How do Scandinavian moms and dads leave their kids outside in winter? How to find out the pedigree of your family - a step-by-step instruction Research work genealogy of my family

Times are different now

Like thoughts and deeds

Russia has gone far, from what country it was.

Smart, strong our people

Protects his land

And the legends of old

We must not forget.

Dear mothers, today we have one goal - to convey to our children something very important and valuable. history. We all tell our children stories, stories, fairy tales about what was, or maybe not, but we are trying to give them an idea about the world, about how it works. About who he is and what he was. After all, in order to understand why we live now this way and not otherwise, we need to know our history, our roots.

After all, you tell your children about their grandfathers, great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers. Those, in turn, talk about even more distant relatives. It is good if someone in the family writes down the history of their life and passes it on by inheritance. But this does not happen for everyone, more precisely, this happens only in rare cases.

As a rule, we are well aware of the events that took place in the life of the family no further than our grandmother, to say nothing about the history of the whole country. But it is very exciting, interesting and so important.

I thought for a long time where to start explaining to the little man about what he does not yet understand at all, because his world so far is his family. We can start telling him about ancient people and dinosaurs and mammoths, but for him these will be fairy tales, he will not see reality in them, and our task is to explain to him the truth, not a fairy tale.

So where is the best place to start? From family! One evening, try to start telling him another story, but not about fictional characters, but about people he knows and sees. Tell him family stories (I'm sure that every family has something so fascinating and bewitching), and then smoothly ask if he knows how our ancestors lived a long time ago, when our country was not yet called Russia, we have there were no modern cities, cars and everything that surrounds us. I think that the child will be interested, because by nature they are discoverers, and it is always interesting to look into some secret of the ages.

And when you spark interest, then our games and activities will have the greatest effect.

Let's talk about family and family history

I want to tell you kids
Who are our ancestors
Those who were before us.
Who messed around with you as a child?
This is mom, this is dad
This is grandma and grandpa
This is great-grandfather. He was born
Before you for a hundred years,
Everything we see now
Ancestors have done before us.
Lamps, shoes, phone,
Train, chairs, this house.
Even the ball, football, pants
Our ancestors invented it for us.
Many, many years ago
Ancestors began to write.
We learned from our ancestors
In the books, the ancestors told
How did our human race originate?
And who was before you and me.
E. Gubina.

So who are they ancestors? (our relatives are those who lived before us.). We are their descendants. Why are we called that? (We live later, after them.) Grandfathers and grandmothers told their grandchildren about their parents, grandfathers and grandmothers, about their ancestors.

This tradition also needs to be followed, to try to learn as much as possible about your ancestors, to keep the memory of them.

To tell other people about your family members, about your relatives, relatives, ancestors, what do you need to know? (You need to know their names, patronymics, surnames.) But this is also not enough. Well, if over time you find out where they were born, lived, worked, what successes they achieved.

Exercise. Talk about your relatives, grandparents, great-grandmothers.

Since ancient times, there has been a custom to lead one's own pedigree. The word "pedigree" consists of two words "genus" and "word" or the word about the family. A pedigree tells the history of a family. Each person can make his own family tree.

When a person wants to compile his pedigree, he places photographs of his relatives on a tree called a pedigree.

A long time ago, people did not have surnames, but only first names. But the same names are quite common. What did people use to make it clear who they were talking about? (patronymics, nicknames.)

For example, Ivan Petrovich Kuznetsov: the son of Peter - Petrov (son), the grandson of a blacksmith - Kuznetsov (grandson).

So who is united by the genus? (relatives with the same surname.) Yes, the genus unites relatives with the same surname.

Exercise. Look for old photos of your family and friends, try to learn as much as possible about them. Try drawing your family's tree. Or maybe it will not be a tree at all, but a house? Dream up with the design, talk with the oldest members of the family. Let it be a small tree, the main thing is to show the essence of the family history, then it will be easier to move on to the story as a whole.

Talk about the family, about helping each other, because close people always help each other. There is a saying among the people: "Family and peas are threshed." How do you understand the meaning of this proverb? (Everyone in the family helps each other do hard work.) Yes, that's what they said in the old days about hard work that can only be done by a friendly group of people. At that time, household chores were performed by all family members, young and old.

Play a finger game about helping each other in this way.

Mom, dad, grandson and grandfather
Gathered to cook dinner.
You - to stew meat,
You - chop the cabbage,
You - borscht to cook,
You - knead the dough,
And you - heat the stove!

Do you think difficult work is easier and faster to do when one finger is working, or when all fingers are working at the same time? This is how it happens in life: any work in the family, even the hardest, can be done easily and quickly if done together.

Exercise. Look for poems, stories, fairy tales, parables about teamwork and friendship. Experiment: try doing something with one hand (all fingers), and then with several fingers or one.
Look at the drawing depicting a family in Ancient Russia. Invite the child to think about who they are and what their life was like. And then invite him to go on a trip to the time when this family lived.

The Parable of the Sons

One old man had three sons. And they couldn't get along. The old man really wanted his sons to live in peace after his death. He decided to teach them this.
One day, the father called them to him and asked them to break the broom in half. At first the eldest son tried, but no matter how much he tried, nothing happened. The same failures befell the middle and junior. Then the father untied the broom and asked each son to break several straws. This, of course, they succeeded with ease.
Then the father said:
- It's the same in life. If you are together, then no one will break you, and individually you are just as easy to defeat as breaking a couple of straws.

Evgenia Smirnova

To send light into the depths of the human heart - this is the purpose of the artist


Looking through childhood photos or listening to the stories of parents, you may involuntarily become interested in your pedigree. Even in ancient times, it was compiled in the form of a family tree: this is a convenient way to present information. Drawing up a family tree is even asked at school for a lesson in the world around us or kindergarten, so you need to know how to create a family tree with your own hands.

What is a family tree

The very concept of "family tree" is a list of people who are related by kinship. The enumeration occurs according to a hierarchy based on the years of life of people and how they relate to each other. On the trunk of a tree, a married couple is indicated, standing at the head of the clan. Then they place their children, grandchildren and cousins, sisters. The generations are on the same level. This option is classic when the construction goes from ancestors to descendants.

In addition to the main option, how to draw a family tree, there are several more:

  1. Personally from myself. Parents, grandparents, and other relatives act as branches. This is convenient in that the whole family is indicated along the line of only one person. It will be difficult to supplement such a tree.
  2. family tree. In this case, relatives on the paternal or maternal side may be indicated separately, because the surnames of the spouses before marriage were different.

How to draw a tree from a template

There are many sites on the Internet in Russian and English where you can find special family tree templates. After downloading and printing them, you just need to fill in the empty spaces with photos of relatives according to the specified location. It will look more neat if you use Photoshop. To do this, open the template in this program and insert photos there. The recommended layout format is png. This is an extension for pictures, which is very convenient to work with in Photoshop.

