Protein in urine in pregnant women: norm and pathology (proteinuria). What does it mean and what is the danger of high protein in urine during pregnancy? What is the danger of biochemical pregnancy

Pregnancy is the time when a woman flourishes.

Upon learning about the onset of pregnancy, many women begin to worry: “Did everything really work out? Is the pregnancy progressing correctly? Is everything all right with the baby? " It would seem that the most logical way to get answers to all these questions is to go to the doctor's office and register for pregnancy as soon as possible. However, in reality, everything turns out to be a little more complicated: it is not always possible to get an appointment in the next few days, they are offered to get up for pregnancy registration only after the 6th-8th week, and the meaning of the numerous studies scheduled at the reception, for inexperienced future parents sometimes remains very foggy. In our article "Pregnancy and everything you need to know about it", we will help expectant mothers to figure out by what signs you can make sure that everything is in order with the pregnancy and the baby is developing normally, and we will also tell you what difficulties a pregnant woman may face while carrying her child ... Diseases and health problems.

If most of your pregnancy is over, then it's time to start preparing for childbirth. It is useful to study how labor begins, how labor develops, what methods of self-anesthesia exist, we raise the issue of joint childbirth.

Today, the traditional posture of a woman giving birth during a tense period is the position of lying on her back on a special bed. However, this is far from the only method of childbirth and there are alternative options: for example, vertical childbirth, we will tell you whether this method has advantages over the traditional one, whether it is recognized by official medicine, and whether every expectant mother can use it. If you are not planning a pregnancy, then you should think about

Doubtful signs of pregnancy

In anticipation of the onset of conception, many women listen carefully to themselves, trying to detect its signs: someone's chest becomes painful, begins to feel nauseous or irritate the usual smells. But is it worth trusting such sensations?

All signs of pregnancy are divided into: doubtful (subjective), presumptive (probable) and reliable (accurate). Doubtful signs include various sensations. First of all, let's talk about dubious signs. There are quite a few of them, and they appear in a variety of combinations. They can indeed accompany pregnancy, but they can also be associated with very different conditions.

Increased fatigue and drowsiness

Very often, the first sign is increased fatigue and drowsiness. Nature seems to give a signal to our body: -Stop! Stop! You no longer need to keep up with anything, you have a completely different task. Fatigue at the beginning of pregnancy can disturb not only in the evening, but also in the morning. This is explained by the following. that the pressure of a woman with the onset of conception often decreases slightly, which causes weakness. The condition is aggravated by the fact that at the beginning of pregnancy there is a physiological decrease in blood glucose.

However, increased fatigue can be a consequence of chronic fatigue or a manifestation of any disease, from an infection in the nasopharynx to more serious problems.

Strange sensations in the lower abdomen

Some expectant mothers experience strange sensations in the lower abdomen, a kind of "premonition" of pregnancy, the moment of implantation is often accompanied by scanty bleeding. For others, these sensations may precede a simple period.

Breast tenderness or mild tenderness

About a third of women report tenderness or mild soreness of the mammary glands. Sometimes the breast "swells", increases in size, "goosebumps" and even pulsation in the mammary glands are felt. Over the course of pregnancy, sensitivity usually decreases, and the swelling continues, the nipples and areola grow and darken. This is completely normal. Outside of pregnancy, such symptoms can bother women with mastopathy and an increased level of the hormone prolactin in the blood.

Increased basal temperature

Many women who are expecting a pregnancy track their onset by basal body temperature. Basal temperature is the temperature of the body in the rectum or vagina, measured by a woman in a state of complete rest after sleep. In a normal menstrual cycle, the basal temperature is below 37 ° C until then. until ovulation begins - until about the middle of the cycle. This period is called the first phase. As soon as the indicators increased by at least 0.4 ° С. you need to think that ovulation has taken place. Basal temperature remains elevated in the second phase. And 1-2 days before the start of the menstrual cycle or on the day when menstruation began. it goes down again. If this does not happen - neither menstruation nor a decrease in basal temperature is observed - there is a high probability that pregnancy has occurred. With a normal pregnancy, the basal temperature remains elevated to 37.1-37.3 ° C for the first four months, after which it gradually decreases. Most likely, pregnancy began if the increase in basal temperature lasts longer than 12-15 days, or after a short-term decrease in temperature at the end of the second phase, its second rise is observed.

Pregnancy toxicosis and emotional changes

It manifests itself, as a rule, later, in the second month. But even at the very beginning, addictions in food may change (as the people say, “pulls for salty”), there is a metallic taste in the mouth and hypersensitivity to odors. And you no longer like your favorite perfume, your favorite coffee is unbearable, and there is nothing worse than the smell of food in your favorite restaurant. The exact cause of this phenomenon is still unknown. It is believed that the main reason for the appearance of food selectivity is the immune response of the woman's body to developing pregnancy, in addition, hormones that support pregnancy, help relax the smooth muscles of the esophagus, as a result of which food passes more slowly, remains in the esophagus and causes discomfort.

Increase in general body temperature to 37.0-37.5 ° С

It has already been proven that a normal pregnancy can be accompanied by such phenomena, but after all, a viral infection too. Therefore, it is necessary to visit a doctor in such cases.

Frequent urination

But it can also indicate a urinary tract infection.

How do you know if you are pregnant? Changes in the level of hormones in the blood with the onset of pregnancy cause emotional instability. Mood changes, hysteria, tearfulness, harm appear. This happens in almost all women. During the first 3 months, the mood is constantly changing. Do not forget that loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting are symptoms of gastritis and other diseases of the stomach, liver and intestines.

Lack of menstruation, an enlarged uterus, positive pregnancy tests and an ultrasound scan of the ovum are considered probable signs of pregnancy. When all four possible signs appear, the fact of pregnancy is considered established.

Lack of menstruation

And yet, most women think about the possible onset of pregnancy when the next menstruation does not come on time. You can talk about a delay in menstruation when a week has passed after the expected start date. Changes in the length of the menstrual cycle over the course of a week are not considered abnormal. They can be associated with stress, higher physical activity, climate change, and adherence to a strict diet. This is the body's reaction to too abrupt changes in living conditions.

Stress- long-term or strong short-term - is the cause of malfunction of the central structures (cerebral cortex, hypothalamus) that regulate the work of the ovaries and uterus. An example of such disorders is the so-called wartime amenorrhea, when women stop menstruating under stress.

If the delay in menstruation is a week or more, then you can think about pregnancy. But here, too, not everything is so simple. In some women, the cause of a prolonged delay in menstruation may be various diseases of the female reproductive system, such as inflammation of the uterine appendages (salpingo-oophoritis), uterine fibroids (a benign tumor of the uterus), polycystic ovary disease and ovarian cysts. Also, a delay in menstruation can occur after termination of pregnancy. The reason is hormonal imbalance, as well as the fact that during the instrumental curettage of the uterus, an excessive amount of tissue of the inner lining of the uterus can be removed, which normally grows during the menstrual cycle and is excreted in the form of menstrual blood. After the abolition of hormonal contraceptives, violations of the frequency of menstrual cycles are also possible.

A delay in menstruation does not always mean pregnancy, just as timely menstruation does not always mean no pregnancy. True, menstruation during pregnancy is always unusual: they differ from the usual in color, more often scanty, slightly painful, or, conversely, the pain is felt stronger with them. Such bleeding is popularly called "washing the fetus." Their occurrence is explained by the formation of new blood vessels, which are actively growing around the implantation into the wall of the uterus of the embryo - they are still very fragile and quite easily injured, which leads to a small amount of bloody discharge. As a rule, implantation bleeding, according to many experts, does not pose a threat to either the mother or the future baby.

Attention! Sometimes women do not pay attention to the quantitative characteristics of vaginal discharge, considering them the next menstruation. As a result, not knowing about the onset of pregnancy, the expectant mother may unconsciously put a serious risk to the health or even the life of her child (for example, by taking medications, for which pregnancy is one of the main contraindications). To avoid this, it is necessary, firstly, to always be attentive to menstruation and, in doubtful cases, to carry out pregnancy tests.

Examination by a gynecologist for pregnancy

The doctor, on the basis of a routine gynecological examination, can assume the presence of pregnancy, in the patient from the 6th week from the last menstruation (the uterus increases in size, becomes softer and looser).

Attention! The periods immediately after implantation and for the first time 2 weeks after a missed period are considered dangerous, critical periods for pregnancy. Therefore, if nothing bothers you, it is better to postpone all medical examinations and ultrasounds until the 8th week from the first day of the last menstruation.

Pregnancy test

To make sure that conception has occurred, you can conduct a pregnancy test at home. They can be bought at any pharmacy, and they are based on the determination of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). which makes the very long-awaited second strip appear on the test. It begins to stand out after implantation of the ovum into the wall of the uterus, that is, already in the very early stages of pregnancy. To perform a pregnancy test at home, you need to place a few drops of urine on a special strip soaked in a certain chemical, or place the strip under the stream of urine. If possible, use your first morning urine sample to perform the test, or refrain from urinating for 4 hours prior to the test. Read the instructions carefully and follow the directions before testing. A sufficient level of hCG in the blood to determine pregnancy is reached approximately 7-10 days after fertilization (that is, 3-5 days before the delay in menstruation). Rapid home use tests are positive around the time you expect your period to start.

When will ultrasound help?

Already at 1-2 weeks after the delay of menstruation (the 5th week from the last menstruation), using an ultrasound scan, a fertilized egg can be seen in the uterus. All estimates of gestational age using ultrasound are performed from the first day of the last menstrual period. Besides. Ultrasound helps to determine the localization of the ovum (it is located inside the uterus or ectopic pregnancy). Multiple pregnancies can be detected by ultrasound as early as the 5th week.

