How to pull your husband. How to attract a man in your life - Women's seduction stuff

This question has become burning for many women and girls who want to create either a family or just strong partnerships with a young man. And even though the modern representatives of beautiful sex became self-sufficient, to the Amazons they are still far away. Anyway, very many girls want them to have a complete harmonious family, because if you think about it, then the future children will need a caring father, the head of the family, the breadther, the defender, and for boys - a great example for imitation. That's why it is necessary to attract a man into your a life. And not the first thing that came, and the most decent, the most beloved is to whom you can rely on a difficult moment. And not just to meet in order to drag into bed and get a momentary pleasure, and then - as it will be. No, it is necessary not only to attract it so that he watches you, but also to furnish all this so that the man thinks that he himself made his choice when he drew attention to you. And make you run behind him - this is a pre-losing option. It is not even clear here, who of you have no pride: you have, because you run behind him, or he has, because he decided to give you to your lady, although he did not have time to love to truly. Combining more comfortable, set up for a long virtual conversation, because today we will tell you how to do.

Methods to attract a decent man in your life

There are several options, how to hook the attention of men, and in many respects it depends on its nature and temperament. You like the relaxed ladies with which you can have fun together. Others for some reason prefer the modests: it is possible that women's secrecy such a romance seems to be mysterious. Some guys impose girls to which you can easily come out on the street and tie a conversation. Other give it not to a woman, and flint so that it should be conquered like an impregnable rock. Otherwise, it is uninteresting. It is necessary to observe the person, and it will immediately become clear that he needs: an insurmountable "Rubicon" or a conspiracting girlfriend. You can listen to the opinion of other people on this score, just not worth it to show that it is the man who will be spent about, you are deeply sympathetic. After all, there are also envious people who will specifically say the opposite, so that you do not get anything with the guy. And it may not even be in jealousy, but simply in a banal envy to love you, and they do not. That is why in this case, like the conquest of a partner, it is necessary to rely primarily on myself. With a sociable guy you can lead yourself like this: to start a flirting, cute to talk, and then it's a cute to a self-shot, periodically adjusting the line of behavior. And everything can work out. FlirtWare with him! Remember that if the mountain does not go to Magomet, it means that Magomet goes to the grief. Show him that you are also playful and cheerful, and he is in your pocket. But only you should not overdo it and hang on his neck. It may be incorrectly interpreted: "If you are so fast and easy to do with this person, it means that you are accessible to other men equally." Be interesting Show that you are able to support the conversation. Even if you do not know anything about what the conversation is going on. Even if it is not interesting to you, it is better to always try to show live attention, even though it will be talked, rather than answer questions to the questions, it is sharpened to nourish your head and look indifferent. After all, it gives indifference to you yourself. Do not put yourself a goal to defeat Especially - every time, with each meeting. It is no coincidence that the relationship is compared with conquest. There may be "attacks", and "retreats", and it is necessary to understand that a successful manner may follow one unsuccessful maneuver. If it does not work out the same tactics, then it can be changed. And then, if there were no these takeoffs and falls, it would not be such a sharp sense of happiness at the next victory. To enjoy the very process of communicating with the opposite sex. Live, breathe full of breasts, fly on all sails or temporarily hoping, but remember: the main thing is not a victory, but participation. In the end, you will win if the guy drew attention to you, do not try to immediately fix your victory and quickly drag it into the registry office. Naskoro prisoners were not previously brought to the good. As stated in the popular saying, you need to eat salt together to eat in order to get to know each other well. After all, the family is not only romantic walks, but the highest responsibility in front of each other, and then - and before children.

