How to get the attention of guys at the age of 14. Behavior of true ladies. If he pays no attention to you

It should be understood that guys, even in high school, are much more shy and inept than experienced men, so you need to behave differently with them. Don't expect them to come up first, start giving hints. And this is often not due to the fact that they do not like this or that girl, they just do not know how to do it correctly. Have you heard that girls grow up faster than guys? This is the way it is, especially in terms of relationships. Therefore, very often girls of 14-17 years old meet with guys much older than themselves. Love is perhaps the most inexplicable phenomenon in the world. She is unpredictable, sudden, but so pleasant. Everything, of course, starts with sympathy, some have strong feelings right away, others later, some do not have them, and people part. This is all normal. People may try to build relationships several times until they meet their true love.

But it all starts at school: twitching for pigtails in elementary grades, first kisses, flowers. How sad and at the same time pleasant to remember this. This will never be returned, but still, it's good that it happened to us. Probably, every girl racked her head at one time about how to please a guy at school, send him valentines, bully at recess, tease, let him cheat, was always on the same team with him in physical education. Not all relationships that began at school end up with a wedding, family and children, but this still happens. I myself know several couples who started dating when they were 15 years old, and now they are raising children and building a family life.

If you have genuine sympathy for a guy, feel free to show it. Who knows, maybe it will grow into something more serious. The first thing you need to understand is that school-aged guys don't have a lot of experience in relationships. They don't know how to confess their love, arrange dates, or even how to properly communicate with girls. They are inexperienced - remember this. Nice guy? And he, too, does not seem to mind communicating with you, but is he either shy or afraid? So prove yourself first... Be more confident and decisive than him. This is normal at this age. In no case should you confess your love and sympathy to him, just start communication, walk together to the stop after school, chat on the phone in the evening, take a walk together on weekends. This way you will understand whether you need him or not, and also pave the way for further relationships.

Also, guys in these years are very dependent on the opinions of others, especially their friends and classmates. Many of them are embarrassed to announce that they have a girlfriend, do not know how to behave in the company of friends in her presence. Sometimes this leads to the fact that the guy breaks off a relationship that has not begun. And this is not due to the fact that the girl is unsympathetic to him, it's just that it's easier for him at the moment. Therefore, my advice to you is - be light and unobtrusive... He does not want to introduce you to his friends yet, so let it be so. Everything has its time. When he truly falls in love with you, he will not care for the opinions of others. You just have to wait and give the guy time.

Behave yourself like a lady... Many girls, due to their inexperience, incorrectly show themselves to the guy they feel sympathy for. Believe me, jokes and bullying addressed to him will never lead to reciprocal feelings. On the contrary, he can respond to you with aggression. Be gentle, attentive, sociable, but not bully or bully.

By the way, physical Culture is a great way to make yourself known. No, you don't have to stand up, raise your hands and shout, “ I'm here, pay attention to me.»It's just that physical education classes are those infrequent moments in school when you may behave differently from all other classes. Here you can relax a little, run. jump, show what your body is capable of. Maybe you know how to do a bridge or sit on a twine? Or today the teacher decided to have football in class? So do it. Do not sit on the bench under any circumstances. Not on his team? No problem. Playing against him, you can also do something like that. Guys really like it when girls play football with them. Yes, we get it awkward and ridiculous, but believe me, they even love it. Kick the ball, take it away from your opponent, be always in the spotlight. The guy will definitely notice this. And after the lesson at recess, you can discuss the game with him in a joking manner, they say, look how I scored a goal. He will definitely support this conversation.

On everyone else lessons act too. Let's cheat him. He will definitely appreciate it. After all, guys don't take homework that seriously, and you in turn can take advantage of that and help him out. Chemistry lesson, but he does not understand anything about it? Sit down with him at the same desk, help and prompt him. On test papers, you can ask him for advice. Guys love to feel smarter and more knowledgeable about certain issues. So give him this opportunity. Let him explain something to you, and you will definitely listen, agree and thank you for your help.

Chat with him on his topics... Is there any new car model out there? Ask him if he has heard about it. Let him tell you everything he knows about it, and you just keep the conversation going. After all, conversations are so far practically the only thing that can connect you. This will then be kisses, walks and dates, but for now, just establish communication.

