How to draw smooth loving arrows. Video about the correct drawing of the shooter. Arrows eyeliner: phased instructions

The look is a real weapon of a fatal woman, and to strengthen its effect, ladies seek to learn as much as possible about the secrets of makeup. One of the long-known and effective techniques to make an emphasis on my eyes is to emphasize the growth line of eyelashes, in other words, draw arrows. Such subtlety began to apply beauties in ancient Egypt, seeking to repeat the cut of the eyes of the animal sacred for them - cats.

Already in those distant times in the country, the pyramids were able to make cosmetics and they did it from the components that nature gave them. The pigment for summing up the century they did from henna, clay and yals the Great River Nile.

Nowadays, the choice of funds for creating irresistible makeup has expanded many times, but modern girls who follow their health of their skin are still trusted only by natural cosmetics.

In this article we will share with you practical advice on how easy and quickly make perfect arrows.

Instructions for beginners: draw flat lines

The traditional way of lining the eyelid is not the only possible and even more so fits not all fashionable. Yes, of course, it looks very bright and attractive when they shine on the eyes of a glossy bend. Such Maika adores the Queen of Burlesque Dita Background TIZ and PIN-AP Lover, Singer Katie Peri.

But that makeup was really immaculate, he must be suitable for your type of face, namely the shape of the eyes. An alternative eyeliner can serve a soft pencil, properly decisive shadow, wet brush, a mixture of the gel base with shadows of his beloved color. We will tell about these ways below.

The first thing to know is the features of the application of cosmetics for a certain location and cut eye. After reading our advice, you will learn how to make arrows in your eyes and master all the techniques for beginners.

  • If you are a happy owner of a classic almond-like eye cut, you can experiment with the shape. But the best solution will simply highlight the growth of cilia, barely continuing it for the outer corner of the eye.

You will need: liquid eyeliner with the most thin tassel.

  • Your option - eyes with lowered corners. The arrows visually raise looking down the edges of the mobile century, the main thing is not drawing any sharp, graphic contours and lead the line just above the natural circuit. The best solution will be a light decisive.

You will need: a soft pencil, a brush for softening the contour, it has a bevelled edge, which makes it easier to apply. Dream Minerals offers such a tool with a high-quality synthetic pile.

  • Did you make a compliment, finding the similarity between you and the star of the famous female series Saray Jessica Parker? Perhaps it's all about your honeycomb look. The actress possesses closely planted eyes. It does not draw arrows at the inner corner, which visually increases the distance between the eyes. In this area, the celebrity makes flickering shadows.

You will need: Pencil, gel or liquid eyeliner.

  • Worried that the eyelid hangs slightly? Absolutely in vain! After all, the arrows advantageously emphasize your feature, you just need to draw them in the form of a crescent, that is, in the corners already, and in the middle of the century there is a lot.

We will need: Stir the gel base with the mineral shadows of the Dream Minerals like an accent. Their crumbly light base will provide easy mixing, and you can vary the color.

  • There is also a trick that allows you to improve makeup for deeply seated eyes. Cover the eyelid and ride a bone under the eyebrow, this semicircle is called an orbital line to make the eye less recessed, exhaust this circuit with light, light powdered shadows. Your movements should be such as if you draw the arch. Movable eyelid outline contrasting arrow.

You will need: satin shadows, brush for decisive.

  • You have a different location of the eyes - slightly convex, then you can recall the basics of artistic skill and play with lightness, namely, darken the orbital line. Select the shadows of a more dense texture and a saturated shade. It is better to guide without bends.

You will need: matte shadows, brush for cutting.

How exactly to make arrows in front of: We understand step by step

Two main tools for performing such makeup: pencil and eyeliner. Moreover, the second tool is divided into different types. The eyeliner is gel, liquid or liner (resembles a marker). To determine the choice, you need to understand what effect you want.

  • For a clear circuit with graphic drawing, it is the liner.
  • A thin line, filling the interval between the cilia and allowing you to comfortably apply mascara without prints in the eyelid, you will create a liquid eyeliner.
  • Experiment with bend and thickness, and also give a glossy gloss to make a remedy for gel based

You will be useful to our lifehaki, how to make the arrows in front of the eyeliner styardly with the photo.

It is important to understand that cosmetic instruments providing a feline contour and coal color have one common property. Their texture is wet and when used still does not dry completely. If you draw a line immediately in the eyelid, while in the evening you will notice that it imprinted in a century and makeup looks very funny and is not so ideal as it was at the beginning.

What to do to avoid such a confusion? It is necessary to apply a small amount of primer to the mobile eyelid, taking advantage of the brush for the decisiveness of the shadows. Rice powder, which is part of the Dream Minerals primers, effectively removes the shine, being a natural absorbent. Since the eyelid has a small fold, it is always a little wet, which does not give her to lock and it is lubricated. And slightly drinking the skin you will provide her light flicker and matte surface - they will be perfect even in the evening.