Where you can meet your narrowed

Here everything is individually, you can get to know anywhere:
    Work: We spend most of your life in labor. So why not diversify it with a service novel? Minus - if you break up, you will still have to see each other or hastily change the department or at all. Study: Are you still learning? Are you studying any cute guy? Common interests, especially, cognitive, always united people. How many pairs began their relationship from universities and even colleges. Forward, and remember - to prepare for control or standings together more fun and more productive. And a big plus such joint classes are that already at this stage you are starting to support each other, worry, sympathize, hurt with a soul for another. Gym: Do you like strong men? The gym is a real treasure for those who like aesthetics of a male body. Cute coach or just visitor is perfect for dating. Girls, you see, because you want to wear you on your hands? In addition, the generality of interests appears again. Hiking: That's where you can also feel the comrade's shoulder, and at the same time get close. Unlike the gymnastic hall with simulators, you will be surrounded a much more romantic atmosphere! Beautiful views of nature, night by the fire in a tourist camp - all this will work on your convergence with a passionate young man. Or maybe already not young, if you are already far from a student.

How and how to attract love men

Love at first sight exists, but it is a rarity. Therefore, if you have got some kind of man, then you need to try and he notice you and allocated from all. How to choose the keys to the one who are you still unfamiliar? Directly here to act is difficult. This is still a male prerogative - to approach and get acquainted on the street and, by the way, often get a refusal, to cherish again and again. Open battle is the problem of a strong floor. But the female style of conquest of the opposite sex is more like reconnaissance, and not on attacks. Attract his attention with the help of appearanceAs you know, men love their eyes, and 90% of the information is perceived by exactly vision, so this is a reason to make a good look. Wrong in the gym: Rounded forms, taped body. All this has long and firmly attracts representatives of strong sex. Make your body similar to the body of models and, men will start flying on you like flies on honey! If your forms are far from perfection, just work over with their gait: it should be easy, elastic, not heavy. Perhaps, instead of the simulatory hall you will be more suitable for eastern dances. Any kind of choreography develop plastic movements. And it is she who makes a girl more feminine, which means - more attractive for a man.

Surride a wardrobe: Look at your clothes. Is she attractive? Beautiful? Magted shopping and see what you will look good. Find the best and buy. Dressing around, you will be able to become irresistible. The main thing is not to chase the fashion, namely a good taste. If you have a true friend's faithful girlfriend, then you will consult her about clothes. When a man is older, he better disassembled that it looks truly elegant. Just do not add to the age of your mom's age, except in cases where this woman dress up modern. Naturally, good advice on clothes is desirable to ask those whose style personally you like. Hair and face: A nonsense makeup and beautiful, well-groomed hair will always be a great help for you in finding men. At the opposite sex, by the way, a somewhat different look at makeup. Of course, if a man simply contemplates you like a beautiful sculpture, then you can impose "tons of plaster", but not everyone will decide to kiss the brush, on which there is a whole "armor" from a tonal cream. You think that I have created a smooth tone on your face, and the young man perceives it as if you are a rogue that pulled a stocking on the head so that he was not recognized. Therefore, with makeup never need to overdo it. When your skin is ready if you do not kiss, then at least to iron your palm, it is desirable that she remained the skin to the touch, and not "plaster." Interest it with your rich inner worldLooking as a pawless - not the best option: they get acquainted with such a very quickly, but the same rapidly and throw. You can and need to expand your horizons, learn to see beauty in ordinary phenomena. It is all possible to learn from the huge spiritual heritage of our planet. And today it is to do it, more than ever, just because everything is available for viewing via the Internet. Instead of "exercises in wit" In women's forums, you can devote time to documentary videos about any sights, reading books, virtual excursions. Yes, and old good printed books, albums and collections, too, no one canceled. Surely, your parents have been collected a huge library, so why not engage in studying it? Enrich your inner world, and then your speeches will become more interesting, others will be listened to them. One abandoned replica - and you noticed, became interested in your personality. Become a close caring personIf you are already familiar, you can take care and attention than to attract it to your side. Only this, too, you need to know the measure. It is not desirable that you immediately saw a servant. Do not enter and do not work, behave with him on an equal footing and most importantly - let him also take care of himself. So the person is already arranged, then it is inclined to pay attention to its noble impulses and actions. So make it possible to paint your beloved man, even if not at all before you, but before yourself - but it will work! He will begin to praise himself for a good act, and will always remember you, because you allowed him to make something good. And do not leave this attention unanswered. Ideal if care is mutual. To this and strive. Become his ideal to lure loveOf course, this is not a reason to immediately run into the hairdresser and repaint the hair into a radical black color or platinum blond. Especially - not a reason to turn to plastic surgery. Rather, you need to become an ideal in the spiritual plan. As for appearance, it is possible to work on the makeup and style of clothing. But it is important to remain yourself. Unnaturality of both in appearance and in behavior repels. If you're deciding to change the image, then to the one that you yourself will like himself. This will allow you not only to behave naturally, but also feel more confident. After all, pay attention to the harmonious personality, and not on the groping and compacon. meet a man's dream