Is the class going to the movies, cafes, or just for a walk? You should definitely take part in this event. Communication outside of school very close. There are no lessons, calls and teachers. You can be completely relaxed and open. The guy, noticing this, it is quite possible to look at you with different eyes. It would be nice to arrange such walks more often, and not in large companies, but together. Believe me, outside the school, your communication can move to a new level.

You should to please his friends... Remember above I said that guys these years are highly dependent on the opinions of others? This is about relationships, of course, they have their own views on everything else. But if friends do not like the girl, then the guy can be frightened off. To get started, you can just walk up and ask: “ How's the boy doing?“But then again, you have to feel if the guy is ready for this or is he still shy about openly declaring his sympathy for you. "How indecisive, but why do I need him at all," you might think. But, alas, not all guys in these years can prove themselves firmly. Some take time. There are times when guys do not hesitate to talk about their relationship. It all depends on many factors and character traits.

Do you have his number? Then you can write him an SMS... This modern way of communication removes many restrictions. Very often guys show themselves much more actively via SMS. Much that he hesitates to say in person, he can write in a message. By the way, I already told you how to write. It is through such communication that you can achieve results on the love front much faster.

Do not ask him about past relationships, especially at the beginning of your communication. Firstly, he might not have them, and he will hesitate to tell you about it. Second, talking about your ex often never results in anything good. Probably everyone is familiar with the question: “ How personal?"Didn't they ask you? And you yourself have probably asked the guys this more than once. Most often, it is asked to those people for whom they feel sympathy, in order to find out if a person is free at the moment or if he is in a relationship. I will tell you this: in principle, this question has a place to be, but by asking it, you will directly hint to the guy that you like him. After all, you are unlikely to be interested in about it just like that.

Having established friendly relations, do not rush to relax... Without your proactive actions, they are unlikely to grow into something more. You should first attract him, not as a friend, but as a girl. Guys love with their eyes, especially in the early stages of a relationship. So please him with your appearance. Always be on top: hair, makeup, clothes. Of course, school rules will not allow you to make up and dress brightly, but this is not necessary. Just take care of yourself, be neat, fashionable, attractive.

Communication by phone cannot be underestimated. If you like a person, then you can chat with him at least all night. Has this ever happened to you? Take my word for it, there will definitely be. Various inquiries, stories, memories and just conversations about nothing. Then you will remember this with nostalgia.

I have already written about communication outside of school and will write again. This is very important. Movies, cafes, walks in the parks - all this brings us together very much. There is only you and him. At first, such moments are urgently needed. Communication in private is something new for him and for you. And everything that happens for the first time is very attractive. Your age is your weapon. Believe me, in the future you will pay less and less attention to such moments. Take advantage of the fact that you can still enjoy first dates, kissing, talking, and just being lighthearted. After all, all this is not eternal.

The main thing, perhaps, in the issue of relations is the girl's ability to behave correctly, moreover, regardless of age. Manage to interest the guy, make it so that you do not run after him, but he follows you. But never use it. Know how to serve yourself. He must see you for something special. What exactly attracts guys at a young age? And the fact that we are different from them, we react differently to the same situations, behave differently, talk, walk, look. All of this is new to them. They do not know how to properly behave with us, but it is this uncertainty that draws them to us. Do not open up to a guy right away, be mysterious, unpredictable in some moments. These techniques work not only with school-age guys, but also with experienced and adult men. I have already given some recommendations on how, regardless of his age. Read it. Maybe you can draw something for yourself.

How will a guy like at school? This question once tormented every girl. Someone found the answer to him and started the first serious relationship at school, some girls met their first love later. It doesn't matter when exactly this happened. The main thing is to find the person for whom I would like to do everything and even more, and see reciprocity in his eyes. Be loved, dear girls!

The beautiful half of humanity is eternally striving for success with the opposite sex. And in the 21st century, young schoolgirls never stop wondering how to please a boy at school.

A boy at school will like a girl in one day if she behaves right. A girl will feel more confident if she knows how to please a boy.

