What does exercise therapy give - what is the use? Enrollment in circles, sports clubs, houses of creativity

Children's space "Tortuga"
m.Street 1905 Goda
0-11 years old
Cost: on weekdays 500 rubles. / 1 hour, 900 rubles / 2 hours, 1300 rubles / 3 hours. Each subsequent hour + 300 rubles,
on weekends 600 rubles / 1 hour, 1100 rubles / 2 hours, 1500 rubles 3 hours. Each subsequent hour + 300 rubles

A child can be brought to Tortuga for the whole day or for several hours. There is a nanny for kids. The space has two parts: a playground made from natural materials under the ceiling, and a space for creativity, as well as a kitchen for culinary master classes. “Tortuga” was created by Hovhannes Poghosyan, who develops a microcluster on the 2nd Zvenigorodskaya, and a child psychologist Anastasia Makhno.

Children's studio "Michelka"
Patriarch's Ponds
2-7 years old
Cost: game room - 500 rubles per hour, master class - 1000 rubles.

The studio was founded by designer Yuna Megre and producer Alexey Bokov. The main idea was to create a free environment for the play and creativity of children of different ages. Here no one is trying to raise children, here they just play with them. That is why “players” work in the studio instead of the usual educators. What to do - draw, sculpt, tinker - is always the child himself who chooses.

Hamleys Toy Store
M. Lubyanka / M. Kievskaya
Any age
Cost: Free

In toy stores, you can not only choose toys, but also play. Hamleys in Evropeyskiy has a LEGO play area, a table of creativity. The CDM on Lubyanka has a whole amusement park with a train for kids and a carousel. Animators work in all stores of the chain (from Friday to Saturday from 12.00, and in the CDM every day). In addition, various children's events are held in the stores.

Game Gallery sites
at different sites, until September 4, 2016 - Sokolniki Park
From 1 year
Cost: different, in Sokolniki for the summer from 600 rubles / children, 300 rubles / adults

The Game Gallery is best known for its Parovoziya project, which at various times takes place in the Moskvich cultural center and at other venues in Moscow. The project focuses on free play: anyone can come to play in their own rhythm and format. there are animators on the sites - you can turn to them in case of any difficulties, but they themselves do not interfere with the game and do not try to control it. The exception is the leading blocks of outdoor games and game experts explaining the rules of board games.

Cultural space "Bukvodom"
From 2 years
Cost: free, events - paid

Artsadik in "Mimidomik"
m. Red Gate
2 to 6 years old
Cost: from 2,500 rubles / day, 1,200 rubles. - class

Another 2-storey cozy house "Mimidomik", but in the Bauman Garden. Inside the space, there is an attic with windows where you can listen to fairy tales before bedtime. You can also go up to the second floor by a spiral staircase, and go down like a snake through a manhole (pictured on the right). During the academic year, Artsadik works at Mimidomik, where a child can be brought for a day or even one lesson. There is one group of children of different ages - from 4 to 6-7 years old. The garden has architectural and artistic, theater, photography and film workshops. In the summer there is a children's camp with a similar format, but for older children - 7-12 years old.

Children's clubs-restaurants "Ribambel"
m. Slavyansky Boulevard "Vremena Goda" / m. Prospekt Mira Botanichesky Lane
From 1 year (from 3 years old children can play on their own, up to 3 years old only with their parents)
Cost: Botanical Garden - unlimited: 450/900 rubles / weekdays / weekend. "Seasons" - unlimited 600 rubles. daily until August 21, 2016

One of the most amazing spaces for kids. The room is divided into zones: a playground with beautiful toy houses that you can enter and play (there is a hospital, a theater, a beauty salon, a supermarket, Snow White's house and others), an area for joint creativity and master classes, cafes and halls for children's parties , as well as an arena for those who still cannot walk, but really want to move. Animators work in all zones. The houses for children have themed costumes so that they can completely transform into their favorite characters. Moreover, the house you like can be bought and taken home.

Mamin Sadik
M. Chekhovskaya, Pushkinskaya
0 to 8 years old
Cost: classes - about 1,000 rubles / time

Another wooden house is located in the Hermitage Garden, right behind the cool playground. Mothers with babies love to come here - here you can relax, relax, have lunch, read, go to a class with a child (for example, to the Soft School).
Be careful - many activities will continue in the fall. Then the playroom will open.

Children's club "Smiley"
m.Park Pobedy
3 months to 7 years

Smiley has a kindergarten and a club, both of which work according to the principles of Montessori. Professional teachers look after the children here, daily classes are held in the Montessori environment. In the sensory zone, the child gets to know the shapes, colors, and also gains tactile experience by pushing, stringing and feeling objects. In the area of ​​creative development, he gets acquainted with modeling, drawing, applique; there is also a music zone. You can study with or without mom.
In the summer, a camp (from 1.5 years old) works in "Smiley": you can bring a child for 2 hours or for the whole day.

