How to make lips more at home. Makeup options for visual increase in lips - how to draw yourself a plump lips? Using exercise

Puffy lips never remain unnoticed and constantly attract others around their seductive juiciness.

To make them the most saturated and lush, girls even make operational interventions: they enhance various drugs to increase the volume, moisturize their hyaluronic acid, the reviews about which is very contradictory. But not everyone remains satisfied with the result of the lip correction and are disappointed, damaging their naturalness.

We will tell you how to make your lush sponges and much more attractive houses, reversible methods and without any harm to the body. It is very important to follow these tips and constantly take care of your lips.

Special gymnastics

There are many different ways, how to make lips more voluminous, but the simplest that does not require money is the implementation of special gymnastics (Facebilding). Lips are leather-muscle folds, and therefore they can be "pumping".

To do this, you need to make enough simple exercises that we will consider below:

  1. Air kiss. For this exercise, we need to perform such a sequence of actions:
    • Pull the lips forward, as if sending the air kiss, and bring the palm to the mouths
    • After that, pursue them in the palm
    • Then you need to raise her lips, as if she is a dumbbell, sending an air kiss

    Perform this exercise 20 times

  2. Make the "lips a bow."Say the letter "O" and keep your lips in this way for five seconds, then leave them for 6 seconds alone. Then repeat it ten times
  3. Necessary stretch the lips as if we smile, and press them to the teeth. This exercise is performed ten seconds five times.
  4. Whistle Favorite melody non-stop for seven minutes a day
  5. Pull the lips forward "fish"closing and tearing them
  6. Fold the palms together, put the thumbs under the top lip. Slightly press on the lips from the inside with your fingers, resist the pressure of the muscles of the mouth. Exercise will allow emphasize the contour of the upper lip. Instead of fingers, you can use a language, but for this you need a skill.
  7. Fight your head slightly back, laid the bottom lip for the lower row of teeth and tighten the muscles. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times. This exercise will help you adjust and emphasize the lower lruption.
  8. Raise the corners of the lips upwards. Smile and strain them, barely adequately pressing on them with reference fingers, move up. This exercise makes the lip muscles shrink and rush up
  9. Dial a large amount of air for the cheeks And close your mouth. Make moves as if you are chewed, while moving lips in different directions
  10. In order to remove wrinkles around the mouth, squeeze your lips as if you were offended, but do not press them. Fast movements of the index finger up and down, tapping about 10 seconds on them, then relax.

Be careful, performing exercises, try not to stretch the skin around the lips so that unnecessary wrinkles are not formed.

Recipes masks and scrubies

The bustling lips are top and bottom lump and chinful artery, so it is very important for us to improve their blood flow.

Nicotinic Acid and Vaseline

Excellent mask acting no worse than Fillers

  • Multiply multiple nicotine acid tablets and mix with petroleum
  • Add ground red chilli pepper (if you do not be friends with him, you can not lie down)
  • Drip drops of any essential oil
  • Call the lips with a toothbrush for a minute
  • Apply a ready mask for 5 minutes, after which we wash with warm water.

Mask is contraindicated in the lips!

Honey and coffee

This can be done, applying a canceled scrub mask, which is easy to prepare manually from natural components. It excellently exfoliates, nourishes and moisturizes the skin of the lips and improves blood flow to them. It is prepared as follows:

  1. To the honey you need to add 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil and 3-4 drops of essential with a pinch of ground coffee
  2. All the resulting composition should be mixed and smeared on the lips
  3. Then you need to wait ten minutes, then make a light massage of lips and wash off this mask

The result will be very amazing. Lips will acquire the volume and will be more lush, soft.

