What a 10 month old baby should be able to do. The child's daily menu and meal schedule for the eleventh month of life. How to teach your child to speak and understand speech

During the 10th month, the baby gains up to 450 grams of weight. And its growth is a little slower than before - up to 1.5 cm.On average, the growth of a baby at 10 months can reach 9500, and growth - up to 76 cm.

If your baby is growing faster or slower, don't worry. Each has its own characteristics of growth and development. But if the growth and weight of the baby during these 10 months was spasmodic - the child either grew and got better, then remained in place, you should definitely discuss this with the pediatrician. These can be symptoms of various diseases, sometimes hidden.

Baby sleep at 10 months

At night, a child at 10 months sleeps almost without waking up - up to 12 hours in a row. And on the day, his sleep should also be mandatory at least 2 times - up to 2 hours at a time. This is very important for the height and weight of the child, who must get enough sleep. If a child does not get enough sleep, he does not grow and recover as quickly and well.

If the child does not get enough sleep during the day, then most likely. At night, he will also wake up and not let his parents sleep. Therefore, it is very important to observe the sleep and rest routine of the baby at 10 months. It is important to adhere to such a schedule as long as possible - up to about one and a half years. Then the baby will be sick less than his peers, and will develop better.

The development of the child's speech at 10 months

Your baby's babbling at 10 months is just like real words. The toddler is interested in what he has to say and will continue to “talk” if he is praised for it or engages in conversation. When he tries to say a few words, such as "eye" on the toe, the child will really like it if you praise him, "Yes, these are your socks."

If the child previously only crawled, now he is trying to walk and stand. The child will cling to furniture (or your legs!) To learn how to stand.

When will the baby start to walk at 10 months?

A child at 10 months can already crawl on his hands and knees. The child tried to crawl before, but now he crawls more and more confidently and picks up speed. Your child can even sit quite confidently without leaning on the arms.

The child can also stand up independently from a sitting position. He may even start walking, holding on to the furniture, letting go of the furniture for a moment, and standing unsupported.

Now the child will begin to study the house very carefully and with great curiosity. He may try to crawl up stairs or steps, so always be there for support.

Your child can move as he wants, even when you are holding his hands. He may even try to get down and grab the toy when you are holding his hand. The magical first steps towards independence for a 10 month old baby are just around the corner. And you will have to spend a lot more time parenting and keeping your baby safe as soon as your baby can walk!

Communication of a child at 10 months

The personality of a child at 10 months is developing rapidly. His social skills are improving, and he may well bestow big smiles on everyone he meets. A child at this age may already be a little shy, hiding his face when he sees other people's uncles and aunts.

The child more and more willingly repeats the sounds, gestures of adults, he already knows how to wave his hand when he sees that you are leaving. He very quickly understands what is possible and what is not, but he already expresses his own opinion when he does not want something. For example, if you want to carry him to a car seat or put him in a stroller.

Why does a 10-month-old baby get upset about things that didn't bother him before?

A 10-month-old baby may be intimidated by things that haven’t bothered him before, such as when someone rings the doorbell or on the phone. When this happens, it is best for parents to reassure the baby. Tell him that you are near, and he will understand it perfectly. Over time, the child's fear will pass. The child just needs additional hugs and words of comfort from the adults while he calms down because of the sounds and images that upset him.

Does the child at 10 months understand the words and phrases of adults?

Your child is just beginning to understand many simple words and phrases, so now it is more important than ever to have a conversation with him. You will help your child learn new words by repeating their attempts to pronounce them the way they need to. For example, if a child points to his bottle of milk and says: "Buta" you can also point to the bottle and answer: "Yes, this is your bottle."

While we can sometimes feel silly talking to our child in his language, it is a great way to encourage his speech and listening skills. He always answers the way he knows how. Your child may smile a lot and babble more than you can handle. But soon, instead of incomprehensible babbling, you will hear from the baby individual words or gestures that you already understand. In addition to words, the child also has access to other forms of communication, such as individual syllables, sounds and gestures.

Explaining to a child at 10 months, step by step, what you are doing, with a description of colors, sizes, actions is also a very good move for the development of his speech. When you put your baby in the stroller to go out for a walk, tell him something like this, "Now you will be walking in your blue stroller. I will dress you in your favorite blue coat so that you will not freeze. Now we will go to the park."

You can also tell him nursery rhymes with gestures. Which illustrate your words. Play games with your child that are accompanied by nursery rhymes and counting rhymes. It develops the child's vocabulary very well.

It will associate words with people and actions faster.

What if the baby is not developing normally at 10 months?

Each child is unique and follows physical development at their own pace. What you read on the Internet is just guidelines for how your child should develop, if not now, then soon.

