What is a fixed payment to an insurance pension. Old age insurance pension

In 2015, changes were made to the pension system, they affected the formulas for its calculation, and a new concept for our citizens appeared - “fixed payment to the insurance pension”. It is due to every pensioner who is assigned insurance cash coverage.

What changed?

The concept of "labor pension" has ceased to exist. It consisted of a funded part and an insurance part. Now legislators have introduced two independent pensions: funded and insurance. The years of employment are converted into pension points (in legal language - the individual pension coefficient). These points are used to translate insurance premiums paid by employers to the FIU.

Non-insurance periods have appeared in the norm. These included military service, parental leave, the period of caring for the elderly who turned 80, etc. During these periods, points are also awarded, which will be taken into account when assigning cash security upon the onset of disability.

The fixed payment is regulated by the Federal Law No. 400 "On Insurance Pensions", which entered into force two days before the new 2013 year. It cancels the previously valid basic part of the pension, which was guaranteed as the minimum payment for the onset of incapacity for work for every citizen who retired by old age. The fixed payment in 2015 supplanted the basic part, that is, the state refused to give pension guarantees to citizens who did not earn them.

According to the law, a certain number of points must be earned during employment. When calculating the pension, they are converted into rubles through the assigned value. And not always full length of service gives the amount of points necessary for retirement security.

"Basic" amendments

Changes have also been made to the calculation of insurance coverage: the base part is now called a fixed payment to the new insurance pension. That is, a pensioner receives a pension, in legal terms, insurance coverage, part of which is a fixed payment. Both parts represent a certain amount of money, which is paid monthly and guaranteed by the state (in the case of a sufficient number of pension points). Here you need to understand that the fixed part of the pension is established by the Government of the Russian Federation, that is, it does not depend on the amount of contributions paid. But on the other hand, it obeys the rules of indexation, the percentage of which is calculated based on inflation recorded at the end of last year. As well as the type of pension provision and the category of disability.

The recipient of the pension has the right to transfer part of these points to any management company or to choose for this any pension fund owned by non-state structures. They invest their invested funds, thereby increasing their pension savings.

Old age insurance benefit

An insurance pension is a kind of compensation for wages, the receipt of which is impossible due to disability (old age or established disability).

A fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension is assigned by the Government and is paid in a certain (fixed) amount. There are several categories of pensioners eligible for an increased fixed payment by law.

It is worth noting that the insurance pension, both for a working pensioner and for an unemployed person, is assigned on a general basis. But there are some peculiarities in insurance payments for pensioners who continue to work. They are associated with:

  • indexation provided for working pensioners;
  • recalculation of pensions for working pensioners;
  • recalculation of payments after dismissal.

As a general rule, non-working pensioners were entitled to an annual indexation of a fixed payment. As before, in 2017 the size of the fixed payment to the insurance pension is equated to the growth of the consumer price index. Pensioners who continue to work do not have this right. Indexation of their payments will occur only after dismissal.

What does a fixed payment to an insurance pension mean?

The pension system consists of several levels. One of the most important is compulsory pension insurance. Therefore, employers must deduct insurance premiums for each employee (insured person). Today these payments amount to 22%, six of which go to the solidarity part (even in the case of a funded pension). It is from this part of the interest that the fixed payment is formed.

Since these payments are financed by the insured, then they are only due to the insurance pension. That is, three types of additional payments are formed: a fixed payment to a guaranteed insurance pension due to the loss of a breadwinner or disability, and the same payment to an insurance old-age pension.

A fixed payment is not included in the social pension, funded or state.

Formula by which insurance payments are calculated

The fixed payment is assigned simultaneously with the insurance pension. To do this, a citizen needs to contact the branch of the Pension Fund at the place of residence and submit the necessary documents.

The pension is calculated as follows;

  • SP = ƩB x SB + PV.
  • Where, PV is a fixed payment.
  • СБ - the value (variable value) of the retirement point.
  • ƩB is the sum of earned retirement points.

Categories of retirees

The purpose and calculation of a fixed payment depends on the cause of the incapacity for work. Legislators distinguish several categories of pensioners. So who is entitled to a fixed payment to the insurance pension? It is guaranteed to be paid to persons:

  • those who have lost their breadwinner;
  • who have 25 years of experience (men) and 20 (women), at least 15 of whom worked in the Far North, or in natural zones equated to them;
  • become disabled;
  • having the status of an orphan;
  • those who have reached retirement age (for men it is 60, for women - 55 years).

