Stroke - what is it, first signs, symptoms in adults, causes, consequences, treatment and prevention of stroke. Ischemic stroke and its symptoms. What to do to avoid atherosclerosis and how to treat it

The average data report that after the onset of the 55th birthday, the risk of brain disorders increases several times. Symptoms of stroke in older women are divided into primary and secondary. Each phase has its own clinical signs, the appearance of which should warn of the progression of the pathological process.

Primary sources of pathology

Experts confirm that the prerequisites for the formation of stroke lesions have common roots in any age period - both in youth and in old age. The only feature of advanced years is an increase in the severity of provoking factors and an increase in the percentage of the likelihood of developing the disease.

The main primary sources of the disease include:

  1. Arterial hypertension - elevated blood pressure indicators are recorded in 70% of older women. Over time, the disease becomes less controllable, it is often accompanied by crises. Pathology can occur up to four times a year and become the basis for the formation of a stroke after 80 years.
  2. Atrial fibrillation - atrial fibrillation provokes the formation of blood clots in the heart muscle. Blood clots are able to move through the arteries to the brain and cause blockage of the lumen of the vessels.
  3. Significant amounts of cholesterol contained in the blood - lipid metabolic processes proceed in a weakened mode with age. In patients, there is a deposition of fatty elements on the inner walls of blood vessels. Deviation leads to their growth and disruption of the free passage of blood through the arteries.
  4. Excess body weight and lack of physical activity - in old age, people are more likely to get tired, so they move much more slowly. Changes in lipid metabolism provoke weight gain, deterioration of blood circulation and gradual degeneration of arterial vessels.

The likelihood of stroke lesions increases significantly if the patient has previously been diagnosed with insufficient heart function or acute myocardial infarction.

The main features of the pathology

The course of the disease in older women is different from a stroke at a younger age. The main features include:

  1. The development of the disease - damage to cellular elements passes more rapidly, the course of the disease is severe, and the risks to life are much higher. Death after 65 years occurs in 90% of patients with stroke.
  2. The probability of recovery - a complete recovery cannot be expected, the body is not able to replace the affected tissues by 100%.
  3. Type of disease - in older women, ischemic stroke is more often recorded, while in the younger generation, the hemorrhagic type of the disease predominates.

Symptomatic features

The first signs of problems with the circulatory process depend on the location of the pathological focus and the severity of the disease. The clinical picture depends on the speed of professional assistance. Within six hours after the attack, foci of necrosis form in the brain regions. After a specified time, in the absence of therapy, complications of apoplexy begin to develop.

Initial symptoms are characterized by:

  • sudden and severe headache on one side of the head;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • bifurcation of objects before the eyes, a drop in visual acuity or its absence;
  • weakening of the upper or lower limb - on one side of the body;
  • feeling of numbness on the left or right side of the body;
  • swallowing problems;
  • semi-conscious state, impaired clarity of consciousness;
  • problems with coordination - determined by an unsteady gait;
  • flushing of the skin of the face;
  • paralysis of the facial muscles - there is a distortion when trying to open your mouth or smile;
  • rapid heartbeat.

In some patients, the reverse course of events is noted - the primary symptoms spontaneously disappear, the threat of stroke disappears.

Persistent course of the disease

Symptomatic manifestations of brain tissue damage are formed during the first six hours. If after a day the clinical picture continues to deteriorate, then experts diagnose a stroke.

It is impossible to predict the course of the anomalous process. Patients develop a whole range of symptoms of the disease:

  • paresis, paralysis of the upper and lower extremities, face and body on one side;
  • problems with sensitivity - a feeling of tingling, a feeling of goosebumps on half of the face, torso or limbs;
  • complete dysfunction of the speech apparatus or slurred speech;
  • patients have an inability to make free movements of the limbs;
  • problems with clarity of thought and memory;
  • changes in visual acuity, double vision of objects before the eyes.

If the stroke affected the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for logical thinking and memory, then patients experience the disappearance of the ability to think. A woman stops recognizing relatives and friends, does not navigate in her own home, all actions are not conscious and take place at the level of intuition.

