The Belarusian oligarch and his new wife separated the child from his own mother. Ilona Gerashchenko: "The name" Lucia Lushchik humiliates a woman "is not at all about the child and not about me

What clubs (cafes, restaurants, etc.) do you like to visit. And where, in your opinion, is the most romantic place?

I love BRONX, X-Ray, ISYUM, Belaya Vezhu and Overtime. And the most romantic place in my car. Or any VIP-booth of any establishment.

Could you clarify why the clips of such Belarusian performers as NRM, Krama, NeuroDubel are NEVER broadcasted on the First Music Theater ... Is it forbidden or you simply do not have their clips available?

We have these clips available. But the audience rarely orders them, and the musicians themselves are modest and do not order themselves.

Do you like the juxtaposition: Lyusya Lushchik is such a small-town Ksyusha Sobchak?

And even so. I hope that in me there is not so much equine as in Xenia.

Is it true that earning a TV host allows you to buy cool cars?

TV presenter's earnings allow you to buy a car. And the boys help TV presenters to buy cool cars.

Lucy, tell me, please, how do you assess the level of professionalism of the VJs of the First Musical? And how would you rate yourself on a 10-point scale?

We have wonderful hosts, wonderful. And everyone is so different and crazy. And I give myself, of course, 10 points, because I love myself very much.

That day I was in Vilnius for a DM concert.

What is the name of the patron who made you so famous?

This is an amazing and incredibly selfless and, in short, the best person in my life. This person's name is Lucy Lushchik.

Lucy! You are a very charming girl! Do you have a boyfriend? What does he do? Is he a tough businessman?

He takes care of me.

What does the concept of "Socialite" mean to you? Don't you think that it is exaggerated and associated with the concept of "Advanced youth", and equating yourself with such a caste of people means a loss of individuality and the development of a herd reflex?

You shouldn't take life so seriously, and in general "secular lionesses" are exaggerated, associated - all this is too difficult for me. I have only one herd reflex - I hear sighs and get excited.

What qualities, in your opinion, have helped you personally achieve success in show business?

Fine bones and strong nerves, it's true. And you also need to eat less and smile more.

What do you like most about real Belarusian guys?

These are people who have fought, fought, studied, made children and lived for centuries. These are real men, and those who call Belarusians "pamyarkoynimi" should open a history textbook. Stronger and more courageous people, richer inside, there are no such real men anywhere else. And if you want to be convinced of this, then call a man a man and see what he will do for you tomorrow.

How do you manage to keep your body in such a good shape?

I don't eat anything and have sex all the time. And that's all.

What else do you do in your life?

In addition to sex and television, I walk the dog and dance on the bar counters, sometimes I play billiards. Sometimes I go to a beautician. I love movies and books.

Lyusya, is it true that your maiden name is Dubyaga?

Which country have you been to the most? Why?


What mobile phone do you use?

Motorola RAZR V3i. But the main thing is that it is pink.

Hi, Lyuska! Where you're from? Where did you study? What do you do in your free time?

Hello, let me contact you at you. I must tell you that I don't really like it when people I don't know call me Lyuska and poke me around. But, of course, you are not obliged to do only what pleases me. As well as I am not obliged to answer your questions. But I even liked you in some way, so it would be a pleasure for me to spend my next free time with you.

Lyusya, I'm afraid to ride the same road with you! You are constantly chatting on the phone, how many times I have not seen you driving! By the way, what is your car driving experience?

To be afraid of wolves - do not go to the forest. Signal for me next time. I got my license in 2001. Before that I went without a license.

How many and what positions for making love do you know?

The most important thing is that I am constantly improving and ... And I like it.

Did you have an affair with one of the Zapashny brothers?

What is it to you? When I came to work in green suede over the knee boots, our producer said that I wore them on purpose so that the tigers would not bite my legs.

What interesting things will soon be offered to viewers by the First Musical Channel?

Watch the clip "Mood" of the "Magister" project - I am there in my underpants flying on a spaceship.

