How to get light brown hair color. How to dye your hair brown. Who suits this hair color

The science of coloring answers the question of how to mix hair dyes correctly. It covers all aspects and nuances of the mixing process, about how, in what proportions and with what shades to combine colors. Armed with its laws and regulations, it is easy to achieve the expected individual incredible effect.

Aspects of mixing paints

Preparation for the process of mixing paints begins with choosing the desired shade, taking into account the combination of colors and coloring pigments found in the hair and in the selected paint.

There are no restrictions on the color scheme - they use everything. It all depends on the flight of fancy and attitude. There is only one rule: do not mix more than three different tones. To achieve a unique individual result and competently saturated juicy shade, when mixing paint, use one line of one brand. Means of different trademarks do not match in their own way chemical composition, active and coloring substances.

For beginners who do not know how to properly mix hair dyes, it is better not to undertake radical experiments on their own. It is more acceptable to start with small changes, such as coloring a small strand or toning the color in halftone increments. Unsuccessful experiments are sometimes difficult to fix: you have to completely recolor your hair again, which leads to overdrying, causing a lot of trouble to restore their healthy state.

To achieve such characteristics of shades and colors of hair dyes as juiciness, lightness, saturation, softness, techniques are used:

  • contrasting original strands, when individual curls of hair are dyed in a contrasting color;
  • smooth transition - bordering on color scheme tones.

Paint mixing process

Before dyeing, the type and structure of the hair, the density, the degree of their damage, the presence of gray hair are determined, the composition is checked for individual tolerance, the initial and initial color at the time of dyeing is taken into account, as well as the presence perm.

When mixing hair dyes, learn the important rules that must be followed:

  • Read the instructions on the packaging.
  • For error-free selection of shades, use the color chart.
  • Mix a small test amount of paints, look and evaluate the result.
  • Do not mix palettes of different brands.
  • Accurately observe the proportions of the ratio of dyes.
  • Gray hair is dyed in two stages (first, uniformity is achieved, then the main tone is applied).
  • The result of dyeing depends on the thickness, density and individual pigment of the hair.
  • Only glass, plastic, plastic and ceramic containers are used.
  • It is advisable to use the diluted paint within 30 minutes.
  • Take care in advance and prepare the composition to wash off the unwanted color result.
  • Each paint is prepared separately, then the colors are carefully and accurately mixed together.

To achieve high color fastness characteristics, follow the rules:

  • For hair of medium thickness and length, the amount of paint used is about 60 g.
  • Oxygen and paint are mixed in a ratio of 1:1, with tinting - 1:2.
  • When lightening hair, a 9% oxygen solution is used, when dyeing in dark tones — 3%.

The depth and richness of the color are regulated by the exposure time of the dye on the hair being dyed and the temperature at which the process is carried out.

Achieving the desired shade

Mix paints, experiment, follow all the rules on how to properly mix hair dyes, and the expected result will definitely be.

A positive effect is given by the technology of mixing relatives related shades one color solution, but in different tones, for example, light and medium blond. If there are residues from the previous staining on the roots, a uniform color is achieved before mixing. A properly calculated ratio of the coloring composition will give the desired result (darker, lighter), moving you one step further along the path to the science of how to properly mix hair dyes.

The golden rule of the color wheel

Coloristics conditionally divides colors into warm and cold, and also distinguishes three primary (primary) colors: yellow, blue and red. never mix with each other. The remaining shades are derivatives, or analog. They are obtained by mixing in different proportions and are the most acceptable in various combinations and combinations. They have their own gradation:

  • Secondary - mixing two primary colors in equal parts, for example, yellow and red will give orange.
  • Tertiary - mixing one primary and one, for example, red and purple will give crimson.

Using the golden rule color wheel, easy to understand:

  • how to correctly combine it with the color of the eyes and skin, the type of appearance;
  • how not to miss.

The colors of the circle are divided into warm and cold, and they are not compatible.

From shade to shade in a circle, they go clockwise. Opposite colors are neutralizing (opposite). They are used to correct or remove an unwanted shade. All combinations give the effect of natural hair.