It is noted the inability to correctly assess the dimensions and weight of objects, the loss of standard skills, up to fine motor skills of the hands.

Possible consequences

The reduction in the possibility of a successful recovery is due to a number of factors:

  1. In old age, most surgical interventions and drugs are prohibited. A weakened body is unable to endure medical manipulations.
  2. Damaged circulation must be compensated by secondary blood soda, but in older women, almost all arteries are affected by atherosclerotic growths. Recovery can be delayed for long periods - up to the end of life.
  3. Concomitant diseases impede recovery - patients have pathologies of the kidneys, respiratory, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal departments. An attack provokes a stressful state for all internal organs and systems, the course of diseases worsens, which leads to an unfavorable prognosis.
  4. Infectious complications - paralyzed limbs suggest a long pastime in bed rest. The result of the process is bedsores of tissues and congestion. In the absence of treatment, areas of bedsores become infected, suppurations are formed with further penetration of pathogenic microflora into the body.
  5. Negative reaction to medications - in this category of patients, all medications are prescribed in sparing dosages. The consequences of local hemorrhages and ischemic lesions are poorly corrected by a reduced amount of active ingredients.
  6. Preventive measures after the initial attack do not always bring the expected result - in patients there is a high percentage of the likelihood of a recurrence of the problem.
  7. Stroke lesions are common causes of patients falling into a coma and prolonged loss of consciousness.

Full restoration of the functionality of the organism after a coma is an impossible condition for an organism weakened by age. The prognosis of this stage is always unfavorable.

Rehabilitation activities

All appointments of specialists in drug therapy are individual. General recommendations for complex treatment during the first year after an attack include:

  • after stabilization of the general condition, a gradual introduction of motor activity is recommended, the parameters of classes depend on the characteristics of the body - the rate of fatigue, age, existing complications;
  • the transition to good nutrition - a specialized diet with sufficient intake of vitamins and minerals will allow the body to recover faster;
  • specialized orthopedic mattresses will be a good way to prevent bedsores, help to establish normal blood circulation;
  • constant monitoring of concomitant pathologies - in order to avoid exacerbations of diseases.

Patients are obligatorily assigned massage sessions and a course of exercises according to the exercise therapy system.

Estimated forecasts

Post-stroke prognosis does not give a reliable result of later life in old age.

In patients older than 80 years, the prognosis is unfavorable - against the background of existing concomitant pathological processes and a low level of functionality of the autoimmune system. The probable recovery is influenced by the speed and quality indicators of professional assistance. The main problem is the high cost of drugs - they are not available to all segments of the population.

Stroke damage to the left side of the brain provokes partial or absolute paralysis of the right half of the body. Patients have a problem with compiling complex sentences - the answers are in the affirmative nods of the head or in separate words that the patient has difficulty pronouncing. The patient fully understands the speech of the person who addresses him.

If the disease is diagnosed on the right side, then in addition to paralysis of the left parts of the body, the disappearance of short-term memory is observed. Events that took place decades ago are remembered by women with perfect clarity. Secondary symptoms are characterized by impaired coordination of movements, paralysis of the muscle tissues of the left half of the face.

There are problems with the psycho-emotional background in patients - they develop aggressiveness or increased tearfulness.


Stroke refers to pathological abnormalities that are easier to prevent than to cure, especially in the elderly age period. It is very difficult to restore the affected tissues of the brain regions and the lost functionality.

To prevent the formation of the disease, neurologists recommend following certain rules:

  • constantly measure blood pressure indicators - blood pressure jumps are the main root causes of the development of stroke lesions;
  • carefully take all the medicines prescribed by the cardiologist - refusal of the prescribed therapy, excessive passion for traditional medicine recipes often leads older people to the intensive care unit;
  • exclude alcoholic, low-alcohol and tobacco products from life - cleansing the body of harmful substances will reduce the risk of stroke several times;
  • constantly monitor body weight - extra pounds cause an additional burden on the cardiovascular department;
  • switch to a daily menu with a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, refuse food products with cholesterol cut-in for the body;
  • increase indicators of physical and motor activity - walking will allow the body to increase the tone of muscle tissues, strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • seek professional help at the first manifestations of symptoms of any disease;
  • to exclude uncontrolled intake of drugs, especially for cardiological purposes;
  • carry out seasonal vitamin therapy - with the help of multivitamin complexes intended for elderly patients.

