Which clears the pores. Facial cleansing masks. Excessive cleaning - exacerbating the problem

How to clean the pores on the face at home? The answer is quite simple - you need to moisturize and cleanse your skin every day.

How to clear pores on face

It is impossible to get rid of this problem once and for all, but the application of some rules will help reduce the size of the defect:

  1. Cleansing. Pores clogged with sebum lead to the growth of bacteria and the formation of acne. Therefore, it is necessary to cleanse the face daily. To do this, regularly wash your face with special products that are combined with the type of skin. After cleansing, apply moisturizer;
  2. Exfoliation. With it, you can remove dead epidermal cells that clog pores. Use the scrub once a week to improve skin texture. The most effective peeling is the one that contains salicylic or glycolic acid;
  3. Face masks. They remove excess fats and therefore reduce their size;
  4. Microdermabrasion. This procedure reduces comedones and exfoliates the face well. It should be carried out only in beauty salons by professionals.

How to clear the pores on the nose

Learn how to use makeup correctly so that it does not harm you. For example, many girls simply mask oily sheen with compact powder. It is not recommended to do this, because the pores can be polluted. And this provokes new secretions of the sebaceous glands. The external effect is deceiving.

To get rid of the defect, remember a few rules:

  1. Replace plain paper napkins with matting ones. They are more effective and can unclog pores very well. If you notice shine on your nose, apply this tissue to the oily area. It will keep makeup and eliminate fat;
  2. Wear sunscreen to protect your nose from the strong UV rays. The epidermis will cease to shine even in the sun, and fat will be produced much less;
  3. Use cosmetics correctly. Replace heavy powder with light products that will allow the face to breathe;
  4. Do not apply cosmetics in several layers, this will clog the pores and the skin will be deprived of oxygen;
  5. Wash properly. Give up soap, use special products, milk, gels. Do not wash your face with hot water, it should be at room temperature.

There are a couple of effective methods that will help you clean the pores on your nose well.

If you apply them regularly, over time you will notice that the face has become better, and the pores are less polluted:

  1. Hot steam is the best assistant in the fight against pollution. To do this, boil water, prepare a bowl. You will also need a blanket or large towel. Transfer the boiling water to the bed, then cover your face with a blanket, but do not burn. Leave a small gap between the bed and the blanket for air to come in. After steam treatment, it will be easier to clean the nose with special products. You can also go to the sauna or bath. The effect will be the same, but even more useful;
  2. Contrasting washing keeps the epidermis in good shape. Alternately wash your face first with cool, then warm water several times a day. Water dries, so don't forget to use moisturizers;
  3. Hot compress. To do this, take a small towel soaked in hot water and place it on your face. Hold for 5-10 minutes, after that you can clean the skin;
  4. Sea water is a great helper in the fight against a dirty face. Take a spoonful of salt in a glass of warm water, mix well and rub your nose with this liquid. Then wash with water;
  5. Oatmeal peel. To prepare it, take honey, low-fat kefir and oatmeal. Mix everything in equal proportions and get a viscous mass. Massage the mixture onto your face, then remove with a mattifying cloth. After the procedure, lubricate the face with baby cream.

How to clear pores at home

To cleanse, mix salt or sugar with makeup remover. Apply the resulting mixture on your face and massage gently. Cleanse your face with this remedy once a week.

Make a scrub with coffee and heavy cream. To do this, mix the ingredients in equal proportions and grease them with your face. Use the mask 2 times a week to remove dead skin particles.

Black clay perfectly cleanses the pores. You can buy it at any pharmacy, it is inexpensive. Simply dilute the clay with water until a slurry is obtained and apply to the skin of the face. When dry, it turns gray. Then wash it off first with warm, then cool water.

Masks for cleansing pores at home

Oatmeal Cleansing Mask: Take 1 tablespoon of oatmeal, moisten it with water or milk and apply to the skin. The mask clears blockages on the nose and saturates it with essential trace elements.

Recipe with dairy products: chop the shell of a boiled egg, and mix with a tablespoon of cottage cheese. Put the face on and hold for 15 minutes, then rinse. This method is great for people with dry skin.