Advantages of professional paints

Color spectrum professional paints favorably differs from household paints on sale. Professional compositions have larger collection colors and nuances of shades, which makes it possible to obtain an unlimited number of mixing options. Their packages have a digital code indicating how to properly mix professional hair dyes. The number indicates the level of lightness, where 1 is the darkest (black) tone, and 10 is the lightest (blond). Accordingly, dark will drown out or average the effect. The rest is decided by semitones - shades. First, the main (depth of tone) is indicated, then the auxiliary (color nuance), and, finally, the additional nuance of the hue. This data will help you understand how to mix hair colors according to the shade chart.


When correcting the tone and to enhance the hue of the color solution, mixtons are used. They are not used for staining on their own, only after pre-clarification hair.

Mixtons work well, enhancing the natural palette. With their help, unconventional, exclusive, unusual, matte and ashy variations are obtained.

Today we talked about such a procedure as mixing hair dyes. Important Rules have been listed above.

Hair throughout human history was shrouded in an aura of mystery and mystery, which is why it is so desirable for most women. And today it is no less popular: many girls willingly try on such an image. But what color is better to choose? Is it possible for all girls to change their image so boldly? And how to do without unexpected shades on the hair? Let's talk about everything in more detail.

Many-sided solar charm

The most famous paint companies are Schwarzkopf, Wellaton, Syoss, Garnier and L'Oreal. Firms have a rich and varied palette, thanks to which you can get red- Brown color hair of all kinds.

Semi-Resistant & Gloss has 18 shades in its arsenal, many of which give a sunny hue.

The Palette Deluxe palette is represented by 22 tones, of which 464 Gorgeous Copper, 562 Copper Mango and other equally attractive products may be of interest.

Garnier Color Naturals also offers beautiful shades: 6.41 Passionate Amber, 7.40 Golden Copper, 7.41 Captivating Copper. Thanks to them, you can get an excellent brown-red hair color.

Wellaton paint pleases with the Vibrant Reds palette, which has the necessary tones.

The range of products offered on the market today is so diverse that every girl, even a very capricious one, will be able to choose the desired image for herself.

Who suits?

The red color is the most original and, in turn, quite whimsical. It often happens that brightly colored curls acquire a completely new color, but is it always better side? Do not be afraid to experiment, you just need to choose the right tone. Initially, you need to determine your color type, and then boldly wear red-brown hair color, a photo of the options is presented below.

1. Light is almost blond, but only with peach, copper and gold tints. Such strands will make the appearance more romantic and tender. Suitable for ladies blue eyes and light "porcelain" skin. Such girls should not use fiery and bright colors, as there will be a strong contrast - and they will be lost against the background of colorful hair. You need to choose from these:

Light copper;
- red with caramel notes;
- ginger;
- peach.

2. Bright is a color from orange to fiery. As practice shows, only 10% of women decide to try it. But if you still have the courage for such an extravagant experiment, you must be prepared for close attention from others. The palette includes colors:

- bright copper;
- fiery.

These are very few, most do not even allow themselves to try them on. It is contraindicated to use red-brown hair color (photo below) natural blondes and girls with pale and translucent skin. Copper shades do not go well with light gray and blue eyes. Feel free to wear colors bright colors the fair sex with dark brown and green eyes; the main thing is that the skin is not pale.

If you rely on the color type, then “spring” and “autumn” are suitable. Before you get the desired result, you need to make sure that the skin looks perfect, because new image, perhaps, will emphasize all the shortcomings: wrinkles, dryness and dark spots. Therefore, it is necessary to understand how to dye the red hair color brown or light, so that in case of failure it is easy to return everything back.

3. Dark is a shade that has a pronounced brown pigment. Natural brown-haired women and brunettes who want to make their appearance brighter often use such modifications of their appearance. These include:

Deep copper;
- burgundy with a chocolate tint;
- Dark red;
- red with golden notes.

These paints will add charm and luxury to the image, they are perfect for adults and respectable ladies. Colors favorably emphasize the eyes, especially brown ones. But young girls should not experiment with them.

