How to paint the roots of henna. Staining hair henna at home. Easy Rye: The main thing is not to reap

In this article you will learn:

  • What is the difference between Indian Henna from Iranian.
  • Therapeutic properties of Indian henna.
  • How to face the hair of Indian henna.
  • Staining gray hair indian henna.

Indian henna is considered the most effective for dyeing hair. Unlike Iranian, its color scheme is much wider, and when tones are mixed, you can get a lot of great shades.

And the main thing - Indian henna is characterized by higher quality, is grown under strict quality control on elite plantations Rajasthan province. Indian henna passes up soft cleaning and sterilization, so it does not cause allergic reactions and dandruff, dry skin and hair dry.

Our store selected the best and proven brands of Indian Henna. Our henna has a big advantage: a small consistency of the powder allows, when applied to hair, evenly distribute, filling out all the voids of hair scale, which arose after chemical staining or improper care.

Henna envelops hair thicting and lining its structure. It does not destroy the natural pigment of the hair and does not have a chemical effect when painting. Therefore, this natural dye, unlike paints, does not harm hair, moreover, it is an effective therapeutic agent.

Natural Indian Henna has eight basic shades: from colorless to black. The feature of the henna is that it can be painted with hair, depending on the original, natural color, or tone, or darker. Henna gives hair only warm shades. Since Henna is a vegetable product, it is impossible to brighten the hair, and apply the previously bleached strands - please. It turns out the effect of coloring.

How to paint the hair of Indian henna at home.

The process of staining together with washing and styling takes about an hour and a half.

Indian henna powder is brewed, then the warm mixture is applied to clean slightly dried hair, first in the roots, and then along the entire length. It is maintained under the hat for 40-50 minutes.

If you are staining your hair at home, it is recommended to use a hairdryer in the process of staining for the best effect. Under the influence of warm air, the Henna components are better penetrated into the hair structure, saturating them with color. Rush itch without using shampoo.

After the procedure, it is not recommended to wash your head at least three days so that the shade stabilized. After dyeing, the hair acquire a healthy shine and a beautiful rich color, and also become more thick and lush, very soft like silk!

An important factor in staining is the correctly selected shade. First decide which tint you want to get, then select the appropriate paint. If you doubt what a shade will do, make pre-staining of one hair strands on the back of the head. As a rule, the shade is the same as on the paint packaging.

Do not doubt if you have questions, contact online consultants.

How long does Henna hold on her hair?

Due to natural essential oils, Henna creates a peculiar protective layer that protects hair. It is not flushed completely like chemical paint.

Binding into the structure of the hair, Henna holds for a longer time. The hair is completely unborn in the sun and do not spoil from sea water, this staining of henna is predominantly different from chemical dyes.

It should be noted that Henna has a healing effect on the hair onion, so the hair begins to grow faster. After staining, as the hair grows, it is enough to paint the growing roots, and along the entire length to paint the hair just once a month.

For gray hair.

Indian henna has an exceptional ability to perfectly paint gray. For one hundred percent staining of gray hair, dark shades are the most winning: chestnut, bitter chocolate and black. Black and brown shades are not washed away, and the hair looks for a long time with silky and shiny. It is enough to paint the growing roots, and refreshing the color along the entire length at will.

After dyeing the hair of genuine henna, you can safely expose their chemical twigs. In a color shade, this will not affect it, it will remain unchanged a fairly long period of time. Also, after the use of Henna, if you wish, you can paint the hair of "chemistry", bleaching or making highlighting.

If the hair was painted, can I use Indian Huma?

If you use hair paints with artificial dyes, then in this case your hair needs care and care. In this case, the henna is a good option. Just pick up a suitable shade. Hair will get a lively and well-groomed look. As a rule, after using Indian herbal paint, the need to use chemical paints disappears.

Hena hair treatment

Henna is not only a good dye, but also an excellent medicinal preparation. Thanks to the essential oils contained in it, Indian Henna has a stunning effect on the hair damaged by chemical dyes or the injured from improper care.

Henna restores the structure of fragile, split hair, nourishes the cells of the skin of the head and eliminates dandruff. It prevents hair loss, strengthening their growth, and also perfectly air-conditioned hair, giving them a dense.

Hello everyone! I continue the topic of painting hair henna and lay out for you coloring options using henna and natural dyes.