Recipe with gelatin: dilute its powder with an equal amount of milk, heat in a water bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved and wait for it to cool. Apply the mask on your face and wait for it to dry. After that, carefully remove the dried film, and wipe the face with cream.

Cleansing masks can be prepared with olive oil: grate half a fresh cucumber, squeeze the juice. Mix the resulting slurry with a spoonful of olive oil and apply on the face for 20 minutes, then rinse.

Recipe with cabbage: mash sauerkraut and apply on the face. Its acid dissolves fat and whitens the skin.

How to clean pores from sebaceous plugs

The best way to deal with sebaceous plugs is to keep the skin perfectly clean. Use any means, the main thing is that they moisturize the skin and do not provoke peeling. For prevention, visit cosmetologists, they can carry out mechanical cleaning, which eliminates all comedones.

The use of professional products will improve complex skin care if used regularly. A single application of corrective pencils for only a couple of days will improve the situation. You can radically change the condition of your skin for the better if you reconsider your diet and lifestyle. It is advisable to give up bad habits.

Enlarged pores on a beautiful face not only spoil the look aesthetically, but can also cause a lot of trouble in the form of inflammation. They are most often the cause of acne, which is almost impossible to cover up with anything and you constantly want to squeeze it out. The best solution is to prevent their occurrence through proper facial care. Let's find out a few methods for clearing the pores on the face.

One of the simple methods of cleaning pores is the use of various purchased powder masks, clay-containing creams, scrubs, foams and tonics, of which there are a great many in our stores. In addition, a very popular mask-film for cleaning pores, which, having dried on the face, turns into a film. By removing it from the face, you can not only get rid of impurities in the pores, but also saturate the skin with nutrients. The main condition for the use of all these tools is strict adherence to the instructions and the frequency of use. With non-inflamed pores, special strips will be quite effective. They are ordinary paper strips on which an adhesive substance is applied. This method is most effective if the face is steamed beforehand. It is worth using them 2 times a week, thereby preventing the appearance of black dots and inflammation.

Proven folk recipes are very effective for cleansing the face and pores:
  • Apply ordinary honey to the face and tap it into the skin with tapping movements of the fingers. After a minute, you will notice that the fingers stick to the skin more and more tightly and it is more difficult to tear them off. Don't stop, that's the point. Honey begins to absorb all the dirt and oil from your pores. The procedure can be done no more than 3 minutes. After all, you need to wash with cold water, thereby narrowing the cleaned pores.
  • Steam half a cup of oatmeal in boiling water. Add some tomato pulp or lemon juice there. Use this scrub twice a week to cleanse your pre-steamed face. So you not only prevent the appearance of inflammation on the face, but also nourish the skin with useful vitamins and narrow the pores, thereby fixing the effect.
  • Make a solution of warm boiled water, soda and laundry soap (you can use baby soap). Cleanse your face every morning and evening. This method is especially suitable for people whose skin is often inflamed and pimples appear.

Pores are very effectively cleansed by steaming the skin. Boil chamomile with boiling water. You can add soda to it. Sit over the steam for 10 minutes covered with a towel. After the procedure, clean the skin with a cosmetic product. If you have black dots in the pores, then after steaming, they can be squeezed out with clean hands, on which sterile wipes are worn, and treated with salicylic acid. In conclusion, wash your face with cold water or wipe with ice cubes for.

We looked at several methods for facial skin care. All of them are effective and affordable. But it is worth remembering that careful care of your face should become a habit. Only then you will not need masking pencils and foundation to hide the flaws on your face.

Enlarged and clogged pores cannot be hidden with cosmetics: even with the best tonal foundations, the skin surface becomes uneven, and the face, due to the abundance of black dots, has an untidy appearance. It is possible to improve the condition of the skin with clogged pores even in an advanced case.

Salon procedures and proper care will help you with this. 10 most effective tips to help those who do not know how to clean pores.

Due to irregular or insufficient cleansing, excess sebum and impurities accumulate in the pores, which stretch the skin ducts. The result is enlarged pores and blackheads. Daily cleansing is the first and most important step towards clean pores.

