What material to make a light kite. Snakes "Flying Dutchman" and "flying fish". DIY air raven - video

DIY kite- even children can do it. There are many different configurations, here we will cover the simplest ones. I have prepared step-by-step instructions for beginners. how to make a kite.

In this article, we will make a paper Kite:

You can use two other options as well. At your discretion, wireframe: and.

From words to deeds:

Paper kite

This option is best suited for the first attempts at making a kite on your own. Children 5 years old are quite capable of coping with this task. And if you and your child are going to make your first child, then a 3 year old baby will become a great helper. Even a child of 2 years old can launch such a snake. Below you will find all the necessary guidelines for launching such a kite. Let's start making.

We will need:

A sheet of thick paper

Strong thread

Scotch tape, scissors, knife, awl, reel (piece of cardboard)

Markers or paint.

This model also contains a standard set of elements - a body, a bridle, a thread with a spool and a tail.

Step 1. Let's start with case making:

Taking a sheet of paper, we wake up to fold in origami techniques.

Combining the smaller side with the larger one, we get a triangle, cut off the excess.

First bend one side of the triangle to the diagonal, combining them carefully iron.

Turn over and do the same with the second side.

We will unfold the product in the place of the dioganali, and place it with the sides bent towards us.

We make holes for the bridle, prepared with an awl or knife.

Now you can show your imagination and paint your future snake, I will do this at the final stage, see below.

Step 2. Making a bridle:

We take a strong (silk) thread. We insert it into the hole on the snake under the bridle. We fasten the thread by tying a knot. Further, for strength, it is necessary to glue the place where the bridle is attached to the snake on both sides with tape.

Determine the size of the bridle. Having folded the thread in two, its length is equal to half the distance to the snake's nose. Next, we cut the thread with an allowance for the fastening. We fix the bridle on the other wing and glue this place with tape.

We make a loop for attaching a thread (rail) to the bridle. It is important that it is located strictly in the middle.

Step 3. Tail:

We will make the tail from a tape, the length of which is 4-5 times the diagonal of the kite's body, the width is about 1.5-2 cm, it is desirable to be made of the same material as the kite, i.e. paper tail.

We fix the tail with tape.

The tail serves not only as a decoration, it is a necessary element to smooth out the imperfections of flight.

You can show imagination. Having made a tail simply from plastic tape, cuts the bag and seams with adhesive tape with adhesive. Decorate it with various bows, which will also serve as a kind of stabilizer and smooth flight. Several thin ribbons, even made of fabric or the same polyethylene.

I used the rest of the paper and made a bow-accordion which I fixed at the end of the tail with the ability to remove it. This must be taken into account because when starting, depending on the strength of the wind, you will have to either heavier or lighten the tail with a removable bow.

Step 4. Spool of thread:

You can make a coil from ordinary cardboard. It makes the process of launching the kite much easier, as there is less risk of tangling the thread.

You can also familiarize yourself with other options in similar articles on how to make a kite with your own hands: "Rhombus" Kite and "Parachute" Kite

Taking the karts, cut out a rectangle measuring 10 * 20 centimeters.

Fold in half, draw the hole for the arm and the grooves for winding the thread, as shown.

Cut out a hole and grooves with a knife along the outlined lines.

This can and will be limited, I decided to paint and paste over with tape for ease of use.

We take our thread, securing the beginning of the thread with tape - we wind it on a spool. Unwind 50 meters for the future, because our reel will be removable and you can easily use it to launch your other kites.

Optional action. Two matches can be attached to the end of the thread, so that we can fasten our handrail (thread) to the bridle.

We attach the end to the middle of the bridle, either by simply tying a knot, or if you have done the previous step, see the photo below:

The final touch, at your discretion, you can color the snake:

Your kite is ready to fly!

Startup tips:

Prepare the kite for flight, which means adjusting the place of attachment of the thread to the bridle - it must be strictly in the middle, otherwise the kite will become uncontrollable. Will spin randomly from side to side. But if the bridle is set up correctly, and your snake continues to misbehave, then the matter is in the tail. It is either too light or not long enough. Try to tie a bunch of grass, but if you have handy materials, lengthen or also lead a paper bow folded like an accordion.

And vice versa, your tail is heavy, then the kite will take off or climb badly. Trim or remove the decorations from the tail.

