If the nail bed hurts and the nail is exfoliated. Detachment of the nail from the nail bed, causes, treatment. How to recognize onycholysis

What does a sore nail look like?

Free space appears between the nail plate and the nail bed, the nail changes color, the nail plate loses its integrity. The nail seems to move away from the finger

The main causes of onychodystrophy:

  1. The most common cause of a nail disease such as onycholysis is nail trauma. Injury also includes blows, clamps, crushing. In most cases of such an injury, the detachment of the nail will simply disappear, replacing it with a new healthy nail.
  2. A common cause of onychodystrophy is the nail. In this case, it is necessary to contact a dermatologist-mycologist (a doctor specializing in fungal diseases).
  3. Non-infectious causes of nail disease include impaired blood circulation in the body (in particular, limbs), impaired neuroregulation.
  4. Allergic reactions to contact with chemical agents (powders, concentrated solutions). In this case, direct contact with allergens should be avoided. For example, wear protective gloves and use protective hand creams.
  5. Onycholysis can occur in some systemic diseases affecting the cardiovascular system, the digestive system, and the nervous system.
  6. Promotes onychodystrophy of eczema, psoriasis, dermatosis, dermatitis.


Onycholysis is treated for a long time. You should have patience and faith in a positive result. In some cases, the nail bed may atrophy, and the nail does not "grow" to it.

So, first you need to find out the cause of the disease. You can try to remember the trauma. The fungus is detected by mycologists. Systemic disorders, allergic diseases are investigated in polyclinics.

Home help

  • Nutrition: vitamins and minerals (V A, B, zinc, calcium); gelatin (gelatinous jelly, fruit jelly).
  • / feet with the addition of sea salt, you can also add oils (for example, tea tree). Prepare warm, comfortable water. Twice a week for 20 minutes. After the bath, you should clean out the accumulated dirt under the nail, and massage it well.
  • Daily use (e.g. olive) - rub in


Onycholysis is a common type of nail dystrophy. With this disease, the connection of the nail with the soft tissues of the bed is disrupted, which leads to the formation of a cavity over which the nail plate changes its color (for example, it can become bluish-white, yellow or brown).

At first, a very small cavity is formed, but if the disease progresses, then the rejection can touch the entire nail, which completely exfoliates from the nail bed. In this case, a gross defect is formed, which is difficult to eliminate. In medical practice, there are several types of this disease, depending on the size of the detachment: partial and complete onycholysis.

The reasons for the development of onycholysis (by the way, most often it develops in women) can be both mechanical, physical and chemical effects (skin contact with allergens - chemical reagents, washing powders, solvents), and various diseases, for example, eczema, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis , bullous dermatoses. Rejection of the nail can be a symptom of a malfunction of the heart and blood vessels, nervous and digestive systems, as well as various infectious diseases. In addition, onycholysis often develops as a result of a fairly long intake of tetracycline antibiotics.

Treatment of onycholysis should be aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease, therefore it is very important already at the first signs (redness of the skin and itching). See a doctor and find out the exact type of pathogen.

For example, if rejection occurred during or immediately after the course of taking antibiotics, then in this case you just need to wait - the defects should heal by themselves (though this will take several months).

If the cause is an allergic reaction, then the allergen should naturally be eliminated. True, the cavity itself does not overgrow (only the process of further rejection will stop), additional treatment is required here.

In any case, when the first symptoms of the disease appear, doctors prescribe fortifying agents (vitamin A, B, iron, calcium, etc.). Plus, it is recommended to treat nails with hot baths with potassium permanganate, as well as the imposition of synthomycin emulsion and 5% heliomycin ointment.
It is also useful to use various solutions (for example, 1-2% alcohol tinol, 5% chrysarobin in chloroform). Do not forget about gentle massage of the affected fingers.

Separately, regular manicure and pedicure should be noted, since the cavity that forms under the nail can become a place for the accumulation of infected dead tissue, and in this case it is very important to remove them mechanically in time.

The problem when the nail does not adhere to the nail bed is quite serious, the emptiness under it is far from a cosmetic defect, as many believe. Oddly enough, this nuisance arises even on well-groomed hands. This disease is called onycholysis, it can appear on the nails of the hands and feet. At the same time, the plates change color, sometimes turn white.

Why does the defect occur?

