Device for laser depilation at home. How to choose a laser epilator for home use? Manufacturers review and reviews

Tired of shaving and painful sugaring and waxing? Then you should pay attention to the latest developments in the field of hair removal on the face and body. After all, now you can buy just one set for home hair removal using light energy - and the hairs will disappear forever! The well-known European company Rio presents its innovative developments: laser and photoepilators for home use. Choose and buy an epilator in the "Constellation of Beauty" online store, carry out an epilation course - and you can forget about the annoying hairs that only interfere with your life!

Home hair removal: laser hair removal.

Laser hair removal is already a proven and popular method of hair removal using the finest beam of light. The light energy transmitted by the laser beam accumulates in the hair follicle, which leads to its death. This means that the hairs stop growing and do not bother you anymore. However, it should be remembered that the laser removes only dark hairs, and this does not happen in one procedure, a course of exposure is required. And now this method has "moved" from expensive salons to apartments, because with the help of portable Rio devices, everyone can carry out procedures right at home. These home epilators are aimed at maximum results, while manufacturers are especially concerned about safety and ease of use.

Features of laser hair removal:

  • Removal of dark hair on fair skin,
  • Painless skin treatment,
  • The ability to remove hair on the body and face,
  • Affordable prices for epilators,
  • Several degrees of protection,
  • Compactness and convenient design of devices.

IPL technology - photoepilation for everyone!

Along with laser treatment, getting rid of hair with a directed flash of light (IPL \u003d Intensive Pulsed Light) is gaining popularity, which allows you to immediately treat a large surface of the skin. A flash of light carries such a large amount of energy that all hairs in the affected area stop growing after a course of procedures. Photoepilation is very convenient because the procedure itself does not take much time, it can be done whenever you want. Unlike laser hair removal, photoepilation is not recommended on the face, as this can lead to pigmentation, but it is extremely convenient for treating hands and feet! So if you intend to permanently remove hair on your arms, legs, armpits and bikini area, then you should buy the Rio home photoepilator. Features of photoepilation:
  • Large leather processing area,
  • Perfectly removes dark hair on fair skin,
  • Designed to work on the body,
  • No painful sensations
  • The procedure takes only a few minutes.

Laser epilators for home use have been gaining popularity in recent years. Today they are no longer as expensive as they were several years ago - the cost of such a device is equal to the cost of one or three similar procedures in the salon. And how effective is laser hair removal at home - there is no definite answer, since everyone's skin and hair structure are different. However, salon hair removal also does not work for everyone in the same way: for someone, 4 - 5 procedures for 3 - 5 months are enough to completely get rid of hair in the problem area, and for someone 10 is not enough.

The principle of operation and types of home laser epilators

The laser beam, 808 nm long, is able to recognize the accumulations of melanin - the pigment of hair and skin, and have a destructive effect on it. Therefore, the more pronounced the contrast between skin and hair, the better the effect will be. For this reason, light, vellus and gray hair devoid of pigment does not lend itself to laser removal. Also, dark hair with dark and highly tanned skin is poorly removed. It is for this reason that sunbathing is not recommended before laser hair removal. Intact skin containing small amounts of melanin is not affected by the laser.

Some modern laser devices for home hair removal are produced by the same manufacturers as salon ones, but differ in many ways. First of all, the lamp power reserve, then - the area of \u200b\u200bthe treated area. The most inexpensive devices are designed for a point effect - one flash removes only one hair, however, according to reviews, it is inconvenient to use them due to the fact that it is difficult to hit the beam exactly on the hair follicle. Therefore, such devices are suitable mainly for those who want to epilate only small areas of the body.

And for those who have a lot of problem areas, it is better to choose devices with a larger area of \u200b\u200bsimultaneous exposure and a homing function. It consists in the fact that an optical device scans the skin and directs a laser pulse exactly to the hair follicles. From this, the desired result is achieved faster.

Using a customized laser epilator

First of all, it is important to determine your skin phototype: there are five of them, depending on the degree of pigmentation.

