Hypnotherapy is a special direction in medicine, which is based on the use of hypnosis with therapeutic purposes. What is medical hypnosis? Use hypnosis for medicinal purposes

Dr. Med. Wolf-Rainer Krause

Klinikum Wernigerode-Blankenburg, Chefarzt

Hypnosis is the oldest psychotherapeutic treatment method known since the time of antiquity. In the papyrus of the ancient Suchmers and Egyptians, we find guidance on hypnotic sessions conducted with therapeutic objectives.

During the centuries, the science of hypnosis was faded to revive in a new time. The contribution of the German-speaking hypnotist Franz Anton Mesmersmer (1734 - 1815), who practiced hypnosis called "Magnetism" or, as it was later called, "Messemerism" was substantiated. F. Mesmemer himself has reached its personality with the power of his personality during the "magnetic" sessions. His theoretical concept of the "animal magnetism" method, however, was fairly not recognized as science.

The modern concept of "hypnosis" was introduced by the Scottish eye doctor James Breid (1795 - 1860), as a derivative from the Greek word "Hipnos" (Sleep). The main area of \u200b\u200bthe application of hypnosis at the dawn of anesthesia was the immersion of the patient into a deep sleep, allowing you to painlessly carry out operations. In the XIX century, French neuropathologists and psychiatrists contributed to the active development of hypnosis, especially Charcot, who was trained by the founder of psychoanalysis Z. Freud. An important step of the development of hypnosis was the so-called. Kuism named Pharmacar Kuyo (1857 - 1926) from the French city of Nancy.

Intensive self-pressure sessions under the general slogan: "Every day I get better in all respects" had world popularity in the 20s of the last century. And in our time in major cities, individual naturopaths and parapsychologists practice the self-sustaining method on Kuyo. In the second half of the 20th century, American School M. Erixon (1901 - 1980) was considered in the field of hypnosis of the lead. The weak point of Erikson is the insufficient comprehensive scientific study of its own method. Successful healing sessions of Erickson hypnosis were filmed on the film and are substantiated by his students.

Even after 200 years of development of scientific hypnosis, disputes about its accurate definition. Separate schools of hypnologists offer definitions within their own concepts of the causes of the effectiveness of this method. The most common definition of hypnosis states that with the help of systemic, regular use of direct or indirect self-impacts or external suggestion, a temporary change in consciousness is achieved, which can be used with therapeutic targets for self-knowledge patient himself and to activate its internal resources.

Under the systemic use is understood as the planned method of switching the body and purposeful withdrawal from the hypnotic state with the patient's suggestion of the post-storey tasks. The recognized field of the activities of hypnotists are pain, migraine, drug treatment, tobacco and alcohol addiction, pathological fears, depressed and mania. A combination of hypnosis and psychopharmacological drugs is possible. My own practice shows good results of hypnotic treatment of obesity. Successes in the fight against narcotic and alcohol addiction modest. In-depth, including biochemical, the restructuring of the body under the influence of narcotic substances can not always be paid with the help of hypnosis.

Further development of self-compliance techniques is a well-known for many autogenous training. This simple and effective method of relaxation and calm can be studied almost every way and is applied anywhere: at work, in public transport, at home. Possible mass hypnosis sessions.

In the first familiarizing conversation with the future patient, the doctor should explain the nature of the proposed intervention in the deep consciousness of man, the possibilities and boundaries of the method, as well as its danger. Like any effective method, hypnosis may have unwanted side effects. Contraindications for hypnosis are psychosis and mental illness. We distinguish opening hypnosis that allows you to understand the essence of the problem and personality structures, and supporting hypnosis aimed at activating its own resources. To achieve the therapeutic effect, 25 hours of hypnotherapy are usually enough.

It is important to immediately establish a database for contact with patients on an interpersonal and interpersonal level. An experimental hypnobologist can refuse to check the patient's suggestibility. It can be said that 10% of people have a high degree, 80% good degree and 10% low degree of supreme, which is still larger.

Beginner hypnologists can be recommended to check the patient's suggestibility using a simple method. Interests themselves can try it with their households. The patient in the wakeful state suggests that embedded one in the other fingers of both hands cannot be separated by the effort of will. After a short suggestion, a quick team is given to disconnect hands. Well-sustainable people produce disconnection of the fingers with a noticeable delay between the team and its execution.

Previously, the premises of the hypnologist had an atmosphere of the Cabinet of magic and was accompanied by magical rituals, now scientifically operating lampsions from this refused. Still, every hypnobrologist should consider the design of the atmosphere in which he conducts its sessions. It is possible hypnosis in a lying, a semi-high or sitting position. It is important that the sick sat comfortably could relax and did not distract his attention to the position of his body or hold it in a specific posture.

At the beginning of the hypnotic session, verbal guidance of the transditional state occurs. The patient suggests that he and his body relax, the soul and the body become calm, equilibrium and slightly tired. After the introductory phase of the relaxation of the patient, the hypnologist immerses it into a half-weather, relaxed state and applies hypermnezia technique (increased ability to memoirs). With its help, it is possible to recognize very well and determine the compounds of memories long ago and with therapeutic objectives to cause them to relevant memory. The processing of these pieces can occur both in hypnotic and in awake. The same phenomena is based on the formation methodology in a dream.

In hypnotic state, it is possible to suggest a patient insensitivity to pain, which is also preserved in the postgilization period. The technique is suitable for the treatment of patients with chronic pains and for preoperative analgesia of patients suffering from allergic diseases. The suggestion embedded during hypnosis can be activated significantly later in the post-sectional state. With the deepening of self-knowledge during hypnosis, it is possible to switch from intensive foreign sudden suggestion to self-induction of transditional state. Here the doctor gradually reduces its role and influence on the patient, and the patient himself occupies the liberated space, which gradually becomes more and more.

The hypnotic treatment effect is estimated not only by the descriptions of the patients themselves, but also objective methods. With the help of devices, we can reveal a reliable difference in various organism parameters before and after treatment. Some dentists apply hypnosis techniques as anesthesia in front of small dental interventions. With the help of hypnosis, it is possible to reduce the blood supply to organs, which also contributes to the success of operational interventions.

