How beautiful it is to make peace with a man. Time as the omnipotent force of forgiveness. How to make peace with your husband if he is to blame

Any relationship develops unevenly. They have a place for happy days filled with mutual understanding, and moments of friction, disagreement and quarrels. All this is completely natural, any elements of relations should be perceived in a complex manner, as parts of a single whole, and not as a tragedy that has come from nowhere in the form of a quarrel. The main question is how to solve problems while maintaining the integrity of the relationship. In other words, how to make peace with your loved one.

Varieties of quarrels

By definition, a quarrel is a spat or a state of enmity. You can stay in this state as long as you like, especially when it comes to a relatively stranger, such as a colleague or neighbor. But when it comes to close people, including relatives or a second half, it is a natural desire to stop this state of enmity. Therefore, each person periodically faces the question of what to do to improve relations with those who are dear to him. In this case, consider examples and ways of reconciliation with a guy.

Before doing anything, it is necessary to analyze the situation and put all the circumstances in their place. This approach is the most correct, since it allows you to establish cause-and-effect relationships, work on mistakes, draw up an action plan and ultimately achieve a goal. With the goal in this case, complete certainty: it is necessary to achieve reconciliation.

Whether it is necessary or not, if necessary, then why, whether it will be useful - all these questions do not matter here, so we will not be distracted by them. There is only one issue to be resolved, and that is to find a way to make peace with the guy. If the goal is clearly defined, it is a matter of technique to achieve it. So, first of all, you need to determine what type of quarrel your spat belongs to. There are four main types:

  • The guy is to blame. A simple scheme in which a conflict situation is formed by one side (a guy), a state of enmity is provoked unilaterally, the girl's guilt is objectively absent.
  • The girl is to blame. The scheme is the same as in the previous case, in this case the girl acts as the initiating party. The guy's fault is absent.
  • Both are to blame. The quarrel was formed for objective reasons, as a result of the misconduct of both parties.
  • It's nobody's fault. The state of quarrel arose due to insurmountable disagreements, under the influence of circumstances, in the absence of the fault of either party.

The common phrase "both are to blame for any quarrel" has some basis, but does not fully reflect reality. In this case, it means that the second party, if it has not done anything reprehensible, is to blame for the fact that it did not restrain itself, answered, did not keep silent in time, did not forgive, etc. This point of view is very controversial, since it is possible in such reasoning to reach the phrase "I am to blame for the fact that I was born." Objectively, there is a situation (conflict) that was created accidentally or intentionally, respectively, it has an "author" or several. All other actions or inactions, which, in fact, are a reaction to the situation itself, should be considered precisely as a reaction, and not as a cause.

In order to make it easier to understand the classification of conflicts, we will give several examples. For the first type of quarrels, the following situation is characteristic. The guy promised the girl to do something. The girl was counting on his help, but the guy let her down, broke his promise. Suppose he chose to do something else at this time or was simply too lazy. The girl was offended, stopped talking to him, the guy resigned himself to the situation - the state of the quarrel is obvious.

Perhaps the guy accused the girl of selfishness or simply became burdened by her society, as a result of which he did not go to reconcile, but preferred to remain in a state of quarrel. However, this does not mean at all that after some time the girl will not want to make peace with the young man. In this case, a situation arises in which the guy is to blame for the conflict, and the girl is looking for ways of reconciliation.

An example of the second type of quarrel is a situation in which the guy is not guilty. Let's say a girl put a guy in an awkward situation, publicly insulted him, or gave a weighty reason for jealousy. The guy did not offend her with either word or action, he just turned around and left, stopping all communication with her. The quarrel is obvious in this case too. The girl may subsequently regret it and try to return to normal relations, which is a more natural development of events than in the previous case.

The third type of quarrel, when both are to blame, is also quite common. An example would be a situation that almost every couple is familiar with. Suppose a guy accidentally breaks something, for example, drops the girl's favorite mirror from the dressing table and breaks it. The girl reproaches him in response, says something unpleasant, for example, hints at his clumsiness. The guy is also not silent, snaps, hinting that she looks in the mirror too often, although he would not look there at all in her place. The girl, already seriously offended, counters with a phrase with the subtext that he should be grateful to any attention, let alone her ... And so on and so forth. In this case, both are really to blame.

