How to steam your skin at home. How and how to steam your face before cleaning at home? Fast, with the use of a towel

Steam procedures have been used for a long time for the treatment of various diseases and recovery. Skin steaming is also popular in cosmetology. at home, and is it useful?

The benefits of steam

Most often, steaming is a preparatory procedure. The gentle action of the high temperature opens the pores of the skin. Then they can be easily cleaned from dirt. It is also useful to apply active formulations - creams and masks. How to steam your face at home so as not to harm your skin? It's very simple - focus on your well-being. If the skin burns, move a little further from the container with water or stop the procedure. It is also important to observe the exposure time, the oily the skin, the longer you can keep your face over the steam. For the dry type, ten minutes is enough, for all others - fifteen to twenty. The intervals between sessions are calculated in the same way. For dry skin 3-4 times a month is enough, for oily, normal and combination skin, steaming can be done once or twice a week.

Aromatherapy for cosmetic procedures

A steaming face mask will be more pleasant if you use not ordinary water, but a decoction of herbs. When nothing is at hand, the procedure should not be postponed, you can warm up the skin and boil a pre-clean liquid without additives. Some housewives secretly say that they even prefer to steam their faces over a saucepan with boiled potatoes or other vegetables. But if you approach the question of beauty responsibly, there is nothing better than decoctions of herbs and essential oils. For dry skin, linden, yarrow, wormwood, rosemary, rose, or grapes work well. If your skin is oily, try peppermint, lemon, horsetail, thyme, or chamomile. Any plant can be used for normal skin, but nettle, rosemary, sage, lavender and rose are considered the most beneficial. Use dried herb or essential oil from the same plant, or mix in arbitrary proportions.

How to steam your face at home: the traditional option

You will need a medium-sized saucepan and a large, thick towel. Pour water into the selected container, add dry grass or a few drops of the selected oil. After that, put on fire and bring to a boil. Equip the place for the procedure in advance. You should be as comfortable as possible so that you can tilt your face at a distance of 20 cm from the pan. Prepare dry, clean wipes in advance. Before the procedure, remove cosmetics and dirt from the skin, you can use special products or just wash well. When the liquid in the saucepan boils, keep it over medium heat for a few minutes, then put it in the chosen place and start the procedure. Lean over the steam and cover with a towel, hair tucked up. Blot sweat with napkins during and after the procedure.

Steaming with a cloth

This version of the procedure is not very convenient to perform alone. Better to ask someone to help. It is necessary to prepare a warm broth and a sterile 100% cotton cloth. The napkin needs to be soaked, wrung out and applied to the face. Keep until cool, then repeat three to four times. It is more convenient to lie down during the procedure, and you can entrust the change of napkins to someone at home. Remember that there is a universal answer to the question: "How to properly steam your face?" - No. In terms of its action, this version of the procedure is completely similar to the previous one, and it is up to you to decide exactly how to act on the skin.

Modern cosmetics and grandma's recipes

It is not always possible to carry out the procedure even if you know how to steam your face at home correctly. An express solution will be a special warming mask. Compositions of this type are easy to buy in any modern cosmetic store; you can also use folk recipes. An excellent result is obtained by a recipe based on oat flakes and soda. To do this, mix the indicated components in a 2: 1 ratio and cover with hot water or milk. Spread the composition cooled down to a pleasant warm temperature on the skin and keep it on for about 25 minutes. If you are not allergic to honey, try the following recipe. For one raw yolk, take one and a half teaspoons of honey. Whisk the mixture, stirring thoroughly, heat slightly and apply to the skin. Wash off after 15 minutes. This steaming face mask is suitable even for dry or sensitive skin.

