What you need to buy for a baby carriage. What do you need to buy for a newborn baby home, in a stroller, crib? List of necessary things for a newborn

Parents with special care are suitable for choosing a stroller for a newborn, born in the fall-winter. Pleasure transport should be not only stable, with good permeability, but also to protect crumbling from frost, wind gusts.

Find out what details to pay attention to when buying an autumn-winter stroller, how to insulate the cradle. Mommies are divided by secrets of comfortable walks with baby in slush and frosty weather.

Helpful information

What carriage to choose for a newborn in autumn-winter? The first transport for this period should be responsible to several criteria:

  • cozy, insulated cradle;
  • high-quality seams, lack of cracks in fixation sites;
  • spacious box so that a newborn in a warm fur envelope or winter overalls is placed in him;
  • the location of the bottom - at the maximum distance from the Earth;
  • rubber wheels of large diameter;
  • tight hooding sufficient depth for good protection against rain and snow;
  • high side lullets;
  • good amortization;
  • raincoat, high-quality material with water-repellent coating.

How to choose correctly

Before buying, talking to familiar momughts, find out about the advantages and disadvantages of different models and brands. Most parents advise not to save while choosing a stroller for autumn and winter.

Not enough spacious cradle, low bottom, soft boards without good insulation, uncomfortable wheels with bad depreciation - basic mistakes that need to remember parents when buying pleasure transport for a newborn.

Types of strollers on the autumn-winter period

How to choose a baby carriage? Mommies advise not to hurry, evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of all types of wheelchairs. It is important to decide, you take the stroller for one season, while it is cold, or you will use the model for a grown baby. From this item you need to "repel."

Brief description of the optimal options for autumn and winter:

  • stroller-cradle. Big, deep basket, excellent baby protection from rain, snow and wind. Hard boards, bottom, good stability, reliable brakes, soft shock absorption, big wheels. Among the shortcomings: great weight, impressive dimensions, insufficient maneuverability. The cradle is suitable for walking with children up to 6-7 months, the seat is missing, in the box Karapuza it is convenient to sleep, but do not sit. If you are planning to buy another model after half a year (walking option), boldly choose a warmed cradle;
  • stroller "2 in 1", "3 in 1". The modular system is universal, functional. Soft depreciation for lightweight brand newborn, high passability with massive chassis. The chalk is standard size + the possibility of attaching a portable and pleasure chair. Many models have a lot of weight and high cost, but are suitable for children from birth to three years.

Tip! The transformer stroller is less suitable for autumn and winter: the cradle is compact, the baby in warm clothes can be closed inside, especially if the child was born large.

Optimal parameters

When buying, pay attention to the characteristics of each detail of the pleasure transport for the newborn:

  • cradle. The box should be hard, with insulated sides, the bottom is durable, efficiently manufactured. The optimal size of the cradle: Length - from 73 cm, width - from 35 cm. Remember: the baby will be in a warm envelope, a blanket or a jumpsuit, a limited space inside is a serious disadvantage. Before buying, measure the elevator width so that you do not have to carry a too wide stroller in your hands;
  • hood. Be sure to deep, laid out almost to the box. The "small" hood is poorly protected from the wind, the baby is easily caught. For autumn weather, the window is suitable for venting. Specify the quality of the material from the seller: the fabric must have a water-repellent impregnation. If there is no raincoat, condensate will not accumulate on the surface "right" fabric;
  • wheels, soft depreciation. For autumn slush and snowy winter, choose models with large rubber wheels. Maneuverability is somewhat declining, but the permeability increases. The stroller is more stable when driving on uneven, slippery surface. Inflatable wheels go on a dirty and snow-covered road. Check the size of the wheelbase, compare with the elevator width;
  • reliable brakes. Mandatory detail for a good model. The stroller will not roll along slippery slopes, which are often formed in ice on an uneven surface;
  • acceptable weight of the winter model. It is necessary to expect that most of the time mommy will have to lift and lower the stroller on the floors, especially if there is no elevator. Sometimes the model is so heavy that without the help of loved ones or neighbors can not cope. Modular models are easier than others, cradle and transformer - heavier;
  • specify whether the polyethylene case is included in the set to protect against rain and wet snow. In the fall, many milfs understand how uncomfortable without raincoat;
  • spacious shopping basket. After the birth of the baby, homemade hassle and cooking do not disappear anywhere. Task young mommy: For one trip to buy everything you need so that I don't have to get out again to the street in Slyakny, crude weather or a cracked frost. When buying, good inspect the basket. Winter strollers with high inflatable wheels are equipped with a metal basket, withstanding not one kilogram of shopping. If a place for products and things is made of soft material, be sure to check the quality of the seams, the reliability of fixation to the legs, specify which maximum allowable weight is designated for this model;
  • comfortable handle, preferably with adjustable height. On autumn dirt, slippery or snow-covered surface, you can easily carry a stroller if the handle corresponds to the growth. Pay attention to this item, check if you can easily manage pleasure transport for the baby;
  • color. Of course, the stroller for the newborn should be beautiful and stylish. You can not put this item at the head of the corner, but to choose boring models from dark fabrics for autumn (so as not to get dirty), it is also not worth it. Look for a color solution according to your taste. Milk-white color is fashionable, but for dirt and splashes of the lowered snow is not always comfortable. Every time you won't wipe the box after walking: do not take yourself the illusions, you are unlikely to find time and strength on this operation;
  • price. Sometimes parents pay most attention to this point, forgetting about the comfort for mommy. Would spend fabulous amounts for the first transport for a newborn, but the cheapest models do not take: you suffer with uncomfortable wheels, a bad, heavy model. If you want to save, buy a high-quality Italian, Swedish or Polish stroller in good condition. For six months of operation, the characteristics of the model will be saved as new.

