How to quickly wash brilliant green from the skin. How to wash brilliant green: ideas for getting rid of and ways to remove a brilliant green solution (75 photos)

Anyone faced the problem of how to wash brilliant green at home. We remember our elbows and knees in emerald spots in childhood! This is the most common wound and scratch treatment we have in our first aid kit. However, no matter how carefully we open the vial, leaving hands and clothes clean is not realistic. And the worst dream of a parent is a child with green fingers, drawing on the walls with them.

There are many ways to wash off brilliant green with what you have at home without using aggressive chemicals, especially if you wipe it off a child.

The nuances of washing brilliant green from the body

There are several nuances and tricks that should be considered when washing brilliant green off the skin of the body:

  • Try to wipe off the medicine immediately. It quickly penetrates into the upper layers of the dermis, and the longer it stays there, the faster it absorbs.
  • Do not count on erasing it the first time, after each attempt the spot will lighten a little, and then it will go away.
  • Use gentle methods first, products such as bleach will remove the stain faster, but can cause burns. This applies to the treatment of lips and face.
  • No matter how frightened you are by the sight of a child smeared with greenery, remember that children's skin is very delicate and all the remedies indicated in this article should be used with caution.
  • Apply in several steps. This will not damage the skin or any other surfaces.

How to wash the brilliant green from the skin

Ordinary soap is powerless here, when there is no time to wait a few days, then pay attention to the following options:

Hydrogen peroxide. Its analogues are Chlorhexidine and Miramistin. Apply some liquid to the cotton and press for 10 seconds. Then, with a new disk, repeat the procedure 3-4 times. Wash off with running water and soap.

Alcohol with lemon juice (vodka). Dilute 5:1 and gently rub into skin. It is not necessary to rub hard to avoid irritation. Juice without alcohol is fine too. Cut the fruit into 2-3 parts and wipe the contaminated area with juice and peel. It acts slowly, but the visible effect will be immediately noticeable. Not recommended for people with citrus allergies.

If we are not talking about the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, then chlorine bleach is the fastest remedy. Or if no other methods worked. Dilute it with water 50/50 and rub the stain quickly. Do not rub too long, burns from prolonged skin contact may occur. Then treat with cotton wool soaked in 6% vinegar.

Baking soda is in every kitchen. It works slowly but is safe. First, sift it through a fine strainer, and then dilute it with water to a state of gruel. Apply to a cotton pad and wipe the place where the brilliant green hit. If necessary, repeat several times.

Spots on the face require special care when removing:

  • Scrub - Gently apply it in a circular motion and rinse with warm water.
  • A soapy water face cream is not the fastest, but a harmless method, apply in the same way as a scrub. Suitable as a moisturizer and any cosmetic oil.
  • Monitor wipes - As well as any wipes with an alcohol base. There is little alcohol in them, so they will not be able to overdry the coda. Sold in electronics and household appliances stores. Effective for both body skin and rubbing nails.

How to wash green hair from hair

If brilliant green has already got on a strand, then tune in that not a single remedy will wash it off the first time. It will completely disappear in only a few days, being washed off gradually. Remember that peroxide will not work here, because it has a strong bleaching effect, and you risk getting a clarified area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hair at the site of the stain.

Wrap the strand with cotton soaked in lemon juice and vodka for 3-5 minutes. Rinse with plenty of water. Kefir in a water bath or a small amount of laundry soap diluted in water is also suitable. After the procedure, wash your hair completely.

How to remove green from nails

Toothpaste. To do this, take an unnecessary brush and rub the stain with it. It is better to rub your nails for longer than 3-5 minutes, then rinse with warm water and soap.

Nail polish remover will be effective, but quite aggressive. Do not keep the sponge with it on the nail for too long and do not rub it hard so as not to damage the nail plate by removing the top layer from it.

If brilliant green is visible from under the nails, dip them in warm water, diluting lemon juice in it. Leave on for 10-15 minutes.

The consequences of chickenpox

It is not so hard for children to endure this disease, as mothers then try to wash their children from green dots. It is important to understand that it is only allowed to wash off the brilliant green from the skin in a healthy child. Give preference to gentle products, since the sensitive skin of children is easy to burn or develop an allergy.

Baby cream - of course, will not remove stains instantly, but for that it will not harm the baby's skin. Leave on the skin for 10-15 minutes, then rinse in the shower, thoroughly washing off the remaining cream with soap.