If your baby was born prematurely, it may take a little longer before he can do the same as other babies his age. This is why, in most babies born prematurely, doctors evaluate:

Chronological age, which is calculated from the date of birth of the child

Correction for age, which is calculated based on the period of bearing the child.

You should be looking at the development of the premature baby versus his adjusted age, not his actual date of birth. And the doctors will help you assess the development of the child at 10 months and his skills and give the necessary recommendations.

Finally, the first "round" date - 10 months. The kid has become so nimble that sometimes his mother does not keep up with him. The character of the child is being formed, and the serious, meaningful expression on the face of the baby evokes a touching smile from all relatives. Whether the baby is able to do everything that is supposed to be at this age and whether his development is normal, you will find out by reading this article.

The main thing in the article

Child development norms at 10 months

Each baby develops in its own way, but there are certain stages that, by the end of the first 10 months, all babies have already passed.

According to the average norms adopted to prevent the baby from lagging behind peers, a child at 10 months should be able to:

Physical development of the child at 10 months

  • The weight of a 10 month old crumbs should be 6.5-10 kg, 400-450 g is considered a normal increase per month.
  • Height should reach 66-72 cm for girls, and 69-75 cm for boys, if your baby is more or less, do not be upset, because these are average norms.
  • There are usually 6, 4 upper and 2 lower teeth at this age, but it all depends on the genetic predisposition. In some, only the first tooth appears at 10.
  • The baby should sleep 14 hours a day.

At 10 months of age, you should visit a health center and see your pediatrician for an assessment of your physical and mental development.

Emotional and social behavior of a child at 10 months

  • The first emotional reactions to various actions appear.
  • To “express” his emotions, he uses movements and facial expressions.
  • Excitedly reacts to everything new.
  • Learns to play with children.

Child's speech at 10 months

  • The first clear words "mom", "dad" appear. Usually a child makes dad happy by saying the first word "dad".
  • Tries to conduct a dialogue with parents, in "his" language.

Development of motor skills and statics of the child at 10 months

  • Crawls well and fairly quickly.
  • Stands alone with support.
  • He makes the first attempts to walk, holding the hand of his parents.
  • There is a sense in the movements, they are done purposefully.
  • She takes out and collects toys.
  • Knows how to correctly fold the pyramid.
  • Knows how to take an object with two fingers.

Sensory reactions of a baby at 10 months

  • Imitates adults, copies movements, speech.
  • Knows the name of objects and body parts.

What a baby should be able to do at 10 months

  • Develop independence. The development of the musculoskeletal system is nearing completion. He sits on his own for a long time and stands on his legs, begins to learn to walk. It's time to accustom him to independence, to fall asleep alone in his crib, to sit on the pot.
  • Play educational games. These include catch-up, when the mother with the words "catch up, catch up" crawls after him. The well-known game of "cuckoo" takes on a special meaning and causes a storm of emotions in the crumbs. Teach him how to do the magpie-crow, it will help to have fun.
  • Knows what a ban is. At 10 months, the child should clearly understand the forbidden words and show a reaction when he hears them.
  • Overcome obstacles. Now a small step, a huge toy and other things for the movement of the crumbs are no longer an obstacle. He knows how to climb over them. You should also show him that it is necessary to get off the bed or sofa with the booty back.

Child's day regimen at 10 months

The biorhythm of each child is individual, so someone goes to bed early in the evening, and someone gets up early. Some eat only during the allotted hours, while others also have a snack. But a regime is a regime, and no one canceled the daily repetition of the same actions.

  • Dream. The night sleep of a 10 month old baby is 10-12 hours. If at 9 months you did not do this, then now is the time to transfer your naps from three to two naps for 1.5-2 hours at a time. One feeding is allowed at night if the baby is breastfed.
  • Nutrition. During this period, acquaintance with the products ends. Fermented milk products are introduced, and fruits appear in the diet. Nutrition crumbs six times a day, every 4-5 hours, the first and last - breast milk or mixture. You can read more about the introduction of certain products in the article
  • Walking. It is very important to walk with your baby in the fresh air. In the warm season, you should walk 2 times for 2.5-3 hours. Such walks should not fall on the hottest time, as the baby can get heatstroke. In winter, the walk can last from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours.
  • Wakefulness. The child's wakefulness period is approximately 4 hours between sleep. At this time, he actively plays, eats and goes for a walk. When it's time for bed, the baby shows his mother that he wants to sleep, starting to rub his eyes. It is very important to lay him down at this moment, otherwise the crumb will "go overboard" and then a whole day of whims is provided.

Baby care and nutrition at 10 months

The health and further development of the baby depends on how the mother takes care of her baby. The daily routine of a 10 month old baby includes sleep, feeding and active spending time.