Of course, no house can be called truly happy if it does not hear ringing laughter and the clatter of children's feet. For parents, the appearance of a baby is boundless happiness and a colossal responsibility, because in addition to the fact that the baby needs to be given good nutrition, it is necessary to make a real person out of him to ensure a healthy lifestyle.

To put a note of mercy, to teach to give joy to others, to help choose the right direction in sports and creativity.

The harmonious development of a child is a difficult task for young parents, therefore it is necessary to closely monitor him and note for himself the preferred directions in creativity or sports affections.

The turning point in the life of every baby is considered to be three years old, it is at this time that parents can analyze the behavior of the baby and offer him the most suitable activities. The possibilities of a little person are endless, because right now the road to the world of creativity or sports opens up for him, right now, thanks to his parents, you can take a step towards a successful and interesting future.

The question of where to send a child at three years old is asked by almost all parents, because right now it is possible to lay the right direction in the physical and creative development of the baby. However, despite the observations and analysis of a child's character, it is quite difficult to choose the right hobby for a child, so it is necessary to rely on the many years of experience of psychologists and children's specialists who have developed a lot of unique techniques.

Today, any parent, regardless of education, can apply several simple techniques that will allow you to find out the baby's inclinations and choose the right direction for him.

How to understand what a child gravitates towards

It is very important to choose the right hobby for a young child, because it is the interest of the baby that will allow him to achieve good results. It is very important to motivate your little toddler and help him in all endeavors, thanks to the support of the parents, the baby will be able to enjoy engaging in a creative studio or sports section.

Three years is a rather small age, however, it is from this period that character begins to form, and the foundations of a small personality are laid, therefore psychologists advise choosing interesting hobbies of different directions for the baby. Today there are a lot of different circles for children from 3 years old, so there should not be any problems with the choice, the only thing that should be taken into account is the child's interest.

It is worth noting that at the age of three, boys and girls practically do not differ from each other, they are active, inquisitive, spontaneous, the formation of a personality by gender begins in babies much later, so you need to choose a hobby for a child based on his needs. An important aspect for future development is the specificity of the child's upbringing, the level of education of the parents and the direction of their thinking.

If creative disorder is welcomed in the family, kids grow up in harmony and tranquility, more often they open up creative abilities. In turn, families, where an important aspect of life is adherence to a schedule, full control of actions, children have a tougher character and prefer sports sections. Despite the character and attitude of the crumbs, it is best to offer several options, perhaps today's choice will be a wonderful future for him.

There is a fairly simple test of ability.

During one week, the child is shown various sports programs, then interesting pictures, poems, musical compositions are selected for him. A child of three years old quite easily chooses pleasant music or an interesting sport, based on weekly observations, you can suggest options for practicing.

Most often, a child at this age clearly articulates his preferences and tells his parents that he likes ballet or boxing. Try this exercise with your little man and everything will fall into place.

Unleashing a creative streak

After a long analysis of the behavior of your baby, you were able to determine his attachment to creativity, there is little left to do, you need to choose a narrow focus and start classes. In any Russian city, a large number of children's development and creativity studios are open, an important task for parents is to choose the right teacher and program that will correspond to the child's developmental level.

It is best to stop your choice on experienced people with a pedagogical education, they will be able to correctly convey to the child the prospects for development in one or another creative direction. At three years old, you can send your baby to a singing, dancing, drawing circle, a creative studio, as well as acting classes: it all depends on your choice and abilities.

Vocal lessons

Of course, playing musical instruments at this age is quite early, but you can start vocal lessons, this will help your child quickly learn to read, pronounce sounds correctly and control his voice.

We sculpt and draw

If your amazing child does not show love for vocals, you can offer a modeling or drawing circle, quite often at the age of three, children begin to draw amazing pictures. From early childhood, many eminent painters surprised their parents and those around them with interesting portraits, abstractions and still lifes, perhaps painting will open a child's love for sculpture.

School of acting

In addition to drawing and modeling classes, you can offer your kid training at an acting school; today, children's roles are quite in demand. In addition to choosing an actor's career, classes in such studios will allow the child to gain self-confidence, teach him how to properly stand in public and correctly present himself in society.

Thanks to training in acting studios, the child will have a clear understanding of how to behave in society, how to dress, what makeup to choose, what to do to make a good impression, but most importantly, the crumbs will have the opportunity to make a career in the film industry or on the stage.

Little writer

Very often, parents do not notice their child's craving for writing fairy tales and poetry, but it is at a young age that fantasy works great, and children can create real literary masterpieces. In some cities of our country there are special schools for little poets and writers, education there begins from three to five years, everything will depend on the abilities and talent.

Learning languages

If a child has excellent diction and an excellent memory, you can send him to a school for learning foreign languages, it is much easier to learn languages ​​at three years old, because the memory capacity is larger and the gameplay captivates the baby completely. When choosing a creative circle, you should not pin too many hopes on your child, select loads according to age and level of talent, so that mistakes and mistakes do not cause psychological trauma.


