How to bleach tulle. How to bleach nylon tulle at home

An integral part of many modern interiors is tulle. With the use of this product, the room becomes more cozy and comfortable. But for sewing tulle, capricious materials are most often used, which need regular and economical care. To date, there are a large number of proven methods that will help you in this matter.

Can it be brightened?

Most often, classic tulles in light colors are susceptible to pollution. Therefore, most people are wondering if it is possible to whiten a product with high quality at home. Even the most whimsical materials can be carefully and quickly removed from stains, but in this case it is important to choose the right method.

Currently, the most common are models made of organza and nylon.

The first type refers to whimsical materials, so cleaning should be taken very seriously. White models, which are most often amenable to pollution, are especially popular. To begin with, it is worth saying that organza does not tolerate contact with hot water.

In order to become snow-white tulle, you must use brine. Effectively remove stubborn stains brilliant green added to the liquid.

But the processing of capron will take quite a lot of time. This synthetic material needs careful delicate cleaning. Fortunately, there are many ways that can give the fabric its former whiteness. For cleaning, you can use the same salt and brilliant green.

From yellowness

The most difficult thing is to bleach a yellowed curtain, which has long lost its original appearance. But modern housewives offer several effective ways to solve this problem, and one of the most effective is the use of brilliant green. Basically, it is used to prepare a solution.

The tulle should be carefully washed in water (250 ml) with brilliant green (10 drops). Before soaking the product, you need to see if a precipitate has appeared. In the presence of brilliant green at the bottom, the liquid must be mixed until completely dissolved so that stains do not form on the fabric. Tulle is lowered into the finished mixture and left for 5 minutes.

Often, yellowness on tulle appears from the sun, mainly in the summer.

To bleach the material is quite simple: you need to soak it in water with powder. The product is left for 2 hours, after which it is rinsed in water. If there are additional contaminants, you can add table salt.

From dullness

To return the old look to the grayed material will help ordinary manganese. It is worth noting that people have been using this method for quite a long time. Basically, a solution of potassium permanganate is suitable for bleaching capron.

To prepare the mixture, you need to take laundry soap (150 g) and potassium permanganate. To dissolve the agent, ordinary water is used.

In order to make a solution, the basin must be filled with water. The soap is rubbed on a grater, after which the liquid is added. The solution must be thoroughly mixed so that it is homogeneous. Then potassium permanganate is diluted with a small amount of liquid. If a precipitate forms, stir the mixture.

After that, the solution is poured into the basin. The mixture should acquire a soft pink hue. Also, a small soap foam forms on its surface. Pre-washed tulle is left in the solution for 25-30 minutes. The curtain is rinsed and hung up to dry.

It is worth noting that the result after applying this method is stored for a long time.

If there was no potassium permanganate at hand, a simple soapy solution will help restore the former beauty of the tulle. It is brought to a boil, after which cold water is added to it. It is worth noting that this method also allows you to get rid of yellowness.


As noted above, organza and capron are most often used to create tulle. This is due to the fact that these fabrics have a good appearance, products made from them fit perfectly into almost all interiors. But the disadvantage is that the materials quickly get dirty and lose their original appearance under the influence of many factors.

For example, not only brilliant green will help to clean nylon tulle, but also starch. This product is also suitable for organza products. To prepare the solution, starch (250 g) and clean warm water are required. The tulle should be left in the basin with the contents for a few minutes.

Often chiffon is used to create products. Beautiful flowing material favorably complements the interior of any bedroom. The peculiarity of the fabric lies in the small thickness of the threads, and because of this, chiffon tulle is not very durable. Most often, salt added to cold water is used to bleach textiles.

Another common and at the same time beautiful material is the veil. A dense mesh, complemented by plain weaving, provides a presentable appearance to home textiles. Voile tulle is quite easily damaged, especially when it comes to the washing process. That is why the material is recommended to be cleaned manually with blue or starch.

But to remove pollution from synthetic nylon tulle will help a mixture of baking soda and lemon juice. This product works great on stubborn stains. In addition, the fabric is not deformed during processing.

In comparison with the previous types, cotton products are less whimsical. To clean them, boiling with the addition of laundry soap is used. You can also use it to remove stains. peroxide and ammonia solution. A good option for bleaching is a starch mixture.

hydrogen peroxide

Often, ordinary hydrogen peroxide is used to whiten tulle at home. Most often it is used together with ammonia.

Basically, hydrogen peroxide is used to bleach cotton materials. Also, with the help of this tool, you can easily bleach nylon, silk and polyester.

So, to prepare the solution, you will need warm water (10 l) and 3% peroxide (60 ml). To these components you need to add ammonia (25 ml). The tulle must be immersed in a basin with a solution for about 30-40 minutes. Make sure that the material does not rise above the liquid, otherwise yellow streaks will form on this surface.