How to make a genealogical family tree

How to draw a family tree? To do this, it is better to divide the work into several stages. The first step is to find out about all the genetic relatives. This is the most crucial stage, because the amount of information depends on how complete the finished database will be. If you suddenly miss someone, then the meaning of the tree will be partially lost. If the collection of information was successful, then it remains to choose the option of constructing a scheme - personally from oneself, from the founder of the clan, or several surnames at once.

How to make a family tree

Before compiling your family tree, it is worth making a preliminary diagram of all relatives, distributing them according to the degree of relationship. The main thing is to decide on how many generations you plan to go back. For owners of a large family, it is better to limit yourself to the closest relatives and not to enter great-uncles and grandparents, otherwise you can expand the family tree and make side branches in it. They will serve to record more distant relatives - cousins, sisters, grandparents.

There are a lot of concepts of kinship: in addition to blood, they reflect marriage or spiritual connection. In the first case, people have a common ancestor, in the second they are married, and the third includes such forms of kinship as nepotism and twinning. The main one is consanguineous - several degrees of kinship are distinguished in it. One of them is a generation, the chain of which already makes up the line.

Such a chain includes as many degrees as there were births in the family, i.e. son or daughter - the first degree, grandson or granddaughter - the second, etc. Each of them must follow each other in order. It turns out that the construction goes on by generations - from the oldest to the youngest, or vice versa, in the case of the implementation of the scheme personally from oneself. On the main branch, all siblings, grandparents should be indicated, and already on the side branches - cousins ​​​​or second cousins. So the distance between relatives will reflect the distance of their relationship.

How to build a family tree

If an approximate diagram with a list of relatives is ready, you need to decide how best to draw a family tree. There are several options here:

  1. Classical when the main bearer of the surname is indicated at the bottom of the trunk. In most cases, this is a married couple, such as grandparents or great-grandparents (you can go even further). Further, all their children, grandchildren and other relatives are indicated in order. It is better to place your line on the main branch, i.e. the one by which you will come to your parents and specifically yourself. In the lateral branches will be located cousins ​​and second cousins.
  2. personal tree. In this option, you yourself are the basis, i.e. family tree maker. Next come the parents, grandparents on both lines, and so on. This will be the main thread. On the side, it is worth reflecting the sisters or brothers of the parents, their children, grandchildren, etc.
  3. family tree. This option is the most voluminous of all. Here you can reflect several names at once. It is interesting for the compiler himself to trace the line of father and mother. Before marriage, they had different surnames, but in relation to their children they have the same degree of relationship. For this reason, it is interesting to arrange the tree so that one half of the branches reflects the relatives of the father, and the other - the mother.

How to make a family tree on a computer

There are special programs for compiling a family tree. Some of them are online services where you can order or independently issue an unfilled sample with places for photos for free. It remains only to add pictures, download and, if necessary, print. Another option is to download a graphics editor to your computer and work in it. Among such programs, SimTree, RootsMagic, GenoPro, Family Tree Builder, GRAMPS stand out. The Russian analogue is the "Tree of Life".

Each of the programs has a set of specific functions that help draw and then print a tree. Most of them already have sample templates to fill out. They are a table with cells or a picture. Some applications even offer to attach not only photos, but also audio or video recordings. For each family member, it is proposed to fill out a questionnaire, which indicates the basic data about him, up to a description of his appearance or interesting biography facts.

  • How to draw a family tree
  • How to build a family tree
  • Generation painting
  • From old, yellowed photographs, beautiful and intelligent faces look at us - the faces of our ancestors. But already after two or three generations we forget who these people are, who they are to us, what they mean in our lives. In order not to lose the connection of generations, it is important to learn how to work with your pedigree correctly.

    A small introduction: a useful habit is to write down

    The memory of a family is not only photographs, this can be said about any carefully kept family little thing. An old coal samovar on a modern table looks ... nice. But it is a completely different matter if the history of the samovar is based on living stories of ancestors! Therefore, it makes sense to make a habit: write down the stories of grandparents, moms and dads, great-grandparents, uncles and aunts. Great-grandchildren may not have time to personally meet great-grandfathers. But the younger generation will still be able to recognize them if there are audio or video recordings in which relatives remain alive and healthy, talking about their lives.

    We create the basis of the pedigree

    This is how professional ethnographers record information in live communication. But how to create the very basis on which you can put on the clothes of oral stories, family traditions? Where can I get information, find out the exact dates, names and positions? The answer is simple - in the archives, and help can be found on social networks, where many groups of genealogy enthusiasts are active.

    How to draw a family tree

    Novice researchers may have difficulties associated with the graphically correct presentation of information. Therefore, today we will touch on this topic.

    First of all, decide who will be the "end consumer" of information. From a psychological point of view, it is important to start introducing the child to the questions of his pedigree from early childhood, kindergarten and even toddler age, gradually changing the form of presenting information.

    It is for a child of preschool or primary school age that the “artistic” version of the family tree is more suitable, when a real tree is drawn, real leaves on its branches. However, it is not necessary to draw - design options depend on individual tastes, creative preferences and imagination, you can also download a ready-made template from the network.

    But here comes the problem - most family tree diagrams are wrong!

    For example, look at this diagram that we found on the Internet

    Outwardly, it looks understandable to a child, but even a baby can ask a logical question: “Why am I the root, and the branches “mother” and “dad” grow out of me? In fact, it's the other way around!"

    Indeed, on the contrary! The general pattern of building genealogical trees is that the roots depict the first of the ancestors known to us, the most distant in time from us.

    Family tree of Queen Victoria of England

    Another rule of scientific genealogy is that trees are built in the male line.

    For example, the children of married women are depicted on the tree of their father, that is, the husband of this woman; they are not marked on the family tree of the parental family of this woman.

    Important: it is on the male line that in our tradition all types of fixing genealogy are built: genealogical schemes, and generational paintings, and already described genealogical trees. The rest in the design of the family tree is a matter of creativity.

    On the family tree about each person, you should write the last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth and death, if the person is no longer alive.

    How to build a family tree

    The principle of constructing a genealogical scheme in general terms resembles working with a family tree. Creativity, of course, is less - there is no picturesqueness, artistry of a genealogical tree.

    But from the point of view of the spatial organization of information, there are important differences: a family tree is necessarily built from the bottom up, and the scheme can be ascending (from bottom to top), descending (from top to bottom) and even lateral (from left to right).

    Generation painting

    In my opinion, for an adult conducting genealogical research, the most convenient form of fixing new information is generational painting. For teenagers, the ability to make generational paintings can also become a bright addition to the course of Russian history.

    So, generational painting is attractive precisely because it allows you to make additions about any person completely painlessly, without violating the structure and design. Its other advantage is that it is generational painting that allows you to record absolutely any available information about a person. Standardization in it concerns only the structure of the location of relatives.