Maybe a child, a future Olympic champion?

From early childhood, we are told that there must be a healthy mind in a healthy body, so the child must develop not only spiritually, but also physically. It is quite difficult to choose a sports section for a child from 3 years old, because the body is just beginning to form and excessive loads can adversely affect the general state of health. A huge amount of energy is accumulated in the body of a growing person, which must be spent, respectively, physical activity is the best option. Modern children very easily receive information from various sources, so watching sports channels will allow you to determine his inclinations.

It is not an easy task to send a child to the sports section at the age of three, because it is necessary to take into account not only the abilities of the growing organism, but also future results. Most pediatricians identify several groups of physical activity in accordance with which you can choose a sport:

  • Moderate physical activity - gymnastics, swimming, acrobatics.
  • Average physical activity - dancing, football.
  • Sports sections with an increased level of activity - martial arts, figure skating, hockey.
  • Sport, first of all, is discipline and active physical development, therefore, when choosing in this direction, it is necessary to be guided by common sense and the real physical capabilities of the baby. Due to the high activity of young children, one should remember that playing sports is quite traumatic; approach the choice of a coach seriously and carefully.

    Based on the classification of psychologists and pediatricians, it is best to give a three-year-old child to sections that do not require heavy loads.

  • Choosing for your crumbs swimming, you will kill two birds with one stone at the same time, the baby will not only be able to perfectly learn to swim, he will perfectly develop his musculoskeletal system. Thanks to a moderate load, the lungs will straighten out, and their volume will increase, the child will no longer perceive water as a threat, which has a beneficial effect on the psyche.

  • Rhythmic gymnastics a great opportunity to physically develop your baby, introducing him to music and choreography at the same time. Thanks to the unique combination of dance and aerobics, the child will be able to learn perfectly, move, he will be interested in activities built in a playful way, and most importantly, this sport is included in the program of the Olympic Games. Perhaps by choosing this direction for your crumbs, you will present the country with another champion.

  • Circus studio, in particular acrobatics, will allow the child to overcome the fear of the public, which is important. At three years old, the baby's bones and joints are still very elastic, so it is much easier for him to perform various acrobatic ligaments, elements associated with stretching. Small children always enjoy success, this is what instills confidence in the baby.

  • Sports sections with an average level of physical activity are more popular because the dance and port play are great for boys and girls.

  • Dancing absolutely all kids like it, without exception, it doesn't matter whether it's boys or girls. Rhythmic movements to music delight toddlers. The child will teach how to move perfectly, listen to music and feel its rhythm, receive a lot of positive emotions and cheer up his parents with funny dances. The bulk of modern psychologists agree that it is dances that are a universal combination of physical activity and creativity. Many parents today believe that the choice of strength sports is the key to a successful career and life in general. Only a seasoned character will allow a person to achieve success in business and life, and this is very important in order to feel self-sufficient.

  • Hockey This is one of the strength sports in which not only physical strength is needed, but also intellect, in order to achieve results, children are sent to the section from the age of three. Toddlers are not yet afraid for their lives and easily perceive pain, therefore falls and bruises are not so important for them.

  • For the same reasons, you can choose and figure skating, an amazingly beautiful sport that will allow girls to be feminine and boys to be resilient and flexible.

  • In the past few years, the popularity of martial arts among children of three years of age has increased significantly. Classes karate, wushu, aikido, judo, taekwando allow you to harmoniously develop your child psychologically and physically. Children will learn to be brave and resilient, will be able to adequately assess the level of danger, feel the strength and be able to protect the weak. Thanks to oriental practices, a little person will have a love for the environment, care for his neighbor and the protection of his family, which is very important for any person.

  • A common mistake many parents make is that they try to implement failed projects through their children. Many people strive to send babies to the sections in which they wanted to study themselves, mothers prepare their babies as a photo model or an actress, completely forgetting about the true essence of their child.

    You should not place too much responsibility on the small shoulders of children, because if you have not achieved success in sports or creativity, this does not mean that children should fix everything for you. First of all, you need to focus on the real physical and intellectual abilities of the little one, understand and feel his needs. It is this approach that will allow the child to choose the right direction for further development.

