Christian weddings Scenario contests. Traditional christian wedding

When two people who love each other decided to connect their destinies and become a family - it's great. Even more touching if they do it not only before people, but before God.

The Christian Wedding is a special format celebration, more spiritual, pure, sublime, rather than ordinary worldly marriage. But still it is a holiday, and he is as cheerful, noisy and joyful. Guests sing songs, read poetry, dance, play games, play Christian scenes to the wedding.

Inventing scenarios and filling for a Christian wedding, it should be carefully related to the selection of scenes and contests. Of course, they should not be vulgarity, denotions, disrespectful relationship towards girls or anyone.

They are also not suitable for those who are aimed at knocking out money from guests - gifts guests and will bring this way, why to introduce people into excess waste, because the purpose of the event is not the maximum budget replenishment.

Do not choose those entertainment that are associated with superstitions - the believers of Christians do not ignore the signs, and therefore it will be inappropriate. It is best to give preference to such scenes that will support the festive atmosphere, sparkling humor, which will allow young and guests from the soul to have fun and not feel the feelings of awkwardness from what is happening.

In scenes may also be a religious motifs that support the themes of loyalty, love, patience and other qualities of the necessary in marriage.

Examples of scenes

Usually, Christian miniatures have an instructive asset. They depict ordinary cases from the life of a couple and the way to solve the situation.

Angel and inattentive husband

The husband sits in a chair, reads a book. Past, cotton house, in the galatika will smell his wife.

- Cute, and let's talk to you?

- Did you have coped with all the affairs?

After a while she turns back to him with a proposal to go somewhere, what the spouse, without breaking down from reading, is responsible with disgruntled look: "How is it bad for you? Socks me all posts? " After another time, the woman asks the question: "Do you love me?".

Husband with poorly hidden irritation says: "I told you that I love when I did a proposal, and then at the wedding, you forgot, or think that my words do not stand anything?". She goes to another room, crying and prays: "Does this book be more important for him than me? He seems to not love me anymore and only annoyed. Lord, do something, help me. " At this time, a white angel arises around her husband and shines him on the shoulder.

The man turns displeasure, on his face of Grimas discontent, but he freezes from surprise, opening his mouth.

The angel takes the Bible from the folds of clothing, something shows a man and starts in explanation, then disappears. The husband becomes knees and pray for a long time, asking for God to forgive him.

Wife comes, she is going to water the houseplants. A man breaks out a flower, comes to his wife and hands it with words: "Native, I have such a beautiful, kind, gentle, I love you so much."

Presenter (as if for the s) says: "In the house where the husband does not pay attention to his wife, the balance of peace and peace is always disturbed, thank God daily for giving you the best woman in my wife and do not forget to tell her about How much you value it.

Then in your home and heart will always be light and warm.

Padysh and newlyweds

A man in the image of Arab Sheikh, a long robe, Chalma, a lot of "jewels", are "jewelry" on the hall, there are a lot of "jewels". He turns to the bride: "I heard about the beauty, eclipsed by all the stars of the world, whose eyes shine like precious stones, and the heart is good and gracious, as words do not say.

Now I see it and I understand that any words and the hundredth of do not describe its charms. Whether my wife, I'll throw the whole world to your feet! " The bride says she has already promised himself to another. Then the guest appeals to the bridegroom: "I will give me your woman to me, I will eat you and give you any of my wives, we will go with me, you will accept our faith, marry.

I will make you noble anymore. " Newlywed answers: "I have one heart, and it belongs to my God and my wife, I don't need any honor, nor wealth, nor glory. Then Padishai, struck by such loyalty, gifts newlyweds with the brought gifts (to prepare the "chests" in advance, for example, to make them out of cardboard boxes) and leaves the ravoisa.

Such a scene looks great later on the video.

Bride and groom - incredible stories

Often, even about relatives and friends, we know quite a bit. In order for this scene to take place, it is necessary to learn any entertaining facts of their biography in advance of the groom and brides.

Play teams, for example: "Our bride was very intelligent and inquisitive child and loved to ask mom questions about everything that saw around. Once in the summer, they walked from the garden, the Lenochka ate ice cream and swollen without a silent.

And she bit her for the language of the bee. " The presenter for each real history invents two more. And all three tells the team from girlfriends, and those who must confer to determine whether it was or not. Then the turn of the groom and his buddies. At the same time, if there is a necessary instrument, you can let the background with a cutting video or photos from the children's newlyweds.

