How to become a beautiful slender girl 12 years old. Exercises for a beautiful press. Communication with peers

It is believed that 12-13 years is the most difficult age for growing boys and girls. It's no secret that this period is quite difficult. Practice shows that most often it is children of this age who are prone to suicide. Moreover, they are subject to strong influence from the outside and can do things that will have sad consequences. The fact is that at the age of 12-13, a transitional age begins. The body begins to form, hormones play, and youthful maximalism turns on. Children think they have grown up and can now live their own lives. Also at this age, many girls begin to complex about their appearance. And it's all about mutual love. When a boy doesn't pay attention to a girl, she thinks she's not exactly attractive.

In order to somehow please the boys, the girls begin to paint. And most of them already put on their mother's things. However, cosmetics still do not save. They think that putting on makeup will seduce any young man. This is just a delusion. At this age, boys are not interested in love relationships. As you know, male development lags behind by 3-4 years. Therefore, girls find a way to brighten up their loneliness - they meet older guys, 16-18 years old. In the end, it doesn't end well. Therefore, at the age of 12-13, girls should be explained that a serious relationship can hurt them. It is best to have a conversation in which to explain that it is not recommended to build relationships at this age. But it needs to be presented in a gentle way. And in no case should you speak in an orderly tone.

Psychologists say that all conversations and conversations are in vain. The kids will still do it their own way. Therefore, it is better to help in what they want to do. Of course, within reason. So if a girl asks: “How to be beautiful at 12 years old?”, Then you should not laugh at her and say that she is still small. This is a completely wrong tactic. The girl needs to be explained that she is the most beautiful and the best in the whole wide world. It is necessary to point out its merits. For example, say how big and expressive her eyes are. Or pay attention to the hair. It is necessary to make the child feel attractive. Saying compliments, the girl's self-esteem will increase. And this means that confidence will appear and some complexes will disappear.

However, it happens that girls want to put on makeup or buy new clothes. In this case, it is advisable not to refuse them. It is better to go to the store and buy the cosmetics that the teenager chooses. The same applies to clothing. During this period, frequent depression may occur. Therefore, it is necessary to spend more time with the child, be interested in his affairs and always help in any problems. Then the child will feel supported. And before you do anything, seek adult advice. And it is quite difficult to bring up this quality in a child. So at the right time it is necessary to understand the teenager and give him good advice. And it is desirable not to refuse money. Otherwise, scandal cannot be avoided. The first time you can not give a lot of money. It is necessary to look at how he will dispose of them.

Well, how to become beautiful at 12? If finances allow, it is best to take the girl to a hairdresser. She will be able to choose any hairstyle with which she will feel more mature. It also happens that parents do not like the choice of the child. But it's better not to speak rudely. Next, you need to teach the girl to paint. Indeed, at the age of 12-13, girls generally induce a marafet, one might say, ugly. For example, these are blue eyeshadow smeared to the eyebrows. Or several layers of foundation that turn into lumps. But red lipstick scares me the most. Girls think they look attractive. By no means is it so. They look "cheap". Therefore, all this rustic style needs to be removed. But it is important to explain to the child that it all looks ridiculous.

In no case should a girl be painted. And the best thing to do is to help. To do this, you need light brown shadows, mascara and beige lip gloss. You also need to buy a perfume that the girl will like. Further, everything is quite simple. Shadows must be applied to the eyelid so that all corners are painted over. Then you need to make up the eyelashes. Beauticians do not recommend applying multiple layers of mascara. This is very harmful. And the final touch is to make up the lips with a beige gloss. Of course, other colors can also be used. It's best that they don't stand out, as the juicy color of the lip gloss looks a little silly on children. I immediately want to call such a girl "Aunt - Motya." Therefore, to avoid this, it is necessary to paint not defiantly.

Most girls at the age of 12-13 have complexes about their bodies. Previously, they did not notice their fullness or thinness. But peers point to it. And it's annoying to listen to. Children themselves, solving a problem, can make a lot of mistakes. Therefore, if the girl is too well-fed, then it is worth limiting her in some foods or choosing a diet. But if you do not want to torture the child in this way. then you can switch it to proper nutrition. It is also advisable to give the girl to some sports section so that the calories consumed are quickly burned. However, if the girl is thin, then on the contrary, you need to increase the portion. But no one canceled sports either. By the age of 18, the girl will definitely thank her parents for their help and advice. Still, it is worth thinking about how to help a child at this age.