Ascorbic acid in the form of powder or tablets. Dissolve the tablet in water, soak a cotton pad with the solution and rub the traces of greenery. Stir the powder with water to a slurry state, apply for 20 minutes (not every child, of course, will sit that long), then rinse with warm water. The spots will lighten up a bit.

Salicylic alcohol, but the main thing here is not to rub the stains too hard, so as not to dry out the skin. After finishing, be sure to moisturize with baby cream.

How to wash green from different surfaces

For example, textiles or leather furniture. And here the same rules apply as with the body - it is best to wash off as soon as the liquid is spilled. This is especially true of the palace. Its pile will instantly absorb the liquid, and then it will be impossible to get rid of it.

From the skin

It is easy to spoil both natural and artificial leather with strong household chemicals. If we are talking about genuine leather, then green spots may eventually go away on their own - burn out in direct sunlight.

Alcohol wipes for office equipment. They will not harm the surface. Gently rub them over the green spot until it disappears. It may not wash off the first time.

Color stain remover. Add oxen to it to the consistency of toothpaste and gently rub in circular motions. Then remove the residue with a rag or paper towel.

From fabric

Best suited:

  • water with a bite
  • peroxide
  • medical alcohol
  • starch with water.

Mix a small amount of soda and vinegar in equal proportions and rub the desired place. Peroxide, like alcohol, can scrub the stain away completely, but remember that it has a bleaching effect and can wash the dye itself out of the fabric, leaving a light stain.

After mixing the starch with water, to a thick consistency and applying it to the stain, wait until it dries completely, and then wipe off the mixture. The furniture will be clean again.

From linoleum, parquet, laminate

The floor will instantly absorb any not only green paint, but any paint, so you should wipe it off immediately before it has eaten into the surface. Consider the features of the surface when choosing a product so as not to spoil it even more:

  • washing powder
  • Baking Soda and Vinegar
  • Nail polish remover or acetone
  • Alcohol and citric acid
  • Plumbing supplies

When using plumbing products, protect your hands with gloves so that chemicals do not damage your skin. Then rinse thoroughly, as well as the place where the stain was, and the floor in the entire room so that no detergent residue remains on the floor.

With lacquered furniture and parquet, an ordinary eraser will help remove green paint. Wet the stain, and then wipe off until completely destroyed. Alkaline soap may help.

If none of the above tools helped, you will have to grind. It is better to look at the photo instructions than to wash the brilliant green, because the varnished surface requires special delicacy.

from the palace

Carpet fibers can be permanently damaged by brilliant green if they have time to absorb it deeply. The quality of the action depends on the speed, so remove the stain as soon as it hits the carpet.

Stain remover - apply to the stain, but do not rub it, but blot it with a napkin, wait until the stain is gone.

Ammonia is effective but toxic. Use a 10% solution. Thoroughly ventilate the area while removing the stain. Then rinse the floor with warm water.

There is no quick instruction on how to wash off the brilliant green, as well as a universal remedy. It easily and deeply penetrates into any surface. In any case, be patient: the task is doable, but it will take time.

Photo greenery on different surfaces

How to wash brilliant green from the skin: effective methods

Have you ever had to open a standard securely sealed vial of brilliant green? You don’t even have to answer this question, since we all faced this difficult task. The lid of the vial is unscrewed and all the fun begins - hands, clothes, mother's favorite tablecloth, cutlery acquire a beautiful emerald color. When half of the bubble has already been used up, without having time to start, we begin to treat the wound.

This situation is familiar to many and, of course, many of us have thought about how to wash brilliant green from the skin.

Below we will consider effective methods, using which nothing “alive” will remain from the traces of brilliant green. How to remove brilliant green from the skin

*Chlorine. If you need to quickly remove traces of brilliant green from the skin, moisten a cotton pad or a small piece of cotton wool with bleach (bleach), wipe the contaminated area and rinse with warm water. If after the procedure you have an unpleasant feeling that the skin on the treated area has become very smooth, moisten this area with ordinary vinegar (6-9%).

*Alcohol and lemon. We can easily cope with the problem under consideration with the help of alcohol-containing liquids. Just mix in a glass of 5 tbsp. l alcohol (you can vodka) and 1 tbsp. l lemon juice. Immerse a cotton swab in the resulting solution and wipe the stains from brilliant green with it. Then thoroughly rinse the skin with water, dry with a dry towel and apply the nourishing cream that you usually use.

