Documents required for the appointment of an old-age pension. What documents are required to apply for an old-age pension. Documents for the appointment of a social old-age pension

Not everyone knows how to pass the VTEK disability commission. Previously, I had a general intuitive understanding of this procedure. A couple of months ago, I needed to help my sister get her disability status. Immediately, a number of questions arose automatically on the topic of where to start, whether any documents are needed, which organization is worth contacting, and so on.

Medical and Social Commission on Disability

Until the approval of federal law number 181 (seventh article), which entered into force on November 24, 1995, individuals had to pass a medical-labor expert commission to confirm the status of disabled people. Since the entry into force of this legislative act, VTEK has been replaced by a medical and social examination.

The mission of the ITU is also in a comprehensive examination of the body of an individual claiming to be assigned a certain category of disability and making an appropriate verdict. There are no significant differences between these two procedures.

The only difference is that a medical and social examination can be carried out even for individuals who have not yet reached the legal age. In addition, since ITU replaced VTEK and medicine did not stand still, the departments in which it is carried out are equipped with all the necessary equipment much better.

It so happens that as a result of the commission on disability, its members cannot come to a common decision. In such situations, an individual will need to undergo the examination again. It will be much easier to do this a second time, since you do not need to collect documentation.

How is the VTEK commission on disability going?

Those individuals who are faced with the passage of a medical commission for the first time in their lives often do not know what steps to start with. First of all, you need to make an appointment at the district clinic to see a doctor specializing in the relevant problem of a disabled person.

After the examination, the doctor will write out a referral for examination. Next, you need to go through the procedure itself and, accordingly, wait for the results. I propose to consider each of the steps in more detail:

  • Getting directions. The patient needs to make an appointment with a specialized doctor, who will enter the readings in the outpatient card. Further, the therapist, on the basis of the information displayed in the card, writes out a referral to undergo an examination. In order to appoint a place and time for the examination, an individual will need to draw up a corresponding statement. A number of papers must be attached to this document. First of all, this is the direction, as well as the passport. In addition, you will need a work book and a certificate containing information about income. You will also need medical documents - an outpatient card and hospital extracts. They may also be required to provide production characteristics;
  • Passage of the procedure. Further, the individual will only have to sign up for the examination and go through it on the exactly appointed day and time. Regarding the definition of the date, it must be set in accordance with the current legislative rules. The relevant rules are included in the order of the Ministry of Health under number 624 (paragraph 27, dedicated to the procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for work). In the course of the examination, an analysis is made not only of the work of various functions of the patient's body, but also of his professional and psychological data. The direction specifies what the experts need to focus on. However, in any case, a comprehensive survey should be carried out. The examination can take place both in one of the offices of the bureau, and at home (if necessary). Several specialists must carry out the procedure at the same time;
  • Making a decision. After the survey has been carried out, and its progress and results have been entered into a special protocol, the members of the commission will need to vote. Specialists decide which diagnosis to give to an individual. Voting is closed. If, due to a disease in the patient's body, any serious violations in the functioning of functions are found, then this serves as the basis for assigning him the status of a disabled person. Also, the reason for the award of disability is the lack of abilities required to carry out normal activities. If in the course of a medical-labor examination it was found that a person needs care, as well as financial assistance, then he should also be recognized as a disabled person. For more information on the grounds for awarding a degree of disability, please read Order No. 1024 issued by the Department of Labor.

It should be noted that individuals who must be awarded a degree of disability due to an industrial accident or occupational disease will need one more document to pass the ITU. This is an act, drawn up in the form of N-1, in which the incident must be documented.

Difficulties associated with VTEK on disability

It can also happen that an individual is in an extremely serious condition. For example, in intensive care. In such situations, outsiders must deal with the registration of disability. These can be either close relatives or doctors of the medical institution in which the patient is staying. The patient's employer can also take care of the medical and social examination.

First, it will be necessary to issue a certificate indicating that an individual is not able to independently engage in the organization of medical and social expertise. On the basis of this document, the individual responsible for carrying out this procedure will be able to receive a referral, as well as collect all other documents necessary for the examination of the patient by the experts of the medical labor commission.