    Let me explain this with an example - a fragment of the generational painting of the Zakharovs.

    I generation.

    1. Kuzma Zakharov. A tradesman in the city of Vyazniki, Vladimir province.

    II generation.

    2 - 1. Alexander Kuzmich Zakharov *31.05.182[i]. Lived in Vyazniki, Vladimir province.

    Zh. Evlampia Alekseevna Zakharova *1837

    3 - 1. Lyubov Kuzminichna Zakharova *1824

    III generation.

    4 - 2. Ivan Aleksandrovich Zakharov *1.06.1857

    A native of Vyazniki, Vladimir province, a tradesman. Ivan Alexandrovich's father's name was Alexander Kozmin (Kuzmich) Zakharov, he was a Vyaznikovsky tradesman. On July 24, 1883, Ivan Alexandrovich and Praskovya Nikolaevna entered into marriage, for both he was the first. The Sacrament was performed by Priest Konstantin Veselovsky with Deacon John Smirnov in the Trinity Church in Vyazniki, about which an act entry No. 21 was made in the register of births. The guarantors for the groom were the Vyaznikovsky bourgeois Mikhail Pavlovich Figurnov and Alexander Pavlovich Davydov, and for the bride - the Vyaznikovsky tradesman Nikolai Chirkov and the Vyaznikovsky merchant Stepan Ivanovich Krasavtsev [v]. In Tomsk, I.A. Zakharov was a confidant of the merchant Gadalov.

    Zh. Zakharova (Vsekhvalnova) Praskovya Nikolaevna *1848 (or 1860, 1861) +15.03.1942

    Philistine. The daughter of the Vyaznikovsky district of the village of Novoselki, the peasant Nikolai Yegorovich Vsekhvalnov. She was born in Vyazniki, Vladimir province, and got married there. Subsequently, between 1890 and January 1894, she and her husband moved to Tomsk. She was a housewife and raised children. In total, she had 12 children, but only 6 survived to adulthood. After 1917, she lived all the time with the family of her daughter Maria Ivanovna. She died of heart disease and old age in the city of Tomsk, about which there is entry No. 903 dated March 16, 1942.

    5 - 2. Fedor Aleksandrovich Zakharov *11/18/1872 +6/25/1906

    A native of Vyazniki, Vladimir province, a tradesman. He was the recipient at the baptism of his niece - Maria Ivanovna. Died June 25, 1906. He was buried on June 27, 1906.

    6 - 2. Vasily Alexandrovich Zakharov *18.01.1863

    A native of Vyazniki, Vladimir province. On July 25, 1871, he received a residence permit in Tomsk for a period of 11 months as a private of the Vyaznikovsky district regiment[x]. There is no information about his departure in the Alphabetical Book of Temporary Residents in the City of Tomsk.

    7 - 2. Evdokia Alexandrovna Zakharova

    State Archive of the Vladimir Region, f. 391, op. 3, d.2, l. 177 rev. - 178

    [x] State archive of the Tomsk region, f. 104, op. 1, d.1014, l. 39rev.

    Roman numerals denote generations. Number one is the generation of the most distant known ancestor. Each person is assigned a serial number, denoted by an Arabic numeral. In this fragment, the serial numbers are brought up to seven. The second Arabic numeral after the dash is the ordinal number of the person's father. So, in this example, there is a persona:

    6 - 2. Vasily Alexandrovich Zakharov *18.01.1863

    He has serial number 6, is the son of Alexander Kuzmich Zakharov, who has serial number 2, was born on January 18, 1863. The source of this information is indicated below the footnotes. Wives do not have their serial numbers and are denoted by the letter "F". So, Zakharova (Vsekhvalnova) Praskovya Nikolaevna is the wife of Ivan Aleksandrovich Zakharov.

    Appetite comes with eating. It is quite possible that, having taken up the compilation of a family tree or generational painting with your child this summer, you will want to ask your questions. Since 1994, there has been a public organization in Novosibirsk - the Novosibirsk Historical and Genealogical Society, which unites like-minded people and provides methodological assistance in compiling a genealogy. The society is represented by a group in the social network VKontakte

    Svetlana Morozova

    the day before family day Every year, many different interesting events are held aimed at educating the younger generation of a value attitude towards the family, developing family creativity and cooperation between the family and the educational organization, strengthening family ties, promoting traditional family values, and shaping the spiritual, moral and civic qualities of the individual.

    For the first time, the celebration of the International Day of Families was discussed in 1993 at the regular General Assembly of the United Nations. And since 1994, May 15 has been chosen as the date for this holiday in many civilized countries, including Russia.

    Last May, my daughter Anna did research work "My family lineage", which included a research folder, a genealogical book, a genealogical scheme.

    This work took part in the regional competition of creative works of students "My family traditions", in the nomination "Together to the roots".

    I cite the work in abbreviation, omitting part of the text, diagrams, tables, diagrams, photos.


    The family is the closest environment of a person. In order not to get confused in complex family relationships, people came up with the idea of ​​keeping a pedigree - a list of generations of the same kind.

    In this work I want to talk about the genealogy of my family.

    I have repeatedly paid attention to the fact that when entering the homes of many old people, one can see on the wall, in a conspicuous place, numerous portraits of relatives and family photographs of several generations. In large frames, under glass, lovingly decorated. That was the way it used to be; this gallery was part of any rural, and sometimes urban interior. It is a pity that the current generation of young people do not know their “roots”, their ancestors, hiding family photos in albums on the far shelves of cabinets or on a computer hard drive and flash drives. Unfortunately, there are people among us who cannot remember the middle name or birthday of their grandparents, not to mention the place of their birth or the “maiden name” of the women of their family.

    I chose this topic because its relevance is obvious. Ignorance of one's ancestry is disrespect for one's roots. A. S. Pushkin also noted: “Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of immorality.”

    I have a great interest in my own roots, in the history of my family. Everyone is interested to know who he is and where he came from, what his ancestors were, how and where they lived, who they were, what they did.

    Objective– to study the pedigree of my family.

    Work tasks:

    To study what a genealogical tree and a genealogical book are, what types of genealogies are;

    Find out the last names, first names, patronymics, years of birth (years of life, nationality, place of birth and residence, professions of your parents, grandparents, great-grandparents;

    Make a genealogical tree of the family, draw up a genealogical book.

    Subject of study: the study of family history.

    Objects of study:

    1. Memories and stories of relatives about life.

    2. Photos, documents, letters.

    Research methodology

    Under the guidance of a biology teacher and with the help of my parents, I conducted a study using the following methods:

    Theoretical (study of literary sources, reference materials, family archive documents,

    Practical (questionnaire classmates, conversation with relatives, survey,

    Visualization method (creating a presentation, designing a poster and a book based on the research materials).

