Glycerin in home cosmetology: a sure remedy for aging and aging of the skin. "The use of glycerin for the face - the secrets of home cosmetics"

Glycerin is a colorless, odorless, non-toxic liquid. This trihydric alcohol is found in many food products and cosmetics and mixes well with water and alcohol-containing solutions. It is produced synthetically from propylene, a refined petroleum product. Natural glycerin can be isolated from natural substances - oils and fats, but this method is practically not used for industrial purposes. Glycerin, propantriol - 1,2,3 and glycerol are synonyms.


The use of glycerin for cosmetic purposes is associated with some of its physicochemical properties:

  • hygroscopicity, that is, the ability to retain water well (propylene glycol, glycolic acid, sodium hyaluronate, sorbitol, which are also often included in cosmetics, have a similar property);
  • lack of a protein component, therefore, non-allergenic;
  • chemical resistance, which in practice means the impossibility of damaging the cell membranes of the epidermis and mucous membranes;
  • good solubility, which makes it possible to use it in most cosmetic products;
  • emulsifying ability, increasing the cleansing activity of surfactants.

Contrary to popular misconception, glycerol does not dry out the dermis even at low ambient humidity, provided that its safe concentration is maintained. Saturation of the deep layers of the epidermis with moisture helps to smooth wrinkles, improve metabolism, and restore a healthy complexion.

Its use together with emollients helps to give elasticity to the dermis. Propantriol enhances the penetration of active cosmetic components into the deep skin layers, protects the epidermis surface from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms, the appearance of microtraumas and dryness under the influence of hot air.

What is glycerin used for in cosmetics

It is included in various products as a solvent to reduce the viscosity of the main ingredients, a component of perfume additives, a substance with a caring effect. Glycerin, which is part of hair cosmetics, has a good conditioning effect, while it does not dry out the hair follicles.

Propantriol is present in the composition of cell membranes, therefore it is a natural substance for skin tissues.

Natural cosmetic glycerin

Details on the use in cosmetics

Glycerin is the third most frequently used substance in cosmetics after water and aromatic additives. It is used in washable and leave-in products:

  • eye creams;
  • lipstick;
  • hair dye;
  • bath foam;
  • a variety of skin care products;
  • tanning lotions;
  • hair conditioners;
  • mouth rinses;
  • baby cosmetics;
  • hand creams;
  • aerosol deodorants, hairspray, and other spray products.

Main areas of application:

  • soap;
  • cleansing lotions, milk;
  • moisturizing cream.

Glycerin retains moisture and is an essential ingredient in moisturizers. It also prevents the harmful effects of environmental factors. Such cosmetics often do not contain oils (oil-free), which is important for people with oily skin prone to comedones.

Safety features

Are cosmetics with glycerin harmful or useful?

This issue has been studied in many studies, the results of which were included in the official report on the safety of the use of this substance. It noted the following facts:

  • when using low-quality aerosol devices, large particles of glycerol can be formed, which penetrate into the lungs and settle in them;
  • the use of mouth rinses can lead to the ingress of propanetriol into the intestines, liver and blood; it breaks down in the body to carbon dioxide and water, however, in large doses (if a liquid substance is accidentally ingested), it can cause dehydration of tissues;
  • data on the dangerous effects of cutaneous application in the permitted concentrations were not obtained;
  • it has been proven that propantriol and its frequently used derivative glycerin stearate do not adversely affect the course of pregnancy and do not increase the incidence of malformations and other fetal diseases;
  • glycerol does not irritate tissues, cosmetics with its content can be used even by people with, and is also not an allergen.

Potential harm from its use is possible when using low-quality aerosol deodorants, as well as when applying too saturated a solution to the skin at low ambient humidity.

Maximum safe concentrations

The lower the glycerol content of nail polish and a variety of aerosol products, the better. Glycerin in cosmetics for the face is not harmful, but for night care it is better to choose products where its content.

Does glycerin dry out the skin?

Many women believe that glycerol products "draw" moisture from deep skin layers if the ambient humidity is too low. Is it so?

Glycerol is a hygroscopic substance capable of holding up to 10 water molecules. It penetrates deep into the stratum corneum without creating a greasy film on the surface. In its pure form, this substance is not used in cosmetics, so it enters the epidermis already saturated with moisture. Thus, it does not take water either from the skin or from the air.