Alternative steaming options and household tricks

There are special household appliances for cosmetic skin steaming. In their structure, they resemble medical inhalers. At the bottom there is a water tank that smoothly merges into a large funnel that allows steam to be directed to the face. The cost of such a device is not too high, it makes sense to purchase it if you often do steaming. This procedure is also carried out in beauty salons using special equipment. At the same time, the client lies on a couch or in a comfortable chair, and the process is completely and completely supervised by a master. If you don't know how to steam your face at home, get into the healthy habit of going to the bathhouse. Both a sauna and a Turkish hammam will do. The most important thing is to take a shower before visiting the steam room, and immediately after leaving, go to skin care. Popular question: "Is it possible to steam a face if there are acne and blackheads?" It is possible, but there should be no active inflammation and wounds. It is advisable to carry out the procedure with good general health. If you feel very tired or irritated, postpone your facial until tomorrow. It is also important to understand that steaming itself does not have a serious therapeutic effect. The effects of the treatment carried out after heating the upper layers of the epidermis improve the condition of the skin. It is better not to carry out some manipulations without primary treatment of the face with steam. The most striking example of this is deep peeling or skin cleansing, if the pores are closed, you still won't be able to clean them completely. Before steaming, make sure your hands are clean, be sure to wash them thoroughly and use an antiseptic if possible.

One of the main secrets of the excellent skin condition of many stars is the regular facial steaming procedure. It helps to get rid of acne, blackheads and dead skin cells. The procedure can be carried out in different ways and in different places. For this purpose, you can use special devices, or you can use a bowl of water. In addition, steaming gels and masks are now on sale. But first things first.

The essence of the steaming procedure

During steaming, the pores open, the skin softens, and it becomes much easier to remove the remnants of makeup, dirt, dead cells; in addition, toxins are eliminated. It is much easier to remove pimples and blackheads after the procedure.

The process itself can be carried out using special devices, usually used in beauty salons, but in stores you can also find a home version. Economy class solution is steaming with water and herbs. There are also steaming gels and masks that heat up on contact with water. By the way, they give quite good results. However, today I offer you some tips on how to properly steam the procedure at home, so that your skin becomes healthy and beautiful. You will notice the changes after a few procedures.

Preparing the skin

Before you start steaming the skin, it must be carefully prepared.

  1. Wash your hands first.
  2. Use warm or cool water to wash your face.
  3. Before the procedure, the skin must be exfoliated. Steaming should be carried out no more than 1 time a week, as well as exfoliation. The fact is that frequent exfoliation disrupts the pH balance of the skin and makes it drier, and frequent steaming disrupts the natural protective functions of the skin, which can lead to the growth of pimples, etc.
  4. After the procedure, rinse your face with water and wipe with lotion.
Steaming the skin

Method 1. For the procedure you will need: a cup, a towel, hot water, herbs or essential oils, and facial lotion.

So, first of all, pour hot water into a cup and add dry or fresh herb, essential oils there. We give the main heat to get off. To do this, you need to wait 2 minutes. Then we bend over the cup and cover ourselves with a towel. And we sit like this for several minutes. You will immediately feel that your skin is softer and more hydrated.

Sit like this for a few minutes until the steam stops coming out. Then, quickly rub the lotion over your face to remove what comes out. Then you can apply the mask. By the way, after steaming, the effectiveness of the mask increases significantly.

  • If you have, then add rose, rosemary or lavender. It doesn't matter in what form.

  • If leather, then lemon, peppermint, and thyme will work for you.

  • Suitable for rosemary, chamomile, lime, rose and geranium.
Steaming is good because it is suitable for all face types and is a good auxiliary.

Method 2. Take a napkin, preferably cotton. Dip it in hot water. Squeeze and place on your face, making sure the wipe is not too hot. Let cool and repeat 3-4 times. You can also add a decoction of herbs or essential oils to the water.

Steaming masks

For those who don't want to sit over a bowl for 10 minutes, steaming masks are fine. On the shelves you can find for every taste and wallet. Moreover, the effect of them is amazing. Great to take with you on vacation. After all, such a mask in just 3 minutes will bring the skin of the face in order.

They contain zinc, cucumber extract, strawberries, and cream. In general, every woman will be able to choose what she likes.

Warning! Steaming is, of course, a good thing, however, it is not always possible to carry out it. If there is any inflammation or an abscess on the face, it is better to refuse the procedure, as the situation may worsen. If after steaming you get irritated, then consult a dermatologist or refuse such a procedure, and try steaming masks, or vice versa, steaming with herbs and essential oils.

