Dragun enchanted letter read online. Enchanted letter

Victor Dragunsky enchanted letter Denisian stories for children. Read the short story The enchanted letter of Dragunsky from the book of Denisian stories to children. Text Works Enchanted Letter Read Online

Enchanted letter

We recently walked in the yard: Alenka, Bear and me. Suddenly a truck drove into the courtyard. And there is a Christmas tree on it. We ran for the car. Here it came up to the house management, stopped, and the chauffeur with our janitor began to unload the Christmas tree. They shouted to each other:

Easier! Come on! Fraight! Leva! Became her on the ass! It is easier, and then all the spitz break.

And when unloaded, the chauffeur said:

Now it is necessary to inactivate this Christmas tree, - and left.

And we stayed near the Christmas tree.

She lay big, shaggy and so tasty smelled frost, that we stood like fools and smiled. Then Alenka took over one twig and said:

See, and on the Christmas tree there are hanging.

"Sads"! It was her wrong! And we rolled and rolled me. We laughed with him both the same way, but then the Mishka began to laugh louder, so that I would throw me.

Well, I pushed a little so that he did not think that I surrender. The bear was holding his hands for the stomach, as if he was very painful, and shouted:

Oh, die from laughter! Cheek!

And I, of course, leaned the heat:

Five years old girl, and says "Sads" ... ha ha ha!

Then the bear fainted and groaned:

Ah, I feel bad! Sky ...

And began to squeeze:

IR! .. Cheeks. IK! IK! Will die from laughter! IK!

Then I grabbed a handful of snow and began to apply him to my forehead, as if I had already had inflammation of the brain and I was crazy. I screamed:

- Girl is five years old, I will marry soon! And she is cheeks.

At Alenka, the lower lip twisted so that he climbed the ear.

Did I say that correctly! This is my tooth fell out and whistles. I want to say "cheeks", and I have a "sucks" ...

Bear said:

Eka Nevidal! She fell out! I have three things dropped yes two risen, and I still speak correctly! Here are listening: Khimy! What? True, healthy - Kii! Here's how it easily leaves me: Dwarms! I can even sing:

Oh, green chunk,

I'm going to progress.

But Alenka is like shouting. One louder of us two:

Wrong! Hooray! You are saying the husks, and you need to see you!

It is that it is not necessary to cheeks, but you have to shoes.

And both let's roar. Only audible: "Sads!" - "Hays!" - "Sads!".

Looking at them, I was so laughing that I was even hungry. I walked home and thought all the time: what did they argue like that, since both are wrong? After all, this is a very simple word. I stopped and clearly said:

No cheek. No knick, but briefly and clear: Figy!

That's all! .......................................................................................................

We recently walked in the yard: Alenka, Bear and me. Suddenly a truck drove into the courtyard. And there is a Christmas tree on it. We ran for the car. Here it came up to the house management, stopped, and the chauffeur with our janitor began to unload the Christmas tree. They shouted to each other:
- easier! Come on! Fraight! Leva! Became her on the ass! It is easier, and then all the spitz break.
And when unloaded, the chauffeur said:
"Now we need to inactivate this Christmas tree," and left.
And we stayed near the Christmas tree.
She lay big, shaggy and so tasty smelled frost, that we stood like fools and smiled. Then Alenka took over one twig and said:
- Look, and on the Christmas tree there are sisks.
"Sads"! It was her wrong! And we rolled and rolled me. We laughed with him both the same way, but then the Mishka began to laugh louder, so that I would throw me.
Well, I pushed a little so that he did not think that I surrender. The bear was holding his hands for the stomach, as if he was very painful, and shouted:

Oh, die from laughter! Cheek!
And I, of course, leaned the heat:
- Five years a girl, and says "Sady" ... haha-ha!
Then the bear fainted and groaned:

Ah, I feel bad! Sky ...
And began to squeeze:
- IR! .. Sads. IK! IK! Will die from laughter! IK!
Then I grabbed a handful of snow and began to apply him to my forehead, as if I had already had inflammation of the brain and I was crazy. I screamed:
- Girl is five years old, I will marry soon! And she - the Sadies. Alenka, the lower lip twisted so that he climbed behind the ear.
- Did I say that correctly! This is my tooth fell out and whistles. I want to say "cheeks", and I have a "sucks" ...