According to the latest scientific data, glycerol is involved in the transfer and activation of aquaporins on the skin surface. These are proteins that redirect fluid from the deep layers of the stratum corneum of the epidermis to the superficial. They play a major role in maintaining the moisture balance of the skin, keeping it smooth even in dry climates.

Natural glycerin

Whatever the origin of glycerol, its simple chemical composition remains unchanged. Natural or vegetable glycerin is obtained from refined and chemically processed oils (coconut, palm and others). This process requires significant financial costs, therefore, products marked "vegetable glycerin" are significantly more expensive than conventional ones.

Natural glycerol cosmetics brands:

  • Andalou Naturals;
  • NutriBiotic;
  • Levrana;
  • Agor;
  • mi
  • Nubian Heritage;
  • Caudalie;
  • Guam;
  • Heliabrine and others.

1. Cleanser for skin without soap NutriBiotic, Skin Cleanser, Fragrance Free, Non-Soap
2. Andalou Naturals Lavender Hand Cream
3. Anti-aging face cream Guam

Home cosmetics

Homemade soap with this moisturizing ingredient is very popular among home cosmetics. The advantages of home remedies are confidence in their composition and the ability to add any beneficial ingredient, for example, cosmetic clay, milk, vitamin E, herbal infusions, and so on.

Making homemade glycerin soap is easy. It requires glycerol in bars, ethyl alcohol in a spray bottle, aromatic oil and a plastic form:

  • melt the bar in a water bath and add a few drops of aromatic oil;
  • apply alcohol from a spray bottle to the surface of the mold;
  • pour liquid glycerin into the mold;
  • sprinkle with alcohol again;
  • let harden and remove from mold.

On this simple basis, you can create a variety of variations by experimenting with color and composition. Glycerin homemade soaps are great for daily use. Its advantages:

  • Suitable for sensitive skin.
  • Improves the condition of the epidermis and is approved for use in psoriasis and eczema.

Homemade glycerin soap

To rejuvenate the skin, you can prepare a mask from glycerin and honey:

  • mix in equal parts liquid propantriol and honey;
  • apply to clean skin before bed;
  • wash with warm water in the morning.

Is glycerin-free cosmetics so safe?

When choosing non-glycerin preparations, it should be borne in mind that instead of this component, mineral oils can be used as a necessary moisturizer and solvent. In many cases, they have an even worse effect on the skin.

Glycerin was discovered in the ХVІІІ century. Swedish chemist. It is distinguished by a large number of characteristics, but in cosmetology it is highly valued for its ability to moisturize the dermis, due to the fact that it absorbs moisture from the external environment and transfers it to the cells of the skin. But cosmetologists advise against using pure glycerin for the face. Oddly enough, but its high concentration causes dryness and tightens the dermis. The ideal concentration of glycerin for the face in a mixture of cosmetic composition is considered to be 5-7%. Today we will tell you how to make masks for the dermis of the face with glycerin at home.

Beneficial effect on the dermis

Glycerin (glycerol) is a chemical substance in the form of a colorless, viscous, hygroscopic liquid, miscible with water in any proportion. It differs in the characteristics of most alcohols, since it is itself a trihydric alcohol. The substance is sweet in taste, without aroma.

Characteristics and performance

If you place it next to an open container filled with water, after a certain time, the structure of the composition will change. The result is not fully glycerol, but a compound of 80% glycerol and 20% water. The composition in a similar way absorbs moisture from the environment, being on the skin, while moisturizing the face.

  • smoothing. The composition fills with water microcracks and wrinkles on the face, smoothing the dermis and rejuvenating it.
  • protection. A peculiar film created by glycerin on the skin of the face protects the dermis from microbial flora and dirt. The substance is able to successfully treat eczema and to cope with excessive dryness of the skin without complications.

The use of formulations containing glycerin has an excellent effect on the condition of the skin:

  • covers the top layer of the skin with a thin film, which helps to retain moisture inside the skin;
  • softens and at the same time gives elasticity;
  • promotes much better penetration of nutrients into all layers of the skin;
  • helps to accelerate the recovery process;
  • removes toxins and free radicals; evens out mimic wrinkles, prevents the appearance of new ones.

