Yellow discharge during pregnancy in different trimesters. Why yellowish discharge appears during pregnancy

By the nature of the discharge, one can often judge the state of health of the expectant mother and the development of the fetus. Any changes in color or consistency can make a woman worry and look for terrible explanations for this. But fortunately, yellow discharge during pregnancy will not always be a wake-up call. In certain cases, this can only indicate hormonal changes in the body that do not pose a threat.

Factors affecting the nature of the discharge

Considering that vaginal mucus is a kind of indicator of a woman's health status, a number of components are distinguished that can affect it.

The cause of the appearance of yellow discharge can be:

  • external stimuli;
  • violation of the microflora of the vagina;
  • development of infectious processes;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system.

During pregnancy, both irregular hygiene of the genitals and, conversely, too frequent washing can change the nature of the discharge.

So, even improperly selected underwear or a change in intimate hygiene products can provoke an allergic reaction and change the nature and color of the discharge. In addition, the instability of the hormonal background during gestation can lead to a violation of the vaginal microflora. The development of some pathogenic bacteria will cause discoloration of the secreted mucus.

To determine the exact cause of this phenomenon, you should definitely consult a doctor, even if the yellow leucorrhoea does not cause discomfort.

When yellow discharge is safe

Pregnancy is a very complex process that changes the way the whole body works. Therefore, expectant mothers are often worried about such changes. Yellow mucous discharge can appear both at the beginning of pregnancy and in the last weeks. To avoid unnecessary worries, you should learn to recognize when it is safe.

Such discharge is not uncommon, especially in the first trimester. This is due to the active production of progesterone. The hormone activates the secretory function of the vaginal mucosa, which leads to the fact that a small amount of dead epithelium gets into the usual discharge. It is he who gives the mucus a yellowish tint. This is a physiological norm and is completely harmless for the unborn child.

Even if the discharge does not cause any unpleasant sensations, the pregnant woman must definitely inform her doctor about it in order to eliminate the possible risks.

The appearance of yellowish mucous discharge from the vagina and in the second trimester is possible. This is due to the activity of another hormone called estrogen. Under its influence, vaginal mucus can increase in quantity and acquire a shade of yellowness. This is also a physiological norm that does not require any intervention.

Light yellows may appear on the eve of childbirth. This will be a harbinger of a near delivery. So the mucous plug begins to move away, which served to protect the fetus from external infections. In this case, the mucus can have a more intense color, even closer to brown. This process is individual for each woman, so the amount of mucus and its shade may vary.

Odorless and itchy yellow discharge during pregnancy, which does not cause discomfort and does not affect the general condition of the pregnant woman, should not cause any doubts.

Signs of pathological changes in the nature of the discharge

Often, a preliminary diagnosis can be made after examining a pregnant woman in a gynecological chair and conducting a survey. But it is possible to give a clear answer and determine a specific problem only after passing a smear on the microflora. Sometimes it will be necessary to take blood to check various infectious processes in the body.

A preliminary diagnosis by the nature of the discharge of vaginal mucus:

  • bright yellow. Harbingers of ovarian or fallopian tube disease. In addition, it is possible to develop an infection in the vagina;
  • yellow, with the addition of a green tint. This form requires special attention, since, most likely, the development of a genital infection is evident. These include gonorrhea and trichomoniasis. In this case, the woman will also notice the appearance of a terrible itching in the vagina;
  • dark yellow. Indicate the intensive growth of pathological bacteria. Among the most popular are staphylococci, streptococci, gonococci. The ingestion of Escherichia coli is not excluded. In this case, discomfort, burning, pain during urination are also added.
  • yellow-brown. Indicate the presence of blood in the mucus. There may be a lot of reasons for this, they all depend on the duration of pregnancy. So in the early stages, such a phenomenon can become a companion of the attachment of the ovum to the uterus. This physiological process is considered normal when other symptoms are excluded. If a pregnant woman feels pulling pains in the lower abdomen, chills, fever, then there is a likelihood of placental exfoliation, miscarriage;
  • yellow-white. Pay attention to smell and consistency. If the leucorrhoea has acquired a yellowish tint, has become similar to a curdled mass and there is a sour smell, then there is a development of thrush or candidiasis. Additionally, the pregnant woman will feel a sharp deterioration in her condition, as itching and burning sensation appear in the vaginal area.

Untreated erosion before pregnancy can cause yellow mucus to appear. It will be possible to start treatment only after childbirth.

What measures should be taken

When you change the nature of the discharge, you should carefully listen to your own body. In a normal amount, the discharge is yellow, odorless, of the usual consistency and does not require urgent help. But you should not postpone a visit to a specialist, since only a doctor can give an exact answer and determine the reasons.

If yellow leucorrhoea is accompanied by a sharp deterioration in the body's condition, cause discomfort, cause pain or any other alarming symptoms, you should immediately seek help.

If the discharge is yellow and has a sweetish odor, this may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid, which can threaten the life of the child.

