How to pick up the lips to face. Tints of lipstick for rusopal girls

Women's cosmetics sometimes resembles a wardrobe: filled, and nothing to give up. Do you know this situation? Perhaps you just do not know how to choose decorative cosmetics. Take at least a lip funds: many young ladies buy them, guided exclusively by the principle: like or not a specific shade. How to pick up the color of lipstick, which is ideal for you and shines truly on your face?

Every age your shades

Professional make-up artists advise: the younger woman, the more bright shades of the lipstick, should choose. Young beauties are most suitable for sandy, natural-beige, peach and pinkish tones. Young women bright colors can come in handy in a cosmetic bag for evening makeup. Mature ladies should consider saturated dark shades. And yet it is unreasonable to be guided only. In fact, how on your lips will look at this or that color depends on the mass of factors. How to pick up the color of lipstick, which is suitable for you perfect? More recently, choosing decorative cosmetics was recommended for its own color. Today, it is increasingly used by a completely different concept - subtle leather. We will try to figure out what it is.

How to determine the bottom of the skin?

Conduct a test that can give an absolutely correct result is completely easy at home. To do this, you will need two foil samples: gold and silver. Apply them alternately to your face in front of the mirror. If the leather from the golden sample is filled with shine and gloss, your subtock is warm. A face shining next to the silver foil can be attributed to a cold type. If the skin looks equally well with both samples, subtock can be defined as neutral.

How to pick up the color of lipstick to face, knowing the "warmth" of the skin? Everything is simple enough: the holders of the cold skin should be perfectly suitable for the appropriate shades. The most winning solutions: plum, pink, lilac tones. Warm shades can only be used in the form of translucent glitters. Warm scarlet, coral, peach, ruby \u200b\u200bshades are suitable for the winners of the warm skin subtone. How to choose the color of lipstick for neutral subtonum? These women are truly lucky, almost all shades of any warmth are suitable.

Best Colors for Blondes

The owners of ash, wheat and light-light hair are greatly suitable for all shades of pink. Choose a saturated color - and you will definitely not be right away. Try various tones from gently lilac to fuchsia. Try to experiment, choosing matte, glossy, pearl lipsticks and lip gloss. Blondes wishing to look modestly and touching, you should try nose-shades and light brown tones. How to pick up the color of lipstick with a bright hair and warm skin underground? Peach, sand, saturated coral and red shades - the best solutions.

Tints of lipstick for burning brunettes

Dark hair very effectively looks in combination with bright makeup. Everyone without exception brunettes are suitable for red and plum shades of lipstick. Holders of porcelain leather and black hair should be "to try" bright pink and saturated scarlet shades with a cold tint. Brunettes, having dark skin, most suitable brick-red or dark brown lipsticks. Dark brown hairs with bronze hair, you can experiment with the color of lip cosmetics. The only condition is brightness.

What tones are digging and rusia girls?

Red hair filled with inner light and golden overflows from the inside. How to pick up the color of lipstick with red-haired beauties? It will be useful to determine the bottom of the skin. Women from which he is warm should try orange, coral and brown shades. Another good option for red ladies is the pinkish lipstick of muted colors. Holders of a cold skin subtone should be careful with bright shades. Light-pink translucent glides will look the most advantageously, as well as matte nose-lipsticks. Many modern fashionists are increasingly refusing to paint hair. What kind of decorative cosmetics to choose Rusolay women? If the color of the hair is neutral, and the skin is very bright, the red lipstick, beige and pink shades will be an excellent solution. Very beautiful natural Russian-golden shades of curls. You can emphasize them with the help of lipstick with a golden chip or yellowish. Almost always with the Rusie Hair, beige and brownish shades are perfectly combined.

Secrets of selection of lipsticks

Many fashionista are interested in how to choose the color of lipstick for the lip of the eyes. And indeed, with the help of makeup you can emphasize our own natural advantages. Green eyes seem brighter and in-depth in combination with terracotta and coral shades. Seruogindasim ladies canceled plum and beige colors of lipstick. Brown brown, red or light pink shades. How to choose the color of the lipstick of blue-eyed women? Try beige-pink and cherry tones, it is they will force the shiny of the eyes of heavenly shades even brighter.

How to increase lips with the right lipstick?