On oily skin, black dots appear most often, so use foams and gels. For cleansing dry skin, look for two-phase liquids, mousses, as well as facial cleansers with oils in the composition.

2. Thoroughly remove makeup

If you are too zealous with decorative cosmetics and wash it off poorly, you are guaranteed clogged pores. Choose a separate makeup remover. For example, it can be milk, oil or micellar water. In the second step, use a cleansing gel or foam to remove the remains of cosmetics and the first product.

Use tonics or lotions after washing: they complete the cleansing process, protect the skin from drying out, eliminate the feeling of tightness. They even out the tone and texture of the epidermis, accelerate cell renewal, thereby improving the condition of the skin with enlarged clogged pores.

4. Use retinol and acids in your daily routine

Introduce creams with retinols and acids into your cosmetic diet. Retinols regulate the secretion of sebum, the excess of which accumulates in the pores in the form of plugs. Acids gently exfoliate the stratum corneum of the epidermis - these can be fruit acids or salicylic. The former are suitable for normal skin, salicylic is more preferable for problem skin with inflammation.

Peelings and scrubs remove the superficial stratum corneum, cleanse pores, improve blood circulation and smooth the relief of the face. They are essential for both oily and dry skin. For dry epidermis, choose peels based on glycolic acid: it delicately exfoliates, as a result, even plugs deeply seated in the pores come to the surface, after which they can be easily removed.

If you have sensitive skin, on which redness often appears, then choose enzyme peels - they are the most gentle, so they will not harm even the sensitive epidermis. Enzyme-based peels gently remove dead cells without damaging the skin.

If even small pores are clogged, the skin looks bumpy, dull, then it makes sense to take a course of peelings in a beauty salon. Support the result with self-administered acid peels - they have a minimal concentration of acids, so they are safe for home use.

6. Go to a beauty salon for a cleaning

To improve the condition of problem skin with clogged pores, mechanical or hardware cleaning will help. If there is a large accumulation of black dots on the face, then the fight against enlarged clogged pores should begin with cleansing, since trying to narrow or somehow mask clogged pores is completely useless.

Mechanical cleaning is the most effective way to remove large and small black dots. This is a somewhat traumatic procedure, but there is no alternative to it if the sebaceous plugs are deep and tight. Cleaning in the cabin includes several stages: skin cleansing; applying a special mask to open the pores and soften their contents; removal of sebaceous plugs with Uno spoon or hands; applying an anti-inflammatory mask.

Ultrasonic cleaning is less painful, but also less effective procedure. It will not help clear pores with deep sebaceous plugs. Ultrasonic cleaning removes minor impurities, exfoliates the stratum corneum, evens out the skin microrelief and improves complexion. Thanks to a light micro-massage with ultrasonic waves, the skin of the face becomes smoother, well-groomed, and radiant.

Look for masks with activated charcoal - it absorbs excess sebum, cleanses the skin well, with kaolin - it is a universal cleanser for all skin types that eliminates excess oil, minimizes inflammation, and cleanses pores of impurities like a natural absorbent. For oily problematic skin, look for masks based on clay with zinc, charcoal and volcanic ash.

Cleansing strips can become your assistant for painless removal of blackheads - they are easy to use, help to quickly tidy up the T-zone. However, such strips are ineffective in the presence of dense sebaceous plugs that sit deep in the pores.

8. Avoid comedogenic cosmetics

Dealing with clogged pores requires a holistic approach, including rethinking the make-up and skin care products you use.

First of all, exclude cosmetic products with substances that are known for their high comedogenicity: these are lanolin, a number of vegetable oils (coconut, cocoa butter), petroleum products.

An unbalanced diet is not the most obvious, but, meanwhile, one of the significant causes of pore pollution. Excessive consumption of fatty foods, semi-finished products, sweets, lack of vitamins lead to increased activity of the sebaceous glands and the appearance of acne. Normalize your diet - make up for the lack of vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids, eat more vegetables and fruits (fiber is necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive tract), drink more fermented milk products for a healthy intestinal microflora, and you will notice how this will best affect the condition of your skin.