    The best establishments in the opinion of site visitors

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    Lithuanian Boulevard, 42, bldg. 1, AcademClub

    "Quality and professional approach." - only 2 reviews
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    Kosmodamianskaya embankment, 4 / 22kA

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    Uspenskoe village, Sovetskaya street, 50B

    Categories: Music schools,

    m.Begovaya, 1st Horoshevsky pr-d, 4, building 1

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    Zvezdny Boulevard, 21, bldg. 1

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    st. Zemlyanoy Val, 27, building 3

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    Vereiskaya st., 29, p. 134

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    settlement Desenovskoe, 3rd Novovatutinskaya street, 13, bldg. 3

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    5th st. Yamskogo Fields, 27

    "I liked it very much in your center! Nice cozy atmosphere, very friendly staff. I would especially like to note the diversity ..." - only 1 review
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    Bolshie Kamenshiki street, 1

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    Malaya Yushunskaya st., 3, bldg. 5

    "A new interesting format of a coffee shop in a sports club, a pleasant team, a wonderful atmosphere and a variety of simulators :) Dovo ..." - 7 reviews total
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    Kirovogradskaya street, 5

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    st. Dobroslobodskaya, 5a

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    3rd Mytishchinskaya street, 16, bldg. 16

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    Categories: Sports sections, schools for children

    Welcome to our section "Children's clubs and sections in Moscow".

    First of all, you need motivation to practice! Modern children's clubs and sections in Moscow allow not only discovering talents and skills in children, but also contribute to the general development of a young organism. So that the child does not get bored, does not become a "hostage" of media broadcasting and the computer, he needs to be carried away, interested in more useful activities.

    Which section to send the child to?

    The rating of children's circles and sections differs in each locality. Somewhere in the first place is a visit to the pool, and somewhere the art school is more popular. For example, in small settlements, the popularity of a particular section often depends on the teacher in it. If he knows how to get along with children, and his activities are of interest to the child, then the student will definitely want to come back again. So, the most popular circles and sections for preschool and primary school children in Moscow:

    • Painting;
    • gymnastics, athletics;
    • skillful hands;
    • dancing;
    • swimming.

    Older children and adolescents are more interested in taking advanced courses and attending narrowly focused classes. This could be:

    • tourist club;
    • theatrical art circle;
    • learning to play a certain musical instrument;
    • sports (football, volleyball, tennis, etc.);
    • section of scientific and technical modeling.

    Circles and sections for teenagers often help them find a path in life and express their potential.

    In which circle to send a baby 3-4 years old in Moscow

    It is difficult to captivate the smallest children with something specific. And is it really necessary? Comprehensive development will only benefit and not bore the young environmental researcher. Therefore, children are recommended general developmental activities for children. On them, kids perform simple tasks useful for fine motor skills, play, listen to fairy tales and learn to communicate with peers.

    How to motivate a child to attend sections

    In order not to observe in their child a dislike for attending circles, parents should not force him and, most importantly, overload him. Do not replace your favorite games with sections. You should not create a frantic schedule of attending circles, according to which the child will not have time for elementary "useless" activities with his toys. Let the child attend one section, but with pleasure, of his own free will, than three or four, imposed by the parents.

    Be sure to find out reviews about children's clubs and sections in Moscow, which you are going to take your child to, in order to know more about the teacher, etc. And do not forget to praise your child for success!

    "Our children must be the very best." Many parents are convinced of this and are willing to spend a lot of time and energy to achieve what they want. Such a desire is commendable, because they are trying not only to put the child on his feet, but to help him achieve a truly bright and successful future. But it is unlikely that it will be possible to provide the child with all the necessary skills at home, since there is not enough personal experience. At such moments, parents wonder if where to send the child.

    First you need to decide on the age of the child. It is a misconception that young children cannot be additionally educated. On the contrary, it is at an early age that the inclinations for all arts, sports and sciences appear. It all depends on you, in which direction you push it, and so on. However, remember that if the child does not want to continue as they get older, they cannot be forced. Unless, of course, we are talking about studying. Although there are pitfalls here.

    Before talking about specific activities, let's look at some of the main characteristics of a child. Of course, age comes first. It is necessary to send children to some sections as early as possible, to others preferably later. Therefore, I will consider additional activities, primarily based on the age of the baby. Secondly, his physical characteristics. If the child is too weak, he should not be sent to sports that require high physical activity. Classes related to music, overly active, dancing are suitable for smart kids.

    By the way, if the child is already able to show his interest, be sure to take it into account. Try to interest him, tell us how great and fun it is there. But if the child categorically does not want, then you should not injure him either, it is better to find a more suitable option. By the way, at such moments the child becomes especially sensitive to being attached to his family. If he constantly cries and demands you back, take action. Never shout at him or exercise your strength. Just be honest, tell him that he is already big and that he needs to be independent.

    Don't forget to discuss your decision with your significant other. Even if you decide whether where to send the child to study, someone else's opinion is also important. In general, try to make all decisions about children together so that there are no unnecessary disagreements.

    A year is too small an age to start additional activities with a child, many parents believe. Indeed, it is so. In a year, the child is not yet formed even enough to be independently aware of his actions. Therefore, any additional activities will be irrelevant. Although, in some countries there are certain alternatives. I don’t know if they will appear in our country, but it’s not a bad idea.