Another problem can be when an individual is in a psychiatric clinic in a state that does not allow him to independently sign up for an examination. Then you need to issue a power of attorney, according to which a relative or another person will be authorized to act on behalf of the patient. The document must be certified by a notary.

In addition, sometimes patients go to the clinic on their own, but they are denied a referral. In such cases, the future disabled person needs to request the issuance of a form according to the model number 088 / y. Next, you need to collect all medical certificates, extracts, an outpatient card, as well as prepare the rest of the documents necessary for the examination. And the final step in solving this problem is filing an application with the central bureau of medical and social expertise.

The addresses of the VTEK on disability in Moscow can be easily found on the official website of the Ministry of Health. Individuals have the right to apply not only to those departments that are located at their place of residence, but also to the offices located at the place of their temporary registration.

Medical and social examination on disability (MSE) is carried out with the aim of examining a citizen and granting him the status of a disabled person. It has its own specifics and differs somewhat from the medical-labor expert commission (VTEK), which existed until 1995.

ITU on Disability - What is it?

The state provides people with disabilities with various benefits and allowances. To count on support, these people must properly formalize their disabled status. They need to go through the ITU - medical and social expertise. The research is being carried out by a special commission consisting of various members. It is represented by doctors of various orientations and other experts - psychologists, social workers, etc.

ITU is a study of the physical, mental and social health of a citizen in order to establish the presence of a disability. If the examination is primary, depending on the degree of pathology, one or another group is assigned. Experts look at how much a person is able to work, independent, determine the amount of pensions and benefits.

Tasks of the MSEC (medical and social expert commission):

  • determine the causes of disability and its timing;
  • identify the need of citizens for social assistance and facilitate its receipt;
  • develop projects related to the rehabilitation of people with physical disabilities;
  • to establish the degree of inability to work.

A repeated examination can testify to an improvement or deterioration in the condition of a citizen. Accordingly, the disability group is confirmed or changed. With a significant improvement in health, the disabled status can be withdrawn altogether.

The criteria for determining disability can be clinical, psychological, labor and social. This means that this is not only a medical examination, but also conversations with psychologists, social workers, etc. That is, both medical and socio-prerequisites for assigning the status of a disabled person are being investigated.

The procedure takes place in local and regional offices that provide peer review of persons with disabilities. Their activities are coordinated by federal agencies.

“All structures are headed by the ITU Federal Bureau. It is the main office under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection. The organization is located in Moscow. "

List of documentation

Required documents for those who want to obtain a disability registration:

  1. Referral from a therapist to an ITU commission.
  2. Application for survey - form 088 / u-06.
  3. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, including its copy.
  4. A photocopy of the work book, approved by the personnel department at the place of work.
  5. SNILS.
  6. Medical (outpatient) card.
  7. Papers with the results of the analyzes obtained.
  8. Originals and copies of extracts from case histories, as well as other documents at the place of treatment of a citizen.
  9. Papers containing characteristics of the patient's working conditions.
  10. Occupational Injury or Illness Report - Form H-1.
  11. Employment recommendation letters (if required).
  12. A copy of the certificate of disability (when MSEC is repeated).

If a child passes the expert commission, then the following series of documents is submitted:

  1. Birth certificate.
  2. Parental passports.
  3. Referral from the children's clinic.
  4. Documentation from an educational or educational institution (characteristic, certificate, etc.).

“The above is a standard list. Depending on the disease or social factors, the list may vary. You should check with your attending physician. "

Order of passage

Passing a commission for approval of a disability is a laborious task that requires time and effort. This is especially difficult for those persons whose physical or mental condition is not easy. People who pass the disability commission first may find themselves in a stressful situation.

Stages of disability registration:

  • Get a medical examination.

To take a referral to the ITU, you will have to undergo medical examination. In this case, you need to visit the medical institution that is located at the place of residence (you can also at the place of temporary residence). The therapist makes an entry in the medical record and sends it to narrow specialists. It is better to tell them everything about your health - injuries, illnesses, symptoms, well-being, etc.

  • Pick up a referral for examination from a therapist.

It will be difficult to get a referral to the ITU without first passing the medical examination. In addition to the attending physician, the document is also issued by the Pension Fund of Russia and the bodies of social protection of the population (SZN). Evasion of issuing a referral must be substantiated and formalized in writing with an indication of the reason.