Honey and Cinnamon

Very simple scrub recipe:

  • make a mixture of cinnamon (it is better to use the thicker, not ground) and honey.
  • apply lips to lips and light movements
  • it will expand the capillaries, which will make lips brighter and expressive
  • the effect lasts up to 1 hour

Grape bones

The next recipe will also help make your sponges gentle and acquire volume:

  • Half a teaspoon of safflower oil mix with oil made of grape bones
  • To this mixture, add a small pinch of cinnamon and several droplets of essential oil
  • Stir this composition before the pasty consistency is formed
  • Then apply a mixture on the lips and massage them with circular motions
  • After this procedure, wash the scrub from the lips with warm water

Medovo-sugar scrub

  • Make a mixture of sugar, honey and olive oil
  • Apply on the lips and rub with light massage movements
  • Due to the sugar you will get a massage effect of an expanding capillaries, and honey and oil will smooth skin.

It is best to use scrubs from natural ingredients with nutrients.

From the means on the shelves can be used to care for their sponges, which included menthol, perfectly stimulating blood flow.

Using natural oils

For more complete and efficient lips care, it is necessary to use nutrient oils. The most good for use such oils:

  • Persikova
  • Olive
  • Almond
  • Apricot
  1. Before applying these oils, you need to warm them
  2. They can add additional components: vitamin E or jojoba oil
  3. Soak lips one of your chosen oils and make a lightweight cotton tampon
  4. But first moisten it in warm water and squeeze

After this procedure, your sponges will become more plump.


Among other things, for a successful increase in the volume of lips is very effective massage. It takes quite a bit of time, but the effect you will notice in a month.

There are several lip massage methods:

  1. Massage, which is carried out with a toothbrush. To do this, it is better to purchase a toothbrush with a soft bristle (the optimal option is children's).
    • To begin with, you need to moisten the brush with warm water
    • Then smooth movements carefully massage the skin of the lips so as not to damage it
  2. Massage with ice cubes.
    • For this procedure you need to wrap the ice in a thin fabric
    • Next, you can start a massage, spending on the lips of ice into the left and the right side of two minutes

    The cold improves blood circulation well and will contribute to the increase in lip volume

After each massage, it is necessary to moisten the lips with a cream or a medicinal balsam.

Simulator for increasing lips Fullips

For the speedy giving the lips of the plunge you will suit you a simulator to increase the lips of Fullips. This thing has recently been on sale, but already has widespread and use.

This simulator is a plastic cap of a special form. It is inexpensive and fairly easy to use.

By drawing air through the mouth, a vacuum is formed inside it, which significantly increases lips in size.

With regular care for your sponges, the result will not make himself wait long and will extremely please you. Adhere to these tips, and your chubby and charming sponges will attract male views.

Video Makeup Instructions for Volume

You can get volumetric lips and in minutes before going out of the house. 7 Makeup secrets that will help you create chubby lips, visually shown in the video.

Women of any age impediment of centuries worry about the preservation of their beauty, make a lot of effort for this. Hair, nails, leather - everything should be well-groomed and blooming. Lips are no exception. Women wish to keep their softness and tenderness, beautiful healthy color, youth and smoothness as long as possible. And for this, the methods listed below are suitable.

Softness of the lips from the application of shop

Manufacturers of cosmetic and pharmaceutical agents for women's beauty regularly offer creams, balms, masks, scrubs, sparkles, special lipsticks that have a softening effect on the lips. And the result is usually achieved quickly. Your lips are softened, but losing their natural color. Therefore, you are tied to cosmetics and can no longer afford every day without it.

Nevertheless, sometimes you can save Vaseline, applied on dry lips per night.

Folk recipes to make lips soft

Knowing the properties of food, you can easily care for your sponges, cook cream, scrubs, balsams for them, and enrich your cosmetic products with the latest.