Under normal weather conditions, with wind and correct adjustment, the kite easily rises into the sky and soars steadily swaying from side to side. Do-it-yourself kite will give you a lot of impressions and pleasure. Even a two-year-old baby can fly a snake. Do not unwind a thread that is too long; it is enough to let go of 2-5 meters. If at a given altitude the kite does not want to fly or the weather is just calm, then just run with kites. You can watch the flight by looking at mom and dad. When the kite gains a sufficient height and does not require effort to control, give the coil to the kid, explaining the need to periodically pull up or release the thread, but it is better to just move your hand to the right and left or up and down.

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Instructions for assembling models from stores

Kite "rhombus" - no more difficult than the first option , but at the same time it is much easier to handle it in flight.

Kite "parachute"

The first mentions of self-made flying kites are found in Chinese chronicles of the 2nd century BC. We suggest that you repeat the feat of the ancient Chinese: refuse to buy a snake in a store and make it yourself. And then mark it in your annals.


1. To make the simplest flat kite, you need two thin slats made of pine, bamboo or Chinese plastic. One 50 cm, the other 30. At a distance of 15 cm from the edge of the larger rail, use coarse threads (or coarse tape) crosswise to fix the 30-centimeter at a right angle. This will be the serpentine cross.

2. Make circular notches at the ends of the slats. Now boldly connect all the ends of the cross with a thin thread. It will give you a sense of satisfaction and a quadrangular kite frame.

3. Covering is made of thin paper, for example, tracing paper. A cut-up plastic garbage bag is a good idea. The lighter the material, the easier it will be to send the kite to the skies. Place the frame on a sheet of the chosen material, trace with a pencil, leaving small allowances, and cut the shape along the contour. Now we will grease the frame with glue and stick it to the material.

4. If your package does not have a store advertisement, it doesn’t matter. The drawing is the face of the snake. Use a marker to depict on it your favorite politician, the legs of a woman you know, a smiling Freddy Krueger, or just a call to care for the environment. Remember that what will be on the kite can be studied by all the neighbors in the area, and it’s good if this increases their cultural level.

5. Now we make a bridle. One end of the fishing line is attached to point O, extends to point N and then to point P, fasten at P. (We pulled to point N to determine the length of the bridle). Another thread is fixed at point N. We measure the distance from N to P, add another 10 cm and tie this length to the center of the first thread. It is important that both halves of the long section are the same, otherwise the snake will fall to one side.

6. The tail of the kite is attached to the point G. It is customary to make it from a thin cord 3-4 m long; and several paper bows are usually glued to the tail at an equal distance from each other. The tail is needed to improve the aerodynamic qualities of the aircraft.

7. For a handrail (this is the name of the thread on which the glider pilot holds the snake), a fishing reel with line is suitable. Attach the end of the line to the bridle, and the kite is ready!


The idea of ​​launching a ready-made kite is still in the air.

1. When choosing a place to launch a kite, you should pay attention to open areas. Any nearby obstacles to the wind, trees, stalls, statues of leaders, etc. will turn the wind off its true path and give it unnecessary twists. Ideal for sea coast kites. But if you have to catch the breeze jumping over bodies spread out on the beach, you can look at other spaces as well. The selected clearing should not be located next to a busy highway (glider pilots often run with their faces raised to the sky and pose a danger near roads) and away from power lines and airfields.

2. After slobbering your finger, find out the direction of the wind. Hand the snake to your friend, whom you prudently took with you, and yourself stand in front of him, but so that the wind blows in your back. Let the reel with the leer be in your hands. Take a few steps back while unwinding the line. Please note that a friend should not type SMS at this time: the snake must be held with both hands above his head, trying to position it perpendicular to the direction of the wind.

3. Moving 15-20 m away, shout to your friend: "Let go!" - and pull the rail towards you with a jerk. If the wind is decent, the kite will go up by itself, and you will be left with the coil, joyfully watching its flight. Otherwise, you will have to run a few more meters until the wind catches the kite.

4. If the kite flies only when you are running, then the wind is weak today. Even if it's a shame to admit it after the marathon distance that you just completed with a rail in your hand. In a normally blowing monsoon, the flying structure trembles in height as long as it is simply held at arm's length. Wind speed of 3-6 m / s is considered optimal for a beginner. At a lower speed, only the lightest structures will be able to rise, at a much higher speed, the snake will tear out of the hands and will be subject only to a specialist kiter.