The nail does not adhere to the nail bed for a number of reasons:

  1. The use of antibiotics and some other drugs, they affect the absorption of useful elements - vitamins and minerals, which leads to a deterioration in the condition of the nails, including their separation from the nail bed.
  2. These are blows, clamps, crushing - anything that can damage the nail. In this case, you just need to wait until a healthy nail grows.
  3. Contact with chemicals, even washing powder. In order for the nail to grow normally, it is necessary to exclude contact with the provocateur, if this is not possible, then rubber gloves should be worn for safe contact.
  4. For skin diseases: eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis.
  5. Diseases of the digestive system, vascular and cardiac, endocrine pathologies. Most often it develops due to circulatory disorders and neuroregulation.
  6. Damage to nails with various kinds of fungi.

How to find out the pathology?

If the nail does not adhere to the nail bed, it is difficult to confuse it with anything else, but there are a number of signs that pathologists can report about a little earlier than it spreads, among them:

  • Change of nail color.
  • Thickening of the plate.
  • The appearance of scales around the nail on the skin.
  • Inflammation symptoms: redness, itching, burning.

Treatment methods

Since the passage of the nail is often a secondary sign and symptom of a more serious pathology, then treatment should be started precisely with the cure of the main problem. After all, engaging in symptomatic treatment of the desired result, at least long-term, will not be possible.

The methods are different, depending on the reason:

  1. If the nail does not adhere to the nail bed as a result of a traumatic injury, intensive treatment is unnecessary. You just need to wait until the nail grows back. In order to exclude infection, it should be sealed with a plaster.
  2. If the emptiness under the nail is the result of an illness, then only local methods will not give a result. It is necessary to direct all efforts to fight the primary disease.
  3. If damage is obtained by contact, for example, by using chemicals, then it is necessary to limit the use of funds, if this is not possible, then work with them using rubber gloves.
  4. Antimycotic therapy will be needed if the passage of the nail is the result of a fungal infection.

Helping nails with natural remedies

If the nail does not grow, it can be helped by natural means, and these methods are quite effective, because they help not only to strengthen, but also to treat the fungus.

Vegetable oil + iodine / apple cider vinegar

It is necessary to make warm baths from it, because this way the active ingredient will more easily penetrate into the thickness of the nail and will help its accretion. Effective baths can be done like this:

  • Heat 0.5 tbsp of vegetable oil to warmth.
  • Add to it a few drops of iodine and vitamin A. Iodine can be replaced with apple cider vinegar.

Immerse nails in the resulting solution for 15 minutes. The duration of the course depends on the speed of recovery.

Sea salt

It is needed for baths. You need to use salt without dyes and flavors. For two glasses of hot water, you need to take 1 tablespoon with a slide of salt. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes, it should be carried out weekly until the condition of the nails and the skin around them improves.

Butter and honey

It is necessary to mix olive oil and honey in equal proportions, heat in a water bath, until the ingredients are dissolved. Let cool, then add the chicken egg and stir. Apply to fingers for 10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly and apply cream.

Green tea and chamomile

Brew in 1 glass of boiling water 1 tsp chamomile and the same amount of tea. Insist the broth for 15-20 minutes, let cool to a comfortable temperature. Then put your fingers in the infusion for 30 minutes. It is allowed to cook it several times at once, but for no more than 3 days. In this case, it must be warmed up before baths.

Tincture of calendula

Tincture of calendula will help to strengthen the nails. In order for the therapy to be successful, it should be lubricated daily with a cotton swab dipped in tincture. The juice of black and red currants will have a similar effect. Nail treatment is similar.


A lemon can help the nail grow, you need to cut it in half and place your fingers in the pulp for a period of 10 minutes. After that, wash your hands in running water, wipe and spread with a fat cream.


It also needs to be used as a bath. Melt the beeswax and pour it into warm water. The duration of the baths is 15-20 minutes. You need to do this several times a week, if you carry out such procedures regularly, the result can be seen in a month - the nail will begin to grow to the nail bed.

If the defeat of the fungal breed

Removal of the nail from the bed can be triggered by a fungus, in which case the treatment will be more serious. In most cases, special antimycotic preparations are needed, but other methods of alternative treatment can also be used to help.


You should smear the nail with iodine 5%. Repeat the procedure daily in the evening. In this case, iodine will have time to be absorbed into the nail and there will be no unsightly yellowness on it.

Propolis tincture

You need to use a 20% propolis tincture and the result of use will be quite strong. This tincture should be used to lubricate the affected nails and keep the nails in it for 10 minutes. After a couple of days, the result will be noticeable, the plate will grow back with normal attachment.