    Research stages:

    Stage 1. I started my research work in September 2015 by studying the literature on the research topic.

    Stage 2. After that, I conducted a survey of school students on the topic “History of my family”.

    Stage 3. Then I conducted a survey of relatives in order to obtain information about my ancestry.

    Stage 4. The next step was the study of family archives, documents, photographs and interesting episodes from the life of representatives of my family.

    Stage 5 At the final stage, in November, after conducting a comparative analysis of the information received, I designed a research paper, as well as a presentation, a poster "My genealogy" and a genealogy book.

    Main part

    Genealogy. Genealogical tree.

    I learned from books that genealogy (translated from Greek means “pedigree”) is a historical discipline that studies the genealogy of a person, his family.

    A pedigree is a series of generations descended from a single ancestor. Genus - all relatives that have a common ancestor. Generation - simultaneously living people of similar age.

    In order to more clearly imagine the life of relatives of different generations, there are special tables or diagrams. In genealogy, a general methodology has been developed for compiling genealogical tables and charts that make it possible to easily trace family ties.

    Scientists distinguish two main types of genealogies: ascending and descending. Descending genealogy - the most common and most convenient - begins with the ancestor and indicates his offspring in the male line. Ascending genealogy: from oneself - to father and mother, then grandfathers and grandmothers, etc.

    Pedigrees are depicted in a variety of ways, the most common being:

    1. Pedigree (genealogical) table.

    2. Pedigree (genealogical) tree.

    3. Generational painting.

    The pedigree in the form of a table is convenient for its clarity. It should be noted that persons of the same generation make up the tribe of the clan. Often, only the male names of members of the genus who have retained the surname are included in the table, it can be supplemented with dates of life, female names, then the genealogy will be called mixed.

    One of the most common forms is the family tree, or the tree of life. This is the same genealogy table, but inverted. The family tree is really the shape of a tree. It combines different generations into a single chain.

    Generational painting makes it possible to save a maximum of genealogical information and place enough biographical information with each name. In generational painting, as a rule, a certain numbering is adopted: on the left side, the number of the person, and on the right, the number of the father, etc.

    I presented the results of a survey of students on the topic “History of your family” in the form of tables and diagrams.

    After analyzing the results of the survey, we can conclude that in most cases adolescents are partially familiar with the history of their family, the information was received primarily from their parents, then from their grandparents. But only a few people practically have the pedigree of their family.

    We don't know our roots well. This is our problem. After all, family pride, interest in the origins of one's own pedigree are the branches of one tree. It is impossible to live without knowing kinship!

    The next stage of work was the compilation MY FAMILY PEDIGREE BOOK according to the scheme: full name, date and place of birth or years of life, information about parents, brothers and sisters, spouses, children.

    While working on compiling the genealogy of my family, I found out that its roots go back to the ancestral surnames - this is the Morozov family and the Kornakov family - on the father's side, the Eremichev family and the Filin family - on the mother's side.

    I have been studying my family's lineage since the early twentieth century, both paternal and maternal.

    Then I did Pedigree chart in several variants. One of them (ascending family tree) - in the form of a collage (format - whatman paper, materials: watercolor, gouache, colored paper).

    Description Pedigree scheme:

    1. In the upper left corner is the coat of arms of the Belevsky land, since my relatives are natives of the Belevsky district. Our district is one of the most ancient in the Tula region. There are many temples and monasteries here. The church symbolizes that all my ancestors and I are Orthodox Christians. Rainbow and white dove - peace, prosperity.

    2. In the lower left corner - a summer landscape. Our region is a picturesque corner of Russia, it is rich in forests, meadows, gardens, fields. And, of course, the pride of our region is the Oka River with its many tributaries.

    3. In the upper right corner - no longer a peaceful sky. War. The burning military plane symbolizes the events of 1941-1945. The Great Patriotic War did not bypass our family either.

    4. In the lower right corner is a fragment of a rural cemetery (a cross, a monument, an obelisk). This is a symbol of memory of ancestors who are no longer alive. All the dead were Russian, Orthodox, baptized. My family sacredly honors the memory of deceased relatives, commemorates the dead in the temple and takes care of the graves in cemeteries. After all, in order for us to live now and be the way we are, many generations of people, sparing no effort, made life the way we saw it. Yes, and in ourselves - a direct continuation of the values ​​​​of grandfathers and great-grandfathers. The memory of departed relatives is sacred. Without memory there is no conscience. Without memory there is no past, and without the past there is no present and future. The graves of the dead people close to us are a reflection of our soul. A neat and well-groomed grave conveys our love and memory. It symbolizes the continuation of human life in our hearts. Just like forgotten graves are our indifference.

    Blessed memory of all the dead and dead! Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!

    5. In the center of the composition is a mighty tree, on the leaves of which on the left is a photo of relatives on the paternal side, on the right is a photo of relatives on the maternal side. In the center - a photo of my brother and my photo.

    Good relations, mutual assistance, family traditions are very important in our family. I consider love, respect, care for each other to be the most important tradition. This is what passed to us from our ancestors: grandparents, great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers. Thanks to the traditions that exist in our family, we learn to love, respect, trust, we learn to appreciate the moments of communication with loved ones, to help each other. And this is the most important thing in life.

    I love my family very much, I appreciate family traditions, I want to keep them and pass them on to my children and grandchildren. I am sure that family traditions are a great value, our spiritual wealth. They need to be protected!


    Once upon a time, only aristocratic families knew their genealogy. In Russia, until the middle of the twentieth century, it was considered good manners to know one's family tree up to the seventh generation: the son knew the biography of not only his father, but also his grandfather, great-grandfather, great-great-grandfather. Until recently, we had to see a decline in knowledge on this issue, only 2-3% of people had a desire to know their ancestry. However, at present, public interest in the history of the family is growing and gaining momentum. Mostly schoolchildren are enthusiasts in this matter, and we, our class, are no exception.

    The work of studying the genealogy interested not only me, my relatives, but also my classmates. I explained to them how to make a genealogical family tree and a genealogical book.

    This work did not leave indifferent my parents, grandparents, brother, aunt and uncle. They were of great help to me. Gradually, in the course of work, my family archive began to form: old photographs appeared, personal belongings of my ancestors were found. I regret that I could not talk to my great-grandparents, as they are no longer alive.

    Having completed the design of the genealogy book and the tree at the moment, I do not consider the work on studying the history of my family completed to the end. I hope that soon the tree of our family will acquire new branches, and I will learn new interesting information about my relatives. In the future, with time, I think that I can continue to study the history of my ancestors more deeply. This work may be continued. I would like to explore my family tree more deeply. Make its branches more branched (indicate distant relatives). Work with archival documents, establish the history of the origin of surnames.

    I am planning soon:

    Continue compiling the genealogical book of the family, regularly update it;

    Originally draw up a genealogical (pedigree) tree, use it to decorate the interior of the house;

    Create a calendar of family memorable dates;

    Explore the origin of surnames and the meaning of the names of my relatives.