Well, and, of course, you need to buy books, CDs, magazines for the girl. They can help in how to become beautiful. There are quite simple lessons and tips, but they will bring great benefits. And most importantly - the girl will be happy and stop complexing about her appearance. And you really shouldn't worry too much about it. Everyone has a transitional age. You just need to get through this time.

When a teenage girl enters adulthood, her personality is shaped by the influence of society. And of course she wants to keep up with her friends, to be better and more beautiful. What can you advise so that she knows how to become a tough girl? In this article, we will analyze the different indicators of the coolness of a girl.

How to find yourself as a teenage girl?

An insoluble task for any teenager is to find himself in this life: in a company, at work, on the street. They are extremely susceptible to other people's influence and imitation, since their own point of view has not yet been formed.

And the indicators of coolness for a girl in a period of special growth are likely to be lapped up from currently fashionable movie stars, heroes of a series or show business. Here the main thing don't lose yourself.

Having an idol, one must pay attention to the necessary positive qualities of a role model. Perhaps this is charity work, helping the sick or participating in programs that teach good things. Don't try to keep up with them.

Girls who understand early on what is what and why - grow up quickly, considering this one of the indicators of coolness. Bad habits and unnecessary meetings appear. The main friend and adviser here can be mom and dad, and maybe a school psychologist. They will tell you how to behave so that you do not lag behind your girlfriends and do not lose yourself among them.

How to become the coolest in the class?

In order not to become a "black sheep" among classmates, you will have to try. Being a princess is never easy.

  • Do not miss school events, help in them. Participate everywhere, active people often become leaders.
  • Now girls chewing gum and wearing bright makeup are not fashionable. More attracted the attention of peers educated and educated. Creative personalities, girls reading books and visiting the museum - this is an indicator of coolness in modern society.
  • This does not mean that you need to become a "nerd" and not be interested in anything in fashion. Be interested in the latest in music, movies and clothing.
  • It is generally accepted that a tough girl should date the cutest guy in school. Any young man himself will become cool, next to a smart, educated and interesting girl.
  • Go in for sports, it will help to keep a figure. If the hobby becomes serious, you will be able to defend the honor of your school at competitions and olympiads. And what could be cooler than to bring victory to your class.

How to get rid of complexes for a girl?

Complexes prevent you from achieving your goals. They must be disposed of once and for all. How to do it?

  1. Don't fall for stereotypes. You are an individual, if your parameters are not ideal, give up the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bconsidering yourself ugly. We must skillfully take care of ourselves, know the shortcomings that can always be turned into virtues.
  2. Your clothes are not from boutiques, but from a basement store with low prices. And this is not a reason to complex in front of fashionable friends. The main thing here is to have taste and measure. Learn to choose clothes by style, size, color. And no one will distinguish it from the one bought in an expensive store.
  3. You consider yourself insufficiently erudite in sports, contemporary art or fashion brands. This is not an indicator, but in physics, chemistry or history lessons, everyone writes off homework from your notebooks.
  4. Do not waste time worrying about your shortcomings, work on them, develop your horizons. Now on the Internet you can find everything and find out. And most importantly, do not lose your sense of humor, be able to treat yourself self-critically, but with a bit of irony.

Complexes are the difference between reality and the desired. Learn to appreciate your strengths and work on your weaknesses. Having overcome self-doubt, you can become a leader among those who did not want to work on themselves.

Communication with peers

You need to be able to communicate in a company. It's not cool to be an upstart, it's cool to become a person to whom friends listen, come for the advice of a friend. For this engage in self-development, for example:

  • We surprise friends not by reading new VKontakte statuses, but by interesting modern and not only works.
  • You can talk to the school psychologist about your problems in communicating with classmates and friends. If there are difficulties, of course.
  • Be an open person. You should not communicate only with privileged peers. Be friends with everyone. Each person is interesting in their own way. Do not push anyone away, otherwise only a certain circle of people will gather around you and no more.
  • Don't squeeze. If you are not very good at it yet, practice at home or with close friends. Play different scenes from life, moments that are especially frightening. For example, a date with the most popular guy in school.
  • Sociability does not exclude modesty and shyness. Your girlfriends laugh out loud in the street, swear and wear cropped skirts. Now modesty is fashionable, but also in moderation. Don't be a bluestocking.
  • If you are in a bad mood, do not show it to others. Strong personalities must have self-control. We will leave all the troubles for close friends who can be trusted.

How to take care of a girl?

A girl is, of course, beauty and a well-groomed appearance. Adolescent girls have many problems associated with changes occurring in the body.