Regarding the fourth type of quarrels, one should immediately make a reservation that, despite the seeming absurdity of the wording, such quarrels are not so rare. In addition, they are much more difficult to resolve than the options listed above, since they are caused by conditions or circumstances that are sometimes difficult to correct. An example is the following situation.

An event occurs that is not directly related to either the guy or the girl. Let's say a conflict flares up somewhere in the world or it becomes known that a person has committed an ambiguous act. What happened affects the fundamental fundamental concepts that are meaningful for any person. The guy expresses his opinion on what happened. The girl, regardless of him, expresses her own. Both expressed their principled position. The opinions turned out to be diametrically opposed. They cannot come to terms with each other's opinions at the moment, since they consider the very fact of the existence of such a point of view outrageous. It becomes impossible to continue to communicate as if nothing had happened. A state of quarrel arises, in which no one is, in fact, to blame.

How to get out of a state of quarrel

After the analysis of the situation has been carried out, the cause of the conflict and the degree of guilt of each of the participants have been objectively established, one can begin to develop tactics of reconciliation. There are several vulnerabilities in the defense of men, a few keys that you can push a lot. Here is some of them:

  • Need for recognition. This is important for any man. Each of them really wants his successes to be noticed, recognized, and appreciated. And no matter what the scale of his achievements, whether he built a house or composed a song, it is necessary to notice this and praise him.
  • Thanks for what you have done. If a man does something for a woman, then he expects gratitude, even if he does not admit it (possibly to himself). Taking his efforts for granted every time, he will eventually get tired of it and stop trying, and possibly break off the relationship with the phrase "ungrateful."
  • Desire to be in demand. In some men, it is so great that they choose not the women that they need, but those who need them. In other words, sometimes a man leaves an independent, independent woman, whom he really liked, to a less interesting, but completely unable to do without him.
  • The opportunity to show your strengths, abilities, character traits, knowledge. It is not always appropriate to do this without any reason, so a man needs to sometimes provoke him to demonstrate his talents and strengths. It is advisable after that not only to admire the result, but also to make it clear to the man that this result has clearly exceeded your expectations.

With age, the nuances of basic needs may change, but the basis remains unshakable. Therefore, if a girl wants to make peace with a guy, especially if he is very offended and does not want to make contact, she should rely on these very basic needs, or “press the keys”.

So let's start with the hardest part. The girl is to blame for the quarrel, and so much so that the guy does not even want to talk to her. And I really want to make peace with him. In this case, it makes sense to immediately go with the trump cards. In other words, you need to punch a hole in the defense, soften his heart a little bit, and then, you see, the dialogue will begin to gradually improve. The procedure for this situation is something like this:

  • Write him a message. Not a long essay, not a poem in verse, but a short message, which will contain information that you admit your guilt, you are very sorry that you cannot return time and change the past. Then take a short break. You do not need to ask for forgiveness in the first message - this is the point, the end of the action, so it should stand in its place.
  • The second message is slightly longer than the first. It should list a few events or actions for which you are grateful. In a simplified way, say something like: "You are so wonderful, don't think, I have not forgotten how you then dropped everything and solved my problems, did not sleep all night ..." - and add: "My act is a mistake and does not mean that I do not appreciate you and everything that you have done. " After that, you need to take a pause for some more time, so that he can comprehend what he has written, and at the same time, once again relive the moments when he was a hero for you, enjoy gratitude and recognition.
  • Then you can write a more authentic message, where you already regret what you have done, say that to offend such a guy, noble and worthy, was a big stupidity. Here you can say the phrase: "I wish you would ever forgive me."
  • In the last message, you need to say directly: "Forgive me, please, if you can" - and if he hesitates, add something like: "Give me a chance to fix everything, to thank you for everything that you did for me." Or: "I really need you, I can't live without you."