  • How to act in case of refusal.

If the listed authorities refused to issue the document, the citizen has the right to receive it directly at the local ITU bureau. They refused here too - you need to contact the regional, and after another refusal, the federal bureau. In case of failure, you can seek direction through the court.

  • Collect and submit the necessary documentation.

After that, you need to collect all the necessary documentation (the list is given above). The application, along with all paperwork, is submitted to the local office. Then, no later than 30 days after the registration, the applicant receives an invitation, the time for the passage of the commission is appointed.

  • Get certified by specialists.

On the specified date, you must appear at the ITU Bureau. A lying person is examined at home or in a hospital. The commission is not only medical. It consists of at least three specialists of different profiles. The members of the expert group study the documents presented by the patient, then conduct an examination and conversation.

  • Provide specialists with the information they need.

Questions may concern health, living standards, social skills, working and living conditions. You need to behave as culturally and politely as possible, speak only on business.

"Give specialists all the information that may indicate a difficult physical and social situation."

  • Wait for the vote of the commission members.

The results of the conversation are recorded in the protocol, on the basis of which a decision is made by the total number of votes on the establishment of disability and the definition of a rehabilitation program. Voting is closed. The applicant learns about the decision directly on the day of the examination. In case of serious disagreement, an additional examination can be organized.

  • Read the decision of the commission and pick up the certificate.

The statement of disability occurs according to such important criteria as disorder of body functions, restriction of natural life activity and the need for state assistance. The person is issued a certificate confirming the status and an individual rehabilitation program.

  • Apply to the FIU for a pension.

Within 3 days with the received certificate, you need to contact the FIU for the appointment of a disability pension. You should also visit other social security bodies that provide the necessary assistance for a particular disabled person.

  • Regularly undergo re-examination.

Every year for disabled people of 2 and 3 groups, a procedure is carried out, which is called re-examination. The 1st group passes it every two years. On it, the patient's status can be changed.

"The procedure for registering a disability is always the same, but there are distinctive features of its passage by some people."

ITU for different categories of citizens

Typical features of registration of disabled status by some citizens:

  • Minors. They pass the commission in the presence of parents or guardians. For pupils and students, a certificate with a characteristic from the educational institution is needed.
  • Pensioners. An examination by a local doctor is mandatory. A referral should only be taken after a medical examination. After receiving a certificate of disability, a citizen in the FIU draws up a pension and benefits.
  • Patients with a heart attack, oncology. After the diagnosis has been made, at least four months must elapse. Only then can you pass the ITU.
  • With visual impairment. Only the ophthalmologist, who treats the patient, draws up a referral for examination.

VTEK on disability - what is it?

In addition to ITU, there is one more abbreviation - VTEC (also VTK). This is a medical and labor expert commission. That was the name of the ITU earlier. She carried out procedures related to disability only among the working population. Expertise was available only to adults.

Its goal was to determine whether a person can work fully, whether he should switch to a facilitated mode of work, or whether he cannot work at all due to circumstances. The commission studied not only the condition of a person, but also understood the working conditions in which he works.

Medical and social expertise has been in place since 1995. From that moment on, the commission examines all categories of citizens, regardless of work activity, including children. That is, the procedure began to be broader in nature, compared to the VTEK, in which the commission on disability was carried out in the same way as the ITU.

"The abbreviation VTEK is still used in speech and texts, but this is one and the same expertise."

The legislative framework

In 1995, Russia adopted Federal Law No. 181-FZ, which is called “On the Social Protection of Disabled People in the Russian Federation”. The entire 2nd chapter there is devoted to medical and social expertise. Three articles are given:

  • Article 7 contains the concept of ITU.
  • Article 8 describes the responsibilities and functions of federal agencies for ITU.
  • Art. 8.1 contains information on an independent assessment of the quality of services.

The very procedure for carrying out the examination is described in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 95 of 20.02.2006. The 4th chapter of the document is devoted to this.

Also, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection issued Order No. 1024-n of 12/17/2015, in which objective criteria for assessing body functions are determined for members of the commission within the framework of the ITU. This order identifies four measures of violations - from minor to severe. Such a classification became necessary, because earlier specialists were guided by a variety of documentation and subjective assessments.

