How to understand that you are in love. "I think I'm in love!" How to know love only from the pleasant side

There is nothing more enjoyable in life than falling in love with someone who is already in love with you. Sometimes we do not understand that we are in love, because only hidden signs can speak about it.

It will help you to understand your chosen one, but it is impossible to look at yourself from the outside, so you will have to resort to a psychological analysis of your behavior.

Sign one: you are doing what you did not want

You go for a walk, although you like to sit at home and go about your business. You are ready to do everything in order to be close to your loved one. This is not a disease, not insanity - this is love. Clean and understandable, very real. People are always where they are most expected and where they like to be the most, there is no other way.

Sign the second: you are afraid to do something wrong

This is especially true for women who are very careful in the first days of falling in love, when emotions overwhelm the mind. You are constantly in a state of tension because you are afraid that everything is not serious. This fear can be accompanied by anything.

Men, too, are sometimes afraid to say something wrong or to be too harsh. If you think twice or thrice before you do or say something, then it’s love, because for ordinary people that we are used to or whom we do not love, we almost never do this. Excessive focus in this direction is direct evidence of love and respect.

Sign the third: you constantly communicate with this person

If you have a free moment, you spend it on your phone or next to this person. Your mood improves when you talk to someone you love. You feel good when you ask any questions, when this person asks questions to you. If you are pleased to talk with a person about everything, then this may not be a direct proof of love, but one of its signs.

Sign the fourth: if you don't like something in a person, you are still around

All human flaws are smoothed out when you are in love. You notice them, but you don’t attach great importance to them, or you don’t notice them at all. This is one of the strongest signs that you are in love. It is very difficult to be near someone who, for example, smokes. But if your loved one smokes, then it takes on some kind of positive color. And so with any drawback, not only with bad habits.

Sign the fifth: it became more difficult for you to live

It is possible that in order to see a person, you have to travel long distances, tighten your schedule, and so on. This all suggests that you have fallen in love, but you may not yet fully understand this. You are ready to make sacrifices for the sake of love, which in the first place paints you. Love changes everything around.

Sign six: time next to a person flies unnoticed

You talk about everything, you can just sit on the bench for a couple of hours, talking about something abstract. You miss the person and the feeling they give you. It is easy and comfortable for you. This is Love.

Sign Seven: You Are Not Shy about Your Body

Even if you had or have any complexes, then you simply forget about them. This sign suggests that you are as comfortable as possible with this person. You do not feel like a goddess or Apollo, but you are no longer mere mortals, because you are far from the ordinary perception of yourself.

Can you answer one simple question: what is love? Despite all the seeming simplicity, the answers can be extremely ambiguous. The body of a person in love sends many signals: euphoria, a feeling of bliss, bursts of adrenaline and an overwhelming feeling, which is commonly called "butterflies in the stomach."

This period can be called at the same time the brightest and most uncertain moment in life. You never know how long this feeling will last, where it will take you, and what kind of experience it will give you. And if you are not entirely sure that a new acquaintance is love, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with some of the key factors. From them you can easily understand that your heart has been struck by Cupid's arrow.

"I miss you"

When you admit to your chosen one that you miss, you say this, passing through the words all the pain of separation. It's not just a cute thing to say. This is a real bitter emotion that says that he is part of your life.

You don't think about your exes anymore.

When you are with this person, you forget that there was someone in your life before him. This amnesia says that at the moment you are experiencing absolute happiness.

Small sacrifices

Little cute things and even sacrifice for a loved one are nothing for you. You can wake up in the middle of the night and come to him at the first call. You put off all important things to be there when he is sick. You take care of him, serve breakfast in bed, and it does not tire you in the least.

Feeling safe

You feel completely safe with this person. It is difficult to describe this feeling, but you are sure that this is the best thing that has ever happened to you. Look ahead: there is only a cloudless sky and a flat road.

Striving to do something together

You love to do simple things together: go shopping, clean the apartment, cook dinner, and go out of town for a picnic. In your understanding, romance does not depend on the number of lighted candles and roses in a bouquet. You are pleased to enjoy the company of this person, even if you are just walking around the city holding hands.

You are not annoyed by its slowness

Is your partner too slow to respond to text messages? This does not bother you at all. You are sure that he loves you, and everything else does not matter. Ultimately, a skill is developed through endless practice.

Do you prefer to stay at home with him alone

As soon as you catch yourself thinking that this weekend you do not want to leave your cozy apartment, know that love has settled in your comfort zone. It is much more fun to lie in an embrace on the couch, talk about trifles and watch movies all evening. There is no need to go to a restaurant, because food delivery works around the clock.

His pain is your pain

When something bad happens to your chosen one, it hurts you right in the heart. Now you began to perceive his pain as your own.