How to save

Many people think that intensive care “washes out” the shade. But everything is quite different. If the hair is porous and loose, when dyeing, the pigment from them disappears quickly enough and becomes very dull. Between sessions it is recommended to use special shampoos, tonics and balms that will bring the necessary brightness.

What does red-brown hair represent?

To the owners of fiery hair has always been increased attention. Is it justified? And what kind of character do such women have? Most often they are unbalanced, eccentric and active, and also cannot hide their emotions. Often have a strong, most likely male character, know their worth and are independent. They like to communicate with the opposite sex, while they cannot stand stupid and weak people. Persons with believe that their opinion is always correct - and it is almost impossible to dissuade them of this. Despite the external severity, they are sociable, cheerful, but only with certain people. They often go in for sports with great enthusiasm, have good vocal and dance skills.

Painting at home

If it was decided to change the color of the hair on your own, then you need to take into account the difference between the declared shade on the package and the result obtained after the end of the procedure. Much depends on the natural tone of the hair, as well as on the manufacturer of the selected paint. According to professionals, shades of gold from L'Oreal are darker than indicated, and chestnuts give amber. Brown hair color with a red tint can be obtained by dyeing light brown tones from Schwarzkopf. Therefore, before you start experimenting at home, it is best to look for reviews about the selected product - and eventually get the desired shade.


Today, stylists are increasingly using trendy colors. In particular, such a technique as coloring is gaining popularity. Professionals offer volume painting, which looks very natural. However, with the help of technology, you can simultaneously combine several selected shades. For example, in order to get a red-brown hair color, you need to combine golden, chocolate and red-red.

Henna and basma

Coloring natural dyes is creative process because the result may be unexpected. Therefore, before starting, it is advisable to experiment on a small strand. it best way for the perfect color.

Remember a few rules:

1. The prepared composition must be applied only to clean, best washed with soap and wet hair. Air conditioning is not recommended.
2. The lighter the natural shade, the more pronounced the final result will be.
3. When mixing henna and basma, the first component should be more in order to get the desired red-brown hair color.
4. If women are clarified by chemical means curls, then staining must be carried out carefully, because you can get a very bright color.
5. After the composition has been applied, the hair must be covered cling film and then wrapped in a thick towel.
6. Dry red wine, lemon juice and low-fat kefir oxidize the prepared solution, as a result of which the staining will occur better, and the tone will last much longer.

In order to get brown hair with a red tint, photos of which can be seen in every salon, you must use the following recommendations.

1. Any paint is better taken on curls of medium fat content, it will be good to wash the day before the procedure.
2. fiery tones wash out quickly enough, so you need to be ready to regularly update the image. In order for the brown hair color with a red tint, the photo of which is found in fashion magazines, was bright and saturated for a long time, it is necessary to use supporting shampoos and balms.
3. Before starting work, everything around is covered with newspaper.
4. After the mass is applied to the hair, a special cap is put on.

Staining rules

In the case when the decision is made to try out an extravagant color for the first time, it is best to use tinting masks or tint mousses, which are easily removed after several washing sessions. In order to understand how to get red-brown hair color, you need to use some tricks. If initially present dark shade, then it must first be lightened by several tones. Maintaining brightness and saturation requires frequent coloring. To keep the curls healthy, it is recommended to give preference to products without ammonia. Girls with a red color scheme need to show some restraint with makeup. Eyebrows should be in harmony with the hair, eyes are emphasized with brown pencils, eyeliners and mascara, and nude shades of lipsticks, blush and shadows are also chosen.

Home care

Red-haired beauties for a healthy and beautiful appearance it is necessary to provide curls with appropriate care. As a rule, care begins with the right shampoo. Currently on the market there are great amount funds in this category. Some of them are able to easily and simply maintain beautiful colour, as well as enhance brightness and saturation.

As home care suitable masks or serums based on natural henna, with the addition of extracts of pomegranate, cherry and cinnamon. Care products containing alcohol, ammonium and peroxide should be avoided, as they destroy the synthetic pigment.

During the active solstice, red-brown strands must be protected from negative impact direct rays. This also applies to the solarium, swimming pool and baths. Long-lasting bright and saturated shade help salon procedures, namely keratinization or lamination. It should be noted that when choosing suitable tone from a red palette, you can become a constant admirer of him for many years.