How to meet a man of your dreams

The advice here is the most banal: learn to look around. If there is no one in your surroundings who you are ready to love, then find some kind of team. It can be:
    sports section; musical classes, dances; tourist club; just a campaign on someone's birthday, etc.
There will always be places where you can get acquainted with new people, and suddenly there is someone who will like right away, or with whom it will be interesting. Sometimes, in order to attract a man, you need not only to be able to insert a smart note, but with interest to listen to what he says himself. By how you look at him during his dialogue, he is able to appreciate how interesting he himself is. Of course, looking straight into the eyes and listen, opening your mouth, is not the best option. But if you gave way to interest, and at the same time sometimes you will shy a look, you will turn into the charm itself.

Esoterica and magic: rites to attract a man on fate

If you believe in all this, it is worth going to psychic or MAGA to find out if there is a crown of celibacy. If you are 22 years old, then it is too early to beat the alarm about this: you can meet my love and in 25 years. If you have a guy, but he is indifferent to you, then never go down before making a love spell. First, instead of an interesting and living person, you can get a "zombie" option, with which it will be uninteresting. Secondly, you herself want to be careful with burning eyes, and not with an extremely lifeless look. And if you win the guy myself, you will grow in their own eyes. And for the spell, the conscience will torment you. If there are conspiracies, then only to just become attractive for men. Thus, you leave them the right to choose. And for yourself - too.

Conspiracy to attract male

Such a ritual will not make you more feminine, beautiful, elegant. The main thing, he will teach you not to be afraid. Tell me, don't you need to be bold to pass a kilometer or more from home at midnight, in full moon? And choose a desert place for this, where, looking at the moon, will you whisper a conspiracy? If even the magic itself does not work, you will change. Namely - no longer be afraid of many things. And so in one of the lunar nights you need to go out on a deserted place (park, forest,) and there, looking at the moon, read the plot. He sounds like this:

"Moon, Zarnitsa, Heavenly Queen, I call you, the girl (own name), help me! Make my crash face and Mile to meet me soon. In order for both the iron magnet attracts, so I attacked male views. The word my lumpy, from the workers of the penny will not be, as she said - so it will be. "

After you need to stand in silence for a while, looking at the moon.

Ritual to raise the narrowed faster

You can deduct on the Internet on the magic sites a plurality of rites, held at home, in an empty room, with candles, mirrors, envelopes and other attributes. Only it is necessary to explore what the consequences of such magic are. If very strong, then you do not need to forget about God: he created every person morally free. Therefore, it is necessary to pronounce at the end of the word spent: "On all the will of God". So, you do not take on a big responsibility and allow any course of events. If a person is not destined to be yours, if God chose someone else, then you take this will and understand that the guy is not able to solve himself. Perhaps he needs to suffer a punishment and get in wives of bitch, and not you - white and fluffy. But if even after such thought, you are ready to fight for your love and you want to be with this person, you can have the next rite. At midnight, wear up to the nudity, stand in front of the mirror and burn the candle. Next, looking at your reflection, read the conspiracy three times:

"My squeezed, my heart and soul, I, I, (the name of the beloved), one is needed. You are moving through the night's bedtime and come to my sleep. In a dream, give a kiss, and in the morning we will become mine. "

Attract narrowed on Feng Shui

This is a more progressive option, because here you work on the situation at home. You just attract the energy of the future partner in life, that's all. Old Eastern Practice recommends extracting all objects from the bedroom that interfere with family unity:
    remove single portraits; Add some things with male energy: Instead of soft bears, for example, put sports magazines on a table or hang a brutal rock band; get paired items, such as coffee or statuettes, depicting in love Couple, painting with wolves or swans - these animals form a couple for all life.