  • For example, in pure form, apply olive oil, sesame oil on the lips. It is better to do it for the night, but without excessive diligence - a layer of oil should not capture the skin around the lips and be too thick. It is permissible to enrich gloss and balms with ready-made oil mixtures. So you achieve the effect of soft and healthy lips even faster.
  • Seasonal vegetables and fruits cut out slices and massaging lips for 5-10 minutes. Apples are suitable without peel, watermelons, bananas, kiwi, cucumbers, gooseberries, strawberries, carrots, lemon. Also mix them with each other, having previously grinding, and apply like a mask on the lips.
  • Honey - natural sweet humidifier and softener. Especially useful for lipov lip it type.
  • Creamy butter or cashem with fat cottage cheese with any of the components - with sour cream, cream, honey in equal proportions quickly return softness dry cracked sponges.
  • If you practice cooking for yourself cosmetics yourself, then mix Lanolin or foam pork fat with essential oil roses and apply a thin layer on the lips for the night. Store the prepared mixture in the glass container in the refrigerator.

Make lips soft with a toothbrush

Choose a brush with soft bristles and very carefully arraying lip circular motions.

To enhance the therapeutic effect, moisturize the brush with honey, butter or any other to the tool like.

It is enough 1-2 times a day for 4-5 minutes to perform these lip manipulations to return and save their softness and beauty.

Healthy nutrition - pity of the softness of the lips

External masking of problems of female beauty extremely zybank. If you regularly use moisturizing lipstick, then after its removal, your lips no longer look attractive. And it means that people with them will not show without special "armor". However, think about - if you eat fast food, harmful food, ignoring fresh greens, fruits and vegetables, then what external health can we talk about? No beauty magazine will write that to return softness, the lips need to be lubricated with ketchup or mayonnaise.

Therefore, love fresh seasonal vegetables and fruits and regularly eat them!

Many women would like to have beautiful chubby lips. First, it's beautiful, and secondly, it really likes men. But how to be if the nature of the lip is far from the ideal.

Some ladies resort to modern methods of correction of appearance. But they all have their drawbacks:

  • Gilauronic acid serum injections. Absolutely harmless to the body, so at least it is considered. Their action is based on the property of the molecules of this acid, attract a huge amount of water molecules. But over time, the acid from the person is washed away and the lips take the old appearance (and whether the former is always the question!). You can repeat only a year.
  • There is another method, called lipolifting. This introduction to the lip of fat, which is taken from the abdomen of the patients. But since the presence of fat is not laid on the lips, it does not fully, it is not completely and from it on the lips can be formed by Bugorkas. Do you need it?
  • And it is possible to make surgical plastic, with the introduction of implants, after which small scars remain. And it is not known how one or another impalant will take place. There are quite a few scandalous stories when the lips after such intervention were completely worn out. And if you decide to do this, then collect information about this topic in order to correct the flaws to earn health problems.

Watch the video of the transmission "All Were Stretter", where this topic is discussed with specialists.

The consequences of increasing lip.

Therefore, it is better to use more secure methods. Such as care, exercise and visual increase with decorative cosmetics.

Daily home care for lips.

Care consists in purification, nutrition, moisturizing, exercises for the beauty of lips and decorative cosmetics. The fact is that the skin on the lips does not contain the sebaceous and sweat glands. Therefore, it has no protection. And especially in the cold season, the formation of cracks is susceptible to temper. Therefore, if you do not use decorative cosmetics, you will definitely buy hygienic lipstick and wear it with you.

If you want to get the effect, then you need to perform all this on a regular basis, and not on the case of the case.

Natural lip scrub at home.

Now we will make a natural lip scrub. After all, burned particles accumulate on the lips, they must be removed for beautiful color and elasticity and increasing lips. And lipstick will go to the smooth. The components of this scrub not only remove dead skin areas, and also provoke a tide of blood to her lips and due to this makes them chubs.

We will need

  • Cookware (it is best to take a clean jar from under a cosmetic cream, but anyone comfortable for you is suitable). And also prepare dishes for mixing.
  • Honey - 2 tablespoons (better sugar, if not so, then you need to take sugar sand and mix 1 tablespoon of honey on one tablespoon of sugar)
  • Soda - 1 teaspoon
  • Olive or sesame, or jojoba oil - 1 teaspoon
  • Mint oil - 1st 2 drops, no more.

