25 years of military service federal law. Media learned about a possible increase in the length of service for military pensions

From the beginning of next year 2018, a new law will be in force throughout the Russian Federation to increase the length of service for military personnel for up to 25 years. The Ministry of Defense decided to raise the length of service by 5 years compared to this year.

To the law "On pensions for persons who have served in the military, served in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, the bodies for controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, and their families "will also make amendments regarding the correlation of receiving finances from the service of the state. The government considered that in this way it is possible to save on the payment of pensions. It is expected that the law will become effective as early as January 1, 2018, but a final decision can be expected only after the presidential elections in the Russian Federation. The only military who will not serve for 25 years are those who managed to conclude a contract for 20 years of service. Their amendments have been bypassed so far.

The length of service of military personnel for a pension of 25 years entered into force: features of the draft law on increasing the length of service

It is impossible to call this bill new, since it was already proposed in 2013. The most unexpected addition to the reform was a proposal in 2015 to increase the lower limit of service from 20 to 30 years, but the idea was rejected. And this year, by decree of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, a draft was prepared with a large number of amendments.

Now let's talk about the difference between projects. At the present time, for a length of service of 20 years, a military man is paid a pension in the amount of 50% of the financial allowance, it is provided for in Article 43 of the Law “On Pensions for Persons ...”. Every year, if the military has twenty years of experience, an allowance of 3% of financial allowance is provided, however, not more than 85%.

The updated project fixes a pension of 65% of the financial allowance for a length of service of 25 years, and annually military personnel will receive an allowance of 3%, but not exceeding 95% of the financial allowance.

Length of service for military personnel for a pension of 25 years entered into force: no indexation of monetary allowance

The federal law "On the monetary allowance of military personnel and the provision of certain payments to them" has not been implemented for 5 years. The provisions of the law assumed that salaries for the ranks of military personnel and salaries for positions should be annually indexed (tied to the consumer price index) taking into account inflation from the beginning of 2013. But the indexation of military pensions was due to an increase in the reduction factor. According to the law, it was 54% in 2012, and 72.23% in 2017. Over the previous 5 years, the pension has increased by 30%, and over 7 years - by 90%.

The length of service for military personnel for a pension of 25 years entered into force: bringing the bill into force throughout the territory of the Russian Federation

At the moment, it is not known whether the bill to increase the military experience to 25 years will be implemented at the beginning of 2018 or at the end of 2019. It is also assumed that there will be a 5-year preparatory period, and only by the beginning of 2023 will it become fully operational. In any case, there will be even a short transitional period so that the military personnel who retired during this period of time will not be deprived. Until January 1, 2019, they plan to pay an allowance (a quarter of the previously estimated pension) to military personnel who have served for more than twenty years, but who were unable to retire due to the adoption of a new bill. But starting from January 1 of the same year, the payments of allowances will stop, because they are counting on the full operation of the law.

In 2015, the Russian Ministry of Finance came up with an initiative that defines an increase in seniority for the military by 5 years. Thus, in order to apply for this type of pension, one should work out not 20, but 25 years.

Minister Anton Siluanov explained the adoption of such an unpopular decision by the fact that before most of the military, having worked for two decades, were already retired at 40 and received assistance from the state.

Seniority increase procedure

Two years ago, the government thought about extending the service life to 25 years. Specialists from the Ministry of Defense have successfully drafted a law relating to the military, the so-called "pension reform." According to the procedure, it is carried out in 2 stages:

  1. The first stage lasts until January 1, 2019. The military, carrying out professional activities for 20 years, but not retired, are entitled to the accrual and issuance of an allowance, which in monetary terms equals 25% of their future pension accruals. Additional compensation is paid monthly.
  2. Starting from 2019, it is planned to increase the minimum duration of military service by 5 years. Thus, this period will be at least 25 years.