5. If the line pulls strongly, you need to unwind the spool a little. The flight with the damping wind is regulated by pulling the kite towards itself. With a successful combination of circumstances, the snake will dangle in the air for several hours, and you will have time to take a break from the hustle and bustle.

6. To finally go home, the snake is pulled to the ground, gradually reeling the line. Announce to the children and onlookers gathered around that today you will not start anything else except the engine of your car. Suddenly it will help them disperse.

According to the ancient Chinese belief, a kite hovering in the sky carries away all hardships, adversities and diseases, and the person who launches it is freed from anxiety and gains peace of mind. Launching a kite is always an extraordinary and stunning sight. What could be better than sincere delight reflected in the eyes of children and adults when they watch a bright and beautiful flying toy spinning in the sky? "Daddy, can we make ourselves a snake too?" - offers a beloved child. And then, finally, an anxious father looks through a bunch of information on how to make a kite at home.

A bit of theory

Before you start designing a toy, you should learn a couple of basic terms:

A bridle is a series of strong threads, intertwined, used to attach a kite to a rope;

The leer is the main thread, thanks to which you can control the kite.

How to assemble a kite to fly

First of all, the surface should not be flat, but must bend under the action of the pressure of the air flow. Therefore, when reading the information on how to make a kite at home, pay attention to the fact that the material of the toy should not be stretched too much. Perhaps only the corners of the canvas should be fixed, and this will be quite enough.

But the front edge of the kite should be carefully glued and strengthened so that there are no eddies. For beginners who do not yet know how to make a kite at home, it is better to give preference to models with a long tail, which will improve the balance of the flying structure.

Home workshop

The simplest model has a diamond shape. How to make a toy like a kite with your own hands?

1. We take two thin strips of durable plastic 25 and 50 cm long. We step back from the end of the long strip 15 cm and at this point we fix the short one perpendicularly to make a cross.

2. The frame is made of strong thread. To do this, notches should be made at the ends of the slats and a thread should be pulled through them.

3. The resulting workpiece is covered with paper, cloth or oilcloth. Remember to add mounting allowances when cutting to the correct size.

4. The cut out workpiece is attached to the frame, well oiled with glue.

5. Now you should fix the bridle. It should be pulled to the snake's nose, and from there to the right corner to determine the length of the bridle. Cut off the thread and fasten the end at the right corner (it turns out a long thread from one edge to the other). Next, take the spool again and attach the line to the front of the structure. Having measured the distance to the left corner of the kite and adding another ten centimeters, cut and tie to the middle of the first thread.

6. Then, from a thin cord or strong thread, you need to make a tail, decorating it with bows or paper hearts.

7. Having fastened the leash to the bridle, you can proceed to the long-awaited launch of the flying structure.

Kite Launch Instructions

First of all, you need to choose the right place to launch. This should be an open area, without any obstacles. Any buildings, as well as trees located nearby, can interfere and form unnecessary turbulences of air currents. It is also better to stay away from highways, since children and adults who are carried away by starting can run out onto the highway and not notice vehicles moving on them.

When the place is determined, you can proceed directly to the launch of the toy. Determine the direction of the wind (remember how your finger was slobbering in childhood?) And solemnly hand over your pride (a snake created by your own hands) to your children, wife, friend, well, or to someone who comes to hand. The helper holds the snake above his head, perpendicularly, with outstretched arms. Holding the reel with the line in your hands, you stand in such a way that the wind blows in your back.

Moving away from your assistant at a distance of 20 meters, while unwinding the leash, you need to command: "Let go!" And pull the line sharply towards yourself. If the wind strength is sufficient, then the kite itself will soar above the ground, and you will only have to watch with delight its unforgettable flight. Otherwise, you will have to run around the field a little until the self-made flying structure "lies" on the air stream.

Now you know how to make a kite at home and how to fly it. It remains only to find all the necessary materials and spend a little time assembling it. Believe me, the enthusiastic cries of children and the feeling of excitement that accompanies this exciting game will fully pay off your efforts.