Today there is a huge assortment of drugs that, with maximum safety, will relieve many health problems of a pregnant woman with minimal risk to the child. They should be used exclusively on the recommendation of a doctor after a complete examination and an accurate determination of the source of the problem.

Only timely diagnosis and competently prescribed treatment will guarantee a positive outcome of the situation.

The changes occurring in the female body at different stages of pregnancy are aimed at preparing the body of the expectant mother for the rapid growth of the fetus, creating optimal conditions for its development, as well as preparing for the upcoming childbirth, the postpartum period and breastfeeding. Therefore, throughout all nine months, a woman observes various new changes for her.

One of these changes, which manifests itself literally from the second week after conception, is a radical change in the nature of vaginal discharge. They become more abundant compared to those that a woman could observe before pregnancy, thick. All this happens under the influence of the pregnancy hormone progesterone, the amount of which increases many times in the first trimester. All this is necessary to enhance the barrier function, in particular to protect the birth canal from the development of infections.

According to gynecologists, the vaginal discharge of a pregnant woman should not have a specific or unpleasant odor, should be transparent or slightly whitish. However, many expectant mothers notice that the mucus secreted from the vagina becomes yellowish in color. What can this mean and is not such a phenomenon dangerous for their health and for the baby growing in the womb?

Every woman knows that a change in the color of vaginal discharge often lurks health risks: infection, inflammation, leakage of water or blood during pregnancy. However, yellowish refers to those that in the overwhelming majority of cases are physiological, that is, natural for the period of pregnancy.

In the first trimester, the discharge can acquire a yellowish tint due to the increased work of the secretory function of the mucous membranes of the birth canal under the action of the same progesterone.

Thus, dead cells of the epithelium of the cervix and vagina, cells of the not yet fully formed mucous plug, as well as some of the normal bacterial flora are added to the usual transparent mucus, due to which the secretions acquire a slightly yellowish color. By the end of pregnancy, a beige or yellowish tint of the discharge may indicate the beginning of the discharge of the mucous plug, which is one of the first signs of an imminent onset of labor.

In any of these cases, the discharge should not have an unpleasant or specific odor, accompany discomfort in the vagina or external genitals. The presence of such symptoms may indicate various inflammations or active genital infections, which are very dangerous for the health of a developing child.

Sometimes a yellowish discharge may not be physiological in nature. In this case, we can talk about the pathological processes occurring in the mother's body. It is possible to suspect the presence of any deviation from the norm not only by the presence of an unpleasant odor, itching or burning, but also by the color of the discharge itself:

  • light yellow, clear, odorless are normal secretions and should not be a cause for concern;
  • saturated yellow color may indicate an active inflammatory process in the ovaries or fallopian tubes;
  • dark yellow with an admixture of a substance resembling ichor or pus, may indicate the presence of E. coli in the vaginal flora or staphylococcus;
  • yellow-green or yellow-brown discharge, accompanied by itching or burning, putrid odor, sometimes bubbling, can appear in sexually transmitted diseases - gonorrhea or trichomoniasis.

Inflammation or infections that may cause pathological yellow discharge may be far from newly acquired. Genital infections or inflammations that are not cured or not completely eliminated may not give a woman anxiety for a long time, reminding themselves again precisely during pregnancy. All this is due to the natural suppression of immunity at the beginning of pregnancy, as well as a noticeable weakening of the body by the end.

That is why it is important to completely eliminate any genital infections and inflammatory processes even at the planning stage and, if necessary, check for their presence immediately after confirmation of pregnancy.

Despite the fact that in most cases, yellow discharge during pregnancy is not fraught with danger, their sudden and unexpected appearance should not be neglected. Infections that can cause a change in the color of the discharge can cause irreparable harm to the health and even the life of the unborn baby and lead to both miscarriage and premature birth, and infection of the fetus, which is fraught with the appearance of birth defects.

In addition, the same infections, as well as inflammations, can in the future affect the health of the mother: cause the onset and progress of the adhesion process, which increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy and infertility.

If you find any unusual discharge, the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the daily panty liner, burning, pain or itching in the vagina, redness of the external genitals, you should immediately consult a doctor. Self-medication in this case is inappropriate and can harm the health of the baby and his future mother, moreover, it is unlikely to help, since the development of several completely different ailments at the same time can be the cause of unpleasant symptoms.

Going to the doctor with complaints about the appearance of yellow vaginal discharge during pregnancy often entails the need for some tests. Most likely, to confirm this or that condition, or, conversely, to eliminate the possibility of inflammation or infection, the doctor will prescribe a clinical urine test, a general blood test, and without fail take a gynecological smear.

Based on the results of these studies, it is often possible to identify the cause of the appearance of yellow discharge and prescribe adequate treatment to eliminate it. In some cases, the gynecologist may recommend an ultrasound scan and possibly a more extensive blood test.

If a pathological cause of the appearance of yellow discharge is found, the purpose of the treatment regimen depends on the nature of the pathogen. Drug therapy may include taking antiviral, antifungal or antibacterial drugs, immunostimulating and vitamin formulations, drugs to restore vaginal and intestinal microflora.