How to make smooth arrows in the eyes of stages, our recommendations with photos will help you.

To the line be without flaws, it must be drawn in several techniques.

  1. After you drink the eye, take the liner in your hands as a handle for the letter and spend the thin line continuing the lower eyelid. It should look as if it proceeds at an angle of 45 ° from the corner of the eye from the outside. The length should be approximately a centimeter, you can slightly smaller.
  2. Next, approximately from the middle of the drawn segment, spend another in the direction to the contour of the eyelid, the triangle must turn out, not filled in.
  3. After that, from the middle of the base of the drawn corner, draw an arc that narrows to the inner edge of the eye.
  4. Skin the space under the arc.
  5. Then hold the triangle.
  6. You should get a light pointed wave, spend a liner several times on it to make it even more united, getting rid of sharp transitions.

How to make small arrows in front of the liquid eyeliner, look at our photos.

The first instruction is not suitable for everyone, some girls prefer miniature, like the heroine of the film "Breakfast at Tiffany" Audrey Hepburn actresses.

If the eyeliner is not difficult at hand.

  1. They draw on the same principle only with a smaller number of stages. First of all, apply to the eyelid powder, primer or shadow of any liked the shade. You can also draw orbital fold. Next, we draw along the growth of the eyelashes dense, bulk line. In the center it is more, the edges narrows, it turns out the crescent.
  2. Then make a short stroke at a slight angle from an external corner of the eye, which coincides with the end of our previous arc.
  3. The final chord will be a small semicircle that connects the end of the stroke with the main line.
  4. Then paint the resulting corner and you have a flirting arrow with a light curl.

Arrows Shadows

The drawing of these lines sometimes takes a lot of time, such makeup is not the best option when you need to go out in the light after 15 minutes. In addition, the even it turns out far from always, you need to "fill up" a good one before making such a mouse about your business card.

Alternative to this reception serve soft rustic out of the shadows.

  • A wide brush for decisive shadows with a soft pile is applied to a light base, it can be flickering shadows with a light shade or powder.
  • Then we take a brush with a bevelled edge, slightly wetting the shadow of a dark shade with a metched brush. We do not give vile in the brush to bend and drive the tool smoothly so that the line is flat.
  • Summarize the same and lower eyelids, connecting two arrows in an angle of the eye.
  • Then again we take a softer brush with a long pile and grind up slightly, but do not rub the contour at all. We apply a lighter shade with a lighter shadow. Movements should be fluttering, you seem to be imprinted by these particles so that the shadows, especially having a natural composition, do not cripple on the cheekbones during the application.
  • We complete the makeup to apply carcasses.

You learned about some kinds, but you can vary their form depending on the mood. Experiment with color, bend and long, and you will be irresistible. We offer in practice to consolidate the skill of creating a look like a cat and see.

How to make a beautiful arrows in your eyes - Video

The methods of drawing the arrows in the eyes there are many.

The choice of style depends on what effect you want to achieve and, of course, what instruments have.

As you know, depicted either with liquid eyeliner or pencil or shadows
With a packing makeup, it turns out to be clearer, the pencil allows you to achieve a "smoky" effect when rustice and create a more natural look, draw blurry lines. For evening makeup, a pair of pencil is suitable pearl shadows applied with a damp tassel for greater brightness, for daytime - more delicate matte shades suitable for the tone of your skin. For example, peach, pale pink and salmon plays look more fresh and wet.

What cosmetics use to draw arrows?

Eye Shadow

It is convenient to draw arrows with shadows. Now, when baked shadows have appeared on sale, the popularity of such eyeliner has grown at times: when you can cover everything in a light touch, and more saturated (wet application) draw the arrow. It is the possibility of using such shadows by a wet method allows you to create "Makeup's masterpieces". This requires a thin brush and a pure applicator. The tassel must be pre-wetted with water, after which you to type the shadows of the selected color on it and carry out a neat line on the age.
By the way, many ordinary extruded shadows give the same tight arrow if they draw with a damp tassel.

The arrow made by shadows looks softly and perfectly suitable for day Makeup. The tassel can be done a thin arrow, but if a wide contour is needed, then you can spend over a thin line to carry out a wider edge of the applicator. If you want the arrow to be brighter, then the shadow strip is applied by a wet applicator if an arrow of the muffled color is needed, the applicator must be dry.

  • When using shadows, the most mild smoky effect is obtained, the most appropriate in day make-up and most suitable for big round eyes.
  • To create "arrows", compact dry shadows of dark shades and a thin brush with a pointed tip is required.
  • It makes no sense to talk about the diversity of colors and species of shadows - everyone knows how large their number is.

