Something boring to do. Learn to do tricks. What else can be done

Sometimes you wonder: I'm bored, what should I do? In fact, boredom is the biggest concern of modern man. And, it would seem, so much entertainment is offered to us today. No, anyway, we do not know what to do with ourselves and are constantly looking for something new. We decided to help you come up with options that will help you pass the time.

Why is the soul covered with dust?

The first and most important thing is to find out why nothing is interesting. Today you can find any hobby. But somehow, the soul does not lie to anything, and the hands do not want to make an extra movement. Why is this happening?

There may be several reasons:

  1. Satiation with life. You have achieved what you wanted, everything is there and nothing else, it would seem, is needed. That's why you feel sad. If before there were goals, and their achievement took your time. Now it has become empty, despite the fact that there are so many things to do. But these things are just everyday life, not the meaning of life.
  2. Character features. You don’t want anything specific because it seems to be so good. But this is only an apparent phenomenon. In fact, it's not good and therefore boring. A person cannot be interested in anything. It has a natural curiosity. It's just that some people extinguish it with their laziness.
  3. It happens sometimes just bored. Not for long. For example, from fatigue. The eyes do not want to look at anything - they are tired, their hands cannot do anything. This is fine. Relax and immediately new things and ideas will appear in your head.

It happens that depression leans in and "the soul is covered with dust." She makes it hard to think about anything other than her. But do not get involved, so you can bring yourself to degradation. And it's harder to get out of it.

What can you do when you are bored at home?

Most often, we begin to feel sad at home. Especially if there is no family. At work or school, there is something to do. But not always at home. But this is only at first glance:

  1. Even if it's clean, you can clean up where you haven't cleaned for a long time. Believe me, there are such places and if there is nothing to do, it's time to get to them.
  2. Cook something like that and invite your friends.
  3. Slightly change the design of the rooms. You don’t have to spend a lot of money for this, sometimes it’s enough to rearrange the flower pots, washing them at the same time. Or reposition photos. You will find entertainment and create comfort around.
  4. Great option to read. Download an interesting book and spend time with pleasure in her company.
  5. Wrap yourself in a blanket, make a delicious drink and turn on your favorite movie.
  6. Go in for sports: yoga, Pilates, exercises, dumbbells and a ball.
  7. Get your body in order. This applies to everyone: men and women. Sea salt bath, manicure, pedicure.

But it is best to choose a hobby that will give you pleasure. While doing it, you should feel self-satisfaction from what you are doing. Then, you will never be bored and your hobby will not get bored.

Here are a few more ways to pass the time if you get bored of idleness:

What to do on the bus if you're bored?

But the most boring place is public transport. But this is not a problem, on the bus you can:

  • Sleep if you can sit down.
  • Listen to music.
  • Looking out the window is an interesting activity. And if you travel far, travel - even more so. You don't even need a tablet or phone. Look around, because that is why many people go on trips.
  • Embroider, knit.
  • Study the guidebook and plan the route.
  • Track on the navigator where we pass, what is interesting. Read on the Internet information about these places.
  • Meet your neighbor and chat. Sometimes these meetings turn out to be significant.
  • Learn a foreign language.

What to do on the Internet?

Of course the Internet space today is the main savior from everything in general. People go there when they have nothing to do. There first. Games, social networks - this is understandable. But the best alternative would be to acquire useful skills.

For example:

  1. Learn to code. That is, learn a programming language that will open up wide opportunities for you. You will be able to create websites or even your own applications. And believe me, for this it is absolutely not necessary to attend expensive courses. Many programmers learned this way.
  2. With the help of special programs, you can acquire the skill of speed reading. At the same time, the quality will not decrease. You will also remember and understand everything.
  3. Learn the art of painting. Now the Internet has everything you need for this. From simple services to complete detailed courses that allow you to create sketches and work with them.
  4. Learn how to make GIFs (gif animation). They can be great gifts for different holidays for friends and family.

Finally, start making money online. Modern technologies make it possible to find a small, but often interesting income for everyone according to their capabilities and abilities.