    The purpose of the research work has been achieved, the tasks set have been fulfilled.

    I consider the main result of the work to be the reconstruction of our family tree, which will become not only an interesting relic, but also a valuable document.

    I hope that the compiled family tree of my family will be continued. And my children will remember their roots, the names of their ancestors, and know what each specific ancestor did for his family, for his country. And then, with full right, with a clear conscience, I can say to myself: “I am a representative of a large family family! I am a representative of a noble family!”


    1) Dukarevich P. My genealogy. - St. Petersburg, 2008.

    2) Name is destiny: A book for parents and godparents. - M .: Modern Writer, 1993.

    3) Korotkov E. V. Your genealogy. Who are you? - Volgograd, 1999.

    4) Polyakova E. N. From the history of Russian names and surnames. - Moscow: Enlightenment, 1975.

    5) Saplin E. V., Saplin A. I. Introduction to history. - Moscow, 2001.

    6) Secret of the name: Sat. - Kharkov: IKP "Parity LTD", 2000

    7) Fedosyuk Yu. A., Russian surnames, M., "Children's Literature", 1972.

    8) Khigir B. Yu. Encyclopedia of names. - Moscow: Yauza, 2003.

    9) Materials of the Morozov family archive

    10) Materials of the Eremichev family archive

    It may seem immodest, but I want to note that our creative work, on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Education of the Tula Region dated December 30, 2015 No. 2771, took 1st place in the regional competition, and Anna was awarded a diploma. And most importantly, the study of family history is interesting, useful, and practical. She brings the family together!

    Thank you for your attention!

    Scientific and practical conference of the local history movement "Fatherland"

    city ​​of Mineralnye Vody

    Mineralovodsky urban district

    Stavropol Territory

    Nomination "Genealogy"

    Research work on the topic:

    "Pedigree of my family."

    municipal budgetary educational institution

    secondary school No. 19

    Pobegailovka village, Mineralnye Vody urban district

    Stavropol Territory

    Address: Kangly village, Mira street 55

    Tel.: 7-29-92

    Head: Kazikova Indira Arslanbekovna

    teacher of history and social studies

    MBOU secondary school No. 19 p. Pobegailovka

    address Kangly village st. Mira 55

    Tel. cellular 89283704429

    Pobegailovka 2016


    IIntroduction……………………………………………………………………………….……………….p. 3

    IIMain part…………………………………………………………………………………….p. four

    Chapter 1. Geneology……………………………………………………………………..p. four

    Chapter 2 How great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers lived ............................. p. 5-6

    Chapter 3 My grandparents…………………………….... p. 7-8

    Chapter 4 My parents and sister………………………………... p. 8-9

    IIIConclusion…………………………………………………………………………………….…page 9

    IVLiterature………………………………………………………………………………….….…p. ten

    VAppendix……………………………………………………………………………………..p. 11-33


    Probably all people, both large and small, have a tradition - to know and remember the history of their family, their ancestors, to honor their memory. Parents passed on their memories of grandfathers, great-grandfathers to their children, and those to theirs. and later the people, ethnic groups. No wonder they say - "you can not build the future without knowing your past."

    Each family keeps written documents, things, relics, some wrote genealogies or compiled genealogical trees. On them it was possible to study the history of the native land, the country. And so I asked myself a question - can I say today that I know about my roots? About my ancestors, at least up to the fourth generation? How did they live, what did they do? And I realized that I can not! It became interesting, but do my classmates know? One of the class hours was devoted to the topic: “My ancestors”, on my own initiative, I decided to conduct a survey among my classmates. .After analyzing the results, I came to a disappointing conclusion - 54% of my classmates do not know the dates of birth of their grandparents, how they lived and what they did.

    Survey results.

    Relevance of my research is that time is very fleeting and those who can tell about the history of the family are less and less. Unfortunately, we don’t communicate with anyone, grandmothers’ memory erases memories over time, documents are not always saved. In my opinion, this is a rather serious problem of our time. Therefore, it is very important to collect the memories of the ancestors bit by bit. I realized the need to create a family tree of our family, the Kazikovs, Suleimenovs, Baratilovs.

    Rationale for the topic .I first encountered the basics of research work in 2015, when I was preparing materials about my great-grandfather Baratilov Magomed Magomedovich for a presentation competition. The desire to add another page in the history of my family prompted me to choose the topic "My family tree".

    Purpose of the study: To identify the degree of participation of my family members in significant events in our country.

    Research objectives:

      Studying my family's pedigree, compiling a family tree, organizing and saving documents on electronic media.

      define methodscollecting information about my relatives;

      study family archives and documents;

    Practical significance consists in the desire to leave information to descendants, to acquaint relatives with it, to instill in their descendants respect for their family and ancestors, spoke at the class hour “My family tree”, use theoretical material at intra-school events.

    Starting my work, I initially relied on oral storytelling. I am very grateful to my grandmother, great-grandmother for their help, who saved photos, documents, orders. Enough material has been collected to highlight the valiant military path of my great-grandfather in the Great Patriotic War. But about great-grandfather Kazikov Musa Salavatovich, who fought in both the Russian-Finnish war and the Great Patriotic War, only oral stories were collected, no documents have been preserved. From saved sources I used:

    written - these are first of all personal documents (birth certificate of Suleimenov Z.M., Suleimenova (Salmanova) A.N. Marriage certificate of Suleimenov Zaurbek and Alimkhan, birth certificate of Suleimenov A.Z.. military ID of Suleimenov A.Z. work book Suleimenova A.Z., extract from order No. 211 dated July 21, 1944, expressing gratitude to Baratilov M.M., award certificates of Baratilov M.M., request to the city of Podolsk about Baratilov M.M.,, the book "Kurklintsy in the wars of the Fatherland", author Abdusallam Magdiev, 2010 edition, results of analyzes of haplogroups by origin and ethnicity.

    field materials : survey and conversation with relatives, interviews, memoirs, telephone survey.

    Fine: photos of family members, photos from family archives.

    Audio materials: recordings of memories of Baratilova A.U. and Suleimenova A.N.

    The abstract has the following structure:

      introduction, where I justify the choice of my topic, its objectives, goals, practical significance.

      the main part, which consists of chapters: the first chapter is devoted to genealogy, the origin of the ethnic group - Nogais, as well as the results of a genetic study of the Kazikov and Suleimenov family. The following chapters describe the life of my relatives, the events and phenomena associated with them.

      conclusion - conclusions about the work done and the results obtained.

    Main part.