  • The skin of the first phototype is completely devoid of pigment, does not tan, and is more common in people with very light hair and eyes.
  • Skin of the second type contains a small amount of melanin, does not tan well, and is typical for people of Scandinavian appearance. With the first and second skin phototypes, the hair on the body is often light or red.
  • The third type is the most common among Europeans - such skin contains an average amount of pigment: it takes tanning well, but sometimes it burns in the sun. Body hair can be dark and coarse.
  • The fourth type is the dark olive skin typical of Asians. She tans easily, sunburn is quite rare for her. Body hair is mostly dark.
  • Skin of the fifth type is dark brown, characteristic of Africans.

It is easiest to remove dark hair on the skin of 1 - 3 types, it is relatively difficult in the fourth, and in the fifth it is almost impossible, since the skin pigment does not differ in color from the hair pigment. The radiation power is regulated depending on the phototype. For 1 - 2 skin types, all levels are suitable - from 1 to 5. For types 3 - 4, the first three are usually sufficient.

At home, laser hair removal is carried out in the same way as in the salon: it is recommended to treat one part of the body every 3 to 4 weeks. Do not sunbathe 2 weeks before the procedure. The hair in the treated area must be shaved off, but under no circumstances should it be pulled out by the root, otherwise there will be no effect from laser exposure. The procedure should be repeated until complete hair removal.

In case of severe pain (they are far from all), it is recommended to use Emla's anesthetic cream. It is rubbed into the skin 40-60 minutes before treatment. And after it, to relieve irritation, apply agents with panthenol. In the first days after hair removal, it is highly discouraged to sunbathe, since persistent age spots may appear in places of micro-damage to the skin.

Average number of procedures for complete hair removal on different parts of the body

  • upper lip - 6 - 7;
  • armpits - 6 - 7;
  • arms and legs - 5 - 6;
  • bikini - 4 - 5.

Contraindications for laser hair removal in the salon and at home

  • Any serious chronic and acute diseases, especially diabetes mellitus and oncology.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Any damage (possible burns) and skin diseases in the affected area.
  • When processing the legs - varicose veins.

In general, home laser hair removal is a highly effective and safe method for health - it allows you to get rid of unwanted hair for a very long time.

If earlier laser hair removal was considered a salon procedure, now it is carried out at home. It is enough to purchase a laser epilator. The cost of the device is high, but the price justifies its functionality. How does a home laser epilator work?

Laser epilator reduces hair growth by 90%

The device emits light energy, which penetrates the bulb and destroys it. The skin is not adversely affected.

Less hair grows with each epilation session. After four months of use, growth is reduced by 90%. Over time, hair stops growing altogether. The procedure lasts from a few minutes to an hour.

The laser epilator is suitable for dark hair removal on fair skin

There are various models of devices that differ from each other in power and purpose, namely:

  • for hard-to-reach places;
  • for sensitive skin;
  • for processing a large area;
  • with scanning function.

The devices operate in several modes. For a specific area of \u200b\u200bhair removal, the power of the laser is selected.

Some models of devices act directly on the hairs, while others - on the follicles.

How to use a laser epilator?

Read the instructions before use. Try the appliance on a small area of \u200b\u200byour skin to prevent allergic reactions and irritation. Epilation is done on dry and clean skin when the hairs grow back at least 2 mm.


  1. Switch on the device.
  2. Place it against your skin. Choose the right angle for effective hair removal. One light flash covers an area of \u200b\u200b3 sq. cm.
  3. Then move the device to another area.
  4. If the length of the hairs exceeds 3 mm, then they are shaved off and then epilated.

Hair does not fall out immediately, but within two days after the procedure. Do not apply cosmetics to your skin before epilation.

Do not use the device if you have a skin disease or injury, or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Diseases of the blood, tumors and diabetes mellitus are contraindications to hair removal.

Home laser epilators are less powerful than salon epilators, but they are not used more often than once every three weeks. Each zone is treated once during the procedure.

Using the epilator correctly, you will be able to achieve smooth skin on your legs and arms for a long time and without large financial costs.

Female beauty in our time is a very expensive business. Therefore, many ladies try to look for "workarounds": for sure, each has a "super-master" who creates masterpieces in an elite beauty salon during the day, and takes at home three times cheaper in the evening. And some people master the wisdom of manicure or hair extensions on their own: you can save money and please your girlfriends. The turn came to such a high-tech procedure as laser hair removal. With the advent of household laser devices, it ceased to be an exclusive of medical and aesthetic centers.

