Design ideas for an original manicure with dots on the nails. How to make a beautiful manicure with dots on the nails for a beginner at home? What you need to know at the initial stage. Photo: Multi-colored stripes with a brush

At first it will be a little difficult, but each time the lesson becomes easier, the patterns are more varied, and experiments with the technique of execution become bolder.

The main rule: nails must be prepared at the highest level:

  • baths with warm water for nail plates for 10 minutes soften the skin, cuticles;
  • using a wooden stick, a manicure tool, cut off the coarse tissue around the marigolds;
  • polish the nail plates (once / month) or simply degrease the nails with acetone;
  • on their dry clean surface, it is necessary to apply a base under the varnish (the pattern fits better, it looks neater);
  • after 15-20 minutes you can start drawing.

What do you need to have to create patterns? Varnishes: transparent, medicinal, several decorative colors, gloss, varnish fixative. Materials - stickers, templates, stickers for nails with a ready-made pattern, sequins, other decorations, a few needles, thin brushes. Acrylic paints will come in handy later.

Simple patterns:

  1. Stickers. The plates are painted with the chosen color of decorative varnish, wait for complete drying, apply another layer. After drying - attach a sticker (instructions on the package), cover with transparent varnish. Photo Stickers glued over the applied base.
  2. Drawings: geometric shapes, lines, fruits (berries, strawberries, others), various symbols (hearts, emoticons). On the prepared plates (with two layers of a single-color coating), a pattern is applied with contrasting colors of other varnishes.
  3. Camouflage. Apply light green (left side), dark green (center), brown or gray (right) color to the nail, while they are wet - mix in random order with a needle.
  4. Contrast network (black / white, beige / brown, black / red, other combinations). On top of the dried finished coating of one color, lines are applied with another varnish in the form of a lattice, a diamond-shaped grid.
  5. Nail decorations: stars, flowers, beads, other shapes. They are attached to the wet surface, according to the invented design, stick until completely dry.
  6. Blurred pattern (two contrasting colors or one light and dark tone). On top of the wet layer, a pattern (waves, circles, spiral) is applied with a brush with another varnish. Errors are corrected with a toothpick.
  7. (two-tone: a classic combination of white with a pink or beige tone; outside the classics - also two-tone, but they combine contrasting tones). Application sequence:
    • with a basic tone we paint the entire nail plate, dry it;
    • close the nail with an adhesive strip, leaving only its outer edge (about a third part);
    • paint over the open part with a white tone, let it dry, remove the strip.

Remember! Before applying the main pattern - be sure to apply, and then completely dry, one layer of the main color of the varnish surface. After the completion of the drawing, it is fixed with a transparent or medicated varnish with the last layer so that it can last longer.

Drawing with a needle

You should prepare the necessary tool in advance (manicure set + sewing needle), think over the nail design, and, if necessary, purchase the necessary materials for the pattern.

How to use the needle:

  • first, they make a sketch of the pattern on paper, choosing the proportions as close as possible to their marigolds;
  • the pictures should indicate the sequence of applying elements when painting;
  • we apply the 1st layer of the coating on the nail plate - the base one;
  • when the base dries, the following is applied - the entire plate is covered with white varnish (they do not allow to dry!);
  • on top of the white layer in the middle, brush three red dots of medium size with a brush;
  • a drop of white is dripped to the center of the red dots;
  • quickly create an ornament: dip the needle in the middle of the point and pull in the desired direction (the trace will be red with a white line in the middle), drawing straight or curved lines, curls, the like;
  • when the ornament is dry, everything is covered on top with a fixative, a colorless varnish layer.

Naturally, creating an individual design - the color palette for use is wide enough. Thus, you can draw silhouettes of animals, insects, create geometric shapes, whole landscapes and many other images. Small "but". All of them will be too miniature, therefore, it is better to use contrasting shades or colors of varnish materials. This will prevent the pattern from blending.

Creating a picture with varnishes

This ornamentation technique is a little more difficult than using a needle, but it is also easy to learn. To acquire the skill of working with a thin long brush, they first train on artificial nails: it is not a pity to constantly wash them with acetone for a badly successful pattern. For training, paper is also suitable.

Instructions for applying varnish with a brush:

  1. Prepare nails for painting: bath, leather processing, grinding the plate.
  2. The nail plate is covered with a base (colorless or medicated varnish).
  3. The coating dries (hereinafter: each fresh painted layer must dry completely).
  4. Apply a background coating: a color is used that will act as a contrast to any other tone used in painting. First, in one movement, brush in the center up to the edge starting from the cuticle, then paint the left side of the plate and the right - just three strokes of the brush.
  5. A thin brush is dipped in varnish, its excess is slightly removed (as in school, painting with gouache) and an element of the pattern is applied (usually from 2 to 6 colors are used). Beginners stop choosing hearts, flowers, lines, only a little later moving on to more complex images.