Try to remember a simple rule: bright shades are visually increased, and dark, on the contrary, reduce. If your lips are thin, give up saturated cherry, brown and brick tones. Also, transparent pink or peach lipsticks and glitters are also not always suitable for plug-up beauties. Be sure to use this rule when choosing a contour pencil. How to pick up the color of lipstick for the lips in need of magnification? Apply your favorite light tone as the main color, add a drop of transparent shine to the center of the bottom lip. Pearl lipsticks possess one interesting property - they emphasize all imperfections. Accordingly, you should not use their ladies, dissatisfied with the form of your own lips. You can correct the contours of the mouth, applying a favorite lipstick or shine in combination with a pencil.

Each time of the year is its color!

How to choose an ideal color for lipstick that will be appropriate in any situation? In fact, in the cosmetics of each lady should be at least 3-5 shades. Brighter and rich colors of decorative cosmetics will be useful for evening makeup. Day should be used light tones. For a similar principle, you should choose lipstick for summer and winter. The warm season is appropriately brighter, translucent shades. In winter, you can safely use saturated and deep colors.

Thinking how to choose the color of the lipstick, not all fashionista draw attention to its texture. Complex, overflowing, wet means for the makeup of the lips is better left for evening exit, because it is with artificial lighting such lipsticks look most effectively. It is better to use simple glossy and matte lipsticks.

In large modern stores, we are offered to try the shades of decorative cosmetics, and this is a great way to find a truly "your" color. The tester is a full copy of a lipstick tube that is not intended for sale. It should only try on hand. Spend a line on the wrist - this will help assess the combination of lipstick with a natural tint of your skin. Specialists also advise you to pay attention to whether the cosmetics of veins overlap. If their color appears under the lipstick, you should think about choosing another tone. Additionally, you can purchase a probe. This is a copy of the small volume tools you like.

How to pick up the color of lipstick to face using her probe? Very simple - cover your lips. Attention: Unlike the probe, the tester cannot be applied to the skin on the skin, since this sample is available to all store buyers. The selected lipstick should like and favorably be combined with your favorite clothes and way in general. By bringing home a new tube, we recommend that you immediately make makeup and admire yourself in the mirror. If the doubt is that the new job is suitable, no, it remains only to congratulate you. Now you know how to choose lipstick in the color of the eyes, hair and skin. We wish you only pleasant replenishments of the cosmetics!

Lipstick is one of the most popular and beloved women with cosmetics. The assortment of shades in the modern market amazing imagination. But, despite such a variety (and, perhaps, in part and because of it), many women do not know which lipsticks are suitable for them, buy at random, and then they are upset due to the fact that "the teeth look yellow", "color some strange faces "," lips seem to be thinner ", etc. So far, after another unsuccessful attempt, do not come to the conclusion that lipsticks do not go and stop using them at all.

And very in vain! After all, lipstick, like no other means, can emphasize the beauty of the lips, as well as give confidence, sexuality and mysteriousness. No make-up will look shipped without lipstick. Today we will tell how to unmistakably choose "your" color.

Warm or cold?

The main thing that you need to know when choosing the shades of cosmetics is your own coloring, which is determined by the color of the skin, eyes and hair. It is based on these parameters that can be understood which colors will decorate you, and which is not.
First you need to know the temperature, i.e. Warm or cold with you flavor.


Signs of "warmth": Hair with golden, red or honey subtock, green, light-brown, golden-brown or blue eyes with brown or golden splashes.

Skin with a golden or beige tint. To accurately determine your "temperature", at day lighting, bring to a clean face, without cosmetics, orange or yellow fabric, if the face immediately smoothed, the skin was lit up with a gentle blush, and the bruises under the eyes were less noticeable, it means that your color bottle is warm. So, the lipstick choose warm shades - peach, sandy, red-orange, sandy, coral, beige.

It should also be remembered that the brighter your skin, eyes and hair, the more bright shades in cosmetics should prefer. With red and brown hair, an orange, terracotta or caramel lipstick will be perfect.


Girls with a cold color have ash, blonde or ash brown hair, dark brown, black, gray, blue or blue eyes (without splashes of yellow or brown), cold bluish or olive skin tone.

Make sure that you belong to the cold color, will help any item of bright blue, attached to the face, if this color goes to you, then your colorotype is cold and "your" lipstick you should choose among cold pink, lilac, burgundy, Red with blue subtock, wine shades. In this case, the rule also acts - the darker skin and hair, the more bright lipstick you can afford.