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Library of Practical Doctor V. E. Roznov

Hypnosis in Medicine Medgiz

State Publishing House of Medical Literature Medgiz - 1954 - Moscow

Introduction Hypnosis as one of the complex physiological phenomena for a long time remained unsolved, not

mastered science. The lack of scientific interpretation of hypnosis underlies the basis of all externally such various reasons that created the skeptical, incredulous attitude towards the method of hypnotherapy, which remained in some part of the doctors until the very last time. These reasons can be attributed to all the facts of the use of hypnosis in religious and charlatan purposes, and mutually exclusive contradictory opinions about hypnosis, and cases of failures, comprehended by some doctors, excessively fond of healing properties of hypnosis, and so paragraph.

A revolutionary coup in understanding hypnosis (and therefore, and in relation to Him) I was performed by I. P. Pavlov and his students. Having created a strictly objective method of studying the highest nervous activity - the method of conditional reflexes, I. P. Pavlov made an affordable scientific study of the complex area of \u200b\u200bnature of nature - ■ the psyche region. Using the method of conditional reflexes, the great scientist revealed the main laws of higher nervous activity, showing the material, physiological basis of mental processes, and gave scientific interpretation of complex issues of physiology and medicine that did not have its permission for many centuries. One of these issues was the question of hypnosis and related phenomena. Pavlovsky strictly objective method of studying the highest nervous activity scattered the thick veil of darkness, mystery and subjectivist psychological representations, which so long enveloped the problem of hypnosis. In the Created I. P. Pavlov Physiological Teaching the problem of hypnosis received truly scientific, materialistic coverage.

I. P. Pavlov showed that the physiological basis of the hypnotic state of both in animals and a person is the process of braking, which occurs in the crust of large hemispheres of the brain under the influence of certain, amenable to accurate scientific research conditions. The change in the extensiveness and intensity of this brake process spill on the brake brake finds its external expression in those different degrees of hypnosis, which have long been marked by many researchers of this phenomenon. With accuracy and thoroughness inherent in the studies carried out in Pavlovsk laboratories, the conditions causing a hypnotic state were studied. Based on all these data, I. P. Pavlov established some common physiological mechanisms underlying the characteristic manifestations of hypnosis in humans and animals. At the same time, I. P. Pavlov emphasized that "when it comes to more complex forms" hypnotic state, it is clear that it becomes difficult to carry out a complete parallel between animals and a person becomes difficult or even now and impossible for several reasons "(8, p. 356) . I. P. Pavlov established the physiological basis of suggestion

The phenomena most characteristic of the hypnotic state of the person. This explanation is closely related to its teaching on the second signaling system in its interaction with the first signaling system.

Opening I. P. Pavlova in the field of hypnosis and suggestion gave a solid foundation for the use of these phenomena in medical practice. However, until the United Session of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, held in June-July 1950, they did not find that the latitude of the application, which rightfully deserve. As a result, serious errors made by some physiologists in the development of the teachings I. P. Pavlov were opened at the session of criticism and self-criticism. As one of the major flaws, the session also noted the lack of use of the richest scientific heritage of I. P. Pavlov in medicine.

Throughout its creative activity, I. P. Pavlov sought to apply the data obtained by him in laboratory experiments to theory and practice

medicine. These aspirations I. P. Pavlova were especially brightly embodied in the teaching created by him about the highest nervous activity. I. P. Pavlov with irrefutableness proved that in all the livelihoods of the complex organism of higher animals and a person, a regulatory role belongs to the nervous system, the leading value in which has a large hemispheres of the brain. This most was given a guideline for all sections of medicine and physiology.

The combined session of the two academies once again emphasized the correctness of the thought of I. P. Pavlov that "in the deep sense of physiology and medicine inseparable." In the first paragraph of its decree, the session was recorded: "In the shortest possible time to develop the necessary organizational and scientific measures to further develop the theoretical foundations and implementation of the teachings I. P. Pavlov in the practice of medicine" (7, p. 525).

A. G. Ivanov-Smolensky, speaking in his report on the challenges facing medicine in the light of Pavlovsky understanding the values \u200b\u200bof the bark of large hemispheres in the pathogenesis of various diseases, noted: "... But in particular, this refers to psychotherapy, which seemed to Must be rebuilt, taking into account the basic patterns of cortical activities and cortico-viscelations, taking into account Pavlovsky teaching about sleeping braking, hypnosis, suggestion and, above all, on the interaction of the first and second signal systems "(7, p. 80).

In this book, the author set himself a goal of acquaintance of a practitioner with the explanation of the physiological nature of hypnosis, which is given in the works of I. P. Pavlov and its closest students, as well as with the "use of hypnosis and suggests everyday therapeutic work. The author found it necessary to lead to The possibilities of the most important of the most important statements by I. P. Pavlov on this deeply interested in his problem, the proof of which is a lot of attention, which he paid hypnosis and suggestion in his writings.

A brief historical essay. The acquaintance of humanity with hypnosis phenomena dates back to deep antiquity. Already at the temples

ancient Egypt and India During the religious ceremonies, the priests, making certain rites and spells, brought separate mantis into a state of a special stupor, resembling soybean, during which they automatically performed the orders given to them: went, talked, etc. In those days, people are not I gave yourself "a clear report in what is happening and connected all these phenomena with the" divine force "of temples or priests that the latter used in their mercenary personal and caste purposes.

It is absolutely clear for us that in this case we are dealing with hypnosis and suggestion. Sometimes such actions led to the healing of relaxed, termination of convulsive states or other painful manifestations that priests and believers were explained by the expulsion of the "unclean strength", with the removal of "damage". In fact, it was the removal of individual manifestations of hysterical neurosis with the help of suggestion conducted in a hypnotic state.