Remember that the beauty of our skin depends only on how properly we care for it.

Shop counters are literally overflowing with skin imperfections that promise visible results in a short timeframe. In reality, you notice that even after a month, blackheads do not decrease, and pimples appear with enviable constancy. But manufacturers do not say that the skin needs to be prepared before cleansing. Remember and share with your friends tips on how to steam your face at home. This is the main secret of perfect skin.

Do it right

This simple procedure has its own rules and safety measures. The goal is one - to open the pores and provide access to the particles of dirt and dust that have accumulated in them. Getting burned or getting an infection is not in our plans.

    Steam with clean hands only. Even if you think that during the procedure you will not feel your face and check the degree of "readiness" for further care, any accidental touch can bring an infection into the open pores.

    Cleanse your face before the procedure. You can use a light scrub, home exfoliation, or repeat the entire daily cleansing ritual. Your goal is to get rid of dead skin particles and dust accumulated on the surface of your face to the maximum. To drive them deeper into the open pores is at least stupid.

    Use a greasy eye cream for the delicate skin around the eyes. It is important. Or do you want premature wrinkles not associated with permanent smiles?

    Tuck your hair under a hat or towel. Firstly, this way they will not interfere, and secondly, they also accumulate dust and dirt, which are prohibited from entering the open pores.

    Prepare everything you need in advance. Pores will not wait while you run around the apartment in search of a cleaning tool. Don't forget the mirror. It should be close at hand or within walking distance.

    After steaming, remove excess moisture with a clean towel. Otherwise, it will block the pores and interfere with further procedures.

The whole process of steaming is clearly demonstrated in the video:

In addition to the possibility of getting burned, there are a number of dangers that should be warned about. Otherwise, the harmless procedure will turn into a long-term treatment.

    Keep your face at least 25 cm away from the steam source and do not open your eyes. Eye burn is too high a price to pay for perfect skin.

    Calculate the time of the procedure, taking into account the characteristics of the skin. For example, steaming oily skin is more difficult, so the procedure time increases to 15-20 minutes. But with dry skin, you should be careful - 5 minutes is enough. For owners of normal skin, it is recommended to steam the face for no more than 10 minutes.

    If you notice inflammation on your face, festering pimples and other troubles, postpone steaming to another time. Any heating is accompanied by a rush of blood, which carries the infection further through the body. In addition, narrowing the pores will be more effective in fighting acne than opening.

    Refrain from wanting to open the window immediately after steaming. Drafts and hypothermia can lead to pinching of the facial nerve. Wait a couple of hours until the skin has cooled down and the pores have returned to their usual state.

Steaming methods

If you think that the only way to open your pores is with hot water, then you are greatly mistaken. There are at least 3 ways to prepare your skin for further cleansing. Choose the one you like and hurry to try it on yourself.

Classic, with the help of steam

The traditional and, perhaps, the most effective way that our grandmothers still used. You can steam your face in the bath, using a pot of hot water or a special steamer.

The easiest way is to steam the skin in a bath. It does not require additional advice and recommendations. The procedure can be carried out several times, with breaks for cleansing, using natural oils and decoctions of plants, as well as removing dead particles during steaming. Quite intensively, massage the skin in circular movements, then rinse your face with cool water and return to the steam room again.

Choose the last one between the sauna and the Russian bath. The dry steam used in the sauna is unable to open the pores, which means it is completely ineffective during the procedure.

For steaming at home, a saucepan of heated water will also work. Follow the basic rules for using this method:

    Do not spare the water. Half a glass in a half-liter saucepan is not good. Use at least 2-3 liters.

    Watch your temperature. The water should not boil or remain lukewarm. The ideal temperature is 60 degrees. But how to determine it without a thermometer? As soon as small air bubbles begin to form and immediately burst, the water is ready. You can remove from heat and start steaming.