Is it possible to do professional laser hair removal at home? The answer to this question is definitely no.

  1. Firstly, professional laser equipment is not only expensive, but very expensive. Sometimes it is not affordable even for some beauty salons, let alone private individuals. The price of the issue is several million rubles. Even the most successful cosmetologist is unlikely to shell out for a good laser, if only for a used machine from the time of the king of Peas.
  2. Secondly, the equipment for laser hair removal is rather bulky and heavy. A professional device, which is considered compact, weighs 25-40 kg, and the mass of a conventional laser system reaches a whole centner. That is why a separate non-residential area is allocated for the laser therapy room. There are no conditions for this in apartments. In addition, according to the rules of safe work with electrical equipment, the laser device must be connected to networks with a dedicated automatic bagging machine and grounding.
  3. And, thirdly, only a certified cosmetologist with a higher medical education can work on a laser hair removal device. That is, neither the pedicure master, nor the beautician who gives you a facial massage and masks are not allowed to do such a responsible job. And, probably, it's not in vain? Still, laser hair removal is not about pulling out eyebrows with tweezers. One wrong move, and instead of admiring smooth legs, you will treat them for burns.

If you see an ad: “Laser hair removal at home! Fast, high quality, inexpensive! ”- don't believe it. The maximum that awaits you - a homebrew "doctor laser" will torment you with a low-power portable device, and everything will happen slowly and sadly. And it's not that cheap at all. Because if you are not afraid of epilation at a snail's pace, then it can be done much cheaper by purchasing your own miracle technique, you can even with a girlfriend in half.

Laser epilators: salon or home

Finally, laser hair removal has become available not only to the regulars of beauty salons. People can prefer professional procedures for various reasons: they cannot allocate time during the day to get to the session; live in areas where lasers have only been seen in Star Wars; they feel uncomfortable in the hands of a stranger for other exotic and not very motives.

But the biggest reason is economy. A portable laser epilator costs the same as one or two procedures from a beautician, and it serves its owner in eternal service: you can even get epilated from head to toe. For comparison: laser hair removal of the lower leg costs on average 5-7 thousand rubles at a time, and an economy-class device for home use can be bought for eight to nine thousand.

The relative cheapness of portable laser epilators is explained by the fact that they operate at the expense of an inexpensive semiconductor laser, the cost of which, in comparison with salon alexandrite and ruby \u200b\u200bcrystals, is several tens of times less.

It would seem that here it is - a panacea. But it was not there. What's the catch? And the catch is that manufacturers, for the safety of their customers, make devices with a minimum laser power. For consumers, this means:

  • The device works only with a combination ideal for laser hair removal: light, unburned skin of the first or second phototypes and dark hair. Natural blondes and dark-skinned women do not even have to try - a home laser will not take a light fluff or sufficiently pigmented hair against a tan background.
  • Manufacturers are reinsured that when using their device, no one could cause significant harm to themselves. Therefore, the flash power is barely enough to have a short-term, shallow effect on the hair. The effectiveness of such hair removal leaves much to be desired. But the security is at a high level.
  • The size of the laser spot of a portable epilator is so small that it takes more than one hour to epilate, for example, one leg. Or you have to conduct one session in several visits.

If you want a quick result, if you are impatient and not sure if you can finish what you started, home hair removal is not for you. Do not suffer and trust the professionals. If you are persistent, know how to count money and are not afraid of difficulties, then the next chapter is for you.

Despite the significant difference in prices of different models of epilators, they differ little from each other in their effect. Their main difference is ease of use and speed of processing skin areas. These characteristics are provided by additional automatic "additives" that help to increase the aiming effect of the laser and give the apparatus more safety. These optional features add another 200-300% to the cost of the simplest laser epilator.

The most popular models of household appliances for laser hair removal are produced by the British firms The Dezac Group Ltd and TRIA, as well as the famous Philips. Let's consider some of them.

