Lesson in a playful way. Exploring the days of the week. Activity in the form of a game Questions and tasks

Remembering all the days of the week in order is a rather difficult task for a preschool child. Few of children 5-6 and even 7 years old can list them all without hesitation. But this topic is important and it is necessary to introduce the baby to the names of the days of the week and their order even in kindergarten. Use the visual aids to simplify explanations, and we can help you with this.

If you have already learned the order of the colors of the rainbow with your baby, you can tie associations: 7 colors - 7 days of the week. Print pictures. Now you can play with your child, the task is to put the trailers of the locomotive in the right order.

Cards for memorizing the days of the week by the colors of the rainbow

Days of the week in verse

And of course, every child loves funny poems. Loves and remembers well. These verses can be recited to your baby from an early age, and then you will subsequently have no problem learning the days of the week. Studying the theme with birds:

The following verses draw an analogy for the days of the week with little men, each with their own personality associated with these days. The cards show circles of 7 colors of the rainbow, but you need to start on Sunday, because Sunday is a day off and is usually highlighted in red on the calendar.

Abstract thinking in preschoolers is just beginning to form, it is difficult for them to understand and remember what cannot be picked up, touched or seen. Teaching a child about months, days of the week and seasons is difficult, but with the right approach, you can do it long before school. Everything that is connected with the concept of time, kids are able to master and remember.


The first thing to deal with is the seasons. You can start studying from 3 years old and even earlier. At the age of 4, the child has repeatedly observed the change of seasons in his life and it is quite possible to rely on his life experience. Further help will help manuals, pictures, thematic cartoons and observations of nature and human activities. About that, we have already written, we will voice some general rules:

  • Don't burden your child with long sentences and lots of new information.

Suffice it 2-3 sentences that clearly describe a particular time of the year.

  • Don't talk about all 4 seasons at the same time.

One day - one season. It is better to return to this topic several times a day than to "hammer" all the information into the little curious Pochemuchka for half an hour.

  • The child should be interested.

If you see that the baby is spinning, looking around and distracted - do not insist, put aside pictures and conversations for a more convenient occasion. There will be no sense anyway, you will only be nervous and annoyed.

  • At the time of the lesson, the child should not have any physiological needs.

The child should be full, should not want to go to the toilet or sleep, etc.

How to teach a child about the months of the year?

Everyone has their own pace of assimilation of information, but on average, a five-year-old child is already quite ready for the study of months, the correct pronunciation of names and memorization of the sequence.

  • Choose educational cartoons about the seasons - this will help to usefully spend time at the screen.

A very successful, in our opinion, series "Seasons with Aunt Owl". Aunt Owl's lessons in a simple and accessible form will quickly and easily teach your child to distinguish the seasons. About every month in cartoons there is a poem, information about the weather, about what kind of life different animals lead at this time and what changes are taking place with plants. Aunt Owl talks about the different types of recreation and entertainment that are popular in a particular month, and introduces useful signs that help predict the weather.

After watching the lessons, your kid will easily remember the sequence of months in the year, get an idea of ​​various natural phenomena and their causes.

  • Developing aids for the seasons and months.

Now you can find many interesting books and ready-made manuals for teaching children, they will help your baby remember the sequence of seasons and months.


Do-it-yourself tutorials and games.



  • Coloring pages.

Themed coloring pages will help you learn the correct sequence of months of the year and remember which months belong to which season and in what order they replace each other. By drawing, the kid will train motor skills and hand-eye coordination. The colors chosen for a particular season will help create a visual image and make it easier to remember the months.

You can download coloring pages by month for free

  • The calendar.

Another very effective way to easily remember the names of the months is to make your own calendar. Draw a grid on a piece of paper for the number of days in the current month. Together with the child, mark which events for which dates of this month you have planned. For example, someone has a birthday, one day you go to the cinema with your whole family or to a children's event, etc. If the baby already knows how to write on his own, let him number the days, if not, help him do it. Offer to draw a thematic picture of what is happening in nature this month.

Gradually, you will create a calendar for the entire 12 months. The kid will be proud and happy! Thanks to the completion of such a task, the child will broaden his horizons, develop the skills of counting and fine motor skills, and will quickly remember the months.

How to teach a child about the days of the week?

Wednesday, Monday, etc. - for a child, these are completely abstract concepts, until you come up with your own associations for them and correlate with events that are important and significant for the life of a particular baby. So, it will be much easier for the child to remember the names of the days of the week and their sequence.

  • Hang a calendar with a "window" in your baby's room.

Let the child independently move the slider, and you name what day of the week is today, what was yesterday, what will come tomorrow. The concepts "today", "yesterday", "tomorrow" are very important for the establishment and understanding of temporary connections, the sequence of events and phenomena.