Establishment procedure

The establishment of a fixed payment to the insurance pension, like the pension itself, is carried out by the body that implements the pension provision of citizens who applied at the place of registration for the appointment of a pension. This provision is governed by the federal norm of 12/15/2001 FZ-167 "On compulsory pension insurance in the Russian Federation."

A citizen can submit an application to the institution providing pension provision, or one of the branches of the multifunctional center at the registered place of residence. The MFC will only accept documents if there is a valid agreement between the MFC and the pension provider. The employer also has the right to apply for the purpose of the payment with the written consent of the employee.

The request for payment can be made in the form of an e-mail. The procedure for its registration and provision is determined by the regulatory acts of the Government of the Russian Federation. This statement is transmitted through information and telecommunication networks allowed for public use (Internet) to the Unified portal of state and municipal services.

The list of necessary copies and originals of documents required for calculating a fixed payment and / or recalculating it for various reasons is formed by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Separate category of pensioners

These include government officials and military personnel. Pension contributions for them are transferred by the state. That is why the departments to which they belong are responsible for providing pensions to these citizens.

Payments are legally provided for them:

  • on the loss of the breadwinner (for the families of the victims);
  • when registering a disability;
  • by length of service.

In rare cases, the department transfers contributions to the Pension Fund for a future pensioner. In this case, he will be assigned an insurance pension, but without a fixed part of it.


All types of insurance pensions include a fixed payment. A certain amount has been established for each category of pensioners. Every year the state indexes the fixed payment to the insurance pension, thereby increasing the total amount.

The legislation provides for the annual indexation of insurance pensions and fixed payments. They increase on February 1 by a specially calculated index of growth in prices for consumer goods in the previous year.

Fixed payment to insurance pension in 2017

Last year, due to insufficient funds in the accounts of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Government suspended the indexation program. Therefore, this year it was decided to increase the fixed contribution by 5.4%. After these changes, the amount of the fixed payment to the insurance pension in 2017 became:

  • old age - 4,805.11 rubles;
  • for disability groups I, II, III - 9 610, 22 rubles, 4 805.11 rubles, 2 402.56 rubles, respectively;
  • for the loss of one breadwinner - 2,402.56 rubles.

The cost of the individual coefficient (one retirement point), which is the basis for calculating the insurance pension, has also changed. This year it was taken equal to 78.28 rubles (until February 1 of this year it was 74.27 rubles).

Thanks to these changes, in 2017 the average annual insurance pension will reach 13,620 rubles. In comparison with last year, it has grown by almost 500 rubles.

Indexation this year took place on the basis of the statutory act of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 36 of January 19, which approved the upcoming indexation coefficient for a fixed payment to insurance pensions in 2017.

Potential Additions to Fixed Payment

These amounts can only be increased by the number of dependents and the age of the recipient. As well as work experience in difficult climatic conditions (for example, in the regions of the Far North or equated to them). The increased payment is guaranteed, even if the pensioner no longer lives in difficult climatic conditions. In general, the fixed payment to the insurance pension for northerners can be increased in two ways.

The first option is an increase due to the regional coefficient. The government of the Russian Federation has established this norm for pensioners permanently residing in the region of the North.

The second option is valid for those who have 20/25 years (wives / husbands) of total (earned) insurance length of service, as well as 15 years or more of which they have worked in the regions of the Far North. This allows the fixed payment to be increased by another 50%.

Pensioners who are eligible for both options for an increase, when registering insurance coverage, are required to choose one, at their discretion.

The fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension is doubled if the recipient is 80 years of age or older.

Dependents (up to three people and unemployed) add 1,519.64 rubles to the fixed payment.

Opportunities to Increase Insurance Pensions Increase

A later appeal of a citizen to the Pension Fund significantly increases the fixed payment to the insurance pension. The desire of an employee to continue working after the onset of the official disabled age is already natural today, because life expectancy in our country is increasing. Prior to the entry into force of the new law, pensioners, while continuing to receive wages, were applying for a pension. The new rule proposes not to apply for insurance coverage. In this case, the increase in the fixed payment to the insurance pension by the time it is received will be significant. This happens due to the annual accrual of a special coefficient. The norm is valid from January 1, 2015.

The grounds for recalculation are provided for by federal law No. 173-FZ, as well as by the Administrative Regulations (order of the Ministry of Labor dated March 28, 2014, No. 157). And it is carried out only in the following cases:

  • changes in the number of dependents of a pensioner;
  • reaching the age of 80;
  • change in the category of the recipient of the pension in case of loss of the breadwinner;
  • recognition of a pensioner as a disabled person of group I or when changing a group;
  • acquisition of the required amount of work experience in the Far North, or in areas with difficult climatic conditions;
  • change of place of registration: either moving to the region of the Far North and zones equated to it, or leaving them.