  1. The air temperature in the room remains the same 19-20 ° C, daily ventilation and wet cleaning are not canceled.
  2. Bathing can be done every other day. Water temperature 33-34 ° С, air temperature 21-24 ° С. Children quickly fall asleep after water procedures.
  3. Do gymnastics in the morning. For her, circular movements with arms and legs, their bending and unbending are suitable. You can finish the procedure with a relaxing massage.
  4. Carry out morning hygiene: washing, washing (after removing the diaper after the night).
  5. You can use a walker, this will stimulate the baby to walk as quickly as possible.

By the end of the 10th month, daytime breastfeeding is completely replaced, with "adult" products, the child is transferred to a common table. Breast and mixture are given only at bedtime and in the early morning.

During this period, the child needs vitamins and minerals, so the diet should be balanced. An approximate baby menu is five times a day and looks like this:

  • Breakfast- breast milk or formula.
  • Lunch- porridge, juice or tea.
  • Dinner- vegetable soup, meat or fish, compote.
  • Afternoon snack- cottage cheese, apple.
  • Dinner- breast milk or formula.

If the baby already has teeth at 10 months, then stimulate him to chew food. Grind food not with a blender, but knead with a fork.

  1. Talk to your child. Respond, to his babbling, with quite normal speech, maintaining a dialogue with him. Do this slowly so that the baby can make out and remember the words spoken. At the same time, show or point to the object you are talking about.
  2. Call the baby by name. So that the baby perceives himself as a separate person and knows that this is about him, call him by name. "Liza take a spoon", "Now Liza has a spoon" "Liza will go out into the street."
  3. Give him free rein. The child is very active, give him the opportunity to throw out energy. Fence off part of the room for the baby by removing traumatic objects from there. Let it creep in plenty.
  4. Explain to your child what is allowed and what is not.... Since the child is studying the world around him with might and main, then you should show him things that should not be done. For example, take a mug of hot liquid and let the child touch it for a second, while saying that it is hot and should not be touched. After several such lessons, the kid himself will feel where it is hot and defiantly to show or "say" that it should not be touched.
  5. Develop your baby. At this age, you can get acquainted with pencils and plasticine. Turn the process into a fun game. If the child will not be interested in the proposed activity, do not insist, the time will come, and you will not pull him away from him.

Ten months- an interesting age in the development of a child. Follow its development, pay attention to the necessary skills, teach independence. Time will fly by and you will remember the first step, the first word, a serious reaction. And here's what to expect next month, you can read in the article:.

At 10 months, the baby became more energetic and quicker, and, imitating the elders, tries to be independent, does everything "like a big one." Just try to limit him in something - he expresses his displeasure, is indignant. When you play the game "Where are you?" With him, the kid hides with pleasure and waits for him to be found. And then there is no limit to delight. Sometimes he is shy - he hides his mother's face, and sometimes he is cheerful and sociable, “talks” with strangers, feels them, examines them.

He is no longer surprised if you plant him on a pot, tries to take his first independent steps, sits well and crawls perfectly. Of course, a bottle of porridge is more convenient for a 10-month-old baby, but he can perfectly drink from a cup and eat almost all food with adults. In general, playing and observing, the kid gains knowledge, experience, but loves very much when he is encouraged, approved and helped.

Child development at 10 months (what should be able to)

Over the past month, the baby can gain about 400-450 grams, grow by 1.5-2 cm (up to about 72-80 cm). Boys in the eleventh month of life may be slightly larger than girls (a couple of centimeters).

In addition, the baby will already be able to:
- imitate the speech of adults;
- laugh at jokes;
- insert an object into a hole or other object;
- play with small objects, sort them out, fold them;
- get other items with a toy;
- play with big toys - roll a ball, move a car or a wheelchair;
- chewing solid food;
- to be interested in other children.

At the request of adults, the baby can perform familiar actions - sit, lie, roll over, dress or take off clothes, dance. He already knows how to go down the stairs (still by the handle with his mother), remembers where toys or interesting objects are. At the table, she bites solid foods and chews them. Interestingly, at 10 months, babies can already choose what they like best, and this skill needs to be developed. You can talk to your child - he babbles all the time, imitating the intonations of adults - and he loves very much when he is answered in tone. The more you communicate with him, the sooner he will begin to speak words, and he will learn more about real human communication.

Baby care at 10 months

In order for the child to be constantly in a good mood, you need to do the morning toilet with pleasure. Washing your face, cleaning your nose, swimming - all activities must be carried out in a playful way. Make sure that the daytime sleep takes place in a quiet, calm environment, so that the baby has a good rest and does not overexcite, or, on the contrary, does not become lethargic and moody. At 10 months, children sit firmly enough, got rid of the fear of doing it on their own, so they can be actively potty trained. It is good if you teach your baby to order by playing and then putting toys in a certain place.