The completion of the work is considered to be the fixation of the ornament with a colorless coating.

When buying varnishes, pay attention - their manufacturers complete either with ordinary brushes or thin ones designed for painting. In the absence of this kind of materials at hand, you can use a thin silicone brush for watercolors.

The process of painting with acrylic paints with a brush

They are very popular among fashionistas: they are easy to draw, dry quickly, do not smear, are harmless to human health, when using them, colorists achieve about 2000 shades. This type of paints has a long shelf life; correctly applied painting lasts a very long time.

Acrylic paints are:

  • transparent;
  • half transparent;
  • overlapping the previous color (opaque);
  • pasty.

They are water-soluble, easy to stir, but after drying, you can safely display the next element of the ornament over the drawing - erosion is excluded. The patterns are breathable, do not fade, and look very bright. The duty of priming the nail plate before painting disappears.

What are the techniques for painting with acrylic paint:

  1. Oil. Use undiluted or pasty paint. It got its name due to its similarity with oil paintings on canvas.
  2. Pastose (similar to dough). The paint is not diluted, any pigment can be added beforehand, put in thick strokes. The dried layer resembles a gouache drawing.
  3. Watercolor. Water is mixed with an acrylic binder, then the paint is thinned. The finished ornaments are similar to quality watercolors.
  4. Sliding. Acrylic paints are mixed with structural gels. Difficult technique as it is difficult for beginners to guess the final color result.
  5. Glaze. Each superimposed layer should be extremely thin, almost translucent. This technique is used to paint the smile of Mona Lisa.

Painting is carried out with different types of brushes: synthetic, natural bristle, of different thickness. While using one brush, the rest should be in the water.

At first, working with such paints - it is enough to buy 6 basic colors plus white to correct errors. To understand how they lay on each other (what shade is obtained), draw a checkerboard (6X6 squares for six colors, each square - 2X2 cm), then alternately paint over the horizontal lines with another pigment, and then vertical squares (36 colors) ...

How to draw a twig pattern:

  • the background should be a gentle shade that goes well with a yellow or green tone;
  • two curved lines are drawn along the length of the nail with green or yellow paint; decorate them with leaves (with the same paint as the branch);
  • the veins on the leaves are made a couple of tones lighter from the main color;
  • the dried pattern is fixed with transparent paint.

By the way, several painting techniques can be used in one ornament.

Other ways to decorate nails

Creation of ornaments using scotch tape.

We need scotch tape, a colorless coating, two decorative varnishes. First, they make the base, then the background coating (all layers are dried one by one). A stencil is prepared from scotch tape (strips, various shapes are cut with a clerical knife), glued over the background coating, a different color is applied. When it is completely dry, the scotch tape is removed, painted on top with transparent varnish.

Why a sponge is useful for a beautiful manicure.

The nails are prepared in the most usual way, which ends with the application of the base, and then the background coating. While the background is still wet, the sponge is dipped in a contrasting shade and the edge of the marigold is slapped with it (a pimpled edge is obtained - the "amber" effect).

Caviar manicure.

A thick wet layer of a transparent base is sprinkled with the smallest black or red beads. Press against the marigold with a film, wait for complete drying.

The best works of masters

French manicure will remain fashionable. Although a "zest" has appeared - there should not be an even white line on the edge of the nail, it should lie with careless strokes.

A combination of glossy / matt varnish is welcomed in one image.

The best is the design with the "ombre" effect, the design of which combines color transitions from a dark beginning to a translucent edge of the nail. Additionally, gloss is applied.

They decorate the nails with lace (they are glued to a damp base), and black stickers - "letters of the alphabet" are attached to a white background.

Designers consider monochrome as fashionable: red, black, white - with a translucent hint of the image: a smoky effect.

The geometric pattern with sharp corners remains the best.

A "broken" design is considered a hit: a thin black line is drawn along the plate, the right side is painted with a bright color, and the left - natural or transparent without shine.

Each person has a certain type of nail plate. The desired shape of the manicure is corrected with a nail file.

It should be remembered that:

  • chubby, short fingers are given an elongated, oval plate shape;
  • the square shape of the nail visually enlarges the fingers;
  • on long thin fingers there should not be a pointed form in the form of a claw.

Lovely women, well-groomed marigolds look wonderful on the hands of ladies of any age, a delicate manicure drawing is appropriate even at the most advanced age. In addition, decorating it yourself with various images is actually an interesting and exciting experience.



Beautiful and simple nail art is a great way to diversify your daily manicure. It is not at all difficult to make such a manicure, and at the same time, a simple nail design is in trend today. There are many ways to create beautiful nail art at home. Today we will pay attention to simple techniques that are suitable for beginners.

Simple nail art using tape

Scotch tape is a faithful friend of all novice manicure lovers. You can use special adhesive strips that are sold in stores to create a manicure. But it is quite possible to get by with ordinary scotch tape.