The first attempt to explain the phenomena of hypnosis was undertaken by the Viennese doctor A. Mesmer. The report presented in 1774 in the Paris Academy of Sciences, Mesmer reduced the phenomenon of hypnosis to the effects of a special invisible fluid - "magnetic fluid", which would have the ability to transmit from one person to another. Upon submission of Mesmer, this liquid is spilled in the universe and the presence of it explains the allegedly existing magnetic effect of celestial bodies on each other and on the lives of people. Some faces

in the opinion of Mesmer (he considered himself extremely gifted in this respect), they have the ability to accumulate this fluid and to transmit it to other people, thereby providing healing effects on them. Mesmer allowed the possibility of transferring this fluid and inanimate objects that, after that, as if they would become a source of healing force. Therefore, he "magnetized" with its touching special tanks, holding over the iron rods of which, patients allegedly obtained fluid and recovered. The obvious mystical essence of this fantastic theory eliminates the need to stop on the evidence of its falsity and absolute scientific insolvency. Naturally, this "theory" not only did not contribute to the explanation of the phenomena phenomena, but surrounded him even greater mystery and was a hindrance towards scientific research.

The beginning of the scientific approach to the study of hypnotic phenomena can be considered observations and experiments, which were produced in the 40s of the last century by the English surgeon Brad. At this time, over Europe, various sorts of charlatans, demonstrated magnetism in public sessions of Miracles in public sessions. On a session, which was in Manchester, one of these magnetizers, Mesmer's supporters, came the local Brad surgeon with a certain goal to expose the Charlatanian tricks of Mesmerist. However, in addition to the quantity, he noted some of the facts interested in these sessions, the study of which and engaged. In 1843, Brad issued a book that completely denied the false-scientific theory of Mesmer about fluids. He explained hypnosis as a special sheep-to-kind state, which arises as a result of the ultimate gaze, fixing on brilliant items used in order to hypnotize. The very name of this phenomenon is hypnosis (OTVOS), which means in Greek dream, was introduced into the science of Brad. The merit of Brad is also the fact that he applied hypnosis for therapeutic purposes and, in particular, used it for pain relief in surgical operations. At the same time, it should be noted that, standing on idealistic positions, a Brad in the interpretation of some hypnotic phenomena made gross mistakes. So, for example, he believed that hypnotized appears

special ability to read sealing letters, guessing thoughts, etc. No less erroneous is and its attempt to theoretically substantiate the possibility of use for hypnotherapy of Franology falcan data.

Among the first doctors involved in hypnotherapy, the name of the enjoyment, published in 1866, in 1866, in which he outlined his experience in using hypnosis for therapeutic purposes.

Some later began to study hypnotic phenomena, two other French researchers-Charcot and Bernjeim. Their research, opposite in their conclusions, formed the basis of two directions in the interpretation of hypnosis, received the names of Paris, or Salpetriere, Charco School and the Nanister School of Bernjeim. Conducting its observations to clarify the nature of hypnosis on sick hysteria, Charcot and his followers came to a completely false idea that the hypnotic state is nothing more than a kind of hysterical seal, and that, as a result, it can be caused only in pronounced hysteries. With his wrong idea of \u200b\u200bthe essence of hypnosis, as an artificially induced hysterical seizure, Charcot contributed to the rooting of the prejudice, which has played the inhibitory role in the further study and practical use of hypnosis for treatment. After his work, the misconcension was widely disseminated that hypnosis is a painful state, weakening and is generally harmful to the nervous system. With its research, Charcot used as the factors causing hypnotic state, sharp and strong or prolonged and weak agents, irritating sense organs. So, for example, before the experience of the subject "in the dark, a bright light source was suddenly lit or unexpectedly made a strong noise. The role of verbal suggestion was ignored with these experiments.

In contrast, Charcaro Bergeim expressed the idea that hypnotic phenomena must be an impregnation with their origin. He understood the occurrence of ■ hypnotic state as a result of the fact that one. Self (hypnotized) is amenable to inspiring the influence of another (hypnotist), not discovering when

this severe criticism to the suggestion received. According to the Industions of the Mansiysk School, "no hypnosis is only suggestion." This provision, in which the concepts of "hypnosis" and "suggestion" are mixed into one, and the hypnotic state as something independent and independent of the speech impact is generally denied, should be recognized as erroneous. And although in humans, these phenomena are often closely related to each other (so, on the one hand, one of the most common ways to cause hypnosis in humans is a verbal suggestion, on the other hand, the hypnotic state itself increases the susceptibility to the suggestion that, as It is known that it is widely used in "psychotherapy), nevertheless, hypnosis and suggestion are various phenomena: not only human, but also animals can be immersed in the hypnotic state, the ability to perceive the verbal suggestion is inherent in the person.

In other ways, the study of hypnosis in Russia went. In contrast to the general idealistic focus of research of foreign authors, the presence of materialist trends in the approach to studied phenomena is characteristic of the work of our domestic scientists. Simultaneously with the research of the University of Ko to Professor Physiology of the University of Kharkov V. Ya. Danilevsky in numerous experiments studied hypnotic phenomena in animals. Conducting its research on a huge amount of a wide variety of animals (frogs, crayfish, crabs, various fish, tritons, snakes, lizards, turtles, crocodiles, some birds and mammals), Danilevsky gave an experimental substantiation of the unity of nature of hypnosis in humans and animals. These studies started a few years before the views of the Nanice School were imposed, already contained their experimental refutation. V. Ya. Danilevsky was one of the prominent representatives of the advanced direction in Russian natural science and medicine, the founder of which was I. M. Sechenov and which then found its theoretical development in the teaching S. P. Botkin and I. P. Pavlov about Nerzism. In his speech at the IV Congress of Russian doctors in Moscow in 1891, "On the unity of hypnotism in humans and animals" Danilevsky, leading

the measures of the beneficial influence of suggestion in hypnosis on the speed of burn healing, said: "These hypnotic effects on the vegetative sphere to a certain extent are explained by the same influence of irritation of the crust of a large brain on blood circulation, separation, smooth muscles" etc. ".