After the time has elapsed, the tulle must be carefully washed and rinsed.

It should be noted that hydrogen peroxide is often used for machine processing of products. The agent must be added to the powder. Before washing, 10 tablets of hydroperite are poured into the compartment. The optimum temperature is 40 degrees. Spin mode is not required.


Often, modern housewives use table salt to clean tulle curtains. This product is present in every home, and therefore if there were no funds at hand, you can safely apply this option.

Table salt must be used to prepare the solution. 1.2 kg of the product is dissolved in warm water, after which washing powder is added to the components. Textiles should be left in a basin of water for 9-10 hours until the stains are completely dissolved. It is worth noting that the tulle can be washed both manually and with a machine. In the second case, spinning is not required.

Often, saline is used for regular rinsing. Also, using a mixture of salt and water, you can bleach and starch the material. Often, the solution is used to treat textiles in the children's room, since the product is not one of the allergens.


For bleaching home textiles, ammonia and peroxide are often used. The method of preparing the solution was described above. But there is a so-called "night whitening method". It is necessary to add a vial of ammonia to the water, and then immerse the product in a basin with a solution. Rinse thoroughly in the morning and hang to dry.


Blue will help to remove dirt and stubborn stains from tulle. Before applying the solution, the material must be carefully washed.

It should be noted that blue is used for both manual processing and machine.

In the first case, it is necessary to dilute 1 tsp. funds in 8 liters of warm water. Watch carefully so that there are no lumps. Otherwise, stains will remain on the fabric.

Then the tulle must be thoroughly rinsed in blue and clean water. The manual method is used for whimsical materials that do not tolerate machine washing.

As for machine processing, the process is somewhat simpler here. Blue is used instead of conditioner. 1 cap must be poured into the compartment.

The advantage of this method is that whitening does not take much time. Blue returns the tulle to its original appearance, the fabric becomes clean and snow-white.

As for the cons, they also exist. Many housewives claim that it is almost impossible to find such a tool in stores.

In addition, if the powder is not stirred well during the preparation of the solution, traces may remain on the material. It should be noted that blue stains are not removed. That is why it is recommended to wash the curtains by hand, as the machine is not always able to completely dissolve the bleaching agent.

baking soda

Ordinary soda, which is available in every home, will help restore the original appearance of white tulle. To prepare the solution, you need 1 tbsp. l. this product and a small amount of washing powder. The ingredients are diluted in 5 liters of water.

Curtains must be soaked in the solution and left for about 20 minutes. After the tulle is washed and rinsed thoroughly. With the help of such a solution, you can quickly and easily whiten a yellowed curtain. It is worth noting that most often the soda method is used to wash the curtains that hang in the kitchen. The product perfectly removes grease stains and removes unpleasant odors.

It is worth noting that soda ash is often used instead of bleach.

The tool is ideal for digestion. The process itself is not complicated and consists of the following steps:

  • cold water, pre-grated soap and powder are poured into the container;
  • a small amount of soda ash is introduced into the base;
  • water is stirred until the soap and powder are completely dissolved;
  • the tissue is placed in the solution.

Then the water must be brought to a boil. The solution must be stirred frequently, which will enhance the whitening effect. After that, you need to reduce the fire and leave the tulle to languish for an hour. After this time, the fabric is rinsed, squeezed lightly and hung out to dry.

citric acid

You can return the original whiteness of tulle with ordinary citric acid. This tool can be found in every home, and therefore there will be no special problems with the process of preparing the solution.

So, the material is soaped with laundry soap in order to eliminate stubborn stains. The tulle is soaked in hot water for 30 minutes. If you notice that there are grease stains or traces of burning on the fabric, add a small amount of peroxide to the basin.

Then the product must be thoroughly rinsed in warm water using a bag of citric acid.

In the washing machine

You can also wash white tulle using a washing machine. The process itself requires a minimum amount of time and effort, but when processing delicate fabrics, some features must be taken into account.

Basically, before washing in the machine, the tulle is cleaned by hand. This will help remove stubborn stains and dirt. Pay attention to the cleanliness of the drum and check the inside of the machine for forgotten colored items that could be left over from the previous cycle.

White tulle from a type of fabric such as organza or nylon is recommended to be placed in a special bag. This will help to avoid damage to the material during the washing process.

Also in the machine you need to set the "delicate" mode. Basically, a temperature of 40 degrees is suitable for tulle.

As for the laundry detergent, it is better to use special oxygen bleaches. Often, in order to return the product to its original appearance and former freshness, a standard food baking powder is used. A sachet of the product is mixed with 1 tbsp. l. baking soda. If such an ingredient is not at hand, salt can be used.