Who shouldn't experiment?

Stylists do not recommend using bright colors especially for those who have a lot gray hair. These tones are very capricious and may not stay on the strands, losing their pigment. The presence of age-related folds and wrinkles is also a contraindication for painting in red tones, which can not only emphasize the woman's age, but also highlight all the defects in appearance. Also fiery colors focus on age spots and freckles. If their owner tries to hide the sun dots, then this hair color is not the best solution. It should be noted that overdried and damaged curls will not be able to keep a bright shade in its initial form and will require frequent staining.

Red hair color will make the image more mysterious and bold. This is not just a change in appearance - the fair sex often begins to feel much more confident, and attention from men significantly increases self-esteem. Doubt? Then decide to experiment - perhaps this is exactly your style.

By competently combining 2-3 tones of colors, it is possible to achieve amazing unique colors hair. Coloring is based not only on the selection of well-matched beautiful shades, but also on the exact calculation of the proportions of the selected products. Before mixing hair dyes to obtain the desired color, the color chart must be thoroughly studied. An illustration on the theme of combining different tones of hair dyes is attached to this article. Immediately, we note one contraindication: you can not take more than three tones in one session. You have to decide for yourself what the end result should be. You can get a light or rich version.

Rules for mixing paints

A serious approach to mixing dyes

Experts who own the technology of mixing tones work on the principle integrated approach. It is known that a specialist first assesses the condition and recognizes the structure of the hair, determines the sensitivity skin on the head. The presence or absence of gray hair, original color(natural or remaining after the previous staining) - these points are also significant. There are two options. The first is to act independently, guided by the advice of professionals, there is a certain amount of risk of getting an unwanted color. The second is an appeal to the master, in this case you can be one hundred percent sure of a brilliant result that will exceed all the expectations of the client. Talented masters help to correct facial features and visually rejuvenate a woman with the help of correct staining hair.

Using paints from the same brand

All authoritative sources speak of the possibility of combining different shades only if they are made by the same factory. In no case should you experiment by combining products from different manufacturers. Each company has a unique palette and its own technologies. A lot of positive feedback about home use of this product: "Syoss Mixing Colors".

Mixing hair dyes: to get the desired color, you can combine 2 or 3 tones

Mixed hair coloring at home

Selection of shades close to each other

To increase the chances of a favorable outcome of the operation, you should take for mixing only tones that are as close as possible to each other, within the same palette. For example, chestnut is combined with copper, purple-black with eggplant, caramel with gold, dark blond with medium blond. For those who do not know how to mix hair dyes to get the right color, the table will help.

Proportions and exposure time of paint

It is necessary to calculate the total volume of paint according to individual characteristics. To do this, you need to have an idea about the cost of funds: for short hair medium density to the shoulders will require 60 milliliters of paint or 1 pack; to completely saturate the hair with dye middle length 120 milliliters of dye is taken; long hair should be enough from 180 milliliters of funds. The ratio of the colors present in the mixture is extremely important. If you manage to correctly select the proportions, according to the table or intuitively, then the desired result will definitely be obtained. It is worth noting that each type of hair perceives staining with the same product differently, therefore the final color may differ from person to person. The exposure time of the dye on the hair directly affects the saturation of the color. When two shades are already selected, they are mixed equally, or one of them is taken a little more. The proportions depend on desired effect. For example, you want to use chestnut along with copper, and you want the final color to be closer to copper, which means that copper paint should prevail.

Preparing hair with uneven color

There may be a non-uniform initial hair color. This happens due to the presence gray hair or regrown roots against the background of the previous staining. It is useful to equalize the color by pre-staining as close to natural tone as possible. And then you can apply new colors that will lie evenly and naturally.

