Determine gender by ovulation. Planning the sex of the child by ovulation. Products for conceiving a girl

Scientists have been trying for decades to develop a way to plan for the birth of a boy or girl. They managed to find a connection between the conception of a child and the release of an egg and even derive a formula. Determining the sex of a child by the date of ovulation is a scientific, although not very reliable method.

You can plan the sex of the child by ovulation with an online calculator. To do this, you need to know the duration of the menstrual cycle and the day the menstruation begins.

This online conception calendar will help not only calculate the days when fertilization is likely, but also help in calculating the sex of the unborn child. To calculate the day of ovulation, it is enough to know the date of the last menstruation and the length of the cycle. Fill in the fields of the calculator and click on the "send" button.

You will receive a calendar with the most likely day of ovulation and the days when you need to plan a PA for conceiving a boy or girl. If the conception of a child of a certain gender is important for you, then it is better to support the results of the calculator with ovulation tests.

If your cycle floats a little - for example, one month lasts 26 days, another 28 - you need to calculate the arithmetic mean. For example, if the duration of the MC for the last three months was 26.27 and 28 days, then it is better to calculate the ovulation calendar with the number 27. If the cycle jumps, then the calculation method will not work for you. It is better to use ovulation tests or do an ultrasound.

Planning a boy or girl for ovulation: the essence of the method

Only those women who have regular menstrual bleeding and the body does not fail can plan the sex of the child by ovulation (with or without a calculator). The technique is not suitable for girls with a "jumping" cycle and hormonal disorders. It does not work in women who have recently stopped taking hormonal contraceptives, their cycle can be restored up to 3 months.

To know how to calculate the sex of a child by ovulation, one must imagine the mechanism of conception. For the onset of pregnancy in a woman's body, two germ cells merge, each of which contains 23 chromosomes. Male and female gametes have the same number of chromosomes. Connecting, they form a zygote with a set of 46 chromosomes.

The spermatozoon and the egg cell carry equal genetic material, but the sex of the unborn baby depends solely on the man. Each spermatozoon has an individual X (girl) or Y (boy) chromosome. Scientific studies have shown that cells with Y chromosomes move rapidly and outperform gametes with X chromosomes. However, the latter have a greater viability and can wait for the right moment for several days before ovulation.

Embryologists give male cells the following characteristics:

  • A sperm that carries an X chromosome can fertilize an egg after a long stay in the female genital tract. Such gametes do not move forward very quickly. They are significantly inferior to their rivals with Y chromosomes (boys). Sperms compensate for their slowness with high viability. The period of preservation of vital activity is from 3 to 5 days. If fertilization takes place, then the woman will have a girl.
  • The male reproductive cell, which carries the Y chromosome (boy), is ready for fertilization immediately after intimacy. These spermatozoa move in a straight line and have a high speed of movement. In just a few hours after ejaculation, they can achieve their goal, ahead of the carriers of the X chromosome. Fast and frisky sperm soon lose their strength and die. The period of preservation of the activity of such cells is no more than a day. Upon successful fertilization, the couple will have a boy.

The essence of the method of planning a boy or girl according to the day of ovulation is to choose the right time for intercourse. The closer to the peak of fertility unprotected intimacy takes place, the more likely it is to give birth to a male child.

If conception takes place on the day of ovulation, a woman is more likely to become pregnant with a boy. With proximity 3-4 days before the release of the egg, the likelihood of having a girl increases.

  • When abandoning intimacy 2-3 days before ovulation, or use a condom. Unprotected sexual intercourse should take place no earlier than one day before the release of the egg from the ovary.
  • When having unprotected sex a few days before ovulation. Within 24 hours before the rupture of the follicle, refuse intimacy or use a condom.

OB/GYNs consider this method of planning relatively scientific and admit that it works. However, doctors do not advise placing high hopes on him, so that later disappointment does not come. You can try to plan the sex of the child, but you cannot be 100% sure of the result. It is important that there is no failure in the selected cycle, which will lead to a shift in ovulation and disrupt the plans of the spouses.

How to find out about the release of the egg

Since the time of sexual contact, the ovulation period and the sex of the child are interconnected, a woman needs to learn how to determine the exact period for the release of an egg from the ovary. The duration of the break between menstruation is different for all women, so it is impossible to name a single exact date of ovulation for them. The second phase of the cycle lasts an average of two weeks. The easiest way to calculate ovulation is to subtract 14 days from the total cycle time.