Cure for boredom

Some doctors argue that boredom is a diagnosis and should be treated. Here are some more recipes:

  • Get in a relationship. And you can do this at any moment, go to dating sites. When something works out, you won't be bored.
  • Go to the search engine and type in the line the phrase "what to do." And then go to pictures. There, you'll read the funny requests people make out of boredom. They will amuse and surprise you.
  • If you feel sad often, get a pet.
  • Go biking, skating, skiing or sledding. At any time of the year there are exciting activities.
  • Go to the movies or to a concert.
  • Sign up for the library. Sometimes you can spend a lot of time looking for an interesting book there.

But all this gives a temporary effect, but sport and work will save you from the blues forever.

What to do if life becomes boring?

And it’s a completely different matter when nothing in life pleases at all. Everything has become boring, the same thing every day. What if things have gone this far?

We must hurry:

  1. Learn to enjoy what you have.
  2. Live every day like it's your last.
  3. Love yourself and loved ones.
  4. Learn to let go of all negativity.
  5. Change what can be changed.
  6. Do more good things for others.

And then harmony will come in the soul. And if everything is beautiful inside, then you won’t have to miss life. After all, she alone is given to everyone and there is no place for melancholy and melancholy in it.

So, we hope that now you have stopped asking yourself the question: "I'm bored, what should I do?" And if not, reread our article carefully again.

Video: what to do if you're bored?

In this video, Maria Senina will tell you what she does if she is bored at home:

Any free minute. People with tend to be positive most of the time. They are used to doing things they love, no matter how much time it takes them. In order to find something for yourself and not ask the question "when I'm bored - what to do", it's enough to do something interesting, look around, look at the world with different eyes.


Many people envy those who can afford to ask others the question: "I'm bored, what should I do?" They themselves do not have the opportunity to allocate time for themselves, family and loved ones. Elementary viewing of TV, favorite films in the family circle will brighten up leisure, bring people together, learn a lot of useful and interesting things about each other. The main thing is the ability and desire to devote free time to those who are pleasant to you.

It is more difficult for those people who say to their loved ones: "I'm bored, what should I do?" This confirms the fact that human life has no colors. Life has eaten it up, and leisure must be organized outside the home environment. Friends, comrades, neighbors, classmates - among them there are always several people with similar interests. The more often people meet and communicate, the more vital interests are manifested. As a result, a person who toiled from idleness will definitely find something to do with himself.

A computer

It is the computer that is the main friend, comrade and colleague of many. But it happens that it becomes boring at the computer. What to do in such a situation? Many will say that a computer cannot be boring, and even more so if it is connected to the Internet. Yes, you can find a lot of interesting things on the Internet: entertainment, communication, games and much more. But one cannot dispute the fact that it is difficult to replace the real world with the virtual world. These are completely different lives, they can be combined, but it is difficult to compare.

If the computer has become boring, but there is no desire to leave the house, you can start to take care of yourself. Self-education is the best that a person can acquire through the use of Learning foreign languages, history, whatever, it is important to occupy yourself with what you really like. Thus, you can not only pass the time, but also get a lot of useful knowledge that will definitely come in handy in life. It is also important to remember that studying the topics you like is a lengthy business. Yes, breaks can be frequent, but the goal should not change from this.

work at home

How to be and Links to interesting and useful pages will come to the aid of everyone. Working from home is a lifesaver for those who are bored. How to earn money and not leave the apartment? This is possible, and many people live on the money earned in this way. You can get a job through the Internet quite quickly. It all depends on which direction is closer than a person is ready to deal with and how much time to spend to get the first capital. Money will not fall from the sky, no one will give it, you will have to work. By devoting just a few hours a day, you can earn a living, pay off loans, save money to buy a car or any other thing.

The most profitable occupation is trading on stock exchanges, but this area is very complex, and not everyone is able to figure it out. Before you start working, it is important for yourself to understand how interesting and real it is. Taking a high bar right away without experience is a desperate move that may not give the desired results. A common occupation for many has become writing articles. The principle of operation is very simple: by registering on the employer's website, you can immediately begin to complete tasks. Depending on the quality of the written works, the rating of the performer will decrease or increase, which will attract the attention of customers. Funds earned on such sites can be withdrawn via electronic directly to your bank card.

Dacha, rest

It is more difficult for those people who ask: "What to do if it's boring in the summer?" Summer is such a time when it cannot be boring. Dacha, sea, recreation, entertainment, friends and much more should distract from sad thoughts. Only lazy people can get bored in summer. In the warm season, you can always keep yourself busy with sports, evening walks, trips to water bodies. Desire is what is needed from a person who is bored. If it is, there will definitely be something to do and someone to pay attention to in your spare time.