What you need to put in the stroller in the fall

In modern cradle, there are no adhesive sides without insulation, as in Soviet carriages. The baby feels the maximum comfort, but sometimes without additional insulation can not do.

What do mommy write:

  • at the beginning of autumn, it is warm enough, it is important that the crumb does not overheat. For offseason, find the basis on which the baby will not be too hot;
  • some mammies do nothing in the stroller in the fall. Most considers: a fairly thin fleece pad;
  • a good option is a mattress with coconut fiber. It is easy to wash it, he misses the air well;
  • many mammies put on the baby a demi-season jumpsuit, with me for a walk warm plaid from fleece: when cooling, a soft cloth will warm the crumb;
  • dear enough, but a comfortable thing - a fleece envelope blanket. Moms who can sew can create a product with their own hands: savings will be substantial;
  • for cool autumn weather, a warm knitted costume is suitable. Fleece Pleet also take a walk, suddenly grows;
  • in November, in many regions it is already cold: the newborn will need multilayer clothing, a warm jumpsuit or insulated envelope transformer.

What is needed to put in winter

Walking in frosty weather with young children, as they are needed, as in the dwelling summer days. It is important not to navigate the crumb that the child does not sweat, but it should not freeze the baby.

  • one option - a thin bike blanket for softness is fastened to the bottom;
  • the second option is the fleece plaid instead of a mattress;
  • many moms put baby in a stroller in a warm fur envelope. Thing is the inadequate, but very comfortable;
  • in a heavy frost, the children of the first year of life warm overalls + top of it sleeping bag without sleeves;
  • in the cold, windy days, many moms put a bike blanket on the bottom of the box, then a baby in a warmed envelope, top with a blanket;
  • another option for frosty weather is a warm jumpsuit, cover the crumb of a woolen blanket from above;
  • many mammies advise in the cradle and car seat to buy a high-quality warm envelope with comfortable slots for straps. In cold weather, it is important that the kid does not throw objects on the face if it starts to grind while walking;
  • about the convenience of envelopes-overalls Reviews Miscellaneous: Some moms approve of him, others believe that it is worth selling an envelope and jumpsuit separately. Only an experienced way can be understood that it is more suitable for a particular mom and baby. If you decide to stop at this option, remember: the first time the product is used as a cozy sleeping bag with sleeves, for a grown-up carappusion is already a full-fledged jamb.

Popular brands and models

Famous companies produce strollers for autumn-winter high quality different colors. Moms write that they are satisfied after use for walking the following models:

  • Perego Cula.
  • NoordLine EDEL.
  • Inglesina Vittoria.
  • Takemartiva Mohican 2 in 1.
  • Emmaljunga.
  • Bebetto Holand.
  • Bebecar Grand Style.
  • Adamex Nitro.
  • Tutis Zippy.
  • Cam Linea Sport Exclusive.
  • Zekiwa Touring de Luxe.
  • Cosatto Giggle 3 in 1.

The cost of top models is often located in the range of 19,000-32,000 rubles, the exclusive options are even more expensive. The high cost fully justifies the comfort, which will quickly appreciate the young mommy.