First, mix the honey and soda, then add sugar, olive (or any other oil). In conclusion, add essential mint oil and mixed with a wooden wand.

We put our natural scrub in the refrigerator, because after that it will become even more hard, and its effectiveness will increase. It is possible to store it until it finishes, provided that you will use it regularly, at least once a week. And it is possible and more often, it depends on your desire.

To clear the lips we apply scrub on them and massaging, after that wash off and smear lips with a balsam or hygienic lipstick.

Masks for the beauty of lips at home.

We make them from the remedies that we are constantly in our refrigerator. Exposure time from 10 minutes and more.

  • You can simply lubricate your lips with butter from time to time. It is usually completely absorbed, and it is not necessary to wash it off.
  • Or honey. Honey must be removed or linted after 10 minutes. If you are not experiencing disgust for pork fat, you can mix it with honey and keep in the refrigerator. Such a mask will be even better to feed and moisturize the lips.
  • Mask from cottage cheese. We mix half a teaspoon of cottage cheese and the same amount of sour cream, cream, milk or natural juice.
  • Sour cream mix with a few drops of lemon juice. We apply a thick layer.
  • Kefir smear lips, and tilt the 10 minutes, as soon as the kefiring layer will dry.
  • Oil vitamins and either we buy in a pharmacy and just lubricate your lips or add honey there.

Lip exercises. We make lips more in 10 seconds.

Around the lips we have muscles and if they do not work, wrinkles appear around the lips, it happens especially in smoking women and those who love to drink through the straw.

And if we train the circular muscle of the mouth, then the blood will stick to this part, making lips more clear and chubs. At the same time, the muscles around the mouth and the pussy are trained. Due to this and the lips and oval faces will remain young and beautiful for a long time.

All exercises are made 20 times until the feeling of a small burning distance becomes. This means that the exercises work, as it is a sign that lactic acid has been separated and a small attack began, it is a feeling of pain in the muscles after training.

  • Air kiss. Pull the lips forward, like with an air kiss and at the same time put the palm to the mouth, resting in the palm of his lips. The hand here acts as if the dumbbell. And we send this kiss, as usual, as if blowing it with hands. We repeat 20 times.
  • Fish. Pull the lips forward, open and close them, how to make fish.
  • Smile. We stretch your lips in a smile, pressing the lips to the teeth and try to roll the lips inside.
  • Raise the corners of the lips up. I smile again, straining the corners of the lips, pushing them to the teeth, and begin to move the corners with the opposite fingers up, slightly pressed. The fact is that the muscle that is responsible for the corners of our mouth is reduced. And the corners of the lips begin to strive up.

  • I smear lipstick. That is, I simulate this movement, but it is necessary to prescribe. After that, the lips will be red and will increase in volume due to blood tide.
  • Unhappy grimace when we press lips. We put the index finger on the top lip and move it up.

  • Eight. Squeeze your lips into the tube and draw the eight.
  • Updating the teeth of the upper and lower lips.

Gymnastics for face. Your bulk sexy lips. (Lip exercises)

Exercises for the circular muscles of the upper lip. Watch the video.

Increase lips, secret means!

A very interesting recipe, the lips increase quite noticeably, and their color becomes brighter. With the help of the composition applied to the lips, there is a powerful tide of blood to them, it also provokes the effect we need.

But keep in mind that the effect is short-lived and your lips will burn. But what you just do not go for beauty! See, the first photo of the girl before applying this miraculous drug, and she is 1 minute after applying.

For increasing the lip of the composition, we need to take

  • Nicotine Acid - 8 Tablets
  • Red pepper sharp - 1/3 teaspoon
  • Vaseline - ½ teaspoon
  • Essential oil - 2 drops

Before applying, spend your lips with a toothbrush. And for business.

Nicotinic acid tablets should be crowned to the powder state. Pour red pepper in them, mix with a wooden wand. Add Vaseline and Stir again + Two drops of oil.