  • Make a loose-leaf calendar together with the baby.

Leafing through the calendar every day, you need to voice the name of the day of the week, discuss plans for the day. In the evening, you can go back to the calendar and remember what day was yesterday and what day will come tomorrow.

  • Make a calendar in the shape of a clock.

Have the child rearrange the hand each day and pronounce the name of the day of the week.


  • Play the train.

Make a small train from cardboard or felt, in which each car will be a specific day of the week. Explain to your child that you cannot put a Tuesday wagon behind a Friday wagon. It is best to come up with different fastenings for the wagons, then the kid will simply physically not be able to "fasten" the wagons incorrectly. For example, Monday is fastened to Tuesday with a button, Tuesday to Wednesday - with a button, Wednesday to Thursday - with a lace, and so on.


  • Tie each day of the week to specific events.

For example, on Monday we go to kindergarten. And all other days, including Friday, we also go there. Then Saturday comes - day off. We will bake cookies and go to visit grandma. After Saturday comes Sunday. Our second day off. The whole family will go to the theater. Come up with events and activities that you will repeat weekly on specific days of the week.

  • Tell your child that there are clues in the names of the days of the week.

Wednesday is so called because it is in the middle of the week, Thursday is the fourth day of the week, Friday is the fifth, etc. Having mastered this, the child will quickly remember the sequence of days of the week.

  • To consolidate, use poems and riddles, counting counters, etc.

Here is a week, it has seven days.
Get to know her as soon as possible.
First day for all weeks
It's called MONDAY.
TUESDAY is the second day,
He stands in front of Wednesday.
The third day has always been.
A THURSDAY, the fourth day,
He wears a hat on one side.
Fifth - FRIDAY - sister,
A very fashionable girl.
And on SATURDAY, the sixth day,
We rest with the whole crowd.
And the last one, SUNDAY,
We appoint a day of fun.

The bridge stretches for seven miles,
And at the end of the bridge there is a golden mile. (A week)

  • Think of a game or fairy tale with 7 different characters or situations.

The plot must be thought out in such a way that everything happens sequentially, so that it is impossible to reverse events without prejudice to the fate of the heroes.


Turn a boring learning process into an exciting game - and the child will remember the months and days of the week for one, two or three! You will be proud of how smart your baby is, and the child himself will receive pleasure from the learning process and the motivation so necessary in the future to acquire new knowledge.

Dear Readers! Be sure to tell in the comments how you teach children to memorize months and days of the week, share photos of your educational aids.

There are many ways explore the days of the week with children... We will introduce you to the most interesting ones today!

1. Using the calendar.
You can take a regular calendar for a week and hang it on the wall. And then, when planning any events with your parents, mark the desired day in it.

2. With the help of children's poems... So you will not only once again strengthen the forming memory, but also fix the sequence of days of the week in a playful way.

I bought the fabric for a shirt.
TUESDAY - cut, cut.
ON WEDNESDAY she sewed, sewed, sewed ...
By THURSDAY she was tired
So I dozed on FRIDAY.
I woke up only on SATURDAY.
After examining my work,
Day ironed creation.
Tried on SUNDAY

Where's Idle Monday?
- Asks Tuesday.
- Monday is not a bum,
He's not a slacker
He's a great janitor.
He's for Wednesday's chef
He brought a bucket of water.
Fireman Thursday
He made a poker.
But Friday came
Modest, neat girl.
He left all work
And went with her on Saturday
By Sunday for lunch.
Handed over to you


On Monday I washed
Sweeping the floor on Tuesday
On Wednesday I baked a roll,
And since Thursday I played ball.
I washed the cups on Friday,
And on Saturday I bought a cake.
I'll go to my birthday!


3. Children will love this method! All you need to do is print locomotive... Depending on what day of the week, a sticker is glued over the steam locomotive or over one of the carriages. Children themselves can re-stick the sticker and name the days of the week.

(image enlargement by clicking on it)

Steam locomotive and six wagons:
There are exactly seven days in the week ...
Over fields, ascents, slopes
The train is not too lazy to travel.

Monday is a little train
He is the beginning, as always
Proudly carries the days of the week!
After - Tuesday and Wednesday.

And Thursday rushes behind them
Happy Friday, of course ...
Time won't slow down:
The train is going in haste.

That's joy and fun:
Here is Saturday and Sunday!
We want to open a secret for you:
Children are happy about the weekend!

You can sleep longer in the morning
Walking and playing all day.
It's just useless to jump
Loves only a bum.
After the weekend again
It will be Monday.

Our cheerful train is moving forward, -
The new week is coming.
The sound of a clock is like the sound of wheels:
Balls again - to the locomotive!

Locomotive and wagons
They take us into the unknown
The train rushes relentlessly -
Our route to the future

Don't expect learning the days of the week to be a quick process. But, playing and repeating regularly, the kid will surely delight you with his knowledge!