To plan sex for ovulation, you can use more reliable methods:

  • measure basal temperature;
  • do tests;
  • monitor the growth of the follicle by ultrasound.
  • Use our online calculator (a little higher in this article).

Some girls will know about the moment of rupture of the follicle without additional calculations. They clearly feel ovulation and know in which ovary it occurs.

Other ways to plan the sex of the unborn child

Future parents actively use five methods for determining the sex of a child:

  1. Blood renewal. To calculate, you need the year of birth of the future father and mother. Read about how to schedule a girl for blood renewal.
  2. Blood type. You can determine who will be born to a couple if you know the blood type of each partner. A special table helps to perform the calculation.
  3. Rh factor. Calculation by Rhesus is performed by analogy with the method of determining sex by group. Often these two methods are used together.
  4. Chinese calculation. If you know how old the woman was at the time of conception and in what month it happened, you can plan the sex of the child according to the table. The scheme is popular with young couples.
  5. . No less often, men and women use the Japanese table. To carry out the calculation, you need to know in which month both partners were born and when the conception happened.

All these methods for determining the sex of a child are not recognized by official medicine, despite the fact that they work for some couples.

There is only one reliable and scientific method that allows you to conceive a child of the desired sex - a boy or a girl. It's called sperm fractionation. This procedure is often used if there are hereditary diseases in the family that are transmitted along a certain line. In this case, it is important for the spouses that they have a child of the opposite sex who definitely does not inherit a dangerous pathology.

The essence of the sperm fractionation method is that the seminal fluid of a man undergoes laser treatment. After that, the spermatozoa are divided into two parts according to the content of chromosomes:

  • X chromosomes allow you to conceive a female child;
  • Y chromosomes allow you to get pregnant with a boy.

In the future, the fertilization of the egg is performed in a test tube with the set of cells that is selected for conception. Sperm fractionation is used according to indications, this is one of the stages of IVF. Doctors say that this scheme works effectively, but also does not give a 100% result.

Methods that allow you to determine the sex of a child by ovulation are of interest to many couples. Planning the sex of the future baby is often resorted to by families who already have a girl and want a boy, or vice versa. It is equally important that planning helps to avoid some hereditary pathologies and they are treated more easily in girls than in boys.

Planning sex for ovulation, with the correct calculation of days, gives a high result. The female egg has one type of chromosome (X chromosome), male spermatozoa are of two types, with X and Y chromosomes, the first is responsible for the appearance of a girl, the second a boy. Female X chromosomes are more tenacious than male ones, but the speed of their movement is slower.

Thus, if sexual intercourse took place 4 to 5 days before the release of the egg, the male chromosomes will have time to die, and the female ones will remain, respectively, the probability of having a baby is high. If male sperm enters the egg on the day of ovulation or 1-2 days before it, most likely a boy will appear in the family.

To determine the sex of the child by the date of ovulation, you need to know when it occurs. Almost without difficulty, they will be able to determine the day of ovulation and plan a girl for women who have a regular cycle. The countdown of the cycle begins from the first day of the appearance of spotting, in the next 9 days (with a cycle of 28 days) it is impossible to get pregnant. Then 10 and 14 days, due to the characteristics of the female body, they are considered conditionally safe, the chances of getting pregnant are low, but they should not be ruled out. From the 14th to the 18th day from the start of menstruation (the beginning of ovulation is considered to be the 13th-15th day of the cycle), XX chromosomes merge, so you can get pregnant with a girl during this period.

To more accurately determine the day "x", you can use special tests that are purchased at the pharmacy. The right day will help determine the characteristic ovulation symptoms:

  • increased sexual desire;
  • change in cervical mucus;
  • breast augmentation;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • increase in basal body temperature.

To conceive a girl by ovulation, it is necessary to have sexual intercourse, 3-4 days before the release of the egg. It should be borne in mind that even with regular cycles, it is not easy to calculate the days of ovulation for conceiving a girl from the first time, women can experience failures, the reasons for this are considered: some diseases, the use of drugs or prolonged stress. Accordingly, it is recommended for a woman to calculate the right time for several cycles, only in this way parents will be able to conceive a girl almost 100 percent.