Boredom in dictionaries is defined as a painful feeling from an idle, inactive, monotonous state of mind.

People get bored when they have nothing to do. Children do not find something to do if they are used to being constantly entertained by adults or a group of other children. They are passive consumers of entertainment. Children find salvation in TVs, the Internet, in computer games. Then they grow up, have families and children, and then they find themselves in a state of stupor, and do not know what to do when they are bored. And monotony and monotony lead people to a state of despondency.

When you are in crowded places, look around, observe the people around you. You will notice that people, having rushed somewhere, are busy with their thoughts, they have a preoccupied look. People do not see birds, do not look at the sky, they hide behind their thoughts, they are only interested in the means to achieve their goals. Millions of people do not see each other. Do any of them think about how to get rid of boredom? No, they are worried about more serious issues, longing comes in the process of waiting or inaction. Therefore, the following recommendations will help you get rid of boredom.

What to do if bored?

The long-awaited weekend does not always bring satisfaction, the mood can be spoiled by bad weather, which broke all plans. And the question of what to do when bored arises by itself. To save your leisure time, the following tips will help you:

  • walk around the house, look around, obviously there is something to do for a few hours. For example, cleaning the house, sorting out your wardrobe;
  • cooking your favorite dish, or you can learn new unusual recipes;
  • remember, did you have any occupation in childhood that worked well and was subsequently abandoned? Maybe you were great at drawing, singing, dancing, crocheting, etc. The free time that you now have is a great time to remember your talents and start improving them. And your old hobby can turn into a permanent one, and you will forever end the question of how to get rid of boredom;
  • you can have a good work of art, useful literature for self-development, in extreme cases - just re-read your favorite book;
  • organize viewing of old photos, whether they are children's, from school, from vacation, and you yourself will not notice how quickly the time flies, but the received pleasant emotions will leave an imprint in your memory for a long time;
  • normal healthy sleep, which will only benefit the body;
  • start watching movies, perhaps you have long wanted to watch something, but could not find the time, and now you have a great opportunity to do it;
  • television can be replaced by a walk in the fresh air or a jog along the morning (evening) quiet street. Health such a pastime will only benefit;
  • An excellent way out of boredom will be a party at your place with your beloved friends or a joint trip to an entertainment venue (bowling, billiards, karaoke, dancing, a concert, etc.). The main thing is not to sit back, if boredom has come - become the initiator of fun leisure!

You haven't found your life partner yet, who would know how to get rid of boredom? It doesn't matter, people find themselves in what they love. Further, depending on whether you are a guy or a girl, you will find useful tips for getting rid of boredom.

What to do when girls are bored?

What to do when a guy is bored?

  • Men are also not deprived of talent. Remember Yudashkin or Zaitsev. By the way, experts say that a person who spends his free time doing needlework is less prone to heart disease. As needlework for the male half, one can advise a remedy for boredom as the construction of small copies of models of aircraft, ships, cars. Full speed ahead to the needlework store!
  • No way to chat with friends live? Communicate in chat, social networks, by phone. There will definitely be like-minded people there, or maybe they don’t know how to get rid of boredom, together it’s easier to experience bouts of loneliness.
  • A pet perfectly saves from loneliness and boredom. It will fill all free time instead of unexpected boredom. It will also be waiting for you from work or school, which will bring into your life that feeling when someone really needs you.
  • Active sports (cycling, snowboarding, rollerblading, skateboarding, horseback riding, rock climbing, martial arts, football, basketball, volleyball)
  • Going to the gym.
  • Repair broken appliances.
  • Repair in the apartment.

Getting rid of boredom in marriage

A married couple ceases to exist when there are no common interests. To save a marriage and not think about how to get rid of boredom is possible only when the couple finds joint activities. Regardless of whether it is labor activity or leisure time, for example:

  • a joint trip to nature, even going to places where many people diversify family relationships and save you from boredom;
  • make a pleasant second half with your own hands. A woman can cook her favorite dish for her husband, organize breakfast in bed. A man can also cook something delicious. Both can make a beautiful presentation from joint or their childhood photos; find a wedding video (photos) and arrange an evening viewing, after which the surging feelings will clearly only benefit the strength of family ties;
  • you can invite friends to visit, have a themed party in costumes, and the question of how to get rid of boredom will be solved by itself.