There is one more criterion that is stipulated there. It makes it possible to determine how limited the life of a citizen is. This includes:

  • ability to communicate;
  • training;
  • movement;
  • self-service;
  • labor activity, etc.

In accordance with these medical and socio-indicators, one or another disability group is assigned. There are a number of problems that have arisen regarding this order of the Ministry. Many citizens, when passing the commission again, were unhappy with what the experts said. They complain that they are putting on an easy group.

The document contains many references to specific diseases, although the person may not even be diagnosed. To give the 1st group, very difficult conditions of a bed patient are needed. Therefore, the subjectivity of the examination remained, despite a number of useful changes.

"Each case is unique and doctors and other experts consider the condition of an individual person, including on the basis of their own vision of the situation."


It is possible to pass the ITU (until the 95th year there was VTEC or VTK) to obtain the status of a disabled person only after examination by the medical board. It will show the degree of disorders and health problems. Then it is necessary for the therapist to give a referral for examination by examination. An application is written, documents are collected, the list of which must be clarified with the attending physician. All papers are submitted to the local ITU office.

The date of the survey is set within 30 days after the application. A citizen appears in the allotted number and passes the experts of the commission. You should behave as culturally as possible, in no case swear.

According to the criteria approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the physical, mental and social condition of the patient is determined. A group of disabilities is given. Both an adult and a child can pass the commission.

Many people have to deal with harmful and / or dangerous working conditions while performing their work duties. Sooner or later, this can lead to the development of chronic diseases. It is these people who are usually sent to VTEK. The decoding of this term is the medical-labor expert commission.

What does VTEK do?

The decoding of the VTEK implies that this commission is engaged in the solution of expert issues related to the labor activity of a person and the possible loss of the ability to carry out it. VTEK has the following functions:

  1. Determination of the patient's suitability for performing a particular job.
  2. Determination of the degree of disability.
  3. Determination of the disability group, if indicated.
  4. Determination of the relationship between the developed chronic disease and professional activity.
  5. Referral of the patient to rehabilitation measures.

Referral to VTEK is carried out at the request of the patient himself, his employer or at the initiative of the attending physician.

Required documents

In order for VTEK members to have the opportunity to make an objective and balanced decision, the following documents are required:

  • completed referral to VTEK;
  • medical documentation of an extract from the medical history, examination results, conclusions of consultant doctors);
  • copy of the work book;
  • production characteristics for VTEK;
  • a disabled person's certificate if the person already has a disability.

If necessary, additional documents may be requested to make an objective decision of the VTEK. Deciphering and analysis of the materials received allow specialists to determine the degree of disability, its connection with professional activity, as well as the presence of indications for determining the disability group.

Determination of suitability for work in a particular profession

One of the important functions of VTEK is the solution of difficult situations when the medical commission of the polyclinic for the admission of a person to work cannot independently make a decision, or the patient himself or his employer does not agree with him.

To determine the suitability for work, the profile specialist of the polyclinic fills out a referral to VTEK. The decoding of this term implies the inclusion in the sphere of interests of such a commission not only the purely medical condition of the patient, but also the features of his labor activity. Experts will try to assess whether the fulfillment of work duties at a certain workplace will lead to a deterioration in a person's condition. When making an opinion, the medical commission will be based, among other things, on the patient's desire to work in his current position.

Determination of the degree of disability and disability group

Patients are often referred to VTEK in order to determine the degree of disability and disability group. In this case, the patient will need the following:

  1. Application with a request to send it to VTEK to resolve the issue of determining the degree of disability and / or disability group.
  2. Medical records.
  3. Performance characteristics for VTEK.
  4. Employment history.
  5. Documents certifying the receipt of a particular education.
  6. Other documents at the request of VTEK.

The application must be completed by the patient himself. The characteristic for VTEK should contain information about all hazardous and harmful working conditions that a person constantly encounters at his workplace. In this case, it is very important how often and for how long the employee is under their influence.

Recognition of the disease as occupational

Many chronic diseases can arise under the influence of those adverse conditions that are present in a person at his workplace. In the event of such a pathology, the employee is entitled to compensation. It is paid for by insurance. Also, in many companies, a clause on additional compensation from the organization itself when a person develops an occupational disease is included in the collective agreement.