At the same congress with the report "Therapeutic application of hypnotism" was made by Psychiatrist A. A. Tokarsky, "Pupil and follower of the founder of the Moscow psychiatric school S. S. Korsakov. This report, as well as the entire beginning to this congress, the activities of Tokarsky in the field of psychotherapy began, with a complete basis, should be considered as the origin of genuine scientific materialistic trends in the practice of domestic psycho and hypnotherapy. With militant passion, A. A. Tokaraksky struggled to ensure that hypnotics and suggestion receive equal rights with other methods of treatment and occupied a well-deserved place in medicine as a means that can provide substantial assistance in a number of a variety of painful states. In the mentioned report, he said: "... It would be funny to think that hypnotism rose somewhere on the side of the door of the temple of the science, which is a podkinich, brought up by ignoramus. It is only possible to say that the ignorant of him is quite understandable and captured with their own hands. " Developing practical testimony for the use of hypnosis for therapeutic purposes, Tokarsky proceeded from the fact that hypnosis and suggestion are effective methods of impact on the function of the nervous system in the sense of its strengthening and calmness, since, according to his deep conviction, "the need to influence the nervous system is found on Each step, regardless of the disease "than and the wide boundaries of the application of these methods are determined. Defending the healing properties of hypnotic sleep, Tokarsky categorically objected against a deeply erroneous look of Charcot about the pathological nature of hypnosis. A Tokarsky was especially in detail at criticizing these false ideas in one of its best works, which is called "to the question of the harmful influence of hypnotization" (1889). Tokarsky was the first to organize and began reading the course of hypnotherapy and physiological psychology at Moscow University. In his experimental work on

HYPNOSIS (Greek, Hypnos Sleep; Outdated Sin.: animal magnetism, mesmerism, braidism, hypnotism) - artificially, with the help of suggestion caused by a special state of a person, characterized by the characteristic selectivity of the response, expressed in increasing susceptibility to the psychological effects of hypnotizing and decrease in sensitivity to all other influences. G. is used in medicine in the form of various individual and collective techniques.


Humanity was familiar with the phenomena of G. still in ancient times. Many techniques and means of causing this state were known to the ministers of the most ancient religions (caster, sorcerers, shamans), often used them for healing purposes. The first attempt to give rational interpretation of the phenomena of G. took the Viennese Mesmer (F. A. Mesmer), which introduced a report to the French Academy of Sciences in 1774 in 1774, a substantiation of the treatment of patients with the help of the impact on the psyche was found in Kr.

In a place, in the universe, invisible liquid is spilled - "magnetic fluid"; People who can accumulate this liquid transmit it to others and treat their illness. Commission of the Academy, without finding such a "fluid", rejected th. Metray method as alleged charlatanic. In reality, Mesmer's argument was scientifically unreasonable, which combined the features of a vulgar-mathetic approach to an understanding of mental phenomena with elements of a mystical worldview (about the "gift", "chosenness", etc.), but the psychotherapeutic effect on patients suffering from them Specific neurotic disorders were very effective. The beginning of a scientific understanding of G. put in 1843 by the English. Surgeon Braid (J. Braid); He is the author of the term "hypnosis". Attention by g. Wound only in the 80s-90s. 19th century G. became these years the topic of works of many outstanding researchers, soon divided into two schools. Some, following the Salpetner J. Charco, who led the Parisian clinic, gave a leading importance in the time of the sharp physician. Irriters (sudden outbreak of bright light, a loud horseback hit, etc.) and the physiol shifts arising under their influence, the character shifts, considering psycholis, the features of the secondary, derivative symptoms of this state. Others adhered to the views of the professor of the therapeutic clinic in Nancy Bernheim (H. Bernheim), which claimed that G. is not some special, independent state, and that all his unusual features are a direct result of the effectiveness of medical suggestion carried out and in wakefulness. Domestic scientists V. M. Bekhterev, A. A. Tokarsky and others objected to those and others, arguing their arguments with reference to these of their own studies who urged in importance and physiol., And psycholis, parties in G.

At the beginning of the 20th century Due to the widespread dissemination abroad, the concept of psychoanalysis (see) interest in the city significantly decreased. In Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. I. P. Pavlov and his followers carried out an experimental study in. n. During these works, physiol was created, the concept of G. as partial in the depth and localization of sleep with a wake-up focus remaining during it (so-called Watchtop). The presence of this insulated focus ensures the selectivity of the contact of hypnotized with hypnotizing (so called. Rapport), which is the main feature of G.

A hypnotic state is caused by means of special artificial conditions, which are a combination of factors favored by falling asleep, with impacts that create and support awakening watchdogs, through which a verbal suggestion is carried out.

From the end of 19 century. Interest in the city was subjected to significant fluctuations. So, after international congresses in experimental and therapeutic hypnotism, held in 1889 and 1900. In Paris, a long break is followed. Only in the 50-60s. 20 V. This problem again begins to attract attention - III International Congress on hypnosis and psychosomatic medicine took place in 1965 in Paris, IV - in 1967 in Kyoto (Japan), V- in 1969 in Mainz (Germany), VI - In 1973 in Uppsal (Sweden).

Modern condition

The search for raising the effectiveness of hypnotherapy has revealed that many of her questions are not well developed. There was a need to revise understanding the mechanisms of the organization of sleep and physiol. The mechanisms of G. It turned out that hypnotherapy does not have an even objective criterion for the moment of the occurrence of G. Revived the dispute about whether there is a special state. Barber studies appeared (T. X. Barber, 1962), resurrecting Berngee's view. Ornah (M. T. Orne, 1970) believes that it might be overcome by the creation of an experimental situation, allowing if not excluding (all such attempts were still in vain), then at least to fully take into account the distortion, introduced into the experiments to the suggestion . Weitzenhoffer (A. M. Weitzenhoffer, 1953) and Hillgard (E. R. Hilgard, 1969) believe that the clarification of the issue of G. can be achieved with the help of new improved research techniques. Gill, Brenman (M. Gill, M. Brenman, 1959) and Kuba (L. S.Kubie, 1961) attempted to carry out the synthesis of psychoanalytic ideas about G. with ne-fish new physiology data (eg, about the role of sensory deprivation). It is believed that a sufficiently satisfactory theory of G., capable of covering all of his part, has not yet been created [Krogher (W. Kroger), 1963; Sherok (L. Chertok), 1972; Langen (D. Langen), 1972].