Dealing with boredom at work

Much of childhood is sacrificed for compulsory education. But children are less likely than adults to say: “I have nothing to do”, they communicate with peers, make friends, find common interests. But soon the next level of monotony sets in in a person’s life - work, in which a boring process has several stages: time distortion (it slows down), removal from the environment and increased heart rate, leading to a stress reaction.

Are you bored at work and there is a time when there is nothing to do? If possible, engage yourself in more interesting activities such as:

  • read an interesting book;
  • visit online forums, social networks;
  • play computer games;
  • if this is not possible, change your actions. If you were sitting, get up and walk, do exercises. If it's hard work, close your eyes and dream. Good thoughts calm the nerves;

But the most dangerous thing is an unloved job. It turns over the years into hard labor, which you are forced to go to. Try changing jobs. A favorite thing does not expose a person to longing. Many are afraid of change, but only actions develop a person and do not let them get bored. Self-improvement has no age limit. Aspirations for knowledge of the world and oneself deprive the question “how to get rid of boredom?”.

Boredom scientifically

As it turned out, such a state as boredom was practically not studied. Not so long ago, psychologists focused their attention on the "boring" topic. In one of the British Institutes, scientists have come to the conclusion that the cure for boredom can be a mobile phone. Yes, indeed, in the subway, in line, while waiting, a person spends his free time using a mobile device. However, experts say that boredom has become even stronger. The paradox is that the more things for entertainment, the more people will wallow in boredom.

Incredibly, some experts believe that boredom is deadly. In the light of recent research, it turned out that early death, in most cases, is associated with boredom.

An interesting fact was that when a person is bored, his brain is not inactive, but, on the contrary, is in a state of excitement close to stress. And while a person decides what to do with himself, his brain is ready to explode from various thoughts.

Causes of boredom

It has always been believed that longing can be attributed to a trivial nuisance, and it has been inherent in mankind since ancient times. One of the deadly sins - despondency is the source of boredom. For the first time, the word "boredom" was used by Ch. Dickens in his novel about litigation. But only in the 20th century, this concept began to be associated with any occupation, profession, location, and even with people. Scientists know that a person's preferences do not affect boredom. It is subject, probably, to universal laws, such as:

  • uninteresting environment, or when everything around is tired, pall and disgusted;
  • aggravate a boring process through repetition. The human brain to repetitive events
  • insensitive. He is ready to understand the essence, and then loses his interest in what is happening;
  • attentiveness. When a person is engaged in something that does not interest him, predictable, of the same type, boredom
  • aggravated due to the fact that it is necessary to be attentive for a long time.

And since the work of the brain accelerates during boredom, then there is a distortion of time. Many have experienced how slowly time passes when there is nothing to do. The more often a person is bored, the more often it seems to him that time has practically stopped. The reason, according to scientists, is that a bored person increases the level of cortisol, the stress hormone. Therefore, the apparent half-asleep state is actually a state of stress.

What is the danger of boredom

Elevated levels of cortisol in the human body brings many problems, and is the cause of:

  1. Obesity causing heart disease.
  2. Weakening of bones and muscles.
  3. Increase in pressure.
  4. Permanent fatigue.

In addition to the fact that a person’s physical health can be seriously shaken in a bored state, his mental state is also in danger. It is when there is nothing to do that the risk of suicide increases, especially among young people. Boredom is essentially a modern state of stress that is impossible to put up with and extremely difficult to deal with for some representatives of the human race.

Life is given to a person in order to find the right ways to deal with any troubles, boredom or illness.

The phrase revolves in my thoughts: “I have nothing to do”, urgently need to take action. Fortunately, there are not many places in the world where people are forced to be chronically bored.
We come to this world in search of meaning, adventure and fun. But many of us spend our time in boredom. Maybe the system is to blame for this, which sentenced us to a monotonous life, routine work and leisure with smart devices. But boredom reaches its apogee where repetition and monotony become the norm. Do not allow senseless walking in circles in your life, try to diversify it.

Helpful Hints

You suddenly find that you are bored and want to do anything interesting or useful.