If after this the guy does not agree to the conversation, then the offense was too serious and the efforts must be continued. If he agrees to a conversation, you can celebrate victory in your soul: you managed to make up. But you should celebrate only in your soul, because premature joy can ruin the whole thing.

In the course of a personal conversation, you should continue to support with your behavior everything that was said in the messages. In other words, show remorse for your wrongdoing, make it clear that you are grateful to him for his generosity and ability to forgive. Then it is advisable to say something like: "During the time we were in a quarrel, I rethought a lot, remembered how you took care of me ...", and then give several examples of his good deeds, thereby making him understand again that you remember and appreciate everything.

In other cases, reconciliation can be carried out in the same way. The difference can only be in the intensity of the effort, which should be proportionate to the degree of one's own guilt. If there is no guilt, then from the proposed scheme you can remove the elements of remorse for what you have done, and replace them with conciliatory phrases like “let's forget” or “our relationship is more important than these little things”.

If no one is to blame for the quarrel, then you need to think about which is more important - relationships or principles. And depending on the answer to this question, take steps towards reconciliation or abandon them. You can ask the guy in this situation to make mutual concessions or, alternatively, never touch on this topic at all, leaving the right to personal opinion.

This article will help you avoid making mistakes that will only aggravate the reconciliation process. You can choose the right tactics and make up, no matter what.

Quarrels and scandals happen in family life. Sometimes you can just flare up and say too much, and sometimes you can make a serious mistake. And only then, when emotions subside a little, you realize that your husband is very dear to you. Then the problem of reconciliation can really become a problem.

Each family and their relationship is individual. Reconciliation methods that work 100% in one family may not work at all in another.

But how do you find a recipe for reconciliation for your family? Read the tips below, try them on yourself and put the most effective ones in your piggy bank of family secrets. Many advice will relate to how to behave during a quarrel, because the possibility of reconciliation will directly depend on your behavior:

  • Get to the bottom of it... Quarrels often arise against the background of a trifle. But often this trifle is just another serif on a more global problem. If you solve only these trifles, then the main problem will not disappear anywhere and you will come back to it every now and then. Think and find the real reason for the quarrel, although it is possible that this is really a trifle.
  • Do not insult... If you value your relationship and understand that your quarrel is only a temporary phenomenon, then do not go into insults. You will make peace and begin to live on, but the words-insults will remain in your memory and will not disappear anywhere. And there may come a moment when you and your spouse accumulate these words in your memory and one of you will say that you no longer intend to live with it.

  • Act straight... The psychology of men and women is different. If you want to be reconciled, then say so directly. Of course, you can make indirect attempts at reconciliation, such as a delicious dinner, asking you to unbutton your dress. But watch the man's reaction. If he still behaves the same way, then say right at that very delicious dinner that you want to make up.
  • Know how to apologize if you are to blame. Even if during a quarrel you are confident that you are right, your decision may change after a while. When emotions have subsided, analyze the situation again. Do you see your guilt? So it's worth apologizing. Even if the man is very angry or hurt, take a moment to apologize.

  • Apologize wisely... When you apologize, you can try to justify yourself by explaining the reason for your behavior. If you think your husband provoked your actions, then do not say "excuse me for my behavior, but you yourself are to blame." Say: "Forgive me for this behavior, I just felt sad that we are not enough together."
  • Let the man cool down... Even after you apologize, the man may continue to be angry and silent. Don't push. Just make sure that you are heard and leave him alone, but not for long. One day or night should be enough for him to calm down. It is common for a woman to quarrel, and after 5 minutes, calm down and go to reconciliation. A man perceives more and more deeply, therefore, he needs more time to calm down.

  • Do something nice for a man.... A delicious and original dinner, a small gift will only increase your chances of being forgiven. The man will see that you are really trying to make amends. This only works when you have already apologized, and your husband has already calmed down a little and is ready to make contact. If he still does not want to communicate with you, then this method will be very inappropriate.
  • Women's tricks... When the man has already cooled down and has already listened to your apology with understanding, then after a heart-to-heart conversation and a delicious dinner, give him some kind of sexy gift: put on a beautiful outfit or caress your husband the way he loves. But this is also done only when you are almost already forgiven, and the husband has already calmed down after the quarrel.