1. Burgundy tint You can get a brewing becks with saturated beet juice or red wine "Kahors". The beet is rubbed on the grater (2-3 pcs.) And rushes in hot water, approximately 90-95 o C, then insisted under the lid of 20 minutes with the addition of 1 tbsp. You will need to get very thick, saturated with a decoction. The decoction is digested, and in pure form heated, and then it is brewed on it. For acidic staining, raw ground beets (beets can be placed in a gauze bag for ease of extraction) mixed with acidic liquid and insist. When the beet is given to the coloring pigment, it is extracted from the liquid, and the fluid is added to the fluid and the required time is insisted. With this tint you need to be careful, on different hair he can go into different shades, from pink to Iscin eggplant.

2. Tint of "mahogany" - Pour the cold hot jagore. The color of the "mahogany" will also be able to add cranberry juice in Huma, and before staining, it is abundantly moistened to their hair and dry.

3. Chestnut shade -you can get if you brew the hun rich black coffee. With an acidic method of staining, the huna is mixed with coffee in equal parts and poured with an acidic medium.

4. Tint "Bright Chestnut" - Add cocoa powder. Henna is connected from 3-4 tbsp. Cocoa spoons, brew the usual hot method and put on the hair.

5. Golden honey shade - This is a chamomile or turmeric. If you want to get a golden-red tone, pour it off with hot water, and the decoction of daisies is pharmaceutical (1-2 tablespoons on a glass, insisted, strain, warm up to 90 degrees). Turmeric is simply added to the composition with henna.

6. Golden yellow shade- Dast rhubarb. 200 gr. Dried plants stems are connected to a bottle of white dry wine (it is possible without wine) and boiled until half of the fluid is popped. In the remaining composition, the henna bag is added and applied to the hair. It is necessary to consider that if you have enough dark hair, then without prior discoloration you will not be able to get a light golden shade.

7. The color of old gold - Saffron is brewing and insisted in a small amount of water, then henna is brewed with this hot decoction.

8. Copper color - Take 200 grams. Onion husks, 2-3 tablespoons of black tea, pour 0.5 liters. White grape wine and put on a weak fire for 20-30 minutes. Strain and apply the resulting mixture to wet washed hair, warm your head.

9. Chocolate-chestnut hue -give a strong infusion of black tea, mixed with henna. Also for obtaining a picolade color, you can add hops in a coexistence of 1 Henna bag and 1 tsp. hop. All shades of chestnut - welding for tea, a few drops of iodine, henna. The result of the ingredients and the original color of the hair depends on the result.

10. Strengthen the red shade - We use the root of the marines. The spine is crushed and brewed with a glass of boiling water, then this infusion is bred by the hu.

11. Chocolate color - The leaves of walnut are boiled, insist, the hot influence is brewing hen.

10. Experiment with shades You can also, mixing the huhu and bass in different proportions. Chestnut tint-3 part of the henna and 1 part of the bass. Bronze shade - take 2 pieces of henna and 1 part of the bass.

12. Osin-black shade - Henna and Basma in equal amounts. First, the hair is painted with one henna, hold it for at least 1 hour. Smash. After that apply Basma. I also know that the iscin-black shade can be obtained by collecting bass vinegar and insisting in heat for at least 10 hours. Then apply to the hair. It is necessary to take into account that the black color can manifest on the 3 day.

And now a few examples of hair painting with additives, found on the Internet, all information is taken from public access, some photos have links to the site, some are taken from foreign sites. I hope that the experience of these girls will inspire you to creativity in creating their beauty. Recipe staining is above the picture to which it belongs:

Ksenia girl recipe:henna, hammering carnation, red wine.

Yulia Gritsenko's recipe:Indian henna-very resistant and bright unlike other henna. 125 gr. A bag of chamomile poured with boiling water (chamomile must be strain and use only infusion) and insisted 20 minutes. About 25 gr. Ballepih oil and as many coconut add to the henna and chamomile mixture. All mix, apply on the hair under the bag and warm cap warm for 2 hours. Wash off with warm water, after which she brought a thick balm, and then wash it off.

Recipe Dinar Hydarova: 2 Basmas for 125 gr, 1 Henna 125gr is brewed on a strong coffee, vitamin E is added to the mixture (about 5 capsules), 2 - 3 spoons of honey. Keep the mixture on the hair costs 3 - 4 hours. I wash off a natural dye with water, and at the end of the procedure, I nano on my hair mask or hair balm so that you should rinse the residues and ensure easy combing hair.

Galyutdinova Margarita Recipe: Painting henna with bass in proportions 1: 1 or 1: 2. I usually do 2 mixtures. One for roots (staining and strengthening), second for length (staining). The first brewing on the wrame of nettle or root of the burdock + I add uh of nutmeg or rosemary. The second brewing on the tea brew or add coffee + jojoba oil a couple of drops.
To find out how much it is necessary to coffee, I first fill it with a water (or decoction) until it becomes dark brown. Then this driver is already poured HNU. If you want a more red shade, then instead of coffee, add decoction of the onion husk. I keep the mixture on the hair 3-5 hours. I paint every 2-3 weeks.

