Games on emotions in the senior group. Games for the emotional child development

Hello! With you again, the family of Shevtsov with an article about emotional games . With this article we participate in in the nomination " I want to know everything in the world «.

Different accurate sciences are very necessary for a person, but it is equally important to teach him comfortably to feel surrounded by others, to be able to understand them and react correctly in various situations. Therefore, today I offer several games for the emotionally development of the child.

First to understand, and then learn to control various emotions - the task is not simple not only for children, but sometimes for adults. Quite often, a small child cannot realize their feelings in different situations. How to teach the baby to understand the belling feelings, express their emotions to adequately and find the necessary behaviors at a certain point?

You can, of course, searching for something from benefits or toys that will help in a games form to teach a child to understand, determine and manage emotions, but their catastrophic. So we, parents, should be inventive and come up with their games. I bring to your attention a few of our favorite emotional games.

Emotional mood calendar

My son Dima went to the kindergarten somewhere in 2.5 years. He did not like the garden and holy he did not want to do there. He said that it was better to immediately go to school as Masha :-).

Therefore, for Dima, I decided to make a calendar of his mood. Such a calendar often use counselors in children's camps and teachers in kindergartens.

The calendar is not particularly different from purchased, for the exclusion of the moment that next to the number he has a free place.

The essence of the game is simple - when Dima returns home from the kindergarten, I ascertain how the day went, which Dima had a mood. Then we draw the desired licho on the calendar. On Sunday, we, together with Dima, we consider how much joyful days with merry face, and how many days were bad. We also do the same calculations at the end of each month.

Dima has always hurried home to draw a cheerful face to squeeze. At first I painted the face myself, and then I allowed Dima to draw faces on their own.

A few months later we noticed that joyful faces on our calendar are ever more often. It turns out that in the garden Dima was not very sad.

This calendar helped Dima learn to navigate the day in the days of the week - he took all the time when the day off is coming when it is not necessary to go to the kindergarten.

Homemade Designer "Emotions"

Emotions we were mastered with a homemade designer.

I cut an oval for the face and various types of mouths, eyebrows, eyes and noses We took a dense cardboard of yellow (one could use a pleasantly for small handle material - felt or fleece).

At first I myself showed Dima that the person's face consists of separate parts. Then she showed emotions to sadness and joy, reminding the history of Dimina's life when he was sad that he lost the car and rejoiced when he found. We also remembered cartoon characters who were glad and sad.

Soon, Dima himself began to fold various faces, depicting the emotions that I showed him, and then I already invented myself.

We also played in "confusion" - changed parts of the face.

And also played in the "memorization" when Dima turned away, and I changed her nose, then my eyes and son tried to guess what had changed.

"Training emotions" game

In this game we play the whole family, the more people, especially children, the better.

We choose the master and he calls the emotion that you need to portray. Moreover, it is not just necessary to portray a smile, but come up with an interesting story: "Smile of a toothless baby" or "smile of a fox".

When you need to portray anger, you can show the plot "Hungry Angry Wolf" or "Evil"

We also portrayed fatigue: "Dad is tired, dragging the heavy wardrobe," "Mom is tired, carrying a large package of products."

In this game, we tried to depict all emotions, even the simplest with different situations.
The winner is the one who can pick up the most emotions options.

Emotional game: anger sheet

Everyone knows that it is not possible to hire anger and offense and advise you to spill out these emotions in different ways, for example, breaking in the shreds leaf of anger or loudly shouting into the bag.

Leisters of anger in our family and Masha and Dima make themselves. They draw something and hang on the wall. And when the anger overcomes, then the kids are suitable for their leaflets, disappear by them, thoroughly, rut and throw away.

I will reveal the little secret. The leaflets of anger can be thrown out of the trash, but in the basketball ring. At the same time, kids train the accuracy.

We still cried leaflets playing home "snowballs" and make paper snows.

Stress removal games: Bag for screaming and others.

Babies love shouting very much. And screaming to children even useful, naturally, in moderation.

Just screaming is needed in a special bag that saves mom. I wanted to shove out, open the bag and shout, until you get bored: the child was good - the child splashed and the mother was satisfied - no one was injured)

And the removal of stress helps well punching bagyes and small pillow It is suitable. You need to hang a pear or pillow and "scratch" cams.

If someone has offended, you can draw The offender is funny or ugly and throw in a bucket.

Can i blind From plasticine and add extra pieces of body. Selected a toy - on you an extra hand; pushed foot - get extra leg, etc. Such classes will make a child to smile and forget the offense.

I hope you use the selection of ours emotional games ! Thanks for attention!

Educational games for senior preschoolers

Author: Eremin Nina Vasilyevna, teacher of the speech therapy group, MBDOU "Shegarsky kindergarten number 1 of the combined species", Melnikovo village of Shegar district of the Tomsk region

Games can be used in the work of speech therapists, teachers - psychologists, educators. This material is recommended for working with parents. Games are designed for older children.

Games were used in the form of individual classes, games and exercises.

"I am glad when. . . "

Purpose: expanding the ideas of children about the emotions "joy"; formation of positive emotions; Expanding the presentation of children about actions that bring joy.