On ash blonde with blue eyes and light skin, the most winning will look delicate, pastel colors - pink, lilac, light lilac. Brunette with dark brown eyes and light skin can afford bright shades of fuchsia, neon-pink, dark red, etc.

Light or dark?

Here, without words, everything is clear: the lighter skin is the lipstick. This concerns only shades of lipstick for every day. In the evening you can afford muster, bright and sexual shades.

Matte or glossy?

In addition to the color, it is also important to consider the shape of your lips. If your lips are very chubby and bulk, then you perfectly suit a matte lipstick, but a pearl or glossy can look too defiantly. Narrow lips, on the contrary, it will be better to look with pearl or glossy lipstick, which will give them an additional volume. Also for thin lips are not suitable for dark and too bright shades, as such colors visually narrow lips.

Lipstick is the final barcode of any makeup. Incorrectly selected color or tint can spoil all the impression of the image. Therefore, brunettes are important to learn to pick up the palette, which is suitable for their dark hair, taking into account their own coloring.

Lipstick for brunettes with brown eyes

There is no only true rule on the choice of brunette lipstick. Dark-haired women are divided into three main categories: with pure black hair (coal, ronene wing), with Cashtin color curls, as well as with light-chestnut strands.

Ladies with a coal black shade of hair have, as a rule, bright and memorable appearance. To emphasize it will help the same saturated shades of lipstick, so that the person is not "lost" against the background of expressive curls. If you have black hair and brown eyes, then your choice is a saturated pink lipstick palette. It is also well suited for a ruby \u200b\u200bshade. And for evening make-ampa, it is better to choose a dark red or crimson color.

However, these rules do not apply to women with "warm" skin. For such a color, lipstick is suitable with brown and terracotta notes.

Women with dark eyes and brown hair should choose lipstick with a hint of coral, cherry, ruby. Well suits them dark pink, as well as dark red. Under the tanned skin, you can choose lipstick with Golden.

If you have light brown hair and brown eyes, then for the daily meyk-ampa, choose lipstick of light pink tone, as well as the color of coral. For evening makeup fit muffled red on the lips, as well as discreet dark pink.

Lipstick for brunettes with green eyes

Brunettes with green eyes, as a rule, belong to the autumn color. They have leather warm olive shade and hair with soft chocolates.

For such women, the lipstick of coral, peach, caramel, golden shade is suitable. For evening makeup, you can use lipstick of scarlet or terracotta color.

If your skin is a cool shade, and the hair of black color, then use the "cool" color gamut to emphasize the lips. For example, dark pink, crimson, ruby \u200b\u200bshades.

It is advisable to allocate lips with lipsticks with matte texture and especially without pearl. The latter has long come out of fashion, in addition, it will become any woman.

Lipstick suitable brunette with blue eyes

Brunettes with blue eyes have bright and outdoor appearance. As a rule, they have bright skin of "cold" shades. They are excellent suitable saturated colors of lipstick - bright red, fuchsia, raspberry, coral, dark pink.

Evening makeup can be supplemented with universal lipstick color and matte texture for women. During the day you can use more calm, muted red. This may be not only lipstick, but also lip gloss appropriate shade.

If you have brown hair, stop your choice on the lipstick of the golden brown palette. For the evening you can use a pink shade.

How to choose lipstick brunettes with gray eyes

Brunettes with gray eyes and light skin can choose the "classic of the genre" - the scarlet color of lipstick. For more restrained makeup, a purple shade is suitable.

Keep in mind that the palette of the shades of lipstick of average saturation is more versatile and fits most of the sermorage brunettes, regardless of the color of their skin. But the dark and rich shades are more suitable for dark brunettes with black hair.

Women of such a color is better to avoid excessively "cold" lipstick colors, which give the skin of the skin. This is a light pink with blue, pearl. But as for the red palette, then the choice here is practically not limited. Well suits the shades from the scarlet to the plum.

What color lipstick fit brunettes

Brunettes, as a rule, have a natural bright appearance. Therefore, emphasizing the lips in a rich color, they will be able to improve their image, make it even more expressive.

Red lipstick for brunettes

Brunettes can safely use the brightest and rich shades of the red palette in makeup. It is important to take into account the rule of low and high contrast: the more contrasts the color of your hair with a touch of the skin, the more catchy and "deep" there may be a shade of red lipstick.