    Use essential oils or make a decoction of celandine, chamomile, nettle, mint, or any other beneficial herb. Essential oils are added to directly heated water. And the broth can be used immediately for steaming without preparing in advance. For 2 liters of water, half a glass of dry herbs will be enough.

    Be sure to stock up on a towel or blanket to cover your head and direct the steam directly to your face.

You can also use a special steamer, which has a nozzle for the face.

Even though the attachment looks like a mask, keep your face as far away from it as possible. Let off the steam first, then choose a comfortable position. This way you will avoid the risk of getting burned.

Fast, with the use of a towel

In emergency situations, when you urgently need to bring your face into perfect condition, and there are literally a few minutes for this, a hot towel will come to the rescue. This method will not allow you to deeply steam the skin and completely open the pores, but it will help to even out the tone and hide minor imperfections.

You will need:

  • Towel (waffle or terry);
  • A decoction of any medicinal herb. And if there is nothing suitable at hand, then ordinary parsley will do.

Nothing complicated.

    Fold a clean towel so that it covers your face, but does not hang around the edges.

    Put it in a hot broth to completely soak.

    Squeeze well and apply to your face.

    Hold for 10-15 minutes.

A temperature that is comfortable for your hand will not allow the towel to warm up. Use gloves so you don't get burned and don't wait for the water to turn from hot to warm.

Special steaming wipes have also appeared in stores. It is enough to moisten them with water and send them to the microwave for 20 seconds. The principle of operation is the same, and it takes less time to prepare.

Alternative, using a mask

The steaming mask is a modern method that does not require preparatory steps. There is no need to waste time preparing broths and boiling water, to be distracted from household chores. Plus, the steaming mask not only opens pores, but immediately cleanses them by pulling out dirt.

Apply the ready-made formula to the skin, avoiding the eye area and wait 10-15 minutes, depending on the manufacturer's recommendations. Then remove the mask with warm water or cosmetic wipes.

You can cover your face with a special fabric mask to enhance the steaming effect of the composition.

Do not forget that any cosmetic product has side effects - allergic reactions. Before actively using the mask, apply a small amount of the composition to your wrist and wait a few minutes. No unpleasant sensations? Then feel free to use it as directed.

Homemade mask recipes

Worried about store-bought masks causing allergies? Then write down equally effective homemade recipes.

Honey mask

    Mix equal proportions of honey and egg yolk (as many spoons, so many yolks).

    Heat the mixture in a water bath and apply to your face.

    Wait 10 minutes and wash off the composition.

Oatmeal mask

An unloved oatmeal may be fine for steaming your face. Write down:

    Mix oatmeal with baking soda in a 2: 1 ratio.

    Heat the water and add the mixture there.

    Add salt and sugar. Vari as usual porridge, and when cool, apply to face.

    10 minutes and can be washed off.

Use these recipes as needed, but no more than once a week. Already after a month, you will notice how there are fewer blackheads, and the skin tone is evened out.

Facial cleansing is a popular procedure that helps to have beautiful, even skin at any age. But before you start cleaning, the dermis (the top layer of the skin) must be steamed. Why is this done and how to properly carry out this procedure at home?

What is steaming for?

The need to seriously deal with the face is indicated by rashes, inflamed areas, gray color, comedones. The problem can appear at any age, although most often young girls and young women resort to cleaning. At their age, the skin secretion is actively secreted, the pores are clogged, they need to be cleaned often. Otherwise - alas: blackheads, endless acne, acne.

But women after 30 need to deeply cleanse the dermis from time to time. In any case, the skin suffers from street dirt, cosmetics. Add the factor of chronic stress and bad ecology - and now you can see all the years you have lived on your face, and sometimes even five to ten extra years.

What does steaming have to do with it? The relationship is the most direct. To remove sebaceous plugs that have clogged pores, they need to be softened. This can be done using heat treatment, that is, heating. In addition, the pores will expand, which means that they will be able not only to give away what they have accumulated without problems, but also to absorb active nutrient components in the process of subsequent manipulations. This is why it is important to know how to steam your face for cleansing.