Often, not only the patient himself is invited to the meeting of the medical-labor expert commission, but also his employer and the medical worker of the organization's health center (if any).

The issue of recognizing the disease as a professional has serious legal consequences, therefore, VTEK specialists often refer such patients for additional examination to specialized institutions with inpatient stay.

Rehabilitation measures

It is very important not only to establish the very fact of disability, but also to find ways to restore it. For this, the patient is drawn up. In its creation, VTEK specialists are also involved in making an opinion. Control over the implementation of this program is entrusted to both the patient himself and his attending physician. The relevant documents are sent to the polyclinic at the place of residence immediately after the conclusion of the VTEK.

The conclusion of the medical-labor expert commission is most often provided for 1-2 years. After this, the person is sent for re-examination.

For more than 15 years, HR departments have not been involved in the registration of pensions for an employee. A citizen must collect a package of documents and submit an application to the Pension Fund independently. The FIU staff recommend starting the preparation of certificates several months before submitting an application. Check out the list of documents and deadlines for applying to the fund in order to receive pension payments without delay.

Types of pension provision

There are four forms of pension payments in the Russian Federation:

  • Insurance - a measure of support for citizens, aimed at compensating for earnings previously received, as well as income lost by disabled family members in connection with the death of an insured citizen. Paid from insurance premiums concentrated in the Pension Fund. The size is indexed by the state every year. Divided into payments:
  1. In old age - the most widespread in Russia, the right to it is obtained, subject to the necessary insurance experience, for men from 60 years old and women from 55 years old.
  2. For disability - assigned to persons with disabilities of I, II or III groups, regardless of the reasons for the disability and the duration of the insurance period.
  3. Upon the loss of the breadwinner - assigned to the dependents of the insured person, in the event of his death, as well as to one of the parents, spouse or other family member, regardless of whether they were dependent.
  • Cumulative - monthly payments of savings generated from the income from investment of the employer's insurance premiums.
  • State pension provision - provides disabled citizens with the means of subsistence, compensation for harm to health received during military service, compensation for lost income when leaving the state civil service to retire due to old age or disability, and in connection with retirement for years of service to pilots - testers and astronauts. Paid from the federal budget. Types of payments for government security:
  1. for the length of service - appointed to civil servants, military personnel, cosmonauts and flight test personnel;
  2. old age - payments for victims of man-made or radiation disasters;
  3. by disability - assigned to servicemen who have suffered from radiation or man-made disasters, cosmonauts, participants in the Second World War;
  4. for the loss of a breadwinner - payments for disabled family members of killed military personnel, cosmonauts and victims of radiation or man-made disasters;
  5. social - assigned to disabled citizens permanently residing in the territory of Russia.
  • For non-state pension provision - it compensates for payments received by citizens before retirement, the amount of security is determined by an agreement between the non-state pension fund and the contributor. Paid through voluntary contributions to NPFs. The following types are assigned:
  1. old age (including early ones);
  2. on disability;
  3. loss of a breadwinner;
  4. on other grounds established by the contract or Russian law.

Legal regulation

The procedure for retirement in Russia is regulated by a number of legislative acts, headed by:

  • The Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • Labor and Tax Codes;
  • Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation".

The insurance pension is paid by the territorial pension fund at the place of residence of the pensioner. The pensioner chooses the method of receiving payments:

  • through the Russian Post - independently at the post office or at home;
  • through credit institutions - to a bank card or account;
  • through delivery organizations with which the FIU has an agreement - in the organization or at home.

When choosing a delivery organization, a pensioner needs to inform the PFR department of his decision by submitting an application in writing or electronically. If it is impossible for a pensioner to receive payments on his own, a power of attorney is drawn up for a representative.

Where to begin

To apply for a pension, you need to contact the branch of the Pension Fund at the place of registration or actual residence. Experts will advise on all the nuances, give a complete list of necessary documents (due to amendments to the legislation, it may change). Also, specialists will check whether the documents are correctly drawn up, will help to make a request to former employers and to the archives to confirm the insurance experience.

You can apply for the appointment of pension benefits immediately after the entitlement to receive payments arises or a month before it arises. Pensions are accrued from the day of contacting the Pension Fund, therefore, in order to receive payments on time, fund employees recommend starting to prepare a package of documents in advance. You can submit an application at the branch of the Pension Fund (in person or through a representative) or in your personal account on the official website of the PFR.