Searches for a suitable lipstick can take a lot of time. "Your" color is perfectly harmonized with a shade of eyes, skin and hair, does not look at the foreign spot on the face. The incorrectly selected tone of red lipstick can visually make the skin excessively pale, unhealthy.

Choosing lipstick of the red palette follows, given its own coloring:

  • If you have bright leather with a cold tint, then a red color with a plum sampling is perfect.
  • For dark skin and dark eyes, the optimal choice is various saturated shades of a red warm color scheme.
  • If your skin has olive shade, pick up the lipstick of wine, cherry or bloody-red.
  • For brunettes with a light tan and a warm tint of hair, coral shades of red, as well as a classic scarlet.
  • Women with pale and gray-rose skin is better to stop the choice on the lipstick of the raspberry and red-pink shade. Do not choose carrot, terracotta and other warm lip colors.
  • If you are a brunette with freckled skin, then boldly pick up a red lipstick with a golden subtock.
  • For blue-eyed brunettes, the perfect choice is plum shades of red.
  • Brown and green eyes at brunettes highly emphasize coral shades of red.
  • Under gray and dark brown, almost black eyes and coal hair will suit the ruby \u200b\u200blipstick.
It is worth remembering that red lipstick visually narrows the lips. Therefore, take into account their shape and completeness when choosing an invoice. Matte lipstick looks great as a supplement to day and business make-up. But makes lips smaller. But the shine is able to give an additional volume and "swelling".

There are also various tints, markers and lip balms, which are great for young brunettes, which from nature have bright lips and want to emphasize them a little.

Makeup with red lipstick for brunettes is a classic genre for women of almost any colorage. In this case, the eyes should be highlighted slightly or remain neutral.

Consider an example of universal makeup with red lipstick for women with dark hair:

  1. Before the start of applying decorative cosmetics, we definitely clean the skin and wipe it with a tonic. If necessary, we apply a moisturizing cream that must fully absorb.
  2. To make the red lipstick as soon as possible, it should be prepared to prepare lips - to carry out the procedure of soft peeling with a brush and a regular detergent. After that, we lubricate your lips with a balsam or children's cream.
  3. On the skin of the face we apply an alignment base. If necessary, we carry out the contempraging procedure using a dark and bright tinting agent, making the necessary accents in the right places.
  4. We complete the correction of the skin of the face by applying powder, which will help to remove the excess shine. If you want to give the skin the effect of radiance, use a highlight. It should be applied to the protruding parts of the person: the top of the cheekbar, the back of the nose, chin, under the eyebrow.
  5. We use a blush of a pale pink or light beige shade.
  6. Correct the form of eyebrows - tapping them with shadows or a special pencil. Fix form gel for eyebrows.
  7. Under the eyebrow we applied light shadows or draw a plot with a light pencil, carefully cutting borders.
  8. Draw arrows along the top line of eyelashes. We use a liquid eyeliner or pencil.
  9. We apply mascara on the eyelashes in two layers. Combine them with a brush to avoid the appearance of lumps.
  10. On the lips put a light tonal agent and slightly drink them. We look at the contour of the lips suitable under the shade of lipstick with a soft pencil. Pain the entire surface of the lips to the same means. This will help avoid spreading decorative cosmetics.
  11. We apply a red lipstick using a brush. We move from the middle of the upper lips to the edges. Also most painfully the bottom lip.
  12. After applying the first lipstock layer, we rinse the lips with a napkin and apply the second layer according to a similar scheme.
  13. If you want to give mattiness lips, after applying lipsticks, they can be powder.

Pink color lipstick for brunettes

Pink lipstick is the choice of only ceiling brunettes. It harmonizes well with green eyes, as well as light shades of blue and gray. It is recommended to pick up pink lipstick with glitter, since matte texture looks on the lips of brunettes, as a rule, not enough and dimly.

The shades of coral approach both under the light and dark skin and the hair of various shades of the dark. It is believed that this is a universal color for day makeup.

But the abuse of too light pink lipsticks should not be brunette. Also poorly look at their face Nude pink shades. Such lipsticks make lips with faded and inexpressive.

Ideally combine with evening make-up lilac-raspberry and bright pink colors of lipstick. If you have black hair, then highlight the festive image will help raspberry and ruby \u200b\u200bdecorative means for lips.