Steaming is resorted to in the following cases:

Before deep cleaning, which involves scrubbing;

Before acid peeling;

Before applying a mask with a nutritional or therapeutic composition;

To remove the purulent contents of pores, acne and blackheads;

With individual intolerance to cleansing cosmetics (masks, peels, scrubs, etc.).

Steaming, which has become a regular procedure during deep cleansing of the skin, will allow you to forget about acne, and about ugly enlarged pores, and comedones. Knowing how to steam her face before cleaning, any girl will avoid injury to the skin and prevent skin infection with purulent secretions.

It is recommended to steam the skin before depilation or shaving. On steamed, and then well-scrubbed skin, the blade, scraper and epilator handpiece glide more easily. There will be no pain from the procedure, and the likelihood of ingrown hairs is minimal.

How to prepare your skin for steaming

If there are no contraindications to thermal heating of the skin, you can start steaming. But beforehand, it is better to prepare for this procedure. Much depends on the type of dermis. It is important not only to understand how to steam your face for cleansing, but also why different preparation methods are needed for dry or oily skin.

If the skin is dry or very dry, then before the procedure it must be softened by applying a cream or fluid. It is important that steaming is not necessary for this type of skin as often as for oily or combination skin. The pores on a dry face are small, clogged slowly, so three or twice a month will be enough. In addition, dry skin should be steamed for no longer than five minutes.

Combination and normal skin just need to be moisturized before steaming. First rinse your face with water, pat dry with a clean towel, then apply a light moisturizer. You can repeat the steaming procedure every ten days, the procedure time is no more than ten minutes.

For oily skin, a more frequent steaming regime is suitable: twice a week. The skin should be exposed to steam or thermal composition for at least 12 minutes. Before you start steaming, wipe the oily skin with lotion.

Important: before you start steaming, all cosmetics should be removed from the skin. The water for washing should be warm, and the cleanser should be familiar and mild. It would be nice to make a light homemade scrub by adding a little dormant ground coffee and honey to the cleansing gel or milk. After massaging the skin, the composition will need to be washed off, applied to the face according to the type of skin and proceed to the actual steaming procedure.

Steaming facial skin over hot steam

How to steam your face for cleansing? There are three methods that are quite suitable for performing a home procedure:

Steaming with steam over a herbal bath;

Hot wet compress;

Using a chemical warming mask.

A hot steam bath is the easiest, cheapest and safest way to steam. You need to prepare a deep bowl or small saucepan for hot water, a large towel. It is convenient to do steaming over a special steamer, which is designed as a mini-sauna for the face.

How is the procedure performed:

1. Place a vessel with hot water on the table;

2. sit down and bend over the bowl;

3. Cover your head with a towel to create a bath effect.

Beware of leaning too much over the hot steam in the first minutes: you can get burned. Moreover, not only the skin of the face can be affected, but also the mucous membrane of the nose. You can focus on sensations: the steam should not burn.

In principle, you can simply steam your face over boiling water. But for the greater benefit of the procedure, an herbal decoction is needed - about a liter. You can brew any medicinal herb: calendula, chamomile, coltsfoot. Having filled the raw material with boiling water, it needs to be allowed to brew for five minutes. You can enhance the healing and relaxing effect with essential oil (two drops per liter of decoction).

What combinations are possible (herb plus essential oil):

Dry skin: linden blossom or chamomile for decoction and grape or rose essential oil. If the herb is dried, you need to take a glass for a liter of water, if it's fresh - half a glass.

Normal skin: a mixture of sage, lavender and nettle (in a decoction) and rosemary oil to enhance the effect.

Oily skin: thyme or calendula combined with lemon or mint emir.

After finishing steaming, you need to either narrow, "close" the pores (if no more procedures such as cleansing or nourishing masks are provided), or continue facial care. If steaming was carried out as an independent procedure, the skin should be wiped with a hard towel (mechanical cleaning will be obtained) or rubbed with a streptocide tablet ground into powder. Then rinse your skin with warm water and rub with a frozen water cube. The ice acts instantly: the pores will shrink.