A child has to remember many concepts from birth. The use of visual aids - video materials, photographs, drawings and volumetric objects - is very effective in teaching. For convenience, didactic materials are divided into different sets for each separate topic. One of the concepts that a baby needs to master is a week and a sequence of days in it. It is difficult to convey the days of the week for children in pictures, but some ideas can still be taken for a note.

This idea is good because it helps the child not only remember the days of the week, but also learn to distinguish between the concepts of "yesterday-today-tomorrow".

  1. Write the names of the seven days of the week on a round, like a clock, piece of cardboard.
  2. Glue funny pictures opposite the names.
  3. In the middle of the improvised dial, fasten with a brads three cardboard hands with the words "yesterday", "today" and "tomorrow".
  4. Place the hands according to the days of the week and move them with your child every day, reminding him of the names.

The clock with the days of the week can be placed on the board along with the clock for other concepts, such as months of the year, time, and so on. Such a visual aid will lead to remarkable results very soon.


A week-long cake is made like a clock, only the circle is cut into pieces, which are then used as educational puzzle cards for children.

On the pieces of the cake, you can stick pictures depicting the affairs that the child is usually busy with on different days of the week - circles, sections, school, kindergarten, a trip to grandmother, a walk in the park, etc.

Steam locomotive with trailers

Another idea that helps to successfully learn the days of the week with a child is to make a train in which the week itself will serve as a steam locomotive, and seven carriages are its days.

The engine can be made as a poster, in the form of cards or bulky paper boxes.

Seven-flowered flower

The easiest option is to make the days of the week in the form of flower petals, which are attached to the common core using buttons or laces.

Write the names of each day and their numbers on the colored petals. This allowance also contributes to the development of the baby's hand motor skills.

Non-Doman cards

The easiest way is to buy a ready-made set for children, but you can cut it out of cardboard and decorate it yourself with small bright cards with pictures. For instance:

You can write the names in several languages ​​that you plan to teach your child.

Cover the cards with tape or laminate to make them last longer.

In such fun ways with the use of bright pictures, you can teach your baby to distinguish between the days of the week.

This skill is very important for the child to be able to navigate in time, do not forget about important matters, and plan.

How to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth?

I think no one will argue that the ability to understand the days of the week is very useful for a child. When a kid begins to attend kindergarten, circles, sections, to deal with the work of various municipal institutions, he has many questions: why is it not necessary to go to kindergarten today? why the pool only tomorrow? All these institutions work according to some laws, which the child, of course, also wants to be aware of. If you teach your baby to determine the days of the week, then he will be able to roughly imagine what awaits him on this or that day. And this is the first step towards planning your own time.

You should not pester a child under three years of age with the weekly schedule, for him this concept is still too abstract. You cannot feel it and look at it well. And the sense of time has not yet been formed well enough. The most optimal time to get acquainted with the days of the week is the period when the child begins to go to various circles, sections, kindergarten on an ongoing basis. Here already Tuesdays and Wednesdays will not be an empty phrase, but days associated with specific events.

In this article, you will learn how to learn the days of the week with children in a way that is easy and fun.

As you know, children assimilate any information best when it is presented in a game. Therefore, do not rush to immediately present the child with an annual calendar with an uncountable number of numbers, but rather prepare an accessible and visual playbook - something like a weekly calendar on which it will be interesting for the child to keep track of the days of the week on a daily basis. For now, forget about the numbers and months, only pay attention to the days of the week! It is advisable to make the calendar so that every day the child can unpin / attach / paste / paint something, etc. Thus, not only the visual channel of perception will be involved, but also the sensory one.

Taisia ​​and I have a calendar like a steam locomotive, where each carriage is a pocket. The locomotive hangs in the most visible and used place - the refrigerator. In the morning, Tasya transfers Mashenka to the carriage that corresponds to the day of the week, and at the same time checks what is planned for that day. In this she is helped by the reminder pictures fixed above the trailers. Pictures can remind both of regular sections and of other interesting upcoming events (for example, a trip to the circus, grandmother's birthday). Here's an example of our reminders - dance, pool and music school.

The steam locomotive is just one of the many design options for the first calendar. The calendar can also be made in the form of a staircase with steps, a seven-color flower, in which the petals are unfastened and fastened with Velcro, or simply in the form of a circle with seven sectors and a rotating arrow, etc.

After you have found the day of the week on the calendar, it is useful to discuss with your child whether it is a weekday or a weekend (if the parents work five days and the child is attending kindergarten, these concepts are usually easy to remember). In addition, you can recall one of the rhymes about the days of the week (see below).

