How to make a big volume ball. Do-it-yourself paper ball: what material can be used, step-by-step instructions for making a voluminous ball from napkins, ideas for using in decor

With the help of voluminous multi-colored balls made of paper, you can decorate a room, a Christmas tree, thereby creating, for example, a New Year's holiday atmosphere. This article will present master classes with detailed instructions for making paper balls. See photos below for examples of completed work.

Inspirational video tutorials

This article will present a selection of videos in which craftsmen share the secrets of making voluminous paper balls of plain and multi-colored, and also talk about how you can make New Year's holiday balls.

How to make a paper ball: the easiest way

In order to make a voluminous paper ball, you will need sheets of colored paper, a template, as well as tape, tape, scissors and glue. First you need to decide on the size of the ball, then make a template according to the intended parameters, and print the template. Then, according to the template, the required number of parts should be cut from sheets of colored paper. After that, you can begin to assemble the structure, for this you should select one part as the base, five parts from the bottom and five parts from the top must be attached to it. Then, to the last part, before attaching it, it is necessary to fasten the ribbon so that the ball can be hung. It is desirable to fix the ends of the tape from the wrong side with adhesive tape, then attach the part to the main structure, and the ball is ready.

2 way: in the technique of origami

Origami paper balls are especially popular among needlewomen, because the balls created using this technique look interesting and original. Below is a diagram of folding a modular three-dimensional paper ball. The essence of the work lies in the fact that the ball is made up of several identical parts, which are called modules. Each module is made from a separate sheet of paper, then the modules are connected into a single structure.

How to make a paper ball for a Christmas tree

From sheets of colored cardboard, you can independently make unusual, colorful, amazing decorations for the Christmas tree. Several options for making holiday decorations will be offered below.

In order to make a multi-colored New Year's ball, you first need to cut out twenty circles from sheets of colored cardboard. Then, on one of the sides of each circle, the sides of an equilateral triangle should be marked. Then you need to make bends along the previously drawn sides. Next, you need to glue the first five circles so that the tops of the triangles are at one point, then you get the top of the ball. Separately and similarly, the bottom of the ball, consisting of five parts, is glued together. In order to form the middle of the ball, it is necessary to glue the parts into one strip and close it into a ring. At the final stage, you should connect all the constituent parts, fasten the ribbon, and the product is ready.

According to the same scheme that was presented above, a Christmas ball is folded, only instead of sheets of cardboard, several types of paper of different designs will be required as a material for work.

4 way: paper balloon

Everyone can make a small paper balloon, the main thing is to purchase the materials necessary for work and read the instructions for making a balloon. To make such a ball you will need: thick paper, tissue paper, scissors, glue, as well as twine and thread.

First you need to decide on the diameter of the future ball, depending on this, you need to cut a certain number of strips to form a dome. The segments of the dome are cut out on sheets of thick paper, then the details should be cut out according to the template, taking into account allowances from tissue paper. Next, the strips must be glued in pairs along one of the edges, then each pair should be turned out in the form of a boat. Next, all the boats must be connected with glue. In order to glue the last seam, the dome shell must be turned inside out.

In order to make a ring and the upper part of the dome, it is necessary to cut out two rectangles from sheets of thick paper 100 millimeters wide and 30 millimeters longer than the circumference of the ball. These parts must be glued to the sides of the ball on both sides. In order for there to be no holes in the place where all the stripes converge, a circle with a diameter of 150 millimeters should be glued.

After that, after about twenty minutes, a blowtorch should be brought to the ball, so that under the influence of hot air the dome of the ball straightened out. If any defects are found, they must be corrected. In order to make the ball more durable, it is necessary to glue twine across the seams, and on top of it about four ribbons of paper fifteen millimeters thick. A few thin strings should be tied to the transverse tape, which will hold the ball. In order to prepare the balloon for launch, it is necessary to fill it with hot air.

Decoration for ceremonial events of halls, houses, apartments with balloons has become very fashionable. They create airy beauty, conviviality, novelty and positive. An ignorant person in needlework will ask the question: "How to make a ball out of paper?" And to do it is simple, easy and interesting. Abroad, in hobby-lobby stores, round foam plastic balls of various sizes are sold for this purpose, on which flowers, butterflies, and other decorations are then glued. In our country, you will not find this everywhere yet, but we are used to getting out of the situation. We offer several options for manufacturing balls.