STILL grandmother said: -

Swear, but be reconciled!
And go to bed together….
At least sideways, at least backwards,
But always together and near.

IMPORTANT: The main thing is that after a quarrel, do not make hasty movements. Cool it down. Only then decide how to proceed.

How to make up after a violent quarrel?

A violent fight does not necessarily involve someone else's very violent wrongdoing. Sometimes a small household thing that coincides with a bad mood or bad luck at work can make a thunderbolt in your quiet life.

Of course, advice on reconciliation will directly depend on who is to blame and what is the reason for what is happening.

Man's fault.

  • Undoubtedly, you want to be heard when you are offended. But men are such that they can often perfectly understand that they are wrong, but never admit it or apologize. It's not because the man doesn't love you. He is what he is. He is proud and afraid to show his pliability.
  • It is often difficult for a man to take the first step. And he usually matures for a long time. He can go to a quarrel with you for a week, but understand his guilt. And only when he really cannot see you so depressed will he take the first step.

  • How to deal with this? No way. When the emotions have subsided a little, tell him about your feelings and resentments. Even if he sits proudly and does not react to your revelations.
  • Don't worry, he's listening. Listens and understands.
  • Of course, you shouldn't run to such a man with any apologies on your part.
  • If the quarrel was strong, and you were greatly offended or humiliated, then wait. Watch. After a couple of days, you will notice that he no longer slams doors. Wait, there will be a conversation soon.

IMPORTANT: After a strong quarrel, the main thing is not to rush. Don't mess with the emotions.

About the woman's fault read below.

How to make peace if it is your own fault?

  • Making peace with your husband when you are to blame is much more difficult.
  • Men are more sensitive to quarrels with your guilt. He can sulk for a week or even pack up his things and leave to live with his mother. And this even though you are usually quite forgiving when there is a man's guilt.
  • If you really are to blame, then you have nothing left but an apology. Get ready that you will have to apologize a lot and often the man will not even want to hear your apology.
  • Do not press at the beginning. Let him calm down, otherwise you risk hearing something unflattering in your address.
  • When you feel less tension, apologize. Be sincere. Speak often. Reassure him that you are truly sorry for what happened.

IMPORTANT: If you are sure that you should live on in love and harmony, then help your family. Be wiser. Take the first step.

How to make up with your husband after a fight?

  • Is reconciliation necessary? First, answer this question clearly. If the man raised his hand to you, assess the circumstances under which it happened.
  • If the fight was the result of his unreasonable aggression (including in a state of alcoholic intoxication), then you must understand that this is a serious matter.
  • If you yourself provoked your husband's aggression with your inexplicable behavior, then you will have to apologize not only to him, but also to you.
  • Male tyrants usually assume that their behavior is normal. And the fault for such men always lies with the woman. You must understand that life with such a man will sooner or later lead you to an irreversible separation situation. It's best to do this if you don't have children yet. And if there is, then do not delay. There is no point in putting up with such a despot.
  • If your husband has never shown aggression before, then think about it. Perhaps he has many problems that you did not notice. Perhaps you sawed it in addition. And by coincidence, what happened happened. Such a man usually feels a layer of guilt and will not mind a frank conversation. After both of you have cooled down a little, talk. If you believe in his words, you can forgive and make up.

IMPORTANT: After the fights, it is primarily about whether reconciliation is needed. If so, start with a frank conversation and just forgive. No tricks here will be out of place.

How to make peace with my husband after my betrayal?

If there really is love in the family, then after the betrayal, both partners will feel terrible.

IMPORTANT: Psychologists assure that both are always to blame for treason. And female infidelity is most often associated with a lack of attention from the husband.

  • Cross your lover out of your life. This person cannot appear in your life either as a friend or as a partner. If you really want to get your husband back, take this step.
  • Men are more difficult to experience the betrayal of their wives than wives - the betrayal of their husbands. You are a woman who gives herself to another person and allows him to control herself.
  • Be prepared that it will be difficult to achieve forgiveness. And some men never forgive this at all.
  • A heart-to-heart conversation must take place! Let him not be right away, but when the man is ready for this. But it has to be.