Bear said:
- Eka Nevidal! She fell out! I have three things dropped yes two risen, and I still speak correctly! Here are listening: Khimy! What? True, healthy - Kii! Here's how it easily leaves me: Dwarms! I can even sing:
Oh, green chunk,
I'm going to progress.
But Alenka is like shouting. One louder of us two:
- Wrong! Hooray! You are saying the husks, and you need to see you!
And Bear:
"It is that it is not necessary to cheeks, but you have to shoes."
And both let's roar. Only audible: "Sads!" - "Hays!" - "Sads!".
Looking at them, I was so laughing that I was even hungry. I walked home and thought all the time: what did they argue like that, since both are wrong? After all, this is a very simple word. I stopped and clearly said:
- None no cheeks. No knick, but briefly and clear: Figy!
That's all!

In this lesson, you will get acquainted with Viktor Dragunsky's biography, read his story "Enchanted Letter", will conduct a detailed analysis of the story, perform dictionary work.

But in 1914 the family returned back to Russia and delzel in Gomel, where his childhood passed.

In 1925, the family moved to Moscow. Victor began to work early to secure me. However, he did not immediately become a writer. After graduating from the school, Dragunsky worked as a turkey at the factory, sniffing, a boatman, a baked man.

From 1931 to 1936 he studied acting skills in literary and theater workshops (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Literary-theatrical workshop A. Wild ()

Since 1935, the acting biography of Dragunsky began. He was an artist of the theater and pop, several years led the "Blue Bird" theater (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Pop Collective "Blue Bird" ()

His team instantly became famous. And Viktor Dragunsky worked by Santa Claus on Christmas tree. He was also a redhead clown in a lochmate wig in a circus on a colored boulevard (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. Victor Dragunsky ()

And to be very difficult to be very difficult, because it should be able to show and do focuses, and to do flips, and walk along the rope, and to dance, and sing, and can be able to communicate with animals. Victor Dragunsky, I knew everything.

During the Great Patriotic War, Dragunsky was in a militia, then he spoke with front concert brigades.

Fig. 5. V.Yu. Dragunsky ()

Only 58 years measured fate to him. Dragunsky lived alone, but extremely diverse, rich, intense and solid life. He fell a rare fate to be anyone in anyone, to create his own style and in life, and in creativity.

When Viktor Dragunsky was born the son of Denis, all sorts of funny stories began to happen to him (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6. Viktor Dragunsky and Son ()

Dragunsky became these stories to record, and turned out "Denisian stories" (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7. Cover book "Deniskin Stories" ()

Fig. 8. Murzilka magazine (May 1959) ()

And the first book from sixteen stories came out in 1961 called "He's alive and glow" (Fig. 9).

Fig. 9. Cover book "He is alive and glow" ()

Denisian adventures became more and more. In total, it was written near the ninety of funny stories (Fig. 10). These stories brought Honored Glory to the Writer.

Fig. 10. Illustration to the story of the Dragunsky "Rivne 25 Kilo" ()

Father in these stories - Viktor Yuzfovich himself, and Deniska is his son who, having matured, became a successful writer. It is already difficult to find the features of the former boy who could selflessly love the girl on the ball and lie about the fire in the flaghel (Fig. 11).

Fig. 11. Denis Viktorovich Dragunsky ()

In the stories of Dragunsky, light, gentle feelings always win the victory over flat and heavyweight.

"Denisian stories" are good not only because with extraordinary accuracy transfer the psychology of the child, but also because they reflected the bright perception of the world. In the center of the stories, there is an inquisitive and active Deniska and his friend (dreamy, slow teddy bear) (Fig. 12).

Fig. 12. Deniska and Bear ()

Dragunsky's books read not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine, in Moldova, and in Uzbekistan, and in Azerbaijan, and in Norway, and in the Czech Republic, and in Germany, and even in Japan.

If you suddenly become sad, read "Denisian stories."

Read the word first smoothly, in syllables, and then pits:

House management

House management - In this word, the words are hidden house and control.

House management - This is an organization that manages homes.

Put on the pocket - In the forestry, it means to put in a vertical position.

The value of any word can be found in the dictionary. For help you should refer to the sensible dictionary (Fig. 13).

Fig. 13. Explanatory dictionary V.I. Dalya ()

Let's see the meaning of some words in the explanatory dictionary V.I. Dalya:

Broken spitz - Words spitzthere are two values:

1. A small indoor dog with fluffy wool.

2. Outdated word, the same as the spire is a sharp tip of the top.

Read by syllables:


And now it is poured, in a whole word:

Ink - Make an act.

Read the story of Viktor Dragunsky (Fig. 14).

Fig. 14. Cover books "Enchanted letter" ()

Enchanted letter

We recently walked in the yard: Alenka, Bear and me. Suddenly a truck drove into the courtyard. And there is a Christmas tree on it. We ran for the car. Here it came up to the house management, stopped, and the chauffeur with our janitor began to unload the Christmas tree. They shouted to each other:

- easier! Come on! Fraight! Leva! Became her on the ass! It is easier, and then all the spitz break.