Be prepared for the fact that the child's interest in the calendar will not last forever, most likely, after 3-4 weeks, the child's enthusiasm will diminish, and he will more and more often forget to approach the calendar. In this case, it is better to just put the calendar aside for a while and come back to it later. Alternatively, you can try to track the days in a different way. For example, we really liked the puzzle "I study the days of the week" by Oxva .

Of course, it is possible to collect such a puzzle in one sitting, but, in my opinion, it is much more interesting and informative, every day to supplement the puzzle with new details (for example, on Tuesday we give the child the number "2", the word "Tuesday" and the corresponding detail of the picture ). So, as the week approaches the end, the picture will get bigger. The view of the unfinished picture really intrigues Taisia, she diligently tries to remember what day there is the next number, just to get another piece of the puzzle as soon as possible

Older children can also be encouraged to paint over every day on a regular calendar or rearrange the day on a calendar with a sliding window. Even if the child is still poorly familiar with double-digit numbers, this will be a good preparation for getting to know them.

A child from 4-5 years old may also like something like nature calendar (Maze, Ozon, My-shop). It makes it possible to mark not only the day of the week, but also the seasons, month, day, weather.

2. Poems about the days of the week for children

In poetic form, as you know, it is easier and faster to remember, so now you can resort to the help of funny poems about the days of the week. Here are some good poems. We like to read them, alternately pointing to each day of the week on the calendar (for example, to the carriages in a steam locomotive).

On Monday we washed
The floor was swept on Tuesday.
On Wednesday we baked a roll.
We played ball all Thursday.
We washed cups on Friday
And on Saturday we bought a cake.
And of course on Sunday
They called everyone for their birthday.
They sang, jumped, danced,
The days of the week were counted.
Here is a week, it has seven days.
Get to know her as soon as possible.
First day for all weeks
It will be called Monday.
Tuesday is the second day
He stands in front of Wednesday.
Middling Wednesday
The third day has always been.
And Thursday, the fourth day,
He wears a hat on one side.
Fifth - Friday sister
A very fashionable girl.
And on Saturday, the sixth day,
We rest with the whole crowd.
And the last one is Sunday,
We appoint a day of fun.
Tell us, animals,
First Monday -
Craftsman bunny!
Tuesday comes for him -
Spirited nightingale.
Tuesday is Wednesday
Lisichkina food.
Wednesday Thursday -
Wolf eyes sparkle.
It's Friday to us for Thursday
The gingerbread man will roll over.
Friday is Saturday
Bath at the raccoon.
Saturday - Sunday
We have fun all day.
The fly is clean
Once upon a time there was a clean fly.
The fly was swimming all the time.
She bathed on Sunday
In excellent strawberry jam.
Monday - in cherry liqueur
Tuesday - in tomato gravy
Wednesday - in lemon jelly
On Thursday - in jelly and pitch.
On Friday - in yogurt,
in compote and semolina ...
On Saturday, washed in ink,
Said: - I can no longer!
Terribly, terribly tired
But, it seems, has not become cleaner.
Runs, hurries week
The days are flashing fast
So what, in fact,
Are they filled?
- Yes, different things!
My son answered me. -
I went on Monday
Go to the skating rink with friends
Tuesday with brother Vanya
I played horses
And on Wednesday I took a sleigh
And he rolled it from the mountains.
Thursday alone with my brother
We looked at books.
And on Friday first
We got a little bored
And then to the birthday
We wrote invitations.
On Saturday they sang in the choir
We tried as best they could.
And on Sunday we ate
Strawberry pie.

3. Games

Well, so that everything that you have learned is not forgotten, it is sometimes useful to play the following games:

  • The adult names the days of the week at random. If a child hears the name of a weekday, then he pretends that he is engaged in some kind of activity - draws, builds from cubes, reads a book, etc. If the name of the weekend is pronounced, then the child pretends that he is resting - sleeping , dancing, clapping - your choice.
  • The adult lists different words, including the names of the days of the week. When the child hears among a series of words the day of the week, he should clap his hands. All other words should be ignored.
  • When playing the ball, with each throw, name the days of the week, in the order they appear on the calendar. The game will help you remember the sequence of days.
  • Older children can ask the following tasks from time to time: What day of the week is hidden between Tuesday and Thursday? What day comes after Friday? Before Wednesday? What is the first day of the week? And the last one?

4. Cartoons about the days of the week for children

Among the cartoons that tell the child about the days of the week, I could not find one that could really recommend from the bottom of my heart. Basically, there are cartoons with very primitive plots and memorable characters. But if we have to choose from what is, then the cartoons about the train Chukh-chukh "We teach the days of the week with a child" seemed to me the most worthy. If you come across something more interesting, I will be glad if you share your findings in the comments.

Finally, as usual, I will mention one useful booklet on the topic, to my surprise, it turned out to be a very good help.