At the age of 10, a girl guesses why she was given genitals by nature, and begins to wonder if she is interesting to boys. At the age of 11, the first menstruation comes, hair grows near the genitals, and the girl is even more interested in thinking about boys.

At the age of 12, mammary glands begin to form, the girl looks with jealousy at her peers, trying to compare herself with them and doubting whether she is lagging behind in physical development.

At the age of 13, the girl is prevented from falling asleep by thoughts of boys, and she has vivid erotic dreams. At the age of 14, the girl dreams that a cute classmate will accompany her after school and kiss her.

What to do to please a boy

The girl can attract the boy's attention with her behavior. The main thing is that he does not notice excessive interest in himself and does not begin to think badly about the girl.

A few simple rules:

  1. The girl needs to look spectacular. Just not to overdo it, so as not to look defiant. The challenge is to emphasize your natural beauty without resorting to excess makeup.
  2. Behavior should be natural, without striking attempts to get the boy's attention. If the boy notices an increased interest in himself on the part of the girl, he may begin to dismiss her, and then he can be considered a failed venture.
  3. It will be a great success to gradually find out what this boy is interested in, what fascinates him. Common interests can bring you closer to him.
  4. Interest on the part of the boy can be provoked, remaining for him a kind of mystery. The desire to solve the riddle will make the boy take a closer look at the girl. If he's a little confused and puzzled, that's half the battle.
  5. You should not brag about your merits: let the boy have the opportunity to independently verify them. A girl can show her intelligence and abilities in her studies and other activities, this should arouse interest and respect. Better to be praised by someone else, but you cannot praise yourself on your own.
  6. The boy will like a friendly and cheerful girl. You can't look soggy, dull and dissatisfied with something. Even when a bad mood or "critical days" have come, you need to find strength in yourself so as not to betray your state in any way. You should smile more often.
  7. The girl will attract the boy's interest and like him if she develops intellectually and broadens her horizons. The boy should be interested in communicating with her.
  8. In order not to bore a boy, one must be able to be unexpected and different. Originality of thinking and eccentricity of judgments are the key to success.
  9. A boy will like a girl who will be interested in listening to what he has said. It is necessary to show that the girl is interested in his opinion and she shares it.
  10. It is useful to indirectly praise the boy by expressing approval of any of his actions. Only you can't flatter rudely, it can look primitive and insincere.

A girl who acts intelligently and calculatingly will like the boy who is interesting to her. The main thing is not to overdo it, so that the boy does not get it wrong.

For many, it is teenage and youthful love that turns out to be the most emotional and memorable. How to behave and what to do to please a boy or young man who causes strong feelings? In our article you will find the answer to this question! At such a young age, it is not easy to understand what exactly attracts the opposite sex and how to act so as not to spoil the impression of yourself. Nevertheless, if you take into account several recommendations, then, for sure, you will be able to achieve the desired result!

I want to please a boy at 10-11-12 years old

At 10-11 years old At this age, girls and boys are just entering adolescence. It is noteworthy that in these years girls are already quite ready to start relationships with the opposite sex, while young schoolchildren, for the most part, do not think about it yet. Ten and eleven-year-olds prefer to hang out with friends, play games, and so on, so you have to make some effort to attract their interest. If you yourself are 10-11 years old, and you hope to get the attention of a peer, then one of the possible options is to help him with lessons. On this basis, you will be forced to communicate, and, most likely, you will be able to interest the boy, while talking about your hobbies. It is desirable that your interests are similar to his. At 12 years old Boys are beginning to pay more and more attention to their peers, however, even at this age, girls often have to take the initiative even more often. At the same time, it is advisable not to rush and not demonstrate excessive activity, because while girls have already studied many topics about relationships, boys are still shy and do not know how to build them correctly. Since at this age the boy is already interested in friendship with the girl, but he does not dare to say so yet, you can try to establish contact through correspondence on the Web - for sure, it will be easier for him to open up not in a personal conversation, but through virtual communication.