*Baking soda. Using this method, it will be a little more difficult to remove traces of brilliant green, but baking soda is a natural abrasive that will not do any harm to our skin. Take a suitable container and mix soda with water in it so that a homogeneous paste is obtained. Then apply it on the contaminated area and rub it in a little in a circular motion. After that, rinse the skin and repeat the procedure if necessary.

*Hydrogen peroxide. If you're not in a hurry, you can remove stains with peroxide. Just soak a cotton pad or a clean piece of cloth with this product and start rubbing the stain. There is no doubt that you will cope with the task. The only unknown is how long it will take you.

*Lemon. Rub the pulp of the lemon on the green spots, wait 2-3 minutes, then repeat the procedure again. With this method, traces are removed reluctantly, but almost completely. Note that vinegar or citric acid can be used instead of lemon.

*Fatty cream and soap solution. Apply a layer of oily cream to the area (if there is no cream, you can use vegetable oil), wait a few minutes and wash off with the prepared soapy solution. Repeat the procedure until the stain is completely gone.

*Skin scrub. You can get rid of brilliant green from the skin using a cosmetic scrub. Apply a small amount of product to the contaminated area, rub gently and rinse with running water. Repeat the steps from the beginning if necessary.

*Makeup remover. Few people know that brilliant green is well removed with coconut milk for removing makeup. Try it, perhaps this method will solve the problem in question.

*Toothpaste. Some housewives claim that it is possible to wash off brilliant green from the skin with only one toothpaste. To do this, apply it to the contaminated area, rub it well with an old brush, rinse with water and repeat the procedure several more times.

Attention: never try to remove green stains with household chemical stain removers! Otherwise, you will damage your skin.

It is not difficult to remove traces of brilliant green from the skin, the main thing is to know how to properly and safely wash brilliant green from the body. To do this, you can use chlorine bleach, lemon (pulp and juice), cosmetics and hydrogen peroxide. Apply thick abrasives and rub in circular motions, and wipe the places with green dots with liquid products.

Zelenka is a tool that is available in every first aid kit, especially if there are children in the family. Usually it disinfects scratches, cuts, helps in the treatment of children's knees after a fall. With chickenpox, a child has numerous lesions that need to be dried and disinfected with greenery.

However, during processing (in case of unsuccessful opening of the bottle), the mother's hands may also turn green. That is why it is important to know in advance how to wash brilliant green from hands and other parts of the body, how to properly remove the remnants of the product without damaging the skin.

How to quickly clear the skin of brilliant green

Despite the persistence of greenery, it is not so difficult to wash it. You can even use ordinary warm water, but you have to rub it thoroughly, which can harm baby skin and definitely not like the baby.

In this case, other methods must be used. Their choice depends on:

  • tolerance by the body of the substances used;
  • processing area;
  • freshness of spots.

Accordingly, old, stubborn stains from greenery are much more difficult to remove fresh ones.

They will require patience and trouble, but even on sensitive children's skin, which will allow the baby to go to school or kindergarten without hindrance.

Nourishing cream with soap solution

The recipe is great if the child got to the first-aid kit and was smeared with brilliant green. If the agent has not had time to dry:

  1. Wash the contaminated area with warm soapy water.
  2. Rub thoroughly.

Most of the product will be instantly washed off the skin of the hands, but the washcloth will have to be disposed of immediately so that the next time you bathe you will not get smeared again. After the procedure, use a nourishing cream to soothe the skin and restore its regenerating abilities.

Hydrogen peroxide to remove old stains

Hydrogen peroxide is known for its healing properties, but it also removes impurities and brightens the skin.

chlorine bleach

Any chlorine bleach will help remove green of varying intensity from hands and nails.

Washes the green well, but it is inexpensive

If the child urgently needs to go to kindergarten or school, clean the skin with a chlorine bleach solution (cotton pad). However, for spots on the face, refrain from this method so as not to injure the eyes.

Note ! Chlorine bleach is made from chemicals, so it can cause an allergic reaction that can cause serious skin damage.

Before using this recipe, make sure it's safe! Rub a little product with a cotton swab on the inside of the arm (between the elbow bend and the brush), wait 15 minutes. If there is no redness, itching, or rash, you can safely use bleach to remove brilliant green.