Economy option

The simplest laser device for hair removal can be bought at a regular home appliance store along with other "beauty devices". The cost of such epilators is in the range of eight to ten thousand rubles. The peculiarity of their work is that the effect of the laser flash falls directly on a single hair. This means that the diameter of the light beam is so small that to destroy the hair follicle it is necessary to manage to hit the beam directly into the hair, otherwise the impulse will pass by.

To treat at least one area with such an epilator is no longer a task for the faint of heart. But the savings are on the face. If you have nowhere to rush, you can buy, for example, the RIO Dezac Salon Laser model. Reviews about its effectiveness are contradictory: from the complete uselessness of the device to one hundred percent satisfaction with the result. Both positive and negative opinions about a household laser epilator are found equally, but the fact that epilation with its help is a laborious and extremely slow process is recognized by all users.

Advanced level

The difference between a more convenient epilator, in addition to the price of about a thousand US dollars, is that it has a “homing” system for the hair. Within a small coverage area of \u200b\u200bthe laser spot (about half a centimeter in length and width), the beam itself finds hairs and destroys them. Thanks to this, several bulbs are killed at once in one flash. Not like with salon hair removal, of course, but already something. At least the number of man-hours spent in the process of hair removal at home is reduced several times.

Another representative of the Rio family from the English company The Dezac Group Ltd - a model called the X60 Rio - has just such an effect. This device has, in addition to the scanning function, also serious "foolproof" - automatic blocking from accidental activation or increase in power. The flash fires only when the handpiece is firmly pressed against the skin, which prevents radiation from entering the eyes.

Another well-selling device belongs to TRIA. Its working area is even larger - on the order of a square centimeter, and this is already close to professional devices. For added safety, the epilator has a built-in skin type analyzer that automatically adjusts the pulse power. Having destroyed all the targets in the entrusted area, the smart device informs about this with a sound signal.

Despite the promises of the manufacturers, it is not possible to achieve fast and high-quality epilation with the help of these devices. Most owners of laser epilators scold them for their low efficiency and laboriousness of the process. Those who persistently continue to methodically process centimeter by centimeter, while others, desperate to get the desired result, send their devices to "Internet flea markets" a couple of months after the purchase.

Laser hair removal at home - contraindications to the procedure

If you nevertheless decided and bought yourself a device for home hair removal, before starting the procedure, read the instructions for using the device.

First of all, pay attention to contraindications. If, due to some illness, the doctor at the laser center refused to give you hair removal, this does not mean that you can do it yourself at home. Exactly the same health problems should become an iron reason for refusing procedures, namely:

  1. According to the recommendations of the manufacturers at home, it is forbidden to epilate areas near the eyes, ears, and also to do a "deep bikini" using a laser.
  2. A day before the start of epilation, you need to make a test flash on the area that you are going to treat. If there are no traces of the control effect left, then you can conduct a full session.
  3. When planning the procedure, it is necessary to shave the hair in the area to be epilated a couple of days before it. Wait for the hair to grow back 1-3mm. Alternatively, you can cut your hair to the desired length just before the session.
  4. The skin at the site of exposure must be clean and dry, without traces of cosmetics.
  5. Select the laser power, according to the attached instructions, turn on the device and press its head to the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. After the flash, the epilator must be moved to the next location.
  6. Make sure that the epilator handpiece does not touch the already treated area again, as this could result in burns.
  7. The laser action should be painless, slight discomfort - tingling, short-term burning sensation - are acceptable.
  8. After the procedure, the skin may be slightly swollen and reddened. A couple of hours after epilation, you can use a soothing cream, apply a cool compress. All troubles should go away within 24 hours.
  9. After epilation, it is prohibited to use deodorants, cometics and perfumes on the affected area. Do not sunbathe, overheat, peel, remove hair in any other way.
  10. Hair that has been exposed to the laser and is not burnt out during the procedure may fall out for several days after the procedure.
  11. Do not forget that after 3-4 weeks a second procedure will be required, and also, if necessary, in the future, about once a month until the follicles are completely destroyed.
Laser hair removal at home: pros and cons

Summing up all of the above, the conclusion suggests itself - laser hair removal at home is possible, but, alas, it is not yet able to serve as a full-fledged replacement for salon procedures:

  • the duration and laboriousness of the process makes hair removal too costly in terms of the time killed for the procedure;
  • insufficient power of portable epilators significantly reduces the possibility of their use in different people and even in different parts of the body of one person;
  • the small diameter of the light spot makes the procedure ineffective, since uncovered areas can form between the skin areas with successive treatment;
  • despite the maximum safety of modern devices for laser hair removal, complications are not excluded with a non-professional approach to the preparation and conduct of procedures;
  • self-epilation at home can be considered as such very conditionally: in some areas, it is impossible to correctly install the epilator head without outside help, so you should worry in advance about a person who can be entrusted with such a delicate matter.