The basis for the ball can be made from threads. In a bottle of PVA glue, make parallel holes on both sides and pass a thread with a needle through them. Inflate the rubber ball of the desired size, start winding the adhesive thread around it (it passes through the bottle) until it is completely covered with a net. Leave to dry for a day. When the threads harden, the ball can be pierced and carefully removed from the resulting thread ball. Attach a rope to the balloon to hang it on. Now stick the prepared flowers from crepe corrugated paper on this base, you can use office colored paper or floral paper. Cut corrugated paper into strips 20 cm long, 3.4 cm wide. Stretch one side of the strip. Twist the strips, tie the unstretched side with threads. Fluff, give a beautiful shape. Get a pretty rose. Another way: prepare strips of the same size from office colored paper - 20X30 cm. Only they need to be cut like noodles, not reaching the edge, twisted onto a toothpick or thin stick, glued the edge, spread the petals. It turned out an aster or chrysanthemum. Or you can just cut out the flowers according to one pattern, decorate with a large bead and stick it on the base of the ball, as in the photo. There are a lot of flowers on the ball. For a medium ball with a diameter of 20 cm, you will need about 40 pieces.

Another way to make a paper ball

This method is faster and easier than the previous one. If in it paper balls were made using glue, there was a lot of work with making flowers, then this is not the case here. The ball is assembled without glue. It also looks beautiful, and is done quickly and easily. To work, you need thick paper or thin colored cardboard, scissors, cord.

You need to cut 12 identical flowers, the shape is shown in the photo. Each petal is cut along a horizontal line from right to left, not reaching the edge. The cut of one petal is inserted into the cut of the other until the ball is assembled. Insert the cord into one of the templates and fasten it, as shown in the photo. These balls are easy to assemble and disassemble. If you make several balls of different colors, but the same size, then you can mix them, you get multi-colored compositions. As you can see, paper balls are very easy to make. It is quite possible to create such a masterpiece with your own hands.

Next method

With this method, you also need glue, postcards or thick colored paper. You need to cut out 10 template circles of the same size. Draw a triangle inside each. Bend the edges of the circle along the line of the triangle. They are connected with glue until you get a hemisphere. Do one more. The whole ball will take five triangles. Do not forget to fasten a rope to one of them. Now glue the two hemispheres. Another way to make a ball out of paper is now familiar to you.

The simplest ball

This method is available even to small children. The ball is made from corrugated paper. Two sheets of paper of different colors, approximately 30 cm wide, 50 cm long, should be folded like an accordion and loosely bandaged in the middle. Round or sharpen the edges on both sides. Gently open and fluff the petals of a large flower - a ball. Glue the two side edges in the middle. This beauty, of course, is short-lived. One or two drops of rain - and there is no ball, but in dry rooms it can please the eye for a long time.


Make paper balls: it's beautiful, simple and easy!

From the most ordinary crepe paper you can make very beautiful decoration balls. Let's learn about how to do it.

Master class "Volumetric balls of paper"

First, as always, prepare all the necessary materials so that they are at hand. For manufacturing, you will need: a pack of colored corrugated or any other thin paper, two sheets of thick white cardboard, two colored felt-tip pens, a glue stick, large scissors and a needle and thread. So, let's get to work!

  1. Using a compass, draw a circle on a sheet of cardboard. Its diameter should be equal to the desired diameter of the future ball. Cut the resulting circle into two parts. Corrugated paper, folded in a pile, cut into rectangles. For a medium-sized ball, it will be enough to make 40-50 pieces.
  2. On the second sheet of cardboard, place one of the colored sheets of corrugated paper. With felt-tip pens, draw vertical stripes on the sheet at regular intervals. The number of cells on the finished ball depends on the number of these stripes and their density. There are no special requirements here - try several different options to see which one you like best.
  3. Moving from one mark to another, draw the vertical lines marked in blue in the figure. This should be done with a glue stick, holding it slightly at an angle.
  4. Then take the next sheet of corrugated paper and repeat the procedure, this time connecting the stripes marked in pink. Thus, you need to process all the rectangles you have. Fold the glued leaves in a neat pile.
  5. Attach one of the cardboard semicircles on top, press down so that the top layer of corrugated paper sticks to the cardboard, and outline it.
  6. Along this line, you should cut out the future ball, folded in half. Use large, sharp scissors as there are quite a few layers.
  7. Cardboard is needed for gluing the ball. And so that it is not visible on the finished craft, it needs to be slightly disguised. To do this, on the other hand, glue the second semicircle not completely, but after cutting it out in the shape of the letter “c”.
  8. Make a hole in the corner of the craft (with a gypsy needle or awl), and then thread the thread through it. Don't tighten it too tight or your balloon won't open.
  9. Sew the second corner too. You can leave one of the threads - you can hang a craft for it if this simple paper ball is used to decorate a room. In this case, the thread must be, firstly, long enough, secondly, strong and, thirdly, match the color of the ball.
  10. Now comes the most crucial moment in the work - you need to open the ball. Take the craft by both cardboard sides and carefully spread them apart. Be very careful not to tear the thin corrugated paper. If you have correctly completed steps 3 and 4, then you will not have any special problems with opening the ball (which is why it is so important to use a fresh glue stick). If the individual parts do not stick together, you can glue them in the course of work.
  11. This is what your ball will look like at this stage. The cells that it consists of are the unglued places on your rectangles from point 4.
  12. Cardboard joints need to be glued together so that the sphere becomes solid and completely colored. As you can see, making a corrugated paper ball turned out to be quite simple.
  13. Such two- and even three-color balls can be made to decorate your living room or nursery. Similar crafts of different sizes and colors will also look very appropriate as Christmas decorations.