MINSK, 3 Sep - Sputnik. Almost 50 years ago, the wedding of 50-year-old Frank Sinatra and 21-year-old Mia Farrow took place, their marriage broke up in 1968, but the singer always said that it was his happiest union.

Sputnik found out which of the Belarusian artists also prefers partners much older or younger than themselves.

Elfimov + Kosmacheva

The family union of singer Pyotr Elfimov and his producer Tatyana Kosmacheva is perhaps one of the most discussed in Belarusian society.

The age difference between the spouses is 27 years. However, they love each other and continue to be together.

Elfimov and Kosmacheva got married in 2009 after a friendship of 15 years. Peter adopted Tatyana's daughter Polina - she was then 12 years old.

Dudinsky + Raetskaya

DaVinci frontman Denis Dudinsky dropped out of the list of eligible bachelors this summer. In August, the artist married his lover, TV presenter Ekaterina Raetskaya, whom he had been dating for 3.5 years.

This marriage was the first for both 43-year-old Denis and 25-year-old Catherine. The presenter even joked about this during an interview with Sputnik.

“For me it’s the first (marriage - Sputnik), but for Denis, it’s probably the first and the last,” she said.

Earlier in an interview, Dudinsky hinted that he sees in Catherine his future wife.

“If you go up, then to an active volcano. If you marry, then to Katya Raetskaya,” he noted.

Maltuha + Kurbeko

Singer Alexander Solodukha is ten years older than his second wife Natalia Kurbeko. But this does not prevent them from loving each other.

The couple's wedding took place on a significant day - 09.09.09. And almost a year later their daughter Varya was born.

The media wrote that Solodukha and Kurbeko met at the market in Minsk. It all started with the banal purchases that Alexander made from time to time at Natalia. Once he invited the girl he liked to a restaurant. And so their relationship began.

Lushchik + Gerashchenko

In 2015, TV presenter Lucia Lushchik married influential businessman Andrei Gerashchenko, who is 10 years older than the girl.

The family has already managed to be in. A video appeared on the Internet in which the TV personality "shared" her husband's child with his ex-wife Ilona. The case went to court, where they decided the fate of not only the girls, but also considered mutual claims for the protection of honor and dignity.

In the photo - the husband of Lucia and his daughter.

The host of the program "Our Morning" on the ONT TV channel Lusya is going to get married. The piquancy of the situation is that the groom Lucy Lushchik, 26-year-old businessman Pavel, is still married to his first wife Olga

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The piquancy of the situation is that the groom Lucy Lushchik, 26-year-old businessman Pavel, is still married to his first wife Olga (although he has not lived with her for a long time). Everything went to a quiet, peaceful divorce, but ... On March 8, Pavel gave Lyusa a luxurious Lexus all over the country. As a result, a couple of days later, Olga told Komsomolskaya Pravda that in recent months her husband has been violating financial agreements and does not pay for the child's kindergarten. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" decided to look into the situation, and at the same time found out how Pavel managed to conquer the brightest TV presenter and what caused her parting with her ex-husband.

We started a conversation about the relationship between a man and a woman, and Lucy said that in her family, no one had any discord or divorce. A man has always been an unquestioning leader, master, and breadwinner. Fate stumbled on Luce ...

Everything was fine with Andrei until the moment when he returned home one day and found that there was neither me nor my things in the apartment ...

We got married while still students, and we were sure that this was forever. Moreover, we got married. We have lived in perfect harmony for almost eight years. At the moment we have not lived together for two years, but we still remain close people.

site - Why did you break up?

I don't believe in relationships that don't have love. We've run out of it. With Andrey I felt good and comfortable, but this is not something for which it is worth staying together. We became very different, spent little time together. So I made a decision and left.

site - In other words, one morning you woke up and realized: love is over ...

No, it was a long process that lasted more than one month, and possibly more than one year. For a long time I went to the idea that I did not love him. But I am very grateful to him, because in this relationship I was selfish, and everything was done for me. If he didn’t support me like that, I would never be able to realize myself in the profession, or grow up as a woman.

website - And so you grew up and became a star ...