Attention! If nothing bothers you, don't rush. There is evidence that even minimal ultrasound exposure at such an early stage can lead to spontaneous abortion.

Blood test for hCG during pregnancy

A blood test for hCG during pregnancy will give more accurate results than a urine test, since in the latter, the level of hCG required for diagnosis is reached a few days later than in the blood.

By the amount of this hormone in the blood, one can judge that. How pregnancy develops: normally, throughout its entire length, the level of hCG is not constant: in the early stages of pregnancy, the concentration of hCG in the body constantly increases by about 2 times every 2-3 days. At 10-12 weeks, the level of hCG during pregnancy reaches its maximum and then gradually begins to decrease. Low hCG during pregnancy may indicate an ectopic pregnancy, a frozen pregnancy, the threat of spontaneous abortion, but more often an incorrect determination of the gestational age. The deviation indicates the need for dynamic control of hCG and additional examinations in order to understand exactly what is happening.

Difficulties during pregnancy. Diseases and health problems

During pregnancy, many changes occur in a woman's body: the volume of circulating blood increases, its cellular composition changes, the load on the cardiovascular, respiratory, and excretory systems increases, significant changes occur in the production of hormones. So, what are the difficulties a woman faces during pregnancy.

Kidney function during pregnancy

How do kidneys hurt during pregnancy? The kidneys of the expectant mother carry out a crucial mission - they work for two, filtering the blood in order to remove waste from it. And where it is thin, there it breaks!

Latent kidney disease during pregnancy becomes apparent. This is why doctors pay so much attention to monitoring the health of these important organs. Kidney function is monitored primarily by urine tests. After all, the task of the kidneys is not only to remove waste substances from the internal environment, but also not to let out those that the body may still need. For example, protein (protein) in the urine of the expectant mother should not be found under any circumstances! Its appearance in the urine (proteinuria) is a symptom of trouble.

Pyelonephritis during pregnancy

The most common kidney pathology, including in expectant mothers, is pyelonephritis. In this disease, both the kidneys themselves and the renal pelvis become inflamed, where urine is drained before flowing towards the bladder through the ureter. In most cases, pyelonephritis is asymptomatic, and is detected by the results of urinalysis: it is characterized by leukocyturia or pyuria (leukocytes or pus in the urine), as well as bacteriuria (a large number of bacteria that caused the inflammatory process).

Protein in urine most often appears during late pregnancy. And even if a woman does not feel bad, this is a wake-up call about the possible development of preeclampsia - late toxicosis of pregnant women. Even the so-called "traces of protein" are of diagnostic value - that is, when very little of it is excreted in the urine (a little more than 0.1 g / l).

Even if a woman was healthy before the start of pregnancy, then in the next 9 months she can get pyelonephritis, because the body creates favorable conditions for this. The enlarging uterus compresses the pathways of urine outflow, and it begins to stagnate in the pelvis. They, like the bladder, swell. The natural direction of urine movement changes: it begins to be thrown from the lower parts of the urinary system into the overlying ones. Doctors call these phenomena refluxes. All this not only contributes to the exacerbation of an already existing disease, but it can also cause pyelonephritis in a woman who has not previously been ill, and at any time.

If you regularly take tests, it will not be difficult for the doctor to detect inflammation developing in the pelvis and choose an effective antibiotic therapy that will help the mother and not harm the child. It happens that relatives persuade the expectant mother not to take the pills prescribed by the doctor, but instead take herbal treatments. But "herbs" also have their own contraindications during pregnancy.

Kidney tests and examinations during pregnancy

Over the next 9 months, you will have to submit a total of 1.5-2 liters of urine for analysis. Enough to get an idea of ​​the condition of the kidneys. The main thing is to correctly collect this informative liquid.

  1. On the eve of the test, do not eat beets, carrots, strawberries, cranberries and other brightly colored vegetables and fruits that can affect the color of urine.
  2. In order not to disturb the concentration of urine and acidity, do not drink a lot of liquid, sour juice or fruit drink, mineral water at night, do not eat salty water.
  3. Drink a glass of water 30-40 minutes before urine collection, otherwise it may not be enough for analysis or it will be too concentrated.
  4. It is important that the urine is free of foreign matter. At the pharmacy, it is better to purchase a special container for collecting analysis.
  5. Wash yourself with an intimate gel, otherwise microorganisms from the skin may get into the jar along with urine, and there will be a suspicion of a urinary tract infection, which in fact does not exist. A little trick: you don't need to towel dry after washing. No matter how clean it is, it will definitely contain some bacteria!
  6. Do not overdo it by filling the jar with contents: 100-200 ml is enough for analysis.
  7. Please note that the analysis must reach the laboratory within 1.5 hours, otherwise the results may be insufficient

What will the urine test during pregnancy tell about the work of the kidneys. Additional studies of the kidneys during pregnancy according to Nechiporenko and Zimnitsky

  1. The color should be straw-yellow, if it is dark - this indicates a pathology of the liver or kidneys, as well as hemolysis - the destruction of red blood cells in conflicts with the Rh factor and blood group. Red-brown - an admixture of blood in inflammatory kidney diseases. One-time - taking certain medications, beets, strawberries, carrots.
  2. The transparency should be cloudy, if the urine is flaked, this may mean that there is inflammation of the kidneys or urinary tract with cystitis and pyelonephritis of pregnant women. If the clear urine, after standing, becomes a little cloudy, it's okay - this often happens.
  3. The relative density of urine should be 1010-1025, if higher than 1025 - diabetes or dehydration with toxicosis. About 1010-1012 (isostenuria) - the density of urine is equal to the density of blood. This happens with pyelonephritis, taking diuretics, impaired kidney function, or if you simply drank too much water. Around 1002-1009 (hypostenuria) - urine density is lower than blood plasma density, similar to severe pyelonephritis.
  4. The reaction is acidic, neutral, if alkaline - pyelonephritis of pregnant women or excessive enthusiasm for vegetables and fruits, taking soda and other remedies for heartburn, too much mineral water.
  5. Protein should be no more than 0.1 g / l. Protein increases in kidney disease, hypertension and diabetes mellitus, as well as after intense physical activity.
  6. Bacteria and fungi must be free from urine. If they do appear, it can be an indicator of a kidney and urinary tract infection.
  7. Cylinders should be absent or isolated in the field of view. They appear when the kidney tissue and urinary tract are damaged.
  8. Erythrocytes should be absent in the urine or only a few are allowed in the field of view. Up to 100 (microhematuria) - kidney pathology, more than 100 (macrohematuria) - the likelihood of renal bleeding.
  9. Leukocytes in the urine. The norm is 0-5 in the field of view. They increase with pyelonephritis, cystitis and vaginitis.

Additional studies of the kidneys during pregnancy according to Nechiporenko and Zimnitsky

To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe a urine test ...

according to Nechiporenko

It is used in doubtful cases, when the results of a general urine analysis arouse suspicion: there seems to be no obvious pathology, but erythrocytes and leukocytes are slightly more than normal. Everything is done in the same way as usual, with the difference that the first trickle is poured into the toilet, and only then they substitute the jar: only the average portion of morning urine should be there. It doesn't matter that the container is barely one-third full - after all, a laboratory assistant only needs i ml of urine to count!

according to Zimnitsky

This test identifies inflammatory diseases and kidney dysfunctions. Urine is collected during the day from 9 am to 6 am the next day every 3 hours in 8 separate specially numbered jars. The laboratory determines the total number and specific gravity of all portions. It is important that the amount of urine excreted during the day prevails over the nighttime, and the relative density in all portions corresponds to the norm.

Urolithiasis during pregnancy: symptoms, causes, treatment.

Urolithiasis, as a rule, does not occur in expectant mothers, but, as in the case of pyelonephritis, it can be exacerbated during pregnancy if it was hidden before. Then the already existing stones begin to grow rapidly and move from the pelvis into the ureter due to the expansion of the urinary tract. All this is accompanied by bouts of lower back pain radiating to the thigh and groin area, and erythrocytes appear in urine tests - hematuria occurs, due to the fact that the stone injures the ureter. However, both hematuria and renal colic in expectant mothers are not as severe as before pregnancy, because its hormone, progesterone, makes tissues stretchable and pliable, making it easier for the stone to pass.

  • In case of renal colic, call an ambulance!
  • Hot baths and heating pads on the kidney area, which usually help in such cases, are contraindicated for pregnant women, since they can provoke a miscarriage.

With frequent colic, the question of removing the stone may arise, although doctors are trying with all their might to postpone the operation until the baby is born and resort to it only for emergency reasons: for example, if the stone blocked the lumen of the ureter and, accordingly, the outflow of urine from the kidney. In a third of expectant mothers, urolithiasis is complicated by pyelonephritis. which significantly increases the risk of premature birth due to preeclampsia. A similar threat is created with congenital anomalies.

Late toxicosis. Causes, symptoms and prevention

The underlying cause of this condition is the leakage of protein through the kidneys. They fail 1-3% of women who were practically healthy before pregnancy, and those who have already suffered from chronic diseases, gestosis occurs even more often. The appearance of protein in the urine is a reason to be wary of both a pregnant woman and her doctor. But nothing extraordinary will have to be invented: there is a clear algorithm for behavior in such cases. Prevention of late toxicosis consists in adherence to a diet, regular check-ups in the antenatal clinic, treatment of chronic diseases associated with toxicosis.