Almost all brunettes fits a juicy pink with a reddish tint.

Pink lipstick brunettes should be chosen, given its own coloring. Under its tone should be used by the used blush, as well as shadows. If this is a cold pink palette, then select the shadows of gray, blue, mint shade.

Consider an example of makeup using pink lipstick:

  • We clean the skin with milk, tonic or micellar water. If necessary, we apply a moisturizing cream.
  • We apply a database for makeup, tonal cream and handle the face of translucent powder.
  • On the area of \u200b\u200bthe cheek and cheeky, we apply a rush of the suitable tone under lipstick. Carefully rub them.
  • Draw a line of eyebrows. It should be clearly outlined by a pencil, shadows or awe of eyebrows.
  • On the upper movable eyelid we apply a light nude shade of shadows. External corners withdrawn the darker color of the shadows.
  • We draw a thin black line along the growth of eyelashes. The tip of the arrow can go beyond the borders of the eye.
  • We apply a tonal to the lips. Under the bottom lip lay a little bronzer and carefully chop the tool. This will create a shadow under the bottom lip, and it will seem more plump.
  • In the center above the upper lip put a little bright concerner. This technique also adds the visual volume of lips.
  • We draw contour pencil on the half of the darkness than the color of lipstick. You can perform 1-2 millimeters above the natural borders of the lips.
  • We put lipstick with a tassel on the entire surface of the lips, ranging from the center of the top. If necessary, use a paper napkin to get into the top layer of the cosmetic agent and apply the second.
  • At will, on top of the lips, you can apply a thrill of shine.

Brown shades of pets for brunettes

Lipstick for lips with brown subtock looks good on the tanned dark skin and under the brown eyes. That is, the brunette, which chooses such a decorative means for lips, should have a warm color.

The brown palette perfectly emphasizes the natural tan and gives greater expressiveness to Karim's eyes. Good looking brown and coffee lamp under bright make-up eye.

For everyday makeup suitable beige-coffee lipstick, light terracotta.

It looks good warm brown color schemes also on brunette lips with an olive skin of the skin and greens. You should select velvet shades of orange, brick, caramel, peach, terracotta. This palette can be safely used for day and evening makeup. To enter the light, you can pick up the cosmetics for the lips of a more rich tone.

Under the warm chocolate shade of hair and the golden skin is perfectly suitable for the lipstick of caramel, brick-red, terracotta color.

You should not use lipstick brown brunette palette with black hair, pale leather and blond eyes. It will look "hard" and give the face of the earthy hue.

Brown lipstick can have quite different shades that require special eye makeup. As a rule, it looks quite brightly on the lips, so the make-up eye includes a slight underscore, no more.

Consider universal makeup using brown lipstick:

  1. Clean the face carefully using tonic, micellar water.
  2. We apply a base for a tonal cream, as well as a light fluid. You should not overload the skin with a dense tone, let it look natural.
  3. We apply crumbly powder to hide excess shine.
  4. We select blush under the tone of lipstick. It can be terracotta and peach shades.
  5. We emphasize the eyebrow line with a pencil or shadows. It is desirable that they also have a brownish shade.
  6. We select the shadows of the brown palette: golden in the inner corner of the eye and darker (terracotta, brick, dark olive, chocolate) to the outer corner. Carefully rub them.
  7. Draw a line of arrows along the growth of eyelashes. Do not overdo with the "tails" of the arrows, they should only go out a little over the outside corner of the eye.
  8. Find lips on the contour pencil on the half of the darkness than the selected lipstick. Rentifying it line.
  9. We put lipstick with a tassel, starting from the top lip from the center to the corners and edges. We carry out the same operation with the bottom lip.
  10. In the center of the lower lip, you can apply a bit of lipstick lipstick of a lighter shade. So there is a great expressiveness of lips and seductive volume.

Dark lipstick for brunettes

Brunettes were lucky - in choosing dark lipsticks, they can practically do not limit themselves. The shades that they are not to face are enough, so there is something to stop your choice on what.

Dark hair and lips almost "do not argue" with each other. Making a "dramatic" focus on the lips can be and necessary, especially in the evening make-up. Of course, less expressive eyes should be made. The general rules of Make-APA in this case are not canceled.