In order to prevent the occurrence of a condition requiring treatment, every pregnant woman should carefully monitor her health and lead a healthy lifestyle even before pregnancy, and when carrying a baby, observe the necessary hygiene rules, carefully monitor her diet and the general condition of the body.


Vaginal discharge accompanies the daily life of every woman. Normally, they regularly change their consistency, which depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle. In its first half, the vaginal secretion is usually scarce or absent, during ovulation, its amount increases markedly, it liquefies (to facilitate the movement of sperm and a fertilized egg through the fallopian tubes), and at the end of the cycle it thickens (to protect a potential fertilized egg from penetration of pathogenic microorganisms ).

Vaginal discharge, also called leucorrhoea, performs a number of other functions. That is, their presence is not only quite normal, but also extremely necessary.

Leucorrhoea also change its character with the onset of pregnancy. Probably every woman knows that transparent or whitish vaginal discharge is the norm, and with impurities of blood (pink, red, brown discharge during pregnancy) indicate a threat and require immediate medical attention.

What to do if yellow discharge appears during pregnancy?

Yellow discharge during pregnancy is not so simple. Firstly, their color, color intensity can vary greatly, and this greatly influences preliminary medical conclusions. Secondly, it plays a big role whether they are accompanied by any discomfort or pain. Thirdly, in different cases, yellow discharge during pregnancy can be both a variant of the norm and a sign of the development of an infection in the genital tract.

And therefore, it is best not to guess on the color, but immediately contact the gynecologist: already during the examination of the woman on the armchair, he will be able to suggest the cause of the appearance of yellow discharge. And after taking a smear from the vagina and receiving the results of this analysis, make a precise diagnosis.

Most often, in the early stages of pregnancy, women observe abundant transparent watery discharge from the vagina: they become so under the influence of the hormone progesterone, which is now produced in increased quantities.

These are normal leucorrhoea, but they can also be not only colorless, but also slightly white and even yellow. Light yellow transparent discharge that does not cause irritation in the perineum, odorless and not accompanied by signs of infection should not cause any concern in the expectant mother.

All that is required from you during this period is simply to observe the hygiene of the intimate areas, change the linen to clean and dry as needed and minimize the risk of an allergic reaction in the genital area, that is, give up synthetic cosmetics and washing powders. It is also better not to use panty liners during pregnancy, as they very often lead to the development of thrush. As for the underwear, it should be natural and comfortable (it is better to refuse from thongs now).

Dangerous yellow discharge during pregnancy: dark yellow, yellow-green, odorless and itchy

Despite the fact that yellow discharge during pregnancy can be a variant of the norm, nevertheless, more often they indicate the course of pathological processes in the organs of the genitourinary system. That is why the nature of such leucorrhoea must be determined by a doctor.

Yellow discharge and itching, burning, unpleasant or pungent odor, impurities of pus, pain in the lower abdomen, painful urination or fever should be the reason for an urgent visit to the gynecologist. Also, the development of the pathological process is evidenced by dark yellow and yellow-green discharge. Typically, this vaginal mucus, in combination with one or more of the listed symptoms, indicates inflammation or infection that must be treated without fail. Among them may be:

  • Thrush (candidiasis) is a frequent companion of pregnancy. Usually during this period, it worsens, but it can occur for the first time, and often due to an allergic reaction to linen, powder, toilet paper, pads or soap. Vaginal mucus with thrush is usually white, cheesy, with a sour odor, but can also be yellowish. Often they cause severe burning and itching, swelling of the genitals.
  • Bacterial vaginosis (vaginal dysbiosis) develops as a result of a violation of the normal microflora in the vagina and is accompanied by abundant white-gray discharge with the smell of fish, which, as the disease progresses, can change its color to yellow-green, becomes sticky, viscous, thick.
  • Colpitis (or vaginitis) - inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, accompanied by irritation and itching in the perineum and pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Cervicitis - inflammation of the cervix. Very often it is asymptomatic, but as the disease progresses, pain and burning sensation when urinating, and increased urge to occur. Vaginal secretions with cervicitis can have a different color (yellow, green, gray, white) and consistency, depending on the pathogen.
  • Salpingitis - inflammation of the fallopian tubes. In this case, the discharge has a bright yellow color and is usually accompanied by an increase in body temperature and pain in the lower abdomen.
  • STDs (sexually transmitted diseases). Dark yellow discharge often contains impurities of pus with a characteristic odor, has a green or brown tint, bubbles, is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and other unpleasant symptoms.

The discovered diseases did not necessarily arise during pregnancy. It is likely that the microorganisms that cause their development simply “dozed off”, and now, against the background of the weakening of the immune defense, they woke up and began to act.