Persons who received a pension before January 1, 2015, and continue to work, are also entitled to recalculation.

The right to it is considered declarative, that is, it is realized on the basis of a written appeal to the local authorities of the PF. Recalculation is permissible for all categories of pensioners. Upon the occurrence of certain circumstances provided for by law, a downward recalculation is possible.

You can submit an application in person at the MFC, or through an employer, having issued your consent.

Without an application, the pension payment is recalculated only in the direction of decrease, when the recipient of the pension reaches 80 years old, as well as when the first group of disability is received. All other cases require a written personal statement from the pensioner. A package of supporting documents is required for it. The law gives five working days to prepare a response. If it is necessary to verify the provided data, the consideration of the case can last up to three months.

Recalculation is appointed from the first day following the month's circulation. A special scheme is provided only for pensioners who have received a disability group:

  • if the assigned group makes it possible to increase the old-age pension or the one already assigned for disability, then the recalculation will be appointed from the date specified in the ITU;
  • if the fixed payment changes downward, then recalculation will occur from the first day of the next month;
  • upon reaching 80 years of age, the fixed payment is increased from the date of execution of this date.

Refusal to satisfy the application of the recipient of the pension for recalculation must be presented no later than the expiration of five working days. The pensioner, if desired, has the right to submit a written complaint to the Pension Fund and a statement of claim to the court.

Until 2015, there was a labor pension in Russia, which consisted of insurance and funded parts. Now the very concept of "labor pension" has ceased to exist, instead of which there have appeared two independent species: insurance and funded pension.

In addition, the years of a citizen's labor activity are now estimated retirement points(individual pension coefficients), into which the insurance contributions paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation began to be transferred.

At the legislative level, a number of socially significant periods are fixed, called uninsured... It:

  • Holiday to care for the child;
  • conscript military service;
  • the period of caring for a citizen over 80 years old, etc.

For all these periods, pension points are also accrued, which in the future will be taken into account when assigning pension benefits.

Even those who are already retirees and receive cash benefits can temporarily refuse from their pensions. After applying for an appointment again no earlier than one year, citizens will be calculated taking into account the bonus coefficients.

When is it installed in an enlarged size?

  • the pensioner reaches the age of 80;
  • the presence of dependents;
  • work experience in the regions of the Far North;
  • permanent residence in areas with difficult climatic conditions.

All recipients of old-age insurance pensions, have reached the age of 80, the FV is assumed to be doubled.

For citizens who have worked a certain number of calendar years in the Far North or in areas equated to them, payments are made in an increased amount, regardless of where they currently live.

But for the "northerners" permanently living in these conditions, the size increases by district coefficient which corresponds to the given locality. In this case, you must permanently reside in the area and confirm this.

This material is devoted to how the procedure for calculating pensions has changed since 2017 (example).

Old-age pension withdrawal formula

Since 2002, the pension has been converted into pension capital, but since the beginning of 2017 it has been calculated in pension points. Please note that the insurance part of the pension and the funded part are independent. The accumulative old-age pension is calculated according to the previously accepted principle. And the retirement points are applied to the old-age insurance pension.

The formula for calculating the pension from 2017 is as follows:

SPS = FV × PC1 + IPK × SPK × PC2

Where ATP is an insurance pension; FV - fixed payment; PC1 - a bonus coefficient that is applied when retiring much later than the retirement age; IPK - individual pension coefficient; SPK - the cost of the pension coefficient at the time of the beginning of the registration of the pension; PC2 is a bonus coefficient that is applied when the pensioner continues to work.

To make it clearer the procedure for calculating a pension from 2017, we will consider the calculation of its components - a fixed payment and an individual coefficient.

Fixed (base) part

Its value is established by Art. 16 Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions" in the amount of 3,935 rubles. This is a guaranteed minimum for every pensioner who is indexed twice a year. On February 1, there is an indexation for compliance with consumer prices, and on April 1 - based on the results of the Pension Fund's income for the year. For certain categories of citizens, an increased rate is provided.

Individual pension coefficient

The new procedure for calculating pensions from 2017 assumes that it is this coefficient that forms the basis of the material well-being of pensioners. Its amount is determined when the old-age pension is established. It consists of pension points, which are accrued every year from the white salary, and the total number of annual pension coefficients. But the new legislation provides for other periods for calculating these indicators.

Procedure for calculating pensions

To calculate the annual rate, apply the following formula:

HPA = SSP ÷ SSM × 10

Where SSP is the amount of insurance pension contributions for the year; CCM - the amount of insurance premiums with the maximum taxable wages (16%). The number 10 is the maximum points that are awarded to a pensioner in the year when the old-age pension is calculated.