Let our miracle balsam stand for 5 minutes. We put on the lips with a thick layer, waiting for 1 minute, remove the mixture. And we look into the mirror - the lips are just awesome.

Now let's see how you can hide disadvantages and identify the advantages of our lips with cosmetics.

How to increase lips with makeup.

Once a week, when we brush your teeth can go with a brush along with paste on lips. First, it is a good lip peeling. Secondly, essential oils, most often mint, which are contained in pastas provoke a tide of blood and the lips will become more voluminous.

We apply a moisturizing balm on the lips. After 2-3 minutes, a napkin or a cotton disk should collect the remnants of the Balzam.

The tone base is smearing the contour of the lips so that it is not visible.

At the contour of the upper lip, you need to apply a highlight. For those who do not know, it is such a means that lights up and emphasizes those places where it will be applied. Since it contains reflective particles.

We draw the contour, on a bright circuit, which is a couple of millimeters above the dark contour of our lips.

After that we are growing up with its flat tassel from the lip contour, to the middle. Due to the fact that in the middle there is a bright part, the lips will look more.

Take the lip gloss and paint them. Remember, pearl and shine, make lips visually more, and matte shades reduce them.

Now you know how to care for lips and make them plump without operations.

Appetizing sponges "Band" is sensually and attractive. However, not all nature awarded such a gift. If you are often thinking about how to make lips plump at home, without resorting to the services of cosmetologists and surgeons, without injections and operations - this article is for you. We will learn to make lips plump themselves and without harm to health.

Hi friends! With you Svetlana Morozova. Today I tell about the all-season phenomenon - eternal fashion on chubby sponges. Not trouble, if you dream about such, and from nature you have another type. How to give lips with the help of makeup, which use home cosmetics and exercises to increase the lips - answers to these and other questions read further in the article.

Friends! I, Svetlana Morozova, I invite you to mega useful and interesting webinars! Lead, Andrei Eroshkin. Health recovery expert, certified nutritionist.

Themes of upcoming webinars:

  • How to lose weight without the power of will and so that the weight does not return again?
  • How again to become healthy without pills, in a natural way?

How to make lips plump at home: Aza

Why are chubby lips in women attract? As psychologists say, they are associated with the people around others with the relaxation, its sensuality and softness.

Of course, the shape and volume of the lips depends, first of all, from genetics. But you can correct everything. Excellent blood circulation, tissue saturation with blood and oxygen, moisturizing - that's what we need.

You probably noticed that the weathered lips look a fluff - inflammation increases blood flow. No, the cold is not one of the ways to increase the lips.

And what methods will improve blood circulation and help in the struggle for volumes:

  1. Competent care. The skin of the lips is very gentle and stronger than other parts of the person are exposed to external aggressors: high or low temperatures, ultraviolet, wind, dry air - these factors disrupt the nutrition of the upper layers of the lips of the lips, narrow the vessels, accelerate the motion of cells. Therefore, our lips need constant protection, regular cleansing, moisturizing and deep nutrition both homemade cosmetics and purchased.
  2. Massage. On a par with the exercises, it eliminates blood stagnation, helps to remove toxins and drink all the tissues of the lips with oxygen. You can perform a massage while applying care products, as well as undergraduate agents: toothbrush, towel. Or often use vacuum massage with plaspers or with a glass.
  3. Proper nutrition. With a lack of protein, useful fats and vitamins of the lips dry, they are bored, losing color. The skin around the mouth becomes a flabby and wrinkled, which also visually steals the volume of lips.
  4. Exercises. Lips are muscles, and under the influence of the correct loads in them, cellular nutrition and intake of oxygen are improved. For a person there is a special set of exercises, and it acts as any fitness: weakened - pulls, necessary - increases, unnecessary - helps to remove. The abolished result is a tone and a healthy increase in volume. And as a bonus - improve color.

So, the goal is scheduled. Now we will analyze items in more detail.