Yellow discharge in late pregnancy

All of the above reasons for the appearance of yellow leucorrhoea during early pregnancy remain relevant in the third trimester. However, shortly before childbirth, when the restructuring and preparation for the upcoming birth of the baby begins in the body of the expectant mother, yellow discharge of a different nature may appear. We are talking about a mucous plug that closes the entrance to the cervix throughout the entire period of gestation. 2-3 weeks before the expected date of birth, this mucus will begin to liquefy, the cervix will shorten and soften, pushing the mucous plug outward. It can come off in parts, in small fragments, or the whole thing at once in the form of a large clot resembling jelly or silicone - this is what a mucous plug looks like. Cervical mucus has a beige, transparent or yellowish tint, sometimes contains streaks of blood. You should not be afraid of such discharge: they only indicate that childbirth is not far off. It is impossible to say exactly when the mucous plug leaves before childbirth: in some women this happens 2 weeks before the onset of contractions, in others - a few hours.

Sometimes liquid yellow discharge in late pregnancy, which resembles urine, but does not have its characteristic odor, may be a sign of amniotic fluid leakage. You can check your suspicions using a special test purchased from a pharmacy. However, pregnant women are often faced with urinary incontinence: in this case, liquid yellow discharge can smell like urine.

The most important thing that a woman who has this problem should understand is that she must definitely see a gynecologist. If the doctor decides that such a phenomenon is a variant of the norm, and if a smear from the vagina confirms the absence of pathogenic microflora, then there is nothing to worry about. Otherwise, the expectant mother will be prescribed treatment in accordance with the diagnosis and with the gestational age. It is impossible to use any means without the knowledge of the doctor, since during pregnancy the list of drugs and traditional medicine allowed for treatment is very limited.

Especially for - Ekaterina Vlasenko

Yellow discharge at the beginning of pregnancy can be the norm, due to the individual characteristics of a woman, or be considered as a kind of relative norm, as a result of a violation of intimate hygiene, and can also indicate the presence of inflammation processes in the genitourinary organs, due to nonspecific or specific infectious agents. In the early stages of pregnancy, when yellow discharge occurs, especially accompanied by a not very pleasant smell, itching, pain (this picture is noted with gonorrhea), it is recommended to consult a doctor to establish and level their causative factor, prevent further progression of the pathological process and thereby protect yourself from formidable complications such as miscarriage.

6 week

Yellow discharge at 6 weeks of gestation may be the norm if it is of a uniform structure, transparent and there is no pain, itching, or a disgusting odor. In the event of such clinical symptoms, it is necessary to immediately go to a specialist.

7 week

Yellow discharge at 7 weeks of gestation without other clinical symptoms is a normal variant. At this time, such discharge can be copious and slimy. If the color, structure of the secretion, the appearance of odor and itching change, you should immediately consult a doctor.

8 week

Yellow discharge at 8 weeks of gestation is usually in moderation, odorless, not accompanied by pain and itching - this is the norm. Often, candidiasis (thrush) develops at 8 weeks of gestation. Its occurrence during this period is associated not only with a decrease in immunity, but also with the fact that the pH in the vagina becomes acidic (in order to protect the fetus from infectious agents), which is a favorable environment for the development of fungal flora. In case of thrush, you need to seek help from a specialist. If the yellow discharge becomes watery at this time, then this is also the reason for a visit to the doctor in order to exclude leakage of amniotic fluid or some kind of infection.

9 week

Yellow discharge at the 9th week of pregnancy is transparent, without impurities, odorless, burning, pain is considered normal. If you change the structure of secretions, the amount and appearance of a greenish, brown secret, the occurrence of pain, you need to urgently contact an obstetrician-gynecologist.

10 week

Yellow discharge at 10 weeks of gestation of a homogeneous structure, light, moderate and without other clinical symptoms is the norm. When pain appears, changes in the consistency, amount and color of secretion - this is the reason for contacting a doctor for examination and necessary therapy.

11 week

Yellow discharge at 11 weeks of gestation may be normal, but if it is accompanied by a not very pleasant smell, pain, itching, burning, very bright color or, on the contrary, dark, this indicates an infection of the genitourinary system. If these symptoms occur, it is necessary to seek medical help in order to start therapy in a timely manner.

12 week

Yellow discharge at the 12th week of pregnancy is considered the norm, in the case when it is not accompanied by other uncomfortable symptoms, has a homogeneous structure, odorless, in moderation. If the shade of yellow secretion changes towards green or brown, pain, itching and other symptoms occur, you should immediately go to the doctor.

13 week

Yellow discharge at 13 weeks of gestation may be normal, if not accompanied by symptoms such as pain in the abdomen, itching and not very pleasant smell of secretion. At this time, the secretion may become more liquid, since during this period the function of the hormone estrogen prevails, which helps to thin the previously thick mucus.

Yellow discharge at the end of pregnancy

37 week

Yellow discharge at 37 weeks of gestation, if they are in moderation and nothing else bothers, then this is the norm. But if the discharge becomes very watery and there are a lot of them, then it is necessary to go to the doctor, as this may indicate the discharge of amniotic fluid and the beginning of labor. Also, if the yellow secretion is accompanied by a not very pleasant smell, pain, temperature, then this may signal inflammation in the genitourinary system, which requires immediate treatment.