Due to the short viability of sperm with a Y chromosome, it is possible to conceive a boy by ovulation after some calculations. In order to choose the time when you can get pregnant with a boy, a woman also needs to know the exact day of ovulation. It will be possible to conceive a boy with almost 100 percent accuracy if sexual intercourse is performed 12 hours before the release of the egg.

The chance of conceiving a boy is reduced if sexual intercourse is performed 4-5 days before ovulation. This is due to the longevity of female and the rapid death of male spermatozoa. Determining the sex of a child is possible not only by ovulation; for these purposes, parents can use the lunar calendar, the Japanese or Chinese table, and so on.

The gender of the child or the right time to conceive a boy by the age of the mother can be determined using an ancient Chinese table.

In addition to determining the sex of the child by the mother's age and month, the calculation can be made by the date of conception, if the woman remembers the day when sexual contact occurred. This method is based on the calculation of the day of release of the egg. If conception occurred a few days before ovulation, the sex of the child will be female, respectively, when conceived on the day of ovulation, a boy will be born. With high accuracy, a woman will give birth to a boy if fertilization occurs the day before ovulation.

You can determine the sex of a child using folk methods, there are quite a lot of them, and they consist in determining the shape of the pregnant belly, changes in appearance, movements, toxicosis, food preferences, edema, sleeping position, skin on the hands, temperature, mood, interest in other children .

Belly shape
The method of recognition by the shape of the abdomen is considered one of the most correct. If it is round, wide and sticks out to the left, a girl is most likely to appear, with a boy its shape will be pointed, and it will move to the right.

It has long been believed among the people that a girl "takes away" her mother's beauty, a woman pregnant with a boy, on the contrary, looks better and fresher. What is happening has an explanation, the woman shares hormones of “beauty” with her daughter, her hair begins to fall out, her nails break, her skin fades.

First movements
It is believed that if a woman feels the first movements on the right, then a girl can be expected and vice versa, when moving on the left side, a boy will be born.

The people have long noticed the phenomenon that the stronger the toxicosis in a future mother, the more likely it is to give birth to an heir. This is due to the fact that it is difficult for the body to get used to the baby of the opposite sex.

food preferences
It is noticed that a woman bearing a girl wants sweet and sour. If a boy is born, then the expectant mother prefers meat, pickles, bread, potatoes.

People believe that when pregnant with an heir, a woman swells more than when she carries a girl.

Sleep position
The preference of a pregnant woman to sleep on her right side is considered a sign of bearing a girl, sleeping on her left side informs about the opposite.

Hand skin
It is noticed that mothers bearing girls have good skin on their hands, while when it becomes rough during pregnancy with a boy.

If a woman in position constantly freezes, there is a high probability of giving birth to a girl, with heat and lack of air, a baby is expected.

The nervous behavior of the expectant mother is regarded as a pregnancy with a girl, a calm woman is most likely wearing a boy.

Interest of other children
If a strange child accidentally approached a woman in a position and became interested in her stomach, one should expect a baby of the opposite sex.

When is it better to conceive a child on the day of ovulation - in the morning or in the evening?

The lifespan of an egg cell is from 12 to 24 hours, spermatozoa can remain active for up to 5 days. In order to get pregnant, sexual intercourse must coincide with ovulation. It is difficult to say at what time of the day it occurs, each organism is arranged individually. For this reason, sex should be done in the morning and evening on day x.

Some believe that frequent sexual intercourse, especially before ovulation, can increase the chances of conception. In fact, this opinion is erroneous, frequent ejaculation interferes with the maturation of spermatozoa, respectively, before planning a pregnancy, a man needs abstinence.

  • giving up bad habits;
  • discontinuation of contraceptives;
  • selection of suitable poses;
  • curing existing diseases and stopping medication;
  • psychological mood.

Everything is clear with bad habits, it is very important to lead a healthy lifestyle, especially when planning and carrying. If a woman used oral contraceptives, she needs time to recover.