Stories are better to choose funny, from childhood, such that will not cause confusion from newlyweds and have fun.

In this video you are another competition for your wedding:

Christian weddings are also honored as any others. But at the same time, educational notes are present in them that clearly demonstrate the bride and groom, how to open each other indifference, misunderstanding, rudeness. Since among believers, Christians are not welcome, young since the first day of the marriage is taught to take care of the union and cherish love and each other. Have you ever been invited to such a wedding?

Christian website cycling

Presentation "Book of Solomon Proverits"

God's commandments were set forth in the law by Moiseev. The interpretation of these commandments and use in specific cases in Israel was a lot of wise men and reflected in Solomon parables .

Proverbs - These are simple moral statements (or examples), in which life truths are presented. Solomon wrote three thousand parables, of which only 513 entered the book Proverbs Solomonov .

Competitions for the wedding

Lopni Ball

Two teams participate in the competition. Threads are tied to the legs of the participants, at the end of which balloons are attached. Balls should be arbitrarily hang and sink to the floor. The task of participants in the first team burst all the balls of their rivals from the second team.

That team that confuses all the balls is considered a loser.

Test ribbon

Girls and boys participate in the competition, in pairs. Girls hold in hands twisted ribbon. The task of the guys - without the help of hands, in other words, the teeth take up the end of the tape and wrap their own girl so, in order to be some detail of the clothes.

That couple whose costume will be the most beautiful and neat, wins.

Pour in a glass

To participate in the competition, you need to invite a guy and a girl, and a better couple of couples. Woman clamps between the legs of the glass, and the young man is a bottle of water. The goer's task to get with this bottle to the girl and fill the glass with water. The main way is not shedding or drop. Then the young man has to drink water from the glade without the help of hands. A woman can help him, but again without applying hands.

A couple that will cope with the task is rapidly the rest, comes out by the winner.

Prove love

The bridegroom is given a towel and ask to tie him so much as he loves his bride. At the end of how the towel is associated with a strong knot, the groom is asked to unleash this node as very much as it will resolve every conflict.

Home budget

All players are divided into two teams. Their task is to be aware of the cost in their country, since the lead will ask questions about the cost of those or other products, and the teams will be able to respond quickly.

scene for a wedding. Tim and Asta?

scene for a wedding.

at the end of the scene, the bride and groom speak their story as they got married :)

The team that will be rapidly, and the main one is more correct to respond to the questions raised, will win.

Robby paper

A couple of guys sit on the chairs. They put on their knees on a piece of medium density paper. Then girls are attached to the hands of young people. The task of girls without the help of the hands to break the paper, in other words, they must be fierce and do anything, but the paper should be torn.

That couple whose paper will have more supervisors, it is considered won.

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Wedding - Competitions for the Wedding

In order to support the atmosphere of joy at the wedding, traditionally for the bride and groom, and for guests of the celebration, various contests are held. For the victory and for the participation of the contestants it is possible to give pleasant memorable prizes.

Testing for newlyweds

"Chamomile. Distribution of duties between newlyweds. Chamomile is manufactured, on the petals of which are written different responsibilities. The bride and groom take turns to remove the petals and read their duties. It is possible: I will be cleared around the house, I will give birth to children I will drink beer in the evenings I will go shopping I will be, to make garbage I will be, to cook dinner I will, I will receive money I will be, etc.

"Hedgehog. It is necessary to stick in the apple or toothpicks, so an unusual hedgehog will be. The groom should have for each "needle of the hedgehog to say the tender words of the bride, as he will call her in a marital life.

"Who is the first to be born? Blue and pink sliders are taken. The leading wedding takes place on guests with these sliders. Guests put money in them. After that, counting is calculated. If there will be more money in the blue sliders, the boy will be the first to be born, in case of pink-girl.

Competitions, entertainment for guests

Competition Two, Troika, Four

Rhythmic music sounds. Players are dancing. After that, the music turns off and the host says: Twos!. Players quickly form pairs. Slow music sounds, under which the couples are dancing. After that, the music is again turned off and the presenter says: Troika!. Players are quickly grouped by three. Rhythmic music sounds. Players are dancing three. During the game, the presenter requires to be grouped by the fisty, on four, the henchmen, after that again in three, one by one, etc. (You need to group accounts to drive.)