Homemade cosmetics to increase lips

All recipes of home cosmetics to give lips volume are based on the same: exfoliation of dead skin, moisturizing and feeding the skin of the lips and around them.

Natural scrubs are effectively coping with the purification and stimulation of blood circulation:

  • Coffee scrub: mix a third of a teaspoon of natural ground coffee, 1 teaspoon of sugar and olive oil, 3-5 drops of mint oil. We apply on the lips of minutes by 5, massage the same mixture and wash off.
  • Honey: add to 1 h. Claphed honey 2 drops of grape bones and orange oil, well massage the skin, wash off.
  • With cinnamon: into the teaspoon of oil (olive, germs of wheat or simply glycerin) add half the teaspoon of the ground cinnamon.
  • From Cocoa: Natural cocoa powder (half of the teaspoon) mix with a teaspoon of mint oil. You can add some sugar.

And feed and moisturize masks:

  • Citrus: Take 1 h. Lemon juice (orange, grapefruit), lemon zest and almond oil, squeeze in a pair of vitamin A and E capsules (you can take aevit). We apply a mixture on the lips for half an hour, cover with the food film from above. Before washing the lips by massaging the same mixture.
  • Starchy: mix for 1 tsp. Potato starch, olive oil, glycerin and honey, heating in a water bath, constantly stirring to be warm, but not hot. Now you need to crush a couple of capsules auita in the mixture. We put on the lips a warm mask for half an hour.
  • Mustard: you need 1 tsp. Mustard powder, 2 h. Honey, 1 tsp. Lemon juice and olive oil mix, apply on the lips and cover with food film. Keep off 15 minutes before half an hour. The burning is a sign that it's time to flush.
  • List: mix 2 h. L. Mid and 1 tsp. Ground pepper chili, add half a teaspoon of flour. Heat the mixture in a water bath is almost hot, interfere in a hot mixture of a teaspoon of glycerin. We appline on the lips in this almost hot, withstand on lips from 15 minutes before half an hour. Must pinch a bit, but not too. If not pinch, add more pepper.

In the morning you can wipe the lips with ice cubes. To do this, you can freeze a mixture of oils (pink, grape, mint) with liquid menthol. Another good option is contrasting lip wipes: alternate ice and warm, almost hot water. Or make cotton discs in hot water and impose them on the lips as a compression between wiping ice.

After masks, scrubies and compresses, apply a moisturizing balsam on the sponges or special serum to increase the volume of lips.

Adding lips volume with massage

Daily lip massage increases the effectiveness of cosmetics. How can it be performed:

  • Toothbrush. It will take a soft brush, you can take the time spent on direct purpose. Soft circular movements massaging sponges from the middle to the corners. You can alternately dip the brush in hot and cold water.
  • Fingers. Here is the meaning - in massage oils. What can use oils to increase: mint, menthol, almond, avocado, cinnamon, mustard. Relax your lips, lubricate the pads of the oil and with a small pressure to rub the sponge, again, circular movements from the center to the corners.
  • Vacuum. There are special plumbers - vacuum suction cups. Some use a glass or banks, but so excited not only mouth, and after such a vacuum massage, an ugly rim around the mouth can remain. And in general, it is believed that the vacuum harms her lips - they increase due to the edema, and blood circulation is broken in the tissues of muscles. It is fast, but harmful.

After the massage, I will ideally put the mask - all nutrients are absorbed from it better.

Gymnastics increasing lips

Regular exercises - this is what "pumps" lip muscles for a long time. And even forever, if the gymnastics is an integral part of your vital philosophy. What exercises can be performed:

  1. Whistling. Pull the lips with a tube and push something in the middle of the minute 3.
  2. Volley howl. Source position is the same. Only now carefully depict the wolf and pull the letter "y". And if you depict that you are on the moon, stretching your face to the ceiling, then the neck muscles are tightened.
  3. Fish. Pull the sponges again and try to smile in this position.
  4. Playing a candle. Pull your lips to be relaxed, and blow, as if you bloom the candle.
  5. Vacuum. The reunion is a bit of mouth, with the effort pull the sponges inside.