According to experts, there are special positions for successful fertilization. One of the most successful is considered to be “missionary”, when a man is positioned on top, the genital organ penetrates deeper, sperm is ejected near the cervical canal, which contributes to the penetration of more sperm into the uterine body. Women with a tilted uterus are recommended to choose a knee-elbow position, as well as sideways or lying on their stomach with a raised pelvis.

Among other things, to increase the chances of conception:

  1. It is not recommended to take a shower immediately after sexual intercourse, it is better to lie down quietly for several minutes.
  2. A woman needs to minimize the level of stress, for which it is worth avoiding any conflict situations and relaxing more.
  3. During the planning period, it is important to monitor your diet, to abandon harmful products in favor of natural ones. If you are overweight, you need to lose weight, if you are missing, you need to get better, this affects the regularity of the cycle, so it will be more difficult to calculate ovulation.

Sex planning for ovulation certainly works, which was revealed after the study of spermatozoa with X and Y chromosomes. Sometimes calculating ovulation is not always enough, because some other features can also affect gender: blood type and Rh factor of parents, periods of blood renewal, previous births, and so on. In order to more accurately plan a son or daughter, parents, in addition to tracking ovulation, are recommended to use other calculation methods.

The conception calculator for boys and girls will help you determine the most appropriate time to conceive a child of the desired gender based on the date of ovulation.

Pregnancy, future motherhood and fatherhood are among the most important events in life. After receiving the news about the imminent replenishment of parents, the question is always tormented: who will be born? Girl or boy? Since ancient times, there have been many methods and will accept sex determination, but none of them guarantees a 100% result.

How to conceive a boy or a girl?

It has been scientifically proven that the sex of the baby is programmed at the moment of conception. This is because both men and women have two chromosomes. In men, this is a Y-chromosome and an X-chromosome, in women - 2 X-chromosomes. It is from the chromosome of a man, from whether X or Y will fertilize, that the sex of the child depends. Although the body of a man produces approximately the same number of X and Y chromosomes, there is still a chance to conceive a child of the desired gender.

The body of any healthy woman is designed in such a way that conception can occur only on certain days of the month. As you know, a woman's menstrual cycle has a strictly individual period, it ranges from 25 to 35 days. Around the middle of the cycle, ovulation occurs, that is, the release of the egg from the ovary. Pregnancy will take place if a meeting with a male sperm cell occurs during the period of ovulation.

Gender of the child by date of conception, day of ovulation and conception

A woman has a menstrual cycle of 28 days, the date of the beginning of the last menstruation is May 31. Thus, her cycle in the current month is from May 31 to June 27. The estimated date of ovulation in this case is June 13th. The chances of getting pregnant are high if you make love between 4 days before ovulation and 2 days after, that is, from June 9 to 15.

It has already been proven by science that spermatozoa with a Y chromosome (so-called male) move faster than spermatozoa with an X chromosome (female). Although male cells reach their target (eggs) faster, they die faster. Female cells in this respect are slower, but tenacious.

How to conceive a boy? To get pregnant with a boy, intercourse must be arranged exactly on the day of ovulation or within a few hours after it.

How to conceive a girl? To get pregnant with a girl, it is best to have intercourse the day before ovulation.

Example calculation for the same woman:

When ovulating on June 13, to increase the chances of giving birth to a boy, sex should be directly on the day of ovulation and a little later, that is, on June 13 and 14. In order to get pregnant with a girl, sex must be on June 11 or 12.

It is important to understand that this calculation, although scientifically proven, cannot guarantee the exact result, because any female body is unique.

To start calculating the gender of the unborn baby, you need to fill out the calculator form.

From time immemorial, people have tried to make their own adjustments to the plans of nature, and get a child of the desired sex. Special potions, amulets and observance of rituals were used. And now the situation has not changed. There was only a military medical approach to the issue, for example: calculating the sex of the unborn child by ovulation.

What is ovulation?

Ovulation is the phase of the cycle when a mature egg is released from the follicle and excreted from the ovary. This is the most favorable period for conceiving a child. It occurs once per cycle, around day 14-16. However, if the cycle is longer, it may occur later.

Reference! For natural reasons, ovulation is absent during pregnancy, during lactation, or due to the use of contraceptives.