38, 39, 40 weeks

Yellow discharge at 38, 39, 40 weeks of pregnancy can be considered normal if it is transparent, in moderation, odorless, not accompanied by itching, pain, fever, and does not have other impurities (for example, blood). In the case when the yellow discharge becomes very watery and abundant, and thick mucus appears (discharge of the mucous plug), this indicates the beginning of labor. If the yellow secretion at these stages of pregnancy acquires an unpleasant odor, becomes with a greenish or brownish tint, pains occur, then it is necessary to urgently consult an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Profuse yellow discharge during pregnancy

Abundant yellow discharge during pregnancy can also be considered a variant of the comparative norm, but in the absence of a fetid odor and other clinical symptoms. In general, abundant secretion can be present in many women in a position, since during pregnancy there is a softening of the walls of the uterus, a change in the microflora of the vagina, as a result of which a large amount of lubrication is produced, thanks to which the child's movement through the birth canal is facilitated.

  • Abundant secretion may have a yellowish tint, be liquid, and in the absence of odor and / or discomfort, then excitement should not arise. But if the feeling of anxiety does not leave, then it is better to go to the doctor for a consultation.
  • Abundant secretion may be the result of an acute infectious process of a bacterial nature in the urogenital organs (in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina).

In cases where abundant yellow discharge does not have a very pleasant odor and is characterized by the following clinical symptoms - itching, hyperemia, discomfort, pain, burning sensation, then an obstetrician-gynecologist should be visited immediately, because this symptomatology is characteristic of bacterial genital infections.

Yellow-green discharge during pregnancy

Yellow-green discharge during pregnancy is not the norm. The causative factor for the secretion of a yellow-green color can be:

  • genital infections of bacterial origin (very often such secretion is characteristic of trichomoniasis).
  • dysbiosis of the vagina, which is characterized not only by yellow-green discharge, but also by the disgusting smell of rotten fish.

In addition to yellow-green discharge, a pregnant woman can often be bothered by burning, itching, discomfort in the genital area, pain in the lower abdomen and during urination.

  • In trichomoniasis, the yellow-green secretion has a frothy character with a not very pleasant smell.
  • In the acute period, such secretion is usually abundant.

If a yellow-green secret is found, you urgently need to go to the doctor, undergo a set of examinations and the necessary treatment, in order to eliminate the infection and provide favorable conditions for the pregnancy.

Yellow-white discharge during pregnancy

Yellow-white discharge during pregnancy can be normal or be the result of allergic reactions to synthetic underwear, intimate hygiene products, or the result of damage to fungal flora. Quite often during pregnancy, thrush (candidiasis) occurs, due to a decrease in immunity, which is accompanied by uncontrolled reproduction of opportunistic flora, in particular fungal. As a result, a pregnant woman has:

  • yellow-white secretory discharge, often of a cheesy character with a sour odor, reminiscent of yeast,
  • against the background of discharge, there is a pronounced itching, burning sensation in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe entrance to the vagina,
  • swelling of the labia minora is possible.

If you find this symptomatology, you should immediately contact an obstetrician-gynecologist in order to start timely rational therapy for thrush and prevent infection of the fetus.

Yellow-brown discharge during pregnancy

Yellow-brown discharge during pregnancy can be considered as normal, due to physiological processes associated with pregnancy (mainly in the early stages), or may be the result of serious disorders. In any case, if a yellow-brown secret is found at any stage of pregnancy, it is necessary to refer to a specialist for advice.

  1. In the very early period of pregnancy (in the first weeks), yellow-brown discharge may be normal, because at this stage, the embryo attaches to the endometrium of the uterus and this process may be accompanied by the secretion of a small amount of blood. And as a result, the physiological secretion of a woman - white or white-yellow, mixes with a small amount of blood and becomes yellow-brown.
  2. The appearance of a yellow-brown with a predominance of brown secretion, both in early and later stages of pregnancy, should be seriously alarming. Early brown discharge may be caused by:
    • Ectopic pregnancy (tubal), which is a dangerous condition for a woman and, if diagnosed and treated late, may result in infertility.
    • Detachment of the ovum, which threatens spontaneous miscarriage. Therefore, with timely diagnosis, strict bed rest and appropriate therapy should be followed in order to preserve the pregnancy.
    • Frozen pregnancy, in such a situation, the toxicosis stops, and the pregnancy test shows a negative result.
    • Spontaneous miscarriage, often with dizziness, weakness and pain in the lower abdomen.
    • Erosion of the cervix is ​​possible.

The cause of brown discharge in late pregnancy is:

  • An abnormally located placenta is a close location to the cervix, which leads to its deformation, impaired function, blood supply and impaired fetal development. Timely diagnosis of this pathology prevents complications from both the pregnant woman and the child.
  • Placental abruption is also a dangerous condition that can result in premature birth and fetal death. It is necessary to constantly monitor the doctor in this situation to help the pregnant woman and the child.
  • After 38 weeks of pregnancy, the occurrence of brown secretion may also be the norm, due to the discharge of the mucous plug, which is a harbinger of physiological childbirth.