If you set an example yourself, constantly putting away toys, and then ask the baby for help, he will be happy to carry out various assignments. Sometimes he himself takes the initiative, choosing an occupation to his liking. He can get used to his duties - serving mom, choosing the right book, laying out the cutlery. In doing so, it will be easier for you to accustom your child to the daily routine - he will know what to prepare for a walk, reading a book or sleeping.

Nutrition for a baby at 10 months

At the tenth month, milk nutrition (breast milk or an adapted formula) is supplied to the child 2-3 times a day (200 ml each). The rest of the meals are similar to adults - these are the first and second, meat, vegetable dishes, mashed potatoes, juices. Of course, it is still far from fried sausage, sausages or hot spices. You should not force events, it is better to give the baby separate pieces of boiled vegetables and fruits. Most mums wean their baby gradually this month. It is best to do this at the last feeding - giving the baby kefir instead of breast milk. Teach your child to take food with a spoon. The chewing reflex is practiced on crackers or biscuits, pieces of fruit, boiled potatoes.

Child's day regimen at 10 months

At night, the baby sleeps for about 11 hours. At this age, the daily routine remains almost unchanged. Morning procedures consist in washing with warm water, washing hands, combing hairs. Sleep twice a day is okay, but some babies sleep once (2.5 hours). Accordingly, the waking time of the baby increases, when you can play and work out with him, do massage, exercise. It is very important to spend a lot of time outdoors - make sure your clothes are suitable for the air temperature.

Sleeping or playing in the air is beneficial for a child's development. Wet rubdowns can be alternated with dousing. At a distance of 20-30 cm from the baby's body, direct a hose with warm water to him. Start at 36 degrees and gradually lower the temperature. It is good to carry out such procedures after lunch, when the child has slept and is full of vigor and strength. First, you can carry out a gymnastics complex.

Activities with a child at 10 months (how to develop)

At this age, babies are attracted to different musical instruments, drums, various sound and light toys. They do not really like to sit in the arena themselves and constantly demand attention, participation in adult entertainment. Use this time to develop various skills, for example, "Tunnel" develops perception - make a tunnel out of the box and call the baby. Let him crawl towards you and observe how your face changes as you get closer.

Another game is "round dance". Dance with the doll and then invite your baby. If he likes movement, swap him with the doll and dance together, and then give him the doll and have him teach the doll to dance. Stomp your feet, clap your hands - do other dance moves as well. A simple game develops coordination of movements, it is fun and interesting, and after a while the child will be able to dance while communicating with other children.

“Learning to Throw” - get a special box into which you can throw various objects - rattles, small balls, sonorous unbreakable objects. Move the box to the other side so that the baby stretches, moves objects to the other hand, or throws with both hands at the same time. This exercise develops the ability to manipulate, develop motor skills.

Games and toys for babies at 10 months

Fine motor skills are also developed by drawing, modeling, fingering buttons or beans, pouring large cereals. Do not leave babies during this time so that they do not "taste" these items. Action toys are much more useful - roll a ball, build a house, build a pyramid. Raise the baby in these months - let him fold toys "like a mother." Read and review large picture books with them. The kid imitates adults, and remembers many fairy tales by heart.

Let him look at the pictures himself - let him turn the pages - this also helps to develop motor skills. To keep your baby entertained while waiting, play your favorite counting games with him. Do not forget to wash toys with soap and rinse well. Rubber and silicone toys are the easiest to care for. Today, as in the old days, wooden toys are popular, which must be looked after in the same way. Change toys periodically so that they do not get bored, and after a while return them to keep the child interesting.

Medical follow-up at 10 months

Medical supervision at this stage is routine - examination by a pediatrician, assessment of motor and motor skills. As expected, weight and height are measured, hip joints, testicles are examined, and a possible hernia is detected. The BCG sign is evaluated. Consultations of narrow specialists are required only when violations are detected. Additionally, a new action appears - a dental examination. It's time to examine the presence of teeth and the condition of the child's oral cavity. The examination of the pediatrician is carried out on the basis of the recommendations of the World Health Organization, with the aim of prevention and close cooperation with the parents of the child of pediatric specialists.

What's inside?

At this age, the baby begins to understand that there are connections between objects. But he still does not know that connections can be invisible - therefore, he examines the telephone receiver with interest after talking with his grandmother or tries to look inside the toy. At this age, children, satisfying their curiosity, often break toys, can look at what a doll or a car consists of. You should not scold the child if he unscrewed the head of the kule. trying to find out what is inside her - he is just trying to find answers to his questions. the main thing is patience and consistency when using the word "no".