Vita Recipe Sparrow: On my length I take 6 bags of ordinary henna, pour hot water to a sufficiently liquid consistency, add a heoda half-disconnector, Em Ylang Ylang, sometimes yolk and almond oil. I bite the food film and a towel, I keep as long as possible.

Tatiana recipe:I take the usual Iranian henna and bass in proportion of 2 pieces of henna to 1 parts of the bass, pour hot red wine (you can use inexpensive. The main thing is that it is natural). I nano on dry freshly made hair. I keep 1 hour. I wash off warm water without shampoo, at the end I add more Balzam to make it easier to wash all these blasting and sorties.
Color It turns out a saturated dark with a wine tint, and on the first day it is usually red and brighter, and on the second day it darkens and "calms down". His color chestnut, to henna, the hair was painted with chemical paint in dark brown.

Recipe of Elena Baranova: I will brew tea bags, pour this fluid to the huhu, stirring until the formation of Cashitz. I hold an hour (natural color). I wash off the fuck shampoo, and for 3-5 days the color darkens.

Recipe Olga Zhuravlev: Your hair is dark blonde. The mixture consists of 2 parts of the henna, 1 parts of the bass, 2st. Spoons of carcade and ground coffee. Has kept her head within two hours.

Recipe Mary Degteva: Henna + Basma 1: 2, brewed on coffee, added a floor of a teaspoon with a ground cinnamon.

Recipe Svetlana Gainz: withmen consists of two bags of red henna and one bass package. Exposure time of a mixture of one and a half hours.

Anna Geronimus Recipe: Henna and Basma are mixed in the ratio of 1: 1, the powder is poured with hot red wine. The original hair color is blond.

Katerina Guslar recipe: 125 G. Henna pour boiling water, add 40-50 yeod drops, Em Bergamot or any other oil. I bite the food film. Keep 3 hours. I wash off the water. I nano balsam, and again wash off.

Recipe Mary:i dilute 4 Packages of Iranian henna boiling water to a porridge consistency, then add a bag of carnations, 2 tablespoons of honey, 1 tablespoon of the rapid oil, sometimes 1 chicken egg. I put a plastic bag on the head and keep a cooked mixture of 2 hours on the hair.

Recipe Catherine Quiring: Xon Iranian + 2 tbsp. Spoons of cocoa + 2 tbsp. l. Avocado oil + 10 drops of rosemary. All pour boiling water and for 2 hours under the film and towel. Stone while the mixture is still tolerable hot.

Recipe Svetlana Golenko: 7 bags of ordinary Iranian henna, turmeric, a little ginger and cinnamon, poured with black firmly brewed tea and added several chamomile bags pharmaceutical.
Before the colorful henna hair was lightened, their color is blond. Therefore, the clarified part turned out brighter than roots.

Olga Volkova Recipe: I Cashew hair henna is already 9 years old, about once every 2 months. Every time you get a little different shades. It depends on how much kept from the ingredients, of course.
The most successful option: Indian Henna (4 tablespoons are enough for my length) + a spoon of ground coffee pour steep boiling water (sour creation consistency) and put on a water bath for 10-15 minutes. So it is better brewed and then the color is longer. Then I add an egg yolk, a tablespoon of the ray or olive oil and another kefir a couple of spoons! Since my hair is thin enough, then the paint is obtained as a strengthening mask.

Henna painting recipe from Mary Boyharkin: Iranian henna 8 bags and bass 2 bags are mixed with each other. For brewing, a mixture of carcade, carnations and barberries + a bit of cinnamon is used.

Recipe paint from Anna Ermakova: Several Henna bags are mixed with 1/2 sachets of ginger, the mixture is poured with boiling water and applied to the hair.

Recipe painting from Christina Safronova: Nand my hair took 6 Henna bags (ordinary Iranian). Brewed on the chamomile. Henna insisted under the lid of about 15 minutes. I kept 2-2.5 hours. The original color is dark blond.

Painting Recipe from Maja Famuratova: xon, 1 egg, olive oil. Applied for 30-40 minutes.