Equipment: Gnome toy, a few soft toys, a magnificent music cassette, a "empty" picture for each child, pictogram with the image of the emotion "joy", a mirror, a small ball, drawings of the dwarves with an eye, pencils and sheets of paper (for Each child).

The teacher calls one of the group members, throws him the ball and says: "(child name), tell us, please, when are you happy?" Petya catches the ball and says: "I am glad when ..." Then Petya throws the ball to the next participant and, calling him by name, in turn asks: "(child name), tell me, please, when are you happy?"

The game continues until all children answer the question.

Gnome: "You see guys, how many different situations in life, when a person is good and smiles." (All the answers of children are listed), (4 minutes).

"Laugh Princess Nonmeyan"

Purpose: Formation of the ability to find ways to cause a smile in a person with a bad mood; reduction of psychophysical stress; Development of imagination.

Equipment: Toy Gnome, Sand Fairy, Sand Tray, Collection of miniature figures.

Fairy tells the story of the princess, which has always been sad. Nobody managed to call a smile on her face. Children are invited to answer the question: "How can I need to make a princess?" After a small pause, the guys fit the rack with miniatures and choose figures for its history. Then each of them with the help of his characters tells a funny story, losing it in the sandbox. At the end of the fairy sums up, choosing the most funny story. At the same time, she thanks the guys for the fact that the princess finally smiled and now, remembering the stories of children, she will always have a great mood.

At the end of the game, children say goodbye to the sandy fairy. (20 minutes)

"Kingdom of emotions"

Purpose: Expand the representation of children about the emotions of the "envy", teach children to understand the reasons that lead to one or another mood.

Equipment: Gnome toy, pictograms and drawings of fairy characters with various emotions.

The gnome decides in a circle of the pictogram of all the famous children of emotions and says that today they fell into the kingdom of emotions. "Guys, as you think, what emotions can make friends with each other, and what will one forever stay alone?" After answering, each child is offered to make friends with emotions with any story. The one who quickly coped with the task begins to tell his fairy tale, the rest are listening carefully.

After performing the task, the gnome necessarily praises children. (20 minutes)


Purpose: Secure the ability to express the emotion "joy", creating a benevolent atmosphere in the group, develop an active dictionary of emotional states.

Equipment: Toy Gnome, the pictogram "Joy", a few pictures of fabulous heroes with joyful mood, paper, color pencils.

Gnome offers children to choose a birthday boy. This child sits on the chair. The rest should be portrayed guests who take turns to the birthday girl and give him gifts. The task to the guys is complicated: it is necessary to show it with the help of gestures that you presented. The task of the birthday man guess this subject. If the gift is not gone, the birthday girl takes the place of the guest, and the guest becomes a birthday officer. (7 minutes)

"Bee in the dark"

Purpose: Secure the ability to express the emotion "Fear", develop an active dictionary of emotional states, correction of fear of darkness, closed space, height.

Equipment: Gnome toy, Fear Pictogram; Cards on which fabulous heroes are depicted with the expression of "fear" emotion; Several chairs for adults; Matter that does not miss light.

Gnome chooses one child who will play a bee. He suggests that the bee loves to collect honey. She flew to the clearing, where many, many different colors grow. Flying from one flower to another, the bee did not notice how the evening came. And in the evening, the flowers are closed, so the bee had to sit inside the flower in the dark until the morning.

Then the teacher from the face of the gnome puts the chairs so that the baby bee could climb on the chair and walk along them, without fearing to fall. This is flowers. After the evening came, the bee remains on one of the chairs and it is covered with matter, which does not miss the light. A few minutes the child sits in the dark, then the morning comes, and the matter is removed, the bee flies to her home. In the role of the bee should be every child.

When performing this stage, it is important to know how much each child is afraid of darkness and it is best to have a material with different density. For children who are very afraid of darkness, it is necessary to use almost transparent matter.

At the end of the gnome, Vasya praises all children for courage, regardless of, good or bad, they performed the role of a bee. (15 minutes)

"Guess the mood of fabulous heroes"

Purpose: Secure the ability of children to compare emotions in the picture with an appropriate pictogram, continue to teach children to adequately compare the act and emotions.

Equipment: Gnome toy, Envy pictogram, plot pictures, which depict people in different poses, pictograms kits (8 pcs.).

Gnome invites children to play the next game. Each child has pictograms sets on the table (8 pcs.). Adult alternately shows the cards of the cards with various moods of fabulous heroes. Children should raise a pictogram with appropriate emotion. This exercise allows the teacher to most accurately identify children who have not yet mastered this skill. (4 minutes)

"In order to listen to me, I have to ..."

Purpose: Teach children to listen to each other and surrounding people, continue to develop the ability of polite handling.

Equipment: Pair of pictures with different situations of communication, ball.

The teacher offers children to stand in a circle. The adult throws a ball to each child, and he should think about the question in response: "What do you need to listen carefully?" (5 minutes)

"Without words"

Purpose: To develop in children communication skills, teach children to understand their interlocutor to express his face, gestures, pose.

Equipment: Toy gnome.