Soviet researchers (N. A. Aladjovova, V. E. Roznov, S. L. Kamenetsky, 1972) was managed using the method of registration of supergrown fluctuations in brain potentials to register the moment of the jump-shaking transition of the initial stage of G. - Somnolence - to the deepest stage of him - Somnambulism . At the same time, against the background of the waves typical for the somnolenic state on the potential fluctuations curve, a strong potential level has suddenly occurs. Physiol, psychol, and social psychol, the analysis of the development of G. shows that the degree of importance of impact plays an important role in managing this process. According to a number of researchers (F. V. Bassin, V. E. Roznov, etc.), the leading place in the emergence and course of the city belongs from the far from fully conscious psycholis, factors - the nature of the impacts emanating from the hypnotizing, as well as significant settings for the subject (determining his attitude to the social environment, the personality of hypnotizing, to the process itself of hypnotization). In the deep stage, this dominant role of unconscious psycholis, factors are particularly visual. The unusualness of such a response always seemed paradoxical. However, from the standpoint of the idea of \u200b\u200ba person as a qualitatively special, social, creature, such a nature of reactions of hypnotized on psychol. Impact appears as a completely natural phenomenon. G. There is a qualitatively definite psychophysiol. A condition arising from the restructuring of the brain to a special mode.

A distinctive feature of the city as a state is strict, not peculiar to any sleep, neither awake selectivity of learning and processing received information.


Apply G. to Leaf. The purpose is allowed only to the doctor and is regulated by the M3 M3 Method of the USSR from 15 / III 1957. The doctor must own the art of establishing positive emotional contact with the patient.

For the patient's immersion, the hypnotic state is most often used by the method of verbal suggestion (suggestio) - the mental impact of one person to another (or group of persons); in honey. Practice is a doctor on a patient (or a group of patients) with leaf, goals. In the process of suggestion, there is a passive perception of new ideas, sensations and actions without criticism from the inspired, without any arguments.

In hypnosis, the stages of muscle relaxation and mental calm are consistently inspired, which is subjectively perceived by hypnotized as the offensive of a kind-made state. Sometimes direct impact on various analyzers - visual, auditory, tactile are used. The hypnotized it is proposed to fix brilliant items to the eyes, affect the monotonous sounds (clock ticking, a knock of the metronome), use heat passes (conducting over the surface of the face and body with electric heating devices).

The doctor conducted by hypnosis should be well aware of the nature of the hypnotic state, in order to be able to eliminate any deviations from ordinary development in time: the transition from G. Natural Sleep (see), hysterical hypnotic, spontaneous somnambulism (see) , protracted lethargy (see). All these complications of the city can eliminate without any consequences.

In order to avoid harm to the mental health of people in the USSR, hypnosis is not practicing entertainment purposes.

Different options for hypnotherapy are proposed - fractional software for O. Foghta, long hypnosis (up to 16-18 hours.) According to K. I. Platonova, a stepped - active city of E. Krechmera and Langen, elongated. (Up to 1 , 5-2 hours.) And Emotional Stresses in V. E. Roznov, drug-type (g. Against the background of premedicated by various hypnotics) in the modifications of various authors. Distinguish individual and collective hypnotherapy. The last first applied I. V. Vyazemsky (1904), Pratt (Pratt, 1905), V. M. Bekhterev (1911).

A lot of disputes caused the issue of division in stage. His division was offered at 3,6,9,12 or more stages. The most adopted separation of G. at 3 stage: small, medium and deep G.- According to V. M. Bekhterev or the stage of drowsiness, hypothasia and somnambulism - on O. Forel. Sleepiness is characterized by light dormary and muscle relaxation, during the hypothaccia there is a spontaneous and inspired catalepsy (the phenomenon of the wax flexibility of joints and muscles). Somnambulism is the most profound stage in the proper sense of the word G.- is characterized by a number of features, among which should first be allocated so called. Singing (than and explains the name of the stage - somnambulism), as well as the possibility of suggestion of hallucinatory images, anesthesia, obtaining perversioned reactions to the real stimuli, amnesia experienced during the city, the possibility of post-hypnotic suggestions, etc. However, it is established that even in deep G. Man is able to resist the unacceptable suggestion for his personality. So, attempts to inspire the actions hypnotized, morally unacceptable, led to a sudden exit from the hypnotic state, sometimes even with the transition to the hysterical fit. This is particularly clearly manifested by the primary importance for the person of moral attitudes arising from its social essence.


The most efficient use of G. To eliminate hysterical monosimptoms, such as Astasia - Absisia, Amavrosis, Survation, analgesia and anesthesia, paralysis, contractures and other similar hysterical sensor and vegetative violations.

It is of great importance to hypnosis for the treatment of psychogeneically determined disorders of sleep and sexual function, headaches, phobic conditions (cardio- and carcherophobia, agoraphobia, tanatophobia, claustrophobia), etc. The use of hypnotherapy, along with drug and other types of treatment, is shown in peptic ulcer, Hypertensive disease, indomitable vomiting of pregnant women, in psychogenic disorders of the menstrual cycle and lactation.

Significant benefits brings hypnosis in the clinic of skin diseases in the complex treatment of diseases such as neurodermatitis, urticaria, eczema, psoriasis. The treatment of the city of various drug addiction plays an important role, and there is no particular importance to the treatment of alcoholism. The collective emotional-stress technique of hypnotherapy Cron, alcoholism recommended for a wide introduction into practice by the M3 of the USSR M3 of the USSR from 12 / VI 1975, allows you to quickly (starting from the first session) to achieve a pronounced reaction to the sustained suggestion. A group of patients, whatever to the depth of the hypnotic state developing in them. The many years of experience in the application of G. shows its effectiveness as a means of facilitating the formation of an anti-alcohol plant, combining the psychologically active rejection of drunkenness with emotionally rich fiz. disgust to the smell and taste of alcohol.

G. should not be used isolated from psychotherapeutic effects (conversation with sick, suggestion in a state of wakefulness, self-sustaining, labor therapy), physiotherapy, the use of resort factors. Often to strengthen it. The effect of patients undergoing a course of hypnotherapy is prescribed additionally and medicines. T about., Hypnotherapy, as a rule, is included in the complex to lea. methods. Only with such an integrated approach to the treatment of G. can be expected from it resistant to heat. Effect.


Hypnotherapy is contraindicated in psychotic states with delusions of hypnotic exposure, which is more common in schizophrenia patients, as well as in the event of addiction to G. (so-called. Hypnation), which is sometimes found in hysterical psychopathy.