10. Don't touch your face

Finally, last but not least, try to touch your face with your hands as little as possible. Microbes and bacteria live on our hands, which can be transferred to the face. The result - the skin becomes inflamed, the pores become clogged. Develop the habit of touching your face as little as possible, and you will experience less breakouts and acne.

Clogged pores are the result of increased activity of the sebaceous glands, insufficient cleansing, excessive use of dense decorative cosmetics. Cleanse the skin well, use acid or enzyme peels, purifying clay masks to give the face a well-groomed look. If the pores are very clogged, you first need mechanical cleaning, and only then the correction of home care.

You can clean the pores on your face yourself at home. If you follow the main rule - sterility - the procedure will be successful and will not lead to unpleasant consequences. Although it will not replace a consultation with a professional cosmetologist, it is suitable for those women who have no other skin problems other than comedones.

Before cleaning the face, you need to wash off all makeup, and pre-steam the skin.

Mechanical cleaning at home

Cleaning clogged pores at home requires careful preparation. It should not be carried out in a dusty room and near pets. Before starting the procedure, the skin of the face must be cleansed. For this it is used:

  • Makeup remover milk.
  • Foam for washing.
  • Soft scrub.

The scrubbing agent should not scratch the skin, the best option is small granules. At home, as a scrub, use 1 tbsp. l. natural ground coffee, mixed with 1 tbsp. l. fat sour cream or yogurt.

Coffee can slightly stain the face, so fair-skinned girls are advised to use baking soda. It must be mixed with a small amount of mineral water, massage the problem areas thoroughly and rinse with water.

The second stage is the preparation of the steam bath. For this, the following herbs are brewed:

  • chamomile and horsetail - for oily skin;
  • wormwood - for dry;
  • rosemary and yarrow - for combined.

After that, you can proceed to deep cleaning.


  1. 1. Place a bowl of hot broth on the table, sit comfortably with your face tilted over it, and put a towel over your head so that the outside air does not cool the liquid. You can not bend too low to the bath, so as not to get burned. Average steam bath time is 15 minutes.
  2. 2. The next step is the elimination of black dots. With clean hands, pre-treated with an antiseptic, they begin to clean the pores by pressing on the contaminated area with the pads of their index fingers. Hands must be dry. Do not press on the skin with nails - they can leave wounds. During cleaning, the face should be treated with hydrogen peroxide from time to time. To protect the surface of the skin from injury, it is recommended to wrap the fingers with pieces of gauze bandage.
  3. 3. At the third stage, you need to narrow the pores. To do this, wash your face with cold water with pieces of ice. Chilled decoction of parsley or chamomile has a calming effect on the skin. Then you need to wipe your face with an alcohol-containing tonic and apply a moisturizer.

To quickly remove blackheads on the nose, you need to press your finger on the edge of the wing of the nose, lifting it up. After such manipulations, black dots come out on their own.

Removal of blackheads from the surface of the nose

This is the most effective pore cleansing technique, but due to the high risk of skin injury, it should not be performed more than twice a month. Cleansing masks and scrubs are suitable for regular use.

Home mechanical cleaning can be replaced by procedures in the salon, which have a more pronounced effect.

Salon procedures

The best salon techniques for skin cleansing are described below.

A chemical peel is a controlled chemical burn. With it, you can make scars less noticeable, rejuvenate and even out skin tone.

Skin healing after chemical peel

Gas-liquid peeling is a rejuvenating procedure that evens out the skin texture, but does not help get rid of deep impurities.

Ultrasonic cleaning improves blood flow, removes dead skin cells and improves cell metabolism. This is a light type of peeling that does not eliminate acne.

Vacuum cleaning helps to accelerate the resorption of capillary networks, post-acne traces, increase cellular metabolism and improve blood flow.


To cleanse the pores at home, various homemade masks are used. They are not aggressive, so they are absolutely safe. However, before using any of the methods, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to the components of the recipe.