Best brunettes pick up the dark lipstick of matte or cream texture without a brilliance. Such lipstick will so become bright accents in the image, so additionally attract attention to the lips with an external brilliance or gloss should not.

Brunettes can safely experiment with all fashionable dark shades of lipstick - wine, eggplant, plum, cinnamon, dark red.

Dark lipsticks include such fashion shades for brunettes, like plum, eggplant. These colors on the lips require only easy shades of shadows in their eyes. Make accent and on the lips, and in front of the eyes in this case is unacceptable, otherwise the makeup will look vulgar.

We apply decorative cosmetics on such an approximate instruction:

  • We carry out the cleaning of the skin of the face using special means.
  • We apply a database for makeup and a tone cream. Processing the surface of the face by translucent powder.
  • Blush must be in the same color palette with a lipstick used. We apply them to the protruding parts of the cheekbone, correct the form of a person if necessary.
  • We emphasize eyebrows, outlining their contour pencil, sweet or shadows.
  • On the entire surface of the upper century, translucent shadows with shimmer or metal texture are applied. They must "envelop" the eyes like light haze. If necessary, slightly tighten the external corner of the lower eyelid by the same shadows.
  • Delaimage the contour of the lip pencil under the tone of the lipstick.
  • We put lipstick on the upper lip, then on the lower vicinity. If necessary, we rinse the first layer with a paper napkin and apply a second layer of decorative cosmetics.
  • If your lips seem insufficiently plump after putting lipstick, add a drop of shine or lipstick of a lighter tone in the center of the lower lip, but one color range with the main used.

Fashionable colors of lipstick for brunettes in 2017

In the spring and summer in 2017, brunettes can safely choose natural shades - tea roses, coral, peach, apricot. For hot summer days, use lipstick, the color of which is a couple of tones saturated with your natural hue of the lips - you won't lose. But for evening makeup in the spring and summer you can safely add to the lips of Golden.

Continue to stay at the peak of popularity of shades of wine berries, Marsala, Chocolate. But the plum will be more relevant on the lips of the brunettes the upcoming autumn and winter.

If the brunette in the color of the color is suitable for a shade of bright fuchsia, do not hesitate to use it. He is now very in demand, by itself, under certain clothing and case.

What lipstick to choose a brunette - look at the video:

Pick up the brunette lipstick is simple enough, if you correctly define the color, the combination of hair color, eyes and skin. There is extremely few shades of lipstick, which are categorically not suitable for brunettes. Therefore, boldly experiment and make your sponges more expressive and bright.

Over time, the fashion changes not only on the items of clothing, but also on makeup. Especially changing trends are noticeable by the tone of lipstick. Look at the photo of your mom's youth - only bright, mostly red shades. Saturation was in fashion and just a couple of years ago. But now there are still models on the covers of the gloss, which have lipstick of the Nude - lip colors. And how any other, it also needs to choose correctly.

Lip Makeup in Nude - Briefly About Natural

From the English word "nude" translates as "naked", "body". For the makeup artist, it means cosmetic products, the color of which is as close as possible to the natural. They are usually unbearable, bright, gentle.

If you correctly pick up and apply, you can very well disguise all flaws and emphasize the merits. Plus, natural makeboard is that it is possible to have the most spelled look, while using the minimum of cosmetics.

The main in natural make-up is a nude lipstick. In common, it is called "beige" due to natural color.

Girls such funds were loved for the fact that they are well falling on the mouth, increase their volume and allow you to not look vulgar at work.

In addition, blonde colors visually create an effect of tanned skin, and saturated - make it very pale.

The ladies who make makeup daily, and not from the case of the case, know that there are much easier to make mistakes with nude shades than with bright.

The main rule of the choice of such means - the lipstick should be darker on tone or lighter colors.

This trick will win the lips and will not allow them to be lost.

It often happens like this: you decide to make lips to become even more beautiful, you trust all the tubes in the house, but the trouble is not the color! It seems that the shade is beautiful, and glitters well, and lies smoothly, but something is wrong. AND how to pick up the color of lipstick - unclear. It is about this today on the site "Beautiful and Successful."

We select the color of lipstick: look at your natural colors

If you prefer natural makeup, pick up the color of lipstick is simple enough for you: it should be 1-2 shade lighter / darker than your lips.

But what to do the rest? What you should pay attention to?