And of course, do not forget that many problems can be avoided by making anti-aging gymnastics for the face. I recommend my set of exercises. It needs to be performed every day, five or ten minutes. All the techniques given in it I tried on myself and hand over for the result.

This is a daily fitness program for facial muscles, which solves several problems at once immediately:

  • Improves blood circulation;
  • Refreshes the complexion;
  • Eliminates pigment spots, redness, inflammation, bruises under the eyes;
  • Smoothes wrinkles;
  • Pulls faces;
  • Removes the second chin, sagging cheeks and eyelids;
  • Narrows pores, fights with acne and black dots;
  • Natural way increases lips.

The rate for 5-10 minutes is designed every day, and noticeable results appear after 2 weeks.

Makeup for visual lip increase

With the help of cosmetics, you can work wonders, right up to complete reincarnation. And it's slightly correcting the form and volume - and suppressed.

How can you make a sponge to make up so that they seem plump:

  • Select the contour pencil on the half a darker the lipstick, retreating from the natural edge of 1 mm;
  • White pencil circle upper lip on the contour, and then grow and apply a tonal cream, and then shine;
  • Highlight or white pencil squeeze the center of the lips and grow in line, and apply shine from above.

There are many videos where such tricks are clearly shown.

Here, perhaps, and everything said how to make lips plump at home.

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Sexy and mounted chubby sponges are the limit of dreaming almost every second girl. After all, I want to have an appetizing swelling to endure your beauty! You wonder how to make lips plump? You can find many ways, the most simple of which many consider plastic surgery. But it is possible to increase the volume of thin tissues at home, the main thing is to know how.

There are several ways to get an additional volume independently:

  1. Masks and procedures.
  2. Cosmetics.
  3. Exercises.

Let us dwell at each stage in more detail.

Masks and procedures

  • The first and most important secret in how to make the lips Pukhlei: It is necessary to stimulate blood flow. This mystery has been known since ancient times, and some recipes have been preserved in the primordial appearance.
  • Do not neglect the process of exfoliation of oroging cells. Lips need relief from superfluous. Only in no case do not use aggressive creams.

    That scrub that you apply on the face has very solid particles. Gentle mouth love honey.

    Take a small number of sugar delicacy and wrap on the lips. Thus, you not only get rid of dead cells, but also have sponges with useful substances.

  • When choosing a hygienic lipstick, pay attention to the one that contains menthol. This is a safe ingredient that improves blood circulation. There are many different glitter based on menthol, so you can choose a suitable shade.

Returning to the questions of ancient recipes, it is impossible not to note that women noticed the extraordinary properties of some plants and fruits. On their basis, they prepared cosmetics. Consider those available to date ingredients that will help to gain an appetizing volume.

Cosmetic cinnamon-based masks

This fragrant spice nourishes sensitive mouth very well. With it, it is easy to make chubby sponges, especially since it is suitable as a powder and oil. Balsam is preparing for two recipes.

Option number 1

For cooking, you will need:

  • vaseline - 1 teaspoon;
  • cinnamon essential oil - 3 drops;
  • mustard powder is half a teaspoon.


  1. All components are mixed and heated to a temperature of 37 degrees in a water bath.
  2. The lips are applied with a tassel.
  3. Hold a bit until it starts pinching. It's time to wash off and admire the result.

Feature means in what it also gives brightness and saturation color. So the lipstick can not use.

Option number 2.

Required ingredients:

  • cocoa oil - 20 grams;
  • bee wax - 10 grams;
  • almond oil - 10 grams;
  • cinnamon oil or powder - 10 grams;
  • essential oil of ginger and mint - 2 drops.