Pencils (Eye Pencil)

Due to the ease of use, the pencil is considered one of the most convenient tools for eyelid eyelid. At the moment there is a huge number of color solutions, ranging from multi-colored pearl and ending with multi-colored matte shades.

You can draw the arrow with a solid or soft pencil. Soft is suitable for beginners in the visability, and the hard pencil draw arrows prefer professionals.
For drawing a more rich line, or, for example, a soft pencil is required to draw the inside of the century. A more solid pencil gives a clearer line and stays longer on the eyelids.

  • With a pencil, any newbie will cope with the pencil. The pencil will be soft, but not too fat. But it will have to choose this method of extinguishing, because they are manufactured by the same formula as the lipstick, but with different content of hardeners. Only a stylograph of natural wax and vegetable oils will be soft and elastic. By the way, it is an oil consistency that is the key to light sliding and accurate applying the arrows.
    There is a pencil and minus: oil stall works too gently. That is why to draw them an elegant thin line will not work.
  • It should easily go to bed and delete well, differ stability. The pencil should not scratch the eyes so that they can even bring the inner side of the lower eyelid.
    The use of a pencil when drawing arrows is convenient because they can be chosen and create the effect of smoky eyes. It is pencils draw the arrows makeup artists, creating
  • Pencils "arrows" look brighter than made by shadows, and suit with any type of eye. The pencil is ideal for those who are not sure that it can draw two perfectly flat lines, because possible flaws then can easily be adjusted with a cotton waller, so you can start a training with a pencil from drawing "arrows".
  • If the line was not sufficient enough, it can be corrected with a cotton wand dipped in tonic without alcohol. The main thing is that the tonic does not contain an oily base, because they will draw a re-arrow on the oil residues will be problematic.
  • If you have already bent a hand, you need enough hard pencils to draw "arrows"; Soft pencils-kayals for loving arrows in the upper eyelid is better not to use, as they quickly smear.
  • But for makeup with arrows who are applied to the inner line of the eyelashes, you need a pencil type "Kayal". Look for pencils in the store exactly with such a mark. This is a very fat and soft pencil that will not harm the gentle mucosa. Most often, when you hover the arrows, you need to paint the inside of the century, so that the makeup looks careful. Choose high-quality cosmetics containing vitamins and skin-beneficial substances.
  • Undoubtedly, the pencil is the most firm tools for creating the arrows, however, thanks to this characteristic, it is ideal for newcomers. After all, the eye pencils do not flow in the process of application, do not smear, and the arrows drawn with their help can easily be adjusted.

Compact eyeliner (Cake Eyeliner)

There is also a dry liner that is used in the main professionals. It requires a certain skill. The masters of the visa mention the maximum accuracy and accuracy of such a liner.

  • The lines drawn with cream or gel liners are practically not inferior by the intensity of the shade of those that are obtained using the liquid liner. However, in use, these types of liners are much more convenient: thanks to the texture of the tools, the brush literally slides on the age of the century, allowing you to create "arrows" of the desired width. In addition, possible irregularities are easily corrected, it is important only to correct the errors quickly until the tool dried.
  • For applying cream or gel liner, flat brushes with asymmetric edge are required (preferably from synthetic materials).
  • This remedy is most often sold in glass jars. Approximately in the same packages for sale cream for face.
  • The creamy liner lies very well in the eyelid, but at the same time it does not always keep long. To extend her "life", apply an eyeliner to the eyelid, which has already been painted by shadows.
  • The creamy eyeliner is suitable more for cases when makeup needs to be done, but, for example, a friend. To skillfully painfully paint the eyes with a creamy eyeliner, you need to fade your hand.

By the way, the creamy eyeliner was most brightly advertised under the brand Clinique.And before that, no manufacturer did not declare this product. Gel loving, as can be judged by shop windows, did not receive such widespread. Unfortunately, in the choice of gel liner, you will have to focus only on the experience of girlfriends and acquaintances - professional makeup artists talk about such loving except in advertisingpromising saturated low-spirited colors.

Liquid eyeliner (Liquid Eyeliner)

It is not inferior to the popularity of pencils, and its color palette is as diverse. Liquid eyeliner is sold in tubes similar to carcass.

The liquid liner is more resistant than a pencil, and also gives a more intense color. The most important detail in the liquid liner is a brush. It can be in the form of a thin brush up to 1 cm long, or in the form of a solid tip resembling a felt-tip pen. A brush can be completely thin, and maybe a little more. When selecting you need to focus on what width you want to make arrows. The last option is a felt-tip pen - especially convenient for those who just started mastering a liquid eyeliner - with a felt-tight-like applicator easier to spend a flat line, and also much easier to adjust the width of the arrows.