Recipe paint from Irina Kondrat: Your hair color is dark blond. I take an ordinary hen in bags, add olive oil (for departure) and lemon juice (for brightness). Sometimes I also have a decoction of the onion husk. First, he pour himself with hot water, seeking the desired consistency. Then I put the oil there, stirring, then lemon juice (I just take a lemon and squeeze).
Always after washing and mask rinse vinegar. In an acidic henna, it manifests itself faster.
But the hair is very easy to accept the hu. I hold sooo long, but the result is worth it.

Recipe paint from Alla Gritsak: Henna (325GR), brewed with a strong infusion of coffee. Exposure time 3 hours.

Recipe painting from Ksenia Prince: Iranian henna, bass, coffee, olive oil, painted a week ago, held 1.5 hours.

Recipe from Mila Egorova: 5 packages of henna, 5 bass packages, 2 tablespoons of ground coffee, cinnamon teaspoon floor,
A pair of drops of any oil (I prefer to add almond)
The resulting mixture is filling with a strong tea infusion, I close the lid and withstand 5 minutes. After that, mix the mixture, and nano on all hair until it is still warm enough. Then there is a large package, and on top of a warm hat - to preserve heat. It looks all of course funny, so I try to make the procedure when I stay alone - otherwise the homemade laugh into the voice, barely see me at home in shorts, a T-shirt and a warm hat when the temperature is over +20. And oh yes, for better consolidation, leave the mixture on the hair all night. But my hair prone to greens does not harm it. But who has a dry hair, I do not even advise you. Or add more butter, or keep the mask just a few hours.

I was painted at the same time henna and bass. Because I have long hair, I took (in order not to be very red). 2 Henna Package and 1/2 Basma Package. If someone has its own hair black, then you can take 1 bass bag, and 1/4 henna.
Here is a photo:

Here is still my photo, where I'm in the sun:

After the henna, no paint takes, but on the contrary you can
Here's how my dark-colored hair looks like after painting henna with bass (2 henna and 1 bass on 25 g each).

Now almost every woman either completely changes the color with paint, or simply changes the shade. Now the market shines with paints made on a chemical basis.

But earlier henna was the most common means. This substance has a natural origin.

Get it from the leaves of Lavsonia, which are pre-dried. The plant grows in the tropics.

If you look at the photo, where the result is the result of the painting of henna or Basma, then you will not even think about these substances for painting. It is very important to mix correctly to get the right shade for you. If you move with one of the components, then in the end the color will become dark green. What needs to be done how to mix the ingredients to achieve the desired result? At home, paint enough simple.

What is useful?

Indigenous Americans tried on themselves the color of henna and Basma. It was these girls who gave impetus to the fact that there are various shades for painting.

Positive traits:

  1. Thanks to the plant origin, Henna is not able to harm.
  2. The price in the stores is quite low. At home, painting will be even cheaper.
  3. Special skills in painting do not need to have.
  4. Henna gives a beautiful saturated shade.
  5. Locks acquire a healthy look.

Even in the photo you can see that the curls have a beautiful bright shade after stunning and bass color.

Negative coloring:

  1. The components are so deeply penetrated inside the hair that the subsequent coloring by coloring substances can lead to irregularity of the blasting.
  2. Powder is washed off by water very hard. You need to make a lot of effort to wash it. Sometimes it happens that the strands are scorched uneven due to difficulties in washing.
  3. Dried hair and bleached staining very much.
  4. Before painting at home, you need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction.
  5. The color in which the hair will be painted, guess is extremely difficult. You need to mix the components correctly, only a certain amount of time is needed to withstand your hair. The overexpose threatens the fact that the hair will turn into a burning green color.
  6. If you can paint your hair, then they can tear.

How to achieve different shades

To achieve the desired shade, you just need to dilute the JNU Basma. This component helps to get the desired hair color. In the pure form of Henna gives a redhead hair. If you breed a bass hnu in proportions 1 to 1, then it turns out a standard brown shade, like a brown. If 2 pieces of henna and 1 part of the bass mix, then the color will turn out lightly blond. The composition in which 1 part of the henna and 2 parts of the bass will be included, will give a saturated chocolate shade. When staining the bass in its pure form, you will result in the hair with a slightly greenish tint. All possible Painting options can be found online in the photo.

But you need to know that not only the composition of the components affects the final result. If the curls are too thin, then the color will be bright. Also an important point is how color was before painting. If your hair was originally very light, then after painting henna it turns out a red color. If the dark is colored only henna, then as a result, the curls will have a slightly reddish hue. Of course, most often henna dilute Basma to paint. But you can use a number of other components.