However, these 10 points will be issued only from 2021 and only to those retirees who form a funded pension. For 2017, the maximum GPC indicator is 7.39. But it will gradually increase.

The procedure for calculating pensions sums up the points for the entire time of deduction of insurance premiums and displays an individual coefficient. Accordingly, the higher the salary, the longer the length of service, the higher this indicator. Its formula looks like this:

IPK = GPK2015 + GPK2016 + ... GPK2030

Where the CPC is the number of pension points received in the corresponding year.

Calculation of the individual coefficient

Remember that the calculation of the old-age pension is based on the fact that the employer calculates 22% of the employee's salary as a pension insurance contribution. 6% of this amount goes to fixed payments to pensioners, and 16% forms the insurance pension directly to the employee. The new procedure for calculating pensions from 2017 assumes that, at his request, 6% can be deducted for funded pensions, and 10% for insurance pensions.

For example, the CPC with a deduction of 16% is calculated as follows:

With a salary of 20 thousand rubles. monthly insurance premiums will amount to 20,000 rubles. × 12 months × 16% = RUB 38,400 The maximum contribution can be taken from the amount of 733 thousand rubles. The maximum amount of insurance premiums is 117,280 rubles.

HPA = 38 400 ÷ 117 280 × 10 = 3.274

If 10% is deducted for the insurance pension, then the calculation looks like this:

With the same level of salary, 10% goes to insurance, and 6% to accumulative. Then the total amount of pension contributions per year for the insurance will be: 20,000 rubles. × 12 months × 10% = 24,000 rubles. Respectively,

HPC = 24,000 ÷ 117,280 × 10 = 2.046

It is not surprising that many are giving up on funded pension.

Additional points

The procedure for calculating pensions from 2017 takes into account other periods when pension contributions were not paid. In such cases, the CPC is calculated as follows:

Caring for a child under 1.5 years old (but not more than 6 years old):

First child - HPA = 1.8;
Second child - HPA = 3.6;
The third and more - HPA = 5.4.
A disabled child of group I or a person over 80 years old - HPA = 1.8.
Draft into the army - GPK = 1.8.

How much is a point

The pension point costs 64.1 rubles. The procedure for calculating pension from 2017 assumes its constant increase annually on February 1 to match inflation and on April 1 in accordance with the budget of the Pension Fund.

Premium odds

They are paid in the event that, having reached retirement age, the pensioner continues to work without claiming funds from the Pension Fund. Then, to the insurance pension, he is credited with the coefficient of increase in FV (PC1) and the coefficient of its increase (PC2). In fact, if a person of retirement age will work for another ten years, then after that, his pension will increase two and a half times.

Conversion to points

Pensions that were formed before the beginning of 2017 are also converted into points. The translation is carried out according to the formula:

PC = SCh ÷ SPK

Where PC is the sum of pension points as of January 1, 2017; SC - the insurance part of the pension until December 31, 2016 (excluding the funded and basic); SPK - 64.1 rubles. (value of the retirement point).

This amount will become an individual coefficient or be added to the following annual coefficients.

An example of calculating a pension according to the new rules

1. Upon reaching retirement age

For example, citizen X reaches retirement age in 2017. After the conversion of points in 2017, their value was 70, and by 2017 it will earn another 5. Citizen X went on vacation twice for 1 year to take care of children (1.5 years each). For the first - 1.8 points, for the second - 3.6. Total, 80.4 points. If by 2017 the minimum fixed payment is 5 thousand rubles, the retirement point will cost 100 rubles, the penalty for X will be calculated as follows: SPS = FV + IPK × SEC. Insurance: 5,000 rubles. + 80.4 × 100 rubles. = RUB 13,040

2. In case of retirement later than retirement age

Employee P. in 2017 began his work experience at the age of 17. A year later he went to the army for two years - plus 3.6 points. He studied on the job until his retirement years and for another 5 years after. In just 48 years, he received 403.6 points, taking into account the military. By the time of its registration, the pension fund will be 20 thousand rubles. Citizen P. worked in the Far North, so it increases by 30%. Plus bonus coefficients for PV 1.27 and individual 1.34 points. For 2063, the point will be 600 rubles. Then P.'s dog will be:

RUB 26,000 × 1.27 + 403.6 × 600 rubles. × 1.34 = 324,527.42 rubles.

It looks like an approximate new procedure for calculating pensions from 2017, in my opinion, everything has been complicated again, but what do you think ?.