A direct indication for the use of formulations with glycerin is tired, poorly hydrated, flabby skin. In addition, it is widely used for the care of dermis in the eyelid area, removes bags, removes signs of fatigue.

It is not difficult to fully use glycerin in the manufacture of cosmetics according to traditional recipes.

Application features

Possessing hygroscopicity, under certain conditions glycerin for the face is not able to moisturize the dermis, but, on the contrary, draw moisture out of it. This happens if the humidity level in the room is below 60%. For example, during the heating season, the indoor air is dry enough.

For this reason, in order not to harm, you should know certain rules for using glycerin for the face in cosmetology:

      • Glycerin is never used in its pure form.
      • The number of elements in a homemade face dermis mask should not exceed 15%.
      • When choosing cosmetics with glycerin, it is advised to give preference to those compositions in which it is not in the first place (its amount is less than other components).
      • The cream containing glycerin is advised to be applied only to the moist dermis.
      • Its use is especially effective after taking a warm bath or visiting a sauna, when the dermis is perfectly steamed.
      • It is not recommended to use glycerin for the face on areas with inflamed dermis.
      • This can cause severe irritation.
      • After using glycerin masks, it is not recommended to go outside immediately if the air temperature is less than zero degrees.
      • Under no circumstances is it recommended to combine glycerin and silicone in one composition. They form a compound that is harmful and hazardous to health.

The remains of the cosmetic composition made for the face with glycerin, which were not used during the session, can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than two weeks. With longer storage, they lose their useful characteristics.

Face recipes

The use of glycerin for the face does not provoke the development of allergies. But if the concentration is not observed, it can cause burning, itching, severe irritation.

You should know that glycerin is an alcohol, for this reason, in a mixture of cosmetic compositions for the face, it should be used with great care.

Anti wrinkle

Most women use masks made from cosmetic clay to fight wrinkles. The result from use will become brighter if the clay is combined with glycerin for the face.

Stir one large spoonful of blue clay powder with mineral water (it is quite possible with ordinary water). There must be a similar amount of water so that the density of the mask is similar to sour cream.

Stir in glycerin for the face (1 tsp), after a few drops of lavender oil.

According to the second recipe, the clay is induced with warm milk, glycerin is added. The face is cleaned of cosmetics and a mask is applied.

During the session, it is not recommended to talk and use facial expressions, otherwise the mask will become ineffective. The duration of action on the normal type of dermis is 10 minutes, on the oily dermis - 15 minutes.

Oil mask

A mask is prepared from one large spoonful of olive oil (the use of coconut or jojoba is allowed) and the same amount of glycerin.

The ingredients are mixed and applied to a clean dermis. Apply a mask before bedtime. You should not delete it.

With tocopherol

Increases the beneficial effect of glycerin on the dermis with vitamin E (tocopherol).

The combination of vitamin and glycerin refreshes the aging dermis, smoothes fine wrinkles, moisturizes and smoothes the relief of the skin.

To make a mask, glycerin and vitamin are combined in the same volume. If you do a session in the winter, it is quite possible to mix a small spoonful of water into the compound.

Apply the composition to the clean dermis of the face, leave for an hour. The remnants of the mask are removed with a paper napkin; you should not wash your face after the session.

Reapply the mask with glycerin to the face several times throughout the week.

Composition with honey

Self-blended honey and glycerin face mask is effectively used to combat wrinkles and other signs of skin aging.

Combine four small tablespoons of glycerin with two teaspoons of mineral water, add one small spoonful of honey and the same amount of gelatin.

Mix all the ingredients and heat over low heat, stirring constantly. When the gelatin dissolves, mix in two small spoons of mineral water again. Stir again.

Apply in a small, even layer. After 15 minutes, remove with water. The face is blotted with a gentle towel and smeared with cream.

Scrub for getting rid of blackheads

A scrub is prepared from four large spoons of almond flour and two large spoons of glycerin. All ingredients are mixed into a homogeneous mass, which is applied with massaging movements to the dermis in the T-area.

The face is treated for one to two minutes. When the composition with glycerin is one hundred percent dry, it is removed from the face with warm water.