    In Japan, kindergartens have been opened, which promise parents to raise brilliant children. They argue that the basic abilities of the child are laid precisely at this early age, therefore, it is necessary to start his development as early as possible. They offer to combine the work of a kindergarten and a development center. Classes take place in a rather interesting way. Educators carefully assess each child and offer each individual development program.

    Many believe that this idea will sooner or later be abandoned, as it is doomed to failure. I don't know how true she really is, but the approach is pretty interesting. It is a pity that the result will be seen only in a few years, when lucid entrepreneurs from Japan have already managed to wind up their business. Although, the sense in such activities, even minimal, but will be. They listen to classical music with children, talk, discuss pictures and do simple exercises. All this happens under constant control. Educators never break loose and do not "slap" on children.

    This, by the way, is good, since many parents are not able to constantly help their child to develop. Yes, they are able to satisfy some basic needs, but in order to achieve more, you need to put in incredible effort. They may get tired at work, they will have a bad day, and the constant activities with the child will sink into oblivion. For educators, such work is the main one, and given the level of responsibility of Japanese workers, there will be no need to worry about the result. You don't have to think about where to send the child per year.

    It should be said that such services are not cheap, but the demand for them is very high. As mentioned above, there are no analogues in Russia, but this does not mean that they will not exist at all. It seems to me that soon they will appear. But will they be in demand? Let's see. So far, the only alternative is regular kindergartens, despite the fact that every year it becomes more difficult to get there.

    Where to send a child 2, 3 years old

    At the age of two, children are not yet sufficiently prepared to fully develop their mental abilities, although there are still a couple of alternatives in this field. The best option is a language school or classes with tutors. Unfortunately, very few schools offer classes with groups of such a small age, but you can easily find a tutor. Starting from this age, awareness and understanding of speech begins to actively form. If you connect the study of foreign languages ​​to this, you can achieve a good effect. At least this is the best option, where to send a child 2 years old.

    It is even better if the child grows up in a family where the parents speak English fluently (you can see how quickly you can learn it). And if the parents know many languages, then it's just amazing. Imagine that your child will know several languages ​​from childhood, what opportunities will open up for him. Starting from banal work and study abroad and ending with higher positions at work. Yes, employers now value more people who can represent them in the international arena.

    The next option is sports. This is where you need to be very careful. It is known, for example, that in Korea children begin to learn figure skating from this age, but this is done by truly experienced instructors. Consider what kind of sport would be best for your little one. If it is still too small for him (for example, tennis or hockey), then it is better to postpone the lessons. Think about where to send the child to study... However, you can exercise with your child on your own.

    Best of all, if it is stretching exercises and some strength. Never overload it with work. Your child should enjoy this process. Surprisingly, too few parents pay much attention to the physical condition of their children. You can check it yourself by just looking out into the street, at the playground. How many fat kids can you see there? So many.

    The problem is that parents are used to just feeding their children and letting them go outside. They believe that sports clubs can change that, as if they are able to improve the physical condition of their children. Perhaps this is so, but a positive attitude towards sports should be formed, first of all, at home. If the parents do not lift the fifth point from the chair and cannot even bend over normally, then the child is unlikely to begin to engage in such exercises.

    Where to send a child 4, 5 years old

    But this is just the ideal period for a more massive study of sciences and sports. At this time, the child is literally on the red line and as soon as he makes an introductory shot, he must jerk towards his goals and desires. And you, his parents, should become a faithful assistant, coach and mentor. It doesn't matter who is reading this text, mom or dad, still try to make your child reach incredible heights.

    So, at this age, the child is standing. I will not describe this issue in detail, since you can read my article on this topic by clicking on the links. It is at this age that healthy thoughts begin to form in the baby, he begins to judge with abstract concepts, and learning is given as easy as possible. Therefore, if you want your child to achieve incredible success in science, start teaching him during this period.

    Classes in specialized classes for children will be most effective. That is, if you see your son / daughter as a mathematician, physicist or other, find thematic groups and enroll there. As a rule, they begin to consider basic scientific truths like "1 + 1 = 2" even before the school curriculum. In addition, they teach children to think outside the box, which will also have a good effect on their later life. Indeed, in any situation, they will be able to find an atypical approach. They certainly don't ask the question where better to give the child.

    This is also a golden time for sports. If you ask any famous athlete, what time he started his classes, then you will surely hear a figure of 4-5 years. This is indeed the most appropriate age for most sports. You can enroll your child in swimming, wrestling, soccer, or even athletics. But before that, carefully read the reviews about the institution and about the trainer.

    At first, it is best to go to classes with your child, especially if he has not been in contact with groups of children before. But this should be done only for the first time. He must get used to the fact that all responsibility for his actions lies only on his shoulders. Continually praise him and ask him how the workout went. Be sincerely interested in his affairs, attend competitions and support, then he will definitely not want to quit this sport. As a last resort, ask your significant other where to send the child 4 years old.