What makes you crazy with happiness?

Even the tiniest gesture that comes from him, be it a box of chocolates, a compliment, or the way he gently squeezes your hand in his hand, makes you literally choke on love.

Feeling like you're falling in love over and over again

Sometimes the fire of love between you can flare up with renewed vigor. You saw how beautiful he is in new jeans, appreciated his comic abilities or have fun with his way of wrinkling his forehead - all this makes you fall in love with renewed vigor. Your acquaintances complain that butterflies in the stomach eventually dissolve in everyday problems, but you are not one of these people.

Your phone gallery is predominantly selfies together.

Flip through the photo gallery on your phone. Joint photos take the lion's share there. When you're at work during your lunch break, you can spend 15 minutes looking over them again to refresh your memory of the happiest moments of your romance. It seems that you cannot spend several hours without each other, and each joint photo is a reminder that in the vast world you managed to find your soul mate.

The desire to work on yourself

When we want to grow and improve mentally, we do it not only for the sake of our loved ones. We do this for ourselves as well.

You can confess your love with facial expressions.

Those eyes glowing with happiness, quivering lips and curiously arched eyebrows speak for themselves. A declaration of love with words looks like just a cherry on a delicious cake.

Constructive dialogue during an argument

When partners run out of arguments, but they still have not reached a consensus during a quarrel, mutual reproaches and insults are used. However, you are not in danger of this common scenario. You are ready to step on the throat of your own pride and listen to the opinion of the chosen one. You are ready to look for a constructive solution or take a step back, as love rules you.

The heart is ready to jump out of the chest

After a long separation, at the sight of your beloved, your heart freezes for a second, and then breaks out. It shows how much you yearn for a new reunion. These sweet minutes completely negate the months of suffering that you spent in different cities.

The sweetest moments

The sweetest moments in your life together are not kisses, sex or hugs. You are ready to admire for hours how the chosen one sleeps next to you. Sometimes you want to scream with happiness, but your mind does not allow you to do this, allowing you only to smile and dream about the future.

When hearts beat in unison

The rhythmic drawing of his heart is the sweetest melody for you. For this, over and over again, you are ready to lay your head on his chest. There is nothing better than the rhythmic beating of two hearts.

"I love you"

These three magic words are enough to express all the love for this person. No additions are needed here.

The ability to be yourself

You don't need to pretend, wear masks, lie or hide anything around this person. You have the opportunity to maintain your individuality next to him.

His most ordinary manners become unique to you.

It may be a little strange, but you love everything about this person: his way of scratching the tip of his ear, his deep thoughtfulness when solving difficult problems, or the way he drinks water.


Besides the sound of his heartbeat, his breath is another favorite melody for you. This composition is so unique that sometimes you go crazy if you can't hear it for a long time.

Sooner or later, a feeling of love enters the life of any girl. How do you know that you are really in love with a person, and this is not really a fleeting, meaningless hobby?

I think I fell in love, how to check

People in love, first of all, want to spend as much time as possible with the object of their sympathy. They are characterized by fantasies about a possible joint future and thinking about whether the beloved or beloved is experiencing reciprocal feelings. If you find yourself thinking about someone almost all the time. then most likely. you are partial to him. Although, of course, there are many other signs.

What is love

The opinion of women Most women believe that if a man loves her, then she will certainly feel and see it. A person in love, in the representation of the beautiful half of humanity, constantly pays attention to the object of sympathy. If a guy rarely calls, invites little on dates, is not particularly generous, is not interested in the girl's affairs, then she will think that the boyfriend does not have serious feelings for her. Most often, women believe that a man's love is manifested in actions for which they are ready go for the sake of their chosen ones. Material confirmation of feelings is also important - even if a guy makes small surprises to his beloved, she realizes that, most likely, he is not indifferent to him. Also, a woman is usually convinced that a man in love will not be interested in someone else, and if she catches him flirting with a certain lady, then it is quite possible that he will lose faith in his love. The opinion of men The overwhelming majority of men agree with women in the opinion that love inevitably implies care and various signs of attention. In part, they expect from the chosen one the attitude that their mother showed towards them. In their opinion, a loving woman should be interested in the affairs of a loved one, not deny him intimacy, admire him, listen to his opinion, and the like. From the point of view of psychology Love is different, and everyone can show this feeling in their own way. For example, a man may feel overwhelming and passionate love for one woman. Being attracted by this woman, he will always strive for physical possession of her. Over time, feelings may fade away, and the same man will fall in love with another woman, but this time the nature of his love will manifest itself differently - sexual interest will not be expressed as vividly as before, and now a man will strive to take care of his chosen one, patronage. That is, a man can experience completely different feelings for different women throughout his life, but each time it will be just love.