The value of hypnosis is not only in its therapeutic effect. The hypnotic state opens up opportunities for the study of human mental activities, especially for the study of the entire variety of relationships of conscious and unconscious in the general structure of the mental act. Such studies may be important to create psychol, personality theory. G. Finds use in pedagogy as a means of correction of incorrect installations and habits. Psychology is exploring the possibilities of using G. in order to increase the jet abilities of the individual.

Bibliography: Bekhterev V.M. Hypnosis, suggestion and psycho-therapy and their therapeutic importance, SPb., 1911; Burman B.N, Experimental Sleep, L., 1925, Bibliogr.; Bul P. I. Basics Psychotics ^ Rapy, p. 53, L., 1974, Bibliogr.; Maps Tyamyshev A.I. Hypnosis and suggestion in skin therapy, M., 1953, bibliogr.; Malla A. Hypnotism (with the inclusion of the main foundations of psychotherapy and occult), trans. with him., SPb., 1909; Pavlov I. P. Full Collection of Works, Vol. 3, KN. 2, p. 126, M.-L., 1951; Platonov K.I. Hypnosis and suggestion in practical medicine, Kharkov, 1925, bibliogr.; Roznovv.E. Hypnosis in medicine, M., 1954, bibliogr,; Guide for psychotherapy, ed. V. E. Rognova et al., P. 60, M., 1974; Slobodynik A.P. Psychotherapy, suggestion, hypnosis, Kiev, 1966, bibliogr.; Tokarevsky A. A. Therapeutic application of hypnotism, M., 1890; Trout A. hypnotism, its meaning and application, per. with him., SPb., 1890; H E Rr-T about to L. Hypnosis (problems of theory and practice, technique), lane. from Franz., M., 1972, Bibliogr.; HYPNOSE, HRSG. v. A. Katzenstein, Jena, 1971, Bibliogr.; HYPNOSIS AND PSYCHOSOMATIC MEDICINE, B., 1967; K R O G E R W. S. Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis in Medicine, Dentistry and Psychology, Philadelphia - Montreal, 1963; L A N G E N D. Kompendium Der Medizinischen Hypnose, Basel - N. Y., 1972; Psychophysiological Mechanisms of Hypnosis, B. a. about., 1969.

Like any therapy, hypnosis has a number of contraindications that you need to know. Incorrect application of this treatment method can lead to unpredictable consequences, and instead of improving the condition of the patient there is a risk only to worsen the position. I do not know, as well as a considerable person to engage in hypnosis or self-hypanosis should not be. It is best to refer to a qualified psychotherapist, since only a specialist can assist in serious illnesses. It should always be remembered: the hypnosis in skillful hands is able to work wonders, whereas the unfair person risks so to complicate the situation as the most experienced doctor will not cope. Examples of both the positive influence of hypnosis and negative are known. Even doctors, and they often made mistakes, introducing patients into trance, and then not knowing how to bring them out of hypnotic sleep. Therefore, if you decide to do self-hypanosis or apply hypnosis in the treatment of diseases, carefully read this chapter.

Indications for hypnotherapy

Hypnosis is used correctly in the case when it is used for therapeutic purposes, and the patient is not subjected to excessive risk. To treat with hypnosis, first of all, it is necessary to diagnose the patient, but it should be remembered that with the same diseases, patients can react differently to hypnosis. During treatment, hypnosis is combined with psychotherapeutic conversations, which can be held both during the stay of the patient in the trance and during its wakefulness.

Application of hypnosis for disease treatment

What diseases are treated with hypnosis? First, this method is successfully used in psychiatry. So, it is believed that hysteria is successfully treated by hypnosis. Often, this disease proceeds with complications or goes into a more serious form. Other methods of psychotherapy are less successful and not always effective, so most often such diseases treat psychiatrists and psychotherapists by introducing into special states of consciousness.

Currently, a modern person is never subject to neurosis, fears, phobias, obsessive states and psychozam.

In the case when the patient suffers from neurosis, it has a constant alarming state with periodically emerging attacks.

In this case, hypnosis has a soothing effect, and also helps to identify the cause of neurosis to subsequently eliminate it.

The XXI century can be called a century of phobias. Every year more and more of a wide variety of phobias appear, or obsessive fears. Along with traditional arachnophobia (fear of spiders), claustrophobia (fear of closed space), hydrophobia (fear of water), many suffer from agoraphobia (fear of open spaces), Aylurofobia (fear of cats) and other wide variety of phobias.

Phobias are eliminated using psychoanalysis. Hypnotanalysis is not yet very common in this area, but under states when deep treatment is impossible, hypnosis allows you to get a temporary improvement. For example, if phobia interferes with the patient to work, that is, in the case of alienation from society, hypnosis helps the patient adapt to the social environment and programms it for further deeper treatment.

There is even a fear of electricity - electric spobium, phagoophobia - fear of suppressing, ecoopobia - fear of their home and leukopobia - fear of white color. And panofobia is generally afraid of everything in the world.

It should be mentioned such a pathological state as nervous, or mental anorexia. Usually, adolescents, in particular, girls are mostly susceptible to this disease. Nervous anorexia is a stubborn refusal to eat for the purpose of weight loss. The cause of such a disease is often mental disorders and errors in education (hyperopka from parents). Patients showing great interest in food caloric content and exclude those products that seem like them with the diet. It should be noted that not necessarily suffering anorexia are overweight, even thin girls and young men who inspired themselves that they have overweight. Anorexia is accompanied by loss of body weight, but it is recommended to use hypnosis for its treatment. Through the introduction of patients in the special states of consciousness, the psychotherapist inspires them that their fears are bothering. With timely treatment, you can achieve positive results, although therapy is complicated by the reluctance of patients to be treated. In this case, a systematic suggestion can help.

In some cases, treatment with hypnosis can also be applied with schizophrenia disease. This disease is not fully studied, therefore, it is known about its causes and treatment. However, it was noted that the improvement occurred faster when drug therapy was combined with hypnotherapy.

Hypnosis is used in the treatment of psychosis. So, O. Voisin hypnotized his patients suffering from psychosis and hallucinations. The Englishman Robertson also hypnotized patients with psychosis, in particular maniacs. He managed to achieve a hypnotic state of his patients.