And when unloaded, the chauffeur said:

"Now we need to inactivate this Christmas tree," and left.

And we stayed near the Christmas tree(Fig. 15) .

Fig. 15. Illustration to the story "Enchanted letter" ()

Events occur on the street in the yard. The main characters are Deniska, Alenka and Bear. A Christmas tree was brought to the courtyard.

Attention attracts the conversation of the driver and the janitor. Remember what they say words: leva, Fraight. Their speech is incorrect because left, right, put. These heroes speak incorrectly, because, obviously, they were poorly studied at school.

She lay big, shaggy and so tasty smelled frost, that we stood like fools and smiled. Then Alenka took over one twig and said:

- Look, and on the Christmas tree there are sisks.

"Sads"! It was her wrong! And we rolled and rolled me. We laughed with him both the same way, but then the Mishka began to laugh louder, so that I would throw me.

Well, I pushed a little so that he did not think that I surrender. The bear was holding his hands for the stomach, as if he was very painful, and shouted:

- Oh, die from laughter! Cheek!

And I, of course, leaned the heat:

- Five years a girl, and says "Sads" ... haha \u200b\u200bha(Fig. 16) !

Fig. 16. Deniska and Bear laugh at Alenah ()

Then the bear fainted and groaned:

- Ah, I feel bad! Sky ...

And began to squeeze:

- IR! .. Sads. IK! IK! Will die from laughter! IK!

Then I grabbed a handful of snow and began to apply him to my forehead, as if I had already had inflammation of the brain and I was crazy. I screamed:

- Girl is five years old, I will marry soon! And she is cheeks.

At Alenka, the lower lip twisted so that he climbed the ear.

- Did I say that correctly! This is my tooth fell out and whistles. I want to say "cheeks", and I have a "sucks" ...

Bear said:

- Eka Nevidal! She fell out! I have three things dropped yes two risen, and I still speak correctly! Here are listening: Khimy! What? True, healthy - Kii! Here's how it easily leaves me: Dwarms! I can even sing:

Oh, green chunk,

I'm going to progress.

But Alenka is like shouting. One louder of us two:

- Wrong! Hooray! You are saying the husks, and you need to see you!

And Bear:

"It is that it is not necessary to cheeks, but you have to shoes."

And both let's roar. Only audible: "Sads!" - "Hays!" - "Sads!".

In this part of the story, the story says how Alenka saw the bumps and misunderstood this word. But the bear, as it turned out, also pronounced this word incorrectly.

Looking at them, I was so laughing that I was even hungry. I walked home and thought all the time: what did they argue like that, since both are wrong? After all, this is a very simple word. I stopped and clearly said:

- None no cheeks. No knick, but briefly and clear: Figy!

That's all!(Fig. 17)

Fig. 17. Illustration for the story "Enchanted letter" ()

The reader did not assume that the events unfold so, because Deniska was also unable to say this word. Mishka and Aleanka cried, because they tried to pronounce this word, but they did not work. All three and the same problem - teeth fell out.

Since it is clear that children change the milk teeth to the indigenous, we can conclude that they are preschoolers.

The work "Enchanted letter" is a story. Stories are scientific and artistic. This story is artistic, because there is a plot and plot line in it.

Victor Dragunsky writes funny stories. This cheerful story teaches that it is not necessary to laugh at others, because you can also not get something.

Take in the library other stories Viktor Dragunsky and read them.


1. Kubasova O.V. Favorite Pages: Literary reading tutorial for grade 2, 2 parts. - Smolensk: "Association of the XXI Century", 2011.

2. Kubasova O.V. Literary reading: workbook to a textbook for grade 2, 2 parts. - Smolensk: "Association of the XXI Century", 2011.

4. Kubasova O.V. Literary reading: Tests: 2 class. - Smolensk: "Association of the XXI Century", 2011.

2. Internet site of the festival of pedagogical ideas "Open Lesson" ()


1. To tell how Viktor Dragowsky has an idea to create a cycle of "Denisian stories".

3. Take a book with the stories of Dragunsky in the library and read a few of them.

We recently walked in the yard: Alenka, Bear and me. Suddenly a truck drove into the courtyard. And there is a Christmas tree on it. We ran for the car. Here it came up to the house management, stopped, and the chauffeur with our janitor began to unload the Christmas tree. They shouted to each other:

- easier! Come on! Fraight! Leva! Became her on the ass! It is easier, and then all the spitz break.

And when unloaded, the chauffeur said:

"Now we need to inactivate this Christmas tree," and left.

And we stayed near the Christmas tree.