What to do to make a boy like 13-14-15 years old

At the age of 13 As she grows older, the girl realizes that ordinary glances and friendship are no longer enough for her - she wants real romance. Meanwhile, many boys of this age are far from this lyrics, and are already beginning to look at their peers differently - they are more and more interested in the female body. At this age, relationships need to be built more accurately, to be open, but not to allow the young man too much - for now, holding hands is enough. If you are really dear to him, it will be enough for him for a while. At 14 years old At this age, girls are already beginning to realize their sexuality, and understand what exactly the opposite sex likes. Often they wear short dresses and skirts, wear blouses with a rather revealing neckline, and so on. Moreover, this behavior can only arouse a guy's sexual interest or provoke a wave of bad rumors, but it is unlikely to lead to falling in love. Try not to go this way - dress simply and stylishly, keeping a certain intrigue and mystery in yourself, because this attracts the opposite sex at any age. At the age of 15 Fifteen-year-old boys attach great importance to appearance, therefore, in order for him to like it, this nuance must be taken into account. Emphasize the dignity of your figure with interesting, but not defiant outfits, and the most advantageous facial features with light makeup.

If you want to make a boy fall in love with you, be sure to pay due attention to your appearance. Of course, we are not talking about revealing outfits and provocative makeup - it is possible that you, without noticing it, overdo it and in the end you will look just ridiculous. Enough well-groomed appearance and a few interesting accents in appearance. You can start dressing in a slightly different style, change your hairstyle. The main thing is that all these changes are to your face and look feminine. Also watch how you behave. Do not be overly intrusive - not all guys like talkers, most like it when a certain mystery remains in a girl. At the same time, you should not be too closed - this may seem strange to the chosen one, or he simply will not notice you. Be open and positive, but by no means intrusive. Talk not only about yourself, be interested in him. Some girls, seeing the interest from the boys, often begin to ignore them, believing that the chosen one will appreciate them more if you make him "run" after the object of sympathy. Such a strategy is more effective in an older age - in school years, and sometimes in student years, it may not work, because during this period the guys switch to other persons much easier. That is why, seeing that you have aroused the interest of the young man, show him reciprocal sympathy - this way you have more chances to "tie" him to yourself.

How to please a guy at school

When trying to attract the attention of a young man, his age should be taken into account. Let's consider some options. If he is your classmate If we are talking about a classmate, then you have a lot of advantages - you see him quite often, you may know about his hobbies, and so on. Try to bond with him through study. If he does not study well, help him with some subjects. Perhaps his academic performance is higher than yours - in this situation, on the contrary, ask to explain some topic to him (choose something easy, so that your request does not seriously burden him). Give compliments to your classmate from time to time (“How do you manage to grasp everything so quickly,” “Cool backpack, and I want this one,” and the like).

If he is older than you Try to catch his eye more often. It would be nice to enroll in the same sections that he visits, to learn more about his interests. Thus, he will see that despite the age difference, it is interesting to communicate with you, because you are passionate about the same thing that he is. If he himself does not visit any sections, but is registered in social networks, you can see there which topics are of interest to him. Start demonstratively interested in the same thing - sign up for the same groups, add similar posts. Of course, it is important that he sees it. If possible, in order to show his importance, ask him for advice on a particular topic - for sure, he will like it. If he is younger than you If the guy you are interested in is a grade or two younger, then you can get his attention by helping with the lessons. Find yourself a friend in this class and find out what subjects the young man has problems with. Subsequently, you can offer him the services of a tutor in the "problem" subject, saying that you are just learning this, and it is completely free. You can also just invite him for a walk. It's that simple! Schoolchildren usually have a special interest in girls who are a little older, and if he likes you, he will certainly agree. In order not to take him by surprise and not embarrass him with such an offer, it is better to do it on a social network or via SMS.

How to get a boy's attention if he likes another

First of all, think about whether you like this boy so much, or you can easily switch your interest to someone else. This will be quite appropriate if the person who likes this young man has similar feelings for him. Believe me, a new love will soon happen in your life, which will turn out to be happier! If you do not want to retreat and understand that your “competitor” does not care about your chosen one, then, of course, you can join the fight. At this stage, we recommend that you make friends with the young man you like. Start to get involved in the same things that interest the guy, go with him to the same places, if possible, consult with him on this or that issue. However, don't be intrusive! Once the contact is established, you can go for a little trick. You can tell the guy in a personal conversation or on a social network that you need his advice, since you cannot navigate who else to ask. Complain that a guy who is not interested in you is caring for you, and you want to know which words are better to choose so that he stops showing himself, but also does not take offense. Thus, you will show the young man that you are of interest to the opposite sex, which will make him look at you from a different angle.