What you should pay attention to:

  1. Problematic skin - do not worry, this is temporary. If this really worries you, contact the pharmacy, they will help you find the right remedy.
  2. Hair requires special careful care during the period of growing up. Wash your hair more often using various masks, balms.
  3. Wear deodorant. Choose according to your skin type.
  4. Your clothes must be clean and ironed. You, as a leader, must have everything perfect.

Yes, being a cool girl is not easy. You need to take care of yourself from all sides in order to always be on top. But having learned this now, in the future it will be easier to achieve location and influence among others. And this is a direct path to success.

Now you can think about how to become a cool girl, what is this very coolness and whether this is exactly what you need.

Powerpuff Girls Videos

In this video, a young psychologist Svetlana Markova will give some important tips that will help you become a cool girl in a short time, gain popularity and respect:

Bridges Bordeaux authoritatively stated that there is no harder work in the world than to look beautiful from the very morning until late in the evening. She can already be trusted in this matter, especially since every woman will agree that keeping herself in great shape, staying young and beautiful is not easy. This is really hard work, but it can give a woman a lot of pleasure and an excellent result.
Practical tips for preserving youth and beauty for women of any age: 1. Consciously strive to look beautiful and attractive. The sincerity of this intention is the key to a beautiful appearance for many years. Until a woman commits herself well, until then not a single cosmetic product, even very expensive one, will help. No need to spare time and effort to maintain beauty and youth. And it's not so much about the actual appearance, but about the attitude towards oneself and one's beauty. Feel beautiful, young and everyone else will see it in you.2. Smile often. A smile transforms any face, giving it charm. In addition, it is able to create a good mood for you and your environment.3. Keep your back straight. Always pay attention to your posture. The head should be slightly raised, the shoulders dropped and laid back - this gives confidence and looks great!

4. Let your mood be positive. Think about something good more often, notice your virtues, and you will look more harmonious and attractive. Most often, women do not even suspect how beautiful they are! Don't underestimate your attractiveness and notice it!5. Appreciate your own body and its daily efforts. And what difference does it make what size of clothes you wear, what uniforms you have. The body is your faithful ally and companion, who daily performs a lot of your tasks. Appreciate it!6. Make your weaknesses your strengths. Some celebrities are fluent in this technique - to make a real diamond out of a flaw. Try and you, instead of complaining about your own "shortcomings", fall in love with them, and turn them into bright advantages and highlights.7. Express yourself and your personality openly. The more open you are to the world, its beauty, the more attractive and unusual you will look in the eyes of other people.8. Go in for sports and keep your body in good shape. This will not only help you stay slim and fit, but it will also increase the level of endorphins in your body, which will affect your mood and appearance.

9. Be graceful. An incredible sight can be seen by watching a graceful girl a little. Each of her movements attracts and enchants, riveting the eye.10. Appreciate the inner world. Reflect on how good a person you are, how much positive you bring to the world of the people around you. Your face has already changed and shone with inner light!11. Be kind. When eyes radiate goodness, they cannot be ugly. The kinder, nobler a woman is, the more graceful and noticeable her beauty becomes to people around her.12. Relax, never overexert or overdo it. This also applies to sports and personal care, so as not to get the opposite effect. Self-care should bring pleasure, peace, joy. You can not bring yourself to exhaustion.13. Eat right. Eliminate from your diet: sweets, starchy foods and smoked foods - they age the skin and contribute to its fading. Let the diet be a lot of fruits and vegetables, eat beets daily. It perfectly cleanses the blood, which has a positive effect on appearance. Your skin will glow with health and attractiveness.14. Be creative and create. Creative people who sincerely do what they love: draw, sing, embroider, cook, etc. - they always look good and much younger than their years. They are simply satisfied people who are engaged in creativity with pleasure.

15. Find beauty in everything. Celebrate the beauty of nature, people, art objects and then your own beauty will sparkle with all its facets! By noticing beauty in everything, you will learn to see it in yourself. Your eyes will look a little different and pick out from the appearance not only their own shortcomings, but also charming virtues.16. Look at yourself with loving eyes. How do your loved ones and relatives look at you? Why not look at yourself with their eyes, and finally see all the beauty and attractiveness.17. Meditate. Try to draw your own beauty from the awareness of involvement in the Divine. You are inextricably linked with the surrounding beauty, understand and accept your attractiveness.18. Eat a spoonful of flaxseed on an empty stomach. This will cleanse the body, the skin will be fresher and smoother, nails and hair will be stronger (it is forbidden to use seeds in case of stones in the body, consult a doctor).19. Eat a small handful of nuts daily. Your hair and nails will be beautiful, strong and healthy.