Young talent

If the child is familiar with drawing with paints or felt-tip pens, the baby can draw a certain object, confidently moves his finger or pencil over the paper. He tears off the plasticine in small pieces and presses them against the board. Of course, all these actions need to be dealt with, teach him modeling, drawing, allow him to knead dough and sculpt dumplings or dumplings with his mother.

Does the baby not crawl?

Do not worry if a normally developing child is not crawling at the current time - some originals simply do not like it - they immediately get on their feet, communicate more, and develop fine motor skills. The child's personality, individuality manifests itself in different ways, it is quite possible that he will suddenly begin to crawl, while inventing a manner that is understandable to him alone. Do not rush the baby, try to understand his pace and adjust to it - as a rule, such children very quickly catch up with their peers, mastering the skills of movement and movement much faster.

Useful fun:

- Let the baby climb onto the sofa on its own and climb off it, walk along the support or "by the handle", the main thing is that he does not break his nose or injure his knee. Secure the crumb, lay out a few pillows near the sofa. Make for him a real obstacle course from a small chair, box, pillow, so that the child climbs, tries to get through it.

In the tenth month, babies are extremely mobile and active. Many are already on their feet and are even trying to take their first steps. At this age, you can notice the desire for independence and the manifestation of individuality in the child. In the article we will consider the features of the development of a ten-month-old baby. And we will find out what a child should be able to do at this age.

Physiological characteristics

Due to activity and movement, the rate of increase in the child's weight is slightly reduced compared to previous months. At this age, the baby is already showing character. He can actively move and babble, or, conversely, be calm and concentrate on something.

The physiological change and development of a child at 10 months is manifested in the fact that several teeth can already grow in a baby. As a rule, these are two upper and two lower central incisors. However, don't worry if you don't have teeth yet. They may not appear until one year old.

A ten-month-old baby no longer lies or sleeps most of the time. He actively moves and crawls, sits down on his own, plays, stands on his legs and begins to walk. Therefore, he may slightly lose, maintain or add very little mass. A boy gains an average of 100-600 grams. A girl can add 100-500 grams.

Body length, on the contrary, increases by about one and a half centimeters. The average height and weight of a baby is 8-11 kg and 67-76 centimeters. By the way, the taller the baby, the faster he gains in body weight. How to calculate the specific weight and height of a child at 10 months, see.

Daily regime

At the age of ten months, babies sleep about eight hours at night and three hours during the day. The number of naps is reduced to two, each of which lasts 1.5 hours. At this age, the child eats five times, while most of the diet is complementary foods. Whereas breastfeeding or formula only takes two meals. Night feeds are already completely excluded. The kid must sleep the whole night.

Each child has its own regime. Someone likes to get up later, someone to eat more. However, it's important to have one schedule and stick to it every day. This will teach the toddler to discipline. A stable schedule will have a positive effect on the health and development of the baby.

Compliance with the regime will strengthen the immunity and psyche of the baby. It will be easy for the child to get up, adapt in society, and experience stress. He will not get tired and overworked. This will definitely come in handy when he goes to kindergarten and school. A sample regimen for babies at ten months is shown in the table below.

6:00-7:00 Getting up, hygiene procedures and first breakfast
7:00-10:00 Massage, gymnastics or exercise, walk
10:00 Basic breakfast
10:30-12:00 First daytime sleep
12:00-14:00 Developing activities and games, if desired, a walk
14:00-15:30 Lunch and games
15:30-17:00 Second daytime dream
17:00-18:00 Waking period, active games
18:00 Early supper
18:30-22:00 Quiet games and activities, bathing, massage, walking
22:00 Second dinner, preparation for bed and a night's sleep

Basic skills and abilities

  • Understands most of the phrases that are addressed to him, can perform simple actions and requests. For example, a child should be able to find objects and point to named things, look for a hidden product, etc.;
  • Grieves or even gets angry if something cannot be done on their own;
  • Shows dissatisfaction and reacts to the word “no”, understands prohibitions and praise, requests “give” and “take”;
  • Scared by loud noise or unknown sounds;
  • He independently rises to his feet and stands at the support. Some babies can walk around the wall on their own;
  • Sits down from a standing position without support and support, crawls well on all fours;
  • He takes and holds objects in both hands, grabs things with two or three fingers using pinches. One hand can hold a spoon, two - a cup;
  • He steps over his legs, holding on to the support, tries to squat in the crib, gets up and walks inside it, holding on to the sides;
  • Climbs off a sofa, chair or bed and climbs back;