At first, however, assume the thought that this boy may actually like you, but you just yourself do not know about it. Many young men are very shy in showing their feelings, even if outwardly they seem to be the "soul of the company". So, if the young man you like does not look interested, it is possible that he simply does not know how to show his sympathy, or he is afraid of being rejected. In this case, you need to endear him, showing that he is interesting to you - ask about his hobbies, give compliments, consult, joke. However, even if you are convinced that this guy is not really fascinated by you yet, still let him know that he is interesting to you. Subconsciously, he will start thinking about you and presenting you as a possible lover. If you manage to establish a friendly contact with him, then it is possible that in the end he will still want more. To please the boy, focus all your attention not only on him, but also on other matters - otherwise you will be an unremarkable person for him. ... Sign up for several circles in order to be comprehensively developed and interesting not only to him, but also to other people. Seeing that you have many hobbies, the boy will never think that you are boring, and, most likely, he will want to know more about you. If this does not happen, then you are unlikely to be very worried - by signing up for several sections (especially those that other boys attend), pretty soon you will realize that your life is full and exciting as it is. Visit the places where guys are more often - this way you have an increased chance to make an interesting acquaintance. Go to a playground with a friend, where young men play a ball, do exercises on horizontal bars, and so on. Of course, you need to look appropriate in the situation - do not put on high-heeled shoes and do not do complicated makeup. Dress simply and tastefully - sneakers, sundress, jeans or something like that. Just look at the young man with interest, and he will certainly pay attention to you. However, these days, you can meet guys not only at school, on sports grounds or in parks - you can make acquaintance with the young man you like on the social network. First, you can start putting likes on his posts, then write something (“Where do you find such cool music?”, “In what area did you take such cool pictures,” and the like). Show your interlocutor that he is sympathetic to you, and if it is mutual, soon you will see it yourself. As you understand, in order to make friends with a guy, you need to show him that he is really interesting to you - this can be done with a glance, a compliment, any signs attention. Any guy will be pleased to know that some girl likes him - thanks to this knowledge, he begins to look at her from the other side, to represent her as a girl, even if he did not particularly notice her before. However, do not overdo it - it is enough to show that he is interesting to you, but you do not need to impose yourself.

What girls do boys like and why

It is difficult to argue with the fact that young men pay attention to attractive girls. To get a guy interested, you don't have to be like a model from a magazine cover, but you shouldn't forget about general nuances. Make sure to always look neat and appropriate. In high school, wear clothes that show off your strengths, but don't let it be in the slightest hint of vulgarity. Be sure to watch your skin (choose care according to age, visit a dermatologist if necessary), hair (make masks, rinse your hair in a decoction of herbs). It would be nice to choose your own special style in clothes, accessories. Perhaps it is not worth explaining why guys like well-groomed girls, because the female gender also initially pays attention to the appearance of the chosen one, and this is quite natural. In addition, guys love open and cheerful girls, because it is always interesting to be with them. However, quite often young people are attracted by girls-riddles. Who exactly does not like the opposite sex are the arrogant and upstart - you never know what to expect from such persons, and these expectations, often, do not bode well. In general, be positive, simple, pay attention to your appearance, find yourself an interesting hobby, and then, undoubtedly, you will enjoy success with young men!

If you like a boy at school and want to attract him, start by following a few rules to help draw the boy's attention to you. These are not difficult rules, you just have to try and the guy will pay attention to you. But do not be confused, pay attention and fall in love with him. These are slightly different concepts. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with


TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF: In order for the guy to pay attention to the girl, you must try to look neat. No, we are not saying that you urgently need to run to the most fashionable and very expensive stylist, you just need to more carefully monitor your appearance. This means that the clothes you wear should match your figure and be neat (tucked in, clean, ironed). Look at fat girls wearing tight leggings. Let's honestly say that most boys at school will not like this, but if a fat girl wears a skirt or other clothes that not only hides fullness, but also emphasizes it, then her appearance will immediately change. Do not tell yourself that you will love what it is, make an effort and become a little neater and tidier. If you yourself cannot find clothes that emphasize your figure, contact a stylist, it is not expensive, and sometimes even free. With regards to clothes, in order to attract and draw the attention of a particular boy at school, then here you need to scout out about the tastes of this boy, respectively, and build in yourself the image that he likes. Maybe he likes girls in jeans, so wear them as often as possible.