The easiest manicure with scotch tape is a manicure with different stripes or color blocks. First, you cover the nail with one color of varnish, wait for it to dry. Then stick tape on half of the nail and cover the second part of the nail with another varnish. This way you can get a very simple but beautiful two-tone manicure.

In a similar way, you can create several stripes on the nail, as well as various geometric shapes and color blocks.

Photo tutorial on creating a simple manicure with scotch tape

Another option for creating a simple but effective manicure using scotch tape is to cut out the template you need from the scotch tape. These can be thin stripes, circles, etc.

Photo tutorials on creating simple drawings on nails

Photo of simple drawings on the nails

Simple nail art with dots

The most common dots in different colors and sizes will help create a huge variety of simple nail designs. Special tools are sold for creating dotted nails, but you can do without them. To perform a manicure with dots, different things can go that are in any home: hairpins and invisibility, old rods from pens or pencils, toothpicks.

If you have found enough small objects at home that allow you to create points of different diameters on your nails, then you can start experimenting. For inspiration take a look photo of a simple manicure with dots below.

Photo tutorials on creating a simple manicure with dots

Simple manicure with a needle

Manicurists can create truly complex and beautiful designs with a needle. But since the article is devoted to simple nail design for beginners, I offer you a very simple video tutorial on creating a manicure with a needle. It looks almost like a water-based manicure, and does not require as much effort.

Gradient on nails

Many people love a beautiful color transition on the nails, but not many can easily create such a design on the nail. But everything will become much easier if you know one manicure life hack. You can quickly and easily create a gradient on the nail with a sponge and eye shadow. All that is needed is to cover the nails with varnish, which will be the main color in the manicure, and wait until the varnish dries, but does not dry completely. After that, apply a matching eye shadow with a sponge and cover the nail with transparent varnish.

Another easy way to diversify your manicure is to add glitter to it. You can use glitter varnishes or, again, eye shadows.

And one more important point. If drawing on nails is difficult for you (and especially with your left hand!), Then start with a simple manicure, where the drawing is performed on only one nail.

After all, drawing or writing something on one nail is always easier and you will definitely succeed. And over time, your skills will get better and better and you will be able to move on to more complex drawings. Great manicure everyone!

There are many techniques and tricks for creating simple and original designs on your nails, thanks to which you can get an amazing manicure at home - learn them by reading this article!

The beauty of a woman is, first of all, grooming, and most of all, her hands speak about a woman's grooming.

Bad manicure, rough skin, lack of jewelry speak of untidiness and a desire to look not like a woman spinning her head and breaking hearts, but a gray aunt who does not care how others perceive her.

Well, if you have a desire to look good, but there is no money for a salon manicure, then it doesn't matter - this article will tell you how to create a stunning pattern on your nails without spending any extra money or time.

The easiest nail designs for beginners

Even those who do not have the talent of an artist can create an original and aesthetic drawing on their own nails. This does not require any professional varnishes or any special tools - you only need imagination and some improvised means that are in any home.

Fancy drawing is easy

To create a simple drawing you will need:

  • varnishes of various colors
  • needle
  • cotton swab
  • nail polish remover (in case something goes wrong)

With the help of multi-colored varnishes, the manicure will become colorful and unique

Before starting the creative process, you need to prepare your hands: lower them for 15-20 minutes in a hand bath with sea salt, tidy up the cuticles and the shape of the nails. After that, hands can be lubricated with a nourishing cream and wait until it is completely absorbed.

But the cream should not be applied to the nails - this can harm the future drawing.

First step: nails need to be shaped

The simplest nail design is the creation of various lines, points, geometric shapes in a chaotic or ordered manner. To do this, the nails are painted in the main color, and after the varnish has completely dried, dots are applied with a needle or lines are made with a brush (but this already requires a certain skill).

The use of various stencils will also be useful for beginners. After the drawing has dried, a fixative is applied on top - so the beauty of your manicure will last for a long time.

Simple nail art step by step

You can quickly and easily create a pattern on your nails using stationery tape. Stencils are made from it, and after that they are glued to the nail and painted over with varnish.

When the scotch tape is removed, they get a perfect pattern, which, after covering with a fixative, will delight its owner for more than one day.


Most often, using adhesive tape, they create various lines and geometric shapes on the nails, but experienced craftswomen got the hang of creating whole masterpieces of painting on their nails using such a simple device. And for beginners, imitation of a checkerboard on nails is perfect.

To get a beautiful chess manicure you need:

  1. Prepare your hands: a salt bath, trimming the cuticles, shaping the nails to the desired shape (in our case, the actual shape is a square or a rounded square)
    2. Cut the tape into comfortable strips 0.5 cm wide
    3. Cover the nails with a base, and then, after it is completely dry, paint your nails with varnish in white, gold or silver.
    4. After the varnish is completely dry, stick a strip of tape on the bottom of the nail, and stick the other crosswise so that a small even square is formed in the upper right corner of the nail
    5. Paint over the entire free part of the nail with varnish so that it goes over the stencil line
    6. After drying, peel off the strips and paste the others in the same way mirror
    7. Paint over with varnish and peel off the stencil after the varnish is completely dry
    8. The finished drawing is covered with a fixer.