Choose leading. He shows some item without words, trying to say something. The task of other children is to guess what the leading. The game continues until every child is in the role of a leading. The teacher ensures that all children guess if possible. If someone all the time finds it difficult to do this, he is helping with the leading issues. (5 minutes)

"Do not drop the ball"

Purpose: Develop communication skills in children, attention, the ability to work with a partner, contribute to the cohesion of the children's team, teach children to lose the ability to lose, develop sympathy.

Equipment: Toy dwarf, toys from "Kinder surprise" (any quantity, but not less than 30 pcs. for each pair), 2 small buckets, ball, tape recorder, cheerful music record, paper, colored pencils.

Gnome invites children to stand in pairs face to each other and keep one ball with hands. Under the sounds of music, children will need to perform the actions that adult will speak, while each couple must try not to produce the ball from the hands. Actions: sit down, jump on two legs, on one leg, run, work out.

After completing the task, the guys are invited to stand back to each other, keep the ball back and execute the gnome commands. Actions: sit down, eat, walk around the room. At the same time it is necessary to try so that the ball does not fall. (5 minutes)

"About offense and sadness"

Purpose: Continue to form the ability to communicate with peers, the ability to cohesive the children's team.

Equipment: Toy dwarf, ball of woolen thread bright color.

Gnome says to children that they are not to blame for the fact that sometimes come to kindergarten with a bad mood. Just to them on the road glued off the offense or sadness. The main thing is her neuti and reset from themselves. It can make a child himself or his friend. After the story of the Gnome, you can lose the situation of the removal of a bad mood. (5 minutes)

Games for the development of the emotional sphere of preschoolers.

Emotions play an important role in the life of children, helping to perceive reality and respond to it. Child's emotions are a message around him.

Emotions and feelings, like other mental processes, throughout their childhood, a difficult path of development.

For young children, emotions are motives of behavior, which explains their impulsiveness and instability. If the kids are upset, offended, angry or not satisfied, they begin to shout and sobfully cry, knocking their feet on the floor, fall. This strategy allows them to completely throw out all the physical stresses in the body.

In preschool age, the social forms of expression of emotions occur. Thanks to the speech development of emotions, preschoolers become informed, they are an indicator of the general state of the child, his mental and physical well-being.

The emotional system of preschool children is still immature, so in adverse situations they may have inadequate emotional reactions, behavioral disorders that are a consequence of reduced self-esteem, experienced feelings of resentment and anxiety. All these feelings are normal human reactions, but children are difficult to express negative emotions properly. In addition, children in preschool age have problems in expressing emotions associated with adult prohibitions. This is a ban on a loud laughter, ban on tears (especially in boys), ban on the expression of fear, aggression. The child of six years is already able to be restrained and can hide, aggression and tears, but, in a long time in a state of resentment, anger, depression, the child is experiencing emotional discomfort, tension, and this is very harmful for mental and physical health. The experience of an emotional attitude to the world, acquired in preschool age, according to psychologists, is very durable and takes the nature of the installation.

Organized pedagogical work can enrich the emotional experience of children and significantly mitigate or even completely eliminate the shortcomings in their personal development. Preschool age - a gracious period for organizing pedagogical work on the emotional development of children. The main task of such a work is not to suppress and eradicate emotions, but in order to properly direct them. Teacher is important to specifically acquaint children with a kind of emotional letter, to learn to use the language of emotions to express our own feelings and experiences and for a better understanding of the state of other people, analyze the causes of various sentiment.

Some exercises, games that may use educators for the development of the emotional sector of preschool children are offered to your attention.

Games and exercises aimed at acquaintance with the emotions of man, awareness of their emotions, as well as to recognize the emotional reactions of other children and the development of the ability to adequately express their emotions.

1.Iigra "Pictograms".

Children are offered a set of cards, which depict various emotions. On the table lie pictograms of various emotions. Each child takes himself a card without showing her the rest. After that, children are trying to show emotions drawn on cards. Spectators, they must guess what emotion to them show and explain how they determined what kind of emotion. The educator ensures that all children participate in the game. This game will help determine how children are able to correctly express their emotions and "see" the emotions of other people.

2. Exercise "Mirror". The teacher transmits the mirror in a circle and offers each child to look at himself, smile and say: "Hello, that's me!"

After the exercise is drawn, attention is drawn to the fact that when a person smiles, he has a corner of the mouth, the cheeks can be so tested that they turn into small slits.

If the child makes it difficult to contact him the first time, do not need to insist on this. In this case, the mirror is better to immediately transfer the next participant of the group. Such a child also requires special attention from adults. This exercise can be diversified by offering children to show sadness, surprise, fear, etc. Before execution, you can show the pictogram pictogram with the image of a given emotion, turning attention to the position of eyebrows, eyes, mouth.

3. Game "I am glad when ..." Pedagogue: "Now I will name the name of one of you, I'll throw him the ball and ask, for example, so:" Light, tell us, please, when do you enjoy? ". The child catches the ball and says: "I am glad when ....", Then throws the ball to the next child and, calling him by name, in turn asks: "(child name), tell us, please when you are happy?"

This game can be diversified by offering children to tell when they are upset, they are surprised, afraid. Such games can tell you about the inner world of the child, about his relationships with both parents and peers.

4 . The exercise"Music and emotions."