There are many things you can do to avoid boredom. Here are a few of them:

What to do at home when bored

1. Remember old postcards, which people used to give each other before the Internet became massive.

Send some beautiful postcards to your friends who are far away from you. You don't have to wait for a response from them, you just know that you did something nice.

You can make your own postcard. How to do it, .

2. Assemble the puzzle. If you have not forgotten what a puzzle is, then you are not yet so absorbed in modern technology.

Why the puzzle? This game uses several areas of your brain - combine business with pleasure, besides, a big puzzle will take you a lot of time and you will not feel bored.

3. Make order on the bookshelf. You can sort them by era or cover color, or you can separate the books you have read from those you intend to read in the future.

4. Try it origami art. It will help you think and analyze better. When you master the basics, you can make incredibly beautiful figures. On the Internet you can find a huge number of instructions on the technique of origami.

5. Get busy other types of creativity. Try to write poetry or prose (maybe a movie script for fun), draw something (with pencil, watercolor, etc.), play your favorite song or learn a new one, or maybe compose your own.

6. You don't have to be a child to build your fort from chairs, stools, blankets, etc. Inside you can sit with a laptop, for example.

7. Try to do for your friends and / or relatives a small DIY gift. This does not need a reason, but interesting ideas.

9. You can please yourself or friends by making sweet gift. .

10. If one of your loved ones is soon holiday, you can make a gift for them with your own hands. Gifts for mom, grandma and sister, and dad, grandfather and brother.

11. Try a little furnish your kitchen. You can use some interesting ideas that will make your work in the kitchen easier. There are such ideas.

12. Get busy original crafts. Start with simple crafts and then move on to more intricate ones. Many crafts and instructions for them can be found.

13. How do you feel about decorating a room? beautiful vase made by hand? Many variants of such vases, with simple instructions, can be found.

What else can you do when you're bored

16. As an option to combat boredom, try making handmade mask.

17. Try to cook something - it's not only interesting, but also useful. Refresh your knowledge, find interesting recipes and try to please family and friends.

18. Look movie. You can find a suitable movie online or go to the cinema.

19. View serials sometimes it can be very useful if you are bored. To date, you can find a series for every taste, read the comments and see the ratings, so as not to make a mistake with the choice.

20. Practice something. Try, for example, to juggle, to leave small balls in a ring (bucket, box). You can record the records you set while exercising.

21. Begin housework especially if you've been putting it off for a long time. Turn on the music and calmly start tidying up the house or fixing or cleaning something.

22. Learn something new. Look online and learn how to do magic tricks or how to breathe fire. Here are some interesting articles that will interest you:

24. Cook yourself warm bath. When was the last time you relaxed? Add sea salt, foam (if desired) to the bath and put on your favorite music.

25.Create a List something: what to do next week, ideas for the craziest party, a list of people you would like to give gifts to and what kind of gifts, a list of your favorite movies / bands / songs, etc.

What to do when bored at the computer

If you are bored at the computer, but you don’t really want to leave it, there are several useful things that you can do:

1. Check your mail, but not for new letters, but to delete unnecessary letters, spam - just clean up your mailbox.

3. If you are unhappy with your current job, you might consider your dream job. Create a document that lists what you don't like about your current job and what you would like to have in your dream job. Once you've figured out what you like, search the internet for jobs that are right for you.

4. Remember those who did something nice for you and send them thank you card.

5. Organize your photos both on the computer and on social networks.

6. Send a message or congratulation an old acquaintance, friend, colleague or family member with whom you have not communicated for a long time.

7. If you are bored, you can open a text document and start writing something, like a letter to someone. If the letter is addressed to a relative or friend, you can send it.

8. If you are not familiar with Google documents, then you can get to know this service, which allows you to create and store Word, Excel and Powerpoint documents on the Internet. You will be able to open these documents anywhere in the world where you have internet access.

9. Clean your computer old/unnecessary programs. This will not only free up your hard drive, but also make your computer run faster. On Windows, you need to go to the control panel and select "Add/Remove Programs".

10. Find out what are Hotkeys for frequently used programs.

You don't know what to do when you're bored? 5 tips that will instantly dispel your boredom and help you breathe life!

So, the dictionary defines boredom as a negative emotion, experiencing which a person loses his activity, and also ceases to be interested in the world around him and people.

On the contrary, I believe that boredom can act as a positive colored mood, for example, if we are talking about the longing that you experience from separation from your loved one.