An excellent and stylish idea would be to combine matte and glossy squares.

French Chess Manicure

By cutting the tape into thin strips and using them as stencils, you can create an unusual manicure - it only takes a few minutes. To achieve the desired result, you must follow a simple instruction:

  1. Paint your nails sequentially with stripes of any three colors (you can choose both contrasting and harmoniously combined with each other)
    2. After drying, apply thin strips of adhesive tape to the nails.
    3. Apply black varnish to the entire surface of the nail
    4. Wait until the varnish is dry and remove the strips
    5. Apply fixer

Manicure created using scotch tape

More intricate designs can be created using the scotch tape stencil.

Video: Nail design. Scotch tape for nails

Schemes of simple and beautiful patterns on the nails

With the help of a needle and varnishes of various colors, you can create original designs on nails, even for those who do not have a talent for drawing and experience in creating manicure.

Draw versatile horizontal stripes along the length of the nail

Interesting floral ornament

You can create an intricate pattern with one stroke of the needle.

Multicolor drawing

Wavy ornament

How to make simple drawings on nails with gel polish

Creating a pattern on the nails is a painstaking task and it is very offensive if the flowers or lines drawn begin to wear off and peel off after the first wash of the dishes.

But this problem can be solved: for those who want to contemplate their manicure for two weeks, there is a wonderful tool for manicure - gel polish. Its composition provides a durability that cannot be compared to that of conventional varnish.

Manicure with gel polish

To create a beautiful drawing with gel polish, you need:

  • degreaser
  • the foundation
  • several multi-colored gel polishes
  • UV lamp
  • a sheet of cardboard to be used as a palette

Dots of various calibers

Step-by-step creation of a spot manicure:

  1. Before creating a drawing with gel polish, the surface of the nail must be degreased and a vitamin base must be applied.
    2. Choose a base shade (preferably a light color), apply it to your nails and dry under a lamp
    3. Pour a small amount of gel polish of other bright colors onto the palette.
    4.Using a small dots, paint dots of different colors on the nails, placing them close to each other
    5. Dry the design under the lamp and apply a shiny finish

Using different dots, you can create a fun dot pattern

Multicolored dots

If you combine the bitmap with the technique of the famous French manicure, you will be able to create sophisticated marigolds that all your friends will envy!

How to make simple drawings on nails with a needle (diagrams)

Floral patterns on nails look original. It is not difficult to make such a drawing, but it is a painstaking business, requiring patience and perseverance. But the result will delight both you and those around you - such a drawing will suit any event and style of clothing, it is only important to choose the desired color scheme and not bend with variegation.

Step by step drawing flowers

For a flower manicure you will need:

  • base varnish light shade
  • red, pink, blue colors to create petals
  • contrasting color to create the middle of the flower (if the petals are pink, then the middle can be yellow or silver)
  • needle
  • cotton swab and nail polish remover


  1. Paint your nails with a light shade of varnish and wait until it is completely dry
    2. Dip a needle or a toothpick in varnish and put a point on the nail, marking the middle of the flower
    3. Wipe the needle from the traces of varnish and mark points in a circle from the base of the flower, imitating petals.
    4. You can decorate the entire nail with such flowers or draw several pieces along one edge of the nail.

The scheme for drawing flowers with a needle

A simpler option

After the drawing is dry, the nails must be covered with a varnish fixer. For greater decorativeness, you can draw leaves: for this you need to put a point and draw a needle along it in the direction from the flower, forming a sharp leaf.

Schemes of simple drawings on nails with a toothpick

Using varnishes of different colors and a toothpick, you can create an elegant pattern on your nails called "butterfly wings". This requires:

  • varnishes of different colors
  • toothpicks
  • napkin
  • varnish fixer
  • the foundation

Butterfly wings

The sequence of creating a picture:

  1. Apply base to nails and wait until it dries completely
    2. Paint your nails with a base color
    3. Without waiting for drying, apply three different colors in stripes from the top corner of the nail to the middle obliquely
    4.Using a toothpick, immediately draw lines from the middle to the corner, as shown in the photo

Video: Nail Design "Butterfly Wings"

Schemes of simple drawings on nails with a brush

With the help of a special manicure brush, even a beginner can create a simple and aesthetic drawing. The instructions and techniques described below will allow you to independently transform your nails no worse than salon nail art.

Drawing created by brush and varnish

Vertical stripes

Magic ornament

Step-by-step creation of an ornament

Video: We do a manicure with a fan brush

How to make simple nail art with acrylic paints?