Many girls dreaming about bright arrows, immediately acquire a liquid eyeliner. Of course, the arrows drawn by eyeliner look great, besides, they still hold on any skin of the eyelids. But liquid eyeliner is worth using only those who already know how to draw the arrows well, who can confidently hold the line and not to get down in the middle, spoiling the entire effect. For those who are only learning eye makeup, draw the arrow better with a pencil or shadows.

The liquid lining is divided into two subtypes - liner and dipligner.
Liner It is a jar with a liquid coloring substance in which a thin synthetic bruster or a felt tip is lowered. Using a synthetic brush, carefully follow the amount of paint on it, check for lumps and excess substances. If the eyeliner began to thicken, it is better to buy a new bottle, save on health specialists do not advise specialists. The airliners with a felt tassel are more convenient - they make it easier to spend a flat line, not bypassing the kleks, the shape of the tip allows you to put the paint with strokes.

Today there is a liner-liner today in the form of a felt-meter, and it is very convenient to carry out a clear line that turns out to be soft. And if the arrow did not turn out perfect from the first time, it is easy to remove it with the help of a cotton wand moistened. Its main convenience is that it is not necessary to dose the amount of eyeliner on the tassel on their own, and so makeup it turns out faster. But in the tube, the felt-tip pen is quickly dries

  • The clearer, bright and graphically thin "arrows" are obtained using liquid eyeliner. But they are also the most difficult in applying, because such a liner dries almost instantly, so the resulting irregularities is almost impossible to fix.
  • The liquid lining is produced in special bottles with built-in finest chassis or in the form of markers, therefore no additional tools are required to apply it.
  • Saturation and resistance can be attributed to the obvious advantages of such a liner.
  • Although the liquid liner has a minus: it quickly dries in a tube

Beauty Test for Liquid Podding

Yves Rocher.

Eye contour eyeliner with felt tip Felt-Tip Eyeliner 12h, YVES Rocher- Convenient option to fill your hand, learning to draw arrows. She, perhaps, the thinnest tip made of supply with a felt tip - it leads an accurate thin line in a century. Black color turns unsaturated, which is good for day makeup. Unless persistence differs from the claimed - the eyeliner may not live to the evening.


Cream-eyed FluidLine Eye-Liner Geland PRECISE Eye Liner brush from mAC - Classic option for those who need ideal arrows and who received five in childhood on drawing. The tassel is very thin, with a pointed end, and allows you to create practically works of art in front of our eyes. The company with cream liner gives a very clear, thin, saturated line. A little training - and now the tip of the arrow, going up, begins to get without any problems. Color gamut cream liner is wide, often in Mac collections are very original shades.

Bobi Brown.
Gel eyelvering Long-Wear Gel Eyeliner from Bobbi Brown In combination with their eyes, Eye Liner is one of the most convenient options for drawing the arrows or simply eyeliner. The eyeliner holds long (excellent resistance!), At the same time, when applied, plastic enough to draw the arrow easily. A flat brush has a hard pile that allows you to perfectly suspend your eyes. Best of all with Long-Wear Gel Eyeliner It turns out to make a wide end of the arrows - but this is who is capable of. Unlike MAC eyeliner, it does not give such a clear line, so it is more suitable for everyday makeup. Pleases with a wide color grade liner.

Estee Lauder.

Liquid submarine Pure Color Liquid Eyeliner, Estee Lauder- For those who love glossy arrows. Try to remove excess drops from the tip of the tip before applying, the eyeliner has a very liquid texture and you can overdo it. The arrow comes out with a flickering reflections due to the smallest shirmware, very bright; Pure Color Liquid Eyeliner - choice for evening makeup. A nice bonus - by its formula, the eyeliner resembles the thermoturn: it will not smear the finger, it stands for the usual water, and when demaciage comes off with pieces.

Jane IRedale

Cream gradder Cream to Powder Eyeliner, Tint Jewel Box, Jane IRedale, conquers beautiful saturated colors. Applied like any eyeliner in such a package, with a special thin brush. The color in the box is deceptive: on the eyelids it goes much less rich, almost translucent. According to the rule of the makeup artists, the eyeliner should not be brightening your eyes, so Jewel Box can be tried by those who have blonde eyes.
Clarins. Stable liquid eyeliner Instant Liner, Firm Clarins- Novelty brand. An excellent choice for beginners: the felt tip is very convenient, and the texture at the eyeliner is not so liquid so that problems arise. Lies with a dense layer of black matte, very saturated color; With Instant Liner, you can draw a perfectly thin clear arrow. Perhaps the most black eyeliner tested.