And it became not enough for me? Most people think so. But this is not the case. Because I was dependent on Andrey in every sense of the word. I didn’t know what an independent life was: I didn’t know where to pay the rent, where to buy a light bulb, didn’t go to the store and had no idea how much a carton of milk cost. After parting with him, I really began to learn to live anew.

site - But such men are not abandoned. For the vast majority of women, this is ideal.

To be honest, for me work was in the first place, and he was in second. I was busy with my life all the time, and he was just a husband. Andrey felt it and was unhappy. And I just stopped loving him and left.

site - Why did it happen?

In our last year, when we were together, it so happened that my friends and I had literary readings every Thursday at eight in the evening. We read aloud, then discussed it all together ... And he yawned. It was unbearable for me. But I understood that it was not he who was to blame, but me. Because I absolutely knew exactly what he wanted, but I could not give it to him ...

Maybe (laughs). But now I see that I was right.

It must have hurt him a lot. But now he is much happier than when he was with me. Andrey got married for the second time, and a month ago his daughter was born.

site - But now you've met a new love. Your boyfriend's name is Pavel, and he is in the car business. How are your evenings in the kitchen now? When do you drink beer, when do you read Eugene Onegin?

I have been looking for him for a very long time. And I knew exactly what I wanted. Pasha is exactly the one I was waiting for. It is important for me that the person loves me in me, and not himself. Pasha is just like that.

site - How did you meet Pavel?

That day I went to the other side of the city, where I almost never visited. I rented a Snow Maiden costume, in which I was expected on the set. Then she went to work. Then everything happened as in a fairy tale. I stopped at a traffic light and in the rear-view mirror I saw a big black car with the number “6666” standing behind me. I did not see who was driving, but some inner feeling told me that it was Him. Then I looked in the mirror, made sure that I looked good and smiled at my reflection. We drove for about a kilometer and stopped at the side of the road. The young man lowered the glass and tried to speak to me. But in the “Hummer” it was very noisy, and then he moved to my car.

Surprisingly, at that moment I was not in the least worried. It felt like we were looking for each other for a long time and finally found (smiles).

website - What was the first impression he made on you, what was he wearing?

If I realized that he was on the Hummer and saw what he was wearing, then most likely I would not have left him my phone number (laughs).

But he behaved so confidently and was not a bit shy ... Although I know how to behave with men, and what to do to impress them, but here ...

site - You were effaced ...

Maybe (laughs). Besides, I thought about how I looked, which means that I wanted to please him.

At the moment of meeting, he did not even know who I was (laughs). And he asked my name (laughs). “Just don’t pretend that you don’t recognize me,” I replied. And when he heard my voice, he immediately understood everything.

site - That is, initially he just jumped into the car to the blonde ...

Understand, he was going about his business, he had his own plans and he was not on the way with me. And the fact that he got out of his car, got into mine and spoke to me - he just did not understand what was happening, just as I also understood that He would get out of this car right now, and finally I waited for him. .. He was in the same lost state as me. The minute he got into my car, he realized that he would never leave here again.

site - What did he do so that you immediately gave your phone number to a stranger?

The fact of the matter is that absolutely nothing. But we couldn't part. However, I had to go to work. So we met in the evening and had dinner. And when in the morning he called me and asked how I was doing, I burst into tears (smiles). Because I realized that I had finally found him. It turns out that we met and never parted (laughs). At first glance, I realized that it was Him.

site - Can you explain to yourself how it happened?

Honestly, no.

It is clear that due to my lifestyle and profession, I see a lot of different men. And almost always these are men worthy of attention and respect. And I certainly am not deprived of male attention. But, as a woman, none of them interested me. The heart was empty.

But don't think that when I saw Pasha, I threw myself into the pool headlong (laughs). I can love with all my heart, but I have a cold mind and an analytical mind.

website - And what does your analytical mind say today, after six months of your relationship?