  • You must explain what it was: a casual connection or an attempt to find understanding and attention on the side. Do not try to shift the blame onto your husband, even if he deprived you of your attention. All the same, the main culprit is the woman.
  • If you think that your husband's behavior is to blame, then tell about it. But do not blame, but tell with regret what you wanted from your husband, what he did not give you. And explain that you do not need this from the other man. You only want this attention and love from him.
  • Let the man know that you are truly sorry and absolutely convinced that this will never happen again.
  • Reassure you that you will do your best to get the relationship back.
  • Ask to start from scratch: he shows you the attention and care, as before. And you will be that keeper of the family hearth, as before.
  • If your husband has forgiven, then never think about it. As soon as one of you remembers what happened, you will have to start restoring relationships almost from the beginning.

IMPORTANT: Do not expect your husband to have a previous relationship the very next day, even after forgiveness. The recovery process will be long and will require a lot of strength and patience on both sides.

How to make up with your husband after a divorce?

  • You need to see each other at least sometimes, otherwise when will you be able to act?
  • If you have children together, then more often arrange meetings with the father. When you meet, invite over for coffee.
  • If your husband had complaints against you, which became one of the reasons for the breakup, then when you meet, show the changes in you. If your husband is offended that you are not interested in his hobby, then be sure to ask how you are doing. If your husband decides that you have become too serious a housewife who still does not look after herself, then prove the opposite. No talk about everyday life. Tell us where you went and what did you do besides home.

  • You should always look 100%
  • Don't start talking about the reasons for a failed marriage.
  • Just silently root out your reasons
  • If your relationship goes to the level of intimate, then this is your chance.
  • Be sexy and daring. Seduce your ex-husband

IMPORTANT: You will be able to make peace with your husband only by establishing friendly relations.

How to make peace with your husband via SMS? What to write to my husband to make peace?

Often times, men like to take time out after a fight and not talk to you, thinking about everything that happened. This position makes it impossible for you to apologize either at home or over the phone.

Then you just have to send SMS to to be heard.

IMPORTANT: Be prepared that your husband may not take your apology text messages, especially in the event of a serious argument.

  • The SMS should contain the most important thing - your apology if you are to blame, or words about your readiness to forgive your husband if he is to blame.
  • It's not the first time you've quarreled. If you know any powerful words from your experience with your husband, write them down.
  • The SMS must be sincere.
  • There should be no reproaches or conditions in the SMS.
  • Get ready to send some SMS. If after several attempts there is silence, write the following text: "Darling, are you ready to forgive me?"

How to make peace with your husband via SMS?

IMPORTANT: Your sincere words are the best text for SMS. If you don't know how to get started, then get ideas in the following sections (in prose or poetry).

Reconciliation with her husband in verse

Options for those who want to apologize to their husband in verse

As you want take back the minutes
To avoid all stupid mistakes ...
Let's take a new route -
You can write another fairy tale!

Sorry about the past
I am very sorry for everything!
Let's think about the good
And we will dare to start from scratch!

Sorry for that, that I am wrong
I can be very cocky sometimes
Forgive me for the bitter words
That for no reason I can be harsh.

Resentment all that you hold - let go
It's so easy, it's not difficult at all
Darling, forgive me for everything
It is simply impossible for me to live without you.

Reconciliation Poems

And this option is for those women who want say that you have forgiven in verse.

I am not offended I'm quite already, believe me,
Understanding does not come at once,
That our door was closed in a draft
And there is no personal influence.

I forgive you all the hours of our separation
I forgive all my night pains, torments,
After all, you are my beloved person
And I will not forgive you a terrible sin.

Reconciliation words in prose

The good thing about prose is that you can say whatever you feel in your heart and at the same time not try to compose lines in rhyme.

  • Therefore, in prose, you can write whatever you want to say.
  • Tell me how you love your husband, how you regret, how you cannot imagine your life without him.
  • Be sincere and your husband will feel it in your message.