How to meet a good man in 40 years

Immediately I remember the movie "Moscow does not believe in tears." Yes, the heroes got acquainted there simply in the countryside. Acquaintance can begin even from a banal question: "How to go there?" If you are spent, then this is the reason to talk ... more often in the adulthood dating arise in clubs in interests or at work. You can also have common acquaintances with him, who will organize a meeting. You can argue by quoting Fain Ranevskaya, who argued that all the "thoroughbred males are also disassembled by puppies." But it is only life observation, a generalization. In fact, many special cases. For example, divorced men or those who are desperately not happy in their family life. There are those who have experienced unrequited love for many years and is already tired of it that you can only "bring a match" to light a real passion in his soul.

I want to attract a concrete man in my life

If the one who needs to be done by any husband, then you need not to wait for the sea of \u200b\u200bthe weather, but to act. 10 female tricks
    It was determined that it was like a beloved, he is responsive and opened to sympathy, then make you complaint to you. Always listen to his secret wishes and starting to perform them to fulfill them. In place that he loves you, but do not tell it right. If you love your soul Do not forget that it is not enough for him - you need another body contact. It is desirable that he was dosed. B. BE'S PLEASE, because it feminine. Don't forget about the personal toilet, be well maintained and neat But not to lose with its individuality. Life, do not allow false. She is in love with the ears, it is immediately audible. We have a sense of humor. With fun always interesting and easy.
Tips for experienced women and mistressesYou need to be touching, tender, cheerful, good and understanding. That is - a real girlfriend of life. And then everything will turn out. Do not need to turn a husband or lover into your permanent "vest." Complaining something, it is necessary to put in front of a man overcoming the problem. Well, or almost overcoming so that he can help and experience himself a knight. And it is worth "loading" him immediately by the next "task", you need to give it to feel the triumph and show how you are happy that he did something good for you. From the opposite. " Tell me that your problem is so difficult and insoluble that you do not want to "ship" by this. This is exactly what should be kept in a man living interest and participate in you.

I can not find my beloved man, what is the reason?

Perhaps in you. You yourself can not let anyone in your personal space, but it would be necessary to open it. There is just a circle of communication such that you are not worthy. You need to try to find another point of support - another team, perhaps with higher spiritual values. And there just a one who you will like.

How to attract the attention of men? This intriguing question is spinning in the heads of many beautiful ladies. In this case, you need to be very careful, as if on the hunt,

after all, a man is prey. There are many ways to attract attention, we will highlight the main.

Appearance is the first thing that the representatives of the strong sex are drawn to, but not the most important.

So, you first need to dress correctly, because most men "peck" on a beautiful chest and legs. A great combination is a mini skirt and besides that, it is very important to choose the proper makeup. Men frightens both a bright coloring, and the complete absence of cosmetics. Before you finally select your Make-AP on the day, experiment. It is desirable that at that time you were alone at home. If you think that everything went well and makeup well enough for you, you can show the result of men.

You can talk about the external attractiveness, but it is only 30% success. The main role in that men, still playing flirting. Just need to know the measure in order not to cause a smile on the lips of eyewitnesses.

Coquetry - power in your hands

This is another proven way to attract the attention of the opposite sex. A man will definitely play and sick you with compliments. After all, the coquette is seductive and feminine, she always holds a guy on a short leash. Young people attract those girls who look at them with delighted eyes, talk about their courage, admire gestures.

How to attract the attention of men? Install with them visual contact. This is a very important point in coquetry. A long look right into the eyes means your interest. Just know the measure. You can watch differently: over the shoulder, see and smile and many other ways. How to attract the attention of men? Use a smile, it is very important in this matter. Only she should be natural and open.