Podder Parad "Eyes Liner, Tint 2, from Givenchy- Liquid, has a thin bruster in the cap. It gives a very clear, saturated shade of a line, a dense shining color, through which is not visible to the skin texture. But to the tassel will have to be adopted, it is not for beginners - not enough hard for beginners, it may unsuccessfully rushing when drawing. If you get comfortable, break out the Parad "Eyes Liner will be already difficult!


Liquid eyeliner Automatic Fine Eyeliner, Firm Shiseido- Another, created by the type of pencil felt-meter. But unlike fellow, it does not have a felt tip as a tip, but still a pointed brush with a pile. The density of the black color and the clarity of application gives the middle. It is important before using a bit to shake the eyeliner so that the desired amount of the product is received on the tip.


Eyeliner ARTLINER EYELINER TRACE DENSE, from LancomeIt has a fiber tip - and it is wide enough. When skilled handling, it allows you to draw thin arrows, but the beginning is better for starting to fill the hand. Color saturated black medium density, the clarity line also comes out average.


Eyeliner Eye Liner Tecnico Blu, Collistar - For those who missed bright colors! A surprisingly convenient means. A short bruster allows you to draw arrows with striking accuracy and accuracy. The luxurious color of the sea wave, changing his shade from dark blue to turquoise, depending on the lighting, makes the eyes with bright and expressive without additional effort. The eyeliner does not flow, not lubricated throughout the day, while it is easily washed off during the evening demacia.

By terry.

Eyeliner Ligne Blackstar, firm by Terry, Works on the principle of marker with a sharp tip. It gives a dense matte clear arrow, which is characterized by increased resistance - if you need to the pool with arrows, then this is your choice. For the same reason, it is recommended to use professionals in the drawing of the shooter - to erase the unsuccessful option will not be easy.

Giorgio Armani.

Eyeliner Maestro Eye Liner, Giorgio Armani, very convenient to use. From the second time you can already draw with its help the arrow in the dark and without stop the elbow. Simple arrows, for every day, without delight, it turns out easily and naturally - it's like painting a pencil. Of the disadvantages: dancing before you fall does not withstand, but for the office just right. The coating is not the most black - perfect with shadows. In this version, it keeps very well, beautifully emphasizes the eyes.


Contour for the eyelid "Arabesque Parfiria", Rouge Bunny Rouge, - Liquid and with a very thin rigid tassel in the batter lid. You can also be called one of the most liquid eyelvering. The feature of all shades of the contour of the Rouge Bunny Rouge is a lot of small brushes, which should be taken into account - it is possible that every day it is not necessary, but it's good for evening exit. The shade of "Arabesque Parfiria" although promises to be black with silver sparkers, in fact closer to dark gray. The coating gives a loose, respectively, and the clarity of the line is average. Well keeps during the day.

Eye eyelbs are pretty cunning. Therefore, if you are a novice in the drawing of the arrows, first squeeze your eyes with a soft pencil of the same shade as the liner. The line is likely to get quite wide and you can hardly get close to the eyelashes. But then this gap between the eyelashes and the pencil line can be easily painted with eyelid. It is good that wide shooters are in fashion again.

2. Turn on the brightness

To make a pencil color more intense and bright, hold his stilly for a few seconds over the flame of the lighter. An additional bonus - a pencil will become softer and pliable.

3. Use the base

So that the arrows did not smear and not imprinted in the eyelid, be sure to use the database. She is not at hand? This is a white pencil, powder or dry shadow of a beige shade.

4. Arrange the Points

If the first time it is not possible to draw a flat line, spread small points, and then does not hurry to connect them with eyeliner or pencil.

5. Find a plot of support

Professionals who know how to properly paint the eyes by eyeliner, can draw perfect arrows, even without looking into the mirror. But the beginners are better to fix the hand so that it does not flinch in the most responsible moment. Put the elbow on the table, and the other hand is slightly lifted with your finger and fix the eyebrow center. This will allow the tip of the applicator to get to the roots of the eyelashes.

6. Start with the shadows

If you do not imagine how to apply the eyeliner or the means of the desired shade is not at hand, take advantage of the shadows. This is the easiest option. Slightly moisten a thin cyst of water (the color on the eyelids will be saturated, and the shadows will not turn it out) and make it several times along the growth line of the eyelashes. After apply the second, and if necessary, the third layer, to strengthen the color and straighten the flaws.

7. Move back forever

Of course, real makeup artists who know how to properly bring the eyes by eyeliner, always draw an arrow from an inner corner of the eye to an external. However, to make an even line with one stroke not all forces. Newbies permit eyes from an external corner of the eye. Try - so much easier!