All components fall asleep in the powder compartment. Instead of a delicate wash, you can set the program to manual processing. When using these components, the water temperature should be 30 degrees.

To wash the tulle well, you need to set the rinse mode. It is best to repeat this treatment 2 times.

If this is your first time bleaching tulle at home, you can use some useful tips from experienced housewives. To begin with, it is worth saying that after removing the tulle from the cornice, it is necessary to shake it out thoroughly, but not at home. This will help get rid of the dust.

It is recommended to soak the old soiled curtains overnight before washing. Products must be immersed in water with powder. Thanks to this, even stubborn stains will quickly soften.

In order for the tulle to become white, it is necessary to use water with a temperature of no more than 40 degrees. This is especially true for processing products that have turned yellow. If the water is hot, the contaminants will be permanently absorbed into the fibers of the fabric.

If you hand wash delicate materials, do not rub them under any circumstances, otherwise damage will result.

Often, chemical bleaches are used to wash tulle, which quickly remove even the most severe stains. The advantage of these options is that the process of removing contaminants does not take much time and effort. But before using these tools, it is recommended to study the instructions in detail. It is also necessary to properly observe the precautions when working with chemical bleaches.

Basically, these products are used simultaneously with washing powders. Bleachers fall asleep in the compartment of the machine. Also, tulle can be soaked separately with the product for 20 minutes.

As for the method of application, it is not difficult. In warm water, you need to dissolve the required amount of stain remover. A dirty tulle is placed in the basin and left for 1 hour. In the presence of strong stubborn stains, 3 hours are required. At the end of the time, the tulle must be pulled out and rinsed.

Under no circumstances should stain removers with bleach be used. Aggressive substance has a negative effect on tissue fibers. This is especially true for burnt products.

Often, modern housewives wonder about how to clean rust from tulle. Lemon juice, which is applied to the site of contamination, will help solve the problem. After processing, it is necessary to iron the fabric through gauze or thin material. In most cases, the stain comes off the first time. If contamination remains, the procedure must be repeated.

Bleach tulle at home will help the folk recipes of our grandmothers. The cloth after washing and bleaching will shine with bright whiteness.

Currently, designers offer a huge number of options for decorating windows. But the classic white tulle has a great advantage when choosing decoration for the interior of various rooms.

  • With the help of tulle, you can beautifully decorate the window opening, creating a bright and spacious living space.
  • But over time, the white and airy material changes its color to a pale yellow or grayish tint.
  • If you know the secrets of bleaching tulle at home, you can safely ignore this drawback and decorate the interior with beautiful transparent textiles.

To make your tulle curtain sparkle with blinding whiteness, you can use folk recipes for bleaching.

Important: Our grandmothers used these methods, and in fact, as we remember from childhood, their textiles sparkled with bright whiteness.

Is it possible to bleach tulle at home and how? This question is often asked by modern housewives. The choice of bleaching method is connected with the fabric from which the tulle is sewn. Currently, nylon and organza tulle is more often used.


  • Tulle from this material should be washed at a low temperature (not higher than 30 * C) and a speed of revolutions not higher than 400
  • It is not recommended to use industrial bleaches that are offered in stores. They can ruin fabric.

Tip: Use only gentle washing and gentle bleaching using folk methods. You can wash and soak kapron with the addition of salt, and rinse with a solution of brilliant green


  • Delicate and beautiful fabric, but capricious in handling
  • It is not recommended to wash in hot water with industrial bleaches.

Tip: Rinse the organza tulle in salted water with the addition of brilliant green. You can use hydrogen peroxide and ammonia for rinsing.

Important: There are many other types of home whitening. The yellowing of the fabric is removed with solutions of soda, salt, brilliant green and blue, and the grayness of tulle is easily dealt with using hydrogen peroxide.

Remember: Do not boil the tulle or immerse it in hot water - this can harm the delicate fabric!

Important: First you need to wash the tulle to clean the material from dust.

Advice: Do not wash tulle at temperatures above 30 * C, as the yellowness will eat deep into the structure of the fabric, and it will not be removed later.

How to effectively whiten tulle at home from yellowness? Use these methods and tools:

Vanish Oxy Action Powder- this tool is considered today the best industrial bleach for removing the yellowness of the fabric. But it gives only a one-time effect, and it can be used to whiten tulle only once.

A mixture of a solution of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Mix 1 tablespoon ammonia and 2 tablespoons hydrogen peroxide. Dissolve these substances in 5 liters of cool water, and immerse the tulle in the solution for half an hour. After the time has elapsed, rinse the curtain in cold water.

Salt solution. Dissolve 1-2 tablespoons of salt in 5 liters of warm water, stir the solution thoroughly. Immerse the curtain in the solution and leave for 30 minutes. Then rinse the tulle in cold water.