Output. It is possible and not always very expensive to treat the problem of nail lagging., the use of improvised means or those that can be found at the nearest pharmacy is quite suitable.

Toenail detachment on the big toe is a common occurrence and, unfortunately, is not always only a cosmetic defect, but it can also be effectively dealt with. Onycholysis, as this process is called in medicine, is sometimes very insidious, and it is better to start treatment immediately. Otherwise, over time, not a single varnish will be able to hide this defect: it leads to the complete loss of the nail plate.

Onycholysis is frightening not only visually, it is also dangerous because various microorganisms gather there. This is a pathogenic zone where moisture, epidermis and bacteria collect, ”says podiatrist Marina Khrushch.

How does the exfoliation go?

Signs and accompanying symptoms abound in onycholysis, and this can be not only direct nail detachment.

The process is accompanied by:

  • The appearance of an empty air gap under the nail
  • Thickening
  • The nail bed becomes inflamed
  • Bleeding
  • Aching and twitching pain in the area of ​​the affected nail, sometimes the pain is very strong
  • Thickening of the plate
  • Swelling, the finger swells
  • Severe pressure pain
  • Looseness, softness of the nail plate, it literally crumbles
  • The nail "comes off" from the toe (this can happen perpendicular to the growth of the plate (), parallel (kailonhinia) and even near the cuticle () if there is a very strong inflammation)

A healthy nail suddenly does not come off by itself, often this disease develops in stages:

  • Feeling of dryness and itching on the skin of the foot, it can also peel off heavily
  • The appearance on the foot of puffy blisters with liquid, resembling calluses
  • The nail plate changes qualitatively: it becomes very hard, but at the same time is fragile
  • The appearance under the nail of that very air gap
  • The nail exfoliates, turns yellow noticeably, whitish spots may form
  • The nail falls off

This process is extremely unpleasant, it can be accompanied by painful sensations. In no case should you delay the treatment of this disease. The sooner treatment is started, the greater the chance of repairing the damaged nail.

The disease should not be allowed to take its course, when voids appear under the nail, the tissue is not renewed there, it simply collects in this place and rotting occurs. This leads to the worst thing: to a fungal disease, to the occurrence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Why exactly on your feet

Toenails are most at risk, as they suffer from too tight shoes, are more likely to be injured and are vulnerable to fungus, which is very easy to catch.

The disease can be contracted in the public pool, on the beach, in the gym, sauna, steam bath, and even from the shoes of someone from a family member who suffers from a fungal infection. Therefore, it is very important that such a family member has individual things for exclusively personal use: his own soap, socks, towel, stockings, tights and, of course, shoes.

Possible reasons

It should immediately be stipulated that the reason for the flaking of the nail can be not only a serious and terrible disease, but also simply external factors.

Here are the most common reasons why toenails exfoliate:

  • Injuries, bruises, squeezing, any rough mechanical impact (does not pose a great danger, the nail will come off by itself)
  • Tight, undersized and improperly fitted shoes
  • Toenail extensions performed poorly and incorrectly
  • Diseases associated with the endocrine system (peeling of nails is sometimes observed)
  • Severe allergic reactions
  • Prolonged aggressive chemical exposure
  • The action of too high or too low temperatures
  • Long-term use of certain types of antibiotics (fluoroquinolone, tetracycline series) and hormonal agents
  • Squeezing limbs and reducing blood flow
  • Infection
  • Mycoses
  • Skin diseases: psoriasis, eczema,
  • Disorders in the nervous, endocrine systems
  • Fungal diseases and

If there is noticeable pain, then this indicates the following factors:

  • Infectious diseases (as a rule, not only one toe hurts, but the whole foot)
  • Specific diseases
  • Mycoses (onychomycosis, candidiasis,)
  • Pain can also be felt after injury (mechanical damage and ingrowth of the nail)

Necessary treatment

First aid

If the nail leaves the finger right now, and the reason for this was damage due to injury, then the following measures must be taken. Otherwise, infection will occur.

  • It is necessary to cool the damaged area - apply ice
  • Tie a bandage on your finger, pull the affected area, but not tightly
  • Use kombucha tincture to relieve swelling
  • Make a compress from vinegar (apple cider) and any vegetable oil (olive oil is suitable)

You can try removing the peeling plate yourself, but use extreme caution when doing this.