Dropsy of pregnant women is the first stage of late toxicosis. Just don't get scared right away! In the later stages, the feet and legs swell a little in all expectant mothers, because the uterus compresses the large veins that collect blood from the lower extremities. This is fine! Such edema completely disappears after resting in bed with raised legs. With dropsy, the edema is more noticeable and persistent. In addition, in addition to the feet and legs, the thighs and external genitals begin to swell, and sometimes the whole body. At the same time, the weight grows much faster than the increase in the later stages - 200-300 g per week, and the amount of urine excreted sharply decreases. After childbirth, dropsy disappears without a trace, but until this moment it harms the health of the expectant mother and baby. Therefore, it needs to be treated.

  • A good effect is given by such a simple measure as limiting liquid to 700-800 ml per day and salt (no more than 3-5 g).
  • We recommend food rich in vitamins and complete proteins - cottage cheese, kefir, boiled meat, fish, fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs.

Nephropathy develops if the treatment of dropsy is not started on time. A new symptom is added to the edema and protein in the urine - an increase in blood pressure. At the same time, the state of health sharply worsens, the blood turns sour (acidosis develops), metabolism, oxygen delivery to the tissues, the work of the liver and endocrine glands are disturbed. Treatment of nephropathy, as well as of the following stages - preeclampsia and eclampsia of pregnant women - is usually carried out in a hospital.

With dropsy, not to mention nephropathy, preventive treatment should be started immediately, and preeclampsia and eclampsia require urgent hospitalization. Since these situations are predictable (if you regularly have urine tests and are monitored by a doctor), in case of emergency hospitalization, keep a “hospital kit” (dressing gown, slippers) on hand and instruct your relatives.

If you are constantly dizzy during pregnancy

The presence of dizziness, even if they are not accompanied by changes in the tests, can be a symptom of many diseases that first appeared during pregnancy. Do not listen to the opinions of others. hoping that everything will go by itself and you just need to be patient. To begin with, it is necessary to exclude possible causes of ailment associated with the daily regimen, stress at work, situations that provoke nervous overstrain. Pay more attention to proper rest. walks in the fresh air, proper nutrition. If there are no reasons of this kind, it is necessary to consult with specialists - a therapist, cardiologist, neuropathologist - to exclude serious diseases that can complicate the course of pregnancy. A timely and correct diagnosis will allow you to start treatment faster and avoid problems with gestation.

Rh negative women deserve special attention during pregnancy. This is due to the possibility of Rh sensitization or its more severe form - Rh conflict. What is it? Simply put, this is the mother's reaction to the child's body, which acts as a foreign one, since it contains blood proteins that the mother does not have. There is a process similar to the rejection of a foreign body. In the early stages, this can lead to miscarriage, in later periods - to premature birth, the development of hemolytic disease of the fetus. If the mother has a negative Rh factor, and the father has a positive one, the likelihood of having a child with the father's Rh factor is very high. In order to avoid complications, a prophylactic administration of anti-rhesus immunoglobulin is carried out at 28-32 weeks. Vaccination is done intramuscularly, both on an outpatient basis and in a hospital, under the supervision of a physician. Monitoring of the blood test for the presence of Rh antibodies is carried out monthly from the beginning of pregnancy until immunization. With the development of the threat of interruption up to 28 weeks, immunoglobulin is used ahead of schedule to avoid sensitization.

Joint health during pregnancy: how to maintain?

The stress on most organ systems increases significantly during pregnancy. The musculoskeletal system is no exception. What changes occur in it, how to prevent joint problems or reduce pain if they bother the expectant mother?

According to the anatomical definition, joints are the joints of two or more bones. Joints have varying degrees of mobility and possible range of motion. A number of bones in our body are articulated only by connective tissue formations (cartilage, ligaments) - this is how the vertebrae (intervertebral discs), pubic bones (pubic symphysis) are connected, - or bone sutures (such a connection is characteristic of the bones of the skull). Movement in such types of bone joints is minimal or impossible in principle. Movement in the joints is provided by muscles that are attached to the bones with the help of tendons.

It is the movable joints that belong to the so-called true ones. As a rule, such joints, in addition to the surfaces of the articulating bones covered with articular cartilage, include the articular capsule and the articular cavity. Articular cartilage plays a cushioning role. The articular capsule (or bag) consists of connective tissue, outside the membrane of the articular capsule is strengthened by ligaments and muscle tendons, and from the inside it is lined with a synovial membrane that produces intra-articular fluid. The bursa and ligaments give the joint strength, limit the range of motion in it, and also direct these movements. Intra-articular fluid washes all the internal structures of the joint, nourishes the cartilage, and prevents friction of the articular surfaces against each other.

Joint pain during pregnancy is one of the most common complaints, which, according to the World Health Organization, worries one in seven people on the planet. In people over 70, joint pathology is found in almost 90% of cases. Pregnancy is also a period when joint problems appear.

What changes during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the load on the musculoskeletal system, especially on the joints of the legs and spine, increases with each trimester, with an increase in body weight.

The growing size of the abdomen leads to a shift in the center of gravity and a change in the posture of the expectant mother: the forward bending of the spine increases in the lumbar region (lumbar lordosis), the backward bend of the spinal column in the thoracic region (thoracic kyphosis) is flattened.

The hormone relaxin, the amount of which increases with the duration of pregnancy, causes some softening of the connective tissue joints of the bones, increases the extensibility of the ligaments of the joints. On the one hand, such changes in the ligamentous apparatus of the pelvic joints are necessary to prepare the birth canal so that the baby's head can pass through them. On the other hand, changes in the ligamentous apparatus affect almost all joints of the body, making them more unstable (which is dangerous with injuries), and can lead to pain in various joints.

Excessive physical exertion, prolonged standing (which is often in a number of professions - hairdressers, salespeople, etc.) or prolonged walking, sudden movements, prolonged sitting, especially in an uncomfortable position, initially overweight, flat feet, scoliosis, contribute to the onset of pain, arthritis and arthrosis, trauma, large weight gain during pregnancy).

Due to the significantly increasing need for a number of vitamins and minerals, expectant mothers easily develop their individual problems. The joints of the legs and the spine, which perform a load-bearing function, are most often affected - this is the payment of a person for upright posture. Pregnancy significantly increases the load on these structures of the musculoskeletal system, aggravates pre-existing problems, and is often the starting point for the development of joint diseases to which there was a predisposition: flat feet, the appearance of a "bone" of the big toe (hallux valgus), osteochondrosis, arthrosis knee, hip joints, etc.

Flat feet Is a deformity of the foot associated with the flattening of its arches. Flat feet causes an incorrect redistribution of the load, pressure on the feet, can cause the appearance of calluses and corns, disruption of the normal position of the fingers, lead to the appearance of "bones" or bumps on the big toes, heel spurs. In addition, due to the redistribution of body weight and the load on the joints of the notes and the spine, posture, gait can change, painful sensations in the joints, back, foot swelling, visible deformity of the feet appear, a person quickly gets tired with prolonged walking, etc. can be congenital, or it can be acquired (usually in the presence of a hereditary predisposition and weakness of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the foot) under the influence of a number of provoking factors: injuries, uncomfortable shoes, long-term wearing of high-heeled shoes, excessive loads (for example, in people "standing" professions - hairdressers, salespeople, etc.).

Another common problem during pregnancy is lower back pain, which is observed in every second woman. Most often, this pain is associated with an increased load on the spine and a weakening of the abdominal muscles due to their overstretching. Such pain usually appears from the 5th month of pregnancy, sometimes it can radiate to the leg. It should be borne in mind that if back pain bothered a woman before pregnancy, then during the period of expectation of a child, the likelihood of such a complaint increases almost to 100%.

Symphysitis (inflammation of the pubic symphysis)- a pregnancy-specific problem, which can be caused by an excess of the hormone relaxin, high body weight, trauma, and a lack of calcium. The consequences of pubic symphysitis can be pain, swelling in the area of ​​joint of the pubic bones, their mobility, difficulty in raising the legs in a prone position, difficulty in walking, "duck" gait.

Swelling of the joints- a common symptom in the third trimester of pregnancy. The occurrence of edema itself should be a reason for an immediate visit to a doctor and the exclusion of a serious pathology of pregnancy - gestosis, which threatens the health of both the mother and the baby. However, even with a normal pregnancy, due to a delay in the body of sodium and water, edema may appear. Swelling of the hands and notes leads to limited movement in the joints of the limbs and pain.

Joint childbirth: expectation and reality

Childbirth looks beautiful exclusively in romantic films: first, on the screen, a happy face of a pregnant woman in close-up, then she screams for thirty seconds, then editing - and now the glowing face of mommy and a rosy-cheeked baby lies on her breast. In some countries, childbirth with a husband has been accepted for a long time. More and more men are deciding to help their wife in the birth ward.

I don’t have to invent anything, since I’m exactly the same woman whose husband was present at the birth of our only child. It was not my initiative and. To be honest, we did not discuss the idea of ​​joint childbirth at all until the 7th month of pregnancy. Then the spouse read an article in a popular magazine that joint childbirth helps the couple become stronger, and that the dad and the child have an instant emotional connection. Therefore, the sentence: “Let me go to childbirth with you,” my husband made himself and exclusively of his own free will.

I, how to put it mildly, was very confused, because I was completely unprepared for the fact that all the delights of childbirth would take place in front of my husband, and therefore, after thinking a little, I categorically refused.

In my opinion (life, by the way, this was soon confirmed), childbirth looks beautiful only in the movies. In real life, everything is not so fast, it is not at all beautiful, and there are many other things _not so. "And the baby himself is not born at all like we are used to seeing him in advertising pictures. All this can shock some husbands.