BE A FUNNY PERSON: No matter how you look from the outside, your mood is of great importance. Even if you are a little out of shape, but at the same time there is always a positive mood on your face, you are active and sociable, the boys at school will stare at you. Therefore, even if you are sad, do not show it to anyone, and if you want to get sympathy, then get it from a specific person, but without showing it for everyone to see. Let everyone know that you are doing well, you are cheerful and sociable. We recommend that you familiarize yourself

COCKET: Want to draw the attention of a boy at school to your person. It couldn't be easier how to adjust the situation so that your eyes meet each other, and wink at him or just smile. Walk past him, catch his eye on you and smile at him. Believe me, your smile will be remembered for a long time in his memory, and if he also likes you, then over time you will begin to notice the boy's response at school.

STATUS: Know how to keep a positive status about yourself. If you want the guy to pay attention to you, be able to stand out from the other students of the school with your status. This means that you must be better than others, and all your flaws are hidden and inaccessible to prying eyes. Status means your honor, do not give anyone a reason and opportunity to speak badly about you, do not perform such actions that could humiliate you in the eyes of other people, especially in the eyes of that guy. Behave with dignity, so as not to disgrace your honor and name, and then the guy will pay attention to you, as a worthy and correct girl in his school. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with

FLIRT: If you want to attract a guy at school, learn to flirt with him. Flirting is an expression of your desire for the guy you are flirting with. This can include licking your lips when a guy is looking at you, accidentally touching a guy, talking together on abstract topics, hugging, writing various personal notes to a guy, and your other behavior open to the guy that speaks of your sympathy for him.

FIND GENERAL: Another way to get the attention of a particular guy at school is to find common interests between the guy and you. Just do not try to lie, for example, he likes football, but you don’t, and you don’t know anything about him, then don’t say that you also love football, the deception will be revealed very quickly, and you will not be able to conduct a conversation on this topic with dignity. Finding something in common in order to attract the attention of a guy at school means finding in a guy his hobbies that appeal not only to him, but also to you. It is then that you will be able to spend time together for your joint hobbies. It is possible that at the very beginning the guy will be interested simply because you are engaged in a joint business, but over time, your relationship can develop into true love. If the guy has any interesting lesson (subject) for him, then ask him to help you with this lesson, for example, explain the topic of the lesson, do your homework, and then study this lesson with him in the future.

Part 1

let him notice you
  1. Surprise him. If you want a special guy to notice you, you have to do something different. It's not easy, but worth it. You need to work on your appearance, work out a smile, be friendly and always be yourself - it will not be long before he wants to get to know you.

    • Surprise him with your outfits. If you're a girl, wear that pretty floral dress when it's hot outside, or that cute black sweater when it's cold. Wear clothes that show your best features. Ask your friends for advice on what works for you, or ask your mom. Your goal is to get him to notice how well you dress every time he meets you. Don't wear uncomfortable clothes. You must look cute. However, keep in mind that many schools have requirements for dress code - it must be secular in nature and comply with generally accepted norms of business style.
    • Be neat and hygienic. Take a shower at least once a day. If you, for example, train with the school team or work out after class, shower whenever possible. Wash your face in the morning and evening; you don't want pimples to cover your beautiful face. Also, don't forget to brush your teeth! Bad breath can actually alienate not only him but your high school friends as well.
    • Smile. Smile when you talk to him or when he is around. This will help him understand what makes you happy. Take a look at him during the lesson; if he looks at you, smile and hold his gaze as long as possible without blinking. Show him that you think of him and then look away as if nothing had happened. Remember the measure - you should do this only a couple of times a day, no more.
  2. Know the measure in makeup. No makeup is necessary and most guys prefer natural beauty. When, nevertheless, it becomes necessary to put on makeup, remember about the measure, otherwise he will not like it.