Even a child can make a kite out of paper. There are many different options, but today you will learn about the easiest way. You will spend only 5 minutes to make it. We invite you to learn about all the intricacies of its creation. In this article, we will look at step-by-step instructions that will help you create a wonderful do-it-yourself kite out of paper.

Child with a kite

It is very easy to make a paper kite, and even a beginner or small children under the supervision of their parents can cope with this task. In addition, if you make a kite with a child, the baby will develop hand motor skills, attention and perseverance.

To make a kite you will need:

  • Thick sheet of paper;
  • Strong thread;
  • Ribbon;
  • Scotch tape, knife, scissors, awl, coil;
  • A small piece of cardboard;
  • Markers or paints.

Craft materials

Also, for its construction, you will additionally need a body, a thread with a spool and a bridle.

Step 1. Let's start making the case:

Take a sheet of paper and fold it into a triangle.

  1. We combine the smaller side with the large one. You should now have a triangle. Cut off the excess pieces.

Making a kite. Step 1

  1. We unbend one of the sides to the diagonal. After combining them, gently smooth out the resulting structure.

Making a kite. Step 2

  1. Flip over and repeat on the other side.

Making a kite. Step 3

  1. Expand the product diagonally and place the sheet with the folded sides facing you.

Making a kite. Step 4

  1. Then fold the marked edges in yellow (like in the picture).

Making a kite. Step 5

  1. Make holes for the bridle. To make the hole small, do it with a needle or an awl. If nothing like this is at hand, cut a hole with a knife. Be extremely careful not to spoil the kite.

Making a kite. Step 6

  1. Now is the time to get creative. Color it as you wish.

Useful information: In order for the kite to serve you longer, you need to make it from durable and tough materials. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the pressure on the carrying part of the kite at an average wind speed of 7-8 m / s reaches up to 2 kgf / m2. In addition, the kite should not fold under the influence of the wind in flight.

Step 2. Making the bridle:

  1. Take a strong (silk or nylon) thread. Secure the thread by tying a knot. In order to keep the thread tight, fix it with tape on both sides.

Making a kite. Step 7

  1. Adjust the bridle size you want. It is important that it is not too long or too short. Fold the thread in half, and cut off the extra piece (if any). Secure the bridle to the winglet and glue it with tape.

Making a kite. Step 8

  1. Make a loop to attach your string to the bridle. It should be exactly centered.

Making a kite. Step 9

Step 3. Making the tail:

  1. Make the tail from the previously prepared tape. Its length should be no more than 4-5 centimeters, and its width should be from 1.5 to 2 centimeters. It is advisable to make the tail of the kite out of paper so that it looks harmonious with the body.
  2. Secure the tail with tape.

Making a kite. Step 10

  1. The tail is needed not only to decorate the kite, but also to smooth out the imperfections of flight, if any.
  2. Now imagine a little. An additional decoration can be attached to a ready-made tail to make the kite look more interesting during the flight. Take a plastic bag and tape it to the snake's tail. Cut the bag into thin strips. In addition, it can be decorated with bows or beads. They also serve as flight stabilizers.
  3. From the leftover paper, make an accordion that can be attached to the tail of a kite. This accordion bow will serve as an additional weighting agent. Depending on the weather conditions, you will need to either make your kite heavier or lighter.

Making a kite. Step 11

Step 4. Making a spool of thread:

Let's start making the coil. We will make it from plain cardboard. With such a coil, launching a kite is much easier, since the thread will not get tangled, and you can adjust the length of the flight yourself.

  1. We take the cardboard. Cut out a 10x20 centimeters rectangle from it.
  2. We fold the cardboard in half, then draw a hole for the hands and a recess for winding the thread.
  3. Cut out holes and grooves with a knife along the marked lines.

Making a kite. Step 12

  1. The resulting coil can be wrapped with tape for comfortable operation. You can color it in some original way. But it's all up to you.

Making a kite. Step 13

  1. Take the thread, secure it with tape near the beginning of the spool. Then wind the required amount of thread around it. For practicality, rewind 50 meters into the future. The resulting coil will be detachable so you can attach it to other kites..
  2. Optionally, you can attach two matches to the end of the thread. This is necessary so that you can fasten the thread to the bridle.

Making a kite. Step 14

  1. The last step is to attach our coil to the center of the bridle. Tie a piece of thread into a knot. You can paint the snake in different colors. That's it, our air kite is ready for use.