    Chapter 1. Genealogy. By my ethnicity, I am a Nogai, within the framework of the Russian Federation, my people are small, there are about 130,000 thousand in total. The territory of settlement of this people is Karachayevo-Cherkessia, Stavropol Territory, Neftekumsky District, Dagestan, Astrakhan Region. My people speak the Nogai language, which belongs to the Turkic language group. The ethnic basis of the Nogais was made up of Turkic tribes - Uysuns, Uighurs, Kipchaks, Kangly, Naimans. The Nogais preach Islam. My people have many different traditions and customs, including the existence of a generic sign "tamga". Usually it was a sign of a geometric shape, which was used to mark cattle, inventory, and, more importantly, was depicted on monuments and tombstones. When they did not know the letter, they found representatives of the family in the cemetery precisely by “tamga”. My great-grandfather also has a birthmark on the monument. In the Suleimenov family, the “tamga” was in the form of a bird, in the Kazikov family, the “tamga” resembles the number “9”. Today, modern science allows us to identify our direct ancestors by DNA analysis. My parents made a request to the genetic laboratory in America, where the results were obtained thanks to which the family ties of our genera with direct ancestors can be traced. The results of research along the line of the Kazikovs determined the resettlement of the closest ancestors in South and Central Asia, as well as in the Middle East. (Appendix 1). The genetically closest haplogroup to my grandfather Suleimenov Arslanbek Zaurbekovich is located in Turkey, Armenia, the Republic of Chechnya and Dagestan. (Appendix 2)

    Chapter 2. How did great-grandparents live?

    I would like to start the description of my family tree with my great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers. Unfortunately, in the line of my father, my great-grandfather is no longer alive, but my great-grandmothers are alive and handed over quite a voluminous material for my work. Thanks to their memories, I was imbued not only with their hard and difficult life, but also with the time when they lived, worked, created families. The periods of their lives run in parallel with such an event as the Great Patriotic War and the hardships associated with it.

    Baratilov Magomed Magomedovich

    I'll start the story with my great-grandfather Magomed Magomedovich Baratilov. (Appendix 3) My great-grandfather was born in 1922 in the village of Kurkli. On June 23, 1941, he was called to the front from the city of Mineralnye Vody. He studied for two months in Rostov, at the school of officers. Then he was sent to the army near Leningrad, where he was until the blockade was lifted, took part in the battles to liberate the city. In 1944 year was wounded and sent to hospital No. 587, located in Kazan. Judging by the certificate that we have, he is a guard lieutenant of the 85th heavy howitzer artillery brigade Baratilov M.M. was sent to evacuation hospital No. 1671 with a through shrapnel wound to the right thigh and right foot. that he was grateful (extract from order No. 211 for the evacuation hospital dated July 21, 1941.) (Appendix 5) Returning from the hospital to his unit, Baratilov M.M. continued his military path. He participated in the crossing of the Oder River and the capture of Berlin and Koenigsberg, was awarded the order. For my military path, my great-grandfatherwas awarded:

      medal for participation in the heroic assault and capture of Koenigsberg (Appendix 6)

      medal "for the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War"; (Appendix 7)

      Order of the Red Star 1941-1945; (Appendix 8)

      Order of the Patriotic War; (Appendix 9)

      anniversary medal "20 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War"; (Annex 10)

      anniversary medal "30 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War";

      anniversary medal for "50 years of the armed forces" (Appendix 11).

    As his children remember, great-grandfather very often recalled his front-line comrades, several photographs have been preserved, unfortunately the correspondence has not been preserved. From the memoirs of Magomed Magomedovich: “In our military unit, where I fought, there were 1,100 people before the capture of Berlin, and after the capture, only 103 survived, among the dead were my friends with whom I began my military journey.”We learned a lot of information from the military life of great-grandfather thanks to the response to a request that was made to the city of Podolsk, the head of the Central Archive. From which it follows that Baratilov M.M. served in the 85th heavy howitzer artillery brigade in the period from April 22, 1943 (order No. 38 of 04/22/1943) to September 13, 1943 as commander of a control platoon of the 16th battery in the military rank of "lieutenant '. The response to the request was received on September 21, 2006. After the war, great-grandfather was sent to Poland to restore peaceful life, and in June 1946 he was demobilized home and moved from the village of Kangly. In 1947 he married, was appointed chairman of the Chkalov collective farm in the village of Kangly. and International. Magomed Magomedovich actively worked for the noble people.

    Combat wounds very often bothered great-grandfather, so he often visited the Kumagorsk hospital, after which there was temporary relief. In 1980, he died from the consequences of his injuries. Baratilov Magomed Magomedovich always took an active life position, was repeatedly elected a deputy of the Pobegailovsky Village Council.

    In 2010, the children of Magomed Magomedovich were invited to the opening of a monument in the village of Kurkli, where he was born. The name of my great-grandfather is also carved there. Then, in 2010, the book “Kurklinites in the Wars of the Fatherland” was published, by the author Abdusallam Magdiev (Appendix 11), the military feat of Magomed Magomedovich was highlighted. It has become a tradition in our family: every year on May 9, on the day of celebration Great Victory, we all: children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren gather in his house to honor the memory of our great-grandfather, to express great gratitude for his valor.

    Baratilova Alime Umarovna (Sultangeldiyeva). (Appendix 12)

    She was born on May 12, 1927 in the village of Kangly. Parents: mother - Sultangeldieva Aiva Suyunovna, father - Sultangeldiyev Umar Ilyasovich. (Appendix 11) The family lived in abundance, my mother worked as a poultry keeper on the collective farm, and my father worked on the collective farm, and also had a subsidiary farm. As my grandmother recalls, they lived well, even neighbors were sometimes helped with food, but everything changed dramatically when her father died in 1933. The owner of the family was gone, and there was no prosperity. The great-grandmother said that if it were not for the son-in-law, the husband of their older sister, they would have died of hunger. She still remembers him with deep gratitude.

    When asked what her childhood was like, the great-grandmother replied: “Very difficult!” . She said that she went to school at the age of 11. She recalled how their children were taken directly from the kindergarten group to work in the field. They put on canvas bags over their shoulders and walked across the field to collect spikelets. My great-grandmother had no special education. Before the war, she worked on a collective farm, when the Germans went in the direction of Mineralnye Vody, they were all taken to dig trenches. It was a terrible time, especially when the Germans came. She said that the Germans also forced her to work.

    In 1946, great-grandmother Alime and great-grandfather Magomed Magomedovich met and got married. In 1947, the first-born, my uncle Badruttin, was born. In total, my great-grandmother has five children. She no longer worked, but took care of the household and children.