After listening to the musical passage, the kids describe the mood of music, what it is: cheerful - sad, satisfied, angry, bold - cowardly, festive - everyday, sincere - alienated, kind - tired, warm - cold, clear - gloomy. This exercise contributes not only to the development of an understanding of the transfer of emotional state, but also the development of figurative thinking.

5. Exercise "Ways to enhance the mood."

It is proposed to discuss with the child how you can increase myself the mood itself, try to come up with as many such ways as possible (smile in the mirror, try to laugh, remember something good, to make a good deal to another, draw yourself a picture).

6. The game "Magic Pouch".

Before this game, it's discussed with a child what his mood now is that he feels maybe he is offended by someone. Then suggest the child to fold into the magic bag all negative emotions, anger, insult, sadness. This bag, with all the bad things, which is in it, is firmly tied. You can use another "magic bag", from which the child can take themselves the positive emotions he wants. The game is aimed at the awareness of its emotional state and exemption from negative emotions.

7 . The game "Lotto moods".For this game requires sets of pictures, which depict animals with various facial expressions (for example, one set: Fish cheerful, Fish Sad, fish Angry, etc.: Next set: Cheerbody cheerful, Protein Sad, Squirrel Angry, etc .). The number of sets corresponds to the number of children.

The presenter shows the children a schematic representation of one or another emotion. The task of children is to find an animal in its set with the same emotion.

8. The game "Nazis similar".

The lead calls the main emotion (or shows its schematic image), children remember those words that indicate this emotion.

This game activates vocabulary due to words denoting various emotions.

9. Exercise "My Mood".

Children are invited to tell about their mood: can be compared with some color, animal, fortune, weather, etc.

10. The game "Spoiled Phone".All participants in the game, except for two, "sleep". Leading silence shows the first participant any emotion with the help of facial expressions or pantomime. The first participant, "waking up" the second player, transmits the emotion seen, as he understood it, too, without words. Further, the second participant "wakes up" the third and transmits him his version seen. And so until the last participant of the game.

After that, the lead polls all the participants of the game, starting with the last and ending the first, about what emotion, in their opinion, they were shown. So you can find the link where the distortion occurred, or make sure that the "phone" was fully working.

11. The game "What would happen if." The adult shows the children a storyline, at the hero (s) of which is missing (a). Children are invited to call what emotion they consider suitable for this case and why. After that, the adult invites children to change emotion on the face of the hero. What would happen if he became cheerful (buried, got angry, etc.)?

Psychodastic exercises (etudes), the renewable target of which is to master the skills of managing their emotional sphere: the development of children's ability to understand, realize their own and other people's emotions, to express them correctly, to fully worry.

1.New doll (Etude on the expression of joy).

The girl was presented with a new doll. She is glad, riding fun, spinning, plays with a doll.

2. Baba Yaga (Etude on an expression of anger). Baba Yaga caught Alyonushka, told her to flood the stove, to eat a girl later, and he sacked himself. I woke up, and Alenushka and no - ran away. Baba Yaga was angry, which remained without dinner. It runs on the hut, kicks his legs, waving his fists.

3.Fokus (Etude on an expression of surprise). The boy was very surprised: he saw the magician put a cat in a blank suitcase and closed him, and when she opened a suitcase, there were no cats there. The dog jumped out of the suitcase.

4. Lyshka overhears (etude to an expression of interest). The chanterelle is at the windows of the hut, in which the cat lives with a root, and erupts what they say.

5. Wash tea (etude to the expression of disgust). A boy who watched a TV while eating. He poured into a cup of tea and not looking, by mistake instead of sugar poured two spoons of salt. Prevented and made the first sip. What is the opposite taste!

6.Nogo girl (Etude on the expression of contempt). A new girl came to the group. She was in an elegant dress, held a beautiful doll in her hands, and a big bow was tied on her head. She considered herself the most beautiful, and the rest of the children - unworthy of her attention. She looked at all down, contemptuously pursing his lips.

7.Pro Tanya (Mountain - joy). Our Tanya cries loudly: the ball dropped into the river (grief). "Sushch, Tanya, do not cry - does not drown in the ball!"

8.Colushka (schud on the expression of sadness).

Cinderella returns from the ball very sad: she will no longer see the prince, besides, she lost her shoes ...

9.Other at home (etude to the expression of fear).

Mama-Enotih left to get food, the crumb-raccoon remained alone alone. Around dark, diverse rustles are heard. Krrozka Racuit is scary - what if someone will attack him, and mom will not have time to come to the rescue?

Games and exercises for removing psycho-emotional tension. To form the emotional stability of the child, it is important to teach him to manage your body. The ability to relax allows to eliminate concern, excitement, stiffness, restores forces, increases energy stock.

1. "Affectionate palm".

Children sit in a circle each other. They smooth his palms ahead of the seated child on his head, back, hands, slightly touching.

2. "secrets".

Sew small bags of one coloring. Pour in them a different croup, stuffing not tight. Offer children experiencing emotional discomfort, guess what is in the bag? Children missed bags in their hands, switch to other activities, thus going from a negative state.