How to get a golden color

To get a golden hair color, you can apply the following ways:

  1. The chamomile infusion is added to the hu. Infusion is able to moisten the hair and have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Mix turmeric and saffron in equal proportions. Next, this mixture is mixed with henna too in equal amounts. Saffron and Turmeric are good antioxidants and antiseptics. Hair due to these substances is strengthened.
  3. The saturation of the gold color increases with increasing acidity. Therefore, you can add kefir or sour cream. As a result, you will be satisfied with the beautiful glitter coming from the hair. In the photo in the beauty salons you can watch exemplary results.

How to get chocolate color

Such a beautiful shade is obtained by mixing henna with ground cinnamon, coffee or walnut shell. There are several ways to dilute the cheeky coffee.

  1. 1 Spoon Henna need to be diluted with 2 spoons of ground coffee. The whole mixture is poured with hot water.
  2. Often use strong coffee. Prepare it like this: 100 ml boiling water takes 1 tbsp. l. coffee. This infusion add 1 pack of paint. Both first, and the second method consider effective.

If you want to make a mixture with a walnut shell, then you need to crush the shell. Now you need to take 2 tbsp. l. Shells and pour 1 glass of water. The mixture is put on the stove and bring to a boil. After that, the mixture is removed from the stove and give it to strengthen for 40 minutes. Henu is bred by these infusions of the nut shell. As a result, after painting, you will get a chocolate hair color.

How to paint at home

Now almost in any salon or in a hairdressing, you will not meet the service of staining hair with a hanna or bass. If you are the owner of a long curl, then it is better to ask someone to help in the painting process. To get a color, as in the photo, you need to adhere to the recommendations.

  1. If the hair length is less than 10 cm, then you need to take 100 grams.
  2. For painting curls to the collar zone, you will need to take 0, 2 kg.
  3. For hair, the shoulders will need 300 grams.
  4. For longer hair you need to take more than 500 grams.

How to properly hold the process of painting in pure form or henna with Basma, you can find out on the Internet on the example of visual photos. You can also find step-by-step instructions with photos.

  1. First of all prepare paint. Henu is poured with water, constantly stirred. As a result, a jeep mass should turn out. The mixture must be covered with a lid, leave for insteading for 40 minutes.
  2. If you have a dry type of hair, you can add cream or olive oil into the mixture.
  3. The mixture is applied to the hair for each strand separately. It is recommended to first divide the hair into 4 parts, and then each part on strands.
  4. Apply on the head. We massage and comb.
  5. The cap is put on your head, leave on the hair at least 30 minutes. The maximum amount of excerpt on the hair is 2 hours.
  6. After that, they simply wash off with water, you do not need to use shampoo.

Do not use a mixture for painting using Henna more often than 1 time per month. Frequent use will lead to dryness and hair liness. If still a need for painting, it is best to apply special moisturizing masks.

If as a result of painting, it turned out not the color you expected, then it is possible to wash off with vegetable oil. Oil must be applied to the curls for 15 minutes, after that it is washed with soap. Wash hair thoroughly.

Good day, my dear readers! Now everyone has a question "What gift to choose for members of your family?", And I have another - as you can clearly tell how to paint the hair henna, because my last visit to the hairdresser I only strengthened me in the opinion that Henna is extremely Useful product. And not even because the marriages fastens ...

How my girlfriend was not married to the Turk ...

A year ago, one friend my friend told such a story: he cared for her one Turks, everything broke out to acquaint with his parents, and she didn't go to anyone. I wanted to roll it into the carpet and lead to Istanbul, but then I went to the trick. Brought a bag with a powder, asked to open and pour out on his palm. The girlfriend laughed and refused, the Turk flashed and no longer bothered. What was the case?

It turns out that in some countries the bride, as a sign of loyalty to the bridegroom, was to spend the night with henna clamped in his hand. In the morning, the coloring substance would leave the stain on the palm of the palm, which meant almost a prisoner marriage. The Turk hoped that Henna would help him bore the union, understand?

And yet Henna, or the crushed leaves of the non-comma lavstice, Russian women know more as a means for dyeing hair at home, but did someone think about her harm?

To be or not to be hnee on your hair?

I do not know how you, and me standing many years ago before the counter, rather bribed the cheapness of henna. I thought about the effect of everything in the world. I thought about the effect and further use - I wanted myself independently (it's never late to do any "aunt for 25") and do it with minimal damage for the family budget. This later I appreciated all its healing properties, the spike of split tips and the ability to create a volume due to the thickening of the hair.

Henna acts as a film for a hair, aligns its scales, has the resistance to the aggressive environment of the type of salt sea water or hot sun. It even establishes the water-fat balance, which can contribute to the growth of new hair and the destruction of dandruff. Apply this powder and when healing the hair.