  • Closes and opens cabinet doors, bedside tables, pulls out drawers in a table or chest of drawers;
  • Mimics the sounds, gestures, and behavior of adults or animals; repeats syllables;
  • Recognizes and reacts to familiar melodies, distinguishes between the sounds of a telephone, TV, alarm clock, etc .;
  • Plays with toys as intended. For example, he rolls cars, builds a pyramid, throws a ball, and so on. The kid can occupy himself with the game for about half an hour;
  • Knows how to use one object to get another. For example, move the toy with a stick;
  • Deliberately scatters toys and throws things;
  • Uses simple gestures when communicating. Waving his hand for greeting or goodbye, hugs, stretches out his arms, etc.;
  • Pronounces simple syllables and short words. The child's speech is emotionally colored. Especially for a baby, repeating syllables are obtained, which are built into words such as "mom", "dad", "baba", etc.;
  • Knows how to attract attention with the help of babbling, voice, gestures.

Nutrition for babies at 10 months

You need to feed your baby at ten months five times a day. For breastfeeding infants, breast milk becomes a supplement to the main food. It makes up to 25-30% of the daily food volume. Bottle-fed babies are given formula instead of breast milk. For one feeding, the baby should eat about 200 grams of food.

You need to feed breast milk or formula at the first, earliest, breakfast, and at the last late dinner before bedtime. When introducing new foods, remember to pause and watch your baby. After all, a baby may have food allergies and other negative reactions.

Allowed foods and dishes Rate per day The rate for one meal
Breast milk or formula 400 ml 200 ml
Porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, corn porridge) 180-200 grams
Fruit puree 100g 50 grams
Egg yolk ½ pieces ½ pieces
Vegetable puree or puree soup 150-200 grams
Meat or fish puree 50-80 grams
Fruit juice or dried fruit compote 50 ml 100 ml
Vegetable or butter 5 grams
Kefir 100 ml 200 ml
Cottage cheese 50 grams 80-100 grams
Biscuits 30-50 grams

Pay special attention to food preparation. Products must be fresh, of high quality and only after heat treatment. Raw vegetables and fruits should not be given to children under one year old. In addition, salt and sugar, spices and seasonings should not be added to dishes for children under one year old.

Children under three years old are prohibited from marinades and pickles, purchased sausages and sausages, seafood and semi-finished products, ketchup, mayonnaise and various sauces, mushrooms and fried foods. The ingredients need to be stewed, boiled, baked or steamed. Grind the prepared dish and serve in the form of mashed potatoes, including soups.

Child development and care

Hygiene procedures and bathing, walking, physical and mental development remain important in the life of the baby. You need to walk with your baby two or three times a day. Bathing should be daily, while the procedure time can be increased to half an hour. It is advisable to do massage and exercise or gymnastics every day. It strengthens muscles, enhances immunity, and improves mood.

For physical exercise, use squats and stimulate walking with support, bend and unbend the legs and arms of the child. The more the baby moves, the faster he will begin to walk. Do each lesson for up to 15 minutes to keep the crumbs interested in the exercises.

Talk to your child constantly, sing songs and learn nursery rhymes, carry the baby in your arms, even if he is already crawling or trying to walk. All this has a positive effect on the mental and mental development of the baby, on the emotional state. Experts advise to devote at least an hour a day to wearing it on your hands. Moreover, this should be done not only by mom, but also by dad and other close relatives, who are often with a baby.

Remember to kiss and hug your baby all the time. As practice shows, with constant bodily and positive contact at an early age, children grow up more calm and self-confident, mentally and emotionally stable. They are less capricious and less shy, easier to adapt and find friends, easier to endure stress and separation from their parents.

During games and activities, respond to babbling and maintain a conversation, use simple words and sentences, speak slowly, clearly and clearly.

Use a variety of educational games and activities. In the process, do not give more than two or three toys or objects at a time, as the baby will not be able to concentrate. Change toys and objects to others from time to time.

Games and activities with the baby

  • Teach your toddler to show body parts. This can be done in front of a mirror or sitting opposite each other. At ten months, he may already know where the nose, eyes, ears, arms, legs are. Moreover, she can show both herself and her mother;
  • At ten months, you can start drawing and modeling classes. One or two small felt-tip pens or jars of finger paints and a piece of plasticine are enough for a child. But whole large sets are now useless, otherwise the crumb will simply scatter everything. You can mold a sausage or a ball from plasticine, you can draw light figures and paint;
  • Take time each day to read and look at pictures in books. Read short stories, choose books with bright and colorful illustrations;
  • Various cereals, pasta, peas or beans will help develop children's motor skills. Scatter the items on the tray so that the crumb goes through them with his fingers. Can be painted on sand or flour;
  • Gently attach lightweight plastic clothespins to your baby's clothes. Let him take them off and unhook them. This also develops finger motor skills;
  • Have the child throw and roll the ball. Although he still does not know how to catch objects, such actions develop spatial thinking and dexterity;
  • Use obstacle crawling. Ask your child to crawl under the chair, climb over the hoop, and so on. At the end of the "track", come up with some kind of prize. For example, put on a toy. You can ask the child to catch up with a moving car;
  • Wrap the toy in front of your child, and then ask them to unpack the paper. It will not be able to unfold it accurately, but it will be able to tear it apart. Such actions develop visual and sensory perception, strengthens hand motor skills;
  • Ask your toddler to sort items by size or color. By the age of ten months, babies can already distinguish many colors and patterns. Moreover, kids can see well at any distance. And full-fledged color perception is formed in children as early as eight months. Explore colors using your favorite fruits and flowers, use emotional attachment and associations.