Steaming compress

This method is similar in action to steam, but instead of steam, hot water is used. How to steam your face for cleansing in this way:

Fold a natural cotton fabric several times (you can take an old, soft chintz or flannel) and make something like a napkin so that it covers the entire face and neck;

Brew herbs by skin type, insist them in a little cool (the hand must endure the temperature calmly);

Dip a napkin into the broth, squeeze;

Immediately, hot, put on your face and lie down;

When the napkin has cooled, wet it again in the hot broth.

Repeat the application procedure three more times until the skin acquires a bright pink color. When finished, pat dry your face with a dry towel and start brushing.

Steaming effect masks

Hot masks are another simple and effective answer to the question of how to steam your face for cleansing. The salons use professional chemical compositions that the beautician applies to the face. Such, but for household purposes, are sold in cosmetic stores. They usually include extracts of their plants (cucumber or strawberry, doggie or tomato) and minerals (zinc).

Such formulations work in the same way: they create a vacuum between the dermis and the film of the applied agent. This creates conditions for deep heating of the skin down to the deepest layers.

But you can steam the skin in a different way: just apply a hot composition to it, that is, use not a chemical, but a thermal principle of steaming. Such homemade masks have proven themselves well:

Yolk honey;


For the first mask, you need to mix one yolk with a spoon (tablespoon) of natural honey, mix and heat in a water bath. The composition should be hot enough, but pleasant to the face. You can enhance the nutritional effect of such a home remedy by adding a spoonful of vegetable oil to honey and yolk (but not linseed oil, since linseed oil deteriorates when heated).

An oatmeal mask is an oatmeal cooked in water, to which no milk, salt or sugar is added. To master the cleansing properties, you can put a tablespoon of soda in the cooked gruel. In a similar way (but without soda), a semolina mask is prepared. They need to be applied hot enough, but not scalding.

As a result of applying hot cereal masks, the pores open, the sebaceous plugs soften. After rinsing off the formulations, you can start cleaning. An additional effect that such masks will have is whitening and nourishing the skin.

To whom is steaming contraindicated?

Tissue heating procedures cannot be done by everyone. Steaming can negatively affect not only the condition of the skin, but also the general well-being of a person. The hot air, saturated with water vapor, really penetrates deeply into the skin and affects the cellular processes, the lungs and the circulatory system. If there are any chronic diseases associated with these organs, you should not risk it.

Steaming is contraindicated for the following ailments:

Acute period of ARVI;

High temperature of any origin;

Bronchial asthma;


Lung inflammation and bronchitis;

Heart disease;

Vascular diseases.

Interestingly, steaming before cleansing dries the skin rather than saturating it with water molecules. You should not wait for moisturizing after the procedure. This is why steaming preparation should not be ignored, especially if the skin is dry or sensitive.

With rosacea, which often appears on the cheeks and in the area of ​​the nose, it is impossible not only to do steaming, but also to visit the bathhouse or sauna. If the vessels are weak, then it is strictly forbidden to carry out the procedure often. This can provoke the appearance of rosacea.

Steaming takes a special place among the methods of skin care. It has been proven that such a procedure expands pores, helps to eliminate various impurities and fat, and also improves blood circulation and the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Cosmetologists recommend using this method of deep cleansing of the dermis before applying masks or scrubs.

Hot moist air makes the skin softer, pores open, and it becomes easier to cleanse the face of dead cells, make-up residues and sebum.

There are several types of this procedure - a steam bath, an application of warm cotton napkins and a steaming face mask.

Attention! Before steaming the skin, apply a greasy cream to the area around the eyes so as not to dry out the delicate skin in this area.

What herbs to use for baths and applications

Use 1-2 tablespoons of the herbal mixture in 2 liters of water.
  1. For oily and problem skin
    Mix in equal proportions sage, St. John's wort, birch leaves and linden blossom.

  2. For dry skin
    A mixture of linden, chamomile, dandelion and 1-2 bay leaves.

  3. For aging skin
    A mixture of nettle, licorice and cinnamon.

  4. For combination skin
    A mixture of calendula, sage and mint in equal proportions.

  5. For all skin types
    Chamomile. Steaming with chamomile helps to cleanse, moisturize, eliminate acne, get rid of mimic wrinkles. Also, a decoction of chamomile acts as a wound healing, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory agent.