Blue. Even our grandmothers actively used this substance to give the fabric whiteness and freshness. It is enough to dissolve one cap of this product in 8-10 liters of water, and rinse the washed tulle in this solution, as it will turn into a snow-white and beautiful curtain.

Zelenka. Many housewives are surprised when they find out about this whitening agent. First, wash the tulle in warm water with the addition of powder and table salt. After that, rinse the canvas in a weak saline solution with 3-4 drops of brilliant green.

Remember: It is much easier to remove a slight change in color than an old yellowness. Therefore, take action at the first sign of color loss.

How and how to whiten tulle from dullness?

The grayish shade of tulle appears after frequent washes. How and how to whiten tulle from dullness? Use these tools:

Baking soda. Dilute 1 tablespoon of soda and the same amount of washing powder in 5 liters of warm water. Soak the fabric in this solution for 2-3 hours. After that, wash the tulle and rinse well.

Potassium permanganate. In a bucket of hot water (temperature not more than 40 * C), add a few drops of potassium permanganate. Dissolve manganese crystals in water beforehand to get a rich solution (thick red wine color) - this will help you get the solution of the desired color faster. Pour 2-3 tablespoons of washing powder into the prepared water of a pale pink color. Wash the fabric in this solution, rinse in cool water and hang on the curtain to straighten the fabric.

Zelenka. Tulle must first be washed in powder and rinsed. Dissolve 10-15 drops of greenery in a glass of water, mix. Pour this solution into a bowl of water and rinse the canvas, let the water drain and hang to dry.

A very effective whitening agent, which was used by our grandmothers - starch and laundry soap:

  • Grate ordinary laundry soap, dip in a pot of water and put on gas
  • While the soap and water is on gas, prepare the starch: dissolve 250 grams of potato starch in 5 liters of water
  • When the water begins to boil, stir in the soap bars and immediately remove the pot from the stove.
  • Pour this solution into a large basin of cold water and soak the tulle in it for 5 hours.
  • After the time has elapsed, rinse the canvas to clean water, and soak in a starch solution for 5-10 minutes
  • Lightly wring out the tulle and hang it on a rope to make the water glass. After that, you can hang on the curtain to smooth and further dry.

Important: You can use either a hand wash or an automatic machine to bleach the tulle. No need to iron the tulle after the process, hang it wet, but let the water drain. This will help to achieve a long-term effect - the tulle will be snow-white, the fabric will not stretch and smooth out well.

In the last century, housewives washed tulle only by hand, as in washing machines of that time, the delicate material could deform and deteriorate. Accordingly, the canvas was also rinsed and bleached manually.

Modern automatic machines allow you to wash, bleach and remove stains automatically. How to bleach tulle in the washing machine? The main thing is to follow the rules of washing and bleaching:

  • Do not use products that contain chlorine. It has a detrimental effect on tissue
  • Oxygen bleach is a universal remedy that does not destroy the fabric structure
  • Optical brightener visually brightens the threads of the canvas due to the settled particles. This helps to make the tulle white if the canvas does not have a pattern. Otherwise, the appearance of the curtain may be damaged.
  • You can put 2 tablespoons of table salt into the powder compartment. This will help whiten the tulle even at the washing stage.
  • Hydrogen peroxide tablets will help whiten the tulle in the washing machine. Place 10 hydrogen peroxide tablets in the detergent drawer and run the machine on a delicate cycle without spinning.

This tool does an excellent job of removing any dirt on delicate fabrics.

Important: When soaking tulle during bleaching, make sure that the water in the basin completely covers the fabric. This will help to avoid the appearance of yellow "streaks" on the canvas.

How to bleach tulle with hydrogen peroxide? Follow these steps:

  • Make a solution of 5-10 liters of water, depending on the size of the tulle, and 1.5 or 3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide
  • Dip the cloth into the basin with the solution and evenly distribute the cloth in the water
  • After 2-3 hours, remove the curtain and rinse in cool water

As mentioned above, salt perfectly whitens the fabric from any contamination.

Important: Use only rock salt with large crystals. Fine refined and iodized salt is not suitable for this.

How to bleach tulle with salt? To bleach heavily yellowed old tulle curtains, you must use a concentrated salt solution:

Recipe: Wash the fabric and rinse to clean water. Dissolve 1 cup of table salt in 3 liters of warm water. Fill the curtain with this solution. From time to time, “move” the tulle in the water so that it is completely saturated with the solution. Leave it overnight and wash it in the washing machine in the morning.

By bleaching an old tulle curtain in this way, you will see how bright whiteness has returned to the canvas. She will be beautiful and white.

Another effective method of bleaching tulle with salt:

Recipe: Mix 3 tablespoons of salt with 1 tablespoon of laundry detergent. Pour the mixture with water (30 * C), and leave the tulle in the solution overnight. Rinse the curtain in cool water in the morning and hang to dry.