Give your child room to crawl. At the same time, watch out for the safety and cleanliness in the room. And remember, if something does not work out for the baby, this is not a reason to scold the baby. Shouting, swearing can scare a child, and he will lose the desire to do anything. And a more detailed calendar of child development by months to a year can be found at the link /.

At 10 months, the child can, upon request (without showing), perform pre-memorized actions. Understands the words “go”, “sit”, “lie down” and others. Play independently with other children if adults are available to help. It independently rises and falls from a low staircase with support.

He repeats new syllables after adults, uses pseudowords expressing his attitude to what is happening. At this stage, he uses at least 1-2 "babbling words" (like Lyala, Baba) in communication that are understandable in a particular situation. Imitates an adult in articulation exercises, playing with the tongue.

At 10 months old, the baby can use a spoon and drink from a cup or sippy cup. Bites well and chews small pieces of solid food. Calm about planting on a pot.

At the request of an adult, he can make a choice between toys, items of clothing, dishes, determining what he likes more and what is less or generally unacceptable. Develop this skill in a crumb - it is vital for the formation of his psyche.

At 10 months, the child willingly performs various assignments, and they themselves come up with many "important" things. If you want your child to be just as proactive in the future, this behavior should be encouraged. And so that the crumbs do not have a feeling of helplessness and resentment because the chosen business is not up to the task (and this is how it most often turns out), the mother must come to the rescue in a timely manner. And very much to praise for the little that the child still managed to do himself.

Baby's independence should also be encouraged. A child, for example, may have his own responsibilities, with which he is already quite able to cope. You set the table - the toddler puts the spoons. Going for a walk - he chooses which tights or sweater to wear: red or blue. In addition, with this approach, the baby will know what awaits him in the near future - lunch, a walk or reading fairy tales.

A predictable environment is always more comfortable for a child, but he cannot guess what is in his mother's head. Is it necessary to be surprised at the protest from the side of the kid when he suddenly has to throw his favorite ball and go to the table? ...

Your baby is growing, and his speed is gaining momentum. Child racers - this is how babies can be characterized during this period. Whatever they do - play, travel around the house - toddlers demonstrate energy and agility. Children enjoy playing catch-up. If the mother applauds and praises the little runner at the same time, he can repeat his "run" for an encore.

It is not difficult for a crumb to distinguish the mood of others. Some especially observant babies may even experience bouts of jealousy. A child may burst into tears if someone else is suddenly in the spotlight. At about the same age, the baby remembers current events better and copes with simple problems quite successfully. Try to put him the food he doesn't like, as he will immediately push the spoon away. If you put a toy under a blouse, the crumbs will immediately lift the bottom edge of the clothes and the toy will fall out.

Learning to understand each other
Every day, the baby is getting better at understanding the meaning of words. When they ask him: "Where is mom?", "Where is dad?", He looks from one parent to another. The baby is already executing simple commands and, having heard: "Give me a spoon," holds it out. But it will be better if the mother confirms her request with an outstretched hand or makes a request while the son or daughter is looking at the spoon. For a kid, this is an interesting game, and if he once understood what to do, he will be happy to play again and again.

Starting to combine the sound of words with their meaning, the child builds his own figurative vocabulary. And although most of the baby's babbling may be just sound play, the baby is already beginning to pronounce some words in the appropriate context. The first words of a nine-month-old baby are likely to be words denoting loved ones, or those with which mom accompanies her usual actions.

At this very early "conversational" stage, parents play a major role. If mom and dad react to a child's successful attempt to say a word with stormy delight and increased attention to their speaking child, the child begins to understand that it is correct to use words. When the baby fulfills the verbal request and his quick wit is marked by parental enthusiasm, he will try even more.

In play, the child also seeks to interact with the parents. A game of "phone" will bring great joy to the baby. Take a toy apparatus and take turns talking with your son or daughter into the phone. Mom imitates a call, picks up the phone and comes up with some short phrases, such as: “Hi, how are you? Do you eat porridge? " Then he hands over the phone to the child and says: "Now talk to you." Very soon the kid will get used to the phone and will surely mutter some of his "phrases" before hanging up.