20. Listen to your favorite music. This is physical activity, and charging, and an incredible source of positive emotions. Your soul will rejoice and, as a result, you will become even more beautiful and feel younger!21. Love. We have already talked a little about self-love, but here we are talking about romance. Love transforms any appearance, and the girl blossoms before our eyes and becomes a real beauty. And make love more often!22. Choose clothes with taste and knowledge. With the help of clothes you can emphasize your individual beauty and attractiveness. If you can’t get dressed on your own so that you are transformed before your eyes, you can contact a stylist. Yes, wear heels. God bless the man who, with the help of heels, made all women slimmer and more attractive.23. Hug. Give your loved ones and relatives strong and hot hugs, kisses that can reveal your passionate nature. A good mood really helps girls look great!24. Get good sleep. It is recommended to sleep at least 8 hours, but everything is quite individual. But if you do not get enough sleep on a regular basis, it will very quickly affect your appearance, not only in the form of circles under the eyes, but also in the general appearance. A tired look does not give the girls beauty and grace.25. Drink enough pure water. It is recommended to drink more than 2 liters of water, but choose your rate. It should not be juices, tea, coffee, but pure water.26. Dance regularly. The dance reveals the grace, beauty and grace of your body. Dance alone or with a partner, but feel the full strength and dexterity of your body! In addition, it is a charge of happiness and joy.

27. Know how to apply makeup correctly. This is an indispensable skill that will allow you to repeatedly transform your appearance, become brighter and more beautiful.28. Get regular pedicures and manicures. Well-groomed beauty is in the first place, and hands and feet eloquently betray the woman's attitude towards herself and the world around her. Watch the condition of your arms and legs and delight the world with your beauty!29. For soft and silky feet, moisturize them regularly.30. Work on your walk. A beautiful walk is an art that will make you turn around after you!31. Every morning, wipe your face with ice cubes from a decoction of chamomile or plantain. Skin toning and rejuvenation guaranteed!32. Do exercises for the face (after 25 years). Knead your face with your fingertips for five minutes. Improve blood circulation, tone and condition of the skin of the face.33. To soften and cleanse the skin of the body, add 200 grams of milk or cream to the bath.34. For the beauty and tenderness of the elbows, attach lemon slices to them for 15 minutes. The procedure must be done once a month for a lasting effect.35. Give up bad habits, lead a healthy lifestyle. Limit your alcohol intake, do not smoke. This greatly affects the condition of the skin.

36. Drink nutritional supplements rich in pantothenic acid, zinc, calcium. Your hair will become thicker, stronger and more beautiful.37. Honey is an excellent anti-wrinkle remedy. Make homemade masks with it.38. Don't worry about your age, you are as old as you feel.39. Before applying the cream, take a steam bath, this will enhance the effect of the cosmetic product.40. Be the center of attention. In a company, even if it is difficult for you, exude optimism and cheerfulness, be interested in people, talk to them first. This will make you a very attractive magnet in the eyes of others.41. May your teeth be healthy, white and even. A beautiful, snow-white smile rejuvenates for ten years.42. Let your own house be clean and tidy, beautiful. Clutter and dirt will never look harmonious with a beautiful, young woman. Let the house be cozy, pleasantly smelling. It can be decorated with fresh flowers, paintings.43. Strive to serve food beautifully. For myself and guests. Healthy food prepared with love is a guarantee of health and beauty of your body and spirit.44. Avoid stressful situations. Twitchiness, a fussy look, a frown are not very good allies of attractiveness and grace. Do not worry about trifles, radiate calmness, optimism in every situation, and you will always look beautiful and dignified!

45. Be confident in yourself. Confidence in its irresistibility, attractiveness and youth conquers cities and overseas princes. The more confident you appear, the more beautiful others perceive you to be.46. Pick your scent. Beauties are always shrouded in a light aroma of their favorite perfume.47. Be grateful for everything. For life and conditions (whatever they are now), for the body and face, for the companion and for the work - for everything that you take for granted. You will become completely different when you learn to be grateful to the world, your beauty will open and become softer.48. Protect yourself from ultraviolet light. Do not stay in direct sunlight from 11 am to 4 pm. Ultraviolet light ages the skin and dries it, and velvety, smooth skin has always been considered the key to beauty!49. Let the skin rest. Let your skin rest once a week, don't put makeup on it, you can even do without care products, just keep it clean. Unloading day will allow the skin to relax, gain strength and shine.50. Be feminine. From time immemorial, feminine qualities include affection, kindness, tenderness, humility, modesty. These qualities of a real woman adorn and increase female attractiveness.