As the Minister of Finance notes, at that time this bill to increase the length of service remained at the level of oral discussion, because its implementation requires certain budget costs for the payment of wages to the military, who are in the ranks of the army, amounting to several hundred billion rubles. As for those serving in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is planned to distribute employees to more qualitatively productive sectors of the country's economy.

Today, about 19 million Russian citizens are provided with jobs in the sphere of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At the same time, the percentage of state managers in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is constantly growing: now there are 100 managers in this industry for every 10,000 military personnel. This indicator is 2-3 times less than the similar Canadian one, but more than the Asian one.

One of the members of the Public Chamber of Russia, Valentin Agarkov, made his proposals to reduce the number of employees in the management hierarchy of the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

  • the total automation of administrative resources can save the situation;
  • introduction of information technology.

He also noted that civil servants are often engaged in "paperwork": they keep accounting cards, form databases, analyze and issue final processed information to superiors. It is believed that such positions are the least productive and “do not work out” the wages they receive.

How far is the Russian government willing to go?

In its quest to reduce the cost of providing for the military in the reserve and those who have retired on a seniority basis, the government is ready to take increasingly unpopular and "inconvenient" decisions. So, in the future, an increase in the period of service is possible not only up to 25 years, but also up to 30. So far, these are only projects, which, it is possible, can become a reality at any time.

In voicing the expected size of the reductions in civil servants of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Fire Safety Service, the Ministry of Finance named the exact figure - 10% of the employed will become unemployed. Non-working military personnel will also be affected by the change: each of them will be credited with the amount for compulsory medical insurance insurance. Experts already now consider these measures to be unauthorized and inappropriate, because in order to pay for something, you must have a constant income, and even if a citizen has a hidden income, it will be very difficult to prove its presence.

It is noteworthy that expensive celebrations of important dates of the formation of Russia, which are not multiples of 100 years, are also canceled.

The bad news touched upon the lack of indexation in 2015 of pension payments to military personnel, regardless of the level of inflation of the national currency and the subsistence level established in a particular region.

In the developed proposals, experts operate on the fact that it is impossible to increase the GDP of the Russian economy with an increase in spending on the social sphere. Especially, at a time when GDP indicators do not shine with their results.

How can a soldier earn a retirement pension?

In connection with the latest changes, in 2016 a serviceman will be able to apply for a seniority pension after having worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for at least 25 years. Citizens who could qualify for a well-deserved rest from January 1, 2019 are required to serve another 5 years in order to exercise the right to receive pension payments. 25 years of service gives a soldier the right to retire in the future at any time, being in any age category.

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

The pension reform in the Russian Federation affected police officers. The latest news in 2018 reports that there may be a change in the income of older people. It is also planned to increase the length of service to 25 police officers. Below we will figure out what changes will affect employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

What the law says

At the moment, a bill to change the pension for police officers has not yet been adopted. It is under consideration by the authorities. Let's figure out what are the pros and cons of such a procedure, what could be the consequences of increasing the length of service.

In 2018, indexation will be carried out for recipients of payments from the public sector. The amount of benefits and wages will increase. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation will also be subject to such a procedure. Russian President Vladimir Putin believes that payments for law enforcement officers in the country should be increased. This will affect the improvement of the level and quality of life of citizens.

According to the Constitution, servicemen can be employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The appointment of a pension occurs on the basis of the calculation of allowances for the military. Formation of payments is carried out on the basis of position, length of service and rank. With high rates and wages, there is an increase in pensions. This year, it is possible to increase the length of service to 25 for police officers. This is the latest news. In 2018, the changes will affect only the police.

Prosperity to the military

Payout indexation

The pension in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is calculated according to the following formula: the salary according to the position is added to the salary according to the rank, as well as the additional payment for awards. 3% is due for each year that has been worked out for more than 25 years. The amount is then multiplied by the reduction factor. Additionally, a 50% multiplication is performed.

As of 2018, what ratio was 4%. It is possible that the figure can be changed. The increase in pensions will be due to inflation. There is a crisis in the Russian Federation, prices for goods and services are rising. Accordingly, social payments should be increased. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation ensures the prestige of the country, which means that the level of wages in this area should be high.