You can feel like a real artist painting with acrylic paints on such a "canvas" as your own nail. A wide range of colors and ease of use will allow you to create a variety of designs, which will inspire imagination and creativity.

But working with acrylic has its own characteristics that you need to know in order for the drawing to be aesthetic and preserved for a long time.

Acrylic paints

Before starting the artistic process, you should prepare all the tools necessary for this:

  • acrylic paints (you can buy them at any craft store, stationery store, and even in the market)
  • thin brush
  • fixer varnish


Having prepared the nails for manicure (by removing the cuticles and shaping them), they must be covered with a base base. After it is completely dry, you can start painting with a brush.

You can depict on the nails both various dots and wavy lines, and by composing these elements, you can create whole inflorescences and enchanting patterns.

If fantasy did not suggest anything, then you can be inspired by the works of novice masters:

Wavy brush strokes



Flame of fire

French manicure and dot patterns

Beams and sparkles

Show your imagination and the result will delight

After finishing the drawing and drying the acrylic paint, it is imperative to cover the nails with a protective coating - a fixative varnish. Otherwise, at the first contact with water, the pattern will blur.

Simple shellac nail designs

Shellac is a new generation product that combines nail polish and gel for building. This combination allows the product to stay on nails for a long time with shine, without chipping and abrasion.

It is not surprising that modern women of fashion and lovers of various new products from the field of beauty prefer shellac painting even at home.


It's easy to create a stunning shellac manicure if you prepare everything you need:

  • shellacs of various colors
  • the foundation
  • brushes of various sizes and structures
  • top coverage
  • cotton pads, sticks, rubbing alcohol and nail polish remover
  • Ultraviolet lamp

After preparing your nails for a manicure, sit back and get ready to create:

  1. Cover your nails with a base product
    2. Gently apply shellac and dry under the lamp
    3. If necessary, apply another coat of shellac and dry again
    4.Use rubbing alcohol to wipe your nails with a cotton pad
    5. Start creating a drawing: draw lines, dots, flowers or try to create an imitation of a French manicure with different shades of colors
    6. Dry your nails under the lamp and cover with a protective layer of topcoat and dry again under the lamp

Video: Drawings with shellac on nails

Absolutely everyone can create an unusual manicure at home, even if the soul does not lie to drawing, and I really want beautiful nails. You just need to choose the technique in which you will be able to maximize your creative potential - the main thing is that both the occupation and the result bring pleasure.

The result of creativity should inspire

In order for the drawing of patterns on the nails to work out and be preserved for a long time, follow the advice:

  • it is necessary to select high-quality products that are characterized by increased durability. In the absence of such, you can turn to the good old varnish, but then you will often have to repaint your nails and paint again
  • when creating a drawing, be guided by the size of the nail: do not try to draw a bunch of everything on short nails - it looks ridiculous and tasteless
  • if it doesn't work out with fine art, don't despair, because you can always turn to geometric shapes that always look fashionable and organic
  • do not neglect the application of base and fixer varnish
  • so nails will delight you with their appearance much longer

Do not be afraid to experiment: create a drawing that suggests fantasy and do not despair if you fail, because this is just an experience and the next attempt to make a stunning manicure at home will be more successful.

Video: Draw on nails

Painting on nails is an extremely fun process. However, in order to achieve a high level of skill, a girl should be prepared for the fact that she will have to constantly experiment, mastering new techniques for applying drawings and materials that can be used to create them. And over time, each of you will be able to become a real master who, in creating a design, will focus solely on your imagination and imagination. And our nail art designs for beginners will help you achieve those very results. For your convenience, we will also provide you with step-by-step schemes for their implementation.

Needle drawing schemes

Beginners can draw a pattern on the nail with the help of such improvised means as a needle, varnish brush, tape or toothpick. You can also experiment with acrylic paints with a brush. Let's start with the first option - light needle drawings.

To do such a manicure, you need several varnishes of various shades and a regular needle. Please note that when choosing a color, you should take, if not contrasting, then the most different shades. Otherwise, the patterns on the nails will merge.

  1. Cover your nails with a colorless nail polish to protect them from possible damage when using the needle.
  2. After it has completely dried, apply varnish of the selected shade, which will serve as the basis and set the overall tone of the manicure.
  3. Depending on which image you have chosen, put a few dots on the not yet dried varnish or draw lines.
  4. Using a needle, make a pattern by gently mixing varnishes together or, conversely, drawing clear lines.
  5. After complete drying, cover the finished manicure with a base.

Using varnishes

Simple drawings on nails for beginners can be done with varnish, choosing, in addition to the base, a special tool with a thin brush. True, this option has a significant drawback - a beginner may encounter some problems directly in the process of drawing on nails.

After all, most tools have a fairly long brush, which is not very convenient to work with without having at least any skills. And in order not to constantly harm your nails with acetone, repeatedly washing off the drawings and applying them again, it is better to practice on an artificial nail or even a piece of paper.