Tags: How to, become, beautiful, in, 12, years, in, home, conditions

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Do you want to be even more beautiful in summer? We offer a course to improve your appearance, designed for 30 days. So, let's get straight to the point.

Tip #1
Every morning, on an empty stomach, eat 1 tablespoon of flaxseed. Chew thoroughly and drink a glass of warm water. After half an hour you can eat.
What will it give?
This remedy is wonderful for cleansing the body. As a result, the skin will become smoother and fresher. There will be a slight but healthy weight loss. Also, flaxseed strengthens hair and nails.
Attention! Flaxseed should not be consumed in the presence of stones in the body.

Tip #2
Eat a salad of boiled beets daily. For breakfast or dinner, whichever you prefer.
What will it give?
Beets are a unique blood purifier. And blood health is an important indicator of a beautiful appearance. This tool also has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and the functioning of internal organs.

Tip #3
Every day, an hour before bedtime, apply a mixture of glycerin and vitamin E to your face. The mixture is very easy to prepare. For 30 grams of glycerin, take 10 capsules of vitamin E. Poke the capsules with a needle and squeeze the oil into a bottle. All this can be purchased at a pharmacy at a low price. Before applying the product, you need to clean the skin of the face and make a light massage with a soft brush so that the surface turns slightly red. In this state, the cells absorb nutrients to the maximum. There is one drawback - the skin becomes a little sticky while the glycerin is absorbed. To alleviate discomfort, sprinkle the skin with a refreshing tonic.
What will it give?
Every morning you will observe the grateful reaction of the skin to such nutrition. Wrinkles will be smoothed out, and the color will even out. A very effective remedy for "crow's feet" in the corners of the eyes. Try and comments will be superfluous.

Tip #4
Eat at least 50 grams of nuts daily. Any you like.
What will it give?
Your hair and nails will thank you SO MUCH in 2 weeks.

Tip #5
Every three days we make a hair mask from dry mustard powder, diluted to the consistency of porridge with the addition of vegetable oil (preferably burdock or wheat germ). Apply to wet hair, hold for 20-30 minutes, rinse.
What will it give?
The result of this mask speaks for itself. And after a month of regular use, you simply will not recognize your old hair in a luxurious wave.

Tip #6
Get yourself some sleep socks. From natural fibre. Cotton or wool. Depending on the time of year. Before going to bed, after a shower, generously lubricate the legs with butter with the addition of a few drops of mint oil. Then we put on socks and go to bed in this form.
What will it give?
In a month, your legs will become the object of envy and admiration. This procedure, completed a month before the beach season, will serve you well. You can proudly show off your bare feet.

Tip #7
Now let's take care of the eyelashes. You will need an empty mascara tube. I thoroughly wash it inside with the help of my own soapy brush. We dry. Drip wheat germ oil inside. Everything! A home remedy is ready to strengthen and grow your paint-weary lashes. Before going to bed, apply oil over the entire length. With a brush, this is very convenient to do. No need for too much application. It is enough to lubricate the hairs quite a bit.
What will it give?
After a month, you will see that the eyelashes have become thicker, grown up and clearly cheered up.

Tip #8
Let's take care of the skin of the body. We take one glass of sea salt (although ordinary table salt with iodine is also suitable), add one glass of fat sour cream. After bathing, putting on a washcloth, carefully massage the whole body, including the neck, with the resulting porridge, then rinse with warm water. We are not lazy and do it after every bath. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator.
What will it give?
Salt removes dead skin particles from the surface and disinfects. If there are small pimples, then soon they will remain in the past. Sour cream softens the effect of salt, preventing it from scratching delicate skin, and also nourishes the cells. Do I need to explain that regular use will give a wonderful result.

Tip #9
Once again about the skin. It will be great if you get for yourself such a treasure as amaranth oil. The main component of this miracle product is squalene. And he, in turn, is one of the main components of our skin. The oil is absorbed by almost 100% and is unrivaled in the fight against wrinkles, scars, burns, stretch marks and other skin troubles! You can and should use amaranth oil daily, lubricating both the body and the face.
What will it give?
This will get rid of a lot of problems. The only drawback of oil is its price. Although it is, bessp ***, it's worth it.