Joint childbirth through the eyes of a woman

  • Many mothers are simply afraid to give birth, especially when it comes to the first birth. It is completely incomprehensible what to expect from your own body, and even if dozens of books and hundreds of articles have been read on this topic, all the same, every woman has a different birth. Therefore, the presence of a loved one nearby is an undoubted and very big plus.
  • If the expectant mother is not a dramatic actress in life and does not throw her knees in order to pity her husband and instill in him a sense of guilt ("Look how I am suffering here"), then the support of the future father will only benefit. However, doctors know many cases when a woman in labor “plays” with her husband, and as soon as he leaves the ward, the heartbreaking screams and moans immediately cease. Psychologists are sure that such a "game" on a man can only lead to negative consequences. Or the spouse will unconsciously take on the "blame" for what he did, and this will undoubtedly lead to the collapse of the couple, because it is impossible to live with an eternal sense of guilt. Or he, again unconsciously, may have disgust not only for everything that happens, but also for the weeping wife herself. Therefore, the advice is very simple: if you are not sure about. that you will not begin to lament and scream out loud during childbirth, it is better to leave your husband at home.
  • Some women insist that the husband be present during childbirth and make a big mistake. According to experts, the decision on joint, partner childbirth should come from the man himself. And this fact in itself does not mean that the spouse is ready for the upcoming emotional tests. Therefore, before forcefully pulling her husband into childbirth, psychologists suggest that expectant mothers think a hundred times what this idea can lead to.
  • Quite often, you can hear that joint childbirth strengthens the emotional bond between the baby and his dad. But, unfortunately, recent studies in this area do not confirm (but do not refute) this fact. I think that in this matter everything is very individual, and the mere presence of your own child at childbirth is not always enough for true and strong parental love to arise.

Joint childbirth through the eyes of a man

Of course, the main reason why men want to share this moment with their spouse is a sense of responsibility and a desire to protect their beloved. Some men find it easier to "control" everything that happens themselves than to worry while sitting by the phone. But in real life, everything. what happens in the maternity hospital. - the area of ​​responsibility of doctors and medical staff, and a man will not even be allowed there to say a word against. And rightly so, because when emotions play on a spouse, work comes first for professionals in their field. Therefore, the main condition of partner childbirth on the part of doctors: in no case should they interfere with the process if it seems to the future dad that “they are doing everything wrong”.

Before going to childbirth, some men prepare mentally, read literature and watch a video about the birth of a child. But how the man's psyche will behave at the most crucial moment is impossible to guess. Some men will begin to treat their spouse with even greater tenderness and desire, while others' interest in her as a sexual partner may subside, because childbirth is not the most beautiful act, to be sure.

Often, the future dad expects the appearance of his first child as some kind of bright phenomenon, but in reality, after a few hours, they receive a small wrinkled lump of brown-purple color in their hands. Some men can experience the most real disappointment about this if their expectations do not coincide with reality.

Psychologists advise against using joint childbirth as a means to strengthen complex relationships in a couple. The worse the understanding in the family was, the less chances that childbirth will be able to glue the broken one. Most likely, they will destroy it completely and lead to a breakup.

If a man has an unbalanced, hot-tempered, hysterical character or bad habits "with burdens." At some point, childbirth may go according to an unplanned scenario, and the man will take over the leadership of the process. And this is fraught with the most sad consequences for all participants in this action.

Partner childbirth- this is not a show, but a complex process that requires great endurance, serious preparation and a sincere desire to help the woman you love. The spouse needs to go through several lessons, be tested and stock up on a uniform to be in the ward of the woman in labor.

Vertical childbirth. First, second and third stage of labor. Pros and cons of vertical labor

Today, the traditional posture of a woman giving birth during a tense period is the position of lying on her back on a special bed. However, this is far from the only method of childbirth, and there are alternative options, such as vertical birth, which we will discuss in this article.

It is not difficult to guess that vertical labor is birth in which the woman is in an upright position. This type of childbirth is considered more gentle and comfortable than the traditional one, and is recognized by official medicine. Vertical childbirth differs from the "classic" one in that in the second stage of labor, during attempts, the expectant mother is on her knees or all fours, the floor sits on her haunches or sits in a special chair.

However, no matter how tempting this method of childbirth looks, it must be borne in mind that it has both advantages and disadvantages, and accordingly. and contraindications.

The course of labor

The technology of carrying out vertical childbirth in an obstetric hospital does not require special equipment.

First stage of labor. The course of the first stage of labor does not differ from that of normal labor. Currently, in the absence of contraindications, the active behavior of the expectant mother is encouraged during the period of cervical dilatation, that is, in the first stage of labor. What does it mean? Everything is very simple: during the period of cervical dilatation, a woman in labor does not lie on the bed in one position, but behaves actively: she moves around the ward, looks for a comfortable position for herself, makes various movements. With constant physical activity, blood oxygen saturation increases, the blood supply to the muscles is more active than at rest. Consequently, the muscles of the uterus receive more oxygen, and this greatly relieves pain.

The vertical position of the woman in labor during labor and in itself gives positive results: the uterus puts less pressure on the surrounding internal organs, blood vessels and nerve plexuses, the pelvic floor muscles relax. the pressure of the head and fetal bladder on the lower parts of the uterus improves, which facilitates the opening of the cervix. The contractions eventually become more effective and less painful.

Finally, physical activity during contractions distracts from focusing on pain. Expectation of pain causes nervous tension, which, in turn, only contributes to the intensification of painful sensations. By being distracted, the woman breaks this vicious circle. Active behavior during childbirth allows the woman in labor to move freely around the ward, making a wide variety of movements. Gradually, a woman begins to orient herself in her own feelings and chooses the option of behavior or the position that allows her to feel most comfortable. If childbirth proceeds without complications, the choice of postures and movements during the contraction remains with the woman in labor.

Second stage of labor. The second stage of labor, i.e., the period of pushing, is also carried out in an upright position. The woman in labor takes the chosen position when the head of the fetus enters the wider part of the pelvic cavity. With vertical childbirth, several postures of the woman in labor are possible: half-squatting, kneeling, standing or sitting in a specially designed chair. A woman, as a rule, intuitively feels what position she should take, and usually this position is most favorable for the birth of a child.

At the same time, many experts say that it is better to rehearse possible postures in advance, but it is not worth deciding in which of them the childbirth will take place: it is better to determine it already during childbirth. An upright posture with some forward bend is optimal. In this position, the woman in labor is located on an ordinary Rakhman's bed? kneeling, facing the headboard, leaning slightly forward. The headboard is then brought to an upright position. To prevent rupture of the perineum during the eruption of the fetal head, the doctor recommends that the woman bend forward a little more (about 45 °) to avoid excessive pressure of the head on the pelvic floor.

At the moment when the head begins to erupt, during the pushing, the woman is advised to breathe deeply, as in the traditional position, which inhibits the active movements of the fetal head when leaving the small pelvis. This tactic allows the perineum itself to slide smoothly and slowly from the fetal head. In an upright position (sitting, half-sitting or squatting), the woman in labor is positioned facing the doctor. In this case, gravity also helps the baby to be born. In addition, the woman feels freer: with the help of the movements of the pelvis, she can relax him and let the child in. Of course, with any type of vertical birth, this is easier to do than if the expectant mother is lying down.

The baby's head enters the woman's birth canal more gently. In vertical births, the child is born independently on sterile diapers, without the provision of the classic manual help for protecting the perineum, which is generally accepted in the normal position of a woman on her back. The doctor and midwife monitor the course of labor, and only if necessary obstetric intervention, the woman in labor is transferred to a supine position.

Remaining in an upright position, the mother immediately picks up the baby in her arms and applies it to the breast, even before the end of the umbilical cord pulsation and separation of the placenta. Third stage of labor. Finally, the third stage of labor - the separation of the placenta and the birth of the placenta - also takes place in an upright position. At this time, the woman sits, most often on a ship or a special chair. Due to the upright position and irritation of the nipples when the newborn is applied to the breast, the uterus contracts more efficiently and the placenta is separated faster than in the case of “classic” births.

Benefits of vertical labor

The main plus of delivery in an upright position is the maximum naturalness and physiology of the process. The pressure of the uterus on large vessels decreases. The vertical position avoids the pressure of the uterus on the inferior vena cava, and this reduces the possibility of hypoxia (oxygen starvation) during labor. In the position of the woman in labor lying on her back, the pregnant uterus presses on the inferior vena cava, due to which venous outflow is disturbed. This causes heart palpitations. lowering blood pressure, a woman may have darkening in her eyes. The baby's condition also deteriorates, since in the absence of a normal blood supply to the uterus, the placenta is poorly supplied with blood, so the baby also lacks oxygen. And when a woman sits or stands on all fours, the pressure of the uterus on large vessels decreases. which improves uteroplacental blood circulation and prevents the development of hypoxia in the child both during labor and when the head passes through the birth canal.

Reduces the risk of birth trauma

The duration of the first stage of labor due to active behavior is shortened by about 1.5-2 hours, and the duration of the period of attempts, on the contrary, increases. Research by doctors shows. that in a standing or sitting woman, the fetus moves down not only more slowly, but also more smoothly, so the chances of rupture of the cervix, vagina and perineum are reduced. During pushing, optimal coordination of the work of the muscles of the abdominal press, back, pelvic floor and all skeletal muscles is achieved, in addition, the force of gravity helps the woman in labor. As a result, the muscle tension necessary for the expulsion of the fetus is minimized, the muscles of the pelvic floor are relaxed as much as possible. As a result, it becomes easier for the baby to move along the birth canal with the lowest energy costs for himself. It is easier to physically push while squatting or standing, as in such positions the work of the muscles of the press, back and legs helps. Accordingly, vertical childbirth is indicated for those expectant mothers who need to alleviate the persistent period, in particular for women with a high degree of myopia or diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Reduces the incidence of birth complications

Studies have shown that with vertical labor, weakness of labor develops about 6 times less often than in cases where a woman lies during all three stages of labor. Other violations of the generic process are much less common.