Seniority Bill

Today, 15 million citizens are on the balance sheet of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Power structures claim to receive social benefits upon achievement. Every year the number of employees in the Ministry of Internal Affairs increases. This is due to the increasing popularity of the profession. Law enforcement officers have various social benefits, they receive financial assistance from the state. They are entitled to a special allowance and an early pension. It is for the sake of such bonuses that Russian citizens tend to work in military structures.

The work of law enforcement agencies is fraught with constant risk, this year there will be a bonus to their salary in any case. It can be up to 85% of the salary.

Seniority bill for 2018

The latest news in 2018 reports the following:

  1. There will be an increase in seniority to 25 police officers.
  2. Under the new scheme, the accrual of payments will be due to military personnel who began receiving social benefits upon reaching retirement age from 2016.
  3. Pensions for former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be increased in accordance with inflationary processes in the country.
  4. Staff reductions are not ruled out.

The Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation, like any other budget organization, has its own budget. It is calculated on the total number of employees. With increasing growth in the number of employees, the budget may simply not be enough. Thus, this will affect the wages and pensions of the military. There is a need to increase the service life for such workers.

Salaries and pensions for police officers

The Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation makes a statement about the need to work off the money paid. Most law enforcement officers are engaged in paperwork, it can be switched to automatic mode. Management insists on optimizing paper processes.

Police salary

For this reason, there will be a reduction in wage payments. Pensions for those who have completed 20 years of service can also be changed. While maintaining the same balance of the budget of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, no income will be generated for employees of law enforcement agencies. Fewer people will be accepted into the organization, the staff that already exists will be reduced.

The leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not exclude that the number of personnel may be reduced. Pensions are a more complex issue. For this reason, the length of service for law enforcement officers will be increased by at least five years.

In the Russian Federation, the task is to preserve the prestige of the profession of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, at the same time, difficult times arise in relation to solving financial issues.

The departments that provide for military service have developed a bill to increase the lower limit of the length of service that gives the right to receive a military pension from 20 to 25 years. Relevant work has been carried out since March by decision of President Vladimir Putin. The authors of the project believe that this decision will relieve the budget of several hundred billion rubles annually. A number of experts say that raising the minimum length of service will not make military service more attractive. But a reduction in federal spending on military pensions will give the White House more freedom in deciding on early pensions and raising the retirement age, Kommersant reports http://kommersant.ru/doc/3325573.

On the development of the draft law “On Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1 “On pensions for persons who have served in the military, served in the internal affairs bodies, the state fire service, bodies for controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the criminal correctional system, the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops, and their families,” said a source close to the leadership of one of the law enforcement agencies. Then this was confirmed by the interlocutor in the Ministry of Defense.

So, according to him, on May 22, the head of the main personnel department of the Ministry of Defense, General Viktor Goremykin, reported on the preparation of documents by the Deputy Minister of Defense to General Dmitry Bulgakov (letter No. 173/2/15025). This work was carried out as part of the implementation of Vladimir Putin's decision No. Pr-497 of March 17, a senior official of the presidential administration confirms, representatives of all departments related to military service were involved in it. “The topic is very delicate, there are still a number of consultations at the level of the financial, economic and social blocs of the government, as well as all interested parties,” he says. The departments interviewed either declined to comment or did not respond to requests. It was not possible to contact the presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov. Prime Minister's press secretary Natalya Timakova refrained from commenting.

The idea of ​​raising the lower limit of seniority has been discussed for a long time, but the matter has never reached a final decision. Back in 2013, the military proposed a similar maneuver, which was proposed to be divided into two stages. Until January 1, 2019, all military personnel who served for more than 20 years, but did not retire, were planned to be paid an increase of 25% of the amount of the pension that they could receive. And from 2019, to finally fix the lower limit of seniority at 25 years. However, calculations have shown that the federal budget will not cope with all the additional payments required for the transition period. In 2015, the discussion was resumed by Finance Minister Anton Siluanov. “The military, I believe, can also extend the length of service, allowing them to retire,” he told RIA Novosti. “Look, we have 1 million healthy young men working as security guards, not to mention a significant number of security forces. Each barrier has a guard and guards it. Often the military, having served 20 years, become pensioners at the age of 40.