For oily skin

To nourish and normalize the secretion of sebum on the oily dermis, use the following mask: beat one egg white a little, gradually mix in one small spoonful of liquid honey, and gently pour in one small spoonful of glycerin.

The prepared composition with glycerin is applied to the face with gentle movements, adhering to the massage lines.

After 20 minutes, the mask is removed with warm water.

Moisturizing for dermis of normal and combined type

Facial glycerin, honey, oatmeal flour and water are mixed in equal proportions. First of all, the liquid components are mixed, after which oat flour is introduced.

Apply the composition only to the previously cleansed dermis. Influence time is fifteen minutes. Then it is removed with boiled water cooled to room temperature.

Anti-wrinkle moisturizer

Mix one small spoonful of aloe leaf juice (agave) with two teaspoons of glycerin for the face.

Apply the connection in a thick, even layer to the surface of the skin. After 15 minutes, remove the remnants with a little warm boiled water.

Refreshing mask

The composition of this mask can be used by everyone, except for those with a dry type of skin.

Mix a whole glass of heavy cream with one chicken egg, a quarter of a glass of pure vodka, the juice of one lemon and one small spoonful of glycerin.

Apply a mask with glycerin to the clean dermis of the face. It is quite possible to apply it not only on the face, but also on the neck and décolleté.

After standing for 20 minutes, the mask is removed with a wet cotton pad or napkin.

For dry skin type

Beat one chicken yolk and combine with a small spoonful of glycerin and the same volume of water. Bring the compound to homogeneity and apply to the dermis. Remove after 15 minutes.

For mature skin

Boil one medium-sized potato in the skin, peel and mash with a fork. Mix a large spoonful of fat (it is quite possible homemade) milk and one yolk to the puree.

Stir the mass, add to it a large spoonful of olive oil and water, a small spoonful of glycerin. Apply the mask evenly to the dermis. After 15 minutes, remove, wash your face with plain water.

Against wrinkles and sagging

At the first stage, you should make a decoction of chamomile: brew a large spoonful of color in a glass of boiled water and boil for 10 minutes.

When the broth has cooled, it is advised to strain it. Beat one yolk together with a large spoonful of butter and one small spoonful of honey.

Stir in a small spoonful of glycerin for the face and a large spoonful of chamomile broth. Bring the mass to a homogeneous state.

Apply to the surface of the skin, and after 10 minutes remove with lukewarm water. After this, it is quite possible to wipe the face with chamomile decoction.

Whitening mask

Combine the ingredients and beat a little: the juice of one lemon, four large spoons of honey, a small spoonful of glycerin.

Take two napkins (from gauze folded in several layers), make cuts for the nose, mouth and eyes. Moisten one napkin in the prepared solution and apply on the face for 10 minutes.

When the time is up, change the napkin to another prepared in the same way. At the end of the session, rinse your face with warm water.

How to remove correctly

When we read in recipes: "remove the mask with warm water", you should know that when applied to masks using glycerin for the face, this statement has nuances.

It is not advisable to simply wash your face with water - there will be no result from the mask. It will be correct to moisten a cotton pad with warm water or milk and gently blot the dermis. You should know that after such a mask, you should not use cosmetic gels, face cream.

Course and duration of sessions

The standard course of using masks with glycerin for the face is on average 15-20 sessions, which are carried out with a break of 2-3 days. It is quite possible to conduct such courses 2 times a year, optimally - in spring and autumn.

Can I leave overnight

An anti-wrinkle glycerin face mask consists of sufficiently fatty components, for this reason it is much better not to leave such a mask at night: in the morning you may well wake up swollen.

If the mask with this element is not removed and left for a longer period for a better result, then it is quite possible to get the result of the soaked skin (all this is due to the characteristics of the composition to attract moisture).

An exception may be an anti-wrinkle face mask with glycerin and vitamin E, it may well be left overnight without removing, only half an hour after applying the mask, excess composition should be removed with a cotton swab.

Is there an age limit

There are no age restrictions for using these masks, you should follow useful tips and use this composition correctly.


External use of the composition is prohibited in case of violation of the integrity of the skin, an allergic reaction to the composition.

Features of use

The main quality of glycerol is hygroscopicity.