Signs of a man in love

So, you feel that you are in love with a certain person, but how can you tell for sure? There are several clear signs. 1. Suspiciousness You ponder for a long time over each accidentally thrown phrase thrown by the object of sympathy, trying to find some secret and very important meaning in it. You can interpret ordinary words in a completely unexpected way - both for the better and for the worse for yourself. Even if the guy just said to you: “Hello!”, You try again and again to remember the intonation with which the greeting was pronounced in order to determine how the beloved treats you. 2. Curiosity You are trying to find out as much information as possible about the past and present of the man you like. You are interested in literally everything that relates to him - with whom he met before, where he works, what he enjoys, with whom he is friends, what his character is. Subsequently, you can go further - find the ex-lover of the guy on the Web, study her page in detail, trying to understand what the chosen one was attracted to in this girl. 3. Jealousy You find it unbearable to think that the person you love might be carried away by someone other than you. It is unpleasant for you if he shows someone signs of attention, and you react painfully to information that he is interested in someone. If your chosen one is registered on social networks, you carefully study his profile in order to find out with whom he communicates most. 4. Ingenuity If in the near future you have no reasons for meetings and correspondence, you yourself are trying to find them, or even come up with them. Knowing where the object of sympathy works or study, you can "quite accidentally" find yourself in that area. Also, you do not miss the opportunity to write a message or call the guy you like, even if the reason for this looks very unconvincing. 5. Unusual behavior In the presence of your beloved, you behave in a completely different way than usual, and at the same time, two extremes can be noted. In the first case, you begin to feel shy and withdrawn into yourself, sometimes it is physically difficult for you to start a conversation with the person you fell in love with. Typically, mutual friends immediately notice these behavioral changes. In the second case, you begin to show unprecedented activity. You want to impress your loved one - you start talking loudly and a lot, joking out of place, often laughing and fussing. 6. Change of mood You are increasingly seeing mood swings. You can all morning, smiling happily, pondering what the prospects for your potential relationship might be. Already after a couple of hours, you can be in a gloomy and depressed mood, without waiting for the desired sign of attention from your beloved, or even for no apparent reason at all. If you do not yet know if your love is mutual, then you can constantly be thrown from a feeling of euphoria to absolute confusion and emptiness.

7. Desire to become better You want to delight your beloved man and please him. In pursuit of such a goal, a woman often decides on changes in style, and often they can be very unusual. Now you spend more time in front of the mirror, carefully choose your wardrobe and think about your makeup. 8. Willingness to "adjust" to his taste Did you find out that earlier your lover preferred to date dark-haired girls, but you yourself are a platinum blonde? The information that has opened up can push you to drastic changes and force you to go to the hairdresser to change your hair color. Did you find out that the guy you like is fond of football? Even if before you were far from the world of sports, now you begin to wonder what players play in your favorite team of the chosen one, and on what days the matches take place. Such examples can relate to almost everything - appearance, character, manner of dress, hobbies, and the like.

Of course, love and being in love are not the same thing! What are the key differences between these feelings that some people often confuse?

When love comes, we change, sometimes without even noticing it. We just want to please our partner, and that's what determines everything.

1. Uncontrolled hormones

In the presence of an object of love, you experience a certain excitement: your palms sweat, your breath catches, you blush or turn pale, your heart rate increases, and butterflies flutter in your stomach. This condition is completely impossible to control, because hormones are to blame for everything - they cannot be controlled.

2. Protective reflexes

Out of excitement and embarrassment, you reflexively "turn on" the defense: you often speak too quickly, and often complete stupid things - just not to be silent, and also often and intensively wave your hands.

3. You fall asleep and wake up with thoughts of a loved one

Thinking about the subject of your adoration every free minute is another sign that you have fallen in love. And some especially manic lovers manage to indulge in dreams of a partner even in those minutes when their thoughts, it would seem, are busy with work issues.

4. Smile when texting or even just thinking about your loved one

This happens to almost every lover. Writing SMS to a friend, of course, can also be a fun process and bring a smile, but it does not appear on your lips every time, but depending on the situation.

5. You get a little intrusive

A person in love may text or call a partner too often. And all because, falling in love, we become too vulnerable and lose control over ourselves. We can "get to the bottom" of a loved one, just to hear his voice again and again. This behavior is common for both men and women.

6. It seems that the whole Universe revolves around a loved one, and everything reminds of him

We constantly think about our beloved, and we see echoes of our feelings everywhere and everywhere. We smell our beloved completely from a stranger, we see in the crowd “the same jacket” or “the same” silhouette.