Consider the recommendations, how to choose a carriage for a newborn. Autumn-Winter impose increased requirements for first children's transport. Knowledge of details, little secrets, the rules of selection of a comfortable stroller will allow you to purchase a really useful thing with high functionality.

Video - Tips on how to choose a baby carriage for winter:

The heat exchange of the newborn is imperfect, so first of all it is worth thinking about how to make the child not a frost on a walk. In cold weather, the baby should be covered. You can highlight the following stroller accessories, with which it will be possible to keep the heat inside the toddler vehicle.

Do you need a pillow?

In the question of choosing a pillow for a newborn, it is worth remembering that the babies are not needed an ordinary pillow. For the proper formation of the musculoskeletal system, the baby must sleep on a rigid base without a pillow.

On a note. If there are any deviations in the development of a newborn, the doctor may prescribe a special orthopedic pillow for use. Only on the prescription of the doctor you can use the pillow and in no other cases.

Types of pillows

For walking in the fresh air in a stroller, you can put the following types of pillows.

Additional subjects

You can use additional items in the stroller, allowing you to keep heat inside.

  • Insert. Special inserts in the carriage most often come in the kit and create "one whole" with a carriage. Such liners are usually made of the same (more often synthetic) material as a stroller. They protect the baby from the wind, look elegant, so they can be used on a walk or in any public place separately from the stroller.
  • The envelope. The envelope is designed to maintain heat inside the stroller in the cold time. Envelopes are distinguished by beautiful appearance. They are functional, since they are equipped with various devices for quick lacking and shooting. Envelopes are distinguished by the sign as they are warm. There are subtle envelopes on early autumn or late spring. For winter it is worth choosing an option on sheepskin or an envelope-transformer with a removing warm layer.
  • Cocoon. Cocoon is a special adaptation for a newborn sleep. As a rule, the cocoon is used indoors, on beds, sofas, creating protection for a baby from drops with a cocoon. In a carriage, the cocoon can not fit, so the use of it during the walk will be inappropriate.

What is worth paying attention to when choosing accessories

  1. When choosing accessories for a carriage, like any other product intended for the child, special attention should be paid to the quality of goods.
  2. The manufacturer must be well known.
  3. The goods must correspond to SanPine 2.4.7 / 1.1.2651-10.
  4. The goods must be safe, not to cause allergic reactions.
  5. The first thing to pay attention is the smell. The goods with a sharp unpleasant odor categorically cannot be used as an accessory for a stroller. Toxic substances can trigger a suffocity in the infant.
  6. When choosing a product in a carriage, the newborn should pay attention to the materials from which it is made. They should be natural and environmentally friendly.

The choice is made - stroller purchased. Now the mother faces the question of what to sit in a stroller For his newborn baby. After all, the body of a small little man is so gentle that it is necessary to consider many nuances to equip him a comfortable place where nothing will put it or rub.

An important criterion defining the list and the number of what you need to sash in the stroller is the season. In warm time, it is enough to lay a few thin bedding, they need them more to the baby not a frost.

To pay attention to the important and on the carriage itself - how the bed surface is responsible for orthopedic standards for the newborn? If it is not flawlessly smooth, then additional tabs will be required, for example, a mattress so that the baby lay on a smooth solid surface that promotes the correct formation of the spine.

What to sash the newborn in the stroller in the warm time

If summer on the street, and the stroller has a solid smooth surface, then you can do thin blanket and peliankaStanding over the blanket. If the hardness and flatness of the bed is doubted, it is better to lay thin mattress. Now there are many mattresses (there are synthetone, with coconut filler, etc.), designed specifically for strollers. The length of the crawler in the strollers is different, in line with this, the mattresses are also produced in different lengths, so when buying it is necessary to pay attention to the size. If the situation when the mattress does not fit into the stroller, it is corrected - you can remove an excess one, then a small mattress that does not cover the whole bottom, will cause a certain discomfort at the kid.

For cool summer days you can use light summer envelope Of the simple materials for the newborn. It is convenient if the baby does not like to hide the blanket and constantly resets it. But when using an envelope, you still need to lay something in a carriage - a mattress or a lung blanket.

What to lay a newborn in a stroller in the cold time

With the approach of the cold, it is important not only to wear a baby warmer, but also insulate the stroller. You can pretend the blanket before putting the child. And on top to cover it from above, if there is no need for that. This option is good for offseason. By the way, for this period, too, there are comfortable heated envelopes.