Attract the opposite field

Touch your hand to him, imperceptibly under the table touch the foot to his legs - all these and many other sensations act like a magnet. Do not be shy! In such a delicate case, the complexes will not lead to anything.


How to draw attention to yourself? Choose a good perfume. It does not have to be very expensive perfume, just your body should be pleasant to smell.

Know yourself worth

You must be confident - this is a prerequisite for victory. If you need it to urgently increase, for example, do autotraining. You must make the impression of a good, joyful person, with whom it is pleasant to communicate.

By the way, men are best to look for in those places where they are most often happening. It can be sports halls, autocentrators, shops, bars, even your yard (if a young man has a dog). Therefore, always be prepared for a meeting of the cavalier of your dreams. Now you know how to attract the attention of men. Use these recommendations, and you will always be at the height!

There are many conspiracies and love spells, prayers and special talismans that allegedly affect your rehabils, change its priorities and make you pay attention to you. Is it so?

Or maybe all the opposite? All these witchcraft, magical attributes, your thoughts, desires and actions change something in you.

No wonder all the rules of happy life give a man inside: "It's not the one that everything has everything, but he who has enough of what he has."

"Happiness is the state of the soul", etc. Let's try to attract the desired man in your life, having worked a little over himself.

How to attract a man in your life

Installation change

Natural installation of consciousness is a mental position of a person in everyday life.

There are several settings:

  1. Social. Certain setting of consciousness on the perception of being.
  2. Motor. Certain setting to actions.
  3. Mental. Stereotype of thinking.
  4. Diffuse. Setting the perception with a single intersection with an object.

Why change it? Installation that secured in your consciousness prevents you from becoming an ideal of a man you have chosen for yourself. If you are sure about this, try changing the installation.

Another thing is, is it possible to do it yourself without a good psychologist?! He can somehow reconfigure the motor installation (month of control over its muscles), it can easily cope with diffuse, but mental and social settings only changes the time.

Breaking yourself at the level of consciousness and subconscious, ungrateful and dangerous occupation. Maybe better change the object of dreams?

Draw a clear image

You know exactly what growth, weight and eye color should be a prince worthy of you. His shoulders are wide, the body is slim, flexible and muscular, and the hair is wavy, the colors of ripe wheat. With external data of the perfect man, everything is clear. Even the photograph of the prototype on the wall hangs. What to do with the inner world?

Let's try to make a clear clear picture of his character. We rewrite through the comma all the positive features of a person: brave, smart, honest, etc. All, image is ready. We make mentally from all the invented stencils and from today we go to the world with him, applying the resulting template for each oncoming guy.

Want to know how your searches will end? After a couple of years you will sit at the table and adjust your ideal a little, adding universal features to him.

Very little bit of weaknesses. The hero can afford it. Well, for example, sometimes brews for a red sense. And again in futile searches.

It will take another year and you will still cut your wings angel a little bit. And the creation will end simply. You fall in love with an ordinary carragelase brunet and will be considered it with your ideal.

Well, when there is time for a quest. In addition, any overestimated plank gives an incentive for its growth, and understated - for laziness and degradation.

Fall in love with yourself

How disgustingly looks at the tallery FIFA, which considers himself the most beautiful, smartest, stylish and charming in the world! Pay attention to how heroes of Russia, the president, world champions behave, Miss Beauty. With dignity, but without trial.

In everything you need to know the measure, even in pride and self-chain. Excessive modesty is also harmful.

This part of the article for girls who do not like to look at themselves in the mirror, shy their voice and clumsy figures. From her and let's start, with clumsy.

Remember the parable in which a person was told to not think about the yellow monkey? As a result, all his thoughts were only about her.

Yes, you will never get a light flying gait until you think about her, about your legs and hands.

Calculate three axioms:

  1. No in the light of ideals.
  2. Beauty - the concept of relative. Someone loves candy, and someone her herring. Someone likes thin, and someone is full.
  3. People treat you the way you yourself serve them. By your attitude, you allow others to also judge you.