Yellow-brown secretion during pregnancy at any stage may also be the result of genital infections of bacterial genesis, in this case there will be: itching, burning, pain and not very pleasant smell of secreted secretion. In any case, in the event of a yellow-brown discharge, it is necessary to urgently go to the doctor so as not to waste time and start therapy in a timely manner, if needed.

Light yellow discharge during pregnancy

Light yellow discharge during pregnancy is often the norm, especially in the absence of any clinical symptoms. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the appearance of a light yellow discharge is associated with the formation of a mucous plug in the cervical region, which will perform a protective function - to prevent infections from entering the fetal bladder from the outside. This secretion can be abundant and stop after three to four months of pregnancy.

Yellow mucous discharge during pregnancy

Yellow mucous discharge during pregnancy, not accompanied by clinical symptoms, is the norm. Mucous secretion in the first twelve weeks of pregnancy arises from the functioning of the hormone progesterone, which triggers the formation of a viscous and thick secretion in order to form a mucous plug that prevents pathogens from entering the uterine cavity.

  • In the first trimester of pregnancy, mucous discharge can be abundant, transparent, whitish or with a yellow tint, odorless.
  • Starting from the second trimester of pregnancy, estrogen function predominates, as a result of which the mucous secretion liquefies and becomes more liquid, the color of the secreted secretion does not change and there is no smell.

In cases where yellow mucous secretion is accompanied by discomfort in the form of itching, burning, pain, or a not very pleasant smell appears, it is necessary to immediately visit a doctor for diagnosis and therapy.

Yellow thick discharge during pregnancy

Yellow thick discharge during pregnancy can be considered normal, in the case when they do not appear clinically in any way. Normally, such discharge is possible at an early stage of pregnancy, when a mucous plug forms, which serves as a defense against infection from entering the uterus from the outside. Thick secretion can be noted in the first trimester of pregnancy, due to the functioning of the hormone progesterone.

Yellow thick secretion can be purulent in nature and accompanied by itching, pain, burning, not a very pleasant smell, which indicates a genital infection of bacterial origin (most often gonorrhea).

Thick secretion of a dark yellow color during pregnancy can be noted due to the active reproduction of E. coli, staphylococcus and is accompanied by the development of purulent inflammation.

If a yellow thick secretion occurs, it is necessary to go for medical help to an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Yellow liquid discharge during pregnancy

Yellow liquid discharge during pregnancy can occur normally from the second trimester of pregnancy, when the hormone estrogen predominates, which helps to thin the previously thick mucus. The result is the appearance of an abundant liquid secretion, odorless, color, which can be transparent or with a yellow tinge. Such secretion does not bring discomfort, except for the sensation of moisture in the perineum. Panty liners, preferably without fragrances, will help to cope with this sensation in order to avoid allergies.

If the yellow liquid secretion during pregnancy is accompanied by a not very pleasant smell, itching, pain, or fever, this may indicate a urinary tract infection, vaginal dysbiosis, or a possible allergic reaction. Also, the presence of yellow fluid secretion may indicate that amniotic fluid is leaking. That requires an immediate visit to the doctor and timely therapy.

Watery yellow discharge during pregnancy

Watery yellow discharge during pregnancy can be a normal option if there is no smell and discomfort. But they can also signal the presence of the following pathology:

  • Genital herpes, in which there is a scanty watery secretion with the formation of vesicles in the inflamed areas of the perineum. Often there is itching and pain at the site of the vesicles.
  • There may be bacterial vaginosis, in which the watery secretion often has an unpleasant odor, itching, soreness, and urinary disorder.
  • Leakage of amniotic fluid, watery secretions can be yellow and have a sweet odor.
  • Due to any infections - specific - bacterial genital or nonspecific.

The appearance of a yellow watery secretion during pregnancy, especially accompanied by clinical symptoms, is the reason for an urgent visit to the obstetrician-gynecologist.

Yellow cheesy discharge during pregnancy

Yellow cheesy discharge during pregnancy indicates the active development, most often, of the fungal flora, as a result of which candidiasis (thrush) occurs. Activation of the fungal flora occurs due to a decrease in immunity during pregnancy, and may also be the result of taking antibacterial drugs. Yellow curdled secretion with thrush is accompanied by severe itching, burning at the entrance to the vagina and an unpleasant sour smell of yeast. This condition requires timely therapy in order to prevent infection of the child and ensure a favorable course of pregnancy. Self-medication is contraindicated, since not all drugs can be used during pregnancy, and it is also necessary to clarify the diagnosis with a doctor and conduct additional examination methods (smear on flora).

At all stages of pregnancy, the occurrence of yellow discharge may be the norm, in the absence of other symptoms. But do not forget about the possible leakage of amniotic fluid, which, except for yellow secretion, may not manifest itself in any way. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly be under the supervision of the doctor, come for an examination at the appropriate time and take tests in a timely manner (in particular, smears).

Allocation accompanies the girl throughout her life. This is normal. It gets worse during pregnancy. Discharge is usually clear or whitish in color. That is why they are called leucorrhoea. However, the color of the discharge can change throughout the entire period of gestation. Sometimes they can take on a yellowish or greenish tint. This can serve as a sign of deviation, as well as a relative norm.