  • Wipe the scissors with a disinfectant solution and cut off the part that exfoliates
  • , or apply hydrogen peroxide to the affected area
  • Prepare a foot bath. Mix sea salt with tea tree essential oil in clean water and pour this into any container. It is recommended to keep the leg in this mixture for about half an hour.
  • Use a regenerating and healing gel or cream (Regetsin, Bepanten)

Use the trays daily to protect yourself from infections and contamination.
If there is a suspicion that the finger has suffered from chemicals, you should immediately stop using them, as the situation can only get worse.

Professional treatment

If you find any problems with the nails, contact (and as soon as possible) a dermatologist who will prescribe competent treatment and prescribe medications and medications. Only an experienced specialist knows for sure how to treat and how to treat.

You should definitely contact a specialist, do not only self-medicate. In this case, you can completely lose your nail.

If all the necessary tests have been passed, a dermatologist may prescribe antimycotics (usually Fluconazole, Ketoconazole, Griseofulvin, Intraconazole). Before using them, the nail is completely removed, and the use of these funds takes place only under the supervision of a doctor. The course often takes from 3-4 months to a year. The plate, which begins to grow, is carefully removed.

In parallel with this, you will have to boil all hosiery and apply an antifungal agent to the shoes (these include Formidron, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin). Only clean shoes are processed. You will also have to arrange regular baths. In this case, you cannot use cosmetic varnishes.

The doctor can also prescribe a course of multivitamin complexes, the course lasts at least six months.

The treatment will not end and after the complete recovery of the nail, the prescribed ointments will need to be rubbed. This is done in order to prevent the development of dermatitis and eczema.

If the nail has turned yellow and began to exfoliate, the cause should be looked for in the hormonal background. In this case, it is worth visiting an endocrinologist who will identify the disease (thyroid problems, metabolic problems).

Complementary treatment and prevention

  • Use only comfortable shoes of the right size
  • Treat conscientiously during an exacerbation of chronic diseases
  • Stress is our main enemy, avoid it, lead a healthy lifestyle, get enough sleep
  • Try not to use antibiotics, as they affect the whole body
  • Include healthy foods in your diet: fresh fruits and vegetables. Try to consume more vitamins A and E (they are responsible for skin health), omega-3, iron and calcium.
  • Regularly moisturize fingers with creams and oils rich in vitamin E
  • Get yourself a paper or glass nail file that won't injure your nail
  • Cut your nails correctly to avoid ingrown problems
  • On a pedicure, ask the master (preferably qualified) to use only disposable instruments
  • A humid environment is the best place for the development of a fungal infection, it is best to avoid it by all means.
  • Discard acetone, this aggressive agent leads to delamination of the plate.


Although this is sometimes a rather insidious disease that requires a professional approach, home treatment is unlikely to harm. In addition, doctors recommend using folk remedies and combining it with drug therapy.
Many doctors recommend using:

  • Base and essential oils
  • Baking soda
  • Salt (preferably sea salt, but table salt is also suitable)
  • Potassium permanganate
  • Chlorhexidine
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Herbs (their infusions and decoctions)

Using these products will definitely not harm your health, and proper home treatment will also play a significant role.


  • Daily bath. At st. a spoonful of sea salt - a couple of grains of potassium permanganate, everything is mixed in warm water. Keep the affected area in it for about 20 minutes. Next, any drug is applied.
  • Iodine. Long known for its healing properties for nails, it perfectly strengthens the nail plate. Before going to bed, iodine is applied with a cotton swab to the nail, which absorbs it overnight.
  • Oil and lemon juice. Any vegetable oil (olive, peach, almond, wheat germ is suitable) is mixed with lemon juice in a 1: 1 ratio. The mixture is applied to the plate and left overnight, preferably using cotton gloves. So the effect will be much more noticeable.
  • Base oil and essential oils. Mix olive or almond oil with a few drops of tea tree oil, there is also a little lemon juice. Further, the principle is the same as in the previous recipe.
  • Garlic and oil. The butter is mixed with a few crushed garlic cloves. Apply to a plate and leave overnight.
  • Medical compress. A quarter of a glass of pure water is mixed with twenty grams of glycerin and five grams of burnt alum. Rub in before bed. On the basis of the same mixture, you can make foot baths.


Carefully monitor the condition of your nails, do not run developing problems, and your nails will repay you with health and beauty. It is always easier to prevent a disease than to cure it.

Unkempt nails are not always a sign of laziness and inability to take care of yourself. Often, a disease is hidden behind such a condition. There are many types of deformation of the nail plate. One of them is nail detachment. Such a violation of the structure of the plate can seriously scare and cause a whole series of unpleasant emotions. However, this disease is dangerous not only for this. Germs can build up under the nail, leading to more serious health problems.