Video: how to fall in love with a man

Based on these well-known postulates, we decide to ourselves:

  1. I am not ideal, but no worse than others. So, all around is no better than me.
  2. For someone I am a beauty.
  3. I like myself, I love myself as it is!
  4. Learn by heart the poem of Larisa Rubalaskaya:

What a luxury is not in fashion.
And live, not looking at anyone,
And dress up the weather
Not for the sake of the looks of counter uncle.

Like not afraid of fool
Do not add growth platform
Don't customize
Under "sixty" and "ninety."

Cheerful to be and confused,
Yawn, knee will be too boring.
What a luxury is not fashionable,
And be somehow - piece.


Philosophers with psychologists have long established that sexual energy, named Z. Freeda Libido is the proportion of everything that is happening in the world of humanity. It is enough to remember how many wars in the ancient century began because of a woman.

Only for the sake of attention and favor of the opposite sex, feats are performed, unattainable vertices are conjugated and great discoveries are performed. Only to conquer her heart, and then keep the family he will learn, and then earn.

Just so that he likes you are ready to read "War and Peace" and learn to ride on the rollers. Read, Learn, ride!

Even if you do not touch the heart of your favorite man with your increased intellectuality, your level will grow as much as:

  1. You will begin to respect yourself and love. Self-assessment will increase, and therefore the assessment of others.
  2. You will also be appreciated and will love another man, maybe even one.
  3. Looking at the object of your frills from the top steps, you will see it in the new perspective and ... Find out. Sometimes it happens.

Change the situation in the house

It has long been known: the simplest means to at least somehow change your life just to make a permutation in the apartment or change the situation in the house.

To something change, start from your home. The new furnishings will attract new love to you or simply will join you new emotions.

Keep calm

We were lucky, we were born with women. And this means that with all other equality, we can always shut the eyelashes and cry.

Not a vanity with hysteria and cry, but quietly and unhappy, so that a man wanted to press to his chest, stroking the head and, feeling himself a Rembo and a black cloak at the same time, to promise their defense for the rest of his life.

Men are afraid of hysterics! Calmer. Passion and love overwhelms your heart. You want to rush on the neck, hug, kiss and confess in love, pouring tears. Even if he has something to be launched to you some kind of nascent feeling, now at that moment it was gone, died of fear.

He is not a coward in the usual understanding of this word, but, like any man, it is afraid of change and stormy feelings.

Keep calm and wait until it matures to clarify. Make towards a step of the same length as he.

Ways to attract your dream guy

Feng Shui

The first thing you have to do is to be awesome a good man, it is free from previous relationships and experiences. And for this you need to carefully climb in your home.

Clean the dirt, dust, all negative, apparent. Get rid of dry leaves and branches, sluggish colors - symbols of rejected love, from photographs, gifts and letters of the former guy.

Golden fingers can be left. Only hold it under running water for about an hour, and then remove away. Remove the paintings from the wall and poses with single women, remove the photos where you are removed alone.

Do such a cleaning, as often as possible, and everything will change in your life. Put two pillows on your bed, and lay two candles on the bedside table and with peony vases.

With ritual

In order to shiver a non-native man, there are hundreds of love spellors, conspiracies and rituals. One of them is the most harmless, but perhaps the most effective "love spell".

For him to make enough seven times a day to sunset, read this conspiracy, slightly upset the tip of his tongue:

As a tongue I bite, so the narrowed my (name) urge, I attach.
Let him, rest not knowing, about me (name) always dreams.
At night, star, night moon, clear afternoon and early in the morning
Let it dream about the day and night at the moon.
Amen (three times)

Rich man

The spell on a rich man can be carried out in the same way. Only a small addition. Three days in a row apply alms, senoming: "Yes, it does not look at the hand of the giving". It is good to have a wooden house or a ceramic frog, which you need to stroke every day.

Mutual love and happiness

Mutual love and happiness will certainly come to you. This may not happen immediately. You should not consider every counter guy as a potential beloved. Wait a little, your heart will tell you when it is near.