In the financial and economic bloc, the government considered it acceptable to increase the term of service, which gives the right to a military pension, to 30 years, but this option was rejected. Recall that at the same time, the unstable economic situation called into question the indexation of allowances for military personnel, as a result of which the Ministry of Finance wanted to abandon the revision in the direction of increasing the amount of payments to military pensioners.

Vladimir Putin intervened in the situation, after which Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and Anton Siluanov settled all issues by finding additional funds.

According to Kommersant's information, the current version of the bill provides for an increase in the lower limit of seniority from 20 to 25 years. This will require amendments to two articles: 13th (conditions determining the right to a pension for years of service) and 14th (pension amounts). The interlocutors do not name the proposed terms for the adoption of the amendments, but note that it is logical to do this after the 2018 presidential election.

The authors of the project do not disclose the scheme for increasing the lower limit of seniority: it is not yet clear whether a transition period will be introduced and, if so, how much it will cost the budget. It is only known that the innovation will not affect those whose contract ends at 20 years of service. Everyone else will have to serve five years more to receive a military pension. Vasily Zatsepin, head of the laboratory of military economics at the Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, notes that the implementation of the project will not increase the attractiveness of military service and, most likely, the number of those wishing to serve will decrease.

Doctor of Economic Sciences Sergey Smirnov notes that the initiative is in line with the policy of optimizing budget spending. “Increasing the lower limit of length of service, which gives the right to receive a military pension, is one of the elements of the new system,” the expert says, recalling that such changes have recently affected government officials. This version is confirmed by a high-ranking official of the government apparatus: “We started with civil servants, and the military became a natural continuation of our consistent work.” Sources in the financial and economic block of the government claim that the risks of a negative reaction from military personnel exist and they are very high, but at the final stage, such a change in the law will allow saving several hundred billion rubles a year, greatly unloading the budget. “This knot needs to be untied somehow,” says one of the interlocutors.

Directly adopted, as it turns out, back in March 2017 and previously unpublished, the decision of Vladimir Putin, which can be considered “raising the retirement age for military pensioners,” is not related to the discussion about the general increase in the retirement age. There are two fundamental positions in the authorities in this matter. The first one (represented, in particular, in the developments of the Center for Strategic Research under the leadership of Alexei Kudrin) is that it is necessary to raise the retirement age. The second (associated with the position of the Ministry of Labor and the White House social bloc in general) is the reform of the system of early pensions, to which up to a third of the population of the Russian Federation are entitled, will either cancel the general increase in the retirement age, or postpone the decision, or make the schedule for raising the retirement age smoother. .

The price of the issue in the case of early pensions is about 350-400 billion rubles. per year and is comparable in order of magnitude to the upcoming savings on payments to military pensioners - these payments are made from the federal budget, as is the transfer to the Pension Fund to cover the deficit. The Ministry of Finance insisted on the decision to reduce the cost of military pensions, whose position on the “civilian” retirement age is quite tough: the head of the department, Anton Siluanov, has repeatedly stated the urgent need to raise the age. But cuts in federal spending on military pensions, which have nothing to do with the Pension Fund, at the same time give the White House more freedom both in deciding on early pensions and in raising the retirement age.

The majority of citizens would like to retire at the age of 56.8, according to the VTsIOM survey (the last one was conducted in January 2015). It should be noted that this is close to the real average term for retirement in the Russian Federation - early or within the period established by law. The average age at which workers would like to go on vacation varies, it is the lowest among those aged 18–24 (55.8 years) and the highest among those aged 35–44 (58.8 years). Support for the retirement age in connection with the "increase in life expectancy" say 7% of respondents, 8% "rather support" the initiative. 62% do not support raising the retirement age, and 16% “rather do not support it,” follows from the same VTsIOM survey. The level of support is highest among respondents aged 18–24 and 25–34.