The process of dyeing hair with two colors

First, one and the second paint are mixed separately, in different containers. It is important to prepare the dye strictly in accordance with the attached instructions. Ready-to-use colors from one manufacturer can be combined and applied immediately, evenly throughout the hair. To make your hair easier, use special brush, to protect hands - polyethylene gloves, and to maintain health and prevent staining of the adjacent skin of the face and neck - apply fat cream on all areas close to the hair. It is necessary to quickly use up the entire volume of paint. None of them can be stored. The exposure time can be selected according to the instructions, it is not recommended to exceed it, otherwise it will be overtaken Negative consequences- the hair is damaged. The paint is applied immediately after preparation, since the chemical reaction proceeds quickly, after half an hour the unused product becomes unusable from exposure to air.

It should be noted that mixing paints at home involves a certain risk. If there is no confidence in the result, then it is better to go to the salon and trust the master.

Light brown hair color is delicate and attractive.

Some of the fair sex were lucky to be born with this tone of curls, and they are happy about it.

Due to the fact that this shade belongs to a calm range natural colors, he looks like many girls (pictured below).

What if you dream of a light brown hair color, having curls of a different shade? Color your hair!

The modern beauty industry invites the attention of girls big variety shades of light brown, among which there are tones suitable for warm color types, and shades that adorn the cold color types of women.

Many of the fair sex, who have dark curls, dream of lightening their hair, but they want to do it not radically, but within a step of two or three hairdressing tones.

To color curls in light brown color, brunettes need to undergo a decapitation procedure that will lighten their hair by three or five tones.

It is impossible to lighten the curls for such a number of tones at a time, so be prepared for the fact that you will have to decapitate your hair several times so as not to spoil the hair structure.

If you want the color wash process to go smoothly and not cause serious damage to your hair, contact the salon.

Hairdressers know everything about the professional decapitation of curls, they have in their arsenal a large number of products that allow you to lighten your hair without spoiling their appearance.

If the wash was carried out incorrectly, then the hair may turn yellow, and subsequent coloring will lead to the appearance of a strange shade on the curls.

It is easier for blondes and light blond girls - to acquire a light brown color, they just need to paint their heads with the help of the chosen product.

Depending on the natural shade, hair may acquire a light brown or golden undertone.

A light brown color with a light brown or golden undertone refreshes the face. It visually makes the skin more tender, and the eyes brighter.

If you are a representative of a warm color type, then these shades will decorate your appearance.

For girls whose color types are associated with "Summer" and "Winter", it is better to use paints that give curls not golden light brown color, a ash blonde shade(pictured below).

Thanks to this, the hair color will not be out of harmony with their appearance and will decorate the image.

If in the process of wearing a color you begin to notice that a golden or yellow undertone appears in it, save the noble freshness ash-blond color will be able to special shampoos, saturated with blue pigment, which returns a cold shade to the hair.

Shades of paint for curls of light brown colors

L`oreal paint often appears in the reviews of girls who independently tint curls at home.

The L`oreal company takes care of its customers by inventing new consistency of coloring compositions that facilitate self-coloring.

The brand produces a large number of unusual, beautiful flowers, which give the hair attractiveness.

For example, the Prodigy line contains three color options belonging to the light brown color range.

We are talking about the shades "Almond" (number 7.0), "Walnut" (number 6.32) and "Oak" (number 6.0) (pictured below).

These options differ in color depth and will suit many girls who have Slavic type appearance.

Garnier produces a large number of shades of light brown.

These include Luxurious Dark Blonde (number 6.0) from the Color Sensation series, Pearly Almond (number 6.23) from the Color Naturals line, as well as Light Chestnut (number 5.0), Dark Blonde (number 6.0), "Dark Blonde" of the Color & Shine series.

Fara Classic Curl Dye in Light Brown (number 506) will help tone even strong gray hair.

Reviews on this product contain information that it gives a lasting coloring effect.

You can also find a light brown shade in professional hair dyes. Many hairdressers love Estel tinting products for their rich color palette and the accuracy of the color obtained on the curls.

Estel's pure light brown paint is sold at number 5.0 (pictured below).

Another paint that many hairdressers like is produced by Wella and belongs to the Koleston Perfect line. Light blond shade in this line also has the number 5.0.

How to get light brown curls?

If you are going to dye curls yourself, check out this paragraph of the article.

Don't skimp on tinting. If you want to get a beautiful, deep shade that will decorate your hair, choose your toning base carefully.

Big choice paints can be found in the range of stores selling professional hairdressing products.