8. Put hashteg

For still actual makeup with smoky eye effect, draw the grid on the outer corner, reminiscent of the hashtag icon. Then carefully grow it with the help of a brush for shadows, stretching the color by the middle of the century.

9. The main thing is the tail

To draw an arrow a spectacular tail, use a teaspoon. Route it from the outside of the eye so that the rounded part is near the corner. Then, as if on the line, draw the tail of the arrows.

10. Move in a straight line

If you want the tail to be more direct, you can use a business card or even a piece of scotch instead of a spoon. Stick it so that the arrow line continues the lower century line.

11. Take example

To draw a smoothly curved arrow, make a stencil from paper. Cut the edge of the paper under the shape of the arrows you want to get. Attach stencil to the eye and spend the arrow. By the way, a good stencil can be used many times.

12. Make two cases immediately

For drawing the arrows will be useful and tweezers for eyelashes. Attach this accessory to the eye so that the lower part of the metal strip is closer to the cerician edge, then take a pencil or a liner and spend the arrow as in the ruler. In parallel, you can twist eyelashes.

13. Think creative

Multicolored liners that have recently embarrassed us, are all active in everyday life. Gray, brown, blue are suitable for everyday "socks". Gold, silver, neon - for the front exit. Makeup looks very beautifully when the black arrow is drawn first, and above it is gold or silver. You can use several colors, but it is not always possible to technically fully fulfill the most. It is easier to first lend the eyes with a color pencil, and then draw a thin black line along the cilia.

14. Secure the result

So, we figured out how to use eyeliner. What do the arrows do not smear during the day? The answer is simple: we grow a little black shadows along the line. Of course, the arrow will turn out noticeably thicker, but also the look will become more effective.

15. Watch out for new

Question - How to paint the eyes by eyeliner - still puts you in a dead end? We offer to resort to the help of the overhead arrow. Unfortunately, the accessory will not release a large circulation. But it regularly appears in seasonal makeup collections of some brands. For example, the Dior Christmas collection entered the Mirror Eyes set with overhead arrow. They glue to the top eyelid, and you can use them many times. An excellent solution when you need to quickly create a spectacular image.

The arrows are a powerful weapon of girls, with the help of which you can visually enlarge your eyes, make the gaze of expressive, add dentes of eyelashes. Unfortunately, not everyone gets right and the first time, without taking hands to perform arrows. Do not be upset, even makeup artists learn this years. Below will be a few useful tips for beginners.

  1. Before you begin drawing, determine the depth of landing and the shape of your eyes.
  2. Decide for yourself what effect you want to achieve (just emphasize the growth line of eyelashes, change the eye cut or increase them).
  3. Choose the right tool (brush, pencil, eyeliner or liner)
  4. Elbow hands you will draw should rely on a solid surface.

Consider ways to perform arrows.

Draw arrows pencil

Drawing with a pencil is suitable for inexperienced girls in this case, as the line can be built and hide her irregularities.

It should be known that the pencil should be well honed, not too soft (otherwise it will be imprinted in a century) and most importantly - he should approach the color.

The optimal colors are graphite and chocolate, they are suitable and blondes, and brunettes.

So, you took a pencil, closed your eyes, and painted the first time ... the curve and wrong arrow, and all because the eye should remain half-open. Important! Do not retreat from the growth line of eyelashes, draw directly on it, it may be rusty.

Scroll slightly eyelid (powder is used as the basis for a pencil better), step up a little from the inner corner of the eye, you can easily put a lot of noticeable points along the back of the eyelid, and then draw the arrow, so more chances that it will turn out to be smooth.

By the way, the beginning, the end and length of the arrow will depend on your imagination. Perhaps it will not work immediately, and you have to repeat several times, but do not forget to apply the basis!

How to draw arrows by eyeliner?

The following application method is a liner.

For beginners, I would advise you to use a liner with a thin applicator, so you can draw an ultra-thin arrow and minimize flaws.

If nevertheless decided to try a liquid eyeliner, then it is necessary to do it very carefully, without a special pressure on the brush.

Trustee, you will realize that this method has many advantages, for example, you can: adjust one tilt angle of the arrow, adjust without special diligent line width, pull the tip of the arrow as it did the famous Marilyn Monroe style icons, Olivia Palermo, Twiggy.

In addition to the liquid liner, there are still gel and creamy, but in order to use them, a brush with beserves will be required. It should be remembered that due to the special texture, cream liners in the jars are superior to the resistance of the liquid, but they quickly dry out, they are minus.

The technique of drawing a shooter shooter is not very different from the pencil. The only important rule is that it takes 15-20 seconds not to open the eye until the eyeliner is dry.