Vladimir Petukhov, head of the Center for Comprehensive Social Research at the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, believes that "officials will be happy to speak out in favor of raising the retirement age, in particular, leading cadres who sit in a warm office." “I think it extends to the military partly,” he says. Mr. Petukhov suggests that the military without a “civilian” profession, which will provide work in case of early retirement, can also support the initiative.

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However, despite the unchanged value of the reduction coefficient, in 2018 it was decided to index the monetary allowance of military personnel and persons equated to them by 4%. In this regard, the pension provision of the military will be increased 1.04 times January 1.

Minimum pension

The state-guaranteed minimum for these payments corresponds to the persons listed in paragraph 1 of Article 18 of Law No. 166-FZ and from April 1, 2017 is 5034 rubles 25 kopecks. From April 1, 2018, the social pension will be indexed by 4.1%, after which it will amount to 5240 rubles 65 kopecks.

It happens that the size of the state-appointed pension provision for citizens is below the subsistence minimum, determined based on the rate of price growth. If this happens, then the pensioner will be assigned without a request.

The amount of military pensions for years of service depends on the amount of money received and, as a rule, it is quite high compared to other types of pensions, so social supplements are usually not established for military citizens.

Conditions for awarding a retirement pension

This type of pension payments to those military citizens who have accumulated a certain length of service in a military position. Thus, a pension for military experience (length of service) can be awarded subject to the following conditions:

  • The pension is assigned to those who are dismissed from military service in the presence of special development at least 20 years.
  • If the dismissal was due to the achievement of the service age limit - 45 years, or for health reasons or for organizational and staffing measures (reduction), then if there is a total length of service at least 25 calendar years(including at least 12.5 years service in law enforcement agencies), then the citizen has the right to pension provision for mixed length of service.

If the above conditions are not met, then this type of pension provision will not be assigned.

Deadlines for granting a pension

The pension is established from the moment of dismissal from the bodies and paid for life or until re-entry into military service.

The appointment is made by the authorized departments of the departments in which the service was held before the dismissal, at the request of the person. The application must be accompanied by the necessary documents giving the right to increase the amount (about dependents, awards, etc.), confirming the lack of work and others, on time no later than 3 months from the date of application. After receipt of all necessary documents, an appointment is made within 10 days.

Payment of pensions to military pensioners

The pension is paid through bank branches (usually through branches of Sberbank) or postal service at the place of residence of a citizen living in Russia. The payment of pensions abroad is regulated by agreements with these countries.

Shipping costs are incurred at the expense of the federal budget. Delivery of the pension is carried out for the current month. Employment is not an obstacle to receiving a pension, but it limits the right to a dependency allowance and additional monthly material support.

Right to a second pension

Upon reaching the generally established retirement age (60 years for men and 55 years for women), military pensioners can apply for a second pension- . However, to obtain it, it is necessary to develop a "civilian" experience, which was not included in the military pension.

Until 2015, the required minimum experience was only 5 years. However, with a change in legislation, since 2015, the requirements have been increasing annually by one year and for 2018 at least 9 years are required. Thus, by 2025 there will be must be 15 years old civil experience.

The amount of the second payment depends on the number of years worked and earnings before 2002, as well as accrued insurance premiums since 2002, but does not provide for an increase in payment due to the presence of dependents.

The amount of pension received will be obviously less than that of civilian pensioners, since it does not include a fixed payment. However, every year February 1 occurs, so its size will increase.


Servicemen's pensions stand apart in pension legislation. These payments apply only to the security forces. The increase in monetary allowance significantly increased, which had a positive effect on the well-being of these individuals, increased the morale of the Army, and made service in law enforcement agencies attractive to young people.