Winter - especially the cold period, so the ideal decision will be fur envelope In a carriage for a newborn. Usually they are made of sheepskin - natural fur, perfectly holding heat. The only minus such envelopes is their rather big value. Another, more budget option - winter envelopes for newborns on syntheps. They are also warm enough.

The service life of the envelope is short, since the child is growing rapidly and after half a year, and some and even before, stops placing there. In view of this, especially an interesting option for practical parents will be envelope transformerwhich serves in the newborn period of the kid by the envelope, then when the child has grown, cover on the legs for the walking stroller, and if necessary, transforms into a warm blanket.

Another transformer version - envelope overalls. It is usually designed for children up to a year. In the period of the newborn, it is a sleeping bag with sleeves, and then, with a lightning, becomes a full-fledged jumping overalls. When the baby grows and tries to do his first steps, such a jumpsuit will have to be very powerful.

The question is that to lay in a carriage, solves each mother independently, based on the characteristics of the child, their own preferences, and financial opportunities. But there is another advice that you should note: imagine yourself on the place of the child. Then many questions are allowed by themselves.

19 Sep 2013.

Raincoat and mosquito net

Usually these two things are already coming off with a carriage. But if they are not, it is necessary to buy a raincoat, and a mosquito net. The first will need you if you gave birth to autumn, at this time of year there are often rains, and more often sleets with rain. The insect curtain will become indispensable in the spring when midges and mosquitoes wake up. They still strive to look at the baby, bite it and thereby breaking his sweet sleep.

When buying a rainfall, pay attention to the fact that it completely covers the stroller, and not only its part. Choosing a mosquito net, make sure that it fits tightly with the sides so that there are no holes in which insects can penetrate.

Mattress or warm dressed

These things will very need to be in autumn, in winter and early spring, when it is still cold. Make sure that the child lay on warmth.

In a good way, the blankets need two: one to upset under the child, the second is to cover it. Also an excellent new device is. It is very convenient and not needed blankets and mattresses!

Covers on the wheels

The only thing from this list, which we did not have. But I still decided to bring it, as it helped to many. Why do we need covers? To wear them on the wheels in the apartment and roll the stroller into the room, not my wheels. If you and at home we have a child in a wheelchair, they can come in handy.


Some wheelchairs are a strange design and it turns out that the head of the baby is slightly lower than the body. This is especially noticeable in summer and spring when you remove warm blankets and mattresses. Balance will help equal the usual baby pillow. Well suited a pillow of.

Suspended toys

If you go outside when the child is not sleeping, then you will need suspended toys to make him doing something on a walk.

Probably, on this my list can be finished. I think in the stroller you will wear many more products that you need. Calculate which one can only be experimental by 🙂

Indeed, when can you start walking with the newborn? This question is relevant for all moms, but there is no unambiguous answer to it. All children are different, live in different climatic conditions, and there are also customs of different peoples, when the baby is first put on the street only after a certain time (in different cultures, this period is different - from 40 to 66 days). Do not forget about the state of health Mom, which will take walks most often.

With a healthy newborn, with normal myma well-being or in the presence of an assistant who will walk with the baby, with good weather (that is, without rain, snow, strong wind, with not very low and not very high air temperatures) You can walk almost immediately , that is, on the 3rd day after discharge. Most often, even the most restless child soothes during the walk. And after the walk, appetite appeates and in those kids who he is not the best. In addition, the walk is another way of hardening and adapting the crumbs to the world around the world, as the child is taking place to the temperature drops, to the sensation of air movement, and not just to the comfort of the home environment.

If the baby was born premature or weakened, after difficult childbirth, as well as in the absence of an elevator in the house, when the mother had not yet restored, it would have to drag the stroller on stairs, it makes sense to postpone walks before recovering mom and baby or until the advent of the assistant.

Where to walk with a newborn?

Moreover, it is more difficult to respond to this question than the question of the time of starting walks. Of course, the city is not easy to find a comfortable place to walk. But nevertheless, you should not walk with the baby along the road, where and the adult is nothing to breathe. Then there will be no benefit from the walk - rather the opposite. The optimal place for walking can be considered the parks, recreation areas, sovereigns and even playgrounds. In general, it is advisable to anywhere away from the places of accumulation of cars, construction and other manifestations of urbanization. By the way, you can use the balcony to be glazed in advance or tanned the grid so that random items or cigarettes do not get into the stroller.

How much to walk with the newborn?