Zelenka is used only when rinsing the fabric, and not during washing, such as salt. Pre-wash the fabric, rinse.

Recipe: Dissolve in a basin from 4 to 14 drops of brilliant green in 5-10 liters of water. Put the tulle in the basin and put it like that for 2-3 hours. Rinse the canvas and hang it on the ledge.

To bleach tulle, ammonia is usually used along with hydrogen peroxide. But, if the pollution is small, then you can do without peroxide.

Recipe: Wash the tulle and rinse. Dissolve 3-4 tablespoons of ammonia in 5 liters of water. Soak the cloth for 20 minutes and rinse thoroughly.

Tip: Follow this procedure after every wash of tulle curtains, and your windows will shine with beautiful whiteness.

Each housewife will be able to restore any fabric at home. Most importantly, do not be afraid to act instantly, and do not waste time thinking.

Best of all, the fastest way to bleach tulle is with bleach and Amway powder.

Wash the tulle according to the instructions on the packaging in Premium powder (Amway) in cold water, then one more time in warm 40-60 degrees with bleach: a dosage of approximately 20-40 grams of bleach per 1 wash and 10-20 grams of powder. The tulle will be like new. The effect will be even better if you soak the tulle before the second wash in bleach for 6-24 hours at a dosage according to the instructions on the package.

Video: The old way of WASHING white clothes and REMOVING any stains!

Air curtains made of white sheer tulle have been a classic in window decoration for many years. Regardless of the material of manufacture, window curtains lose their whiteness over time under the influence of the sun, dust, rust and salts of washing water. Buying new quality curtains is not cheap, as is washing them in dry cleaning conditions.

You should not be upset, there are many inexpensive home remedies that will help you cope with the task without spending much money and time. Experienced housewives are happy to share secrets on how to whiten tulle from dullness at home.

Chemical bleaches

The first word is about whitening products, which can be purchased without problems in any department of household chemicals. This method can be used no more than once and that is not desirable. The fact is that such preparations destroy the delicate structure of tulle, especially from natural fibers, and soon lead to strong yellowing, which is very difficult to remove.

Any washing powder or liquid laundry detergent is diluted in warm water, and three to five tablespoons of ordinary kitchen salt are added to the solution. The tulle is soaked for a period of at least 3 hours, ideally overnight. If desired, you can still stretch the curtain in the car as usual, or rinse immediately after soaking. To fix the result, salt can also be added to the water for rinsing from the powder.

The only drawback of this method is the long soaking time.

Already pre-washed tulle is blued in such images. The procedure can be carried out both manually and in an automatic machine.

With manual rinsing, after washing, the curtain is dipped into the prepared bluing solution. Proportion: half a teaspoon of the product to a bucket of water. Second rinse - no bluing. The curtain is immediately shaken and hung up.

When washing in an automatic machine, a small amount of blue is added to the conditioner section.

The disadvantage of the method is that blue particles that are not thoroughly mixed can form stains or spots. For this reason, manual rinsing is more reliable.

To prepare a solution, 5-10 drops of brilliant green are settled in a glass of water, then carefully filtered through cheesecloth and mixed with 10 liters of warm water. Pure tulle is soaked in the prepared liquid for 5 minutes, constantly turning the fabric over.

Minus: an improperly prepared solution with sediment can ruin the fabric with green spots.

Peroxide and ammonia

This method works very well, but only for tulle made from natural fabrics. The proportions of the mixture for bleaching: 1 tablespoon of ammonia, 2-3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide in a bucket of hot (50 - 60o) water. A clean curtain is soaked in a basin for 30 minutes, after which it is thoroughly rinsed and wringed out easily.

Starching not only makes delicate curtains whiter, but also adds shine and long-lasting shape to them.

For starching, a paste is brewed like jelly, based on each liter of water - 1 tablespoon of starch.

It is necessary to ensure that there are no lumps in the resulting solution. After washing, the tulle is soaked in starch water for 5-6 hours, dried without wringing.

Potassium permanganate and laundry soap

These products combined provide unexpectedly brilliant and long-lasting results. Tulle curtains are washed in a soapy solution with the addition of potassium permanganate, after soaking for half an hour.

For a solution, the soap is rubbed on a grater and poured with boiling water. Mix a few crystals of manganese in a separate bowl and pour into the soap in such an amount that the water becomes a little pink.

Disadvantage: for some reason, potassium permanganate has disappeared from pharmacies.

Lemon acid

A sachet of citric acid is added to the rinse for prevention when washing relatively new curtains. Can be used in a washing machine. Attention! Citric acid in the washing machine washes away all deposits of rust and mineral deposits, so it is better to clean the machine before washing the tulle.