  1. We are preparing a saucepan with water and put on fire. Top with a plate, in which the wax and oil put. Thus, you created a water bath, on which all solid ingredients are melted.
  2. Then gradually add all liquid oils and ethers. Stir until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  3. After that, remove from the fire, run down the small molds (the base is suitable from the candy box, where there are cells). Give cool and put for storage in the fridge.
  4. Deliver one portion and put on the lips like a mask. After 10-15 minutes, wash off.

Your mouth will be very juicy and saturated, and the surface will acquire smoothness and elasticity.


With the help of correctly selected and applied cosmetics, your lips can be made more plump. In this question, you need to take into account many nuances. Let's start with how to make makeup.

  1. The first layer is a balm care. This transparent liquid will smooth out the wrinkles, hesitates the cells of the cells and prepare a fabric to a strained day.
  2. Next, a bright corrector, on the tone of lighter skin, circle the lips. Take another pencil, already color skin, and spend it a line over the already done. So you will apply two contours that will subsequently become visual volume.
  3. Fall apply, starting from the center, along the first line. Do not use dark colors, bordeaux or bright red. It is better to stop your choice on bright tones with sparkles. What richer flickering, those puffy looks like lips.

Now it is quite often in stores you can meet a means that mysteriously called "Plamper".

It may be a sponge, balsam, hygienic lipstick or other shape agent that affects the cells with its composition, improves blood circle and thus increases mouth.

And the components of it are already familiar to you. This is mint, burning pepper, menthol with cinnamon and shimmer particles. Visually, the plumbers create an excellent effect.

And the benefits are obvious: you do not need to search for various oils yourself, ethers. Everything is collected in one bottle and affordable.

There are even more advanced plumbs. But their composition is expanded at the expense of glycerin, collagen and silicone. It is worth a means a bit more expensive, but has an excellent moisturizing property.

Among other things, there are ordinary creams to increase the volume. Their principle of action is similar to the home masks, but all for you is collected in one tube.

Exercises for lips

Regular exercises will get rid of you from the complex procedure for applying masks. They can be repeated anywhere and when convenient. Time will need quite a bit. So how to make lips plump at home with the help of exercises?

Begin the first steps to perform during the morning toilet.

When they brushed the teeth, dug lips from the toothbrushes. This is a good Pulling method.

Such images, you get rid of dead cells, what we were talking at the beginning of the article. Yes, and the lips will already be prepared for further your actions, they will moisturize and enrich the blood.

Before performing the exercises, take a convenient posture. If you are at work, distracted from affairs and relax for a couple of minutes, go around. Think about something nice to mention as much as possible to achieve the effect.

Spend a range of preparatory procedures:

Exercise number 1

Lips fold the tube. Execute the letter "O". Remember the position of the mouth? Lock it for 5 seconds. To count time, remember any children's county and mentally say it. For example, "I consider to five, I can not up to ten, times, two, three, four, five I go to look." Here you have the necessary seconds. Relax. Repeat the letter "O" another 8 times.

Exercise number 2.

Fold your lips in the letter "U". Muscle tighten as possible and pull the mouth to the limit. Tired strained? It's time to return to its original position. Make another 8-10 times.

Exercise number 3.

"Kiss". Fold the sponge as if you want to kiss the cheek. An index finger apply in the surface by creating pressure. You must resist the lips to the touch of your finger. You need to repeat the task many times until you feel that your upper lips are most tense or tired.

Exercise number 4.

Eight. Imagine this figure. And now fold the lips in her form. Take the mirror in a lot of clarity. You must close as much as possible and pull the lips at the same time.

Exercise number 5.

We blow up a candle. Fold the liner, inhale the air through the nose, and exhale through a narrow lip alcohol as if you want to bloom the cake with the candles.

Create chubby lips at home is not so difficult. And let you need to work hard, and not just lie on the operating table and wait until Botex is downloaded. But the result is worth it!

You will get natural, natural and very sexy mouths, which fought for strong sex representatives.

How to increase your lips - video