Tip #10
Prepare special water for rinsing your hair after washing. Just add a few drops of menthol oil to it (5 drops per 1 liter) and rinse your curls after each wash.
What will it give?
Why do it? The question will disappear immediately after you first try. Incredible freshness on the scalp and lightness. This remedy even relieves headaches. Effectively fights dandruff. Great for helping with oily hair. 02:05 How to become a beautiful girl? Secret 31 569 views 07:00 How to become more beautiful? 5 psychological beauty blocks. 3 015 views 10:22 Body language and character: what does your figure say? 4 564 views

Olga (Libe)

Larisa Mosiychuk (Bondarenko) 

Hope (Dionne)

Luba (Brice)

Tatiana (Donnica)

Irina Elovikova (Spiridonova) 

Irina Maslenova(Kharitonova) 

Valentina Beskrovnaya (Koshkina) 

Natalia Kosenok (Christoforova) 

Yulia Babenko (Wheat) 

Elena Todorova (Vetushko) 

Elena Todorova (Vetushko) 

Lyudmila Inyakina (Ageeva) 

Assel (Paramesh)

Eugene (Gustaw)

Lyudmila Brintseva (Shevchenko) 

OLGA (Fanish)

How to be beautiful at 12 -

It's no secret that 12-13 years old is the age at which many girls go through the first stages of growing up. It was at this time...

Regardless of age, a girl always strives to become beautiful and well-groomed, like models from glossy magazines and is ready to make any sacrifices. There are simple rules, following which modern women of fashion will look 100% in any life situation.

Signs of a well-groomed girl

Rules of a well-groomed girl

It is not difficult to become a beautiful and well-groomed girl in the conditions of modern life, to look stunning both at home and at school, just follow a few simple rules:

How to hide flaws with the right clothes

How to become a beautiful and well-groomed girl, while remaining stylish and fashionable, will tell you tips on choosing clothes.

They will help fashionistas to skillfully hide the flaws of the figure, while emphasizing its advantages:

Choice of shoes

School shoes for a teenager exclude the presence of a heel or a high platform. An excellent option for everyday wear can be ballet shoes, the undeniable advantage of which is lightness, comfort, practicality, a variety of colors and models.

  • It is worth refusing to buy sneakers. In the manufacture of these shoes, rubber is often used, which does not allow the legs to breathe, leads to their rapid fatigue and excessive sweating.
  • The main criterion for choosing winter and demi-season shoes should be the naturalness of materials that allow the legs to breathe and take the form of a teenage foot.

Sneakers are present in the wardrobe of almost all fashionistas, so you should pay special attention to their choice:

Cosmetics at home and at school

How to become a beautiful and well-groomed girl without visiting expensive salons is a question that schoolgirls do not get tired of discussing at breaks and at every opportunity.

Cosmetics are capable of revealing the “zest”, the choice of which must be taken seriously:

  • The first choice of cosmetics for a girl must be made in the presence of an adult who will tell you good stores and understand the issue of product quality.
  • Cosmetics should solve skin problems, so you first need to assess the condition of the skin, and then look for products with the appropriate label on the package.
  • It is better to give preference to products for young skin that have positive reviews among consumers, time-tested firms and companies.
  • The composition of decorative cosmetics should be organic or mineral, and the components should be hypoallergenic.
  • Teenage cosmetics should be distinguished by a calm color scheme, so bright lipsticks, shadows and mascaras should be excluded.
  • All products that come into contact with the face must be tested before application. To do this, it is enough to apply a large number of cosmetics on the delicate skin of the wrist and see the reaction.
  • The quality of cosmetics largely depends on its expiration date, so it is necessary to pay due attention to this aspect of the choice.

Beauty secrets for girls 11 years old

How to become a beautiful and well-groomed girl, you need to think in childhood, when habits and everyday rules are formed:

How to transform at 12

Simple tips will help you transform in a week, which are recommended to be followed step by step every day:

Ways for beauty at 13 years old

Every 13-year-old girl dreams of universal recognition and admiration.

10 ways of beauty will help you get closer to perfection and become more attractive to peers:

What will help to become better at 14 years old

Adolescence is the beginning of the search for one's individuality.

10 simple tips will help you become better and teach the art of beauty:

Be beautiful at 15

You can become a beautiful and well-groomed girl even in a month.