This voluminous and bright ball is suitable for creating a festive entourage for any festive event. For example, it can be New Year's, decorating the Christmas tree, several of these balls look beautiful in the form. The craft is not at all complicated, especially since a paper ball is presented step by step, with a detailed explanation and illustrative photographs.

What is needed for a voluminous paper ball?

  • Colored paper. I took three colors - green, yellow and red. But you can, for brightness, take more, for example, 5, according to the number of segments of the side of the ball. Or vice versa, be original and take only 2 colors: black and white, white and blue, red and white. Consider interior color when choosing.
  • Scissors, glue stick, thread, compass, simple pencil.

Instead of a compass, I used a glass, and if you have a special composter, then it’s generally wonderful, you can make an unlimited amount of balls and decorate the whole room with a garland.

How to make a paper ball?

To make one paper ball, you will need 20 circles. Their size depends on the size of the ball you need. I traced the top of the glass, and I got a pretty ball that you can hang on the Christmas tree.

Circle or draw a few circles on colored paper with a compass, fold the paper several times and cut out 20 circles.

Each circle must be folded so that it has an inner triangle and three sides, which we will later glue to each other. To do this, first bend the two sides of the circle.

Then bend the third. You need to try to make them the same, but if there are small errors, it's not scary.

Thus, you need to put on 20 triangles. But, to make it convenient to take and glue them, after all sides have already been determined, unfold the triangle.

Take two folded circles and glue any sides.

Continuing around the circle, glue all 5 and glue the first and last to complete the circle. It will turn out such a paper part, like a cap.

Make 2 of these lids. It will take 10 circles to create them.

And then we continue to glue the remaining 10 circles, but not in a circle, but straight. That is, each subsequent circle is glued not to the extreme side, completing the circle, but to each other, forming a straight paper piece. This is what 5 colored circles look like.

And here all 10 circles are already glued.

We wrap the long part with the protruding sides outward, and glue the ends. To make a ring.

Now we already have all the components of the paper ball, it remains to put them together.

Glue one cap to the paper ring. You still need to glue in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe curved sides of the circles.

And thread the thread into the second cap. If the thread is thick enough, for example, twine, it is enough to make a knot at its tip. But if, like mine, it is very thin, decorative, in addition to the knot, I also used adhesive tape, for reliability. Naturally, all these manipulations must be done in the inside of the cap, only the thread should remain on the outside.

Now it remains only to glue this lid to the almost finished work and the bright ball of paper is ready step by step. If a garland of such balls is needed, the thread or string must pass through the ball, that is, through both caps.

A ball is a simple figure that can be useful for any craft: making Christmas decorations, decor for a holiday, and even for modeling the globe on your own. We will tell you how to make a paper ball with your own hands based on a few step-by-step instructions. Choose the one you like and get creative!

Making paper balls for decoration and decor

Considering the topic of how to make an interesting voluminous paper ball, you probably thought about decorating the interior. The ball does not have to be perfectly flat. Consider a few

Volumetric ball of two colors

This ball model can be considered as a future Christmas tree toy. You can use different colors.

Execution process:

The ball is ready. For a festive decoration, we also recommend decorating balls using the decoupage technique. The technique is more complicated, but the result will be great! We have described the decoupage technique in

Delicate ball of napkins

This ball is able to decorate the interior, its decorative qualities are amazing. Before making such a paper ball, prepare:

  • packing of napkins;
  • stapler;
  • scissors;
  • round stencil;
  • thread and pencil.