Glycerin for the face covers the dermis with a protective film, but at the same time has the quality of absorbing moisture from the deeper layers of the upper layer of the skin, which contributes to the drying out of the skin. For this reason, there is an opinion that the composition is more harmful than useful.

At the same time, the substance also absorbs the moisture that is in the surrounding atmosphere, simultaneously saturating the upper layer of the skin. But again: the atmosphere does not always have a sufficient level of humidity. If the air is too dry, then the substance absorbs moisture from the deep layers of the skin, which greatly depletes it.

In winter, when heating devices dry the air greatly, and in addition, in countries with arid and hot climates, it is not advisable to use care compositions that have glycerin for the face in the mixture.

That is, it is not recommended to use glycerol both in too hot and cool seasons. If, nevertheless, this composition should be used for cosmetic purposes, and the air is dry, then it should be humidified: it is quite possible to use a device for humidifying the air or a spray bottle with water.

It is strongly forbidden to apply undiluted glycerin to the face: be sure to mix it with water or oil. In its pure form, this substance will absorb moisture from the skin, and the maximum acceptable degree of the presence of glycerol in the cosmetic composition for the face should not exceed 10-15%.

Greetings, dear blog readers! Do you think glycerin in cosmetology is good or bad? I often hear that he is actually an insidious villain in cosmetic products. They say it draws water from deep layers of the skin, which leads to dehydration. Is this really so and why is this component needed? Let's figure it out together.

This component has earned its popularity due to its ability to effectively care for the skin. I will not bore you with unnecessary terminology, I will only say that it is a viscous transparent liquid that can be mixed with water or alcohol. Due to its wide spectrum of action, it is used in everyday life, medicine, food industry and cosmetology.

The main beneficial properties of glycerin that are successfully used in the beauty industry are:

  1. Moisturizing. Absorbs moisture from the environment and allows it to penetrate deep into the skin.
  2. Protection. It is able to create a protective layer, protecting the epidermis from the negative effects of external factors. Glycerin takes part in the exfoliation of keratinized particles, making the skin smoother. Helps get rid of acne and make blemishes less visible.
  3. Hypoallergenic. It does not provoke allergic reactions, peeling and irritation. Perfect for sensitive and thin skin.
  4. Lifting effect. Smoothes small irregularities, helps to get rid of wrinkles.
  5. Good interaction with cosmetics. Due to its composition, it acts as a stabilizer. It is able to enhance the cleansing ability of other ingredients in cosmetics.

The uniqueness and versatility of this component is obvious. However, there are situations when products with glycerin receive negative reviews. Depending on the dryness of the indoor air, this component can be harmful and beneficial.

Glycerin in cosmetics

This component can be easily found on the label by the name Glycerin (Glycerol, Glycyl Alcohol). In terms of its moisturizing properties, this component was second only to hyaluronic acid. It is added to cosmetics no more than 5%. More concentration has the opposite effect.

For the active manifestation of moisturizing properties, a certain air humidity in the room is needed. Otherwise, it will draw moisture from the skin, drying out the epidermis.

Imagine a sponge that absorbs water. This is roughly how the glycerin molecule works, attracting moisture to itself. But the liquid is inside and outside. And the molecule pulls water from where there is a lot.

At a temperature of 20-250C and an air humidity of 45-65%, glycerin takes moisture from the air. In this case, cosmetics are good for the skin.

Conversely, if these parameters are not observed indoors, this component can take moisture from our skin. And in this case, it does not moisturize the skin, but vice versa. Especially do not use glycerin cream in a dry room if it is on the 2nd or 3rd place in the list of active ingredients.

Especially glycerin is found in the following cosmetic products:

  • face and body creams;
  • serums that increase elasticity and tone;
  • cosmetic milk for body care;
  • antibacterial soap;
  • shower gels;
  • massage oil;
  • tonics;
  • face masks with a lifting effect;
  • moisturizing facial lotions;
  • firming anti-dandruff shampoos;
  • balms to soften dry skin on elbows and heels;
  • nourishing shaving creams;
  • hair conditioners;
  • toothpastes, etc.

Let's not forget that this is alcohol. Its action can be harsh and aggressive if used incorrectly. In summer, apply the cream to slightly damp skin. In winter - not earlier than an hour before going outside.