A stroke can strike at any age, but in the elderly it poses a real threat to life. Implementation of the recommendations of prevention will reduce the risk of the formation of a pathological process.

A stroke is an acute cerebrovascular accident. A pre-stroke condition is a set of signs that portend the onset of this dangerous disease. According to the WHO, in recent years, the number of patients seeking medical care for stroke has increased dramatically. The main reason for its appearance is called the advanced stages of hypertension, frequent stress, alcohol, and malnutrition.

Let's talk with you on this topic in more detail, consider on the pages of the site, what is a pre-stroke condition, symptoms, treatment, what to do, what is the prevention of this pathology.

What is the danger of a pre-stroke state?

This condition is very dangerous because it can lead to a stroke. If urgent measures are not taken to remove a person from this state, if qualified medical care is not provided, this can lead to very serious consequences.

There are two types of strokes: hemorrhagic and ischemic. Hemorrhagic stroke develops due to rupture of a blood vessel in any part of the brain.

Ischemic stroke occurs from vasospasm. Moreover, the hemorrhage in this case is due to the presence of thrombosis of the blood vessel of the brain. It is this type of stroke that causes all sorts of paralysis that is difficult to treat.

Most often, the disease affects people of middle and older age: from 45 to 70 years. As a rule, an attack occurs during the day, usually after suffering a strong excitement, experience. As we said, a stroke is often preceded by a pre-stroke condition, the symptoms of which should be paid special attention in order to seek medical help in time.

Signs of a pre-stroke condition

First of all, the head starts to hurt badly. There is also dizziness, nausea, vomiting. In this case, a sharp change in blood pressure is possible. It can rise sharply or, conversely, fall sharply. There is noise in the ears, vision deteriorates, “flies” flash before the eyes, breathing quickens, the heartbeat slows down or speeds up. Often an arm or leg stops moving, speech may be lost, a “crooked” smile appears. Sometimes a stroke is preceded by a strong rush of blood to the face, objects are seen in red.

A pre-stroke state is life-threatening, therefore, the earlier medical care is provided, the greater the likelihood of restoring lost body functions. Treatment is carried out in the conditions of the neurological department of the hospital. The decision on this should be made by the ambulance doctor, who must be called immediately if signs of a pre-stroke state appear.

First aid

The emergency doctor called, based on the symptoms, will make the appropriate injection. After that, he will decide on the need to place the patient in the hospital. Before the arrival of the ambulance, take independent measures to alleviate the pre-stroke condition. This must be done without fail, otherwise, the vessels of the brain may be damaged, which leads to a stroke, which very often ends in the death of the patient.

To reduce blood pressure, tighten your thumb tightly with a rubber band or string. The finger should turn red, turn white, then turn blue. This is fine. Keep the dressing on for about 5 minutes. Then remove the tourniquet, vigorously massage your finger towards the hand. This procedure will reduce blood pressure by at least 30 units, the blood flow will be renewed. The pressure will remain reduced for about half an hour. If the ambulance crew is very late, repeat the manipulation again.

Place 2 glycine tablets under the tongue. It calms, normalizes brain metabolism. You can also use special nasal drops.

Prevention of stroke

After providing medical care, if it is decided that hospitalization is not necessary, be sure to consult a doctor as soon as possible and engage in health promotion. The main cause of strokes, symptoms of a pre-stroke state, is too thick blood, which is a consequence of blockage of blood vessels, the formation of blood clots. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to thin the blood.

To do this, increase the amount of fluid consumed per day. Drink 2 liters. pure water, just limit its use at night. Avoid alcohol categorically. Alcoholic drinks thicken the blood, clog the blood vessels. Try to limit to a minimum the consumption of fatty meat, fat, any animal fats. It is very useful to eat lemons. These citrus fruits perfectly thin the blood, and also alkalize it, which is very important for preventing disease.

You need to know that people who abuse alcohol, as well as those who already have or had relatives in the family who suffer from diseases of the heart and blood vessels, are at an increased risk of developing strokes.