How to steam your face in a steam bath

  1. Cleanse your face from cosmetics and impurities (use milk, lotions, cleansing toners, soap)
    Tie your hair under a bandage, in a ponytail, so that it does not get in the way.

  2. Add herbs to boiling water, remove the broth from heat and let it brew for 15 minutes. After that, place the container in front of you, bend over it at least 20 cm and cover your head with a terry towel. It is worth remembering that the water should not be very hot, as you can get burned or excessive expansion of the capillaries.

  3. The steaming time depends on the skin type.
    For dry skin, steaming is recommended for no more than 5 minutes and no more than once a month.
    For normal skin, the steaming time can be up to 15 minutes.
    For oily skin - up to 20 minutes and carry out procedures 2 times a week.

  4. After the session, you need to rinse your face with warm water and lightly pat it dry with a soft napkin. Upon completion of steaming, you can start cleansing the skin with masks, scrubs, peels.
Attention! Immediately after the procedure, the person should not be exposed to cold water and drafts. You can take steam baths in the evening two hours before bedtime.

How to quickly steam your skin with applications

This method is nicer than the first. Not everyone can stand sitting over a pot of hot steam, although the first method also has its advantages (prevention and treatment of diseases).

How to apply applications to steam your skin?

For applying applications, you can use the same decoctions as for steam baths. Add 1 or 2 drops of an essential oil (such as rose, rosemary, ylang-ylang, grapefruit, almond, or lavender) to the broth to enhance the effectiveness.
  1. For the procedure, we need a large cotton napkin. Dip a napkin into a warm broth, squeeze it slightly and place it on cleansed skin.

  2. After the fabric has cooled, soak it in the broth again and apply it on your face. Such manipulations should be repeated 3-4 times.
It is important! Do not use very hot water for applications, otherwise you may get burned.

How to quickly steam skin with a mask

Steaming your face with a mask is one of the safest methods of cleansing your skin. It is suitable for those who have a sensitive epidermis, prone to redness and irritation.

The advantages of steaming masks are as follows

  • under the influence of heat, the pores expand, the active substances contained in the mask penetrate into them and cleanse them of accumulated impurities.

  • the thermal effect of such a procedure does not burn the skin, but only enhances the effect of metabolic processes.

  • the effect of using this method is simply remarkable. After a 15-20 minute session, the appearance and condition of the skin is significantly improved, the face looks younger and more well-groomed.

How to make a skin steaming mask

  1. Apply the mask to cleansed face. To improve the thermal effect, it is advised to cover the mask with a tissue paper napkin with holes around the eyes, nose and mouth.

  2. The time of the procedure should not exceed 10-20 minutes.

  3. Rinse off the mask with water at room temperature.
The regularity of sessions for using steaming masks should not exceed once every ten days.
If you follow these simple rules, you will give your skin a healthy look, firmness and tone.

Steaming mask recipes

  1. Baking soda and oatmeal mask
    Mix oatmeal (tablespoon) with baking soda (half a teaspoon), dilute with milk or water until the consistency of thick porridge, soak on the face for 25 minutes, then rinse with water

  2. Egg + honey mask
    Mix honey (three tablespoons) with two yolks, grind thoroughly and warm to room temperature. Soak on the face for 15-20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

  3. Salt mask
    Two tables are taken. tablespoons of salt per liter of boiling water. A towel moistened with this solution is placed on the face, grasping the chin and neck. Soak until the towel cools down. Beforehand, the skin must be moisturized with a cream. It is too often not recommended to make such a steam bath.
Many women are interested in the question of how often you can steam your facial skin. Cosmetologists advise to resort to this procedure no more than once every 10 days, since too frequent steaming can lead to dryness and irritation of the epidermis.

The drier and older your skin is, the less often these procedures should be performed. Steaming should be treated with extreme caution in the presence of a vascular mesh, "asterisks", cuts, nar%