If your lips are dirty with brilliant green, it is highly recommended not to use chemicals. You can do with toothpaste slightly diluted with water. Clean your lips with a toothbrush.

Note ! As a rule, if the face and lips are contaminated, then they take action immediately, so there will be no difficulties when washing this area.

Nail polish remover (with and without acetone)

Acetone will help remove the green from under the nails.

If you have extensions, you can not worry, the nails will not fall off and the manicure will not deteriorate, since acetone does not affect the consistency of the gel. For convenience, it is recommended to pour acetone into a small container and dip your fingers into it for a couple of minutes, and then wipe it thoroughly with a cotton pad. If necessary, repeat the procedure.


In this case, we are talking about a makeup remover or a skin scrub.

They do well with fresh greens. It is best used to clean the face and hands. To enhance the effect when cleaning the fingers, it is recommended to steam the limbs in hot water before scrubbing.

Folk ways

You can always resort to folk methods for removing greens, because the recipes are safe, and the ingredients are regularly used during cooking. For this it is customary to use:

Alcohol and lemon juice, lemon pulp

Lemon juice can be used on its own (for fresh stains) or in combination with alcohol.

It is found in perfumes, lotions, so it does not injure the skin of adults and children, but enhances the effectiveness of lemon juice.

  1. Mix these ingredients in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. Rub the contaminated areas - you can wash the brilliant green from your hands and body quickly without causing damage to the skin.

You can also use lemon pulp. After rubbing the skin with pulp, the green will dissolve and be easily washed off.


Baking soda, compared to the methods described above, is less effective, but does not cause soreness. The advantage of such cleaning is the antibacterial effect and the ability to safely wash brilliant green from the skin of the legs and hands.

  1. Pour a little soda into a small container and add 2 times less water. The end result should be a thick, smooth paste.
  2. Apply the finished natural abrasive on the skin contaminated with greenery and rub in circular massage movements.

After that, the soda will begin to turn green. When you can no longer clearly feel the grains of soda, rinse it off and reapply.

Peculiarities of child processing

Judging by the opinion of experts, the brilliant green on the surface of the skin is “not terrible”, and the kindergarten / school can wait until the brilliant green is washed off on its own during bathing.

However, sometimes when trying to open an attractive green bottle, children smear their mouths, which is dangerous for their health.

When the green gets on the mucous membranes, take immediate action:

  • Remove the drug from the child immediately.
  • Give your child a toothbrush and make them brush their teeth without swallowing any toothpaste.

This tool has healing properties, does not sting, so it should be in every first aid kit.

However, the best way to avoid accidentally smearing a child's mucous membranes or skin in greenery is to store medicines as far away as possible. Ideally, children should not know where the medicines are at all.

It is not difficult to wipe off fresh and dried green on the skin, but you must understand that not all methods are suitable for treating a particular area. Especially responsibly should be approached to eliminate the green on children's skin. It is easily irritated, so it is recommended to avoid chemical treatments.

To choose the most suitable option for washing greenery, watch the video:

Larisa, April 27, 2018.

The ability of Zelenka to paint any surface has been tested by practice. And first of all, "diamond" traces remain on the skin - hands, face and other parts of the body. This happens for various reasons: from medical manipulations to pranks of children. If a person is only after surgery and is in the hospital, then green spots, of course, do not bother anyone. In all other cases, walking with bright stains on the body is unpleasant, unaesthetic and inappropriate. Over time, the greens are washed off by themselves. But if there is no time to wait, how to wash brilliant green from the skin quickly and effectively?

Zelenka is a disinfectant. Applied externally. Works fast to kill bacteria. Despite the variety of modern colorless antiseptics, it remains in demand in domestic medicine. It is used to treat the part of the body where surgery is or has been performed. In stationary departments, greens are disinfected and soaked in bandages. Having a mild antimicrobial effect, the drug does not increase the pressure inside the tissues, unlike, for example, iodine. Does not dry or burn the skin. (True, getting on the mucous membranes, it can cause burning and tearing). Well, it's worth every penny.

Our acquaintance with the solution of brilliant green comes from the first days of life: the navel is smeared with it for newborns. And then a bottle of antiseptic settles forever in the home first aid kit. He broke his knee, cut his finger, scratched the cat - it helps out in any situation. And the housewives got used to using the drug for domestic purposes. For example, tulle is bleached with it.