Homemade glycerin masks

Many women successfully use glycerin to make their own cosmetics. Recently, I myself have become interested in the topic of home care using this component. In liquid form, it is added to creams, masks, lotions, etc. It goes well with various oils: coconut, jojoba, olive. Focusing on my preferences and reviews of cosmetologists, I picked up several effective recipes. I hope you enjoy them.

One important point: if you decide to create a miracle of cosmetology at home, try not to "cheat". Here are a few tips to help you stay healthy:

  1. Remember that using the liquid in its pure form can lead to dehydration and dryness of the skin. Keep an eye on the humidity in the room, do not stay in direct sunlight after such cosmetic procedures.
  2. Do not mix the component with silicone. Their combination creates a dangerous chemical compound. If you want to add glycerin to your cream, make sure it is missing this element.
  3. Glycerin helps to flush melanin out of the skin. This means that with regular use, it can become lighter. Consider this fact when visiting a solarium and active tanning. For the same reason, the component affects the skin in the composition of the soap.

Hair mask "Glycerin + apple cider vinegar"

If you have dry, damaged and dull hair, this is the remedy for you. We take glycerin and vinegar in a 1: 1 ratio (I take 1 teaspoon each), add a raw egg. Mix with 2 tablespoons of burdock oil. We apply the product along the length of the hair, wrap it with plastic wrap and a towel. You need to keep the mask for 40-60 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Mask for oily and normal hair

Valuable properties make it possible to successfully use glycerin for hair in home cosmetics. For those who want to nourish curls and give them shine, the following recipe is suitable. A teaspoon of glycerin is mixed with two egg yolks. Then add 3 drops of lemon essential oil. Distribute the resulting mixture through the hair, leave for 30 minutes. Then rinse the curls well with plenty of water.

Face mask "Glycerin + vitamin E"

The interaction of these two elements gives an amazing result. If you want to make your skin smooth and elastic, get rid of rashes and peeling, use this miracle remedy. We mix the main ingredients: 30 ml. glycerin and 10 ampoules of vitamin E. Add 100 ml. decoction of chamomile, 1 teaspoon of castor oil (can be replaced with camphor oil), mix thoroughly. Apply the mask on the face in an even layer, leave it on for 40-60 minutes.

Anti-wrinkle mask

To prepare this tool you will need:

  • 1 tsp main ingredient;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 1 tbsp. l. decoction of chamomile.

Connect all components. Apply the mixture to your face, rinse with cool water after 10 minutes. After such a procedure, you are 100% sure that glycerin for the face is an irreplaceable remedy.

Refreshing mask

A very simple recipe from the available ingredients will help you take care of the sensitive skin around the eyes. We cook ordinary oatmeal in milk. Mix 1 tsp. this gruel with the same amount of glycerin and add the egg yolk. Apply around the eyes in a thin layer for 10-15 minutes. Remove the remains with a damp cloth. This mask works in a comprehensive manner and will help get rid of bags under the eyes, smooth expression lines, remove dark circles.

Choosing cosmetics with glycerin

You will find a variety of branded cosmetics that contain glycerin. I really love the Vichy and La Roche Posay products. Therefore, my recommendations will relate to these brands.

Mineral mask and Aqualia Thermal cream - gentle care for dehydrated skin. These funds will allow you to get rid of the feeling of tightness, eliminate flaking and irritation. They have a soothing, smoothing and regenerating effect.

Sunscreen with glycerin from Vichy - protect the skin after sunburn, get rid of age spots, prevent burns. This series is presented in the form of fluids, oils and creams with various degrees of protection. It is possible to choose the right product for baby, young and mature skin.

Cicaplast baume B5 - an excellent moisturizing balm for hand and body care. It is a unique remedy for damaged and irritated skin. It does not cause allergies, removes itching and flaking, and has an antibacterial effect. This balm is ideal for everyone: newborns, young children and adults. It is able to heal scratches and abrasions, remove irritation, and prevent dry skin.

Buy a good humidifier and ventilate the rooms more often. At work, periodically spray water from a spray bottle. Then everything will be fine!

Glycerin is an almost permanent component of many face masks and creams, thanks to which the skin is hydrated, smooth and elastic. When using it at home, you need to adhere to the recipe.