Making a kite. Step 15

Helpful information: The kite must be portable. It should be easy to fold and unfold. When assembled, it should not take up much space in the apartment, so do not make it too large.

Making a kite. Step 16

After the work done, you can launch our kite. Check if you did everything right. The main thing is that the bridle is attached exactly in the center, otherwise your kite will be uncontrollable - instead of even flight, it will randomly dangle in flight. If you did everything correctly, but the kite still flies unevenly, the problem may be in the tail. It can be either too light or not long enough. Extend it with auxiliary materials.

It may be that the tail, on the contrary, is too heavy. With such a problem, the kite will not take off or gain altitude well. Then you will need to remove additional scenery.

If you did everything right, the kite will fly high into the sky and fly smoothly. If, of course, the weather conditions permit. In high winds, you won't be able to launch your fake properly.

If you are flying a kite with a baby, keep an eye on the length of the thread. It should not be unwound by more than 3 meters. If the weather is calm, the kid can just run around with the reel in his hands, and then the kite will certainly take off. Remember that the length of the thread must be constantly adjusted.

This is interesting: For the first time it became known about a kite in the II century BC, in China. Then he had the name of the dragon-serpent. For a long time, kites could not find practical use. But already from the second half of the 18th century, scientists began to use them widely in conducting scientific studies of the atmosphere. In 1749 A. Wilson measured the air temperature at altitude with the help of a kite. In 1752 B. Franklin conducted an experiment with which he was able to reveal the electrical nature of lightning. Soon, thanks to the results of this experiment, M. Lomonosov invented the first lightning rod. Such a useful toy!

  • For a kite, you can use any thread, twine, yarn.
  • It is very important to make the right tail. The flight of your creation depends on it. The correct tail weight will help balance it in flight. Therefore, it will not roll over.
  • Duct tape or hardener can be used to strengthen the hole. This is necessary so that it does not break.
  • To lengthen the tail, you can use not only a wide tape, but also a serpentine, measuring tape or other materials that are at hand.

Video: How to make a kite?

As you have already seen, making a kite with your own hands is not difficult at all! Try it and you will remember your childhood. And our instructions will help you create a wonderful flying machine.

Kite games are fun and exciting for anyone. Making it even more interesting will help to create a flying structure with your own hands. In this article we will tell you how to make a snake yourself.

This article is for people over 18 years of age.

Have you already turned 18?

This device is rightfully considered the first man-made aircraft. It appeared several thousand years ago in China. National holidays in China were not held without the flying of colorful kites of various shapes. The most popular form was the dragon. This gave the name to the product "kite". Later, the product began to be used not only as entertainment, but also in scientific research, military affairs, construction (to create bridges) and for meteorological observations.

Currently, special kites are being created for some types of extreme sports. Kite flying is a great pastime. Designing such an aircraft at home will help to train observation, quick wits and unleash creativity.

Before you start creating a kite at home, decide on its type.

Let's consider the main varieties:

  • flat or uniplanar is the simplest and most common type. The design of such a kite is in the same plane. It is easier and faster to make such a kite with your own hands, but it is not characterized by high lift and a strong wind is contraindicated for it. The shape can be triangular or square, but more often diamond-shaped or rectangular;
  • multiplanar — a more complex view than a flat one. Distinguish between box, stack or multi-cell. In the structure of such a snake, the tail is optional, because its distinctive feature is a high level of stability and stability;
  • the structure in the form of a serpentine train consists of several elements combined into one whole. Damage to one of the components of the overall system will not prevent the structure from staying in the air, but it can reduce the flight altitude.

It is necessary to start making a kite from a drawing, it will help determine the size of the product.