There are several ways to calculate the date of ovulation:

  • Divide the number of cycle days by 2: for example, if the cycle lasts 30 days, ovulation will occur at 14-15 (data are approximate).
  • Visit a gynecologist and indicate to the doctor the average duration of the cycle. And it is also important to talk about whether the cycle is regular or not.
  • Use a pharmacy ovulation test. Its principle of action is similar to pregnancy tests.
  • Keep a diary of basal temperature, and measure the indicators every morning with a rectal thermometer. At the same time, do not forget to take into account that factors such as stress, physical activity, recent sexual intercourse, the presence of colds, medication, or the use of alcohol-containing drinks can affect temperature indicators.

Note! The method for calculating the sex of an unborn child was developed by Dr. Landrum Shetles back in the 1960s of the last century. Due to its efficiency and simplicity, the technique quickly gained popularity around the world. A queue of young couples who wanted to give birth to a baby of a certain gender lined up to the doctor.

How to conceive a girl by ovulation?

According to statistics, girls are born several times more than boys. This fact is easy to confirm and explain from a scientific point of view. The fact is that spermatozoa with the female X chromosome have a higher viability than male ones - they reach their cherished goal much more often.

But, the survivability of sperm with a female chromosome is balanced by their slowness: they need much more time to enter the uterus to fertilize an egg.

So, in order to conceive a girl using the Landrum Shetles method, you need to have unprotected sex 3-4 days before ovulation, and then stop having sex for 3-5 days. If you wish, you can ignore this rule, but only if you use barrier protection. This will allow the spermatozoa to survive and slowly move towards the goal.

How to conceive a boy by ovulation?

Sperm with male Y chromosomes differ from sperm with female X chromosomes in the following ways:

  • have a smaller mass and size;
  • more mobile and move faster to the egg;
  • better adapted to survive in an alkaline, unfavorable environment for spermatozoa;
  • has a shorter life expectancy (less than a day);
  • sensitive to the acidic environment of the vagina.

Thus, knowing all of the above information, you can derive the rules for conceiving a boy:

  • You must know exactly the date of ovulation.
  • Sexual intercourse should take place on the day of ovulation or no earlier than 12 hours before it.

Note! The possibility of conceiving a boy 24 hours before ovulation and 24 hours after it is reduced to a minimum. In the first case, the sperm simply will not survive until ovulation, in the second, the acidity in the larynx rises, reducing the chances of the sperm to reach the target.

Subject to all instructions, the chance to conceive a boy is approximately 70% - this figure is confirmed by a medical study conducted on women who have tried the technique of Dr. Landrum Shetles on themselves

When is it better to conceive a child on the day of ovulation: in the morning or in the evening?

Most doctors agree that the time of conception does not play a significant role. Conception can occur both in the early morning and late at night. However, there are many unconfirmed theories about this. The most common of them are as follows:

  • The best time to conceive is early in the morning. The theory is explained by the fact that in the morning the concentration of sex hormones is quite high.
  • At night and in the evening, the likelihood of conception increases. This is due to the relaxation of the female genital organs at this time of day. This condition has a beneficial effect on the speed of advancement of spermatozoa.
  • You need to have sex several times a day - this will increase the chances of pregnancy. A very popular misconception that is easy to explain from a logical point of view. Since conception comes from unprotected sex, many people think that the number of sexual contacts is directly proportional to the chances of fertilization. In fact, the relationship between the frequency of intimate relationships and the likelihood of conception simply does not exist. For the fertilization of the egg, just one sexual intercourse, carried out at a time favorable for the onset of pregnancy, is enough.

From this we can conclude that neither the time of day nor the number of sexual acts per day affects the likelihood of pregnancy. Have sex at regular intervals.


The newly-made parents of a single person rejoice both in the boy and in the first-born girl: these are completely new emotions and the joy of the first meeting. When plans are made for a second child, certain desires appear. for example, for a brother to have a younger sister or for dad to have someone to teach him to play football. To increase your chances of conceiving a child of the desired gender, try the ovulation calculation method.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

From Guest

I made calculations for ovulation for a year. We wanted a boy. When planning, the PA was a day in the end. Everything turned out according to the calculation.

From Guest

I did it by measuring the bases. pace. conceive a boy, planning a girl

From Guest

The PA happened on the day the O test came back positive. As a result, according to the ultrasound, the boy.