What a clever person I am, and how I was not mistaken, and what a fine fellow I am after all (laughs)! With Pasha, I feel like behind a stone wall. In any situation.

website - Don't you think that Pasha thought everything through in advance and planned the scenario of “capture” of the brightest Belarusian TV presenter?

Even if he planned it, it means that he is a great strategist (laughs). And this will be another plus in his favor. In any case, no one could, but he could (smiles).

site - Maybe the problem is that we do not have enough men with fantasy?

Maybe ... Pasha courted me the way a man should. He told me: "Can you leave the house in 10 minutes?" He drove me out of town and arranged fireworks with champagne. And then he returned home. Or, for example, late in the evening I need to go to the regional center to conduct a corporate party. And Pasha got behind the wheel and drove me himself. Although he could have rest at this time. And most importantly, he found a common language with my grandmother (laughs). Now she fries potato pancakes and hands them over to Pasha. And he is not afraid to argue with her. As with me. And this is important to me. We have a heated discussion every evening at dinner. We have different views on many things. But we love the same things, movies, food. Or if one of us does not know something, then the other opens something new for him.

We do completely different things. And I understand that I am a discovery for him and a completely different planet. He examines my jewelry, discusses outfits with me. And I see that he has never had such a thing in his life. He just never talked with a girl who wears dresses, understands jewelry, and who has the whole family at the same table every Sunday.

site - What won you over in it?

He has an irrepressible love of life. Incredible energy man. In the morning he can have breakfast at home, dine in another country in the afternoon, and in the evening after work insist that we still went to visit friends. At first I could not cope with it, I physically lacked strength (laughs). He is in constant motion, discusses everything in the world with me, is interested in everything. This is what I like about him.

He is also a very cheerful and very experienced person. He's bigger than me. In every sense of the word.

site - That is, he took you with pressure, without giving him time to come to his senses.

But let's not forget that I'm a careerist in a good way. And this is something that no personal life can affect. It can only proceed in parallel with my work, in no way interfering.

And I can't imagine that next to me there will be a person who will say choose: "Either I, or work!" Maybe because I am a self-sufficient person and also do not put anyone before any choice. If I made my choice in his favor, then I accepted it with all its pros and cons. In this sense, I am an ideal woman. Because the man who is next to me is ideal and always right. And always number one.

site - You and Pasha are building your life today, your apartment is being renovated. And accordingly, all the joys and sorrows are now common to you. You come across his past life, with his son Arthur, with his still wife Olga, who told “Komsomolskaya Pravda” that for the last two months Pavel stopped paying for the child's kindergarten. What do you think about these statements?

I communicated with Olga and will continue to communicate. As for what she does, everyone acts according to their own understanding and conscience. Whoever has been taught and brought up does so. The only thing I can say is that thank God that each of us has enough reason and patience in this situation. I don't want to judge anyone.

I can tell about myself. Situations in life are different. When someone does this to you, it hurts a lot. When someone makes your mother cry, the mother of someone close to you ... I am a public person and it is much more difficult for me. For some, these may be toys. Someone may be having fun. But it hurt me. And not just me. Other people's lives and souls are not fun, you cannot play with it. And you can't hurt.

But time will pass and everything will fall into place.

site - But you can say that Olya told a lie.

Let time give the answers to all questions. I do not want to develop this situation and I am not the judge in it. And I don’t have to say where is the truth and where is not.

site - What is your relationship with Arthur?

You saw the photographs on my phone (they show Lucy holding a baby clinging to her - Ed.). This is my relationship with him (smiles).

site - And so that you cannot forgive your beloved man?

I can forgive everything. Is there such a thing that you could not forgive your child? Is there such a thing that can make you not love your father? Is there such a thing that can make you stop respecting your mom? It is the same with a loved one: if you are with him, then you are with him to the end.

Blitz survey:

Do you consider yourself a beauty? People think so.

What helped to achieve success? Hard work and calmness.

Favorite dish? Buckwheat porridge with milk.