3. The game "On the Polyanka". Pedagogue: "Let's sit on the carpet, close your eyes and imagine that we are in the woods on the clearing. Lasko shines sunshine, birds sing, trees gently rustle. Our bodies are relaxed. It's warm and comfortable to us. Consider the flowers around yourself. What flower causes you a feeling of joy? What colour is he?". After a small pause, the teacher offers children to open his eyes and tell whether they managed to imagine the clearing, the sun, the singing of birds, as they felt during this exercise. Have they seen a flower? What was he? Children are invited to draw what they saw.

4. The "Wonderful Kitten's Wonderful Sleep".

Children lay in a circle on his back, hands and legs are freely stretched, slightly divorced, eyes closed.

Quiet, calm music is included, against the background of which the master slowly says: "The little kitten is very tired, faced, played out and predicted to rest, curling into the ball. He dreams of a magical sleep: blue sky, bright sun, transparent water, silver fish, native faces, friends, familiar animals, Mom says affectionate words, is happening a miracle. Wonderful dream, but it's time to wake up. The kitten opens his eyes, squeezes, smiles. " The lead asks children about their dreams, what did they see, heard, did the miracle followed?

Game "Paper Empty"

An unusual way to get acquainted with your negative emotions and experiences.

Materials: Large sheets of paper (old newspapers, pieces of wallpaper, magazines), tape, glue, possibly pencils or paints.

Instructions for a child: it is necessary to remember the unpleasant situations when you felt (ala) aggression, irritation, fear, offense, pain. Let these emotions manifest itself.

Task: Create a sculpture called "My Emotion". You can do anything: to tear the paper into pieces, mive, hob your legs ...

Then with the help of tape or glue, to form some form from paper. Then it is proposed to consider it well, tell the story about it (you can use metaphorical cards).

At the end, with sculpture, you can make anything: transform, paint into any colors, decorate or disassemble or throw away.

The game "Two Wizards"

This game is directed​​ on the development of moral estimates of children. It is very good to play it in order to study emotional states. Her home is that it enables the child to "visit" in the image of a negative character (to shake, be brought away, etc.), perfectly cleans our "malicious saucepan" that everyone has inside.

Children can play from four years old.

First, the child is invited to become a "good wizard", and then "evil" initially proposed to portray the facial expressions of good and evil wizards. Then lists what kind and evil magic makes the other. Then come up with how good the wizard removes the spell and "corrects" the bad deeds of evil.

A child can draw a good and evil wizard. At one kind person, and another evil, and then paint the wizards so that it immediately seen who is good, and who is angry. Draw Magic Items - Magic Wand, Magic Elixir, Magic Hat, etc. The main thing is to immediately be seen what kind of good wizard, and what evil.

Game "Castle"

A wonderful game to beat emotions, traumatic events and simply, as a way to learn about what the child lives.

Cut the lock (it can be done not necessarily white or black - any color will suit). Cut separately windows and doors, which can then be "open". You can, if you wish to glue everything on yellow paper (then cut down the lock circuit) in order to create an imitation of the on-on light. All, the material is ready!

Now ask the child any topic and make up the story. Thus, it is possible to work in a variety of subjects: the divorce of parents, children's jealousy, adaptation to the team (kindergarten, school), fears ... and many more topics.

Games with children to overcome aggression


Mom (Dad), and the child (children) become opposite each other (or in a circle) and throw each other ball. Throwing the ball, call each other with various "offensive words", which are actually not at all offensive. Agree in advance, what words you can use. It may be the names of vegetables, fruits, fungi, furniture. Each appeal should begin with: "And you, ..., Carrot!" Remember that this is a game, so it is not necessary to be offended. At the end of the game, let everyone call another mild word, for example: "And you, ..., Sun!"

Swipe the game in a rapid pace, warning children that it is impossible to be offended.


Offer the child to knock out dust from the pillow. Let the baby beats her, screaming.


Offer the child to lick sheets of paper and throw them into each other.

"Rubbing paper"

Tritte paper sheet in fists, making movements that you erase clothes. When the paper becomes completely soft, paint with watercolor paints. The drawings will be very interesting, the paint is dissolved along the crumpled paper with various patterns.


A child tears paper and with power throws pieces up. Then all together clean the garbage from the floor.

"Application of pieces of paper"

Spice the paper into small squares and make it collage or appliqué.

"Draw your anger"

When the child is angry and begins to be unacceptable to exercise his anger (he fights, bite, shouts, etc.), offer him to draw his anger. Give a sheet of paper and pencils, preferably wax. Do not interfere in the drawing process, just watch.

"Cup of anger"

Highlight a separate cup, into which you can shove in full supports in moments of strong anger. From this cup drink no longer worth it. Let it be only for screams.

Games with the participation of respiratory elements Psychologists consider the most effective.


Sit opposite the baby and invite you to blow you out. Let it get into the lungs more air and how, he should blow on you - and at the same time do it seems that resist air flows.


Invite the child to beat a punching bag that is until it gets tired, or until you get bored.


Child and adult play football pillow. It can be selected from another, push, throw - the main thing, to follow all the rules.

Maria Sobolev
Card files for the development of the emotional sphere of children

Card file games

on the development of the emotional sphere of children

Emotions play an important role in the life of children, helping to perceive reality and respond to it. Feelings dominate all the parties to the life of a preschooler, giving them a special color and expressiveness, so the emotions that he experiences are easily read on the face, in a pose, gestures, in all behavior.