In order not to resort to long, expensive treatment in the future, it is better to prevent a pre-stroke condition. The best prevention of this dangerous disease is a healthy lifestyle, regular cleansing of toxins and toxins.

Pay attention to your diet. Food should be varied, calories in it should be normal. If you are overweight, take steps to reduce it. Don't overeat. Eat foods rich in pectin: fresh pears, red beets, blackcurrants, fresh grated carrots, green apples.

If there is a suspicion of a pre-stroke condition and its symptoms, you know what to do. But keep in mind that treatment should only be carried out by a doctor, based on the correct diagnosis and the general condition of the patient. Therefore, if you experience a sudden headache, dizziness, nausea, impaired coordination of movements, immediately seek medical help. Be healthy!

A pre-stroke condition is one of the most dangerous manifestations of hypertension (a disease of high and cerebral atherosclerosis (a disease of blockage of brain vessels by plaques consisting of several types of tissue).

Signs of a pre-stroke state are characterized by an increase in headache. Severe dizziness, nausea, vomiting develops. There can be not only a sharp increase in blood pressure, but also its equally sharp drop.

The danger of a pre-stroke state is due to the fact that during it the cerebral circulation is disturbed. Almost always, these disorders are acute, that is, in the nature of a stroke.

The symptoms of pre-stroke are varied. However, an attempt to bring the most constant of them together gives the following picture:

The head begins to hurt sharply (usually in the back of the head);

Noisy in the ears;

Before the eyes "flies run";


Unable to control vomiting;

Vision deteriorates;

Subjectively, there is a huge tension inside the whole body and as if “an inner ringing is heard”.

In this state, a person can die in ten to fifteen minutes or even faster, since a pre-stroke state can turn into a stroke at any minute, and death from a stroke in the vast majority of cases occurs instantly. The vessels of the brain burst or clog and, at best, partial or complete paralysis of the body occurs.

This serious health disorder occurs due to an unhealthy lifestyle, but it may simply be a consequence of age-related changes in the body.

How to recognize a pre-stroke state if the victim does not tell (or cannot tell) anything about his state of health?

You need to invite him (her) if he (she) is conscious, to complete four small tasks:


Say a simple phrase, for example: "Today is a sunny day";

Sit or stand for a few seconds with your hands up;

If problems arise when performing at least one of these tasks (for example, the protruding tongue is not directed straight, but crooked to the side, the smile does not work out at all or it also turns out to be crooked - the victim smiles with only one half of the face), you must immediately call an ambulance ” and tell the arriving doctors about the check-up.

Before the ambulance arrives, it is necessary to knock it down. This is done like this. A tourniquet (clamp) is selected. Suitable lace, chain, wire, gum - pharmacy or banking. With the maximum possible force, it is necessary to drag the first (thumb) finger of the left hand at its base - until the blood flow is completely lost. If the constriction is done correctly, the finger will begin to redden, then turn blue. Hand numbness may soon set in. This should not frighten anyone, on the contrary, this is a sign of right action.

The finger should remain tightened for five to seven minutes. Then the clamp is removed and the finger massage begins towards the hand until the blood flow is restored. As a result of this procedure, the pressure can be reduced by twenty-five to thirty units, for a period of 30-40 minutes. If the ambulance is late, the action can be repeated after fifteen to twenty minutes, but no more than two times.

If the attack occurred at the patient's home and it is already known about previously experienced similar attacks, the home medicine cabinet should contain the drug "Glycine", which improves cerebral circulation, and a one percent solution of Semax drops. Glycine is given from 2 to 4 tablets under the tongue, Semax - two to three drops in each nostril.

What actions will be taken from the moment the ambulance arrives? The patient will receive an injection and tablets to reduce pressure and to regulate cerebral circulation. The pre-stroke state will be suspended. The next step is to see a doctor as soon as possible.

One of the causes of a stroke is blood clotting. To fight this, the doctor prescribes. For his part, the patient can also help himself in this process.