Application for the appointment of a pension in the Pension Fund

The application form can be downloaded on the official website of the FIU, taken from an employee of the regional branch of the fund or at the information desk. It is important to complete the application form clearly and without corrections. The content of the statement is standard and includes the following points:

  • the name of the territorial department of the pension fund - on the form received from the employee of the Pension Fund, this information has already been indicated;
  • Full name of the applicant - in full, without abbreviations, in the nominative case;
  • SNILS number;
  • citizenship;
  • address of the place of residence / stay / actual residence - indicated without abbreviations;
  • applicant's phone number;
  • details of the identity document;
  • employment data;
  • information about dependents;
  • data of the legal representative (when applying by power of attorney);
  • a request for a pension;
  • data on previously assigned pension payments;
  • list of attachments to the application;
  • date, signature, decoding.

What documents are needed to apply for a pension

When registering a pension, you must provide originals or certified copies of documents approved by the Administrative Regulations. The general documents required for each type of payment include:

  • statement;
  • applicant's identity card - Russian passport or residence permit;
  • identity card of the representative and power of attorney;
  • insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS).

Old age insurance pension

Law of 28.12.2013 No. 400-FZ establishes a list of documents for issuing an old-age pension:

  • application for refusal to receive the established insurance pension;
  • documents confirming the absence of another pension, with the exception of a funded one, or monthly lifelong maintenance;
  • certificate of disability (if any);
  • documents confirming work and residence in the Far North and those equated to them;
  • confirmation of work in agriculture and rural residence;
  • papers confirming the right to receive an early retirement pension.

If you agree to the appointment of insurance payments on the basis of the accounting information at the disposal of the FIU, the registration of an old-age pension will not require additional documents on the length of service and earnings.


Documents for receiving a state security pension:

  • proof of seniority;
  • depending on the category of pensioners:
  1. certificate of a participant in the elimination of radiation or man-made disasters;
  2. confirmation of residence and work in areas of radioactive contamination;
  3. confirmation of disability received due to the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • certificate of income of all family members and existing dependents;
  • documents confirming work and residence in the regions of the Far North and equated to them.


You can receive a social pension by submitting the following documents to the territorial office of the Pension Fund:

  • confirmation of permanent residence in the Russian Federation;
  • confirmation of residence in the Far North and equivalent regions with severe climatic conditions;
  • confirmation of belonging to the small peoples of the North;
  • confirmation of the period of residence in Russia.

Proof of seniority and salary

All data on legal labor activity since January 2002 are provided by employers to the Pension Fund - to the personalized accounting system. To confirm the insurance experience up to 2002, you will need a work book. If the information is not fully reflected in it, the stamps are not visible or there are errors in the registration of records, as proof of seniority, the FIU will accept:

  • labor contracts;
  • extracts from orders, personal accounts, payroll;
  • certificates from the employer or government agencies;
  • work books of the collective farmer.

For the period preceding 2002, two options for calculating the average wage were applied:

  • on average monthly income for 2000-2001 - no supporting documents are required, since personalized accounting has already been introduced during this period;
  • on salary for any 5 years of continuous work experience before January 1, 2002 - you must provide a certificate of salary from the employer.

Documents for assigning a disability pension

To the standard package of documents required for the appointment of a pension, in order to issue a disability pension, you must attach a confirmation of the degree of disability:

  • an extract from the certificate of examination, issued by the federal institution of medical and social expertise;
  • disabled person's certificate.

Additionally you will need:

  • for an insurance pension:
  1. proof of insurance experience;
  2. extract from an individual personal account;
  3. documents confirming the presence of disabled family members;
  4. birth certificates of children, adoption, establishment of paternity, issued by the registry office;
  5. certificates of income of all family members;
  6. documents on the periods of work and residence in the Far North;
  7. documents on change of surname, name or patronymic;
  8. a certificate from the employer about the average monthly earnings for 60 consecutive months before 01.01.2002;
  9. documents confirming residence on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  10. documents on the right to increases and allowances to payments established as of 12/31/2001;
  • for state pension:
  1. on the terms of military service;
  2. about family members dependent on the applicant;
  3. about living in the Far North;
  • to assign a social pension, you need to confirm:
  1. permanent residence in Russia;
  2. living in the Far North;
  3. that the recipient is a disabled child, disabled since childhood.