Glycerin for the face is well-deservedly popular as a component of numerous home and factory-made cosmetics. This trihydric alcohol has the property of attracting water molecules, due to which the skin is perfectly hydrated, becomes elastic, and also reduces the severity of wrinkles. When using glycerin in cosmetics, some simple rules must be followed in order to achieve the desired cosmetic effect.

Glycerin: instructions for use are rather short and accurately characterizing its properties, which are valuable for cosmetology. Under natural conditions, glycerin (the chemical name is propanetriol-1,2,3) is synthesized in the process of enzymatic breakdown of fatty compounds. Subsequently, this simple trihydric alcohol decomposes to water molecules and carbon dioxide. Similar chemical reactions also occur with artificially synthesized glycerin.

At home, this compound should be stored in a tightly sealed container, since when air penetrates, all moisture combines with its molecules, reducing the concentration of the basic substance.

According to its external characteristics, glycerin is a liquid that is colorless and odorless, transparent and viscous enough, with pronounced hydrophilic properties. It should be noted that glycerin has the ability to attract water molecules (on average in a ratio of 1 to 10) only in the presence of a sufficient amount of it. Otherwise, the benefits of glycerin are very doubtful, since saturation of the surface layers of the skin with water and dehydration of deeper tissues develops.

The irritating effect of this compound is also described, which is easily eliminated when combined with lanolin or petroleum jelly. Glycerin in cosmetics made both at home and at the factory is practically not absorbed, but forms a thin film on the skin surface. Such a protective film protects the outer surface of the skin well enough from the negative effects of the environment, but at the same time it is sticky enough that it can create unpleasant sensations.

It is advisable to use glycerin as one of the components of cosmetics not too regularly, so that the benefits of its use are not transformed into an addictive effect.

Glycerin in cosmetics

Glycerin for face is one of many ingredients in various creams, lotions, serums and masks. If you use this trihydric alcohol at home, then you should not get carried away with its amount, since in this case, an increase in its content will not so much benefit as harm.

When studying the composition of a factory-made cosmetic product, you also need to monitor its content. If glycerin is listed among the first five components, then this means its high content in this particular cosmetic product, which it is better to refuse to purchase.

Cosmetics containing this compound have the following positive properties.

  1. Saturates the surface layers of the skin with the necessary moisture (which is why a combination with water or application in conditions of sufficiently humid air is required, otherwise water will enter the epidermis from deeper tissues).
  2. The skin becomes soft, elastic and acquires a natural healthy shade.
  3. The severity of the relief of wrinkles decreases, the mesh of small wrinkles becomes almost invisible.

A cream with glycerin can be used by a woman of any age and with any type of skin, however, you must carefully familiarize yourself with the composition and follow the traditional rules for applying a cosmetic product to the surface of the skin.

Cosmetic recipes

Many modern women prefer organic cosmetics, make creams and masks for the skin at home, not trusting factory production. In this case, homemade cosmetics have a number of advantages.

  1. You can be absolutely sure of the naturalness of the components used.
  2. Cosmetic ingredients can be easily purchased at an affordable price from the pharmacy and grocery store, or simply found in your kitchen cabinet.
  3. Experiments with the components will allow you to choose the composition of the cosmetic product that is almost ideal for a particular woman.

It should be remembered that all home cosmetics, especially masks and creams, are stored for a very short time. Even storage in a refrigerator does not provide long-term preservation of useful properties: the same glycerin over time will simply decompose into water and carbon dioxide. Therefore, it is better to create all home cosmetics in small quantities for use within 1-3 days.

Such means for improving the condition of the skin containing glycerin are deservedly popular, such as:

  • face mask made from glycerin, bee honey and finely ground oatmeal;
  • mask of glycerin and egg yolk;
  • mask for dry skin, including egg yolk, lemon and sour cream (cream):
  • mask for very dry and aging skin based on mashed potatoes in milk;
  • a cleansing mask made of any clay or birch buds;
  • remedy for oily skin based on aloe juice.

The correct use of glycerin as a component of cosmetics will help a woman maintain an attractive appearance for a long time.

Any skin needs regular grooming procedures. To keep her fresh and healthy, she needs daily hydration and nutrition. This is the only way to preserve beauty and youth for many years. One of the great helpers in self-caring procedures is glycerin - a transparent viscous liquid sold in every pharmacy.