She lay big, shaggy and so tasty smelled frost, that we stood like fools and smiled. Then Alenka took over one twig and said:

- Look, and on the Christmas tree there are sisks.

"Sads"! It was her wrong! And we rolled and rolled me. We laughed with him both the same way, but then the Mishka began to laugh louder, so that I would throw me.

Well, I pushed a little so that he did not think that I surrender. The bear was holding his hands for the stomach, as if he was very painful, and shouted:

- Oh, die from laughter! Cheek!

And I, of course, leaned the heat:

- Five years a girl, and says "Sady" ... haha-ha!

Then the bear fainted and groaned:

- Ah, I feel bad! Sky ...

And began to squeeze:

- IR! .. Sads. IK! IK! Will die from laughter! IK!

Then I grabbed a handful of snow and began to apply him to my forehead, as if I had already had inflammation of the brain and I was crazy. I screamed:

- Girl is five years old, I will marry soon! And she is cheeks.

At Alenka, the lower lip twisted so that he climbed the ear.

- Did I say that correctly! This is my tooth fell out and whistles. I want to say "cheeks", and I have a "sucks" ...

Bear said:

- Eka Nevidal! She fell out! I have three things dropped yes two risen, and I still speak correctly! Here are listening: Khimy! What? True, healthy - Kii! Here's how it easily leaves me: Dwarms! I can even sing:

Oh, green chunk,

I'm going to progress.

But Alenka is like shouting. One louder of us two:

- Wrong! Hooray! You are saying the husks, and you need to see you!

"It is that it is not necessary to cheeks, but you have to shoes."

And both let's roar. Only audible: "Sads!" - "Hays!" - "Sads!".

Looking at them, I was so laughing that I was even hungry. I walked home and thought all the time: what did they argue like that, since both are wrong? After all, this is a very simple word. I stopped and clearly said:

- None no cheeks. No knick, but briefly and clear: Figy!

Dragunsky's story about three guys who did not pronounce the letter Sh. And everything began with a truck with Christmas tree in the courtyard at home. Alenka and says: "Look, and on the tree there are sisks." Here and began fun and laughter ...

Enchanted letter read

We recently walked in the yard: Alenka, Bear and me. Suddenly a truck drove into the courtyard. And there is a Christmas tree on it. We ran for the car. Here it came up to the house management, stopped, and the chauffeur with our janitor began to unload the Christmas tree. They shouted to each other:
- easier! Come on! Fraight! Leva! Became her on the ass! It is easier, and then all the spitz break.

And when unloaded, the chauffeur said:

"Now we need to inactivate this Christmas tree," and left.

And we stayed near the Christmas tree.

She lay big, shaggy and so tasty smelled frost, that we stood like fools and smiled. Then Alenka took over one twig and said:

- Look, and on the Christmas tree there are sisks.

Cheek! It was her wrong! And we rolled and rolled me. We laughed with him both the same way, but then the Mishka began to laugh louder, so that I would throw me. Well, I pushed a little so that he did not think that I surrender. The bear was holding his hands for the stomach, as if he was very painful, and shouted:

- Oh, die from laughter! Cheek!

And I, of course, leaned the heat:

- Five years a girl, and says "Sadies". Ha ha ha!

Then the bear fainted and groaned:

- Ah, I feel bad! Cheek.

And began to squeeze:

- IR! Cheek. IK! IK! Will die from laughter! IK! Cheek.

Then I grabbed a handful of snow and began to apply him to my forehead, as if I had already had inflammation of the brain and I was crazy. I screamed:

- Girl is five years old, I will marry soon! And she is cheeks.

At Alenka, the lower lip twisted so that he climbed the ear.

- Did I say that correctly! My tooth fell out and whistles. I want to say cheeks, and I have a suck.

Bear said:

- Eka Nevidal! She fell out! I have three things dropped yes two risen, and I still speak correctly! Here are listening: Khimy! What? True, healthy - Kii! That's how deftly comes out: Dwarms! I can even sing:

Oh, green chunk,

I'm going to progress.

But Alenka is like shouting. One louder of us two:

- Wrong! Hooray! You are saying the husks, and you need to see you!

"It is that it is not necessary to cheeks, but you have to shoes."

And both let's roar. Only hear: Checks! - Hays! - Cheeks!

Looking at them, I was so laughing that I was even hungry. I walked home and thought all the time: what did they argue like that, since both are wrong? After all, this is a very simple word. I stopped and clearly said:

- None no cheeks. No knick, but briefly and clear: Figy!

That's all!

(Ill. V.Lesina)

Published: Mishka 03.02.2018 17:01 08.12.2018

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Read 4721 times (s)

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