To do this, he must:

Drink at least two liters of water daily;

Completely abandon the use of alcohol (otherwise - thickening of the blood and clogging of blood vessels);

Refuse any food containing fats, in the first place - from fatty meat;

There are small pieces of lemon - it contributes not only to blood thinning, but also to its alkalization, which is necessary to maintain its correct consistency (composition).

Careful adherence to the advice of a doctor and stroke prevention, which must be maintained throughout life after suffering a pre-stroke condition, will help delay the onset of a stroke or even avoid it altogether.

Pre-stroke state (PS), as follows from the term itself, a set of symptoms is called, indicating that the patient is threatened with a stroke. As a rule, PS is most often observed in patients with pathology of the cardiovascular apparatus (hypertension) and chronic arterial disease (cerebral atherosclerosis).

The pre-stroke state is distinguished by such characteristic features as:

  • increasing headache;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • vomit.

Causes and risk factors

is a real catastrophe taking place in the network of blood vessels in the brain. As a result, blood circulation is disturbed in any of its sections.

Since almost all functions of our body are controlled by the nervous system, and it is controlled by the brain, disruption of processes flowing in it, leads to a violation of the movement of individual limbs or to paralysis of half of the body. In addition, speech, vision, memory can be turned off. Sensitivity may be lost, balance may be disturbed, etc.

The most common people who suffer from a stroke are:

  • with hypertension;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • overweight;
  • high cholesterol;
  • arrhythmia;
  • leading a sedentary lifestyle;
  • hemophilia.

Before the age of 60, men are more likely to have a stroke. After the age of 60 - women.

Factors that can provoke a stroke can be:

  • prolonged physical fatigue;
  • stress;
  • swings blood pressure;
  • sharp change in atmospheric pressure;
  • strong alcohol intoxication;
  • overheating or hypothermia.

Ask your doctor about your situation


The main symptoms of a stroke include:

  • sudden and very strong headache for no apparent reason;
  • partial or complete loss of consciousness;
  • speech disorder, as well as the loss of the ability to understand someone else's speech;
  • severe dizziness, an acute disorder of coordination and sense of balance.

In order to recognize a pre-stroke condition, a fairly simple and very common test is used, which is called UZP - abbreviation, where each letter is an item in the guide to action.

So it follows:

  • At"Smile."

A person who is suspected of having a pre-stroke condition should first be asked to smile. If a smile turns out asymmetrical, and one of the corners of the mouth is somewhat beveled downward, then, most likely, we are talking about the initial stage of a stroke.

At the same time, attention should be paid to the position language in the mouth. If suspicions are justified, it will not be in the center of the oral cavity and, moreover, will have an irregular shape.

  • W"Speak."

Having spoken with the patient, it is necessary to pay attention to his speech. If he really is in a pre-stroke state, it usually represents inarticulate sounds and is very reminiscent of the speech of a person in a state of extreme intoxication.

  • P"Raise".

Having offered the patient to simultaneously raise his hands up, you need to see how well he can do it (of course, if he can do it at all). AT pre-stroke state, one arm is not necessarily raised all the way, as the body will be partially affected.

The first signs of PS in women and men

Pre-stroke state in men and women it is characterized by traditional symptoms. However, there are special signs that, manifesting themselves in a complex manner, may indicate an approaching illness in a woman.

These include:

  • general malaise;
  • pain in the face and limbs that occurs for no apparent reason;
  • breathing difficulties;
  • hiccups
  • pain in the region of the heart.

Another non-standard symptom characteristic of a pre-stroke state in men is an epileptic seizure, which is necessarily accompanied by loss of consciousness.