Favorite product? Milk, dates, honey.

Favorite alcoholic drink? Champagne.

Favorite clothes? Small black dress.

Favorite time of the year? Spring.

Favorite actor? Robert DeNiro.

Favorite holiday? Christmas.


Pavel, why haven't you divorced your first wife yet?

Olga and I decided the divorce issue many years ago. But in fact, I needed a divorce stamp a few weeks ago. When Lucy agreed to marry me.

Five steps to success:

1. Graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of the Belarusian State University.

2. She worked on the air of the First Musical TV channel for six years. Author, presenter and journalist of the 120/80 news program and the final edition of 120/80 weekly.

3. In 2004 she won a grant from the US State Department and trained in Washington on the BBC and CNN.

4. Winner of the National Television Competition "Televershina" in the nomination "People's Choice Award" 2007.

5. Since 2008, the host of the program "Our Morning" on the ONT TV channel.

The first journalist to receive the Golden Ear award, winner of the TOP-50 most beautiful and successful people of Minsk, laureate of the Professional competition in the development of public relations "PREMIA-2006" in the nomination "Best PR-person of 2006". Finalist of the popular reality show "Star Circus" (ONT), host of the reality show "Battle of Cities" (ONT).

The ancient Greek goddess of justice, Themis, is always portrayed blindfolded. In theory, this should show her impartiality, as if decisions are made "regardless of faces", but in modern Belarus, some judges make decisions in spite of the case materials. But probably not for free.

In early February, the Minsk City Court denied the well-known business woman, the founder of a language school for children, Ilona Gerashchenko, in her lawsuit against the TV presenter and model Lucia Lushchik. Gerashchenko asked the court to assess video, in which Lushchik insulted her in the presence of her 8-year-old daughter Milana.

A year ago, the TV personality married the ex-husband of Andrei Ilona Gerashchenko. According to rumors, for this she had to substitute and send her ex-boyfriend to prison for 8 years. But the capital of the new spouse was worth planting the "former". They say that shortly before the prison term of her lover, Lushchik demanded that he take the child from his previous marriage, but the investigating authorities were quicker.

After Lushchik successfully married Andrei Gerashchenko, she began a special operation to capture now his child as well.

In December 2014, Lushchik and her new husband in the Minsk court achieved a decision according to which Ilona Gerashchenko's daughter had to live with her father. The court ignored all evidence from the mother. After the trial, Lucia systematically began to set her daughter against her mother, talking about Ilona's imaginary lovers and that she had abandoned Milana.

In order for Ilona not to upset their insidious plan with her mother's love, she was forbidden to see the child in private, any attempt to communicate (even at school during recess) was suppressed by her ex-husband, who always accompanies the child. Andrei Gerashchenko admitted in court that his main task now is to protect Milan. Apparently from her own mother.

It is clear why Lucia needs this, she will soon be 36 years old, she has never experienced the joy of motherhood. Perhaps the TV personality has some kind of health problems (the consequences of an overly stormy youth?), Perhaps Lucia simply did not find time for a child amid flashing on television screens and glamorous advertising campaigns. Until now, Lushchik hosts a morning show on the ONT channel and advertises the 7 Carat chain of jewelry stores. Pregnancy and bringing your body into proper shape afterwards will take several years, and Lushchik needs to use the last years of his youth. Then she will not be needed by anyone, but I want a child, as well as money. So why give birth in the throes of a child, if the new spouse already has a ready-made girl who does not even need to breastfeed or change diapers? It remains only to take her away from her mother, and this is easy to do by bribing the judge and pouring a bucket of dirt on the unfortunate mother. And it doesn't matter that even the best stepmother (and this is impossible to say about the glamorous Lushchik rubbish) can never replace his own mother, whose heart beats in unison with the child's heart. Moreover, Ilona Gerashchenko devoted her whole life to the upbringing and training of young children. Thanks to her care, hundreds of little Belarusians have learned to speak English. During these years, Lushchik was photographed for the covers of "magazines for men" with her legs spread wide and publicly passed tests for HIV. Instead of the mother's house, where the child was surrounded by love and care, little Milana ended up on the territory of her father's shooting club, next to a restaurant for drunken officials and a bathhouse. There are now only strangers around the child.