Reducing the risk of fetal injury during labor

Due to the smooth and gentle movement, the risk of injury to the fetus during the second stage of labor is reduced.

According to research, kids. those born vertically have a higher Apgar score at the time of childbirth, much less often they have neurological disorders, and they quickly restore body weight after childbirth.

Reduces blood loss. It has been proven that during vertical labor a woman loses less blood than during normal labor (100-150 ml for vertical labor and about 200-400 ml for "classic"). It does this by reducing the incidence of cervical and perineal rupture and by shortening the third stage of labor, since the placenta is delivered faster due to more efficient contraction of the uterus.

Active participation in the birthing process

One of the indisputable advantages of vertical birth is that the woman takes an active part in the process of giving birth to the baby. She has the opportunity to freely communicate with her partner during childbirth, to take any position that is convenient for her at the time of the birth of the baby. In the second stage of labor, a woman can see for herself how the child is born, and after the baby is born, immediately take him in her arms.

Cons of vertical labor

  • In some situations, when doctors have concerns about the baby's condition, after each attempt it is necessary to listen to the fetal heartbeat. During vertical birth, it is very difficult to do this, thus there are problems with controlling the condition of the baby and the process of his progress along the birth canal.
  • Vertical delivery does not allow for perineal protection measures and medical procedures (for example, a perineal incision). If the structure of the perineum of the woman in labor is incorrect, this can lead to serious injuries and deep tears.
  • Managing childbirth vertically does not allow the use of epidural anesthesia: after all, a woman does not feel the lower part of her body, including her legs, she simply cannot stand.
  • With repeated births, an upright position can provoke accelerated labor, in which the risk of fetal injury increases.
  • Not all maternity hospitals and not all doctors practice vertical childbirth. Of course. such childbirth can only be taken by a doctor who owns this technique, and the maternity hospital must be licensed to conduct vertical childbirth.
  • So, if you are inclined to give birth to a baby in an upright position, find out in advance where such a birth is taking place and it is advisable to get acquainted with a doctor in order to discuss all the nuances and figure out if this option of having a baby is right for you!

Alternatively, no.

The main contraindications for vertical labor are severe forms of preeclampsia (this is a complication of the second half of pregnancy, manifested by edema, increased blood pressure and the appearance of protein in the urine), cardiovascular diseases, pronounced varicose veins of the legs, premature and rapid labor, oxygen starvation of the fetus during pregnancy and the presence of indications for cesarean section both from the mother and the fetus. Naturally, each organism behaves differently, and if the doctor sees that the vertical position adversely affects the condition of the woman in labor or the fetus, he can always lay the woman down and continue labor in the classical version.

Doctors give us amazing numbers, claiming that at least 70% of all pregnancies end immediately after the onset, that is, they are terminated at the earliest possible date. At the same time, women themselves who become pregnant and immediately experience a spontaneous miscarriage do not have the slightest idea about this, perceiving the bleeding resulting from self-abortion as the next menstruation. This is how we live, often not even suspecting that we are getting pregnant.

What does biochemical pregnancy mean?

There is such a concept in gynecology as a biochemical pregnancy, which according to all the rules begins, that is, the sperm fertilizes the egg, moves with it to the uterus, and even the formed fertilized egg manages to attach to the walls of the uterus, but the date of the next menstruation comes - and the pregnancy is interrupted ... A woman who is not expecting pregnancy is sleeping peacefully, because her periods went on time, perhaps a little differently than usual (either the pain is strong, or the discharge is too abundant), but in principle everything is fine, since nothing arouses suspicion.

But there is another group of women (they, in fact, became a kind of "discoverer" of the new concept of "biochemical pregnancy"), who every month expect not menstruation, but. The first day of the delay comes, and we become completely already pregnant, with the necessary whims, whims, tantrums and joy. True, neither an ultrasound, nor a pregnancy test, nor even an examination in a gynecological office supports our confidence in pregnancy. It is understandable, at such a time, all these methods are powerless, you need to be patient, but a strong desire to become a mother wins, and on the second day of the delay we take an analysis for the level of hCG in the blood. The results confirm our feeling, but after 2-3 days menstruation comes, as if nothing had happened. This is the very biochemical pregnancy for which it is difficult to find an explanation.

Biochemical pregnancy symptoms

As you probably already guessed, a biochemical pregnancy is completely asymptomatic, which is its main difference from a normal pregnancy, so to speak. A woman who has a biochemical pregnancy does not in any way feel this, which explains the above fact: almost always we are not even aware of what happened.

Even the most common and obvious signs of pregnancy, which usually appear from the first days and weeks (such as changes in the mammary glands, in gastronomic preferences and sense of smell, in the work of the gastrointestinal tract and the functioning of the woman's nervous system, that is, the appearance of drowsiness, irritability , tearfulness, constipation or diarrhea, nausea or vomiting, breast tenderness and sensitivity, excessive appetite or its complete absence, etc.) are not observed during biochemical pregnancy.

Some women who are very eager to get pregnant and expect the first signs of pregnancy from month to month, when a biochemical pregnancy occurs, can recognize it by a slight delay in menstruation (no more than a week). Also, painful (or more painful than usual) and / or profuse (or more profuse than usual) spotting during menstruation may indicate that a biochemical pregnancy has taken place.

All these signs are rather arbitrary and doubtful. Perhaps the only objective fact proving the onset of a biochemical pregnancy may be a blood test for hCG.

HCG in biochemical pregnancy

In any pregnancy, the level of the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) begins to increase even when there are no other signs of pregnancy, and even an ultrasound scan is not able to "see" it. Biochemical in this regard is no exception: the fact of its onset can be indicated by hCG exceeding the mark of 5 units. If the blood for hCG showed a result of 5-6 mU / ml and higher, but neither an ultrasound scan, nor an examination by a gynecologist, nor a pregnancy test confirmed that conception took place, and a second blood test for hCG shows a decrease in the concentration of this hormone, then doctors mean biochemical pregnancy in this cycle.

If, against the background of a dynamic increase in hCG, a gynecologist or an uzist ascertain the presence of a fetal egg in the uterus, then we will talk about a normal physiological pregnancy, even if it is interrupted.

Biochemical pregnancy has no continuation, since it always ends in an arbitrary miscarriage. Otherwise, if the delay lasts further, the re-analysis of hCG is also positive, and other facts confirming pregnancy are added to it, they no longer speak of biochemical, but of ordinary pregnancy.

Causes of biochemical pregnancy

Personally, I am concerned about the question: what then is the meaning of biochemical pregnancy? Although the answer is obvious: a common term in the field of gynecology. It is unlikely that it is used by those who have suffered a biochemical pregnancy, because, as a rule, they either do not suspect about it at all, or they say that a miscarriage has occurred. Nevertheless, a couple who cannot get pregnant for a long time has to face this term and figure out the reasons. Unfortunately, just the reasons for biochemical pregnancy remain a mystery to this day, although in fact there can be a lot of them. Hormonal disruptions, immune and autoimmune factors, chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus - these are the main reasons for which, most likely, a biochemical pregnancy occurs, which cannot be preserved.

Fortunately, biochemical pregnancy is not always the beginning or even infertility. Doctors reassure: if this happened, then in no case should you lose hope, and the next pregnancy can be planned already in the onset of a new menstrual cycle. Although for many doctors, biochemical pregnancy is a worrying sign, and they recommend the couple not to waste time and start right away.

In any case, the decision will be made by the parents-to-be. Of course, if a biochemical pregnancy does not have serious reasons (everything is in order with your immune and hormonal systems), then it is considered only "an unsuccessful attempt to get pregnant." Usually, a real pregnancy begins next month, which is what we wish you all! Even if you don't have to learn what a biochemical pregnancy is!

Specially for- Tanya Kivezhdiy

Signs of pregnancy are usually subdivided into doubtful (presumptive), probable and reliable.
Doubtful signs of pregnancy based on subjective data (feelings of the woman herself). These signs are characteristic of pregnancy, however, in different women they may be expressed to a greater or lesser extent, or may be completely absent. Also, these signs can be symptoms of another condition or disease, that is, they are not specific (characteristic only for pregnancy). Doubtful signs of pregnancy include:

  • vomiting or nausea (especially in the morning);
  • change in appetite or food preferences, perversion of appetite (desire to eat inedible substances - clay, lime, chalk, earth);
  • intolerance to certain odors (tobacco smoke, perfume, alcohol);
  • dysfunction of the nervous system (drowsiness, frequent mood swings, dizziness, malaise, irritability);
  • increased urination;
  • enlargement and engorgement (hardening) of the mammary glands, their increased sensitivity;
  • discoloration of the skin on the face, in the nipple area, along the midline of the abdomen (a vertical line dividing the abdomen into two equal halves);
  • the appearance of scars (stripes) of pregnancy ("stretch marks") on the mammary glands, thighs, abdominal skin.
Likely signs of pregnancy are more specific (characteristic of pregnancy), are detected during an objective examination (examination of the patient by a doctor). The presence of probable signs in the absence of pregnancy indicates serious violations in the woman's reproductive system (diseases). Likely signs of pregnancy are:
  • cessation of menstruation;
  • discharge of milk or colostrum (a thick, yellowish liquid) from the mammary glands;
  • swelling, cyanosis of the mucous membrane of the external genital organs, vagina and cervix;
  • symptoms detected during a gynecological examination: an increase and softening of the uterus, its asymmetry, mobility, a change in consistency with mechanical irritation (touch);
  • a positive home or laboratory test for an increase in the level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). At home, an increase in the level of this hormone is determined using various tests to determine pregnancy, in laboratory conditions, hCG is determined in the blood or urine.
Signs of pregnancy there is evidence of the presence of an embryo (fetus) in the uterus. These are:
  • probing through the abdominal wall of small (arms, legs) and large (head, back, pelvis) parts of the fetus, its movements;
  • listening to the fetal heartbeat;
  • sensation of fetal movement by the mother;
  • detection of the ovum, embryo (embryo) or fetus with ultrasound (ultrasound) of the uterus;
  • detection of parts of the fetal skeleton on an X-ray or tomogram (when performing an X-ray examination of a pregnant woman, in addition to her bones, the bones of the fetus are displayed in the abdomen).