Competition is the most beloved

The most favorite will be the one who will gather for 1 minute as perhaps more kisses present to the ladies. Counting is made by attention symbols abandoned on the faces of the participants.

Lottery tickets are sold to guests for a symbolic fee.

1. Do not sing in winter birds. Smile, here you are matches.

2. In sex, the optimal partner, who has a drummer icon

3. With you I will go to the intelligence. Get you candy.

4. Do not sighs are not easy, better drink wine.

5. It is not necessary to break, we will drive us Lambada!

6. And for this, take a cigarette.

7. Sing us a song about love, and you will take carrots.

8. It's time to start the baby, take a pacifier.

9. Do not sit and do not miss, take, buddy, tea.

10. It turned out to be well done, awarding the egg.

11. So that the body was clean, take a piece of soap.

12. So that the teeth cleaned quite often, take a toothpaste.

14. You can see our comrade, take a pencil.

15. If the ears just came up, we have already found clips.

16. You got a sweet treasure, this white chocolate.

17. Combus makes it hairstyle.

18. We told the anecdote and get a notebook.

19. Each pitch is not terrible if you have a gum.

20. Dear friend, girlfriend, here's one toy.

Competition are aware of me without words

Six men participate in the competition, which invite themselves to the woman. Women get one way, men on another. Any participant must have a Pantomime to invite his own woman: on ballet, hunting, skiing, in circus, on dance, take a blow to the movie. Women must predict where they are invited. Winners receive prizes.

Two teams are involved, folding from seven ladies any. Before the teams on the chairs sit down the baby (for greater joy in this role, it is best to apply the satuled men). With the beginning of the sound of music, the nannies take turns run up to his cat: the first one puts himself to him; The second puts on booties; The third taught the whirlwind; The fourth will take it to tea from the nipple; The fifth fades the porridge plate; The sixth is plugging her mouth with a pawless; The seventh gives a rattle. Prizes gets a team whose nanny managed to serve their diet, and it is possible to give a prize and a man who found affectionate age in memory.

Competition "Dance with balls

Categories are called, except for this bride and groom. Any couple is obliged to dance by holding a balloon between his foreheads. Whose pair will last longer, she will win the competition.

Competition "Pulling, drank, bit

Two teams are formed - the bridegroom and the bride team. This competition is an unusual relay. At a distance of a pair of meters, 2 tables are put, on which there is a bottle of alcohol, wineglass, snack. Each team has its own table. The first participant runs to the table and pours a drink in a glass, the second runs and drinks, the next thing is snacking. Already before everyone does not drink. Whose team will do it rapidly, that will win.

In addition, guests are divided into two teams. Whoever finds out in memory and sleeps chastushki, he will win.

Over the base, every fairy tale is taken, it is possible to come up with his own. All characters are roles for drawing. In addition, remove the role of the curtain. Very popular "Repka. The presenter reads a fairy tale, and any actor must portray its role.

  • Repka - With every mention, "Popka raises his hands above his head and says: both.
  • Grandpa - rubs hands and says: "Tech-C-tech-with
  • Grandma - Mashaw grandfather Kulak: "I would kill
  • Granddaughter - Deeps hands in Boca: "Well, you damn give
  • Bug - tip
  • Cat - Pshche-meow.
  • Mouse - Pi-pi-flick.
  • The sun - standing on a chair and observes; As the story moves to the other side of the scene.

You need to make musical cutting on a disk from passages of funny songs. The presenter will reach some guests and how to figure out their thoughts, bringing the microphone. Now the phonogram is turned on with a passage of the song. It turns out a very funny action if you think in advance to whom to approach and what song is included.

For example, the bride can sing the bride: I adore you to tears. .

In addition, it is possible to hold an auction, read the telegrams of the bride and groom, demonstrate congratulations to the young from the stars of show business (they will move the bride and groom and bride as stars).

Competitions for the wedding. Wedding contests

Wedding Scenario (17)

Redemption of the bride (14)

Wedding contests (48)

One of the responsible stages of any wedding is a wedding banquet. Therefore, it is formed to organize it at the highest level: perfect decoration, a tasty menu and, of course, an entertaining entertainment program. How to entertain guests? How to do, so it was very interesting at the wedding? Such questions are tormented by many newlyweds. It is possible to order a number of wedding services, for example, a bartender show, a fiery show, invite a musical team or a magician to the wedding. And, of course, remember, remember about wedding contests. Since many of the guests will want to participate in the wedding celebration. And how it is better to do not consider how through the organization competitions for the wedding. What specific contests to choose? What needs to be purchased and prepared for any other competition for the wedding. Answers to these and other questions you will delete in this section!