    Suleimenov Zaurbek Mullalievich (Annex 14)Born in the village of Kangly in 1927 on February 5. Father Mulali Mullalievich, mother - Tati Zakiryaevna. (Appendix 14) Nogai by nationality. Great-grandfather had two brothers Azhu and Azbekr. Unfortunately, I have little information about my great-grandfather. What was the childhood, whether no one received an education, remember. My grandfather told me that my great-grandfather Zaurbek worked on the railway for more than 30 years as a drafter, repaired cars.Laterworked at the state farm "Kavkaz" as a worker and watchman at the current. According to grandfather -this isHe was a very balanced person, kind and sympathetic. He treated his wife very respectfully and taught this to his sons. There were four of them and one daughter in the family. He always maintained a subsidiary farm and the family did not need anything. Aunt remembered the trips to Moscow, St. Petersburg. (Appendix 14)

    Suleimenova (Salmanova) Alimkhan Nazirovna (Appendix 15). She was born in the village of Kangly on August 10, 1927. Parents: father - Salmanov Nazir Savlisovich, mother - Salmanova Bilvani. My great-grandmother had two brothers Shopi and Kurman. To the question - what are her memories of childhood, she said - work. From an early age, together with her parents, they worked on the collective farm and at home. My grandmother lost her parents very early and she saw off her brothers to the front alone. This is the hardest time for her. The fourteen-year-old girl had to survive alone. At one point, my great-grandmother thought she would die of hunger. She was saved by a goat that got lost in her garden, milk helped her to her feet. Only one brother Kurman returned from the front, who immediately got married. He had five children. Shopi's other brother went missing. They made inquiries, the grandmother wrote to the military registration and enlistment office, but they answered that the location was not known, to be considered dead. The great-grandmother met her future wife at one of the weddings in the village of Kangly, they immediately liked each other, and two months later they got married. The marriage was registered on August 27, 1949. (Appendix 16) My great-grandmother did not go to school, but she could read and write thanks to a teacher who rented an apartment next door. My great-grandmother has five children, seven grandchildren and twelve great-grandchildren, the eldest great-grandchild is 23 years old (Appendix 17). We love to gather for big holidays with her. Great-grandmother is still quite active, she even reads books.

    Chapter 3. My grandparents.

    Kazikov Satkirey Musaevich.

    My grandfather was born in the village of Kangly on October 13, 1953. Father - Kazikov Musa Salavatovich, mother - Kazikova Raviyat Osmanovna (Appendix 18). He studied at the secondary school No. 1 of the village of Kangly. In 1969 he received a certificate of eight years of education (Appendix 18). Grandpa chose the profession of a driver. And even in the army, where he was drafted in 1971, he was a driver (Appendix 19). By the end of his service, Satkirey Musaevich received the qualification of a driving master. Upon returning from the army, he met his future wife Baratilova Mariyat Magomedovna and in 1975 they got married. They had sons: Rashid and Radmir. Radmir Satkireeviya is my father. My grandfather began his career in 1970 in the Zheleznovodsk office of the Kurortorg, as the entry in the work book says. (Appendix 19). For several years he worked at the "Compound Feed Plant", and since 1991 he was transferred to the organization "Gris-Business Trading House". Grandfather has a lot of gratitude for conscientious work and responsibility in the workplace. At home, he also never sat idle. Always been busy with something. Unfortunately, my grandfather passed away in 2014. I remember him as very loving and considerate. Whatever I asked for, I never refused to help. He was very fond of mathematics, we often did homework and solved problems with him. I loved and love my grandfather very much.

    Kazikova (Baratilova) Mariyat Magometovna.

    My grandmother was born on November 30, 1955 (Appendix 20). Place of birth: Kangly village. Father - Baratilov Magomet Magometovich, mother - Baratilov Alime Umarovna. My grandmother went to first grade in the village of Kangly. In 1973 she received a certificate of secondary education (Appendix 20). Grandmother is a very creative person, so she wanted to connect her future fate with art. Starting from 1974, she worked as an artistic director at the Kanglyn Creative Arts House, drawing decorations for holidays and events herself. She is very enterprising and creative, she can easily prepare a program for a holiday, design and conduct it. In 1980, my grandmother went to work in kindergarten No. 2 of the village of Kangly as a nanny. Having observed the work of educators, she realized that this work was interesting to her and in 1984 she was enrolled in a teacher's class at the Pyatigorsk city. Her subsequent years were associated with work in a kindergarten (Appendix 21). Going through family photos, I saw my grandmother in costumes, probably all the characters who usually attend matinees and New Year's holidays. Now she is retired, but she still leads an active lifestyle, loves to travel, takes us on excursions.

    Suleimenova (Suyunova) Sofia Idrisovna (Annex 22).

    My grandmother was born on November 30, 1947. Father - Suyunov Idris Muratovich, mother - Abidat Mullagadzhievna. I want to say right away that I have never seen my grandmother. In 1993, as a result of an accident, my grandmother died, and therefore I know about her only from the stories of my mother. She was a very kind, sensitive and sympathetic person. Many of the people I interviewed spoke of her warmly and lovingly, even though she had a difficult childhood. My grandmother was born in Karachay-Cherkessia, the village of Urakovskaya. The family was large, my grandmother had three brothers and three sisters. The family did not live richly, great-grandfather worked on a collective farm, great-grandmother raised children. In 1950, after a difficult childbirth, she died. The youngest child was 40 days old, my grandmother was two years old. The children were left without a mother and the family was in a difficult situation. Neighbors and relatives helped, later the father married. Mom said that my grandmother was reluctant to remember that time. All the children went to work very early, and so did the grandmother. After graduating from a secondary educational school in the village of Erkin-Yurt (Appendix 23), she worked in the office "Zagotzerno" as a worker, two years later she moved to the city of Cherkessk and went to work at the plant "Rubber Products", where she worked until 1968. In 1969 she entered the Mozdok Technological College and graduated with honors. After receiving the diploma, she went to work at the "Urakovsky grain receiving point" as a laboratory technologist. In 1972 she married Suleimenov Arslanbek Zaurbekovich. They had a wonderful and friendly family (Appendix 23). All relatives always gathered with pleasure for the holidays. Grandmother cooked very tasty and was very hospitable.

    Suleimenov Arslanbek Zaurbekovich . Born September 29, 1947. Parents Suleimenov Z.M. and Suleimenova A.N. My grandfather is the eldest child in the family, then the brothers Asambi, Arslangerey, Arslan and the younger sister Kulizar appeared. Childhood was difficult, the family was large and always kept a subsidiary farm. My grandfather used to work since childhood. After graduating from school, he entered the courses of tractor drivers in 1963. In 1966 he was drafted into the Soviet Army (Appendix 24). He served in Germany as a cook. He talked a lot about the places where he served, how this country looked and how it differed from the USSR. According to the recollections of grandfather, everything around shone with cleanliness and order, beautiful streets with flower beds.