There are many disadvantages to home hair removal, but any coin always has two sides. In our case, there are two "fat" pluses, which for many are able to outweigh all the listed disadvantages: this is absolute painlessness and multiple savings when carrying out laser hair removal at home in comparison with similar salon procedures.

Starting to write an article, I realized that it was getting too big, so I had to break it.
What I knew about laser hair removal - nothing! There are many types of laser hair removal, not the best but the most affordable laser diode laser with a wavelength of 808nm light flux, it will serve as the basis.
This article is added and broken down into components:

  1. During...

2. All information about the work and the principle of action is taken in pieces on the Internet and may not be complete or not true!

- Nesterov Kirill

Not the best, since there is a neodymium laser, it is safer, information is taken from the video:

To understand which laser is right for us, we need to know exactly the wavelength of the light flux and the required power. Here we are looking for the technical characteristics of laser diodes and find the 808nm value we need, we talked about this on the forum. I left there my comment (nickname llirikks).
In the same forum, I explained that theoretically it is possible to achieve the desired work if the matrix covers a square centimeter.

In a nutshell:

To ensure the epilation effect, it is necessary to influence 1 cm² of skin with an 808nm laser, while the work expended should be about 40 J / cm².

There are many different lasers and form factors for different mounting of an 808nm laser diode that will work for us in this project, but I used the laser described in the article:.

The problem is that a laser diode is a directed and focused light flux into 1 point. The power of the laser I use is only 5W. When converted to joule, this is 5 J / cm² sec. This power is sufficient to process a point with a diameter of 1 mm for 63 msec. It is during this time that work of 40J will be completed in a circle with a diameter of 1mm.

Thus, to process a square area (space) with a size of 7.5 mm, you need to make 81 "shots". The operating time of the laser will be 5.1 seconds, excluding the time spent on mechanical movement of the laser or the laser beam along the X and Y axes (not x ... and, but "x" and "igrik").

It would be nice to clearly define the size of the space for different parts of the body. On a flat surface, covering larger areas to speed up the process than in hard-to-reach places.

This is exactly what is implemented in the mechanical part of the laser epilator. I recommend reading about this in the article in which I talked about the motors used, the tricky and inexpensive plastic "crap", as well as the technology of movement laser pointer and a laser pointer is faster than a laser!

- Nesterov Kirill

And so we come to different parts of the body where we must understand that the thickness of the skin is different, as well as the number of nerve endings. Exactly because of this reason dIY laser epilator should provide for power regulation. In our case, this is the amount of work spent per 1 cm².

Jobdiode J / sec Face (msec) Hands (msec) Legs (msec) ??? (msec)
20 J / cm² 30 J / cm² 40 J / cm² 50 J / cm²
5 (mine) 636.6 31 47 63 78
4 509.3 39 59 78 98
3 382.0 52 79 105 131
2 254.6 79 118 157 196
1 127.3 157 236 314 393

The obtained tabular data is calculated based on data obtained from the Internet.

Can anyone find more accurate data on the value of J / cm² for all parts of the body?

- Nesterov Kirill
I have drawn several options for offset laser angle:
  1. With 2 mirrors, where each mirror is on its own servo
  2. With 1 mirror on a 2-axis drive
  3. Presented in the drawing without mirrored 2-axis offset

The drawing shows the offset of one Y-axis by 4 degrees up and down in 1 degree increments. The pink circles show the space to be machined, taking into account the same machining on the X axis.In reality, it looks like this:

Small and a bunch of wires with Arduino and LCD display 1604. By the way, LCD display 1602 is 16 columns and 2 rows LCD with IIC / I2C / TWI / SPI interface module board.