Of course, it is impossible not to mention the treatment of alcoholism hypnosis, smoking and drug addiction. In the case of chronic alcoholism, hypnotic suggestion is quite efficient, as people suffering from this disease are usually hypnabelny, that is, sustainable. It is much more difficult to treat drug hypnosis, as they are easily amenable to hypnosis only during the period of drug dependence, after which there is a relapse (aggravation of the disease).

A. Tokarsky treasured hypnosis of 700 patients with alcoholism, and in most part (80%) achieved recovery. Patients did not drink for a year after the cessation of treatment.

Application of hypnosis in psychosomatic medicine

With the help of hypnosis, not only mental illness is successfully treated. No less successfully, the method of introducing into special states of consciousness is used in the field of psychosomatic medicine (from lat. "Soma" - "body"). There are a lot of cases of treatment with hypnosis of diseases of cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems.

The diseases of the cardiovascular system under which hypnosis applies are arterial hypertension, cardiac neurosis and heart rate disruption. In patients who underwent myocardial infarction, or patients with angina, due to hypnosis, the state has improved and anxiety decreased.

The diseases of the respiratory system, especially asthma, are also successfully treated with this method, since an emotional factor plays an important role in the disease of Asthma.

Astmatic attack is exacerbated by the mental state of a patient who cannot breathe normally. However, with the help of hypnosis, it is possible to help the patient restore normal breathing.

In addition, hypnosis is used in the treatment of endocrine diseases. In the obesity of patients suffering from obesity, they stabilized the metabolism, reduced appetite and installed a diet.

It is very important to note that many diseases are associated with a violation of the nervous system, which causes the occurrence of certain pathologies.

Many people due to improper nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Particularly susceptible to gastritis and ulcer diseases, who, due to irregular nutrition, the metabolism is disturbed and problems with digestion are disturbed. Hypnosis helps to cure a duodenal ulcer. In this case, it is recommended to conduct long-term sessions of hypnotic sleep. In addition, hypnosis successfully treat esophageal spasms, constipation, diarrhea and vomiting.

In gynecology and urology hypnosis also found application. For example, such an unpleasant disease as involuntary urination usually requires surgical intervention. However, a case is known when one of the patients was cured with hypnosis. It should be noted that the disease did not return even several years later.

In obstetrics, hypnosis is used to alegesicize. For example, a woman is introduced into a state of hypnotic sleep before childbirth or directly during them in order to reduce pain. In the preparatory period, there is a post-hypnotic suggestion, that is, a woman gives birth in a state of wakefulness. Paints are eliminated as a result of suggestion.

In case of skin diseases, an emotional component plays an important role. Therefore, hypnosis is used in dermatology. For example, warts are removed by suggestion, as well as benign tumors whose occurrence of the virus is due to the occurrence of the virus.

However, the suggestion can not only eliminate skin diseases, but also to contribute to their occurrence. There are cases when, by means of hypnotic suggestion, people received burns of II degree, as well as herpes lips.

Often skin diseases interfere with a person to fully live in society. For example, one 17-year-old patient could not leave the house because of the large number of warts in his arms. After several sessions of the hypnosis of warts disappeared, which was reflected on the social life of the girl.

Hypnotherapy is used for diseases of the central nervous system. For example, this method is successfully treated with insomnia, spine pain and migraine. Hypnosis is used to treat stuttering and ticks, especially hysterical origin.

Hypnosis in other areas of medicine

Of course, the most successful hypnosis is applied to anesthesia, that is, for anesthesia. In the past century, when the art of hypnosis was not considered as a method of treatment, through suggestion was anesthetized during operations. Doctors conducted amputations using hypnosis for anesthesia. In addition, the introduction into special conditions of consciousness contributes to a decrease in anxiety and unrest of the patient before the operation, as well as the weakening of postoperative complications.

In traumatology, doctors use hypnosis not only as an anesthetic, but also as a method of deriving a person from traumatic shock. Due to severe injuries or multiple fractures, psychoses often occur, which are also eliminated by hypnosis.

Interesting the use of hypnotherapy in the treatment of extensive burns. Here this method also has double-benefits: firstly, anesthesia is achieved, and secondly, the appetite of the victim is improved, which is very important for recovery.

Finally, about hypnotherapy in such a field of medicine as oncology. Of course, it is often impossible to achieve recovery here, however, hypnosis is applied to reduce pain and improve emotional state.

Contraindications for hypnosis and possible complications

Hypnosis is probably the most mysterious and unexplified method of treatment from all used in medical practice. It has a long and interesting story. Many people relate to hypnosis biased, with caution. They believe that the entry into the hypnotic state can change the personality of a person. As mentioned, the rest is very common to fall asleep and not wake up or fear of addictive to hypnosis. In addition, patients are afraid to be in power of someone else's will, that is, under the control of the hypnotist, which may subjugate the mind of the patient. True, it does not take into account the fact that the patient himself decides whether to let someone else's will or not. Although a person is in a state of hypnosis, he can choose whether to do this or another team of a psychotherapist or not. Even in the conditions of a deep trance, a person will not perform those teams that contradict its installations and the worldview.

But the danger to the patient still exists. The risk is in any therapy, including in hypnotic. Here, once again, we note: the competence of the attending physician, his knowledge and skills. In 1961, a study was conducted by the disastrous consequences of hypnosis, as a result of which it was established that in 15 cases, the elimination of symptoms in patients led to the exacerbation of more serious diseases. However, it is believed that such a side effect is associated with the fact that the patients have been treated for a long time from various diseases and showed inadequate attitude to this therapy.

Speaking of contraindications and complications arising from the use of special states of consciousness, it should be said about who should engage in hypnosis - anyone who read the "smart" books and who brought himself a great master, or an experienced doctor? Of course, in no case, you can not trust your health with hypnotists, which, even if they can enter a person in trance, is unlikely to be able to withdraw him from there. Yes, and it is better not to experiment. Psychotherapy and methods of introducing into special states of consciousness should be engaged in trained specialists who carry legal and ethical responsibility for their actions. After all, the penetration into the consciousness of another person is not a hacking of the safe, but much more serious action. The unfavorable therapist risks pulling out the injuries, unpleasant memories that a person does not want to think. In addition, he also receives intimate information about a person that the latter may prefer to keep in secret.