    By the way, do not forget to pay attention to nutrition. During a vigorous exercise, your child needs much more nutrients than before. He should only eat healthy foods. All this will allow his body to remain truly healthy and beautiful. Is that what you want?

    Where to send a child 6, 7, 8 years old

    At this age, the child begins to go to school. For some, this is the first experience of socialization, while others are already ready for the difficulties for which their primary education prepares. Homework is given incredibly little, so the child has a lot of free time, which he often wastes. So fix this situation and make your passing time really rich, rewarding and interesting.

    First, you can enroll in hobby groups. If we compare all the same Japan, then every student is obliged to go to some kind of circle. It doesn't matter if it is regular botany or archery. Talk to your child and find out which field of activity is most interesting for him. Try to find out if your school has similar activities. If not, then you will have to use the services of the Internet and the knowledge of friends.

    Secondly, there is still the same science and sport. At this age, children have much more opportunities than before. It is a sin not to take advantage of this. If your child has been doing something before, then keep moving in the same direction. If not, find the right program for him. And do not forget that your and his point of view about being interesting and necessary can be very different. You can even ask him where to send a child 6 years old.

    Thirdly, this age is ideal for sending your child to a music school. He will be able to finish it already in grades 6-7, which means that he will not only receive additional education, but will also become much more highly moral and quick-witted. If you give your little one early, he may face many problems that can take away his love of music. By the way, 80% of children leave the third grade of a music school, so try to get through this moment with your child and assure him that he will succeed.

    On this, dear friends, the post comes to an end. I would be glad if he helped you answer the question of where to send your child. Do not forget to ask your questions in the comments, as well as subscribe to updates. Do you want to be the first to receive new interesting posts? Bye!

    Ekaterina Morozova

    Reading time: 29 minutes

    A A

    There are many components of a child's health. This includes food, daily routine, and fresh air. And also, of course, movement and optimal physical activity. And if a teenager already knows which section to enroll in, then the kids go to the gym "at the behest" of their parents.

    Where to give your child 4-7 years old, so as not to harm his health and wake up the athlete sleeping in the child?

    Figure skating

    Age limits. The optimal age is from 4-5 years old (if you want to do it professionally). It is possible even after 6, but it will be more difficult to raise a professional athlete.

    What is the benefit?

    • Training of coordination of movements, eyes, ligaments, flexibility.
    • Strengthening all muscle groups.
    • Improving endurance, immunity, performance.
    • Improvement of blood circulation, work of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.


    • Unfortunately, the risk of injury is very high.
    • Figure skating is an expensive sport! Get ready for serious spending if you decide to send your child to professional sports.
    • Finding a good coach is not an easy task. But it depends on him exactly how the child "gets up" on the ice (it will be impossible to correct the mistakes of an illiterate coach later), whether the child will like the lessons, and whether he wants to overcome difficulties, of which there will be a lot.


    • Serious stage of flat feet or clubfoot.
    • Nervous system problems.
    • Visual impairment.
    • Disorders of the vestibular apparatus.
    • Asthma, lung disease.
    • Recent illness.

    • Sports suit (for skating on an indoor skating rink).
    • Thermal underwear, overalls (for outdoor riding).
    • Gloves, socks.
    • Skates and covers for them.
    • Additional / means of protection. That is, knee pads, elbow pads (thin, not restraining the child's movements) and a helmet. This item is only for toddlers taking 1st steps on ice. For training, these means of protection are superfluous.
    • If desired: protective shorts (approx. - protection of the coccyx, hips due to special / inserts).
    • For performances: suit.


    Optimal age for a start - from 4-10 years old. Moreover, at 4-6 years of age, trainings are, rather, health-improving and developmental classes with "elements" of tennis. Since the age of 7, tennis is already played in pairs and more seriously.

    What is the benefit?

    • Strengthening the cardiovascular system.
    • Development of speed, coordination, reaction, flexibility and endurance.
    • Prevention of the development of myopia.
    • Improvement of blood circulation and activation of the respiratory system.
    • Developing intuition, mindfulness, strategy and tactics.
    • Minimum trauma!


    • The presence of problems with the spine (especially in the cervical spine), intervertebral hernia.
    • Nearsightedness, other visual impairments.
    • Peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract.
    • Developmental disorders of connective / tissue.
    • Problems with joints, musculoskeletal system, blood vessels and heart.
    • Problems in the field of neurology.
    • And flat feet.


    • The high cost of training. And even more so with a personal trainer.
    • Difficulty finding a professional coach.
    • The risk of developing scoliosis with an illiterate distribution of the load on the child's body.

    Equipment - what should you buy?

    • Sports uniforms. Usually a T-shirt and shorts (T-shirt and skirt). Lightweight, cotton, not restricting movement.
    • Sneakers.
    • Headdress.
    • Racket and cover.
    • Extras / equipment: balls (for training outside the gym), racket strings, wristbands, etc.


