. Hormonal drugs lead to a reduction in the duration of menstruation. Sometimes it disappears altogether. After stopping the use of tablets, the cycle should be restored.
    7. The duration of menstruation is often influenced by various pathologies. Gynecological and endocrine diseases can lead to disruption of the cycle. To identify the cause of this condition, you should consult a doctor.
    8. The duration and regularity of the menstrual cycle is a direct indicator of women's health. Therefore, every girl should control the duration of menstruation. If the slightest deviations appear, it is very important to consult your doctor in a timely manner.

    Video: normal menstrual cycle and how to calculate it

    The duration of the menstrual cycle should be from 21 to 35 days, ideally this figure is 28 days. In this case, the duration of menstruation can vary from 2 to 7 days. The first menstruation should begin at the age of 10-12, and during the year the periods may be irregular, after which the cycle stabilizes.