It is enough to master the simple rules of beauty:

Solving the problem of excess weight

Being overweight is becoming the number one problem among teenagers. You can defeat kilograms without debilitating diets, It is enough to make some adjustments in your usual life:

Posture exercises

Posture exercises can be fun and interesting, and you can perform them without disturbing the rhythm of your usual life:

Exercises for a beautiful press

The dream of a flat stomach can be realized while being at the workplace at school or at home, without even getting up from your chair:

An attractive appearance requires effort and patience from the fair sex. Becoming a beautiful and well-groomed girl in a few seconds, and how to turn into a princess in a fairy tale, is unlikely to work out in real life. But the best reward for your efforts will be the admiring glances of others and confidence in your own irresistibility.

Video on how to become a beautiful and well-groomed girl

Beauty secrets - how to become beautiful and well-groomed:

How to become feminine and well-groomed:





Becoming beautiful is easy. It is enough to know a few "girly" secrets and tricks. You can create attractiveness with the use of cosmetics and without special means. But in any case, it is important to consider your age.

Beauty secrets for a girl 9 years old at home

At this age, all girls look like princesses.
Delicate skin, natural face colors do not yet need bright cosmetics.
However, you can start learning beauty tricks and follow a few rules:

  • Rinse washed hair with chamomile decoction. This will give your hair softness, silkiness and shine.
  • Wash with a decoction of herbs (calendula, chamomile, nettle). The skin will become especially radiant, tender.
  • Apply a natural cream to cleanly washed hands daily.
  • Sometimes lubricate the face with sour cream. And in the summer - strawberries or apricots. Wash off after 15 minutes.

And what about cosmetics?

At 9 years old, I really want to try to be an adult.

Mom's funds are not suitable. But there is a good idea - to slightly tint the lips, and at the same time give them a well-groomed look.

To do this, you can use hygienic lipstick with a pinkish tint. Lips will become brighter and will not crack.

Transforming at 10 years old

There are several effective ways to become beautiful:

  • After washing, wipe the skin with a cotton pad dipped in milk. The skin will glow white.
  • After washing the hair, apply a natural gel or varnish on them and put them in any hairstyle.
  • Lubricate clean hands with a drop of olive oil and there will be no pimples or cracks on them.

Now for some cosmetics:

  • Paint your nails with clear polish.
  • Tint your lips with a hygienic gloss.
  • Apply on the eyelids very little shadows of light shades.

Bring beauty home at 11 years old

At 11, you can afford a little more cosmetics. But it is important not to forget about personal hygiene, sometimes girls at this age have a smell from their armpits.

Therefore, first, beauty products without cosmetics:

  • Treat washed armpits with talcum powder. With excessive sweating, talc can be applied to the entire body. But only after a shower and on a dry body.
  • Wash with mineral water using natural gel.
  • Apply a moisturizer designed for young skin.

Now with cosmetics:

  • Lightly tint the tips of the eyelashes.
  • On the eyelids, apply a little shadow of natural shades.
  • Lightly brown your cheeks. Blush should be barely visible.
  • Apply a natural gloss of not bright tones to the lips.

It's easy to transform at 12

At 12 years old, annoying pimples on the face may appear. When hovering a marafet, it is important to take this nuance into account.

  • After washing with the gel, wipe the face, neck and décolleté with a slice of lemon. This method will help reduce acne and refresh the complexion. After the lemon, a nourishing cream is a must!
  • Make a mask of sour cream with a drop of olive oil. Remember to rinse with clean water without soap.
  • Regularly lubricate the face with a moisturizing cream for young skin.

You can add cosmetics:

  • Mascara on the ends of the eyelashes. For light eyes, you can use a blue tint.
  • Light colored lip gloss.
  • Eye shadow in natural colors.
  • There is very little blush on the cheeks, barely noticeable.

Beauty products at 13 years old at home

At the age of 13, the fight against pimples and comedones becomes relevant.

There are several effective ways to deal with such a scourge:

  • Make a steam bath for the face. Add some soda to the water. Wash with cold water and pat dry with a towel. This procedure will give freshness and blush to the skin.
  • Wipe the face with diluted calendula tincture.
  • On a clean face, put gauze soaked in tea leaves. Spread the tea evenly over the gauze. Keep 20 minutes.

Now you can start cosmetics:

  • Lightly dust your face with pearl powder. If the skin is swarthy, you should use a mineral powder of dark tones.
  • Apply eye shadow. Barely noticeable and only natural shades. For example, run.
  • Mascara on the ends of the eyelashes.
  • Light colored lip gloss.
  • Cover nails with light varnish.

What can be done at home for beauty at 14 years old

14 years old - start to search for individuality. But beauty is grooming. Let's start with this.