Having found the signs of a pre-stroke condition described above in a person next to you, you should:

  1. Call an ambulance immediately. In a conversation with the dispatcher on duty, calmly and clearly answer all clarifying questions and describe the picture of what is happening in as much detail as possible. It is important to remember that the dispatcher never asks "nonsensical questions". The correctness of his decision directly depends on the accuracy of the information he receives.
  2. While waiting for the doctor, the patient is best laid down on its side so that its head is slightly higher than the body. A pillow or a rolled-up jacket is suitable for this. You can also just hold his head with your hands (depending on the circumstances of what is happening).
  3. The patient should be freed from clothing that interfere with free breathing. You need to unfasten the tight belt, suspenders and top buttons, open the collar (all this is especially important to do if the person is obese). In addition, the circulation of fresh air in the room should be ensured, if possible.
  4. If the patient begins to feel sick and vomits, his head must be turned on his side and held with his hands so that he does not choke.
  5. If the attack occurred in a residential area, where there is a tonometer, it is imperative to measure the patient's blood pressure and write down the readings legibly in order to inform the ambulance doctor who has arrived later.
  6. In case of too high pressure it should be lowered with the help of the medicines necessary for this. If medicines could not be found nearby, a heating pad or a bottle of hot water should be placed on the patient's feet.

It is important to remember that the patient (no matter what state he is in) should not see anxiety, and even more so panic in the face of the person who helps him, because this can aggravate his condition and even lead to death. Actions should be calm, and speech measured.

If a in a timely manner recognize the signs of PS and competently perform all urgent measures, the course of the disease will pass safely and, as a result, the patient will be able to fully rehabilitate.

The doctor who arrived on the call based on the observed in the patient symptoms will give the appropriate injection, after which he will decide whether to admit him to the hospital.

Stroke prevention

In the event that there is no need for hospitalization of the patient, in addition to regular visits to the doctor and treatment according to his appointments, one should engage in prevention and health promotion.

Since the main cause of strokes is blockage of blood vessels due to too thick blood, the first thing to do is thin it:

  • drink more liquid(about 2 liters of pure water per day, but not at bedtime);
  • no alcohol(alcohol thickens the blood and clogs the blood vessels);
  • minimum fatty foods;
  • eat more lemons(citrus fruits perfectly thin and alkalize the blood).


Of course, the best prevention for most diseases is healthy lifestyle, regular cleansing of toxins and toxins.

The composition of the diet for a patient who is in a pre-stroke state or has had an illness contains "Table number 10".

Its essence is as follows:

  • there is a decrease energy value of the daily diet;
  • reduced to a minimum the amount of foods containing fats and carbohydrates;
  • excluded and;
  • products must undergo minimal heat treatment.

The calorie content of the food shown to the patient is reduced for the reason that, due to his indisposition, he moves much less than before the illness. Sticking to his old diet, he will soon put on a lot of weight, which for patients stroke, or those in a borderline state with it, like death.

Therefore, the patient will have to forget about:

  • cakes;
  • cakes;
  • fried pies and hot sandwiches.

It is best to replace such delicacies with fresh ones. fruits or dried fruits. In this case, be sure to control the weight.

The patient is shown to drink plenty of fluids. You can drink not only water, but also compotes and highly diluted juice. From the menu of a patient who has had a stroke, coffee and carbonated drinks are completely excluded.

At least once a week fasting days should be arranged. It is best if such days become themed. For example, cottage cheese, apple or kefir day.

Pre-stroke state (ukr. Peredіsultny stan) - means a condition characterized by a violation of blood circulation in the brain.

Determining the symptoms of a pre-stroke state may indicate an approaching serious pathological condition of the brain - a stroke (impaired blood circulation in the brain, leading to loss of consciousness, death of brain tissue and paralysis).

Due to the development of a stroke, certain functions of the brain may be temporarily impaired, or they may disappear forever.

Since almost all processes occurring in the body are regulated by the brain, malfunctions in the blood circulation of its individual sections are characterized by pronounced symptoms.

note! It is important to distinguish the first signs of the development of a pre-stroke state, and to know what to do with attacks. If effective treatment is not taken in time, a stroke will occur, with a possible fatal outcome.

Stroke classification

Strokes are classified into two types:

  • Ischemic stroke(death of brain tissue) is provoked by narrowing of the vessel due to the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques, or overlapping with blood clots. Blood circulation in the brain is disturbed, or stops altogether, which, in the absence of help, leads to the death of brain tissue, without the possibility of recovery. With extensive strokes, death occurs;
  • Hemorrhagic stroke progresses when the vessel inside the skull is deformed, with hemorrhage in the brain tissue. This process leads to the formation of hematomas inside the brain, subsequently squeezing certain parts of the brain, which provokes a violation of its functionality.