The main thing is not to drown in this feeling.

If you feel that melancholy is starting to suck you in, then from this article you will learn what to do when bored!

Ancient ancestors did not know such a phrase - "what to do when bored" ...

Scientists believe that ancient civilizations did not know about such a concept.

Maybe they really had no time to be bored, they were busy either with survival problems or with vital inventions, such as a wheel.

Or maybe the whole point is that the ancient melancholics are not, therefore scientists cannot find real evidence.

The gloomy Middle Ages condemned bored people, arguing that for their laziness and apathy, men and women should experience incredible shame before God.

But the creative Renaissance was characterized by a more loyal attitude towards boredom, it even received the romantic name "melancholy" and was elevated to the rank of a physical illness.

Gradually, boredom became more and more popular, especially among aristocrats.

Melancholy young ladies and moping gentlemen did not leave the pages of novels, including Russian and Ukrainian, though, advice, what to do when bored, they were not.

The Bolsheviks who came to power immediately cut off this trend.

There was no time to be bored - everyone had to build a bright future at an accelerated pace.

Those who, in their opinion, did not try enough, received an exciting ticket to the land of permafrost.

Fortunately, the terrible times are behind us, and today everyone can indulge in boredom with pleasure. But is it worth spending your time on it?

What to do when bored: where did this phrase come from?

Before you know what to do when bored, you should understand the causes of melancholy.

Most experts agree that the feeling of boredom occurs when a person does not cheer himself up with a charge of positive emotions for a long time, simply put, he plunges into a routine.

This is certainly one of the main reasons, but, in my opinion, far from the only one.

A person begins to get bored if he:

    For a long time it cannot be realized.

    Just imagine: for several years you have been trying to make a career or want to start your own business, but something constantly keeps you at a decent distance from success.

    Even strong people can succumb to apathy and stop achieving their goal, although it is actually much closer than you think.

    Regularly succumbs to bouts of laziness.

    In my opinion, this is the main reason for boredom.

    We are too lazy to write an article, attend a training, clean an apartment, go on a first date (continue the list yourself), and then we start complaining about the lack of interesting activities, the failure in our personal and professional lives, and, of course, boredom.

    Doesn't know how to love.

    I am talking now not only about romantic attachment to my soulmate, but the general idea, I think, is clear: you can’t get bored next to the person you love.

    The same principle must be practiced in everything: sincerely love your profession, household chores, friends, and you will forever forget what boredom is.

There are many additional reasons associated with the mental characteristics of each person, but they must be considered separately.

What to do to overcome boredom?

Sometimes the body, refusing to do important and necessary things related to home and work, simply tells you that it is tired.

You should not force yourself, because something worthwhile is unlikely to come out of your work.

It is better to spend this time sleeping, reading interesting and useful books, watching exciting videos, meeting friends, traveling with your loved one and other amenities.

Naturally, you cannot abuse such therapy, otherwise you will simply turn into an idle bum.

Answers to the question what to do when bored, only one and it will definitely not appeal to lazy people: TAKE YOURSELF WITH ANY BUSINESS!

It is much easier than you think at first glance, just make an effort and start some work, and soon you will not even notice that you have finished it.

5 ways to keep you busy when you're bored:

    Go in for sports.

    Do morning exercises, go for a run, sign up for a gym, aerobics, yoga - the choice of workouts is huge.

    This will help keep in good shape not only the body, but also the character.

    Always take care of your appearance.

    A lady with a manicure and freshly dyed hair or a clean-shaven gentleman is much more difficult than an incomprehensible creature in a greasy robe or stretched sweatpants.

    Learn to make to-do lists and follow through.

    Days filled with activities will not only help you avoid melancholy, but will also lead you to success.

    Get yourself a hobby or a pet.

    Believe me, a funny puppy or a purring kitten will instantly drive away boredom and come up with something to do for you.

    Are you ready to take on such a responsibility?

    Start embroidering, knitting, collecting something.

    Be always on the move.

    Have you been successful in any field?

    Then forward, to the conquest of new heights.

    If you stop, then laziness and boredom will quickly catch up with you.

And also, take an example from this baby ... she is clearly not bored 🙂

And finally: people who live a full life and strive for success simply have no time to be bored.

Only losers suffer from the blues! Are you a loser?

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