What certificates are needed to receive a survivor's pension

To apply for a pension, the applicant needs to prepare documents approved by the Administrative Regulations:

  • statement;
  • passport or residence permit;
  • death certificate of the breadwinner;
  • documents confirming the insurance record of the deceased - for registration of an insurance pension;
  • confirmation of relationship with the deceased;
  • deceased's passport;
  • SNILS.

Additional documents that, depending on the circumstances, the Pension Fund may request:

  • about disabled family members dependent on the deceased;
  • on the declaration of the breadwinner as missing or deceased;
  • about the absence of able-bodied parents;
  • loss of income;
  • about the death of the second parent;
  • about the individual pension coefficient of the second deceased parent.

Families of military personnel must provide confirmation of:

  • the fact and cause of death of the breadwinner;
  • the period of conscription military service;
  • that the widow did not remarry.


The list of documents in the Pension Fund for registration of a labor retirement pension. Application for requesting a certificate of wages. List from the received letter.

Letter from the FIU with a list of documents

The long-awaited piece of paper has finally arrived! By a simple letter from the Pension Fund:

The letter reminds that the layouts of payment cases are formed no later than 6 months before the date of the onset of the right to a pension by old age, or, as in the original, by old age. The letter was received on 11/21/2016 7 months before the onset of the right to retirement, there is time for registration. Let's rewrite the list of documents without the frills of the original from carried outcorrection after the first visit with the assembled kit to the FIU. It is completely incomprehensible what the entry in the parentheses of item 8 of the list in the letter means, so it was corrected according to the memo of the Pension Fund "Appointment of early retirement pension to unemployed citizens."

  1. Copy of work book + original
  2. Copy of passport + original
  3. Copy of military ID + original
  4. Copies of birth certificates of children + originals
  5. Copy of marriage certificate + original
  6. Certificates of experience, including clarifying the preferential nature of work, if necessary, for persons working in preferential professions - only originals
  7. A copy of a diploma (a document confirming graduation from an educational institution in full-time / full-time education) + original
  8. Certificate of earnings for 60 consecutive months of work until January 1, 2002 during labor activity (or earnings for 2000-2001 are taken into account according to individual (personified) accounting data) - only the original
  9. Copy of insurance certificate + original
  10. Certificate from the Employment Center - only the original

On 11/23/2016 we made an appointment by phone the next day with a set of documents, besides a certificate of earnings, the Pension Fund promised to explain what kind of certificate is needed and where to get it.

First visit to the FIU with the assembled kit

Arrived at the reception on November 24, 2016 by appointment. Pre-registration in the Pension Fund did not find but accepted.

All documents provided in accordance with the list were checked, except for a certificate from the Employment Center, received in 2006, since its form has now changed and an employee of the FIU said that it was necessary to receive and bring a new one (returned the old one).

As for the certificate of salary, on the advice of the employee of the Pension Fund, they wrote a statement in any form for assistance in obtaining a certificate of salary.

Application for assistance in obtaining a salary certificate

To the head of the UPFR in the Penza region
Penza region (interdistrict)
Full name of the chief from
Full name of the applicant and his home address


I ask for help in obtaining a certificate of salary for the periods of my work:

period of work 1 place of work 1

period of work 2 place of work 2

period of work 3 place of work 3

date and signature of the applicant

The period of work is recorded in the format DD.MM.YYYY - DD.MM.YYYY, for example: 02/05/1982 - 11/24/1994.

After receiving the set of documents, we were sent to a consultant to receive clarifications on further actions. The consultant said that if we do not want to receive pension payments at the post office, it is necessary to open a pension card at Sberbank. But since the future pensioner lives in a rural settlement and the local branch of Sberbank may not agree to issue a card, and it is difficult to travel to the city for health reasons, the PFR employee (consultant) herself promised to make a request for a card issue at the local or city branch of Sberbank and call when we go to receive it, showing amazing benevolence and cordiality.

The next time we were told to come with a pension card to write an application for the appointment of a pension 1 month before the onset of retirement age - we have it at the end of May 2017.