And there is no definite answer to this question. The very first walk can last about 10-15 minutes. Moreover, for this walk it is not even not necessary to lay a child in a carriage - you can just go with him on your hands around the house or sit on a bench in the courtyard. Every day, the duration of the walk can be increased by 5-10 minutes, gradually bringing time to 2 hours. If the weather and well-being of moms allow, then after a month you can walk already 2 times a day for 2 hours. You should not walk in cases where it rain on the street, a strong wind with gusts, the temperature is below 15 ° C (with high humidity - not lower than - 10 ° C) or above 32-35 ° C.

Fall. As a rule, this is the rainy season, so it is convenient to have a special cape from the rain on the stroller, because the rain can be caught in the most unexpected moment. There are protective creams for the skin of babies, designed for this season - do not forget to use them. Time walks will gradually decrease as winter approaches.

Winter. Winter are different, but in our hemisphere is the coldest season. By the beginning of winter, the time of the usual walk will be reduced to 1 hour. 2 times in the day, or 1 time per day, but not less than 2 hours. How it will be convenient for you. Remember the protective creams from bad weather! Sorted humidity even at 0 ° C, the child can frowse the cheeks.

Spring. Sunny days is becoming more and more. So pulls to substitute the face under these caressing sun rays. Do not restrain your desires, as the spring sun is not yet burning, give the baby to enjoy them. Increase time walk!

Summer. Usually it is the warmest, even a hot season. The number of outputs to the street will depend on your capabilities and desires. A child can walk as much as you are able to spend on the street. You will need to go off from the walk only on feeding the baby and your lunch, a change of diaper and preferably - on your day holiday. It is better if your day holiday coincides with the hottest time of the day when the baby should not be on the street. It is best to walk in the morning when the sun is not hotter, and after 4 hours, when the day heat slowly falls. If your baby walks in a wheelchair, throw on its top of a gauze grid to protect against direct sunlight and possible flying insects (mosquitoes, flies, midges). It is best to walk in the "lace" shade of trees, and not under the right sunny rays, as the skin of the baby is very gentle, it can easily have a sunburn. Do not forget to enjoy special children's creams with labeling: "To protect against sunlight." And do not forget about the headwear for the child, now they are big from simple to very fashionable.

Season, air temperature

Walk time


First walk

10- 15 minutes

20-40 minutes

If the temperature is below 15 ° C, you need to wait until the thermometer is raised

The first 2-4 weeks

from - 15- to +15 "with

20-40 minutes

Starting from 1 month

Daily increase walking time for 5-10 minutes

Do not walk at temperatures below - 15 "with

Spring autumn

2 times 2 hours

Several times 2 hours

In hot weather (above + 25 s) it is better to walk until 11.00 and after 16.00.

What to wear a newborn for a walk?

Even if it is still quite warm, consider what the cold is every day. Therefore, take a blanket or plaid, raincoat and protective carriage cover. And on the bottom of the stroller you need to put the mattress to preserve heat. If you walk with a carriage, then in case of rain it is more convenient for you to use the umbrella, but a raincoat, as it is inconvenient to keep an umbrella in one hand, and the stroller is to carry a different hand. It is necessary to wear a child like this: bodysuit with long sleeves, overalls, socks, cap, covering ears, top - warm jumpsuit, envelope or blanket. With further cooling, add a blouse and warm chains, woolen socks, can wear a cap or just a warm hat. Remember both about yourself: you will have to be on the street for quite a long time, get dressed warmer. And do not forget about the legs, because if your feet are frozen, then you will not get pleasure from the walk - it will become a torment for you. Many mothers try to close the child's face, especially during the first month - this is not necessary, it is necessary to do this, only if the baby "walks" in your hands, and a strong wind on the street.

How to ensure security?

In conclusion, I would like to say a few words about road safety when walking with a carriage. Unfortunately, it is quite often possible to see such a picture: when moving through the driving part of the mother, first descends the stroller, and only then looks left and right. But mom is behind the carriage! It is dangerous, especially in an unregulated pedestrian crossing, since the presence of a stroller is not yet a guarantee that the driver will reduce the speed. And even more dangerous when the stroller appears due to the car, that is, the mother does not see the roadway at all. In order to avoid tragedy, go through the roadway only on the transition.

And further. Quite often you can see moms that do not rush walking along the house along the roadway. Moms are not to blame for the fact that the cars put on the sidewalks and go through the pedestrian part, and even with a carriage, there is no possibility. Nevertheless, remember that on the roadway is not worth walking.

When complying with these conditions, the walk will bring you and crude only joy and if you have a restless baby, then the evening walk will only benefit him. After all, it is not necessary to walk only during the day. So walk - more often and with pleasure!