Over time, the tulle turns yellow from the bright sun, and turns gray from the settled dust. A simple wash does not improve its color scheme. It is easy to restore the former whiteness of nylon or other tulle at home on your own. Consider several effective ways to restore the appearance of tulle at home.

How to remove yellowness and dullness?

Tulle is practical in operation and gives a special flavor to the room. Prudent owners use the slightest opportunity to restore the whiteness of tulle products on their own. To whiten tulle, the achievements of modern science or the means proven by the skills of previous generations are used.

Before bleaching, the tulle must be shaken off the settled dust. Wet it in a warm solution of any soap, wash it. Instead of soap, you can use washing powder. After washing, rinse thoroughly with clean warm water.

The use of very hot water will give the fabric a yellowness, which will later be problematic to remove.

Folk remedies

With salt:
  • Place the tulle at the end of washing and rinsing for 3 hours in a solution of table salt (dissolve salt in water at the rate of 250 g of table salt per 1 liter of water). Rinse 2-3 times in clean cool water.
  • Dissolve 100 g of laundry detergent and 100 g of rock salt in 1 liter of hot water. Bring the prepared composition to a warm state by adding cold water. Soak the tulle for 12 hours. Wash and rinse with plenty of clean water. After such bleaching, the tulle becomes bright white.
Use of blue:

Since the chemical composition of blue (powder or liquid) contains not only dyes, but also stain removers, blue is used to restore the whiteness of nylon tulle. A faint shade of blue will only accentuate the whiteness.

In 12 liters of water, dissolve 5 g of blue powder or half a cap of the liquid fraction. In such a solution, the tulle product is rinsed at the end of the main wash. Upon completion of rinsing with blue, it is necessary to rinse the tulle in clean water.

Brilliant Green:

The usual pharmacy "brilliant green" is not only a good antiseptic, but also an excellent bleaching agent for nylon nets. In large quantities, it is a difficult to wash off dye, in a small amount, it is an excellent bleach. 10 drops of "brilliant green" are initially dissolved in 200 ml of water at room temperature. The solution should stand for 30 minutes.

At the end of an ordinary wash, the tulle is soaked in 12 liters of warm water mixed with the prepared solution of greenery. It is necessary to make sure that the precipitate of "brilliant green" in an aqueous solution does not get into the container prepared for bleaching. Constantly turning the tulle, after 10 minutes. hang to dry without wringing.

How to bleach tulle at home using salt and greens You can find out by watching the presented video.

Pharmacy potassium permanganate:

In a solution of laundry soap (for quick dissolution, you can grate it), add a pre-prepared saturated aqueous solution of potassium permanganate (all grains should melt). The resulting mixture has a light pink tint with soapy lather. The tulle is soaked in an emulsion liquid for 40 minutes. Then wash and rinse as normal.

Potato starch:

In 12 liters of water, stir 300 g of potato starch. Soak the pre-washed and dried tulle in the resulting solution for 4.5 hours. After the soaking time, stretch the tulle, let it drain and hang it on the window to dry without squeezing.

Baking soda:

Bleaching with baking soda is used as an additional soak before washing. Mix 10 liters of warm water, 100 g of detergent and 40 g of baking soda. Place for 30 min. in the produced solution tulle. Washing is best done by machine with an extra rinse.

You can find another effective method of whitening tulle using soda by watching this video.

Soda ash:

Dissolve 25 g of soda ash and 15 g of hydrogen peroxide in 2 liters of warm water. Soak the tulle for 2 hours with constant turning. After soaking, rinse thoroughly several times in water. Dry without squeezing.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia:

The combination of these two components is an excellent bleach for both nylon and cotton tulle.

  • Fast method. 50 g of hydrogen peroxide (pharmacy version - 3%), dilute 25 g of ammonia with 10 liters of hot water. Wet the cloth for 40 minutes, turning from time to time with wooden tongs or a stick. After the specified time, rinse thoroughly in water, without squeezing, hang to dry.
  • Night way. Prepare a solution of 5 liters of not cold water and 150 g of ammonia. Leave the soaked cloth for 10-12 hours. Then rinse thoroughly with warm water. Without squeezing, hang to air and dry.

For washing and soaking kapron tulles, water should not exceed +30°C.

Using commercial bleach

The modern industry presents several options for bleaching agents. According to their composition, they are divided into the following:
  • bleach "Whiteness";
  • Vanish bleach;
  • "ACE";
  • "Nanny".

After the use of bleach "Whiteness" tulle fabric may stop "reacting" to milder bleaches.