    • Use the minimum amount of makeup. Makeup should highlight the best features, not hide them. Learn to do natural makeup. He's more likely to poke fun at you than flirt if he overdoes it with makeup! If there's an event scheduled at school, all you need is some lip balm, foundation, and mascara.
    • Experiment with your hair style. Be yourself, do what you like, not him. Consider cutting your bangs, straightening or curling your hair, in one word, choose a hairstyle that suits your face. Alternatively, just do a new hairstyle or makeup from time to time.
  3. Start a conversation. Be casual, but be yourself. If you can't, imagine that someone else is in his place - someone you are NOT crazy about. This will release the pressure that makes the conversation awkward.

    • Talk about friends in your class, something unusual that happened to you, or an event you are both about to attend. If you find it difficult to keep up a conversation, ask as many questions as possible.
    • Make eye contact with him. Eyes are the mirror of your soul and are certainly one of the most attractive parts of your body. Make sure he sees them! If you focus your gaze on him, he will think he has received your full attention. You shouldn't stare at him all the time, otherwise he will think that something is wrong with you. Look him in the eye when you talk to him; no need to look at his feet - this is what insecure people do.
    • Laugh at his jokes. This even applies to unfunny jokes. This will make him feel appreciated. I must say that you shouldn't force yourself to laugh - it will sound fake. If the joke is about you, come up with a funny answer. This is a kind of flirting.
  4. Tease him. Don't make fun of him, but joke. Have fun, and if you want to flirt a little, invite him to wrestle in his arms. This will help you to hold his hand.

    Get close to him

    Do your homework

    1. Learn as much as you can about him. Talk to him about his interests, his family, musical tastes, and so on. Find out if your interests match.

      • Don't forget to listen! Remember the detail he mentioned in the conversation to prove that you are a good listener. (Don't overdo it, or he'll think you're stalking him.)
      • Try to find out what you have in common. Do you play guitar or do you like the same bands? Offer to play together! Do you both play sports? Play a friendly match.
    2. Support him. This may take a little practice. Find out what he likes to do and support him in it.

      • Does he play sports? Attend competitions he takes part in and cheer for him. Ask him when the next match will take place and wish him luck if you can't come. See if he is trying to find you in the stands.
      • Inspire him when he is sad. Everyone has bad moments in life, so cheer him up. Surround him with your care, and he will answer you in kind.
      • Don't talk to him about the attractiveness of other guys. Otherwise, he will decide that you like the other guy, not him. If you like several boys at the same time, decide for yourself with whom you want to continue the relationship, and date only with him. If your partner finds out that you like two guys, they won't feel special.
    3. Practice together. If there is a subject in which you have excellent grades, but he is given difficulty, offer him help. If it's the other way around, ask him for help. This can help you spend more time alone and improve your relationship.

      • You probably know this, but you shouldn't expect to be productive during these sessions. Your attention will be directed to something else, and that's okay! Just prepare for your test in a day or two. You still have to do some work. If you invite a guy to work out together, but only do something to chat, it will look strange.

    Feel the soil

    1. Check it out. There are several different ways to find out if a guy likes you. Here are some tricks to find out without giving yourself away or asking him.

      • Ask him to carry your backpack. Tell him: “Sash, I have such a heavy backpack. You are so strong, maybe you can help convey it? " If he says yes, chances are he likes you and likes that you think he is strong.
      • If you want to say something to one of your friends while he is here, tell him to cover his ears or move away a little. This will make him want to hear your conversation even more, and you will understand that he cares.
    2. Make sure the horizon is clear. Make sure he doesn't have a girlfriend. Find out if any of your friends like him. You don't want to quarrel with your girlfriends, otherwise you can frighten off your friends and miss the guy.

      • If one of your friends likes him, you should discuss who will "get" it. If you don't come to a fair decision (for example, who liked him first, who he chooses, and so on), you must move on.
      • If you decide to give in to his girlfriend, and everything will work out for them, do not hold back against her. Continue to be friends. Be happy for them and understand that you will have many more guys in the future.
    3. Do not give up. If you fail to build a relationship with this guy, don't be discouraged. Stay confident and love yourself.