    Optimal age for the start - at 4-5 years old. It is possible earlier, but classes for such crumbs are not sports, but pleasure and general health promotion. It is better to go to sports at a more or less conscious age. The pool is indicated for obesity and scoliosis, diabetes mellitus and myopia.

    What are the benefits:

    • Prevention of diseases of the spine.
    • Prevention of colds.
    • Hardening, increasing immunity.
    • Strengthening of immunity and development of all body systems.
    • Improving blood circulation.
    • Treatment of injuries and assistance with rehabilitation after operations.


    • Unfortunately, not all pools are perfectly clean and safe. Water purification takes place in different ways, and not always of high quality.
    • Chlorinated water can lead to allergies.
    • At first, there is a runny nose and a cold (especially if the rules of the pool are not followed - for example, when jumping out on the street after a workout with undried hair).
    • Chronic rhinitis often develops (approx. - professional "sore") or skin problems from constant contact with chlorinated water.


    • Heart problems (such as heart disease).
    • Bowel disorder.
    • Skin diseases.
    • Viral infections.
    • Allergies and Indus / Contraindications.
    • Dislocation of the hip / joint, as well as joint diseases.
    • Renal and heart failure.
    • Convulsions.

    Equipment - what should you buy?

    • Swimsuit or swimming trunks.
    • By all means a swimming cap.
    • Washable non-slip flip flops and (to avoid eye irritation) swimming goggles.
    • And additionally - soap with a washcloth and a towel.


    Optimal age to start - 5-6 years. But you can put your baby on skates and train endurance from 3-4 years old.

    What is the benefit?

    • Development of endurance, coordination of movements, a sense of balance.
    • Strengthening the immune system, bones, ligamentous and musculoskeletal system.
    • Exercise the nervous system.
    • Strengthening blood circulation.
    • As well as the formation of responsibility, discipline, self-organization.


    • High risk of injury.
    • The high cost of equipment.


    • Visual impairment.
    • Heart disease.
    • Instability of the cervical vertebrae.
    • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
    • As well as flat feet and clubfoot.
    • Asthma.

    Equipment - what should you buy?

    • Hockey stick.
    • A set of special skates.
    • A helmet with a mask and leg protection are required.
    • Elbow pads.
    • T-shirt with leggings.
    • Special gloves.
    • Pants and a shell (approx. - to protect the chest).
    • Thick gloves.
    • Thermal underwear.

    Oriental martial arts

    Optimal age to start - 6 years. It is at this age that the child will be ready to listen and obey. There are groups of earlier age, but they suggest a rather playful, light program for general preparation.

    What is the benefit?

    • General hardening of the body and active physical development.
    • Getting self-defense skills (which is extremely useful in our time).
    • Overcoming fears, phobias, timidity.
    • Education of courage, courage.


    • Choosing a coach is the most important thing! It depends on him whether the child becomes a pugnacious and aggressive fool or a self-possessed, courageous and strong leader who understands the essence of martial arts.
    • Not every type of martial arts is suitable for a child who has never played sports.
    • There is still a risk of injury. Most often these are sprains and ligament ruptures.


    • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
    • Any "sores" in the acute stage.
    • Diseases of the spine, vision and kidneys.
    • Problems with the musculoskeletal system.

    Equipment - what should you buy?

    • For a start - a sports suit that does not restrict movement.
    • Further, it all depends on the chosen sport. For example, a kimono, special trousers and a belt. The investment is small.


    Optimal age to start - 5-6 years. From this age they are already admitted to the section. And at 3 years old, you can start with rhythm and game dances.

    What is the benefit?

    • General development of the body, coordination of movements and increased immunity.
    • Development of flexibility, musicality, plasticity, grace.
    • Development of taste.
    • Formation of a beautiful posture, figure.
    • A great opportunity to lose weight.
    • Respiratory system development and prevention of colds / diseases.


    • Risk of injury. Usually these are sprains, dislocations and fractures.
    • Strong competition. Not always healthy. Alas, there are a lot of envy and anger in dancing among competitors.
    • Extremely high (practically "sky-high") prices for costumes, as well as for participation in competitions.


    • Strong flat feet.
    • Vertebral hernia.
    • "Running" problems with the spine.
    • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

    Equipment - what should you buy?

    • Quality footwear.
    • Training suits, gym shoes.
    • Costumes and footwear for performances.


    Optimal age - from 4-5 years old. These classes (note - general physical fitness) are conducted in many schools and clubs.

    What is the benefit?

    • Development of flexibility, endurance.
    • Prevention of many diseases, strengthening the immune system.
    • Strengthening muscles, spine, improving the functioning of all body systems.
    • Excellent preparation for school.

    It is shown OFP in the presence of problems with posture, with hyperactivity and frequent colds.


    It should be noted that there are practically no contraindications to OFP. And if they are available, instructors simply reduce the load and select the desired program with elements of exercise therapy.

    Equipment - what should you buy?