By entering a kindergarten, the child falls into new, unusual conditions, the entrination of the adults and children, with whom you have to establish relationships. In this situation, teachers and parents need to combine efforts to ensure the emotional comfort of the child, the development of the ability to communicate with peers.

Game "Kindergarten"

Two participants of the game are selected, the rest of the children are the audience. Participants are invited to play the following situation - parents came to kindergarten. The child goes to them with an expression of a certain emotional state. Spectators must guess what condition the participant of the game is depicting, parents should find out what happened to their child, and the child tell the reason for his condition.

Game "Artists"

Purpose: develop the ability and express various emotions on paper.

Participants of the game are presented five cards with the image of children with different emotional states and feelings. You need to choose one cards and draw a story in which the selected emotional state is the main storyline. At the end of the work, an exhibition of drawings is carried out. Children guess who is the story of the plot, and the author of the work tells the pictured story.

The game "Fourth Excess"

Purpose: Development of attention, perception, memory, recognition of various emotions.

The teacher places children four icons of emotional states. The child should allocate one state that does not fit the rest:

Joy, good nature, responsiveness, greed;

Sadness, insult, wines, joy;

Hardworking, laziness, greed, envy;

Greed, anger, envy, responsiveness.

In another version of the game, the teacher reads the tasks without support on the picture material.

Sad, grieve, having fun, sadness;

Rejoices, having fun, enthusiastly, angry;

Joy, fun, happiness, anger;

Game "Who - Where"

Purpose: develop the ability to recognize various emotions.

The teacher exhibits portraits of children with various expressions of emotional feelings, states. Child need to choose those children whom:

Can be planted for a festive table;

Need to calm down, select;

Offended caregiver;

The child must explain his choice by calling signs by which he understood what mood for each of the child depicted in the picture.

The game "What would happen if."

Purpose: develop the ability to recognize and express various emotions.

The adult shows the children a storyline, at the hero (s) of which is missing (a). Children are invited to call what emotion they consider suitable for this case and why. After that, the adult invites children to change emotion on the face of the hero. What would happen if he became cheerful (buried, was angry, etc.?

It is possible to divide children into groups by the number of emotions and each group to propose to play the situation. For example, one group comes up with and playing the situation whose characters are angry, the other is the situation in which the heroes laugh.

The game "What happened?"

Objective: Teach children to recognize various emotional states, develop empathy.

The teacher exhibits portraits of children with different expressions of emotional states, feelings. The participants of the game alternately choose any condition, call it and invent the reason for which it originated: "Once I am very strong," because ... "for example," Once I was very offended, because my friend ... "

Emotion expression game

Objective: Develop the ability to express the facial faces surprise, delight, fright, joy, sadness. Secure the knowledge of Russian folk fairy tales. Call positive emotions in children.

The teacher reads an excerpt from the Russian fairy tale "Baba Yaga":

"Baba Yaga rushed to Khatka, saw that the girl was gone, and let's beat the cat and scold, why he did not scratch the girl's eyes."

Children express pity

Excerpt from the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka":

"Alyonushka knitted him with a silk belt and led with him, and herself crying, bitterly crying ..."

Children express sadness (sadness).

The teacher reads the excerpt from the Gus-Swan's fairy tale:

"And they came home, and then the father and mother came, the hotels brought."

Children express facial people - joy.

Excerpt from the fairy tale "Tsarevna-Snake":

"Cossack looked around, looks - the hay is burning, and in the fire, the Red Girl stands and speaks a loud voice:" Cossack, good man! " Get rid of me from death. "

Children express surprise.

The teacher reads an excerpt from the Fairy Tale "Rust":

"Tent - pulled, pulled out a repka."

Children express delight.

Excerpt from the fairy tale "Wolf and Seven Goats":

"The kids opened the door, the wolf rushed to the hut ..."

Children express their fright.

Excerpt from the Russian folk fairy tale "Tereshchik":

"The old man came out, saw the Tereshchka, led to the old woman - went down the hug!"

Children express joy.

Excerpt from the Russian folk fairy tale "Ryabina":

"The mouse fled, the tail waved, the egg fell and broke. Grandfather and Baba cry. "

Children express facial people sorrow.

At the end of the game, celebrate those children who were more emotional.

"Little Raccoon"

Purpose: develop the ability to recognize and express various emotions.

One child is a baby raccoon, and his rest is reflected ("The one who lives in the river".) They are sitting freely on the carpet or stand in Shero. Raccoon comes to the "river" and depicts different feelings (fright, interest, joy, and children accurately reflect them with gestures and facial expressions. Then other children are chosen for the role of racca. The game ends with the song "From a smile will become all warmth."

Card file games and exercises

Emotion Growa

Anger, anger

Anger is one of the most important emotions of man, and at the same time one of the most unpleasant.

An evil, aggressive child, Drakun and Zabijaka - a large parental chagrin, the threat to the well-being of the children's team, the "thunderstorm" of the courtyards, but at the same time an unfortunate being, which no one understands, does not want to climb and regret. Children's aggressiveness is a sign of internal emotional disadvantaged, thickening of negative experiences, one of the inadequate methods of psychological protection. Therefore, our task to help the child get rid of the accumulated anger with constructive methods, i.e. we must teach a preschooler with accessible ways to express anger that does not harm others.