But the judges prefer not to notice the interests of the child and over and over again churn out profitable decisions for Lushchik. They won't wait.

In this situation, the greatest surprise is caused by the national TV channel of Belarus ONT and the 7 Carat company, which, knowing about what is happening, continue to cooperate with a woman who is trying to build her happiness on the tears of a little girl. Are they not afraid for their reputation and really want their brands to be associated with such a dirty history?

Saved by

Belarusian oligarch Andrei Gerashchenko found herself at the center of a scandal involving his family. Social networks are actively discussing a tough conflict over the daughter of a businessman Milana. At the initiative of the billionaire's new wife, TV presenter Lucia Lushchik, the girl is not allowed to meet with her own mother.

Several years ago, Andrey Gerashchenk owned the Novaya Supra company, which was the largest importer of Procter & Gamble household chemicals in Belarus. But during the 2011 crisis, the New Supra was liquidated by its owners. As a result, in recent years, Gerashchenko has been leading the lifestyle of an idle rich man, devoting his time to running a shooting club and a family in which, as it turned out, not everything is going well. In 2014, Gerashchenko married the Belarusian TV presenter Lucia Lushchik with his second marriage. And the "young" suddenly decided that Gerashchenko's daughter from Milan's previous marriage should not see her mother Ilona. According to the version that is being discussed on social networks, the child's father was pushed to this step by his new wife.

Andrey Gerashchenko

Until 2014, the girl spent the same amount of time with her father and mother - six months with each of the parents. It seemed that everyone was fine with it. Then the businessman disappeared for a long time (apparently, he was preparing for a new wedding), after which he asked his ex-wife to allow Milan to stay with him during the winter holidays. But after the holidays, he never returned the child to his mother.

The new wife of Andrei Gerashchenko, Lucie Lushchik

As a result, Ilona Gerashchenko has not been able to meet with her daughter for 1.5 years, the mother is simply not given a child. Numerous courts, apparently, not gratuitously, over and over again make decisions in favor of the oligarch. Moreover, Milana is constantly turned against her mother, they tell her nasty things about her. For a year and a half, away from her mother, Milan made her way from "Let me hug mommy" before “Dad told me everything about you! Leave me alone!".

A video leaked on the Internet, in which Lucia Lushchik insults Ilona Gerashchenko in the presence of her own daughter, became a hit on the Belarusian Internet. It is obvious that the child is simply brainwashed, and the court makes decisions on the basis of the lies told to the girl. However, there is not a single word that Ilona is a bad mother in the court's decision. It just turns out that the main omission of the mother is that her daughter Milana does not speak Belarusian well enough.

Currently, outraged citizens have published a demand to dismiss Lucie Luschik from television. In a few weeks, the petition collected more than 50 thousand signatures, the famous Russian blogger Lena Miro drew attention to the scandal, who also supported Ilona Gerashchenko.

« I do not know what moral principles you need to have in order to cripple the psyche of a child. Calling your own mother a prostitute in front of her daughter, watching with pleasure as the child wants to hug her mother, and not letting her do it. Lucia Lushchik is not afraid of punishment. She works on television, she is famous and kind of protected. In addition, a husband's money can solve a lot in a democratic Belarus.", - said Lena Miro.

How many tears were and will be shed because of the desire of fathers and their new friends to have a living toy with them, and how terrible the life of those children who are bored with such “parents” is. The connection between mother and child is inherent in nature, and no one in the world can replace it - all the more, such people as the socialite Lushchik and the manager of the shooting club are outraged by bloggers.

Comments - 8

How many mongrels do not wash them off and remain)), a collective farm disgrace - who even broadcasts it?

It was just Lucy. Now Lucius! Simple and tasteful))) well done !!!