2. Oxygen-containing. The most effective in the application for bleaching nylon tulle. The main ingredient is hydrogen peroxide. In combination with other washing ingredients, it is recommended for bleaching in washing machines. Their representatives:
  • liquid bleach "BOS";
  • "Cashmere";
  • Lavadia White;
  • "Oxygen Bleach".
3. Optical. The composition of bleaches contains microparticles of luminescent dyes. After application, they give the impression of whiteness of the fabric due to the deposition of particles of dyes on the fibers. Here you can highlight:
  • "OV-1";
  • "Irgafos 168 FF";
  • CBS-X.

When buying bleach, carefully study the recommendations for use for tulle fabrics. Stick to them strictly.

How to bleach tulle in the washing machine?

It is recommended to bleach tulle in a washing machine with the addition of a bleaching agent to the washing powder.

Liquid bleach can be added after water has been added to the drum of the machine. A good way is to soak the tulle in a bleach solution before washing.

When bleaching tulle in a washing machine, you must follow certain rules:

  • before loading the tulle into the drum of the washing machine, thoroughly shake off the settled dust;
  • it is better to fold and pack tulle products in a transparent bag and in no case crumple;
  • pour powder and bleach into different compartments for detergents;
  • do not often use chlorine-containing bleaches, because their regular use leads to an increase in yellowness on the tulle;
  • bleaching and washing should be carried out in the “delicate” mode with a heating temperature not higher than +40 ° C;
  • tulle nylon fabrics should not be bleached together with cotton;
  • It is not recommended to use the "spin" function for machine bleaching.

How to bleach old tulle?

The snow-whiteness of the old tulle can be restored by applying the complex of the methods described above. If the fabric is cotton, the digestion method has proven itself well.

Grate laundry soap into the selected container at the rate of 100 g per 10 liters of water. After immersing the tulle in water, put on fire and after complete dissolution of the soap, boil for 1 hour. Rinse well alternately in saline and starch solution. Then the fabric will return to its former whiteness.

If it is a nylon fabric, it cannot be boiled out. Using the above recipes for using hydrogen peroxide, ammonia and saline solutions, you can get good results. To restore the previous snow-white color, it is advisable to use industrial bleaches.

When using bleach to restore the original color of tulle, follow the instructions on the package.

Features of bleaching depending on the material of the tulle

Lightweight, with a mesh or patterned structure, transparent tulle is made from a variety of materials: silk, cotton, polyester and many others. Different types of fabrics require an individual approach when bleaching.

Kapron. The fabric of nylon tulle is characterized by its lightness, airiness and wear resistance. Kapron shows its "character" when bleaching. The best way to whiten is to use table salt.

Veil. This fabric has a matte sheen and is soft to the touch. Such a thin tissue is very sensitive to chemicals. For bleaching, it is better to use saline, blue, green.

Organza. This fabric has increased rigidity in comparison with the veil. It is better to use oxygen-containing household chemicals for bleaching and folk methods for bleaching tulle using starch and blue.

Microveil. The fabric in terms of stiffness occupies an intermediate line between a veil and an organza. All folk types of bleaching are suitable.

Polyester. Tulle made of this material has increased strength and softness. Hot water is not recommended for bleaching. Repeated use of chlorine-containing bleaching agents affects the durability and preservation of the original whiteness of the fabric. The most positive result is usually obtained when using saline solutions, ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.

Regardless of what material the tulle is made of, it must be washed before bleaching.

Tulle bleaching safety precautions

When using a large number of preparations and bleaching agents, it is necessary to adhere to very simple personal safety requirements:
  • use a plastic or metal enameled container for bleaching;
  • perform all work with gloves;
  • hydrogen peroxide and chlorinated water are not compatible, so use purified water;
  • when using household chemicals, strictly adhere to the dosage indicated on the package.

Also, mixing of pharmaceutical preparations should not be allowed:
  • a combination of soda and ammonia or household chemicals emit vapors harmful to humans;
  • soda and brilliant green neutralize each other;
  • Zelenka and hydrogen peroxide also neutralize each other.
The use of tulle in modern interior design is distinguished by its practicality and harmony. Knowledge of folk methods for bleaching tulle, the ability to use them correctly and regularly is the success of the effective use of fabrics, which makes it possible to save a significant amount on the purchase of a new tulle or factory bleaches.

Have your curtains turned yellow or greyish and you don't know how to bring them back to their former freshness? Are you planning to replace them with new ones? This is not at all necessary. So that you can return them to their former freshness with minimal effort, let's figure out how to bleach tulle at home.

Nowadays, there are many products that allow any type of fabric to be bleached in a washing machine or by hand washing without any effort. Such bleaches are "Ace", "Vanish" and others. Depending on the recommendations of the manufacturers, these products should be added to the powder during machine washing or the products should be soaked directly in them. Such tools have several advantages:

  • they quickly cope with stains;
  • are easier to use than "grandmother's" methods, and require less time;
  • allow you to cope with any, even old stains in just one wash.