Gearing Paws game

Purpose: Removing the voltage, muscle clamps, reducing aggressiveness, the development of sensual perception.

The course of the game: an adult picks up 6-7 small items of various textures: a piece of fur, brush, glass bottle, beads, cotton, etc. All this is laid out on the table. The child is offered to bargain her hand on the elbow: an adult explains that the animal will walk on his hand and touching gentle legs. We must guess with closed eyes, which animal touched her hand - to guess the subject. Touch should be stroking, pleasant.

Game option: "Zvek" will touch the cheek, knee, palm. You can change with the child places.

Exercise "Evil".

Purpose: develop the ability to recognize various emotions with the help of facial expressions and pantomime.

Children are invited to imagine that in one of the child "settled" anger and anger and turned it into a foul language. Children become a circle, in the center of which is the evil. All together read a small poem:

He lived (a) -t (a) small (Aya) boy (girl).

Little (Aya) boy (girl) is angry (a) (a).

A child who performs the role of the evil must pass with the help of facial expressions and pantomimics, the corresponding emotional state (shifts the eyebrows, inflates the lips, waving his hands). When repeating the exercise, all children are invited to repeat the movement and facial expressions of the angry child.

The game "Magic Bags"

Purpose: Removing the psychroom of children.

Children are invited to be folded into the first magic bag all negative emotions: anger, anger, offense, etc. in the bag can even shout. After the children opposed, the bag is tied and hiding. Then the children are offered a second pouch, from which children can take those positive emotions that they want: joy, fun, kindness, etc.

Exercise "Finish Proposal"

"Anger is when ..."

"I'm angry when ..."

"Mom is angry when ..."

"The tutor is angry when ..."

"Now you will close your eyes and find a place on the body where anger lives. What is this feeling? What color is it? You have glasses with water and paint, paint the water in the color of anger. Further, on the contour of a person, find the place, Gleie live anger, and fidgement this place with the color of anger. "

Exercise "Leave, anger, go away!"

Purpose: Removing aggressiveness.

Playing lie on the carpet in a circle. Between them pillows. Closing your eyes, they start to be legs along the floor, and their hands on pillows, with a loud cry "Leave, anger, go!" The exercise lasts 3 minutes, then the participants on the team of adult lay down in the "Star" pose, widely spreading their legs and arms, lie calmly, listening to calm music, another 3 minutes.

Card file games and exercises

Emotion of surprise

Surprise is the shortest emotion. Surprise suddenly arises. If you have time to think about the event and to strive about that, surprising you have happened or not, it means that you have not experienced surprise. You can not be surprised for a long time if only the event struck you does not open up for you with your new unexpected faces. Surprise never stretches. When you stop taking surprise, it disappears often as quickly as it originated.

Exercise "Finish Proposal".

"Surprise is, when ..."

"I am surprised when ..."

"Mom is surprised when ..."

"The educator is surprised when ..."

Exercise "Mirror".

Suggest children to see in the mirror, imagine that something fabulous was reflected there and surprised. To draw the attention of children to the fact that everyone is surprised in his own way, but, despite the difference, there is always something similar in surprise expressions. Question:

What is common in how you portrayed surprise?

The game "Fantasy".

It is proposed to continue the beginning of amazing adventures:

Elephant came to us.

We ended up on another planet.

Suddenly all adults disappeared.

The wizard at night changed all signs at stores.

Etude Focus on Surprise Expression

The boy was very surprised: he saw the magician put a cat in a blank suitcase and closed him, and when she opened a suitcase, there were no cats there. The dog jumped out of the suitcase.

Etude "The weather has changed."

Children are invited to imagine how suddenly, unexpectedly for everyone, the rain ended and bright sunshine looked out. And it happened so quickly that even the sparrows were surprised.

What happened to you when you submit such unexpected changes in the weather?

h4]] card files and exercises

Emotion Fear

This is one of the first emotions that the newborn baby is experiencing; Related to the feeling of danger. Already in the first months of life, the child begins to scare, first sharp sounds, then an unfamiliar situation, other people's people. With the growth of the child often, his fears are growing with him. The more the knowledge of the kid is expanding, and fantasy develops, the more he notices the dangers that lie down every person. The line between normal, protective fear and fear of pathological often turns out to be blurred, but in any case, fears hinder the child to live. They disturb him and can cause neurotic disorders that manifest themselves in the form of teaks, obsessive movements, enurraw, stuttering, bad sleep, irritability, aggressiveness, poor contact with others, attention deficit. This is not a complete list of unpleasant consequences, which leads not overcome children's fear.

Fear are especially persuaded, sensible children are increased. The most common fears from preschoolers are the fear of darkness, nightmares, loneliness, fabulous hooligans, gangsters, wars, disasters, injections, pains, doctors.

Help the child to overcome the emerging fears must adults, and first of all, parents.

Exercise "Dress Striped".

Objective: to give children the opportunity to work with the subject of fear.