What effect do you want to get after the use of henna?

  • Make hair shining (Hummer Ham, quarter of water, raw egg. The mixture will prepare in 30 minutes)
  • Overcome dryness and hair liability (as in the previous recipe, instead of eggs use 2 tablespoons of yogurt)
  • To achieve fragrance (to hnene and water you need to add a quarter of a teaspoon of ginger, cinnamon, black pepper and nutmeg)
  • Strengthen hair (suitable for use colorless henna)

Interesting! Colorless Henna was known in the 16th century to our era. It does not change the color of the hair and has an antiseptic effect. It is rumored that the substance can even eliminate headaches and establish blood circulation.

There is another side of our product - negative, and I should warn you about it. For dry-type hair, it is better not to use it, because the composition contains tubyl substances and some acids. The hair is pretty quickly can become dull, rigid and start falling out.

In addition, you must understand that while you are painting henna, it is better not to use chemical paints - there is a risk of becoming green or purple. And if the transition is inevitable, then it is first to prepare the hair to it, for example, to make 3-4 regenerating masks in kefir. The same magic recipe will be useful to you if there was a himsawing or highlighting of Henna on the hair, and now you have decided to start using a natural dye.

But if you all weighed and decided to take a chance, my advice to you: Choose Iranian Huma. In her palette when mixed with other components, you will find much more shades than in Indian.

I am paint blond hair ...

And now you have begun to the process of staining. Pre-washed the hair, freeing them from excess fat. They put the gloves, because Henna can paint his hands and wash it problematic. Processed the scalp, neck, ears with fat cream.

Getting started breeding the mixture. Do it in glass or plastic dishes. Is it possible to take ceramic? Can. The main thing is not made of metal capable of entering into the reaction with paint.

Add warm water to the powder, just do not boil, leave for a few hours a mixture "brew" is not necessary. Add oil or substances that contribute to the appearance of an acidic medium, such as lemon juice, apple vinegar or the same kefir.

Getting striking the composition of the hair. Usually the first paint hair on the top of the top or the backbone, and in the last one - on the temples, behind the ears and the forehead, as they are usually thinner here. There are 1-1.5 centimeters between the probes.

Simple rules

  • Henna put on the roots, and then distribute the dye along the entire length of the hair using combs.
  • Head is wrapped with a towel. Henna loves heat (and head too!).
  • Ring off the hair powder needs a large amount of water without adding detergents.
  • The hairdryer is then not dried.
  • Do not wash your head after painting three days. The longer you do not wash, the brighter and the color will turn out.

How much to keep our powder on hair? It all depends on what you want to get as a result.

If you want with the help of Hens only to improve your hair, then you need to wait just 15-10 minutes. If your desire is to purchase a red or red-colored color, then leave for 40. Are you brunette? Then two hours can be held. If you have blonde hair, then in the third minute you will be able to get a golden hue, and on the sixth - a light redhead lad.

The color will take stronger if so far you will wait for the effect, drink a cup of coffee - it will strengthen the blood circulation in the hairproof.

What color to choose?

The brightness of the color may depend on the shelf life of the henna. If the powder has a gray-green color, then it is fresh, if you have already managed to buy a brown tint, then most likely no longer suitable.

Thanks to the coloring agent contained in Henne, you can get any shade, ranging from golden and ending with iscin-black. Everything will depend on the concentration and addition of additional substances.

  1. To get a copper color you will need 200 grams of rhubarb and a bottle of white dry wine. Put the mixture on fire and "boil" until it remains exactly half. Then lower the contents of the henna sachet and hold the mixture on the hair of half an hour. Instead of wine, of course, you can take both water. And to obtain darker gold shades, saffron (2 grams) or (2 tablespoons) are suitable.
  2. Red and cherry color is achieved by adding beet juice. They say, it may be even a bite shade.
  3. The color of the mahogany appears when henna is mixed with cocoa (3-4 tablespoons). And chestnut - with ground coffee (4 teaspoons on a glass of water) and a walnut shell (2 tablespoons).
  4. In chocolate color, hair will help you repaint the henna package with the addition of a hop tablespoon. In the redhead with a copper tint - four sachets of the substance and two spoons of flower honey with a spoon of carnations.
  5. If you want to add to black natural color of the redhead, the hair is better predefined to clarify the hydrogen peroxide (30-40 g).

Remember! No you encountered Henna on the shelves is not able to lighten your hair. Is it lying white hen? So you put the clarifier, and it is very cheap. You can forever lose your hair with him.