      • Often, as soon as a guy finds out that a girl likes him, he begins to look at her differently. Even if he doesn't reciprocate, he may subconsciously start thinking about the traits he likes about you and why you can be a great girl.
      • Shy boys don't always dare to tell other people about their feelings or don't know how to do it. If you like a shy boy and doesn't seem interested, he may just be nervous and not sure what to do. If he is shy, try to make him comfortable around you. Spend time in places where he is most comfortable.

    Summing up

    1. Find balance in your life. It's hard to study in high school, but you start learning how to balance all the work and emotions in your life. Don't take too much on yourself, or you won't have free time for him.

      • If he feels that he is not keeping up with you, he will start to get nervous and, perhaps, decide that you are not his berry field. If you are socially active, invite him for a walk with you and your friends. This will give him the chance to be with you outside of school and in your natural surroundings. He shouldn't think that you can never be found. If you bring him to your company, make sure he feels comfortable.
      • Keep your commitments in mind, or you may seem like a failure to him. Surround yourself with fun activities and friends whether he likes you or not. If he likes you, your life will only get better. If he doesn't like you, your life is full of worries and fun without him!
    2. Be yourself. It means feeling comfortable in your own body, doing what you want, and saying what you feel like. People who don't love or respect you for who you are are not worth the effort.

      • Don't try to be someone else. He will like you for who you are. Surely you have something in common. And if not, it's not worth your attention - move on.
    3. Show interest. If you think he likes him, try to be a little more honest with him. Let him know you are interested in him, but don't be desperate. If you're not sure how he feels, be careful - things might not turn out the way you wanted!

      • Ask him: "Would you like to walk with me sometimes?" If he answers yes, you have done your job. Smile and tell him you need to go. Then leave without looking back. Now everything is in his hands.
      • Suggest going to a movie or school play together. A movie invitation will look a bit like a date, but you can invite your friends. An invitation to a school play doesn't have to be a "date." You can just hang out together.
    4. Advice
      • Compliment him. Be nice to him so you can earn his trust. Perhaps he will trust you so much that he will tell his secret.
      • When talking to him, don't praise yourself too much, ask him what he likes and find out what you have in common.
      • Do what you see fit. If you don't like flirting, don't flirt. This will help you not to be so nervous.
      • Everything has its time. First, get to know him better, show your interest, and only then take the first step.
      • If he does or says something strange, ignore it. If you see him trying to be funny, just smile.
      • SMS messages should be light and short. When you are texting, send him another SMS only after his reply. Try to be fun, don't text him every day if he doesn't write you first!
      • Try to fit into his life. If he signed up for a circle, sign up for him too; if he plays football, go to his game and cheer for him!
      • Do not forget to take his number and give him yours (how can it be without SMS!).
      • If you see him in the hallway, just wave at him and smile - he might answer you.
      • Smile as often as possible! Boys love natural smiles. This will keep you looking calm and happy at all times.
      • Do not push him away when he is sad, try to cheer him up.
      • Don't be with him every second of your time. Otherwise, the chances are high that he will find you annoying. Give it some space. Not all guys enjoy getting messages around the clock.


      • Don't change yourself for anyone. Don't let the guy step over you. You didn’t need it before - you don’t need it now! If he's a bully, don't try to impress him.
      • Don't worry if he doesn't like you. The most beautiful supermodels and the smartest girls in the world have had their hearts broken more than once. He does not sign your verdict.
      • Don't get too attached to him or dwell on him alone, or he will find you strange. Remember, there are a lot of guys around!
      • Don't ask the boy out because it's “cool” or because “everyone else does it”; only do this if you really like the person.
      • Do not trust youth magazines. They usually provide general advice. If you feel that something is not right for you, most likely it is.
      • You should not pretend that you are interested in literally everything that he likes, otherwise he will alienate you.
      • If you spot him with another girl, don't be jealous - it will only upset you. If you have not met yet, you should not attach any importance to this, much less mention it in a conversation with him.
      • If it didn’t work with him, it would come out with another. Don't let anyone else decide if you're good enough.
      • Don't flirt with another to make them jealous. He decides that he doesn't like you.