Who is more likely to develop a pre-stroke condition?

Certain groups of people are at risk for stroke progression. People who are at risk, and their relatives, should be able to recognize in time and be able to provide first aid in case of an attack.

The most susceptible to stroke are people with the following factors:

By gender, the manifestation of a pre-stroke state is more often recorded in young men in the age category up to sixty years, and after sixty - more often in women.

The state of pre-stroke in women is much more difficult to endure, although the condition is similar to that in men.

In women, recovery takes much longer.

With a stroke in women, in some cases, they remain chained to bed rest. Also, according to statistics, the mortality rate from stroke in women is much higher than in males.

Stroke precursors are factors that can provoke such a pathological condition. These include:

  • Strong physical activity;
  • Prolonged exposure to stressful situations and psycho-emotional overstrain;
  • Sudden jumps in blood pressure;
  • Genetic predisposition to pathological conditions of the structure of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol and cigarettes;
  • Overdose of certain drugs;
  • Improper nutrition;
  • Prolonged hypothermia or overheating of the body;
  • High sensitivity to changes in atmospheric pressure;
  • Pathological conditions of the cardiovascular system.

What is especially pre-stroke condition and what are its symptoms?

An impending stroke can be recognized if you know the symptoms that act as precursors to a stroke.

Signs before a stroke (pre-stroke state) increase as the circulatory disorders in the brain develop.

When a spasm of a vessel becomes a provocateur of a stroke, it means that signs of brain damage progressing against the background of such a condition act as foci and can be reversible and stopped in a few minutes or hours with proper treatment.

If first aid is taken in a timely manner, during the period of a pre-stroke state, then a stroke can be avoided.

That is why it is necessary to know what precedes a stroke and know what medications are used to stop attacks, this can save the life of the victim.

The first signs of a pre-stroke condition are:

The most pronounced symptoms of a pre-stroke state are the following signs:

  • A sharp and severe headache that appears for no apparent reason;
  • Violation of speech ability;
  • Inability to perceive other people by ear;
  • dizziness;
  • Loss in space and time;
  • Download blood pressure indicators;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Violation or burden of coordination of movements and gestures;
  • Difficulty swallowing liquids and solid foods;
  • hoarse voice;
  • Violation in the coordination of their movements;
  • Decline in visual acuity;
  • Convulsions.

All of the above symptoms indicate a pre-stroke condition of a person, which requires urgent assistance in order to avoid the progression of complications.

How to correctly determine the pre-stroke state?

In addition to the pronounced symptoms of a stroke, it can be initially recognized using the following method.

The SPL test (smile, speak, understand), which is the most effective method for the primary diagnosis of a pre-stroke condition, can be used even at home and without medical education.

The test is as follows:

  • Smile. Ask the person to smile, if the condition is pre-stroke, then the smile will not be symmetrical (one of the corners of the mouth is higher than the other). It is also worth noting the location of the tongue (a stroke causes the tongue to deviate and have an irregular shape);
  • speak. When trying to speak to an affected person, incomprehensible sounds are noted in his speech, or an inability to speak at all. A pre-stroke can vaguely cause a person to confuse syllables in simple words;
  • Raise. If a person cannot simultaneously raise two hands up (above the head), or the hands rise at an unequal speed (perhaps not even to the same height), then this indicates impaired brain nutrition in a pre-stroke state.

Also, it is necessary to distinguish between pathological conditions similar in symptoms to pre-stroke, which do not indicate a stroke.

These include:

  • Transistor ischemic attack (TIA) characterized by the appearance of several of the above symptoms. In TIA, the vessel is not completely blocked, in contrast to a stroke. Also, the difference is that the symptoms disappear after a period of time. How long such an attack lasts is noted individually, and it can last from a couple of minutes to a day;
  • Cerebral hypertensive crisis (CHC) It is characterized by a sudden increase in blood pressure, which is accompanied by symptoms of brain damage: pain in the head, nausea, vomiting, darkening in the eyes. The most severe form of CHA is acute hypertensive encephalopathy. The latter is recorded in kidney pathologies, acute hypertension, etc. It is noted in nausea, vomiting, a state of stunning, stupor and confusion in actions. With hemorrhages in the retina, deviations in vision and convulsive conditions can be provoked.