The step-by-step instructions for drawing on nails with this varnish are extremely simple and unpretentious. You just need to dip the brush into the bottle of varnish of the chosen color and apply the desired pattern. Remember to apply a base coat in a contrasting shade first.

The easiest way is to make drawings in the form of flowers, hearts or lines in this way.

Drawings with scotch tape

Scotch tape is another versatile tool that we use everywhere in our household. So it is not surprising that over time, our women have found use for it in creating designs.

When starting your manicure with scotch tape, prepare two different shades of varnish and a clear coat. Drawings on nails for beginners are performed step by step using the following technology:

  1. The first step is to apply a base coat.
  2. After it has completely dried, a stencil of the desired shape, cut from scotch tape, is glued.
  3. Then apply varnish of a different shade and wait for it to dry completely.
  4. Finish with a transparent base.

Interestingly, in this way girls prefer to do a manicure in the style of "geometry". But for the French in all its interpretations, this method may well come in handy.

Painting with acrylic paints

Another popular technique used to create simple yet extremely beautiful patterns is painting with acrylics. This method of creating nail art for beginners is no more difficult than painting with varnish. And for some, it's even easier and more convenient. And to be convinced of this, we offer you schemes for creating a pattern with acrylic.

Manicure "Twigs". It can be performed with both yellow and green paints. Perform step by step in the following sequence:

  1. Apply any varnish you want a "delicate" color.
  2. From the bottom corner to the top, paint two curved stripes (branches) with acrylic paint in a rich yellow color.
  3. Draw small leaves on each branch with the same color.
  4. Paint over the middle of each leaf with paint of a lighter shade.
  5. Apply clear polish to set the pattern on your nails.

"Floral" manicure:

  1. Cover the nail with a base shade (pearl color will come in handy).
  2. Using pink acrylic paint, paint the petals using the point method, as shown in the figure.
  3. With green paint, you need to make leaves and small branches.
  4. Add a little white to the pink petals to make the drawing three-dimensional.
  5. Apply a clear coat.

When creating drawings with acrylic paints, it is very important to use a transparent coating, which will not only level the surface, but also fix the result. Painting without fixer will be very short-lived, as acrylic paints tend to wash off with warm water.

Nail masterpieces of 2014

In creating drawings on nails for beginners, it is important to be guided not only by your preferences, but also by the advice of stylists. After all, your title of a beginner does not mean that your manicure should not correspond to the fashion trends in nail design in 2014. Moreover, the new trends are very easy to implement.

So here's a trendy and simple 2014 design:

  1. Abstraction and geometry. Drawings can be done with tape, varnish and paints. Particular attention should be paid to dots and drops in any order.
  2. Romantic mood. If we talk about simple patterns, then in this case we can talk about hearts of all colors and sizes.
  3. Marble nail art 2014. This simple design is carried out by mixing varnishes of two shades directly on the nail with a toothpick.

To top it off, I would like to say about another fashionable direction in fashionable nail art - making drawings on one nail, for example, on the ring finger. Newbies will love this trendy solution for 2014, as they don't have to bother drawing the planned patterns ten times.

Volumetric drawings on nails with gel polish are a new trend of the spring-summer 2017 season. It is a very popular material and is considered an excellent substitute for regular varnish. It is loved by manicurists in salons due to its properties and ease of application. The varnish gives the nails a glossy shine, looks beautiful and unusual. In addition, it lasts a long time, protects the nail plate, does not lose its shine over time, provided that it is applied correctly.

New items

Today the beauty industry offers a huge number of tools and tools for creating nail art. The desire to have a beautiful and neat manicure is often contrary to common sense, because a regular visit to the master is an expense. The paradox is that any drawing can be done independently, using numerous manicure products. The right tools and patience are the guarantee of success.

To date, gel varnishes occupy a solid position in the world of nail design. Almost all masters today provide nail coating services with such material. Without any doubt, gel polishes are one of the best achievements of the nail industry in recent years. This hybrid of gel and varnish is immensely popular with both artisans and customers. The main advantages of the technology: convenience and simplicity of the process of applying to the nail; high polymerization rate in the lamp; color fastness; the intense gloss of the coating remains until the removal procedure; safety of use for the nail plate, hypoallergenic materials.

Gel polish is a product that lasts for two weeks on natural nails.

A specially developed, easily dissolving plastic gel is applied like a regular varnish, but dried under a UV lamp. It is great for girls and women who love beautiful and bright nails, but do not want to repaint them several times a week. The gloss of gel polish is incomparable with the gloss of a regular coating, because in the first case it is deeper.

It is difficult to remove or scratch the coating due to its special structure. Such a coating gives elasticity to brittle nails, and strength to thin nails, which avoids breakage of natural nails. The gel is removed using a special liquid and foil. The average wearing time is two weeks.