They also have their downsides. These include the pungent smell of many compositions (for example, "Whiteness"), as well as the negative effect on the fabric, due to which it begins to crumble after the third such wash. In addition, they can cause allergies in humans and are completely unsuitable for those housewives who suffer from bronchial asthma. If you encounter similar problems when using such products, you should use folk remedies, thanks to which even gray tulle with red spots can return to its original appearance.

Whitening folk remedies in the washing machine

If your tulle has turned yellow, but you don’t have time to soak it and further hand wash, you can deal with this problem using a washing machine. It is recommended to act like this:

Important: with this procedure, in no case should you increase the washing temperature. Otherwise, you will not get the effect you expect at all: the fabric will only turn yellow more strongly.

Fabric digestion

This is the easiest way to whiten tulle, requiring a minimum of costs from the hostess. Those who choose it need to act like this:

Important: remember that this bleaching method is not suitable for all materials. Many synthetic fabrics deteriorate from such exposure.

Treatment of tulle with soda

Regular baking soda can also remove yellow stains from curtains. For this you need:

After that, you should simply transfer the product to the washing machine and run a normal wash with an extra rinse. After that, the tulle will need to be immediately hung to dry.

Whitening with potassium permanganate

A solution of potassium permanganate can also help you quickly get rid of yellowness on tulle. You will need to act with it like this:

Important: You can use this method after other attempts to wash white tulle. It works well after boiling and washing the product in a washing machine.

How to bleach tulle green

This is another way to effectively deal with yellowness on tulles made of various materials. It is recommended to use it like this:

  • First you need to prepare a special solution for bleaching. To do this, add a few drops of brilliant green to half a glass of water.
  • After that, you should wash the curtain with ordinary powder.
  • Next, you need to pour the water with brilliant green into the basin for rinsing and soak in it for a few minutes. After that, the product can be hung immediately, it does not need to be rinsed additionally.

Important: if you didn’t have brilliant green at hand, you can use blue for such bleaching. For this procedure, a cap of this product will be enough for you.

How can I restore whiteness to a product with peroxide

You can also bleach curtains with ammonia and hydrogen peroxide at home. In this case, you should work like this:

Important: this method can be applied to almost all fabrics. It is only necessary to ensure that the recommended temperature regime is not violated during such washing.

Remove yellowness with salt

Salt can also remove yellowness from curtains. You need to do it like this:

  1. To begin with, the product must be rinsed well so that there is no dust left on it.
  2. After that, you should prepare a saline solution. To do this, you need to add ordinary washing powder to five liters of water (determine its amount based on the manufacturer's recommendations) and 5 tablespoons of salt. In this solution, tulle is recommended to be left overnight.
  3. In the morning, the product will need to be washed and rinsed well.

You can also use another method of washing curtains with table salt. The product should be washed as usual, then a new saline solution should be prepared for 4 tablespoons of salt and the product should be soaked in it again: this remedy will help to finally rid the tulle of yellowness. After that, you just have to dry the product well without additional rinsing. This method of bleaching is suitable for almost all fabrics.

How to clean a nylon product

Nylon is considered a very delicate material that can be spoiled by choosing the wrong washing mode for it or the wrong bleaching agents. Products from it are strictly forbidden to wash in hot water. It is recommended to rinse them by hand or machine wash on a gentle cycle.

How to bleach nylon tulle? For this purpose, you can use tools such as brilliant green or blue. Potassium permanganate or saline solution copes well with this material. If you also want such a curtain to keep its shape as well as possible after washing and bleaching, be sure to treat it with starch - it will help keep your product beautiful and fresh.

How to whiten organza

Organza tulle is a particularly delicate material that can be treated with far from all bleaching agents. When working with it, you can use blue, a solution of peroxide with ammonia, brilliant green, as well as saline. Such products can only be soaked in water with a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees, moreover, it is strictly forbidden to twist them, as they can deform and even tear under such influence.

Important: it is forbidden to wash organza products in hot water, and even more so to boil them. Also, to clean such products, you can not use bleach, sold in the departments of household chemicals. Such products can hopelessly ruin delicate fabrics.

How to bring freshness to old curtains

Old tulle cannot be bleached in one single wash. Such products should be cleaned in several stages, including:

  • digestion;
  • fabric treatment with peroxide and ammonia;
  • use for bleaching when rinsing salt;
  • rinsing in starch solution.

Between these manipulations, the product is recommended to be rinsed several times in clean, cool water. Do not be surprised if such a thing is not washed off in one wash: in some cases, you have to use all available means to restore its former beauty. If none of the ways to whiten tulle yourself at home did not give you the desired result, just get rid of the old curtain and replace it with a new one.

Video: how to whiten tulle at home?