Concrete man

The spell on a particular man is done, having some thing that he held a long time in his hands or wore (for example, a handkerchief, calendar, business card or even hair).

You should fold this thing and your hair into one paper package, to minimize the package in a lump and burn it, reading the spell: "We are together now, we are together then, I love you, you love me. Let the fire begregate our love. "

Fold the ash in the bag and hide under the mattress. The spell will act during the year.

With the help of affirmations

This beautiful word means autotraining with one cape of phrase. It should not have any "not" particles, which has passed or future. The affermentation should consist of 5-7 words, contain a program code and cause only positive emotions and associations.

For example: "I loves me (name), we are happy together." Repeat it several times a day, write on paper and put under the pillow.

Makarevich has a song with excellent words: "Do not be fed up for a changeable world. Let the world be better for us. " So, psychologists advise to fuse! If you can't change the situation (well, it does not succumb to, it does not change in any way so that you do not do), make yourself change to it.

Sometimes to be happy, just just convince yourself that you are happy. Well, you will not be able to become the Queen of Great Britain, whatever love spells do to Prince Wales.

But you have long been already the queen of the neighbor's heart from the fifth floor. Want to be happy?! Be!

Video: Specialist opinion

Many people are in finding their second half. They want to find love and happiness. They want to find a native soul and create truly happy and harmonious relationships. Some are looking for love outside: on dating sites, at parties, through friends and acquaintances, that is, take active actions.

Others are looking for harmony and love within themselves and broadcast it into the outside world, thus attracting favorable opportunities. There are both girls and women who give a signal of the universe about finding love through various rituals and rites.

As they say, in love, all the ways are good, the main thing is that they do not harm other people and were sent only to good. Also, wanting to find happy relationships and love, do not stop at some particular person. As soon as you stop waiting for it specifically, your desire will come true.

Today I decided to collect all the most famous, popular and efficient ways to attract love. We are all different, and one and the same way can like one, and absolutely not climbing another woman. Therefore, choose that ritual to attract lovethat you personally will fall on the soul. And do not come to everything seriously, do everything easily and fun, without tosing to the result. And then he will not make himself wait!

But, there is one important but!

Before attracting love to your life, it is necessary to put a point in past relations. These relationships outlived themselves and, as the Chinese wise men said: if you want hot tea, you first throw cold out of the cup!

This is necessary to make a place in your heart and in your life, the other person came there, as they say "holy place is not empty."

How to attract love. Most popular methods

1. Technique Vadim Zelanda

Take a handle, paper sheet and write:

"I am a very charming person. From me there is an inner light of charm, love and sex. I am luminous creature. I attract men to himself. My man finds me. "

Place a glass of water on this sheet. Distributing the palms well, presenting and feeling between the palms is a dense bunch of energy. Rate your hands as a harmonica, until the energy starts to be felt clearly. Do not touch the glasses, place it between the palms. Speak the words written on the leaf, consciously and delight in their meaning. Then drink this water. Do so in the evening before bedtime and in the morning after awakening.

2. Announcement

For example:

Looking for a boyfriend! Energetic, wise, healthy, good wishing to create a family, with the same life values \u200b\u200band priorities as me. I undertake to give him love, affection and tenderness, tasty feed and take care of it. " Of course, your option should be longer, taking into account all your wishes. Get an advertisement on the window side of the apartment, text to the street.

3. Drawing hearts

Buy yourself a handle and proclaim her magic. She can record all your dreams and wishes. Draw this handle on my palm, on the line of fate two hearts together. And then take a piece of paper and write a fairy tale about your beautiful, mutual love with a wonderful man.

Also very magical and effective is the drawing of iodine hearts on the pope. This is a simonovskaya technique. On the pope draw an infinity sign, in it two hearts and shaper all this with a grid. Proclaim your intention to meet with the second half, and then take a little bit and laberate (booty up). The ritual is very funny and cheerful, but at the same time, however, working.