Incubation period

As a rule, doubtful (sensations that appear in women that are characteristic of pregnancy, but are not guaranteed to confirm its presence, since they can also occur outside of pregnancy) signs of pregnancy begin to appear at 3-4 weeks of pregnancy. The first day of a missed period usually corresponds to 4-5 weeks of pregnancy, however, sometimes menstruation can occur even with the onset of pregnancy, while a significant decrease in the volume of menstrual flow is usually observed. In rare cases, menstrual function does not stop throughout pregnancy, but this is not the norm, but indicates a hormonal imbalance (violation).

An increase in the level of hCG (chorionic gonadotropin - "pregnancy hormone") is observed from the moment of implantation of the fetus, that is, its attachment to the uterine wall (8-12 days after conception), and therefore modern highly sensitive tests to determine pregnancy can determine the change in the level of hCG already from the first day of delay in menstruation.

Reliable signs of pregnancy, with the exception of ultrasound signs, are determined in the second trimester of pregnancy. Ultrasound detection of pregnancy is possible from the 5th obstetric week with a transabdominal study (the sensor is applied to the abdomen), and with a transvaginal study (the sensor is inserted into the vagina), pregnancy can be detected as early as 4-5 weeks.


Uterine pregnancy can be singleton (there is one embryo in the uterus (up to 10 obstetric weeks of pregnancy) or a fetus) and multiple (more than one embryo (fetus) in the uterus).
In multiple pregnancies, twins can be identical (they occur when a fertilized egg is completely divided in two and have the same genetic data) or fraternal (implantation (attachment to the wall of the uterus) of two or more different fertilized eggs occurs).

Pregnancy is conventionally divided into two periods:

  • embryonic (embryonic) - up to the 10th obstetric week. During this period, fertilization, cell division, the movement of a fertilized egg from the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity, implantation (attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus), the development of germ layers (bookmarks - building material for future organs) and the formation of organs and systems take place.
  • fetal (fetal) - from the 11th obstetric week to childbirth. During this period, there is an increase in the size of the fetus, the development and improvement of its organs and systems.
Also, pregnancy is usually divided into trimesters (1, 2, 3), respectively, three months each (up to 12 weeks, 13 - 28 weeks, 29 - 40 weeks).


Pregnancy results from the fertilization of an egg by a sperm, which occurs in the upper third of the fallopian tube.
Further, the fertilized egg moves along the fallopian tube and enters the uterine cavity, where it attaches to the wall of the uterus (this happens on the 20th - 22nd day of the cycle). From this moment, changes in the woman's hormonal background begin to occur: the corpus luteum (temporary formation) in the woman's ovary, formed during ovulation (the release of the egg from the ovary), begins to produce the hormone progesterone, and the resulting chorion (the organ responsible for the attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus) produces hCG - human chorionic gonadotropin. The woman's body adjusts to carrying pregnancy, and signs of pregnancy begin to appear gradually.
If, for some reason, implantation (attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus) did not occur, then the mechanisms of pregnancy do not start, the ovum dies without food and goes out during menstruation.

The most favorable period for conception is the middle of the cycle (2 - 3 weeks of the menstrual cycle), when ovulation occurs (the release of the egg from the ovary). However, due to the fact that male and female germ cells have a certain lifespan (the lifespan of an egg cell - 24 hours, sperm - 2-5 days), as well as due to disruptions in the menstrual cycle, pregnancy can occur at the beginning or at the end of the menstrual cycle but less likely.


A doctor can diagnose pregnancy based on:

  • analysis of woman's complaints - delayed menstruation, nausea, vomiting, general malaise, weakness, drowsiness, engorgement and soreness of the mammary glands, etc.;
  • analysis of menstrual function (date of the last menstruation, average duration of the menstrual cycle, date of the expected next menstruation, possible conception, etc.);
  • home test results to determine pregnancy. These tests are based on the determination of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), which is excreted in the urine after implantation (attachment to the wall of the uterus) of the ovum. These tests, subject to the technique of their conduct, are quite accurate and can determine an increase in the level of hCG from the first day of missed menstruation (especially in morning urine, which is the most concentrated);
  • gynecological examination data (the gynecologist can detect an enlargement of the uterus and other gynecological signs of pregnancy);
  • data of ultrasound (ultrasound) of the pelvic organs. An ultrasound scan earlier than 10-11 weeks is usually prescribed if the doctor has doubts about the localization (location) of pregnancy (uterine or ectopic) or if a frozen pregnancy is suspected (a condition in which the embryo or fetus in the uterus stops developing and dies );
  • indicators of the level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the blood.
Also, the doctor prescribes a number of tests for the pregnant woman (blood, urine, tests for some infections - toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, chlamydial, mycoplasma infections, herpes simplex virus type 1.2, etc.) and specialist consultations (,) to identify concomitant diseases that can complicate the course of pregnancy.

Complications and consequences

Complications of pregnancy can be:

  • - a complication that usually manifests itself in the first half of pregnancy and can manifest itself as dyspeptic disorders (nausea, vomiting), salivation, liver dysfunction (hepatosis);
  • - complication of pregnancy, characterized by dysfunction of vital organs and systems, which usually occurs after the 20th week of pregnancy. Gestosis can be mild, moderate and severe. Preeclampsia is manifested by an increase in blood pressure, edema, excretion of protein in the urine (proteinuria);
  • and . Preeclampsia is a condition of the body of a pregnant woman that occurs against the background of the development of severe gestosis, which is characterized by increased blood pressure, dizziness, flashing flies in front of the eyes, clouding of consciousness. If you do not take any measures to help the pregnant woman and lower blood pressure, then preeclampsia can turn into eclampsia - a serious condition that threatens the life of the mother and child. An attack of eclampsia manifests itself in the form of a convulsive seizure with loss of consciousness, which lasts from several tens of seconds to several minutes. After the attack, the woman is unconscious or coma. The development of eclampsia can lead to the death of the mother and the fetus and therefore may require urgent operative delivery (caesarean section), regardless of the gestational age;
  • - spontaneous termination of pregnancy up to 37 weeks. Termination of pregnancy before the 20th week is called a miscarriage, from 20 to 37 weeks - premature birth. If a woman has three or more miscarriages, then in this case they speak of a habitual miscarriage;
  • the threat of termination of pregnancy (threatening) - an increase in the tone (tension) of the uterus, the appearance of pulling, cramping pains in the lower abdomen in a pregnant woman. Bloody or profuse clear vaginal discharge (bleeding, premature rupture of amniotic fluid) may also appear. All these symptoms require immediate hospitalization of the woman;
  • threat - the appearance of signs of incipient labor (increased tone of the uterus, pain in the lower abdomen, contractions, discharge of amniotic fluid) in the period from 28 to 37 weeks of pregnancy;
  • premature pregnancy () - the birth of a child between 20 and 37 weeks;
  • - the birth of a child for a period of 42 weeks or more;
  • - termination of the development of the embryo (up to 10 weeks of pregnancy) or the fetus and its death;
  • intrauterine fetal death (after 28 weeks of pregnancy);
  • - incompatibility of the blood of the mother and the fetus for the Rh factor (Rh-conflict) or blood group, as a result of which the mother's body begins to produce antibodies (protective substances) that attack (damage) the erythrocytes (red blood cells that carry oxygen) of the fetus, as a result what hemolytic disease of newborns can develop;
  • gestational diabetes - a disorder in the endocrine system of a woman, similar to (increased blood sugar) that occurs during pregnancy in some women and usually resolves after childbirth;
  • - dysfunction of the placenta (an organ that provides the supply of nutrients and oxygen from the mother to the fetus), decreased blood flow through the placenta and impaired nutrition and oxygen supply to the fetus);
  • - attachment and further development of a fertilized egg not in the uterine cavity, but in the fallopian tube (tubal pregnancy) or in the abdominal cavity (abdominal pregnancy).