My beloved husband, I acted stupidly and thoughtlessly. I shouldn't have said such words to you. You are the best, beloved and closest man in my life. Please don't ignore me. It’s very hard for me. I love you and I am very sorry.

Prayer of Reconciliation

When all attempts to reconcile with your husband have not yielded results, and you are sure that the quarrel was not yours and was not worth the break, you can turn to God.

Come to church, buy a candle, put it at the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and read Our Father three times.

After three times, read the prayer for reconciliation:

“Lord Jesus Christ, son of God. Come down to us asking, and let go of all sinful deeds. Have mercy and defeat the enmity between your servants (name in turn the names of those whom you want to reconcile). Cleanse their souls from filth and devilish power, protect them from evil people and envious eyes. As a quarrel for an evil act, return it to the unclean adversaries. Thy will be done, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen."

Reconciliation conspiracy

  • If you believe in all sorts of conspiracies, then you can try this option when the situation seems completely hopeless.
  • Relax and calm down before reading the conspiracy. A conspiracy will help you make peace faster.
  • Read it in private and before bed. After reading, do not talk to anyone or give anything to anyone. Just go to bed.

“The sun and the moon do not go to war against each other! Stone and water always live in friendship! The spirit of heaven and earth should be in harmony! So the Servant of God (the name of the husband) with the Servant of God (name yourself) in affection and love to reconcile, not to sulk, not to swear, but to joke and laugh! Amen". Read it three times.

Reconciliation conspiracy

Reconciliation with your husband is sometimes a daunting task. But if you are sure that you should be together, then go ahead and let your family collapse.

Video: Argument. How to put up after a quarrel?

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Lovely ones scold - only amuse themselves. This is what the popular wisdom says, and the people will not speak in vain. However, a fight is not the best part in a relationship, and everyone wants to end it as soon as possible. How to make up with a guy after a falling out, if you offended him, he will tell you .


How to make up with a guy: a storm of emotions

When you are left alone after a quarrel with your beloved, first, give a way out emotions... Cry, throw out all the negativity out of yourself with a scream, turn on loud music, even run a couple of plates against the wall, but be careful not to get hurt by the shrapnel. But the mobile phone is not on the floor - when emotions subside, it will still be useful to you. Say out loud all those epithets with which you are ready to reward him for your quarrel. Don't extinguish your emotions. You will see, after a while the storm in you will subside, the anger will subside, the carousel in your head will stop, and thoughts will gradually return to normal. Have you calmed down? Now is the time to think.

How to make up with a guy if you quarreled forever?

Think about what a strong word - " forever and ever". Imagine that you really had a fight with him forever. And you will never hear him again. He will not call you a kitten (and further on the list of his favorite naughty nicknames). And he will no longer give you flowers and feed you from his hand. At dinner, his napkin won't turn into an airplane, the tube of toothpaste in the bathroom won't be squeezed close to the cap, in the bedroom his pillow won't keep the warmth of its characteristic dent, and in the hallway you will no longer trip over his sneakers, which are always tangled underfoot. Are you really ready for such a change in your life?


How to make up with a guy: remember the good

Now dive into memories- both still fresh and old, when you just started dating. By the way, how did you meet? How romantic the dates were, how unexpected - gifts, words - promising, eyes - burning, lips - passionate, thoughts - exciting ... Do you love him? For what? Remember his qualities that made your heart beat unevenly. Fetch them from memory and put them in front of you, let them block the picture of the recent quarrel. And may your love for him extinguish your anger.

How to make up with a guy: look for the right words

Everyone fights because we are all different, and that's okay. It would be strange if people, having lived their whole lives together, never quarreled - imagine how boring it would be! Yes, breaking up a relationship, no matter who is to blame, is unpleasant. Sometimes it hurts, sometimes it hurts unbearably. But more often than not, the offense passes, the pain dulls, and feelings (if they are real) take over and ignite with renewed vigor. Everything for you!- what are you ready to do to hear these words from your loved one over and over again? Perhaps, move the mountains and swim across the sea. And even ask for forgiveness - and even more so. Even if you are not to blame for this, or not entirely to blame, or quite a bit. So, we are looking for words. But not just like that - they are on duty, but necessary, frank, coming from the very heart - loving and ready for forgiveness and reconciliation.