If you have begun the process of separating the plate from the finger, the first step is to find out why this is happening. Treatment should be started immediately. This is important to prevent complete detachment of the nail plate and to protect other fingers.

Symptoms of the disease

The medical name for a disorder in which nails peel off the bed is onychomadesis. It is very easy to find it in yourself, it is enough to know the main symptoms.

  • The nail comes off the skin.
  • Air accumulates under the peeled plate.
  • The part of the nail that has moved away from the bed changes its color: it becomes yellow, bluish or brown.
  • The plate begins to move away from the tip of the finger, gradually the process spreads to the entire nail.

Neither the course of the disease itself, nor its treatment are initially accompanied by pain. The skin under the peeled nail does not bleed. But if an infection gets on an unprotected bed, ulcers and even pus may appear. If nothing is done to eliminate the violation, then soon the nails can completely move away from the skin.

The causes of onychomadesis

The disease is rapid. The nail completely exfoliates from the bed within six months. One thumb plate on the hand is most often affected. Gradually, the process can move on to others. If you refuse therapy, you can lose your nail forever, which is why it is so important to immediately consult a doctor.

Some people, especially men, do not attach much importance to this and very late begin to wonder why nail plates fall off on their hands or feet. The following factors may be the causes of onychomadesis.

  • Fungal disease.
  • Toe phalanx injury.
  • Somatic hereditary or acquired diseases in the acute phase.
  • Violation of the growth of the nail plate.
  • Infectious lesions.
  • Improper treatment of infection.
  • Reaction to medications and other chemicals.
  • Poorly conducted.

Before starting treatment, you will have to eliminate the cause that caused the fragile nail to separate from the bed. We will tell you about what to do if the nail plates are peeling off in the next part of our article.

Anti-flaking measures

Timely treatment will protect you from complete loss of the nail plate. If you prescribe procedures and take medications yourself, you can only harm your health. At the first sign of onychomadesis, you should immediately consult a dermatologist!

The treatment lasts about three months and depends on the stage of the disease and the individual characteristics of the organism. As a result, the new nail will grow healthy, and you will gradually cut off the exfoliated one. Usually, when the plate leaves the bed, the following therapeutic measures are prescribed.

  1. Local exposure to medications, including 5% heliomycin ointment, synthomycin emulsion, potassium permanganate, Radevit cream, sea salt.
  2. Taking vitamins and minerals by mouth. Calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, retinol and potassium are especially helpful for peeling nails.
  3. Reception of gelatin during the entire therapy and subsequently to consolidate the achieved effect.

If the nails come off due to the fungus, the doctor will prescribe special antimycotic drugs. In no case should you take a break in treatment without the consent of the doctor.... The bacteria that caused the disease will acquire immunity to the active components of the drug and give birth to offspring for which the medication will be absolutely not dangerous. In this case, you will have to start the treatment again and use other drugs.

Regardless of the factors due to which the nails peel off, a high-quality manicure should be done during therapy. Give preference to home treatments, as visiting the salon during illness is not recommended. In cases where your toenail comes off, do a hygienic pedicure. The skin under the plate is most susceptible to germs and infections, so it must be constantly cleaned.

When a nail peels off the skin, many turn to traditional medicine. With onychomadesis, it is allowed to do all kinds of baths and lotions, but only as additional therapy and in combination with drugs that are prescribed by the attending physician.

How to prevent the separation of the nail plate?

Many people think about why the nail has moved away from the skin either before treatment, or in the process of carrying it out. Only a few are looking for ways to prevent the disease. For preventive purposes, you can do simple procedures.

  • Timely trim, file nails, treat them with nutrients and clean them of dirt.
  • Provide yourself with individual tools for home manicure and pedicure.
  • Avoid contact of hands with dirt, household chemicals and other harmful substances. For this, gloves must be used.
  • Monitor your health in general.

It is important to carry out hardening procedures, to activate blood circulation in the vessels of the fingers and toes, and to constantly strengthen them. The nail plate above the root is already dead and in cases where it exfoliates, nothing can help it. Nevertheless, so that the nail does not go away, you still need to process and nourish it.

No one is immune from the disease we have described. But it is very important to monitor the nail plates on the hands and feet - this way you will significantly reduce the likelihood of their detachment. In conclusion, we suggest you watch an interesting video, the author of which will tell you about the basic rules of manicure.