  • Steam bath for the face with soda or a decoction of herbs. For example, chamomile, calendula, sage, St. John's wort.
  • Rub your face with an ice cube. You can make ice from herbal tea.
  • Apply aloe juice to your face.
  • After washing, rinse your hair, make a mask of any oil of your choice: burdock, castor, olive, coconut, avocado.
  • At night, grease clean hands with warmed olive oil and put on cotton gloves.

After the procedures, it's time to start makeup using cosmetics:

  • Powder the face to even out the color and mask the circles under the eyes. Do all this very carefully so that there is no bust. It is better to use mineral powder.
  • Brown the cheeks, if necessary. The color of the blush is only light.
  • Apply shadows on the eyelids in natural shades.
  • A little mascara on the eyelashes.
  • Lip gloss in light pastel shades.

Beauty at 15 years old at home is easy

At 15, you can make a breakthrough in makeup with a bolder approach. But you can't do without face and hair care.

  • Brew a teaspoon of coffee with a small amount of water, drop olive oil into the resulting mixture and do a face peeling. The same can be done with the body while bathing. Hold the mask for five to ten minutes and rinse thoroughly. The procedure will cleanse and polish the skin.
  • Grate a fresh cucumber, apply on the skin of the face, keep for 20 minutes. Skin freshness guaranteed.
  • Make a mixture of honey, castor oil and petroleum jelly. Drop one (!) drop of iodine into the resulting mixture and apply on the face. After 15 minutes, it will shine with freshness and beauty.
  • After washing, rinse your hair with a decoction of chamomile. You can just add a little vinegar to the water.

On a cleansed and well-groomed face, a little makeup will not hurt:

  • Apply a transparent makeup base.
  • Light blush on the cheeks, chin and tip of the nose.
  • Line the upper eyelid with a brown or blue pencil (very thin).
  • Apply shadows on the eyelids in natural tones.
  • Mascara on eyelashes.
  • Lip gloss with a pink or coral tint.

Ways for beauty at 16 years old at home

16 years old is the time to start systematic body and face care. The more regular the procedures, the more chances to keep the skin in excellent condition.

  • Moisten a handful of oatmeal in warm water and treat the skin of the face, neck and décolleté with this gruel. For dry skin, you can soak the flakes in warm milk. Wash off with cool water.
  • Make ice cubes from mineral water and rub your face for a minute.
  • Add lavender essential oil to a natural cream.
  • Add orange or juniper essential oil to natural body cream.

Beauty with cosmetics:

  • Apply to the face tonal fluid to match the skin color.
  • Cover the eyelids with shades of natural shades.
  • Draw a thin brown line over the upper eyelid.
  • Tint your lashes with lengthening mascara Brown color.
  • On the lips - light shades of gloss.

Beauty secrets at 17

At this age, you can try "adult" beauty products and experiment with makeup.

  • Mix a teaspoon of soda and the same amount of salt with warm water. Massage the face with gentle circular motions, especially the chin and nose area. This remedy will perfectly cleanse the skin and get rid of blackheads. Use with caution on thin dry skin.
  • Wipe your face with a cotton pad soaked in a decoction of chamomile or calendula.
  • Brew ground coffee with a little water and massage the body. Pay special attention to the elbows.
  • After a shower, apply jojoba oil to a damp body, adding a drop of orange essential oil to it.

At the age of 17, in addition to gloss, you can use lipstick:

  • On the face, apply tonal fluid to match the skin color.
  • On the cheeks - a little blush of restrained tones.
  • Use eye shadow to match your eye color. You can try blue and lilac shades.
  • Make up your lips with lipstick in natural shades - from pink to coral.

Become beautiful at home at 18

The focus is on moisturizing and protecting the skin.

  • Make a facial peeling with oatmeal soaked in warm water.
  • Grate carrots, mix it with sour cream and apply on face for 20 minutes. Do this moisturizing and nourishing mask twice a week.
  • Add aloe juice to honey and hold on the face, neck and décolleté for 20 minutes.
  • After washing your hair, burdock oil or Shea butter. Rub it well into the scalp, put on a warm bandage and hold it on your head for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water and shampoo.

Trying bold makeup at 18

And how to become slim and beautiful at home as an adult? Girls of this age already know the tricks of makeup, but if earlier light and natural shades of cosmetics were preferred, now is the time to try something hotter.

For example, the famous smoky eyes on the eyes. To do this, you need to use black eyeliner, dark eye shadow and dark mascara in large quantities. In such makeup, you can add mother-of-pearl, sparkles or golden pigment.