Wedding contests for the groom

Competitions on the next wedding day

Wedding contests for guests

Funny contests for the wedding

Wedding Table Contests

Funny wedding contests

Wedding contests for the bride

Erotic wedding contests

Fascinating wedding games

Wedding games

A pair of gardening games for guests

Games and contests for young

Wedding games and contests

Competition "Get to the point"

Funny wedding contests

Entertainment contests and games

Balloons dances

Classic wedding braids

We do not need unnecessary

Wedding contests for witnesses

Wedding anniversary contests

Different contests at the wedding

Competitions for the wedding

Contests for redemption of the bride

Funny wedding contests

Competitions for the wedding day

Joyful games and contests at the wedding

Rejoice the people, wedding walk!

Joyful contests at the wedding

Wedding Competition for Witnesses

Wedding games and contests for their parents

Competitions and wedding games

Entertainment Program: Contests and Games

Joyful wedding contests

Joyful wedding contests

Competition for witnesses

Tasty, sweet and joy

Tale about Kolobka.

Shaving require not only men, but also balls also

The Christian wedding celebration is deservedly considered the most solemn and ceremonial. It consists of several traditional rites going in a certain order.

Although at the moment it is impossible to restore all initial elements of the ceremony, there are options for holding such a wedding adapted to modern realities, and it is them and are guided by the organizers of weddings in Russia, Europe and in many other countries. What kind of rites are characteristic of such a wedding, and what their features will tell in this article.

In the times of ancient Russia, the wedding was a long process, because it was then included not only a part with the wedding of young spouses, but also the immediate selection of the bride and groom.

For each other, they walked such rites as a walling, looked or looking, collusion, boyfriend or a bachelorette party, buying a bride, wedding and first marriage night. Nowadays, the need for the first three stages disappeared, because it was during them that pairs were chosen.

Now, in most cases, the Christian wedding begins with a bachelor party or a bacheliestnik. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Baby and boyfriends

In the past, it was a sad event - the bride said goodbye to his free life. There was a lot of time, traditions changed, and one name left from the past earner. Now he is a meeting of girlfriends of the bride and the bride, during which they simply have fun. The same applies to the boys.

Both of these events are held in comic shape and are directed only to have a pretty chase.

Redemption of the bride on a Christian wedding

It is from this traditional rite and the basic wedding program begins. The scripts of the bride repurchase at the moment invented countlessly, and to any wedding you can pick up suitable. In fact, the redemption of the bride represents a number of contests for the bride and witness along the way to the place of meeting of future spouses.

That's just if earlier the redemption of the bride meant that the groom should demonstrate their mental and physical skills, then in our time it performs two other functions.

First of all, it became the original way to meet the groom at the bride's house, and secondly, it is a cheerful way to adjust guests to a positive way, entertain them, and perhaps even give to help the groom to pass tests. Bridesmaid girlfriends, together with some guests, can compile entire scenes to explain the conditions of contests, and for the entire redemption as a whole.

Competitions can also be completely different, given how liberally liberated is and how involved the guests want to be. He can either solve any riddles, or to read poems and sing songs, or to make efforts to pass the competition, or bother with seashed gifts - candy, cakes or alcohol.

Wedding and wedding

This is the most important stage of the wedding celebration. During it, the newlyweds go to the registry office, where they officially conclude a marriage union. After that, there is a beautiful wedding rite in the church, however, there are cases when it is passed. It is believed that the wedding assigns a marriage in heaven, which means that he does not imply divorce.

That is why this ceremony is especially serious, and not every couple can decide on it. In addition, it suggests some restrictions for the bride dresses - it should be with closed shoulders, with a skirt below the knee.

After the whole of the official part there is a festive banquet. Here, guests can relax, eat tasty, speech and congratulations to newlyweds, give wedding gifts, dance, participate in competitions.

The wishes for this part of the celebration can be absolutely any, however, most often leading or Tamada are trying to maintain a relaxed and lightweight atmosphere, especially persistently avoiding excessive pathos, protracted poems, glorifying newlyweds, and unnecessary and boring declamen.