4. Ritual with red panties

5. Tapping ritual

Also, the famous Simonovsky ritual. They buy men's slippers for the new moon, do not spare money and time on their choice (they should like you very much!). Of course, if you need a solid man, not a homemade homelane. Bring slippers home, and let them "stand out" in the corridor for three days. Do not allow them to wear them and do not wear themselves. Three days later, at midnight, we open the door and stand in the corridor on all fours, putting hands in slippers (socks should look inside the house). Slope 3 times with your arms in the sneakers and tell me: "Durable-rude, without bad habits, appear!". Then you can wear slippers with you (in movies, cafes and clubs), roll them on the car or just leave to stand in the corridor. There are women who went to bed with slippers, putting them along or put them at the table along with them. Your man just will not stay anything, how to appear in your life.

I think that now you do not have the question about how to attract love. Act! It is important to change your vibrations, switch to the frequency of love. And yet - all familiar signs to alter in one - to love! Mocked - to love, you stepped on the leg - to love, the cat has moved the road - also to love!

Those who wish to configure themselves to attract love energetically can get.

Additionally, I advise you to study the secret database of knowledge on the topic of finding a man and building serious, long and happy relationships with him. If you want to find the perfect partner for you and create harmonious, strong relationship with it. In which he will appreciate you, love and respect, then study the knowledge base. In it you will find a lot of useful information. You can access the database HERE .

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A huge number of literature is written about the attraction of male attention and the same amount of TV shows, and meanwhile, this question is still relevant for each woman. Whether a sudden love at first sight at the bar rack or the desire to keep the current partner, the beautiful floor seeks to find universal solutions that will help achieve the goals.

So, how to attract a man?

1. Select for its appearance.

Unwinding head, poor breath and untidy clothing are able to kill any sympathy, so do not be lazy to spend a little time every morning. If you strive to keep the views of the desired man, try to dress as if your career depends on it. Things should be clean and smoothed, without jams and hanging threads. Shoes on a high or middle heel corrected any shape, a silhouette is visually stretched and will make you slimmer. Stress your advantages: Beautiful legs - wear skirts and dresses, a narrow waist - straps on dresses or tunic, enviable chest and elegant neck - blouses with moderate decollete.

2. In confident.

Without this quality, it will be extremely difficult to achieve the desired. Imagine a dream man noticed and approached, and you were knocking, put on and began to carry nonsense from excitement. In order not to repeat this sad scenario, it is enough to periodically imagine a similar situation and rehearse words, gestures and reactions. A confident woman always has a positive look at the world and stays in a good mood, it radiates charm and attracts people to themselves, among which will certainly be and "beautiful prince".

3. Those to attract a guy - watch your speech.

The collective farm rustic words or selected mat from women's mouths are able to shock the overwhelming majority of decent men with standard upbringing. If your chosen one is not a criminal or illiterate children, then exclude any hints of obscene from speech. Perhaps after prolonged communication you will come to the fact that it is permissible between you. But at first, it is better not to risk a hald.

4. Unschat.

A smile transforms the world around, sets up on a positive and reports to mankind that you are in the excellent location of the Spirit. A man is unlikely to turn to the passionate beech with unfinished eyebrows, if they have any problems and trouble, why interfere? And an open radiant smile attracts guys and causes the desire to ask the reasons for good mood, encourages a man to initiative.

5. What is interesting to the interlocutor.

Manicure, cats or wax depilation bikini is not the most popular topics for discussions among men. Of course, try to reason about cars or computers, if you don't understand them, it is also not worth it, but you can ask about the program you need, because so a man will feel like an expert and teacher, which will be pleasantly affecting him. The secret is simple - listen more, and speak later with my friend.

6. To initiative.

Self-confident woman will not wait until her phone number will call and will be invited to somewhere, and herself will "take a bull for the horns", that is, the outcome of events in their hands. The century, when girls sitting in high towers, waited for a knight or poet, were irrevocable. Now the beautiful floor takes what deserves, without looking at the former prejudices.

Following the above postulates, you will soon be able to enjoy explanations in love and regular dates.