Any aircraft in the form of a snake will contain such basic components as:

  • frame. This is the base of the kite, consisting of rails, the location and number of which determines its type and model. The main function of the frame is to keep the canvas taut, to ensure the reliability, stability and strength of the finished product;
  • the canvas or surface of the kite. This is the material with which the frame is fitted. It provides the appearance of a lifting force by creating an air barrier;
  • connecting parts. They are needed if you want the flying kite to be mobile and easily disassembled. The choice of the method for making these components depends on the model of the kite and the material from which it is made;
  • obligatory places for fastenings in the form of bridles and bindings. They differ in connection options (two or more). The most popular and simple bridle is with one connection. Its availability lies in the fact that it does not need regulation and additional devices. Such designs are typical for more complex options. In this case, the kite is controlled by the tail. The bridle, which has two or more attachment points, allows you to adjust the angle of the kite. Instead of a bridle, a keel can be used - this is an inseparable element of the same material with a canvas. It provides a fixation of the angle of attack, and it can only be changed with a few tails;
  • leer. This material is usually a thread or rope. It is important that the material is strong as it serves to hold the kite. The dimensions depend on the design of the aircraft;
  • reel for winding. An indispensable piece of equipment that prevents tangling, speeds up and facilitates unwinding and winding of the thread;
  • tail. This is not just a beautiful kite decoration, it is designed to stabilize the kite in the air.

There are models without a frame, in this case it takes the form of a kite from the wind. A common example of a frameless kite is a paraglider.

We will analyze it in stages, as in practice making a flat kite out of scrap materials:

  • take 2 wooden sticks: long and short. The size of the short one should be 4/5 long (for example, 40 and 50 cm), at the ends with a knife we ​​make small gaps. Fold the sticks perpendicularly so that the short one divides the long one in a ratio of 1: 4 (in our case, we measure 12.5 cm from the edge of the long stick). This will be the intersection point of our base. Wrap the joints with tape or strong thread;
  • along the perimeter, through the prepared notches at the ends of the sticks, we thread a strong thread or fishing line, thereby forming the frame of our structure;
  • cut out the required shape from a plastic bag or lightweight fabric around the frame, make an indent on each side (1.5-2 cm) to secure the edges. We wrap the frame with the resulting canvas, tuck the edges, securing them with tape or glue. From the inside, the design resembles a slightly irregular envelope;
  • we make a beautiful tail. You can use the leftover polyethylene, cut a few strips and twist them together. Also, a thread tied with ribbons in the form of bows can become the material for the tail. At the bottom of the long stick, secure the tail with tape, glue or a pre-made hole;
  • in order to make a bridle, we tie threads to the short ends of the structure on the right and left, the length of each should reach, when pulled, to the point of intersection of the rails. We tie their ends together (it turns out our bridle), and we attach a line with a coil to it.

Everything! Our kite is ready!

A paper kite is the best option for beginners. It is easy to manufacture, does not require special materials and time consuming.

To make your own hands the simplest version of a kite, the so-called monk kite, you will need:

  • thick paper or cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • Scotch;
  • glue;
  • rope or strong thread;
  • reel for winding (you can use a small piece of cardboard as a reel);
  • ribbon;
  • felt-tip pens (if you want to decorate the resulting product).

The main steps for preparing a flying monk kite:

  • First you need to cut a square out of the paper. It is better to use A4 sheet, since the optimal side length of a square is about 25 cm;
  • fold the square diagonally, in the resulting triangle fold the sides to the diagonal. The result will be the well-known paper airplane. Roll the edges of the folded sides (airplane wings) again to the diagonal of the square. Thus, you will have an accordion. Carefully iron the folds;
  • expand the resulting structure. In the corners of the accordion, located in the center, we make small holes where the bridle will be attached;
  • to make a bridle, we take a thread about 30 cm long. We thread the thread through the hole, tie it on a knot (for strength, you can glue these places with tape). To check for the correct length of the bridle, fold the string attached to the paper in half until it reaches the middle of the snake's nose line. Exactly in the center of the finished bridle we make a loop for attaching the rope;
  • in order to make a tail, we take a tape about 1.5-2 cm wide. We calculate the length of the diagonal of the square or the line of the snake's nose (it must be at least 50 cm). To attach the tail at the bottom corner of the structure, make a hole, thread the tail, and secure it with tape or glue. For the tail, you can also use thin paper or several pieces of thread connected into one;
  • to the loop on the bridle we tie a handrail with a coil for winding. The spool can be made of cardboard. To do this, you need to cut out a small rectangle, make a hole for the arm and for winding the thread;
  • at the last stage, color the resulting kite. Use your imagination to give the finished product a unique look.

You should also remember about such a feature of kites as fragility. It is not recommended to run them in strong gusty winds. They also cannot be disassembled.

Having studied the basic points required to create your own product, you can easily make a unique kite that will bring you a lot of positive emotions.