7. Become romantic and capable of non-standard actions

Even cynics become lyricists and romantics at the moment of falling in love. We are capable of the most desperate actions, and at the same time we are not at all worried about what others will think - if only the object of love is satisfied. Candle hearts under the window of your beloved, inscriptions on the asphalt, serenades under the balcony of a multi-storey building, romantic dinners with rose petals on the bed, etc. From the outside it sometimes looks stupid, but there's nothing you can do about it. Moreover, not only young people, but also mature people are capable of such romantic nonsense.

8. Are ready to do what we are usually not interested in doing

Lovers very often, as they say, leave their comfort zone for the sake of a partner. That is, they do for his sake what they are usually not interested in doing. So, a girl who is indifferent to football goes with a guy to the stadium and cheers for his favorite team there. And the guy, for example, attends yoga classes with his beloved. And all in order to once again just be close to your loved one.

9. Become picky about our appearance

The moment we fall in love, we begin to take better care of ourselves and often worry about appearance from scratch. The little things that were indifferent to us before we fell in love suddenly become very important as soon as feelings wake up. And we begin to "bother" about the appearance and clothing, because we just want to please the object of our love.

10. We become blind

We forgive our loved ones everything, including what we have never forgiven anyone. We do not notice the flaws in the object of adoration and focus only on the merits.

Sometimes love creeps up imperceptibly, how to understand that you love? For this game you need a beautiful girlfriend, and the rest is not important ...

We all fell in love and loved at least once. Sometimes love sneaks up on you and strikes you like lightning on a cloudless day. How not to miss a beat and feel the outgrowth of sympathy and falling in love with love? How to understand that you have fallen in love and not to miss the moment of love?

For this game you need a beautiful box, a beautiful girlfriend, and the rest is not important ... Film "Fall in love with me if you dare"

1. The object of sympathy is always in sight

Whatever she does and wherever she is, she is always invisibly present nearby. It is her that you notice in the crowd and you constantly intersect with her in different places, even if you haven’t agreed, you hear about her from your friends, and her “online” avatar in social networks makes your heart beat faster. It seems that fate deliberately pushes her against you. This is all for a reason and this is definitely the trick of a smart-ass Cupid!

2. Her constant flaw

You miss her when she's not around. And when you’re around, you’re already thinking about the next meeting. You forget about friends, acquaintances, studies and work. Friends say that you exchanged them for a "woman", but they do not condemn, they themselves constantly fall for someone.

You are ready to sacrifice all your free time to spend it with her. She is on all weekend plans and 5 more days a week and nights too. This is definitely one of the signs that you are in love.

3. Romance and love

Something completely incomprehensible is happening with your playlist of music on your phone or computer. Where did love songs come from in the midst of metal and rock? And you constantly listen to the songs on her page on the social network in order to try to understand how she feels.

Music reflects the state of mind. And sometimes you yourself throw songs at her, trying to convey something with music, which you are afraid to say and even think about. But what is it, do you really think that this is ly ...

4. Kitty, you are my drug

It is like an obsession, like an obsession, thought is a virus. You think about her constantly and even mentally talk. She sits in your head naked and wrapped like a gift with a ribbon. Sits there and is silent, occasionally purring a song under his breath. Sleep also does not save, she plays the main character there, as in the series "Santa Barbara". Yes, this is one of the clear signs of love.

5. She's perfect

The world has not seen such beautiful girls as her, well, except for Marilyn Monroe. But when was it? She is a combination of all the qualities that you like: smart, beautiful, charming, kind, passionate and sexy. Well, how can one not fall in love with this?

6. You are ready to change

Few things make a person change for the better, and even fewer people, because of whom we want to do it. You are not only ready, but also changing for the better. Good changes always lead to love, and big changes always lead to great love.

7. With whom can I talk about her?

You are looking for advice on how to win women from friends, on the Internet and yourself. You are ready to share your feelings about her with your friends, although you share more with yourself. You want to talk about it even with passers-by in order to fill your life even more with it, but for some reason they run away in panic. Bro, love is getting ready to cover you with its head!

8. You dismissed the feathers

We can't believe our eyes, buddy. Damn, you finally got out shopping to get yourself some fancy stuff! You started to go in for sports, finally bringing your body into perfect shape, stopped drinking and drinking carrot juice. This is not without reason, your body is preparing for love and reproduction!

9. You want her

You want to hug her, hold her hand, and her lips, telling a funny story, you want to kiss her cheekbones so painfully. You write poems to her and read them on your knees in the entrance. But mentally you are torn before the desire to carry tenderness and romance, and roughly fuck it right here on the windowsill. The combination of romance and sexual attraction is very similar to love.

10. You make plans together

You thought about children, family and common cat Murzik. Well, what else can I say? Maybe this is true love?

If you answered yes to most of the questions, then you're in trouble, buddy! Yes, yes, you fell in love, and this is definitely love ...