    At the end of the service, grandfather begins his labor activity until 2011. Grandfather has 46 years of experience. And wherever he worked, his work was always noted with diplomas and thanks. My grandfather has three daughters, Indira - my mother, she is the eldest, Zalina and Zareta. The most difficult time for him is 1993, when his wife tragically died. The eldest daughter was 17 years old, she had just entered the institute, and the youngest was 7 years old. He did both women's and men's housework, worked two jobs, slept five hours a night. Thanks to his efforts, all daughters received higher education. Daughters love and revere their father very much, he is really a worthy person. Very respected in the village of Kangly, is a member of the Council of Elders. My grandfather is a tireless worker, he is constantly in business and worries. I spend the summer with my grandfather and I love this time very much.

    Chapter 4 My parents and sister.
    Kazikov Radmir Satkireevich.
    My dad was born on October 7, 1977. There are two of them in the family, brother Rashid - he is the eldest, and dad. He went to the first grade in the village of Kangly, where he graduated from the ninth grade. He entered the school number 16 in Mineralnye Vody on the courses of a joiner - carpenter. He served in the army. After the service, he went to work at the Kavminsteklo enterprise as a builder. Since 2007, dad has been working as a firefighter on a fire train at Russian Railways. My dad is very hardworking and conscientious. At work, he is very respected. Everything that was built in the yard but made with his own hands.

    Kazikova (Suleimenova) Indira Arslanbekovna. My mother was born in the village of Kangly. Parents: Suleimenov A.Z. and Suleimenova S.I. Born January 13, 1976. My mother has two sisters Zalina and Zareta. In 1983, I went to the first grade of secondary school No. 1. In high school, my mother was an activist. She always took part in school events, drew wall newspapers, attended a drama club. She graduated from school with good and excellent marks. She never doubted her choice of profession, she really wanted to become a teacher. After graduating from school in 1993, she entered the Karachay-Cherkess Pedagogical University at the Faculty of History and Law. He remembers his years of study at the university with pleasure. The ethnographic and archaeological practices were very interesting. In 1998, my mother graduated from the institute and went to work as a teacher of history and social studies at secondary school No. 7 in Mineralnye Vody. This was my first experience as a teacher. It was difficult, but the first experience is not always easy. He remembers with gratitude his colleagues who were very helpful in his work. Mom also worked at school number 20 in the city of Mineralnye Vody. In 2003, my mother married RS Kazikov. In 2004 I was born, and in 2009 my sister Bella. Since 2011, my mother has been working at secondary school No. 19 in the village of Pobegailovka as a history teacher and librarian. Mom teaches with pleasure, because she loves her subject. She has very interesting lessons that children attend with pleasure (Appendix 25). She takes part in various competitions, holds school events dedicated to important events in the history of the country. She has certificates and thanks for her conscientious work. Mom never sits idle and teaches us to be responsible and hardworking.

    Kazikova Bella Radmirovna . This is my youngest and very beloved sister. She was born on January 12, 2009. She attended a kindergarten in the village of Pobegailovka. In 2015, she went to the first grade of secondary school No. 19. She studies excellently. Very inquisitive and active. Likes to perform on stage.


    As a result of the research, I was able to partially collect archival materials, documents and systematize them. I consider my work not finished, because. many more cousins, second cousins ​​about whom I would like to collect information.

    In the course of the work, I made practical conclusions:

    The history of my family is inextricably linked with the most important pages in the history of our Motherland. They had to endure both hunger and the hardships of the war, but each with dignity survived these hardships. I can proudly tell you about the valiant warrior Baratilov M.M. who went through the whole war and met the Victory in Berlin, upon his return he raised the collective farm, being the chairman. About great-grandmothers who raised five children each and you can be proud of them all. Summing up, I want to say that I already have something to tell my future children and great-grandchildren.


    1.Field materials:

      Oral conversations;

      results of genetic studies;

      audio recordings of interviews;

      photos and documents from the family archive.;


    2. Book “Kurklinites in the Wars of the Fatherland”, author Abdusallam Magdiev.

    Attachment 1.

    The results of genetic research on the line of the Kazikovs.

    Appendix 2

    The results of a genetic study along the line of the Suleimenovs.

    Appendix 3

    Baratilov M. M.
    Baratilov M. M. Photo from the family archive.
    Photo from the family archive.

    Photo from the family archive.
    With front-line friends (M. M. Baratilov in the center).

    Appendix 4

    Information about injury.

    Extract from order No. 211.
    Family archive document.

    Appendix 5

    Certificate "For the capture of Koenigsberg".
    Family archive document.

    Certificate "For victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War"
    Family archive document.

    Appendix 6

    Order of the Red Star 1941-1945.

    Certificate "For Valor and Courage in the Great Patriotic War".
    Family archive document.

    Appendix 7

    Award "Participant of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945"
    Family archive document.

    Order of the Patriotic War.
    Family heirloom award.

    Annex 10.

    Family heirloom award.

    Annex 11.

    Relic from the family archive.

    Annex 12.

    Annex 13.

    Spouses Baratilov 1978, the city of Kislovodsk.
    Photo from the family archive.

    Great-grandmother Alime with her eldest son and daughter-in-law.
    Photo from the family archive.

    Annex 14.

    Birth certificate of Suleimenova Z. M.
    Family archive document.

    Great-grandfather Zaurbek with his daughter.
    Photo from the family archive.

    Annex 15.

    Birth certificate of Suleimenov A.N.
    Family archive document.

    Suleimenova A. N.
    Photo from the family archive.

    Annex 16.

    Family archive document.
    Marriage certificate of Suleimenov Alimkhan and Zaurbek.

    Annex 17.

    Great-grandmother Alimkhan with her sons Arslangerey and Arslan.
    Photo from the family archive.

    Great-grandmother Alimkhan with great-grandchildren.
    Photo from the family archive.

    Annex 18.

    Birth certificate of Kazikov S. M.
    Family archive document.

    Certificate of eight years of education Kazikov S. M.
    Family archive document.

    Annex 19.

    Family archive document.

    Labor book of Kazikov S. M.
    Family archive document.

    Annex 20.

    Birth certificate of Baratilova M.M.
    Family archive document.

    Certificate of eight years of education Baratilova M.M.
    Family archive document.

    Annex 21.

    Grandmother and grandfather Kazikova Satkirey and Mariyat.
    Photo from the family archive.

    Kangly village kindergarten staff (Grandmother 2nd row, third from the right).
    Family archive document.

    Annex 22.

    The Suyunov family (Grandmother Sofia is first from the right).
    Photo from the family archive.

    My grandmother Suyunva Sofiat Idrisovna.

    Annex 23.

    Erken-Yurt village secondary school (Babushka Sofiat is the first from the right).
    Photo from the family archive.

    The Suleimenovs with their eldest daughter (My mother).
    Photo from the family archive.

    Annex 24.

    Suleimenov A.Z. while serving in the GDR, 1967.
    Photo from the family archive.

    Military ID Suleimenova A.Z.
    Family archive document.

    Annex 25.

    My mother Kazikova I.A.
    Photo from the family archive.

    Awards Kazikova I. A.