Prevention of pregnancy

In order for a child to be born healthy, and to prevent the development of complications during pregnancy, a woman must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • planning pregnancy. A planned pregnancy creates the best conditions for the conception and development of the baby. A couple planning a pregnancy should consult with (), be examined for genital infections and, if necessary, treat them. It is also advisable to undergo medical genetic counseling, especially in the presence of hereditary diseases in relatives. When planning a pregnancy, a couple needs to eat right, give up smoking and alcohol, take a course of vitamins;
  • examination for TORCH infection. For a woman planning a pregnancy, it is advisable to undergo an examination for (a latent infectious disease that can be dangerous to the fetus, especially if it is infected before 12 weeks of pregnancy), the presence of antibodies to the virus (if a woman has not had rubella before pregnancy, she must get vaccinated), research on and. These infectious diseases (,) are combined into a single concept of TORCH infections - infections that are most dangerous for a woman if they become infected during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester;
  • observance of the principles of rational nutrition by a pregnant woman. During pregnancy, a woman's need for nutrients, vitamins and minerals increases. The nutrition of a pregnant woman should be balanced, varied and provide a woman and a child with all the necessary substances. There are two key points to keep in mind:
    • everything that the mother ate passes through the bloodstream in the placenta to the baby;
    • if the child needs something, and the food does not supply enough of this substance, he can "borrow" the deficient substance from the mother's body (for example, calcium). Of course, a pregnant woman should exclude alcohol, toxic (poisonous) and psychostimulating substances from the diet, it is advisable to limit substances containing caffeine (coffee, tea, cola) to a complete rejection;
    • all medicines, herbs, "folk remedies" can be used only after consultation;
  • regular observation of a woman, timely examination and analysis, strict implementation of all recommendations. If the condition of the pregnant woman worsens, the appearance of alarming symptoms - an unscheduled visit to the doctor;
  • observance of the rules of personal hygiene by a pregnant woman, exclusion of exposure to poisonous and strong-smelling substances. It is advisable for a pregnant woman to refuse hair coloring and perm. Cosmetics for pregnant women must be hypoallergenic (do not cause allergic reactions);
  • wearing comfortable clothes and shoes. Clothes for pregnant women should preferably be made from natural fabrics, not squeezing the stomach, comfortable and functional. Shoes should be chosen comfortable, lightweight, always stable and non-slip. During pregnancy, a woman needs to give up shoes with a heel or platform, as it increases the load on the spine;
  • maintaining the physical shape of the pregnant woman. Pregnancy, if it proceeds without complications, is not a disease, and therefore does not serve as a contraindication for moderate physical activity, homework. It is only necessary to exclude weight lifting, excessive stress on the abdominal muscles and situations that create a risk of injury to a woman. In late pregnancy, the physical activity of women decreases slightly. To prepare the body for childbirth and maintain muscle tone of a pregnant woman from an early stage, it is recommended to perform gymnastics for pregnant women, which may be recommended by a doctor or a specialist in preparing pregnant women for childbirth. Daily walks in the fresh air are also recommended;
  • psychological preparation for childbirth and support. A woman during pregnancy is very vulnerable, susceptible to stress and negative emotions, needs support and protection. It is necessary to exclude stressful situations, to postpone for an indefinite time the solution of all conflicts and problems. It is important to get positive emotions, rejoice in your condition, drive away from yourself disturbing thoughts inherent in pregnant women, especially if the pregnancy is the first. In a difficult family situation or inability to cope with anxiety on your own, you should seek help from or.


Pregnancy planning

Planning for pregnancy is the key to its successful course. If, for any reason, the occurrence of pregnancy is currently undesirable, there are various methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy (contraception). These include:

  • biological method:
    • interruption of intercourse;
    • calendar method (exclusion of intercourse or protection during ovulation);
  • barrier method:
    • chemical (spermicidal suppositories, gels and tablets);
    • mechanical (condoms, vaginal rings, caps and diaphragms);
  • hormonal contraception:
    • combined oral contraceptives (COCs);
    • gestagens (mini-drank);
    • hormonal patches, rings, subcutaneous implants, hormonal intrauterine device;
    • hormone injections;
    • emergency (postcoital) contraception;
    • intrauterine contraceptives (spirals).

Unclear ones are found in different periods of pregnancy, perhaps in all expectant mothers without exception. In the first weeks after conception, unusual sensations in the lower abdomen may be associated with the production of pregnancy hormones, which act on the ligaments, muscles and may manifest as tingling in the lateral abdomen, sensations reminiscent of premenstrual.

I must say that it is often quite difficult for an expectant mother to draw the line between the normal manifestations of pregnancy and the signs that require medical attention. If the sensations are short-lived (last several minutes), pass spontaneously, if they cannot be characterized as pain, but only as discomfort, then they can probably be attributed to normal manifestations of pregnancy, in all other cases, a doctor's consultation is required.

Another type of sensation that can only be during pregnancy and characterize its normal course is the so-called false, or preparatory, contractions, or Braxton-Hicks matches. They can appear after 32 weeks of pregnancy and are manifested by short-term tension in the lower abdomen, not accompanied by pain. This is how the uterus trains in preparation for childbirth. Preparatory bouts do not have a periodicity, the intervals between them are quite large - from several hours to several days.

2. Health during pregnancy: what the discharge from the genital tract speaks about

An increase in the amount of vaginal discharge is one of the characteristic symptoms of a normal pregnancy. The change in the hormonal background, which characterizes the very early stages of the period of bearing a baby, leads to an increase in the amount of mucus produced in the glands of the cervical canal. During pregnancy, a woman may observe a significant increase in vaginal discharge, which becomes somewhat thicker than mucus during ovulation, and has either a clear or light milky hue. If an increased amount of vaginal discharge is accompanied by itching, burning, and discomfort in the vagina, then this is already a cause for concern and a visit to a doctor.

3. What should be the weight gain during pregnancy?

Normal is one of the important factors that characterize a successful pregnancy.

The expectant mother can independently control him. To do this, you need to weigh yourself in the morning after emptying the bladder, with or without the same clothes. In this case, you should not weigh yourself daily, it will be enough to get up on the scales once every 7-10 days.

The expectant mother during pregnancy should gain from 9 to 14 kg, while waiting for twins - from 16 to 21 kg. The less you weighed before pregnancy, the greater the reserve for the increase in 9 months.

In the first trimester, as a rule, the weight does not change much - the increase is about 2 kg. In the second trimester, this process proceeds more rapidly: 1 kg per month (or up to 300 g per week), and after seven months - up to 400 g per week. Lack of weight gain, very small or excessive weight gain may indicate problems during pregnancy.

4. Health during pregnancy: abdominal growth

Many expectant mothers begin to observe this sign almost from the first days of pregnancy, but the uterus is shown due to the pubic articulation only at 12 weeks, that is, a small growth of the tummy can be noticed not earlier than the indicated period - about the 4th month of pregnancy, and do not worry if at the beginning of the gestation period "the tummy does not grow". I must say that the obviousness of the growth of the tummy depends on the physique of the expectant mother: for example, in slender women, the belly stands out a little earlier than in those who are prone to overweight. In addition, in multiparous women, it begins to be noticeable a little earlier than in those expecting their first child.

Doctors use in their practice such an indicator as the height of the fundus of the uterus - this is the distance from the upper edge of the pubic articulation to the highest standing point of the uterus, the so-called fundus of the uterus. The height of the uterus above the bosom, measured in centimeters, is usually equal to the gestational age: at 20 weeks - 20 cm - at the level of the navel, at 30 weeks (about 7 months, when a woman goes on maternity leave) - 30 cm - in the middle between the navel and itself the low point of the sternum - the xiphoid process, etc. Only at the end of pregnancy, this pattern is not observed: after the 38th week, the baby goes to the exit from the uterus, prepares for childbirth, falls below, therefore, the height of the fundus on the eve of childbirth is usually 36-38 cm. As already noted, this indicator is followed by the doctor monitors and measures it at every appointment. However, it is obvious that the height of the uterine fundus is not difficult to measure on your own, so if you yourself want to fix the growth of the tummy, you can do this using a measuring tape. Measurements should be taken while lying down and should not be done daily, weekly monitoring will be sufficient. This parameter should increase by 1 cm per week. If the standing height of the fundus of the uterus does not correspond to the norm, then the doctor prescribes additional studies to understand which of the components of the growing tummy lags behind or, conversely, adds in excess: the fetus, placenta or water.

You can also measure the circumference of the abdomen. This figure at the beginning of pregnancy, of course, depends on the physique, constitution of the expectant mother, but later, at the end of the second - third trimester of pregnancy, the growth rate of the abdominal circumference should remain uniform - no more than 1-2 cm per week. If the growth rate does not correspond to this pattern, then it is worth telling the doctor about it.

Once again, I would like to note that all women are different and the tummies of all expectant mothers are also different, so you should not focus on acquaintances and girlfriends, comparing the growth rates, size and shape of their abdomen.

5. How to evaluate fetal movement

The embryo begins to move from the 7th week of pregnancy, but at first it is so small that the expectant mother does not feel its swimming in the amniotic fluid. In most cases, a woman notices the movement of the crumbs from 20 weeks of pregnancy, and with repeated - from 18, although sometimes earlier - starting from 16 weeks, but the appearance of movements up to the 22nd week of pregnancy can be attributed to normal phenomena. Usually, thin women begin to feel the movements earlier, and later - plump women. The first movements are quite gentle, neat, not very noticeable - like the swimming of a fish, or the flight of a butterfly, or, less poetically, like the work of the intestines. The longer the period, the larger the child becomes and the more tangible his movements. Usually, fetal movement is a pleasant sensation, but a growing baby in the third trimester of pregnancy can, pushing, cause discomfort and even pain. At the end of pregnancy, the baby takes up all the free space inside the uterus and his movements become more infrequent and less active than in the second trimester, but the force of movements can be significant.

Almost all the time, except when he sleeps. Children often become active at night and in the evening, when a pregnant woman is in a calm, relaxed state. This can lead to mom's nightly awakenings. In this way, she is developing a new regime in which she will need to feed the baby at night. If the baby does not tolerate some state of the mother, for example, excitement, or she is in a position for a long time that interferes with the normal blood supply to the fetus, then the movements can also be uncomfortable for the expectant mother - quite active, intense and even slightly painful. If the expectant mother does not feel any movements for more than 6 hours, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

6. Changes in stool during pregnancy

Stool is a reflection of how the gastrointestinal tract works. It is easy to monitor this indicator, you do not need to make any special efforts. The stool should be regular - daily, the process of emptying the intestines should not be uncomfortable for the woman. Changes in the body that occur during pregnancy often lead to constipation. Already from the first days of pregnancy, the body is tuned so that the uterus, a muscular organ, is in the most relaxed state. This is achieved through the action of pregnancy hormones. The same biologically active substances act on the intestinal muscles, the intestines become "lazy", poorly moves the food lump. Later, the growing uterus puts more pressure on the intestines, provoking constipation in the last months of pregnancy. In the third trimester, the expectant mother is usually advised to reduce the amount of fluid she drinks, this also predisposes to problems with stool. And a sedentary lifestyle is not conducive to solving the problem. And, although it can be said that constipation is physiologically conditioned, you should not be afraid of them, but you also do not need to put up with them.