From Guest

Everything is true. we succeeded

From Guest

"I got pregnant at the beginning of ovulation, it turned out to be a boy. So the theory is not true." So that's it, at the beginning of ovulation, the chances of conceiving a boy are the greatest ...

From Guest

They wanted to conceive a girl, followed all the rules, calculated the day of ovulation .... and a boy. Everyone was in shock. I roared day and night, and my men comforted me, washed where there were two and three

Who will be born? It is clear that it will be a child - a baby, a baby, a baby; it is clear that he will be healthy, prosperous, cheerful, will eat well, grow and develop; but who will the stork bring to you - a charming big-eyed girl or a serious and determined boy? One way to determine the sex of a child before conception is to more accurately determine the day of ovulation.

How does conception take place?

It is known that conception occurs as a result of the fusion of male and female germ cells: the sperm enters the mature egg and fertilizes it. But if spermatozoa are produced in the body of a man all the time, then the female body is not ready for conception every day, but only during ovulation, that is, when a mature egg leaves the follicle.

Before ovulation, the follicle greatly increases and turns into such a “bubble” with a liquid in which the egg is located. At the time of ovulation, the follicle, that is, the receptacle of a mature egg, ruptures and the egg is released into the light of day, that is, in this case, into the abdominal cavity, then enters the fallopian tube, where fertilization should occur or not occur.

If fertilization has occurred, the egg moves into the uterine cavity, where it attaches to the wall and begins to develop, and if fertilization does not take place, then after some time (after 24–36 hours), the egg dies, menstruation begins and the cycle begins anew. Actually, it is at this time that pregnancy is possible - when the mature egg left the follicle and entered the fallopian tube, that is, the time for fertilization - from 24 to 36 hours. True, given the "survivability" of spermatozoa, spermatozoa that have entered the female genital tract some time (but short) before ovulation can also fertilize the egg.

How to know that ovulation has come? After all, the general information that this is the middle of the cycle is not always true - sometimes the time of ovulation, for various reasons, can move in one direction or another, and quite noticeably.

Of course, you can go to the hospital, and they will certainly determine whether ovulation has occurred or not. But this is not always possible, and how many times a month, or even a week, do you have to go there? But there are signs of onset or very imminent ovulation.

Ovulation. primary signs. First, an important sign by which ovulation can be determined is vaginal discharge. If the discharge is thick and viscous, then ovulation has not yet occurred, but if the discharge has become more liquid and transparent, then ovulation has already come or is about to come. Secondly, a change in basal temperature.

If a woman is healthy, then the basal temperature throughout the entire menstrual cycle is approximately the same, but just before ovulation there is a very noticeable decline, which levels off the next day. Ovulation is marked by this very decline.

Ovulation. secondary signs. Secondary signs of ovulation include pain in the lower abdomen or cramps; increased sensitivity of the breast; bloating; exacerbation of feelings and increased libido (that is, increased sexual desire). Although there may not be secondary signs, this is a very individual matter.

The date is known, but who will be?

American researchers have found that spermatozoa that carry the Y chromosome are more mobile, so they are the first to reach the target, that is, the egg. But the acidic environment of the vagina makes them unstable and leads to rapid death. But slower spermatozoa with the X chromosome, which are “responsible” for the birth of a girl, are more persistent and viable and can “guard” in the fallopian tube and wait for ovulation for several days.

The acidic environment of the vagina changes to alkaline closer to ovulation, which means that the closer to ovulation, the more likely the survival of sperm with a "boy" Y chromosome. That is, the closer to ovulation, the greater the chance that sperm with the Y chromosome will feel better. Accordingly, if you know the day of ovulation, then you can provide (well, almost) a “green light” for nimble, but gentle sperm with a Y chromosome.

Conclusion. If sexual intercourse took place on the day of ovulation, then the chances of winning are higher for sperm with a Y chromosome and a boy is more likely to be born, and with sexual intercourse four days before ovulation or a couple of days after it, the chances of having a girl increase. The method, of course, is not one hundred percent, but the chances increase many times over.

Girl? Pigtail bows, dolls, heels, whims? Boy? Machine pistols, fishing rods and soccer balls? But these are kids! Your continuation on Earth, your joy and hope, your future. Boy or girl - it's still your reflection and your happiness. Meet your bright future!