Henna and Million shades of gray

No less popular natural dye is bass. You probably heard that sometimes paint hair with henna and bass at the same time.

Basma is a green-gray powder obtained from the grinding of the lower leaves of Indigo. In the appropriate literature, it is assumed that even the prophet Mohammed himself did not bear it to use it!

Powder takes equal to the henna proportion to repaint in chestnut color. If you need to get a worm-black hair in the end, then the bass in the dishes need to be twice as much. Bronze shades? - twice smaller.

I want another!

It happens that the resulting color does not like and then the question appears "What to do?". With regard to henna, everything is simple, and difficult at the same time.

The reasons for obtaining "not color" can be a strong porosity of the hair, its structure, in general, as well as natural color.

If, in the first after painting, you realized that the use of henna is still not about you, it makes no sense to wait for third days when the color becomes intensive and deep when it is finally manifested under the influence of oxygen. Hair rinse well several times with shampoo.

If the color seems to you beautiful, but you need to make it less bright, then it can be neutralized with a heated vegetable oil into her hair. As soon as the procedure was performed, start working with a hairdryer, then wash shampoo. Everyone repeat until your desires do.

On the contrary, it seems to you that there is not enough juiciness, what then? Then the essential oils should be used, for example, tea tree, incense or eucalyptus. If you add a few drops of lavender, then at the same time and save your skin from irritation - it is considered hypoallergenic and suitable for use even pregnant women and young children. Also known recipes with geranarine oil or rosemary.

Like the color, but it would not hurt to remove the redness ... You will be saved: a decoction of chamomile or, smelting turmeric, ginger (which, however, can create a burning effect), lemon juice.

No redtack, but do you want darker hair? Use strong tea or infusion on oak bore. Try to achieve the desired shade with coffee or cocoa.

What's as a result

As you understood, Henna is not such a harmless tool, as it seems, you need to be on the mouse. It can drag your hair and then their volume will be only to dream. But it can add an extra, painting, the highlight to your beautiful female image. Try to change yourself, my appearance, while you are young to the soul and feel the strength!

Today I have everything. I can only say that I myself am a big fan of the Iranian henna and for many years I have strengthened my hair with her. Often they ask me about the various sections of appearance, I say: - Read my blog, with it you will find out all my secrets. Share with girlfriends, subscribe to updates. See you in the next article!

What henna And what useful properties it possesses, as well, my personal, proven method of brewing the henna, which does not dry the hair.

The first time I painted the hair henna, when I was 18 years old. And no, then I have not thought about my health, just as a simple student - it was much cheaper than ordinary chemical paints.

My natural hair color is probably what is called mouse. Dark blonde and some kind of inanimate.

I always really liked and I'm still crazy about red hair. There is something in it mystical, which always attracted me. Nature I did not give me a redhead, so I decided to take everything into my hands.

For more than 13 years - I am red. Shades changed - from very light, reddish blond to a dark, reddish shade. For myself, I already know that the redhead is my color, this is how I feel from the inside.

Previously, I constantly used the recipe, where Henna was simply mixed with water. I applied for a couple of hours, washed off the shampoo and that's it!

5 years ago I read on one of the forums about natural beauty that the color will be deeper and bright if the Henna is mixed with some kind of acidic medium - type of vinegar, lemon or orange juice.

Color and truth was brighter, but the problem was that Henna dried very much my hair, as a result of which they began to go.

About a year ago, I met a girl from India, who had gorgeous black hair with reddish glare. Honestly, all Indian girls are very beautiful, super thick hair.

We talked where I said that Henna is a permanent friend of my hair, and I really like the result, that's just very dried hair. To which she told me that Henna - herself will dry, and even with lemon juice.

So she shared her recipe with me, which does not dry her hair, gives them a reddish color, nourishes, gives volume and thickens hair. I still use this recipe.

More henna does not overheat my hair, but makes them volumetric, strong, shiny and healthy. I do not redeemed!

In the photo, this post is seen how my hair looks before and after henna. And if the color was not particularly changed (probably, for so many years of use, Henna firmly entered into my hair), the changes in the structure and smoothness of the hair are visible to the naked eye.

What is henna?

This is a greenish color powder, obtained by grinding Lawsonia inermis shrub leaf. The leaves of this shrub contain a beautiful element - Lawsone, at the expense of which henna and stains not only hair, but also the skin in red-orange color.

Cultivated in the warm tropical climate of North Africa and North and West Asia.

Humanity began to use henna a few millennia ago. Some scientists argue that even Cleopatra and Nefertiti used it to maintain hair beauty.

What is the henna better normal hair paint?