"Diamond" spots: why they remain and when they disappear

Zelenka belongs to the group of aniline dyes, which are highly resistant. This property of the drug is also used for laboratory studies of microorganisms: bacteria stained with brilliant green are easier to differentiate. In addition, the solution was once used in weaving to obtain a green fabric.

Interestingly, the antiseptic properties of brilliant green in the treatment of chickenpox play a secondary role. Here, the coloring properties of the drug are more important. It plays the role of a marker. What is the point? Zelenka is applied to the blisters to make it easier to track when the rash stops.

Therefore, the wounds after treatment with the agent quickly heal, but the green spots on the body linger. They can last from a few days to a week or more. In such a situation, a logical question arises as to how to wash brilliant green from the skin of the hands, from the face and hair at home in a shorter time? Interestingly, no special stain removers are needed. Help out improvised means.

How to wash fingers and nails

Even if you work very carefully with brilliant green, marks on your nails and fingers will remain with a 99% probability. Greens can even seep through medical gloves. To save a manicure, it is advised to buy brilliant green in the form of a pencil with a solid disinfectant rod. If you are using a traditional liquid solution, be prepared to wash your hands in one of the following ways.


Peculiarities. Don't even think about using it elsewhere. Especially - on the face. Bleach is also contraindicated for those who are allergic and intolerant to it.

What do we do

  1. We take a piece of cotton wool or a cotton pad, a stick.
  2. Pour 10-15 ml of household chlorine bleach into a container.
  3. We collect liquid on cotton wool and process the contaminated area.
  4. Rinse with warm water.
  5. We wipe the skin with table vinegar to restore the acid balance.

Baking soda

Peculiarities. You can wash off brilliant green from the skin of your hands and nails in a soda bath, soaking for ten minutes. For greater effect, the nail plates are cleaned with a toothbrush. Soda is also treated on the skin after chickenpox.

  1. We take a container in which we mix soda and water until a homogeneous mass is formed. We select the number of ingredients "by eye".
  2. Apply to the stain and rub in circular motions.
  3. Rinse the treated area with warm water.


Peculiarities. The method is suitable if you do not feel sorry for the varnish. Acetone allows you to quickly wash brilliant green from hands and nails at home, but it is not categorically suitable for other areas. The solvent is not used on children's skin.

What do we do

  1. Wet cotton wool or a cotton pad in a solvent.
  2. We wipe the stain.
  3. Rinse the area with warm water.

Alcohol or lemon juice

Peculiarities. Lemon juice is not used on the face and in delicate areas. Especially in the area around the eyes, in areas that are affected by chickenpox. Citric acid can cause irritation and dry skin.

  1. We take salicylic / medical alcohol or citrus.
  2. We wipe the stain with a swab soaked in the solution or a slice of lemon.
  3. If necessary, repeat the procedure two or three times with a break of several hours.
  4. Rinse the treated area with warm water.
  5. We wipe the skin, nails dry and apply a moisturizer, a protective coating.

We remove green marks on the face and delicate areas of the body

It is believed that cosmetic make-up remover is able to quickly wipe green spots from the skin on the face. Also, stains are rubbed with vegetable oil. There are even recipes for how to wash off green dots with Corvaldin. But most often it is advised to try the following methods. They are also suitable for treating the décolleté, neck, abdomen, hips.

Hydrogen peroxide

Peculiarities. Hydrogen peroxide is used after chickenpox. In parallel, the solution disinfects the inflamed areas on the face.

  1. We take cotton wool or a cotton pad, moisten it in a solution.
  2. We wipe the stain.
  3. If necessary, repeat the procedure several times.


Peculiarities. It is necessary to remove brilliant green from the skin of the face, without affecting the area around the eyes.
Sensitive areas are treated carefully, without excessive pressure.

  1. We take clean sorrel leaves and rub them with “diamond” spots.
  2. Wash the treated area with warm water.

Fat cream

Peculiarities. Use products that suit your skin type. If you need to wash a child, baby cream is suitable.

  1. Apply the product to the stain in a thick layer.
  2. We wait five to ten minutes.
  3. We remove the remnants of cosmetics with cotton wool, and then rinse with warm soapy water.