How to make up with a guy: write an SMS

What if the guy is proud, and in the last spat you really offended him, hurt him to the quick? It can be problematic to talk to him - after all, he also has emotions, and it is not a fact that they have already extinguished. He will say something in the heat of the moment - and a new quarrel is ready. You can send him an SMS with a guilty face (that's when a mobile phone not smashed against the wall will come in handy :)

How to make up with a boyfriend: send a letter

Another option is to email him. The letter should come from the heart, and despite its virtuality, it should be the most real, sincere, warm. Who else knows your boyfriend better than you? What words can you write to him so that they penetrate the soul and warm it? Perhaps it is a playful phrase to which he usually reacts with a smile or shared memories of an event or even a declaration of love ...

How to make up with a guy: little tricks

Even with all your frankness and straightforwardness, take into account the little tricks that will help you get reconciliation from your boyfriend. Do not write in long and tricky sentences - a man will better perceive short, clear and succinct phrases. If you want to apologize, then do not be shy about these simple words: "I'm sorry", "I won't be anymore", "let's make up". Finish your letter with a question so that you have hope for an answer - this way you will get a dialogue with your loved one.


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Quarrels between lovers happen, there is nothing you can do about it. But living in such a relationship is completely uncomfortable, and therefore it becomes entertaining, eh. The main obstacle on the way can be pride, shown on both sides. In this matter, it is very important to maintain a balance so that you do not lose your dignity and do not remain at the bottom of the trough due to overstated requirements.

How to make up with a guy: timing

Say the words apologies if it is to blame for the quarrel - the most correct thing. However, it is not worth doing this right away, when the intensity of the conflict has not yet subsided. Firstly, the vis-a-vis, most likely, will perceive this as a reason for another portion of reproaches, and secondly, in the minds of this apology has not yet formed, and therefore it will look not entirely natural and sincere. Therefore, it is still recommended to wait a little after the quarrel before putting up with the guy, both during the conversation and in any other way.

But you shouldn't pull too much either. Some may think that their significant other does not value them at all, since they can do without them so coolly, and will double their resentment. By the way, the guy himself, if he is really in love, will most likely not be able to withstand uncertainty for a long time and can manifest himself in some way.

A good time for reconciliation must be chosen depending on his employment. If he suddenly has the urge to express himself when he is late or his friends are waiting for him, then you can ruin everything, despite his positive attitude.

The Right Place for Reconciliation

How to put up with a guy? It is best to choose a secluded corner for this, where there will be no strangers. For example, if you try to start a conversation in public, among acquaintances, it can provoke the intervention of outsiders. And it is not always at hand.

The most acceptable option is to invite him to a cafe, for example. The guy will surely appreciate the impulse to reconciliation. And if suddenly it does not come, then it is worth considering whether this is really just a quarrel or is it still a reason to break off a boring relationship.

You can also think of some kind of excuse to meet one on one and talk. For example, transfer or pick up some terribly needed item.

It is permissible to turn to the help of friends, especially if the guy does not go to communication. They will surely be able to arrange a confrontation for you.

What to talk about for reconciliation

Many words and fiery speeches are useless. Better briefly, succinctly and from the heart. It's important to apologize. Moreover, it is better to ask for forgiveness even when you cannot see your guilt. Because for him, the whole quarrel may look different and the resentment may well lurk.

It is worth promising not to repeat what you have done or explaining why such a situation has become possible. You don't have to bend over and change your mind in spite of everything. It is much better if the couple learns to accept each other with all the cockroaches and peculiar views of the world.

How to put up with a guy if he rests on his own and does not want to give in? We'll have to evaluate what is still more important - to keep the relationship or prove your case. Further behavior will depend only on this.

How to win over a guy

It is false to think that men do not like gifts and surprises. A small but welcome present for your beloved will help soften it and, possibly, cause a grateful smile. And then it's up to the little.