I understand very well that not all, like me, in love with the red hair color, but now there are many different types of henna with an admixture of a variety of herbs that will help achieve a wide variety of hair shades, of course, depending on the natural, original hair color.

It is important to understand that Henna is not capable of lightening the hair, as it is necessary to discolored the hair pigment.

  • it closes the hair cuticle, attaching to the human protein and does not penetrate the hair cuticle, and envelops it, while the usual paint penetrates the hair rod.
  • absolutely natural and if you choose high-quality hnu - does not contain chemical components that can be absorbed into the blood when applied to the scalp.
  • safe and does not cause allergic reactions, in contrast to the paints.
  • it gives an incomparable shine, smoothness and strength to your hair, making each individual hair rod noticeably thicker. Hair looks thick and volume.
  • it has antifungal action and can be used to combat dandruff, unlike chemical dyes that can provoke this very dandruff.

Henna Indian

And who, no matter how to know about Henne, applying it in their culture not only for hair coloring, but also for Mehendi - Mehndi (the traditional application of the henna on the skin is imidable intricate patterns).

Here, how I cook Henu:

1. Henna, powder: quantity depending on the length and thickness of the hair. My hot-long to the middle of the back hair leaves somewhere 3/4 cup.

Note: Henna is different. And not only the final result depends on its quality, but also your health. It was scary to find out that unscrupulous companies add heavy metal impurities to henna. Therefore, choose quality, not quantity.

2. Strong black tea solution. In a small saucepan, I boil water (I take 2 glasses just in case) and as soon as she boats - add 4 tablespoons of black tea there. And on slow fire, sometimes stirring, brewing it.

Note: I am a big smoothie of turmeric (a very strong antioxidant with anti-inflammatory effect) and try to put it not only in food and morning smoothie, but also in Henna. Even once put in the homely coffee scrub, but then walked in the yellow stains of turmeric strengthens the hair and prevents their falling out.

My henna also contains chili pepper, which expands blood vessels and improves blood circulation, creates a sense of heat, which helps even better entry the color.

Spices (1 teaspoon) I add with tea and boiling.

3. Then I lament the hen by this tea solution to the consistency of the fat yogurt. I cover and clean it in a warm place for 2 days to appease.

Note: Henna does not like metal, so do not use metal dishes for its brewing, only ceramics or glass. Stir it with a wooden or plastic blade or spoon.

4. Before applying henna, I my hair, as it is better fixed on clean hair. I nano henna on dry hair, she begins to flow on wet and creates a mess.

I always add a pair of olive oil spoons, shea oil and argan oil and a couple of drops of soul and orange essential oils.

Note: You can add any oils. Oil is necessary, not only to feed the hair, but also prevent their dryness. I already know the method of trial and error, the olive and butter is best suited to my hair.

I add an orange essential oil just for smell. And the soul is for its antifungal properties. It will help those who have health problems of the scalp or dandruff.

5. Well mix the resulting mixture with a wooden spatula. I nano for samples on the roots with the help of a brush, pre-well combing hair. And then with hands for the entire length of the hair.

Note:henna stains the skin, so I advise you to wear rubber gloves, if you do not want to have yellow palms

6. Having finished to apply henna, I am a couple of minutes by massaging the scalp. Then collect your hair into a bundle and put plastic bags on my head. Whole 2! And then I also bite your head with a towel. Henna loves warmth!

I hold I hen 2 hours. I used to try to do overnight, but it was very hard and uncomfortable to sleep.

7. I wash off the hnu first simply warm water. Then we nano air conditioner and massaging the scalp and the hair yourself. I wash off. Nano air conditioner again, waiting for a couple of minutes and washed until the water becomes transparent. I do not recommend fling off the fuck shampoo, it can lead to a strongly confusing hair and not such a bright color.

After that, I rinse my hair with vinegar, I already wrote about this method , What not only gives shine, but also fixes the hu.

Note: A couple of days the hair will smell henna. But this smell is absolutely not annoying me.

Also, I'm trying not to wash your hair after staining henna, at least 3 days. So that the color is not flushed and preserved longer.

I use it some time in 3 months. I buy this natural, without impurities.

It has the ability to accumulate in hair and with each application the color of your hair will look deeper and rich.

Nature did not give me a gorgeous hair and I can't boast dense hair, but Henna gives my hair the thickness and the amount they need. Hair look well-kept, smooth and shiny.

Henna is a natural, time-tested, the way of care of hair, which not only paints hair, but also takes care of their appearance and health.

And what way do you paint the hair henna? And how do your hair look after that?

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