The novelties of manicure-2017 with its use are not limited to the imagination of the master: it can be flowers, butterflies, zigzags, spirals, geometric shapes. It is only important to correctly combine colors that will harmonize not only with each other, but also with the image. The classics of the genre are black and white drawings on the nails that suit any look and for any occasion.

Naturalness in the new season is the main trend. In the palette of new products, delicate peach, creamy, pink, mint, heavenly and sandy shades of gel polishes are in the lead. In this style, it is customary to use a monochromatic coating. An interesting choice for a manicure is the "Cat's Eye" coating. Its bright and iridescent structure is reminiscent of feathers.

It is enough to cover your nails with orange, emerald green, lemon, blue, orange or coral varnish to embody the fashion trends of the season. Dark and berry tones are also trending. The dichromatic technique can add paints using a white or nude coating. This will add contrast, create sophisticated combinations. Interest in "metallized" coatings is growing. In the cold period, they are recommended to be combined with dull matte shades, and diluted with pastel colors in summer and spring.

Metallic shine visually lengthens and narrows the nail plate.

From the novelties, designer foil serves for a similar effect in manicure. It is sold in gold and silver colors. Original shapes and stripes are often used in nail decoration and look fantastic.

Colored foil is also considered a novelty. The pieces resemble a broken stained-glass window walled up in gel polish. Fashion trends include dairy, holographic, steel and pastel shards. Glitter is capable of giving shine to a manicure. The powder does an excellent job with the "sparkling" task. Decorative elements can easily add playfulness, festivity, charm to boring images.

Simple manicure

Many women are aware of the variety of texture varnishes, their huge range of colors and other features. Those who are interested in nail design know when new textures and beautiful shades appear. To date, two main types of varnishes are used to create nail art: the traditional coating for manicure and a novelty - gel varnish. It is customary to allocate a separate line of tools in two categories - varnishes for painting. Their difference from traditional forms is the presence of a thin brush, which allows you to draw neat lines without using available tools.

Most often, beautiful and contrasting patterns on the nails with ordinary varnish are created using two or three shades of the selected tool, as well as a needle or toothpick. There are two techniques for performing manicure: liquid and dry. The essence of the first option is the execution of drawings on a base coat that has not yet dried out. If you want to make such a simple manicure, follow the technique for creating it:

  • Apply a coat of varnish of the chosen shade.
  • Without waiting for the base to dry completely, drip a varnish of a different color onto the surface of the nail.
  • Use a needle to make drawings, stretching the drops of varnish in the desired direction.

In the case of gel polish, the patterns are made on a dried base.

A good gel polish does not chip or peel off after the first wash of dishes, as it happens with ordinary varnishes, and is harmless to nails, unlike ordinary gel. The coating of the gel polish can be easily removed with the help of a special solvent, which cannot be said about the traditional gel build-up, in which the artificial material can only be cut down. At home, women can independently create a watercolor drawing, geometric shapes, draw a butterfly, a heart, stripes, abstraction, and also use decor, which should be purchased in advance.


At home, you can create simple nail art using gel polish. These can be flowers (roses, tulips, poppies, orchids), butterflies, geometric patterns. It is best to start with simple patterns and only then move on to creating complex ones. A neatly executed drawing always delights others. Experiment is encouraged this season. If you master the general technique of making drawings, then it will not be difficult to create a complex design.

Read more about one of the most popular manicures of 2017 in the next video.

This technique (drawings on nails) is called nail art.

Beginners are recommended to use the following tools for drawing: special brushes for creating patterns on the nail plates; dots (a tool for creating drawings), needles of different thicknesses; toothpicks, lint-free napkins. When creating nail art, proceed in stages:

  • First coat the nail plates with a clear, protective varnish. This will prevent damage to them, protect from scratches when creating drawings with sharp objects.
  • Apply base - varnish, which you chose as the basis for the pattern, wait until it dries.
  • Start creating your designs.
  • Let the drawings dry.
  • Fix the result with a fixer.

To create an interesting pattern on your nails with a brush, you need experience in drawing. Remember that the applied lines must be smooth, without gaps, of the required thickness, otherwise the manicure will turn into sloppy blots on the nails. When creating a manicure, try to do it in stages.

  • Prepare your nails, straighten the ends, get rid of the cuticles, polish the surface.
  • Apply the coating.
  • When the transparent layer is dry, paint your nails with a base varnish.
  • Take a brush and start drawing patterns from the tip of your nail.
  • When the drawing is dry, apply the fixative varnish.

You can create a simple pattern with gel polish, guided by the following plan:

  • Apply base gel to the nail plate, dry in the lamp.
  • Cover the gel polish with a shade that will become the base of the manicure.
  • Dry the layer for two minutes in a UV lamp.
  • Using dots, paint dots using the other two colors of the gel polish. It is worth applying them in no particular order. It is best to put the dots close to each other, then the manicure will turn out to be interesting and beautiful.
  • When the pattern is ready, send your nails into a UV lamp. Finish with a top coat for a glossy shine and extra durability.