First: skin color

  • If you have bright skinThe attention should be paid to the lipstick of gentle natural tones. Also, the lipstick of cold shades will be suitable (from pink to plum, based on blue color).
  • The darker of leatherThe more juicy and brighter should be lipstick. Also, attention should be paid to the warm shades of lipstick (from peach to brown, based on yellow color).
  • If your skin not unwrapped, but also its light language does not turn to callChoose red and golden colors.
  • If you something does not like in the shade of your face (Rushenets, Sinyeva under the eyes, something else), do not use lipstick with such a shade. She will only emphasize your flaw.

Second: Hair Color

  • If you have blonde hairYou will fit pinkish-lilac, gentle peach, berry and coral shades.
  • Red-haired Girls are cinnamon and terracotta shades.
  • Owner dark hair Can afford to choose the color of lipstick from a huge range. The basic rule here is considered: the darker the color of the hair, the brighter there may be a color of lipstick.

Third: eye color

  • Owners karich Eye. Often suitable saturated scarlet and brown colors.
  • Blue eyed Suitable cherry and beige color gamuts.
  • Grey eyes More expressive will make bright shades of the cherry and beige.
  • Green Eyes Terracotta and orange shades are suitable.

Fourth: Lip Shape

  • If you have thin lips, you should not choose a dark matte lipstick - it will make two threads from your lips. It is better to use light pearlescent shades. Not excess will be lip gloss.
  • Owners of the same plump lips, on the contrary, you should not lean on shine. You also need to be careful with bright shades of lipstick. With them, it is enough just to overdo it, with the result that you will look not attractive, but vulgarly.

Fifth: Pay attention to the teeth

  • If you do not want to attract excess attention To the teeth (for example, I do not like how someone sticks out), do not use lipstick of bright shades.
  • If you want to visually "whiten" teeth, the color of lipstick should be not too cold, but not too warm (and purple, and orange color clearly focus on yellow teeth). It is better to choose the lipstick of moderately warm tone.

About nail polish and other rules

For a long time it was believed that the color of lipstick should be the same as the color of the nail polish. However, this rule is outdated. Of course, no one has the right to prohibit you to pick up the color of lipstick under varnish and on the contrary, just today it is absolutely optional. Better if these colors will simply be combined with each other.

Well, and to the lipstick of neutral color you can take a nail polish absolutely any shade!

How to pick up the color of lipstick in the store

Everyone knows that the color of lipstick in the tube can differ very much from the one that opens on the lips. There is no possibility (and a desire to be honest) to apply the tester on the lips. And?!

To start try to put lipstick on the pillow. Their color is most like the color of your lips. The result did not embarrass you? Then you can continue the selection of the color of lipstick.

For this you will need white paper sheet. Spend on it a lipstick tester and try to see the shade, that is, an extra color. Shades can be:

  • Pink or red. Such lipstick will be warmer than it seems, the color will be deeper and more sharp. Be careful, such a lipstick can give your person an undesirable red shade.
  • Yellow or orange. The main color on the lips will seem warmer than in the tube. Suitable with a warm shade. It is better not to use very pale girls - from this their face can purchase a blue or green shade. Dangerous lipsticks with orange shades are dangerous, they are few somewhat suitable.
  • Gray or silver. This shade gives lipstick warm color and flicker. When applied, the color seems lighter. Look so that in the lipstick there was too much gray shade, otherwise there may be circles under your eyes.
  • Blue or blue. This shade makes lipstick more rich. People with the "cold" skin definitely worth selecting the color of lipstick with such a shade.
  • Light green (sometimes yellow). It is this shade that is most often used. He makes your natural face face a little paler, as a result of which the color of lipstick seems to be deeper. Lovers search in all the secret meaning are convinced that cosmetics manufacturers are not easy to "discolor" our faces with you - so they increase the sale of Rumyan.

Finally, it is worth saying several words about relevance. Picking up the color of lipstick, always think about whether it will be combined with your makeup and clothing. Remember: if your eyes are bright, choose a lipstick of natural color. Accent must be either in front of her lips.

In addition, there are places that at all should not be coming with brightly painted lips, it will simply be so understood.

Lips are one of the most attractive parts of our face. Lipstick is what can make them and attractive, and ugly. That is why it is very important to know, and how to pick up the color of lipstick.

Use what suits you and be beautiful!

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