Rules for performing shooters for visual eye enlargement

  • round eyes are suitable slightly elongated arrow, it will look a little surprised, and the cut of the eyes is almondavoid. The starting point for this arrow is the inner corner of the eye, drive from there along the growth of the eyelashes, gradually thickening and slightly lifting over the outer corner.
  • the black eyeliner will reduce your eyes, but if you can not do with another color, then draw the arrows so that they start from the middle of the century and went out a little over the edge.
  • if the eyes are small and deeply planted, it is impossible to bring the lower eyelid, they will seem even less from this.
  • for small eyes, choose a thin arrow, preferred colors: dark and light beige, golden, light brown, silver. These colors will make a look open, simultaneously with the wrong.

How to draw arrows in front of the head with the lowered century?

Some girls with lowered centuries believe that they do not fit the arrows, but this is a myth, the arrows are suitable for everyone if you correctly apply. The most important rule for drawing the arrows on lowered centuries is the desire of all lines up.

That is, you start a line from the middle of the century, and lead her sharp tip to the outer edge, leading up, then spend a short line from an outer corner of the eye, connecting it with the upper line, paint the resulting triangle. This makeup option is more suitable for the evening, making the arrow thinner, you can get out with such mequare and day.

As already mentioned, skill comes with experience! Successes! Patience and work, and you will be symmetry! 🙂

For most girls, smooth and neat arrows are an integral part of makeup, thanks to which the look becomes discovery, and the eyes visually seem more. Learning to make arrows is quite simple, and you can make sure that you yourself!

What to draw arrows in your eyes - the choice of cosmetics

You can draw arrows with different cosmetics, consider the most popular of them. LinerOne of the most convenient cosmetic products for those who have not yet learned to master the arrows. Thanks to the thin tip of the tool, as well as a rigid tassel, you can quickly draw a neat arrow. In addition, such a liner is not imprinted in the upper eyelid. Gel or cream lodging Wonderfully suitable for girls who already have some idea of \u200b\u200bhow to draw arrows. The advantage of these funds is that they dry out for quite a long time, so it is easier to adjust the form, and you can also grow up the arrow.

Liquid appliancesA tool that successfully combines the dignity of the liner and gel liner. Even those girls who practically do not have experience in this business will be able to draw this cosmetic product. In addition, this eyeliner is very persistent and can hold out throughout the day. FlomasterOne of the most suitable options "for beginners". The felt-tipper dries pretty quickly, guarantees the clarity and saturation of the lines, and also not imprinted in the upper eyelid.

ShadowTo draw arrows, shadows need to use a brush, which is usually used for eyebrow decoration. With the help of the shadows, you can easily create a beautiful day or evening makeup, using a variety of colors that are also decumbeded. PencilVery easy in its application and allows you to mix different shades. For bright and wide lines, it is recommended to choose pencils with a soft texture, and for thin lines - with solid. In applying the ideal shooter pencils, it is better to combine. The rolls are very unusual and not too common cosmetics. As a rule, they are made of thin velor and have a sticky layer on the reverse side, with which the arrow is fixed. More suitable for evening makeup.

How to pick up the shape and color of the arrows under your eyes

It is worth noting that the makeup artists usually apply different types of arrows.

Types of arrows

Arrows under the cut eye and landing depth

    Narrow eyes. You can visually make your eyes wide with the help of wide arrows. So that no longer narrowes the form, they need to draw the eye abroad. It is also not recommended to bring up the lower eyelids to bright shadows, and it is desirable to leave no 1/3 eyes from the inner age. Round eyes. If you wish to visually lengthen your eyes, it can be done using a pencil eyeliner at an inner corner. It should not be thin and slightly rustic, clearly falling on the growth line of eyelashes. Widely planted eyes. In this case, the arrows are called to narrow the distance between the eyes, and for this it is worth bringing the eye along the entire length, extending the line to the bridge. Closely planted eyes. In this case, girls usually tend to visually increase the distance between the eyes. When drawing arrows, try 1/3 to retreat from the inner corners of the eyes. Similarly, summing up the lower eyelid, you make a look more open. Small eyes. In this case, it is not recommended to draw eyeliner in the lower eyelid, so that not to reduce the eyes. Also, make-up artists do not advise drawing black arrows. The perfect option for you is a light arrows that "open" eyes.

Color arrows

The classic color of the arrows, of course, is considered black, however, when creating a day makeup, it is better not to overdo it - the line must be visible, but not sought. If you want to make a wide arrow, then it is better in the daily make-up to make it shadows of moderate tones. Weightful and natural shades will be able to open the look and make it more open. If you try to stick to the classic style, then pay attention to gray and brown shades. When you choose in the direction of colored shades, choose the eyeliner to the color of your eyes to emphasize it. For example, blue-eyed girls are advised to use blue eyeliner, green-eyed - green eyeliner, and so on.