Now let's dwell on this in more detail.

Yellow discharge during early pregnancy

Usually, doctors do not attribute a change in the color of whites to signs of the presence of pathology. The fact is that, after conception, a whole list of changes occurs in a woman's body:

  • a cork is formed;
  • the uterus is rapidly increasing;
  • the hormonal background is changing;
  • the volume of blood increases;
  • the body is under stress.

The changes taking place mostly relate to hormonal changes. In addition, there is an increase in production. Its deficiency can cause termination of pregnancy.

In addition to protecting the fetus, the hormone also affects the color of the leucorrhoea. Due to the increased consistency in the body, the secretions become viscous, and their daily volume increases significantly. If a girl noticed a yellow-white secret on her underwear, do not worry too much if other symptoms of a problem do not appear. However, experts still advise you to visit your doctor and pass a standard list of tests. This will help rule out the presence of the disease that led to the onset of yellow discharge at the beginning of pregnancy.

Wearing synthetic underwear, an allergic reaction to personal hygiene products or a decrease in immunity can lead to an intensive reproduction of pathogenic microflora. This becomes the reason for the appearance of the following pathologies:

  • colpitis;

In these cases, the discharge becomes a dark yellow color and may be accompanied by itching, burning, and a number of other problems. An unpleasant smell may also indicate a deviation from the norm. If there is at least 1 additional symptom, you should immediately visit a specialist. In order not to miss an alarm signal, a girl should be able to clearly distinguish situations when the presence of yellow-green discharge is considered the norm, and cases when this fact warns of the development of the disease.

Safe causes of pathology

The expert divides the reasons leading to the appearance of yellow discharge at the beginning of pregnancy into several groups. Discoloration of whiteness can occur due to:

  • outside irritation;
  • physiological processes in the body of a pregnant woman;
  • an allergic reaction;
  • violations of hygiene rules;
  • changes in the microflora of the vagina.

A discharge may be the first sign of pregnancy. They begin to appear after the introduction of the ovum into the wall of the uterus. Then there is a global restructuring of the body. It is necessary to support the growth, development and formation of the unborn baby. Allocations also appear in the process of changes.

The start of most of the processes associated with adjusting the mother's body is given by a hormone. It is because of him that the color of the leucorrhoea changes, as well as their consistency. In pregnant women, an increase in the volume of discharge is observed. In addition, they become thicker.

The discoloration of whiteness does not always occur. Typically, the discharge remains whitish or transparent. However, do not be alarmed if leucorrhoea of ​​a bright yellow color began to appear during pregnancy. The shade and intensity of the discharge can change as a result of the influence of hygiene procedures performed incorrectly. This can be caused not only by non-compliance with the rules, but also by too frequent washing. Experts advise against washing the external genitals more than once a day. The rule is relevant if a girl uses special means. It is they during pregnancy that can cause irritation of the vaginal mucosa, and in the future will lead to a change in the color of the leucorrhoea. Replacing soap or intimate gel will help to solve the problem.

The list of causes of yellow discharge at the initial stage of pregnancy is not limited to too frequent or rare washing. Irritants that can change the color of the discharge include:

  • synthetic underwear;
  • using sanitary napkins with fragrances or creams;
  • unsuitable washing powder;
  • other tissues or substances that come into contact with mucous membranes and skin.

As with the soap or intimate gel used for cleaning, replacing the product or fabric will help eliminate the problem.

Yellow discharge can be a symptom of an allergy. During pregnancy, the body becomes more sensitive. Even if the girl has not previously suffered from allergic reactions, such phenomena can be observed while carrying a child. The presence of a problem can manifest itself only by the appearance of yellow discharge or be expressed in the appearance of a complete list of symptoms:

  • lacrimation;
  • sneezing;
  • rash;
  • other symptoms associated with an allergic reaction.

The reason for the increased sensitivity is hidden in the changes taking place in the body. In such a situation, you need to find out what the allergen is and eliminate its effects. Medicines in this situation are used only if absolutely necessary.

The vaginal microflora can also become the reason for the change in the color of the discharge. It consists of a list of microorganisms that permanently reside in the mucous membrane of the girl's genital organs. They are necessary for the normal functioning of the systems of a healthy woman. If, during pregnancy, a girl has abundant, odorless, yellow discharge, this may indicate that the population of some microorganisms has increased, while others have decreased. This phenomenon is not a pathology. To identify the cause of what is happening is possible only by taking a mask from the vagina and bringing the analysis of the material obtained.

All of the above reasons are not signs of a disease and do not require special treatment. You can get rid of the problem by eliminating the irritant. However, it is still recommended to visit a doctor. A specialist will help you find out exactly the cause of the yellow discharge at the beginning of pregnancy and help to correctly eliminate it.

Diseases causing the problem

However, the presence of yellow discharge is not always a harmless symptom. Problems can be caused by:

  • exacerbation of a disease that has not been previously treated;
  • deterioration in the functioning of the immune system;
  • getting the infection into the body.