Observe the following procedure when creating a simple figure eight pattern:

  • Apply the base to the nail plate and cure in a UV lamp.
  • Apply the first coat of gel polish, cure in a lamp for two minutes.
  • This is followed by a second layer of the same color. Don't dry it. Apply small dots at once with dots and gel polish of a different shade. Take a needle and in the shape of "8" make quick movements. This can be done both horizontally and vertically.
  • Dry in the lamp and then apply a special coating.

Complex patterns include flowers, monograms, animal faces and other art.

  • Flowers. If you want to get such a design, you need to prepare a gel polish in two colors: white and black. Apply base gel first and dry, then cover with black and send to dry. Color gel polish must be dried within three minutes.
  • Monogram... You can create this design using white gel polish and a thin brush. After applying the base, you need to pick up a little white gel polish on the brush and draw a rounded monogram. Their direction and number depends only on imagination. At first glance, this design may seem simple, but it will take experience and patience to complete. To obtain an original and unique design, you need to make monograms in different colors on each nail. For a festive design, add sequins, rhinestones.
  • Snake skin. The drawing is suitable for those who want to get an original and unusual manicure. After the nail plate is prepared, apply green gel polish on it. Dry in a lamp for two minutes, cover with a marsh-colored mother-of-pearl varnish. Do not send to the lamp, but take a brush and apply drops in a chaotic manner with colorless varnish. Wait a while until the pattern appears. Cover everything with a finish and dry.
  • Rosettes... To create roses, you need to prepare a dots, four gel polishes (blue, pink, white and green) and a thin brush. First, apply a base coat to your nails and cure in a lamp. Next, cover your nails with white gel polish and send them to dry again. When the base color layer is dry, you can paint the roses.

Subtleties for beginners

If the correct application technology is followed, the gel polish stays on the nails for up to 20 days. During this time, the coating does not lose its shine, does not crack or chip, and does not require additional correction. The nails look natural and are protected. Unfortunately, some gel polishes, instead of two to three weeks, start to crack or flake off a few days after the manicure. This can be caused by improper application, poor product quality and further care. For beginners, before using gel polish, it is better to carefully study its properties and read the recommendations.

  • Stage 1. Formation of the free edge of the nail. The free edge of the nail plate should be perfectly flat and absolutely clean (fat-free). If the nail plate delaminates, carefully trim it with a natural nail file. If necessary, you can get a manicure. If you used oils or creams during your manicure, thoroughly clean your nails and dry them for 10 minutes. It is important to remove the cuticle at the first stage.
  • Stage 2. Removal of the upper keratin layer of the nail plate. If this is not done, the gel polish will chip off. It is not recommended to touch treated nails. For the final removal of residual moisture and filing, use a special product with a fat-free formula. It provides strong adhesion of the gel polish to the nail plate.
  • Stage 3. Base application. If the nail plate is very soft and weak after removing the extended nails, the gel polish may begin to chip off in the first days after the application procedure. Therefore, before starting a manicure, apply a primer to the weakened plate. It will provide a tight adhesion of the base gel to the natural nail.

The application of a base gel is one of the main components of the technology for working with gel polishes. The base gel serves as a base for the product. It is responsible for creating a bond between the natural keratin of the natural nail and the artificial gel material. At the same time, the base gel protects the nail from the penetration of the coloring pigments of the gel polish. In the technology of applying gel varnishes, it is important to ensure that the materials are applied to the nail plate in a very thin layer.

Pour a small amount of base gel onto the brush and rub in on the nail, starting from the free edge.

Then go over the entire nail plate with smooth movements from top to bottom. Make sure that the gel does not come into contact with the skin, cuticles and sides. Next, place the nail in a UV lamp for one minute to cure the base gel. After the base has dried, smooth out the layer with a dry brush. This is necessary so that the color gel polish lays down evenly, and does not collect and does not spread. Do not forget to cover the end of the nail, pay attention to the uniformity and smoothness of the coating.

  • Stage 4. Finishing gel coating. The finish gel is applied with a slightly thicker layer than the colored one. The finishing gel should dry well within two minutes. Insufficient polymerization will result in a loss of shine when the sticky layer is removed.

If you are using color gel polish, keep in mind that all layers must be applied very thinly. If you do not follow the application technology, then waves and notches may appear on the free edge and air bubbles appear over the entire surface of the nail. Using bright, pastel colors, apply two coats of gel polish. Each of the layers must be passed through a UV lamp for two minutes. When working with dark colors, the first coat may be unevenly colored, but you do not need to apply a large amount of gel polish. This problem will be fixed with a second layer. When working with darker tones, it is better to make three thin but even layers.