The compositions of modern coloring bases contain not only chemical, but also natural ingredients who care for curls in the process of toning hair.

Try to choose such colors to cause less damage to the strands.

If you are not sure what you suitable shade light brown, “try on” this color by coloring your hair with a tint shampoo.

One of the most gentle coloring shampoos are the Beige Shampoo and Brown Shampoo products of the L`Oreal Gloss Color line.

Cheaper means of this kind are Irida M tint shampoos - Brond, Dark Blonde and Chestnut.

The light brown range of shades also includes the product of the company "RoColor" in the color "Mocha" (number 4.4).

Of course, this advice is relevant for fair-haired girls. To present their hair in light brown tones, the owners dark curls you will have to turn on the imagination, since the result of coloring their curls with a light tint will not be noticeable.

Remember that any chemical paint may cause allergies.

Before applying the tinting base to the hair, distribute a small amount of mixed composition on the bend of the elbow or on the skin behind the ear and wait a day.

If irritation or itching does not appear at this place, you can safely use the paint.

Comb your hair and part it in a straight parting. Using a hairdresser's brush, start applying paint to the root area on the left side.

Gradually transfer the processed curls to the right side of the parting. After you paint over all the roots of the left side, repeat the procedure with the right side.

Don't forget the back of your head. Gather your hair into a ponytail and use your hands to apply paint to them, making sure that the strands are completely covered with a tinting base.

Wrap your hair in plastic and wait right time. After dyeing your hair, be sure to use the balm that comes with the paint.

If you want to get light brown, golden or any other shade of light brown, paint your curls only with high-quality compounds.

If you do not have a specialized hairdressing education, then do not mix shades of ordinary or professional hair dyes with each other.

The paint that you get during the mixing process can give the curls an unwanted shade.

Decided to change the image and start with hair coloring in light brown? Great choice! Let's talk about who it suits and who does not, what techniques are used for staining, whether it is possible to do it yourself with natural means, and how to care for the strands after the procedure.

Who suits this hair color

Light brown is not for everyone. Here are a few tips on how to choose the right shade for coloring:

  • girls with light, almost white skin and light brown eyes light brown hair shades are perfect. If your color type is “spring” or “summer”, feel free to paint;

Combination light shade skin and brown eyes

  • with the “spring” color type, it is better to choose warm shades of light brown. You can shade some strands of red to make the hairstyle look voluminous, catchy and memorable;
  • but for "summer" young ladies it is better to choose calm tones, muted, to highlight the natural beauty and do not focus on the hairstyle;
  • Are your eyes bright and your skin white? Give preference to caramel, coffee light and. And if you select individual strands golden paint, the hairstyle will immediately play, turning you into a bright, stylish beauty;
  • dark-skinned women with dark brown eyes it is better to give preference to warm, golden brown shades. But not too light, on the contrary, choose saturated colors, which will be in perfect harmony with skin color and emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes;
  • better for young girls. Yes mom middle age they are contraindicated, because they visually add a couple of years;
  • blue-eyed and gray-eyed girls are perfect for voluminous coloring, combining cold and warm shades of light brown. Such a contrast looks very impressive;
  • young ladies with a "warm" appearance, big features face suitable light brown color with hints of red. It is the most fashionable and bright option this season.

Choosing a shade is quite simple: the “warmer” the color type, the warmer the shade of the hair should be. In general, light brown shades suit women of any age.

Volumetric staining looks especially impressive, in which the strands are painted in different shades of the same color. This hairstyle will visually add volume to the hair and make the image bright, memorable and incredibly stylish.