Folk ways to cleanse pores at home:

Name Cooking method Effect
Body maskBodyagi powder is mixed with a three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide to a state of porridge. The mixture is applied to the face and aged for 15 minutes, then washed off with water.Exfoliates and smoothes fine wrinkles. Cannot be used for sensitive skin and inflammation
Soda scrub maskA mixture of soda and fine sea salt is applied to the face. The components are mixed in equal proportions and applied to a damp, cleansed face. It must be gently massaged for 3-5 minutes, then leave the mask on the skin. Wash off with warm water after 10 minutesGives a noticeable effect after the first application. Makes skin smooth and matte in two or three treatments
Oatmeal mask1 tablespoon of oatmeal is poured with boiling water to brew thick porridge. When the mixture has cooled down a bit, it is applied to the face and rubbed into the skin. After the end of the massage, the oatmeal is left on the face for another 5-10 minutes, then washed off.Exfoliates the skin, eliminates oily sheen, refreshes the complexion and clears comedones
Cosmetic black clayClay is diluted with water to a state of thick sour cream. It shouldn't flow. It is applied to the skin for about 10 minutes. When the clay begins to dry out, you need to dip your fingers in water and start massaging the skin, as if scrubbing. After 3-5 minutes of massage, the remains of the clay are washed off.Draws out toxins, clears blackheads
Cleaning with activated carbonMix 1 crushed activated charcoal tablet, 1 tsp. gelatin and 2 tsp. cold milk. The mixture is stirred and heated in the microwave for 15 seconds. Then the composition is slightly cooled and applied to the face. The procedure lasts 10-15 minutes, then a film forms on the surface of the skin, which must be carefully removed, starting from the chinExfoliates, eliminates deep blackheads

When using the natural formulations described above, various rashes and redness are possible, provoked by the drawing out of toxins from skin cells. They go away on their own after a few days.

Pores are an integral part of the skin, which performs the most important functions of softening and moisturizing. But, unfortunately, they clog too quickly, creating fertile ground for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, every woman should know how to clean the pores on her face.

Indications and limitations

The skin requires daily care. As a means for washing, substances that are characterized by a drying and astringent action should be used. Dry skin can be avoided in the morning with cleansers. However, in the evening, you need to wash off the accumulated dust and polluting particles.

Every day you can cleanse the skin with decoctions of chamomile, diluted lemon juice. After that, a moisturizer should be applied. Deep cleansing should be done once or twice a week depending on skin type. It can also be carried out at home. However, the procedure may be contraindicated if there are some problems:

  • infectious inflammation on the face caused by the herpes virus;
  • overly sensitive or weakened skin;
  • cracks and damage to the skin or pustular inflammation;
  • various types of skin rashes, including acne or allergic;
  • small spider veins that appear on the skin;
  • hypersensitivity to certain ingredients of cosmetics;
  • acne caused by hormonal changes;
  • any skin disease.

There are also time limits for facial cleansing due to such reasons as:

  • the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • too young, unformed skin before the age of 18;
  • scars that occur during the healing of wounds or cuts - over time, they become invisible and do not pose problems;
  • viral infectious diseases;
  • heat;
  • in the warm season, you can not do chemical peeling;
  • you should not clean immediately before an important meeting or going out, as after the procedure a slight redness remains on the skin, which will soon go away.


Pore ​​cleaning should be done in stages. Having freed the face from cosmetics, it is necessary to steam it. This will open up the pores. This procedure can be carried out in different ways.

The simplest and easiest method is a compress. It is necessary to wring out a towel in hot, but not scalding water, apply to the face and hold for several minutes, periodically moistening. For dry skin, the steaming time should be reduced by almost half. Instead of water, you can use a hot decoction of medicinal herbs, such as chamomile or sage.

You can steam the skin with a steam bath for the face - bend over it, covered with a towel. Instead of water, it is also allowed to use herbal decoction, and some add a drop of any essential oil to it. You should not lower your head too low, so as not to get burned.

Purification process

The second step is to cleanse the face of impurities and dead skin cells with the help of scrubs. To prepare them at home, you do not need to purchase expensive cosmetics or exotic fruits. Simple affordable products available in the refrigerator are quite suitable. Salt, ground coffee or almonds, sugar and other substances can be used as abrasive particles for scrub. The main thing is to choose the right recipe for this type of skin. For dry, softer products should be used and vice versa.