To remain more memories of the celebration, professional photographers, specialists responsible for video photography, and musicians are often hired. Photographers will fix each important point, ranging from the repurchase of the bride, ending with the banquet.

They can also perform separate photos for newlyweds and guests so that everyone has a particle of their own memories of this special day.

Video filming is no less significant, but here you need to know one important thing - if you can still save on the video and ask for some of the familiar to take a holiday on the camera, then you can not save money on the musicians.

Live music is an important component of aesthetically pleasant wedding, because non-professional musicians playing poorly or even playing the phonogram can spoil the impression of the celebration.

Currently, most Christian weddings take place without compliance with traditional rituals and rituals. Many of the relevant traditions are irretrievably lost. The article describes how the Christian wedding is held.

Baby and boyfriends

A few days before the marriage, the bachelides and bachers are made. Several centuries ago, these traditions were marked with the last bride meetings with girlfriends, and the groom with friends. These events were sad and accompanied by sad songs. At the present days, such events are carried out in a fun and comic form.

In the morning, before the start of the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds were to receive a blessing from parents. Only after this sacred action could continue the wedding celebration. The groom in turn should have prepared a bouquet for his future wife, and for girlfriends the bride - a box with beautiful souvenir bass.

Redemption of the bride

Any Orthodox wedding begins with the repurchase of the bride. At this event, the bridegroom should have showed himself in all its glory and demonstrate to guests that it was him worth being the only one. During redemption, it is customary to arrange contests, sing songs and collect money. This tradition is rooted in the distant past and the meaning is that the groom must pay a lot of money for getting the opportunity to marry his bride. The modern repurchase scenario is somewhat different: money is not playing a major role, and often toy instead of real bills are used. Larger attention is paid to the organization of an interesting test program and contests for the groom. As a result of a successful passage of tasks, the bridegroom hands a bouquet of bride.


After redemption, newlyweds and guests go to the registry office for the official conclusion of the marriage union. According to the tradition, before this responsible moment, relatives and relatives say congratulations and aid of young people. You can also congratulate the young by reading the touching poem.

In the registry office, the newlyweds fill all the necessary documentation and officially become husband and wife. Then guests are invited to a small buffet, where congratulations on the Wedding Day continue.

When the newlyweds come out of the registry office, a very beautiful and touching ceremony is held. Guests shook young rose petals and non-secrecy paper. It is believed that such a rite will bring wealth and prosperity in the upcoming family life.

After completing all formal wedding events, it usually remains a little time before the evening festive feast. Therefore, the most picturesque place is usually chosen in the city, in which the newlyweds and invited guests are photographed and walk. Instead of a walk, you can visit the house of the groom, in which there is a rite of bread-salt. This is also an ancient wedding tradition. Young people meet her husband's parents with cooked carabic. Husband and wife in turn bite on a piece. Whose piece is more - to be the head of the family.

Festive feast

Wedding banquet passes to deep night. Before the arrival of guests in the hall, the leading - Tamada is already expecting, whose role is to invent entertainment and expressing congratulations and wishes to newlyweds. Each of those present is also provided with the right to personally congratulate the young people and present them a gift as both material and spiritual. Often, guests read poetry as a gift, dance, sing or put a scene on the history of the love of young. A very unusual wedding congratulations are the declamination for fascinating and charming phonograms of the sounds of nature.

The wedding of believing people is not held in boredom: all sorts of fun games have long entered the wedding resource.

Here are the most famous games at weddings:

  • Fire and Water. The bottom line is as follows: Husband and wife are issued cards - with lights and water. On cards with lights that the wife pulls out, complex situations are written. The husband pulls the water card on which the solution of the conflict is written.
  • Segregation of duties. For this game, it will take propumes in the form of a chamomile, on the petals of which are written in the house. Young in turn take off the petals and look, who will have to do.
  • Test for guests. "Meet the clothes" - a famous folk saying. And what can say about a man's color of his outfit? Thanks to the game, you can find out this!

White color is honest, decent and slightly naive people.

Red - cheerful and active.

Blue color means that a person from a noble class.

Black color choose elegant and creative people.

Green - light on the rise of dreamers.

Yellow or Golden - Soft Nature, who love comfort in everything.