Motor skills of a child at 10 months
By 10 months, most babies are crawling well. Now they have to master another type of movement - a bear gait (on all fours). This is a kind of transitional step from a crawling person to a bipedal person.

The kid learns to maneuver between obstacles on outstretched arms and legs. Having reached the goal, the child carefully straightens up and begins to walk along suitable objects. This kind of workout is good for his muscles and joints. It helps to evenly load the legs and feet and gradually develop a sense of balance.

However, at a time when some children noticeably show their new motor skills - standing, moving, climbing stairs, getting off the couch, others, in the opinion of concerned parents, seem to freeze in their development. If your baby belongs to the second category, do not worry: all babies have peaks and relative declines.

The development of children 10 months of age is best characterized by the phrase "one step back - two steps forward." Perhaps a kid who quickly learned something new needs to practice and consolidate his achievements, and only then master something else.

I see, I hear, I feel ...
Many children 10 months of age are already choosing their favorite toy. A bunny or a teddy bear forgotten at a party can create a crisis situation in the family. If they try to comfort the child with a new toy in the absence of the old “friend,” she is violently rejected. Despite the problems that the "favorite toy" can cause, this early attachment seems to be an important event in the development of the baby. It testifies to the baby's ability to distinguish objects perfectly.

The little man already remembers what his favorite toy looks like, even when he is not around. The child's ability to distinguish sounds is manifested at this age as noticeably as the ability to distinguish objects by their appearance. The baby is especially attentive to the sounds that help him understand the events that are taking place: the ringing of the keys tells the little one that dad has come, and the slammed door of the refrigerator informs that dinner is coming soon.

The child not only distinguishes objects and sounds well, but also knows a little about "planning" his actions. If, for example, an obstacle in the form of another toy is placed in front of his favorite car, the kid will push the toy aside and get the little car. Something similar appears in the way the child holds familiar things in his hands.

Just two months ago, any object, once in the hands of a baby, went through a certain stage of childhood experiments: it was examined, shaken, beaten, taken into the mouth, etc. Now, when a child picks up something, his actions are purposeful, and he knows the purpose of objects. He shakes the rattle because that's what it is for. He brings the cup to his mouth, crumples a piece of foil, rings the bell.

You can also observe another hobby of your child. Having put the toy in the box, the kid immediately knocks over this box, puts the toy there again, and history repeats itself. Such repetitive actions can be viewed as a kind of hide-and-seek game. The child checks whether the toy hidden in the box continues to exist.

Now, when the little one realizes the constancy of objects, he is attracted by a variety of options for "hide and seek". Seeing that you have a small toy in your fist, the child will try to open your fist. The kid invents his own games - he likes to open kitchen cabinets, get out all kinds of pots, pans and scatter them around the house. Alas, there is practically no hope that this game will soon lose interest for the crumbs.

Activities with a child of 10 months
Give your beloved child a box with various pieces of fabric that will be interesting for him to touch. Let there be shreds of coarse and silky matter, include in this set a small square of linoleum, a piece of velvet or satin, a sponge. Taking out pieces of fabric from the box and folding them back, the child begins to distinguish materials tangibly.

Place the toys in front of the baby, turning them upside down, and see if the baby corrects the "situation" of his friends. Place toys in a clear plastic box. Let the baby try to remove the lid. If he fails, open the lid yourself and give the child the box again - let him continue his efforts. Place three different toys in the box. Name one of three toys and ask the little one for one. If he does it right, pretend to be overwhelmed.

Give your child a crayon or thick colored pencil and show them how you can leave marks on paper. At this age, children are also ready to face paints. Take some colored scarves and tie them together. Pass one end of the scarves into a cardboard tube and have your baby pull all the scarves through. Observe. Will the child be able to shove the scarves back into the tube.

Observing how the baby is trying to open the box or put a ring on the pyramid, one should not rush to the aid of a rhinestone. You see that this action is within the power of the baby, so let him try further. But do not wait for disappointment: if the child takes on something overwhelming, help him.

Physical development of children 10 months
Roll the ball to the child and, then the baby will return it to you, send the ball back to the baby. Invite other seven members to join you. A soft ball is best suited for this purpose. If the child has learned to pull himself up and rise on his legs, holding on to something, but still does not know how to sit back down, help the little man by holding out the end of a towel or some kind of stick to him; this will make it easier for your baby to return to a sitting position.

Children love to follow commands. Support your "bouncing" toddler and command him: "Oops!" When the child stops jumping, stop commanding. This game can make a fun series of stops and moves. The kid will enjoy words, and at the same time, such a game will be a useful workout for his muscles.