The teacher pre-prepares black and white drawings of a terrible character: Babu Vega. He must "dress it" with plasticine. The child chooses the plasticine of the desired color to him, takes off a small piece and sinks it inside the horror stroke. When the children are "caught up" the horror troops, they tell a group about it that this character loves and does not like who is afraid of who is afraid of him?

Exercise "Dorisui Scary".

Purpose: help children in the manifestation of feelings towards the subject of fear.

The presenter pre-prepares unfinished black and white drawings of a terrible character: a skeleton ... He distributes to children and asks to try it. Then children show drawings and tell stories about them.

Exercise "ABC of moods".

Purpose: Teach children to find a constructive way out of the situation, feel the emotional state of your character.

"Look, what pictures I brought you (cat, dog, frog). All of them are feeling a fear. Think and decide who one of you can show some of the heroes. At the same time, it must be said about what your hero is afraid and what should be done so that his fear is disappeared.

Exercise "Competition Bowseck".

Purpose: Giving children the opportunity to actualize your fear to talk about it.

Children quickly pass the ball in a circle and finish offer: "Children are afraid ...". Who will not be able to come up with fear, dropping out of the game. It is impossible to repeat. At the end, the winner of the "Batusk" contest is determined.

Exercise "Fishermen and Fish".

Purpose: Removing psycho-voltage, fear of touch.

Two fish are selected. The rest of the participants get up in pairs of each other in two lines, take each other by hands - forming a "network". The lead explains to children that a little fish accidentally came to the network and really want to get out. Fish knows that it is dangerous, but freedom is waiting ahead. It should crawl on his stomach under the arms of the hands, which at the same time hurt her back, stigrately stroke, tickle. By crawling out of the network, the fish is waiting for his girlfriend, creeping over her, they together are taken by arms and become the network.

Game "Bee in the Dark"

Purpose: Correction of fear of darkness, closed space, height.

Game stroke: The bee flew from the flower on the flower (children's benches, chairs, chairs of different heights, soft modules are used). When the bee flew to the most beautiful flower with large petals, she was located nectar, drunk dews and fell asleep inside the flower. A children's table or a high chair is used (a stool under which a child climbs. Nightly came night, and the petals began to close (the tables and chairs are covered with matter). The bee woke up, opened his eyes and saw that it was dark. Here she remembered that it remained in a flower And I decided to sleep until the morning. Sun came up, morning came (Matter is cleaned, and the bee began to have fun, flew from a flower on a flower. The game can be repeated, reinforcing tissue density, thereby increasing the degree of darkness. The game can be held with one child or with a group Children.

Exercise "Risk your fear."

Purpose: Correction of fear emotions.

Children together with the teacher come up with how to raise the fear to make a horror plate with good, paint her balloons, draw a smile, or make a horror plate - funny. If the child is afraid of darkness, draw a candle, etc.

Exercise "Dourbacker".

Purpose: Removing fears.

The presenter offers drawings of fears break into small pieces and throw away into the trash can, thereby getting rid of their fears.

Card file games and exercises

Emotion of joy

The factor reflecting the emotional well-being of the child is the condition of pleasure and joy. Joy is characterized as a pleasant, desired, positive feeling. In the experience of this emotion, the child does not experience neither psychological, nor physical discomfort, he is careless, it feels easily and freely, even his movement becomes easier, by itself bringing joy to him.

In childhood, emotion of joy can be caused by well-defined types of stimulation. Its source for the child is daily communication with close adults, showing attention and care, in game interaction with parents and peers. The emotion of joy performs an important function in the formation of a sense of attachment and mutual confidence between people.

Diving exercises are used to meet the emotion of joy.

Exercise for playing stories.

Objective: Development of expressive movements, the ability to understand the emotional state of another person and adequately express their own.

"Now I will tell you several stories, and we will try to play them like real actors."

History 1 "Good Mood"

"Mom sent the Son to the store:" Buy, please, cookies and candy, "she said," we will drink tea and go to the zoo. " The boy took money from Mom and running off the store. He had a very good mood. "

Expressive movements: gait - a quick step, sometimes scraping, smile.

History 2 "Umka".

"There was a friendly bear family. Family: Pope Bear, Mom Bear and their little son-bear clench. Every evening, mom and dad laid the clever sleep. The bear hugged him gently and sang a lullaby song with a smile, swaying into tact of melodies. Pope stood beside and smiled, and then, starting to sing with mom melody. "

Expressive movements: smile, smooth shaking.

Play with a mirror.

"Today we will try to meet with your smile in the mirror. Take the mirror, smile, find it in the mirror and finish the sentence in turn: "When I am glad, my smile looks like ..."

Etude "Meeting with a friend"

The boy had a friend. But the summer has come, and they had to part. The boy stayed in the city, and his friend went with his parents south. Boring in the city without a friend. Passed a month. One day there is a boy on the street and suddenly sees how his comrade comes from a trolley buse. How they were delighted to each other!

Exercise "Image ..."

Purpose: consolidation in children gained knowledge about the feeling of joy. "Let's play the game, I'll call the name of one of you, I'll throw him the ball and ask, for example," ... a joyful bunny. "

That of you I will call, I have to catch the ball, depicting a bunny, says the following words: "I am a bunny. I am glad when ... "

Compilences: Sobolev M. Yu., Sushkova V. S.