  • Deep cleansing of pores can be done with a simple composition. It is necessary to mix the cream with table salt and apply with light movements on the face, protecting the eyes and lips. After waiting a minute, you can wash off the mask with boiled water.
  • Penetrating deep into the pores, effectively cleanses them of traffic jams, blackheads and other contaminants with a milk mask with gelatin. After mixing them in a ceramic bowl, you need to place the product in the microwave for a few seconds or heat it in a water bath until the gelatin dissolves. The mask should be applied warm for a quarter of an hour until it hardens. The resulting film will collect on itself all unnecessary particles and remove them from the face, making it smooth and clean.
  • It has an excellent cleansing and softening effect. They can be diluted in milk or warm water, depending on the type of skin.
  • There are more complex masks that require some effort and patience, but have an excellent cleansing effect. An example of such a remedy is a mixture of fresh egg white with a crushed activated charcoal tablet. First, the mask is applied to the face, after which small pieces of toilet paper are glued on top of it. A second layer of the mixture is applied to them. After drying the film formed by several similar layers, it is carefully removed.
  • You can clear your pores. Gruel from overripe fruit should be mixed with honey and two or three drops of juice of any citrus, if desired. Then apply it for a quarter of an hour on the face and rinse with warm water. It not only cleanses, but perfectly nourishes and.
  • For dry skin, a mixture of fatty cottage cheese and chopped boiled egg shells is perfect. It gently cleanses the pores without damaging the skin.

Narrowing of pores

After cleansing, the pores need to be narrowed so that they do not clog quickly. To do this, instead of a tonic, you can use home remedies - aloe or lemon juice, a dilute solution of hydrogen peroxide. It is useful to simply wash your face with cold water or wipe your face with ice cubes made from herbal decoction. Give a good effect and.

  • Egg white has an excellent tightening effect. Therefore, it is invariably present in all recipes for narrowing pores. Whipped protein can be used both in pure form and with other components that will additionally nourish and moisturize the skin.
  • A mask made from lemon juice and whipped protein is especially effective for oily skin. It not only tightens pores well, but also evens out the face, gives it a matte finish and eliminates red marks left after acne removal.
  • A slurry of honey and flour with protein perfectly moisturizes the skin and narrows enlarged pores. The face will become fresh and wonderfully velvety.
  • If you dilute fresh yeast with lemon juice and add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide, you can get an effective remedy that narrows the pores while nourishing and moisturizing the skin.


At the final stage of deep cleansing of the pores on the face, it is necessary to deeply moisturize it. It is undesirable to use fatty, highly nutritious products for this procedure, as they can clog pores. You can simply apply a moisturizer to the skin or use special masks.

  • An excellent soothing and moisturizing effect is distinguished by a mixture of honey and olive oil. Pre-heated in a water bath and applied to the face for a quarter of an hour, the mask will eliminate peeling, make the skin soft and velvety.
  • Fresh yeast diluted in sour cream perfectly nourishes and moisturizes dry skin.
  • If you cook a banana gruel with egg yolk and stir it with olive oil, you get an excellent mask for nourishing and moisturizing problem skin. After it, the face will glow with purity and freshness.
  • For normal skin, a mask of mashed potatoes diluted with milk will be useful. Fresh, but pre-mashed strawberries are added to the mixture.


In order to prevent rapid contamination of the pores, one must be more attentive to and follow simple recommendations. So the rules are:

  • mineral oils in cosmetics provoke blockage and subsequent contamination of the pores, so their use should be limited;
  • it is also desirable to abandon fatty creams that clog pores - it is better to replace them with effective moisturizers;
  • it is useful to exclude foundation creams from daily “use”;
  • when the pores are quickly clogged, perhaps the reason lies in some internal pathologies, then it is better to undergo an examination and find out the cause;
  • if the skin is prone to allergic reactions, you can contact a specialist who will tell you how to clean the pores of the face at home.

With the regular use of affordable home remedies for face care, expensive cosmetic gels and creams will not be needed, and the look will always be well-groomed and young.