Shades of light brown

The brown-haired, so, happens different shades. A large selection of colors allows you to choose the right one for you. Let's take a look at the most popular existing shades light brown:

  • classic light brown (). It suits almost everyone, the pigment is warm. Neutral option for those who do not like to stand out and prefer classic laconic looks;

light brown shade

  • ashen (blond). Highly cold color. Ideal for gray and blue-eyed girls with not very fair skin. Visually increases age, therefore it is not recommended for adult ladies. The ash pigment is quickly washed out, so the coloring needs to be updated frequently;
  • with hints of purple. Highly creative option which is suitable for girls with regular features face, expressive eyes and cheekbones. Helps create real vivid image standing out from the crowd;
  • with golden notes. Perfect option for pretty blondes plump lips, neat little nose and expressive eyes. Looks very warm and cute;
  • with reddish notes. A find for green-eyed young ladies with subtle features faces. Bold option. If you want to become more noticeable, but are afraid to wear too provocative, bright colors, this is the perfect solution;

Color with red undertones

  • light chocolate and. Suitable for girls with naturally dark hair, eyebrows.

Most shades of light brown, except for ash and cold, are ideal for girls with warm color type. Be sure to keep this in mind when choosing your coloring option. It is advisable to consult with a stylist or hairdresser before the procedure, so as not to screw up.

How to dye your hair

Coloring is best done in the salon, trusting your hands professional hairdresser. We do not recommend doing it yourself, so that the result is not unpredictable.

To find out which shade suits you, take a look at the wig store. Try them on and you'll see which one is perfect for your complexion and look.

  1. Girls with hair previously dyed with natural dyes - henna, basma and similar.
  2. After perm, long-term styling, boost-up, keratin straightening and other similar procedures.
  3. After long staining hair in a different color, highlighting, coloring and others.
  4. Girls with very dark or naturally black hair.

You can take a chance and dye yourself if you have natural hair of a light shade. Then the paint will give the desired result.

Don't skimp on paint. Cheap "Pallet" and similar dyes are very harmful. And, according to the reviews, after household paints it is very difficult to color the strands in other shades later - the pigment eats into the hair tightly. And the result is often unpredictable.

Permanent coloring

Performed, keeps on the hair for as long as possible. It is better to paint in a similar way in the salon, because you need to calculate the paint formula correctly, know the exact exposure time and many other nuances that a non-professional has no idea about.

Resistant paint for permanent coloring

AT good salons the procedure is as follows:

  • first, the master washes the hair well professional shampoo for deep cleaning. This tool helps to prepare the strands for coloring as much as possible - the hair scales open, the remnants of silicones and styling products. Thanks to this stage, the coloring is uniform, and the pigment then lasts longer;
  • then the hairdresser calculates the formula of the dye, based on the initial data- the current hair color of the client, the presence of past dyes, hair structure and other important characteristics;
  • after that, the paint is applied to the strands and kept for the right amount of time;
  • the dye is washed off, a mask or balm is applied to the hair to close the scales;
  • styling.

In this way, any standard staining should be carried out.

Hair toning

If your natural color- light, or you are painted in blond, you can try toning. This procedure minimally harms the hair, but allows you to dye them in desired shade.

Tinted shampoos

To carry out the procedure, you need to purchase a special, tint shampoo or balm.

Toning is washed out quickly - staining will have to be updated frequently. But you can also change the color often.

Painting with natural compounds

natural remedies for coloring minimally harm the hair. To get a light brown shade, it is better to purchase henna. We do not recommend buying the usual cheap Indian - you have to experiment to achieve the desired shade, and the result is not always expected.

So pay attention to professional brands natural cosmetics, for example, Lush. On packages with such henna indicate the shade that will result from staining.

Keep in mind that after henna, you can not dye your hair with industrial paints. Until the henna-affected hair grows back.

Hair care after the procedure

Best for colored hair professional care. Natural remedies are best left aside. Visit your nearest hairdressing store and purchase:

  • mild sulfate-free shampoo. Helps to maintain color saturation for a long time, less pigment washes out;
  • moisturizing balm. Needed to close the hair scales after shampooing, ensure smoothness and remove electrification;
  • if you style curls with a curling iron, hot air from a hair dryer, ironing;
  • silicone leave-in. To protect strands from external influence and add gloss to them;

Leave-in formulations with silicone

  • nourishing mask. Needed to maintain healthy hair, fix color;


For more details on hair coloring, see the video below.


It suits almost everyone, it is only important to choose the right shade that matches your color type. Coloring is best done by a professional hairdresser. Do not forget to take care of the strands especially carefully so that the color remains bright for a long time, and the coloring does not have to be updated often.