For prevention, you need to eat rationally, make sure that the menu contains vegetables and fruits, cereals and dairy products. Mineral water with a high magnesium content or a decoction of prunes has a good effect; you need to drink them every day on an empty stomach, half a glass. It is also necessary not to forget about regular physical activity, of course, feasible for a pregnant woman. For example, walking is suitable, and if there are no contraindications, then special classes for expectant mothers.

7. Changes in urination during pregnancy

Frequent urination is considered one of the first subjective signs of pregnancy. Already on the eighth day of conception, the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) begins to be produced, and under its influence, frequent urination occurs in early pregnancy. In addition, the intensity of the kidneys of the expectant mother increases due to the fact that the volume of blood increases, which is filtered through the renal membrane. As a result, a woman's kidneys begin to work much faster, and very frequent visits to the toilet become inevitable. With the course of pregnancy, another factor makes you experience frequent urge to use the toilet - an enlargement of the uterus and its pressure on the bladder.

If it is not accompanied by pain, cuts, and the urine is of the usual color, then you should not take any measures to go to the toilet less often. On the contrary, it is important to empty the bladder as often as possible, since urinary stagnation is a factor predisposing to inflammatory diseases of the urinary system - from inflammatory diseases of the urethra (urethritis), bladder (cystitis) to kidney inflammation (nephritis).

The only permissible limitation is the amount of liquid consumed at the end of the second - in the third trimester: 1.5 liters per day is the amount that should be drunk during the day, and this includes the first courses, all free liquid, as well as fruits by actual weight.

8. Health during pregnancy and edema

At the end of pregnancy, there is a tendency for fluid retention, which can manifest itself in the formation of edema - more often on the legs, but possibly on the arms. At the same time, narrow shoes may turn out to be small and uncomfortable, deep dents from sock elastic bands remain on the shins for a long time, and the rings are difficult to put on and take off. Every expectant mother has fluid retention to a greater or lesser extent in the third trimester. However, in some cases, it can be one of the first symptoms of such a complication of pregnancy as preeclampsia, when the adaptation of the body of the expectant mother to pregnancy is disrupted, in addition to edema, protein appears in the urine and blood pressure rises. In this case, if medical assistance is not provided in a timely manner, conditions may develop that threaten the health and even the life of the woman and the fetus.

In addition to a subjective assessment of the presence or absence of edema, a pregnant woman can independently assess fluid retention as follows: within one day, for example, from 8:00 the previous day to 8:00 the next, it is necessary to measure all the liquid drunk - free liquid (tea, compote, fermented milk products etc.), first courses, fruits and vegetables by actual weight. These indicators must be entered in a table consisting of two columns: drunk - highlighted. And in the second column, you must enter the amount of excreted urine. To do this, during the day, you need to collect urine in a measuring container and record the amount of each portion. The amount of fluid you drink should not exceed the amount of urine excreted. Such a plate will help the doctor to choose the tactics for treating edema.

9. Blood pressure during pregnancy

(BP) during pregnancy is an important sign that allows early detection of preeclampsia. However, pregnancy is not a reason to buy a blood pressure monitor and daily blood pressure measurements. If the doctor at first has doubts about this indicator, then he will certainly say that the pressure should be measured daily. If the family has a pressure meter and you use it from time to time out of curiosity, then there is nothing wrong with that, then it should be borne in mind that in the first trimester of pregnancy there may be a tendency for pressure to decrease in comparison with the usual numbers. Attention should be paid to this situation, since a prolonged and poorly tolerated (dizziness, weakness) decrease in blood pressure can lead to the formation of preeclampsia in the future. An increase in pressure above 130/80 mm Hg. Art. is a serious symptom of trouble in any case and always requires a visit to a doctor.

In conclusion, I would like to say about such a subjective parameter as general well-being. Of course, any change that the expectant mother feels is a reason for a more attentive attitude to health. Remember that various painful sensations - headache, pain when urinating, pain in the stomach, back, etc. - during the period of bearing a baby, they require a special approach and should not be dismissed from them, try to independently attempt to eliminate pain.

However, pregnancy cannot remain unnoticed for the body, and any expectant mother experiences certain new sensations during this period, but many of them are evidence of the normal course of pregnancy and the development of the baby.

No sooner had you announced to your family and friends about your interesting situation, how were you, in the literal sense of the word, bombarded with advice and signs related to pregnancy? Do not worry, most of the prohibitions and superstitions that cannot be done during pregnancy can be safely discarded.

Another thing is the prohibitions from the field of physiology and medicine: they should not be neglected. Let's go through the most popular prohibitions and figure out what really can't be done by women in position.

Bad habits

It is not for nothing that smoking, the use of alcoholic beverages, and even more so drugs, were called bad habits. Almost everyone needs to give them up, and especially women who are carrying a child.

  • Smoking. The placenta is unable to protect your baby from cigarette smoke. All toxins and harmful substances penetrate the baby through the circulatory system and negatively affect the development of internal organs;

Delays in the development of the baby, insufficient height and weight, pathology of the pulmonary system - all these are the consequences of smoked cigarettes (about how the baby develops normally, read the article Development of the baby in the womb >>>). Nicotine can cause detachment of the placenta, freezing of the fetus and can provoke premature birth.

  • Alcohol. Alcohol freely penetrates the baby through the circulatory system. Systematic abuse of ethanol leads to a delay in the growth of the baby, the development of pathologies of hearing and vision, cardiac and skeletal systems;

Excessive alcohol consumption will be noticeable after the birth of a child, and especially clearly - by the age of two: a small head volume, a flat sloping face and narrow eyes

  • Drugs. A categorical ban on drug use: pathologies of all internal organs, underdevelopment of the skeleton, muscular and skeletal systems, problems with the kidneys, liver and genitourinary system, heart disease ... The list is endless. But there is one more nuance: a child born of a drug addict mother is already born with drug addiction.

Smoking, drinking and using drugs is just that categorical list of what should not be done during pregnancy. And this is far from superstition.

Special menu

The development and well-being of the baby directly depends on what you eat. Undoubtedly, your gastronomic tastes have changed a lot, you are more and more drawn to salty, but this salty is often in the taboo zone:

  1. Preservatives and stabilizers. You need to give up preservatives, as they inhibit the synthesis of proteins, which the baby simply cannot do without;
  2. Additives, colorants, flavor enhancers. During pregnancy, you need vitamins and nutrients, not chemical substitutes. The way out is to cook yourself from fresh products (about what to cook and how to eat right, read the book Secrets of proper nutrition for a future mother >>>);
  3. Smoked products and fatty foods. Your body already undergoes certain loads, fatty and smoked food negatively affects the liver and kidneys, the urinary system, and can provoke gastritis (current article: Gastritis during pregnancy >>>). As for smoked meats, be aware that the “liquid smoke” that manufacturers love so much can cause cancer;
  4. Coffee and black tea. This point is quite controversial. If you are hypotonic and cannot imagine a morning without a cup of aromatic coffee, then you can afford one serving of not strong coffee with cream. But abuse is fraught with dehydration of the body and the removal of calcium from it, which your baby needs so much for growth and development. In addition, strong tea and coffee increase blood pressure;
  1. Carbonated drinks . Avoid drinking soda during pregnancy as it can cause bloating and flatulence. In addition, sugary sodas contain preservatives and sweeteners. May lead to high blood sugar and cause allergies;
  2. Mushrooms . It is best to avoid mushrooms during pregnancy. Since there is a risk of poisoning even with proven mushrooms, and in your position, you should not risk it;
  3. Chocolate. The happiness hormone in the form of a small piece of chocolate will not harm you, but in large quantities it can cause allergies. Read the article on the topic Is it possible for pregnant women to have chocolate? >>>.


You must remember that pregnancy is not a disease, but a state of mind. You shouldn't give up an active life position, but you need to figure out what can and cannot be done by pregnant women:

  • Physical exercise. It is clear that gravity is now a taboo for you, the maximum load is 5 kg. By the way, it is good to sign up for a specialized fitness for pregnant women - it will help prepare for the upcoming birth, strengthen your back and prevent you from gaining extra pounds;
  • Dream. There is a prohibition on sleeping positions. During pregnancy, you cannot sleep on your back, as the vena cava, which is located under the uterus, can be squeezed;
  • Extreme. An adrenaline rush and an increase in blood pressure are the result of extreme entertainment;
  • Airplane. Most often, flights are considered prohibitions, which cannot be done in the early stages of pregnancy. There is a risk of miscarriage due to pressure drops. The last weeks of pregnancy are also not the best time for heavenly travel. Read more in the article Plane during pregnancy >>>;
  • Sex. With the threat of miscarriage or other complications of pregnancy, having sex is contraindicated for you. Useful: Sex in the first month of pregnancy >>>

You need to find a middle ground between physical activity and rest: you can do your homework, but dosed. Where possible - use household appliances - load them at full speed. Washing, cleaning, and cooking during your pregnancy is the responsibility of your household helpers.

Folk omens

A special graph of prohibitions during pregnancy is folk omens and superstitions. Many of them can be explained, but most are dispelled upon closer examination:

The list of prohibitions, takes and superstitions during pregnancy is quite long, but the period of carrying a baby is not so long, you can endure it for the sake of meeting your most beloved and long-awaited baby.