Useful properties of glycerin

  • Moisturizing... The tool, like a magnet, attracts moisture from the air and saturates the skin with it. In addition, a kind of invisible film is created on the skin, which prevents drying. The use of glycerin creams and masks is especially useful in the winter season, when the cold dries and irritates the face.
  • Smoothing... As we age, it becomes more difficult to achieve softness and radiance of the skin - it loses its former ability to retain moisture. As a result, the skin dries out, and redness and irritation occurs. After glycerin procedures, the smallest cracks are filled, due to which the skin stops peeling and becomes smoother and smoother.
  • Protection... The tool affects the integrity of the epidermis, which serves as an obstacle to the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Nutrition... Glycerin helps to maintain water balance in the skin.
  • Cleansing... The tool perfectly narrows pores and cleanses them from the accumulation of dust and dirt.
  • Treatment... Glycerin can be used as an adjunct treatment for itchy skin.
  • Eliminate blemishes and acne... With long-term use of glycerin, you can cope with various imperfections on the face.

Rules for the use of glycerin for the skin

  • In order for the product to "draw" water from the air, and not from the layers of the skin, it should be used only at a high level of humidity. It is good to apply glycerin mixtures in the bathroom, immediately after a shower. In a room with dry air, the agent cannot be used - the opposite effect is almost guaranteed. It is also recommended to drink the right amount of water daily.
  • The substance should be diluted before use - its high concentration will not have a beneficial effect.
  • Glycerin is best combined with vitamin E. The positive effect of a mixture of these components will be more pronounced than the use of substances separately. It is better not to combine glycerin with oils because of its fat content.
  • The product is too heavy for use in the hot season, therefore it is recommended to use it in the winter.
  • It is better to apply the product at night - the formed protective film can affect the quality of the make-up.
  • The skin needs to rest from the effects of glycerin, so it should be applied in courses.

Folk recipes for skin with glycerin

The following mixtures are most often made at home:

  • masks;
  • tonics;
  • lotions;

Glycerin face masks

Vitamin E mask

To obtain it, you will need 45 grams of glycerin and 20 capsules of vitamin E. The components must be mixed well. The mixture should be kept on the face for 50-60 minutes. Then remove the rest of the mixture with a napkin. After 7 days of treatment with such a mask, the face will look healthier, fresher and more radiant.

Mask with honey

The mask is well suited for mixed skin types. To prepare it, mix one dessert spoon of glycerin, honey and oat flour. Apply to wet face and wash off after half an hour.

Aloe mask

This homemade green healer is great for hydrating skin and removing dull complexions. It is also good for fighting acne. To make such a mask, you need to mix the juice of one aloe leaf with a teaspoon of glycerin. Then you need to distribute the mixture to the places of irritation and inflammation. Wash off after 10-15 minutes. You can make a mask every 3 days for a month.


Lime tonic

To make this tonic, you need to combine 20 grams of glycerin with 2 tablespoons of lime juice. It is better to use fresh juice. The toner will help moisturize and soften both the face and the entire body.

Rose water tonic

To obtain a tonic, you need to mix glycerin with rose water in a 1: 6 ratio. The resulting mixture can be poured into a spray bottle and used whenever your skin feels dry or flaky.


Cleansing lotion

To make a cleansing lotion, you need to combine a spoonful of glycerin with 4 tablespoons of boiling water. Add 3 tablespoons of ammonia and 2 tablespoons of cologne to the ingredients. For a noticeable cleansing effect, the product should be wiped over the face daily.


Exfoliating scrub

This scrub is very useful for exfoliating and smoothing the skin. To prepare it, you need to mix finely chopped almonds and glycerin in a 4: 2 ratio. Rub the scrub into problem areas with massage movements.

You can find recipes for cellulite scrubs in the article "Cellulite scrubs".

Contraindications to the use of glycerin

Among the main contraindications are:

  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • individual intolerance, hypersensitivity;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin.

Glycerin has proven itself in the best way in cosmetology. It is found in many different moisturizers and is one of the most commonly used skin care products. Experienced cosmetologists often recommend it to their clients. With proper use and no contraindications, this remedy will help your skin look well-groomed and healthy for a long time.