Now consider complications that may occur when introduced into special conditions of consciousness or after that.

Possible complications

During the patient's patient's stay, such a complication may develop as a loss of contact of the hypnotist with hypnotized. This condition is called "Loss of Rapport". The psychotherapist can affect the patient as verbal and non-verbal methods, but the response does not receive the response. Such a complication may occur when a psychotherapist leaves a patient for a while, and it is either either switches to other patients or leaves. It may also be that the patient is not able to cope with very strong experiences and therefore does not support contact with the doctor.

In this case, the hypnotic sleep can go to the usual, after which the patient wakes up himself. When the rave of the rapport occurs with physiological changes, the doctor must derive the patient from the state of the trance with the corresponding methods.

This complication can go to the following - the inability to exit the patient from the hypnotic state. We have already said that the fear of people to stay in a state of trance for a long time, but such cases still had a place. It is usually difficult to remove patients with hysteria from hypnotic sleep, because the trance can go to a state of hysterical stupor. In this case, the doctor displays a patient from the hypnotic state with an impression of awakening, made by the powerful, imperative voice.

Patients with hysteria can be susceptible to hysterical supplies. Such complications are associated with the fact that the patient internally resists hypnosis. To eliminate this, psychotherapists are usually brought to the patient's nose with cotton wool moistened with byamy alcohol, which helps to remove their hysterical fit.

If the memories that the hypnotist caused the patient is too strong and injured, the patient has an appropriate emotional reaction. It manifests itself in the form of tears, sobbing, moans and corresponding movements. There is no particular danger to such a reaction, so it's not worth afraid of it. After leaving the trance, such patients may experience emotional concern or excessive activity.

Previously, many hypnotists caused the emotional patient reaction to cheer the audience. It was believed that such a tested reaction proves master's power.

Often complications occur after the course of treatment. For example, patients suffer from mental, somatic and neurological disorders, feel depression, longing, depression, anxiety. Such patients become irritable, cannot find mutual understanding with loved ones, closed in themselves. In this case, the personal features of the patient play a major role.

Some patients are susceptible to hypnation. When their condition improves and hypnosis sessions can be discontinued, they feel psychological discomfort. Such people become especially sensitive to the suggestion. The status of the trance is desirable for them, as they again want to survive Euphoria arising during hypnosis. V. Rakhmanov allocated three degrees of hypnosis.

The first degree is lightweight hyponeal. Patients have drowsiness for 1 day upon completion of the session. Memory loss is not observed.

The second degree is the hypony of moderate gravity. For the withdrawal of the patient, an individual suggestion is required from the state of hypnosis. After leaving the trance, the injury, drowsiness.

Patients can sleep after a session for 3-24 hours. Patients have a critical attitude towards themselves, they want to experience a hypnotic state again. When they remind them of the completion of the session, the health of the patients deteriorates. In addition, it can cause tears and a negative reaction.

The third degree is pronounced hyponeania. It includes two stages.

The first is characterized by the stay of patients in the state of hypnosis for a long time - up to 1 day. After leaving the hypnotic state, patients are again included in the state of the trance, then there is a slaughterness, redness of the skin, headache, partial or complete amnesia, that is, memory loss. These symptoms can be observed within 6-7 days after the awakening of the patient. There are violations even in gait: it becomes a rag, unsolved. Patients need continuous control and observation.

In the second stage, the patient is in a state of hypnosis for 1-3 days and even more, it is almost impossible to output it from this state. It is dangerous to wake a patient forcibly because his condition may worsen. After leaving the hypnotic state, almost the same symptoms are observed as in the previous stage. After waking, the patients often fall into the state of the trance. At all stages of hyponeania, strict control of the doctor is required.

Hydnophobia is the opposite of the previous state, it is an obsessive fear of hypnotherapy. Patients are afraid for many reasons: here refers and fear do not wake up, and fear of ridicule, and concerns the exacerbation of diseases. People who do not believe in the effectiveness of hypnosis can also experience hypnotobia.

In the event of any side effects, it is recommended to stop hypnosis sessions and carry out the necessary psychotherapy with the appropriate effects.

Another side effect can be attributed to complications of hypnotherapy, which has already been mentioned, this appearance in a patient attraction to the hypnotize. It can manifest itself both in the desire to get close to the psychotherapist, and in an attempt to hide their feelings, block themselves. In the latter case, the patient's condition deteriorates, it becomes depressed and oppressed. In addition, the attraction to the doctor can be explained as a patient's attempt to attract the attention of the hypnotist. A similar attitude of a patient to a doctor often has negative consequences for the most psychotherapist. So, without achieving a mutual feeling, the patient can spread rumors about sexual relations with a hypnotist, accuse the latter in illegal actions. Avoid such actions from the patient, working in the presence of a nurse.

The question arises: what should be the situation in which treatment is carried out by hypnotic methods? For any treatment, appropriate conditions are needed, so it is necessary to start hypnotic manipulations only when all necessary requirements are performed.

Psychotherapy is recommended to be carried out in a spacious room, which should be used before a session. It should also be noted that the room should have good sound insulation, since the extraneous noise is a distracting factor interfering with both a psychotherapist and a patient. Steps are also distracted, so it is necessary to lay a carpet that dries the sounds to the floor.

As for lighting, bright electric light should be avoided. However, and in the dark to conduct a session is not recommended, because the doctor should observe the patient's behavior. Lamp or other light source must be behind the back of the hypnotized, otherwise the direct light will beat the eye. In the interior of the room, it is desirable to use soothing, muted colors.

Appropriate sound support. During the session, it is advisable to include soothing music that helps relax and remove the tension.

During the session, the patient may have rapid emotional reactions to what is happening, therefore it is necessary to take care of the presence of water and towels.

Very common recording of psychotherapy sessions on cassettes. Such therapy has both positive and negative sides. On the one hand, the records on audio supers are allowed to work independently without resorting to the help of a psychotherapist, and on the other - it is preferable to still live communication between the doctor and the patient. It must be remembered that the hypnosis sessions should not be started with tape recordings, it is better to entrust the conduct of the doctor's therapy. For musical accompaniment, calm classical music is most suitable.