Well, girls certainly know how to surprise. You can make a cute, minor surprise, or you can think of something big.

A very good option is a joint trip. By the way, you can resort to this method when others no longer help. To arrange so that you are together somewhere outside the city, on the way, in a word, in a non-standard situation. Often it is possible to return from such a trip as a couple in love again.

How to make up without a personal meeting? This is not the best option, but it still takes place. You can, for example, write a letter or try to apologize using SMS. However, you can resort to this only if it is accepted in your relationship that way, well, or the guy is otherwise unavailable, he does not get in touch. At the same time, it is not an option to compose a message in verse. Keep it short but sincere.

It is important to understand that quarrels most often arise from a misunderstanding of each other. It is definitely worth discussing the conflict in order to understand the mistakes and not repeat them again. We must not forget that men and women perceive the world differently, and therefore only by talking to each other it will be possible to find out everything. Over time, given such training, it will be possible to put an end to quarrels in the bud and less and less will have to think about how to make peace with a guy.

How to make up with a guy if he doesn't want to? After having a big fight, it is sometimes difficult to overcome your own emotions and resentments in order to rebuild the relationship. I do not want to compromise, because you are right, but he is not, and there is no way out to quarrel further. A lot is important here: who is to blame, how you quarreled, because of what, what you said to each other, and so on, but any conflict can be settled, if desired.

How to act if you have a falling out

To smooth out the conflict, translate it into a peaceful channel, forgive each other and forget about it, you need to be able to make peace. If you quarreled through your fault, there is only one approach - admit your guilt. Just walk up, say you're sorry it won't happen again, and hug the guy. This is usually enough. If you are worried that he may "sulk", sneer or "pin up" you, play with an apology in the form of a romantic dinner, a surprise presentation, or a sudden trip to a beautiful place.

If you quarreled through his fault, the situation is more complicated. After all, he may not be aware of his guilt, and attempts to point out this to him will only cause anger and resentment. Therefore, first you need to wait a couple of days: he will collect his thoughts, "scroll" the scandal in his head and understand everything himself. If not - turn on "heavy artillery" - make him jealous. Then he will definitely make contact. You just need him to notice the attention of another man to you, and not your flirting, otherwise one more offense will be added to the offense - the accusation of treason.

How to make up with a guy if he doesn't want to see you and doesn't make contact?

But sometimes all of the above actions are not enough. The guy just doesn't want to put up. He may not be ready. Or maybe he doubts your future together. If the silence continues for days or weeks, he may decide to leave and end the relationship. It's time to take matters into your own hands.

Plan to go out

A restaurant or a visit to friends is suitable as a place. In public, it will be uncomfortable for you to sort things out. We'll have to portray a couple in love, who is doing well, and also talk to each other. In most cases, this helps to establish contact.

You may not make up today, but talk for sure.

Do not go to visit your girlfriends, his friends or your parents - this is likely to cause tension and irritation. Going to the theater or cinema is also not entirely successful, because during the performance almost no one sees you, and communication is also not necessary.

Have sex

This is always the best solution, and an argument is no exception. Sex brings you closer, improves mood, softens. Start fondling your husband, moving on to assertive movements, try to give, not receive, show that you are not indifferent to him, and this will certainly work.

Prepare a "yummy"

The way to a man's heart lies through his stomach - no one has canceled this rule. Make his favorite dish or something sweet (guys are so sweet!), And on top you can write "Sorry" with cream or sauce. He will surely appreciate it and soften.

What not to do

Protracted quarrels are complicated by the fact that grievances become mutual, accumulate, each of the partners winds himself up, and in the end it is not at all clear how to make peace with a guy if he does not want to do this. You can think of dozens of excuses, but there are things. which cannot be done at all, otherwise the conflict will only intensify:

... do not involve parents and friends in it, do not take out "trash out of public". This will not only annoy him, but will certainly play against your pair, if you do make up;

... do not translate "arrows". Even if he is not an angel either, at the moment of apology you cannot remind of this;

... promise honestly. If you apologize and say the situation won't happen again, keep your promise. This is a guarantee of trust and understanding on his part.