Accurate differential diagnosis will be carried out already in the hospital, after some hardware studies.

First aid for pre-stroke condition

When the first symptoms of a pre-stroke state appear (especially if there are many of them and they are clearly expressed), you should immediately call an ambulance.

First aid for pre-stroke condition.

When calling the ambulance dispatcher, you need to report the detected symptoms and blood pressure, which will help doctors coordinate effective treatment in advance and prevent the consequences of a pre-stroke condition even before arrival.

While the ambulance is on the way, you must do the following:

  • Lay the victim on his back, placing his head above the rest of the body, but without bending the neck;
  • Free the neck from the tie, collar, belt, rubber bands and everything that prevents the victim from breathing freely;
  • Give access to fresh air to the affected;
  • Try to calm the patient;
  • If possible, measure blood pressure - you need to do this. With high blood pressure, you need to give the medication that the patient takes to lower the pressure;
  • Tie the thumb on the left hand with an elastic band, cord, etc. The bandage should be on the finger for no longer than five minutes. After that, you need to remove the bandage, and rub the brush towards the fingertips. This will help reduce pressure if there are no necessary medications;
  • Two tablets of Glycine stop the attack;
  • When vomiting, turn the affected person to the side.


After hospitalization, the patient is placed in the hospital department, where additional hardware studies are carried out to accurately diagnose the pathological pre-stroke condition.

These studies are:

  • Clinical blood test. Helps to determine the deviation from the norm of elements that saturate the blood. Blood is taken from a finger, or vein, in the morning and on an empty stomach;
  • Blood chemistry. Extensive blood test. By fluctuations in indicators in one direction or another, it is possible to determine not only the affected organ, but also the volume of its damage;
  • Blood clotting analysis. Helps to assess the level of glucose and lipids in the blood, which determines the amount of "bad" cholesterol. These indicators may suspect vasoconstriction, which may indicate a pre-ischemic and pre-infarction state of the brain;
  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of cerebral vessels. A study with which you can visually see the state of the vessels, determine their passage width, and diagnose possible compression of the vessels;
  • Angiography of the brain and spinal cord. A contrast agent is injected into the vessels, after which an x-ray of the skull is taken;
  • Dopplerography. It is an additional study to ultrasound, which determines the speed of blood flow in the vessels;
  • Duplex scanning of vessels of the head and cervical region. The use of dopplerography and ultrasound at the same time to get the most accurate results of the study;
  • Echoencephaloscopy (EchoES) - a method for studying intracranial pathologies, which is based on echolocation of brain structures;
  • Electroencephalography (EEG) - recording of electrical waves characterized by a certain rhythm;
  • MRI and CT of the brain. Gives complete information on the state of the body and describes in detail the state of the head.


Further treatment (not only medication) of the pre-stroke condition is carried out by the doctors of the hospital, selecting it based on the results of the tests.

After normalization of the condition, patients require long-term rehabilitation, recovery and observation by a doctor.


To prevent impaired blood circulation and the development of a pre-stroke state in the brain, the following actions must be performed:

  • Maintain blood pressure within normal limits;
  • Once every six months, measure cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • Get rid of excess weight (if any);
  • Get rid of the use of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes;
  • Reduce salt intake;
  • Go in for sports, allocate time for walks;
  • Observe the regime of the day, with proper rest and sleep;
  • When prescribing medications, take them regularly.

What is the forecast?

Prediction in this case depends on the root cause and the degree of development of a violation of blood circulation, which led to the appearance of a pre-stroke syndrome. Since the reasons are quite diverse, the exact

Do not self-medicate, do not try to be treated with folk remedies - this can lead to complications.

the forecast can only be made by an experienced doctor on the basis of an examination and examination of the body.

If medical assistance is not provided in time for a pre-stroke condition, then it will progress, which can result in a micro-stroke of a person, or even a large-scale stroke, which is fraught with death.

If you notice the slightest symptoms of a pre-stroke condition, contact a qualified doctor.