    A comfortable tracksuit and high-quality shoes will suffice.

    Exercise therapy

    Children are given here from 5 years old according to indications. As a rule, with disorders of the neuromuscular or musculoskeletal system.

    What does exercise therapy give - what is the use?

    • Correct development of the body, increased immunity.
    • Activation of metabolic processes.
    • The development of the respiratory system, as well as the improvement of the heart and gastrointestinal tract.
    • Relaxation and calming effect.
    • Increased joint mobility.
    • Prevention of scoliosis and flat feet, gastrointestinal disorders and bronchitis, developmental / growth retardation.


    They are usually short-lived and / or relative:

    • Muscle clamps in case of curvature of the vertex / axis of the trunk.
    • Infringement of the nerve root.
    • Severe pain syndrome.
    • Diseases in the acute stage.
    • Violation of blood supply in the cerebral / vertebral vessels.
    • Oncology.
    • Progressive pathology is irreversible / character.

    What to buy?

    You will need comfortable cotton clothing that does not squeeze the organs and absolutely does not restrict movement.


    Children are usually taken to kickboxing after 10 years of age. But if the child is really interested, and the coach is loyal, and health allows, then you can come to classes from 6-7 years old.

    What is the benefit?

    • Cardio and power loads.
    • Successful fight against excess weight.
    • Build strong muscle mass.
    • Improving the condition of the musculoskeletal system.
    • Reducing the risk of fractures.
    • Improving flexibility, posture, reaction, coordination.
    • Getting rid of stress, negative emotions, fears and shyness.


    • Joint problems.
    • Diseases of the spine.
    • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.

    Equipment - what should you buy?

    • Shorts and T-shirt. Cotton, comfortable, free.
    • Helmet (approx. - with reinforced top / part).
    • Boxing gloves and elastic bandages.
    • Inguinal sink (approx. - regardless of gender).
    • Protective bandage - for girls.
    • Closed heel feet (rarely sneakers).
    • Protective jersey / knee pads, plus elbow pads and always shin braces.


    Optimal age to start - 6-7 years. However, there is no rigid framework here. This martial art can be practiced at both 5 and 20 years old.

    What is the benefit?

    • Muscle development through stretching, acrobatics, martial arts and gymnastics.
    • The necessary cardio and strength loads.
    • Development of endurance, coordination, flexibility, plastics.
    • Stretching of joints, spine, whole body.
    • Active fat burning.
    • The opportunity to play sports at any weight, height and physical / fitness, and even the whole family!
    • Combat without aggression and anger! The sea of ​​positive, the game, the unification of rivals!
    • Fight against fears, shyness, shyness.


    • Low percentage of professional trainers.
    • Form is difficult to find. It has to be ordered and "caught".
    • Professional sports involves not only the study of martial arts, but also playing muses / instruments, etc.
    • Traveling outside the country will require a lot of money.


    • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
    • Diseases for which physical activity is not recommended.
    • Injuries.

    Equipment - what should you buy?

    • For a start - a regular sports or "fitness" suit.
    • Comfortable shoes with thin soles.
    • The form will be needed later, and the coach will tell you where to get it.


    What is the benefit?

    • Harmonious and correct development of the body.
    • Strengthening metabolism.
    • Improving mental and mental performance.
    • Optimal expenditure of excess children's energy and activity.
    • Training of all muscle groups.
    • Getting rid of childish clumsiness, training the vestibular apparatus.


    • High risk of injury. Usually - sprains, bruises when falling.


    • Scoliosis.
    • Severe myopia.
    • Problems of the musculoskeletal system.
    • Asthma and epilepsy.
    • Cardiovascular diseases.

    Equipment - what should you buy?

    Nothing special is required. The main thing is that the clothes "breathe" and do not hinder the movements of the child.

    From the age of 4 you can already visit the pony club. And for serious horseback riding - only after 6 years.

    What is the benefit?

    • First of all, this is "hippotherapy", which many do not even suspect. Riding a horse and communicating with the animal itself contributes to rapid recovery from injuries and the strengthening of a stable mental state. There are many in equestrian sports both disabled children and children with autism and cerebral palsy.
    • Improving balance, gait, well-being.
    • Relaxing powerful effect.
    • The ability to play sports even with physical limitations.
    • Strengthening the activity of the nervous system.
    • Development of back and leg muscles, balance and coordination.

    As for the disadvantages sports - they are not.

    But contraindications are still present:

    • Heart disease.
    • Thrombosis.
    • Diseases of HTA and groin area.

    Equipment - what should you buy?

    If you decide to go into professional sports, then look for ...

    • Tight leggings (approx. - with a flat inside / seam).
    • Shoes with small heels and smooth soles.
    • A jacket or sweater that helps the trainer control the fit of the child.
    • Helmet.
    • Gloves.
    • Protective vest.
    • Special / equipment for a horse (not immediately, but needed).

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