Peculiarities. The brush should be softened so as not to leave irritations, so it is better to take the old one. Toothpaste can be mint or herbal.

  1. We apply the product to the contaminated area and three with a toothbrush.
  2. Repeat the procedure if the stain is not removed the first time.
  3. Wash the treated area with warm water.


Peculiarities. Scrub is selected according to skin type. You can even try homemade - from coffee or oatmeal. It is also possible to wash brilliant green from the skin of a child after chickenpox in this way, but cosmetics should be gentle. Consider also age: for newborns and children under three years old, the method is not suitable, as solid scrub particles can damage the skin.

  1. We take a cosmetic scrub and apply it to the stain, three.
  2. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  3. Rinse the skin with warm water.


Peculiarities. For large and stubborn stains, even household 72% soap can be used. But you should avoid getting the foam in your eyes and mouth.

What do we do

  1. We take a hot shower or bath.
  2. Three contaminated areas with a soft cosmetic sponge and soap.

How to fix your hair

Zelenka not only dyes the hair, but literally glues the strands together. This happens when you need to treat a wound on the head. You can remove brilliant green from your hair with alcohol: just moisten a cotton pad in the product and wipe the contaminated area. As an option - use peroxide or any perfume in the same way.

If the stain does not lend itself, according to reviews, vegetable oil helps well. Directly smear them with strands and rub. Then you need to wash your hair as usual.

How to wash brilliant green from the skin of a child

The methods of how to wash brilliant green from the body in children and in adults (after chickenpox or any medical procedures) are similar. But keep in mind that babies have more sensitive and tender skin. Therefore, the most sparing methods are selected from the methods.

  • Vitamin C. Before wiping brilliant green from the skin of a child, we take a tablet and crush it. The powder is dissolved in warm water. Wet a piece of cotton wool or a cotton pad and wipe the contaminated areas. We wash under the shower.
  • Baby cream. Apply the cosmetic product on green dots and leave for 15 minutes. We bathe in the shower of the child, using soap or shampoo.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. We wipe the stained places with a solution. You don't need to rinse them with water.

In Russia and the countries of the post-Soviet space, Zelenka is a "traditional" antiseptic. But in the West, the question of how to erase green spots from the skin of the face and other parts of the body does not arise. The fact is that foreign doctors do not use the solution, although it is included in the list of approved drugs. They consider the beneficial properties of greenery not sufficiently confirmed, and the coloring effect of the product is a significant drawback. Indeed, in Western clinics, much attention is paid to the issue of aesthetics and changes in the appearance of patients.


Brilliant green solution is an effective remedy for treating scratches and wounds, acting as an antiseptic. If there are children in the house, then it may be necessary to wash the brilliant green from the arms, legs, body and face of the child. There is an opinion that brilliant green forms the most persistent and difficult stains that cannot be removed quickly. However, using proven cleaning methods, even stubborn stains can be quickly removed.

One of the easiest ways to get rid of green stains is to prevent them from appearing. There are several methods for this.

You need to open a bottle of brilliant greens after putting on gloves. For this purpose, disposable gloves are best suited so that you do not have to wash them later. Applying brilliant green is also best done with gloves.

If there are no gloves, you can lubricate your hands or at least your fingers with nourishing cream or sunflower oil. Even if brilliant green gets in, such areas will be much easier to wash.

The modern industry has invented many different ways to apply brilliant green, allowing you to keep your hands clean and apply the product only to the damaged area. In pharmacies, you can purchase a solution of brilliant green in the form of a felt-tip pen (marker) - the cap prevents the product from spilling, and the tip ensures accurate and economical application. There are commercially available packages in the form of a jar with a lid, to which a special rod or brush is attached inside. Such types of brilliant green allow minimizing contact with the coloring matter of the skin of the hands. Although their cost is much higher compared to simpler counterparts.

How to wipe green stains?

Despite all the precautions, it happens that brilliant green has already got on the skin, and it becomes necessary to remove it. In such cases, it is necessary to determine how much time has passed after application, whether the dye has managed to be absorbed into the skin. The amount of time that has passed since the solution hit the skin depends on the choice of the appropriate cleaning method.

To remove brilliant green from the skin, stain removers intended, for example, for cleaning furniture, cannot be used, because such products contain aggressive components and are not intended for contact with the skin.