Rarely, there is only one problem that causes yellow discharge in the early stages of pregnancy. Often, an infection or inflammation that is not cured in a timely manner begins to develop actively due to a decrease in the protective functions of the body.

During pregnancy, discharge can acquire not only a yellow color, but also a sour smell. This indicates availability. The disease is caused by fungi. Experts call her candidiasis. If a problem occurs, a girl may notice the following symptoms:

  • discharge takes on a sour smell;
  • the consistency of the whites changes and resembles yogurt;
  • discharge is accompanied by itching;
  • edema may appear.

Changes in the vaginal microflora are also not always harmless. They can cause dysbiosis. In this situation, the selection:

  • become sticky;
  • thicken quickly;
  • acquire a yellow-green tint;
  • have a fishy smell.

Having this condition during pregnancy can cause serious harm. Experts advise you to immediately contact a specialist.

During pregnancy, a number of dangerous infections can enter the girl's body, which cause the discoloration of the leucorrhoea. The list includes:

  • colibacillus;
  • staphylococcal bacillus;
  • gonococcal bacillus.

Usually they appear against the background of a decrease in the protective function of the girl's body. Diseases that previously did not manifest themselves in any way begin to develop actively. Trichomoniasis is especially dangerous during the period of expectation of a child. If there is a selection problem, the following are inherent in:

  • rotten fish aroma;
  • dark yellow color;
  • foamy consistency (not always).

If at least one of the above symptoms is present, a pregnant girl should immediately go to the doctor and get tested for the presence of the disease.

Inflammatory processes can also cause yellow discharge in the early stages of pregnancy. They usually strike:

  • ovaries;
  • vaginal walls (colpitis);
  • the fallopian tubes ();
  • cervix ().

In such situations, in addition to discoloration of the leucorrhoea, abdominal pain and fever may occur. The above problems cannot be treated on their own. Having identified at least one of the symptoms accompanying yellow discharge, the girl should immediately consult a specialist. Self-medication is fraught with additional health problems and disorders in the development of the fetus. Only a doctor is able to correctly select drugs that have a minimal effect on the unborn child.

Reasons for consulting a doctor

The well-being of the child directly depends on how the expectant mother relates to her own health. All, even the smallest changes in the condition, must be immediately reported to the doctor leading the pregnancy. During the waiting period for the baby, almost all expectant mothers have white-yellow discharge. You should not be nervous if leucorrhoea does not cause anxiety, and the results
smear tests are normal. However, the following reasons should be the reason for an immediate visit to a specialist:

  • the girl is experiencing pain when urinating;
  • the shade of whiter has changed;
  • discharge gives off an unpleasant odor;
  • there was soreness in the lower abdomen;
  • the consistency of the leucorrhoea has changed;
  • there is an increase in temperature or the presence of a headache
  • the girl is experiencing itching of the external genitals.

Most diseases that lead to a discoloration of the leucorrhoea are treated only in the third month of pregnancy. However, the examination must be completed immediately after the onset of disturbing symptoms.

Usually, in the treatment of diseases associated with the appearance of yellow discharge in early pregnancy, there is no need for a hospital room. The elimination of the problem is carried out at home. The specialist selects an individual treatment regimen and prescribes the necessary medications.

Prescriptions of traditional medicine can supplement the list of prescribed medications. They are able to effectively deal with the existing problem. However, before using them, it is imperative to consult with a specialist.

Aloe juice can help with trichomoniasis. To prepare the medicine, you need to cut off a leaf of the plant and place it in the cold for 2-3 days. When the material is ready, you need to squeeze the juice from the sheet and take 1 tsp. 15 minutes before meals.

If yellow discharge has arisen due to, at 8-10 weeks of pregnancy, the girl can prepare a bath. For this you need to take:

  • 2 p. water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. soda;
  • 1 dessert spoon of iodine solution.

All components are mixed with each other, and then poured into a basin. You need to go down into it and spend about 20 minutes in the water.

A decoction of one of the following herbs can reduce the amount of yellow discharge, as well as relieve irritation and pain with colpitis:

  • mother-and-stepmothers;
  • chamomile.

The cooking method is not complicated. For 0.5 liters of water there should be 1 tbsp. l. the selected herb. A decoction or infusion can help get rid of the problem. If the girl chose the first option, she should pour boiling water over the grass, and then cook for 5 minutes.

If the expectant mother is preparing an infusion, the selected ingredient is also poured with a liquid brought to a boil, and then left to infuse for 30 minutes. You do not need to cook the mass. When the decoction or infusion is ready, it should be used as a base for the bath. The duration of stay in it should not exceed 30 minutes. The procedure should be repeated no more than 2 times a day.

If a woman is not indifferent to her own health, as well as the life and development of the unborn baby, when yellow discharge appears, it is worth immediately contacting a specialist. Only he will be able to correctly identify the problem and choose the right treatment. Do not delay a visit to the doctor or deal with the problem on your own. The body's response to such actions is unpredictable.