How to learn how to draw thin classic arrows step by step

If you can not draw a thin classic arrow with one smooth line, then we bring to your attention this technique. So, you have to draw an arrow with a few strokes. Forward things should be applied in the eyelid shadow in any way like that. The easiest way to apply beige shadows to the mobile and lower eyelid and start creating. Draw an arrow by moving by the middle of the century from the inner corner of the eye. This needs to be stopped and moved to an external corner of the eye, making the tip of the arrow with a detachment movement. Two points obtained should be connected to another small line. In case, even if this method is complicated for you, and you can't do a flat tip of the arrow, then use the usual tape, gluing a loosely small piece near the outer corner of the eye and choosing the desired angle for The direction of the tip.

How to draw arrows with a pencil

With the help of a pencil, you can draw both thin arrows and quite wide. If you want to draw a thin arrow, cholect a pencil that has a solid texture. Of course, such a pencil does not achieve the saturation of light, but the persistence of you will most likely please. Deciding to make thick arrows, use the soft pencil - with it you can achieve wide lines of bright color, but in durability it will give way to a solid pencil. When you draw the arrows with a pencil, it is recommended to maintain a continuous line, in order not to correct irregularities. You can start a line from the middle of the century (in this place it is usually the most pushes), to the inner and external corner of the eye the arrow should be narrowed. If the irregularities still arose, you can remove them with a cotton wand.

Using high-quality shadows of a suitable shade, you can make an interesting "highlight" in eye makeup. You can use like dry shadows and cream or gels. In addition, you will need a thin flat brush that is often used to design eyebrows. If you use dry shadows, the brushes should be moistened in water and squeeze so that it is only slightly humid. Then you need to dial the shadows on the brush and draw the arrow as you would make it a conventional eyeliner. In the evening makeup version, such an arrow can be erected with shadows of a similar shade, which will provide you with a famous look with a crow. Having drawn the arrow, pay attention to that there was no clean strip of skin between it and the line of eyelash growth. In addition, the tip of the arrow should be higher than the lower eyelid.

How to draw up the arrow of the eyelid - master class for beginners

Pickup arrow can be more difficult than a pencil. Your movements must be neat and accurate, so the first time you may not satisfy you. Before you take for such an eyeliner (gel, felt-tip or liquid), it is recommended to master the technique of applying a pencil. If you first use such eyelbs, it is better to use a felt-tip pen, because of the softest grinding brushes or liquid liner, which may make it difficult to apply the arrows. Before proceeding with the drawing arrow, the eyelid needs to be cleaned from any other cosmetics. After that, apply the shadows, and proceed to the arrow - the line from the inner corner of the eye, gradually expanding it by the middle of the century, and then it is escaped to an external corner of the eye. As a result, the tail of the arrow should turn out to be sharp.

How to make up ideal arrows to highlight your eyes

In order for eyes to look expressive makeup artists use different types of arrows, and below you can consider some of them.

Short or long

For day makeup, relatively short arrows are more often used, which are just emphasized by the line of eyelashes, and in this case it is usually enough to hold a thin line along their growth line. In the evening makeup mostly apply long arrows to make eyes expressive.

Smooth arrows

If you want to draw a smooth arrow, it is recommended to use striking techniques - so you will reduce the probability of error. It also depends on the choice of cosmetics - novice is recommended to use a felt-tip pen or pencil.

Double arrows

This option is usually found in evening make-up, providing a truly stunning effect. The upper eyelid is supplied with a classic arrow of medium length and width, and the bottom repeats it at a short distance. Thanks to such arrows, the look becomes more open, and a special mysteriousness appears in the image.

Thick or wide arrows in front of the eyes

Wide arrows look expressive, and are able to transform any face. By the way, only the line is truly wide: it starts at the inner corner of the eye and rapidly expands, a beautiful stroke join the temple.

Draw arrows using a spoon

Trying to achieve the perfect shooter, the girls came up with a lot of ways to embody this desire, and now you will learn about one of the most interesting things. So, we are talking about the method using a conventional metal spoon! Of course, if you know how to draw arrows yourself, it is unlikely that this way will greatly facilitate the task - on the contrary, it may seem a little intricate. However, novice in the drawing of eyelashes spoon will still be able to help!

So, take the eyeliner and clean dry spoon. We begin drawing the tip. Attach the handle to an external corner of the eye, placing diagonally (the end of the handle must be located towards the temple). Now firmly lean the handle, pick up the desired angle, and carefully along it draw the tip of the arrows. Then you will need a spoon directly - attach it to the middle of your eyes, on the top eyelid, near the eyelashes and draw the line to the tip of the arrow. Any inaccuracies can be watered with a cotton wand with micellar water.