Cleansing the skin from fresh greens

It is easiest to clean the skin from freshly applied brilliant green, since the main part of it has not yet had time to dry and absorb. To remove fresh stains, there are a number of simple means:

  • Soap. Fresh brilliant green is easily removed by washing with soap. For these purposes, both laundry and toilet soap are suitable. It is necessary to thoroughly lather your hands, having received a large amount of soapy foam, and using the resulting foam, rub the painted areas of the skin with a washcloth, then rinse them with running water. If it was not possible to remove all the brilliant green the first time, then the procedure can be repeated.
  • Hand cream. Apply the cream in large quantities to the area with the brilliant green that has not yet been absorbed, rub in a circular motion. The cream should acquire a greenish tint, as it will absorb some of the dye. Rinse off the green-colored excess cream with running water.
  • Vegetable oil. Rub the painted area with a cotton pad with applied vegetable oil. If necessary, you can perform the procedure several times until completely cleansed, because each time the vegetable oil will dissolve some of the brilliant green.

These methods are desirable for use if there is a need to clean the skin of a child, as these methods are safe and do not damage children's skin. The need for careful removal of brilliant green stains may arise after chickenpox, when the remnants of brilliant green cover the face and body of the baby.

Removing absorbed product

If brilliant green has already dried and absorbed into the skin, then the above methods may be ineffective, since only a small part of the dye will be removed. To remove the absorbed product at home, there are several more aggressive, but also more effective ways:

  1. Soda. Mix baking soda with a little warm water to form a paste. Apply the resulting paste on the painted area, wait 1-2 minutes, then rub and rinse with running water.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide. Moisten a cotton pad with hydrogen peroxide and apply to the soiled skin for 3-5 minutes. Most likely, the procedure will have to be repeated several times. It should be borne in mind that this method is quite long, although it is effective for stubborn stains.
  3. Skin scrub. Products containing abrasive particles can also help to cope with stubborn stains of brilliant green. It is necessary to apply a small amount of scrub to the painted area, rub for 1-2 minutes, then rinse with plenty of water.
  4. Makeup removers. The cosmetic industry has a variety of products for removing various types of coatings, including very resistant ones. To remove green stains, you can try using cosmetic milk or a waterproof makeup remover.
  5. Nail polish remover. Using nail polish remover can be effective on the skin, but be aware that such products contain acetone and / or other organic solvents. To minimize the aggressive effect of solvents, you should not pour liquid on the stained area, but apply a small amount on a cotton pad and gently rub the stains. Then you need to wash the skin areas exposed to solvents with water, and then apply a nourishing cream to these areas to prevent drying and cracking of the skin.
  6. Alcohol wipes. A very convenient and effective remedy for removing brilliant green, but alcohol can also dry out the skin. If alcohol wipes are not available, you can use a piece of cotton wool soaked in salicylic or isopropyl alcohol. If there is no alcohol at hand, then you can moisten a piece of cotton wool in vodka and - vodka cleans no worse than pure alcohol. After removing the stains, wash your hands and the areas of skin to be cleaned with water, and then lubricate with any suitable cream.
  7. Lemon juice. The acid contained in lemon juice has bleaching properties and quickly destroys the pigment. With the help of lemon juice, you can remove traces of brilliant green not only from the skin, but also from any other surfaces - linoleum, certain types of upholstery of furniture, some clothes (depending on the material from which the upholstery or clothes are made). To remove brilliant green from the skin, you can take a piece of lemon and rub the stained area for 15-20 seconds, then rinse this area with water.
  8. Toothpaste. In order to wash brilliant green, you need to apply a little toothpaste to the stained area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin and gently rub for 1-2 minutes with a small sponge, toothbrush, or any other similar tool. Then rinse with water and repeat if necessary.
  9. Chlorine bleach. It is necessary to use such a tool very carefully, as it belongs to the category of aggressive. If you moisten a cotton pad with bleach and wipe the painted area, the brilliant green is almost guaranteed to be removed. However, the risk of damaging the skin is very high, so the contact of bleach with the skin should be very short (no more than 10-15 seconds). After contact with bleach, the skin must be thoroughly washed and lubricated with a nourishing cream.

Do not use aggressive methods to remove traces of brilliant green if there are wounds, abrasions, scratches, cuts on the skin. Do not use such methods for people with sensitive skin or those prone to allergic reactions.