How to stylish a house for the new year: current ideas. Alternative Big Christmas tree. Giving windows festive winter mood

Time miracles, magic, unexpected surprises and expected gifts - New Year. Preparation for it makes it possible to be a little wizard. To turn the house to the fairytale palace, the dwelling of the Mother of winter or the palaces of the snow queen.

What is needed for this? Affordable materials, desire to create, persistence and patience, rich fantasy and a little bit ... New Year's magic. Preparation for the holiday begins, it's time to start work!

Magic secrets and small tricks home decorations for the new year

Before you take for the decoration of the house to the upcoming winter holidays, you need to think over all the details and trivia. They create a unique charm and New Year's mood. No corner of the house should remain forgotten.

Special attention should be paid to the color scheme and the choice of single style, ideas. All elements of the decoration should harmonize each other, create and maintain the selected style, a special atmosphere of winter holidays.

Take into account the interests and tastes of our households. They are different, you will have to find compromises.

For kids rooms, you can choose funny decorations, "settle" to them fabulous characters, the heroes of Christmas cartoons. Bright paints like children.

The living room, where the New Year's table creates the whole family, should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable, cozy. Wipes with thematic pictures, beautiful tablecloth, plates and glasses with Christmas ornament will be appropriate for serving a festive table.

Compositions made of coniferous twigs, candles, cones will complement the table serving. The devices can put small surprises and gifts for your relatives and friends.

Citrus: lemons, oranges, tangerines can be used as a candlesticks.

The kitchen on which New Year's treats will be preparing, also deserves attention: gingerbread houses, compositions from tangerines and apples, bright flowers of Puancetics.

Oriental flavors will fill the kitchen if the festive candlesticks make cinnamon sticks.

Entrance door - the home New Year's fairy tale begins with it: traditional Christmas wreaths, flickering garlands, animal figures.

The decoration of windows and window sills came into fashion - mobile modules, carved figures, drawings with paints.

Attract your children, spouses, grandparents to the work. The creation of New Year's compositions is a time-consuming, extra hand will not interfere. Joint creativity will not only take all the joy, but also unite the family, will allow all the households to be together.

If you never engaged in needlework, do not despair - choose the decoration option easier. Mastery comes with practice. If you want to change the composition peated on the Internet, make sure it. A little improvisation, a little bit of fantasy - and you will have a copyright decoration.

The most interesting spectacular and creative jewelry can be made from simple and affordable materials: paper, cones, twigs, fabrics, felt. Preparation for the holiday, making decorations takes time. Do not delay everything in recent days. New Year's troubles should bring joy.


Technique cutout (domestic) is known for a very long time, but the last few years she is experiencing a second birth. Cutting it easy, the technique is quite simple. The result exceeds all expectations - frosty patterns bloom on window glasses, the characters of cartoons, fairy tales appear.

From the cut figures you can make modules. Volumetric snowflakes, lanterns, christmas toys from paper pegs, rotate from the slightest air movement. From thick paper, you can cut a whole city or snowy forest. The backlight "revives" the composition. I want to look into the windows or under the Christmas tree, to see who lives there. And come up with a magical New Year's fairy tale.

Lamps, lamps, lamps can become magical and change their appearance. From paper you can cut any pattern and plot. In the lamp you can turn the most ordinary glass jar.

Christmas-tree-cutting toys in openwork patterns will decorate the New Year's beauty. Toys made with your own hands create a special atmosphere.

Any New Year's picture you can turn into a pattern for cutting. To do this, you need to enlarge the picture using any graphic editor, using a copy paper to transfer to the work sheet. Stationery knives are well suited for cutting. To not cut the table, use special mats.

The advantages of cutting into the availability of materials and simplicity itself. To perform complex compositions, patience and preferabity will be needed.

New Year's garlands

Garlands for home decoration is the most popular option. Purchased in the store and made independently, electrical and natural materials. Paper, fabric, from tinsel and glass toys, traditional and original - the choice is huge.

Electric garlands can be decorated not only the Christmas tree, but also the facade, windows of the house, stairs, inlet and room doors, a fireplace shelf.

Compositions with LED garlands create quite easily. For them, glass vases of simple or complex forms are suitable. Ordinary glass jars or bottles can be used to create original lamps. Experiments with shape of cans and bottles, with color and light give a magnificent result.

Tree from electrical garlands? Unusually, but very beautiful. You can attach it using a transparent tape or buttons with a wide hat.

The usual interior becomes mysterious, mysterious when garlands are lit in homes. The most ordinary things become magical. The lights, reflected in the old mirror, sit in the New Year's fairy tale.

The most ordinary garland can be made original. A little imagination, glass Christmas balls - and ready to decorate for windows.

LED garlands are well combined with paper or fabric garlands. Made with their own hands, they fill the house with warmth and love. Ordinary paper snowflakes, strung on a string, turn the room into the Winter House of Blizzards or Metelitsa.

Multicolored chips, gold stars, white circles, snow, penguins, mittens, socks - any New Year figures are suitable for garlands.

Garlands made of fabric or felt - uncomplicated, but so warm and homely. Christmas gingerbread and lollipops, gingerbread houses and Christmas deer, bearded Santa - make figurines for garlands easy. They can be voluminous and simple. Bright fetra figures will be the original decoration of the New Year's table or a good gift to guests.

Of natural materials, the most creative New Year's decorations will take. Apples, citrus, nuts, cones - base for garlands.

Variations of the New Year decor are incredibly a lot. Choose what will bring you and your loved ones, a sense of a magical holiday. Remember about comfort and safety.

Unusual Options of the New Year tree

Who said that the Christmas tree in the house should be alone? Christmas trees do not happen much. Surprise relatives and friends to the Christmas trees made by their own hands. Funny and elegant, small and not very. From which you can make an unusual Christmas tree: from books and cookies, pasta and paper, from pillows and lanes, cones and Christmas tree tinsel.

The smallest tree will turn out of books. An option suitable for students is available and inexpensive, easy to do, quickly disassemble.

Multicolored buttons of different diameters are needed for the manufacture of a button Christmas tree. Buttons look like christmas toys - round, bright, shiny.

Coffee tree - perfect decoration for the kitchen. Coffee beans will fill its aroma of roasted and freshly fatty coffee.

Gingerbread tree is not only a decoration, but also a delicacy. It is often necessary to cook it if there are small and big sweet tooth in the house.

Unusual Christmas trees will not replace beauties from the forest, but will complement the home interior. Invent your options for fun Christmas trees, create!

Decorations for the house for the new year do it yourself

From the old light bulb

For traditional or unusual trees, decorations and toys are needed. Make them with your own hands. To do this, we need old blinking light bulbs, primer and acrylic paints, acrylic varnish, brushes, sponge.

The surface of the bulb with a protected by any degreasing solution

Cook the primer. If it is not, twice the paint

On top of the white base, we make a blue paint inscription. Sponge around the inscription we apply a blue paint, slightly cutting it

Inscription Compact with gold or silver contour

In the contour, we write patterns on the surface of the light bulb - snowflakes, frost patterns (you can first draw their blue or blue paint)

When the paint and the contour gets dry, cover the toy acrylic varnish. He will protect the toy from mechanical damage - scuffs and scratches

Attaching a brilliant thread to the base, cover it with acrylic varnish

Many people notice that the older they become, the less place in the New Year's mood and are less waiting for magic, although all these feelings seemed natural in childhood.

But after all, you can make a holiday alone. If you make New Year's decorations for your home and decoration for the Christmas tree, you will immediately have a festive mood. Almost all the decorations you find in this article can be made in 30 minutes using the materials that already exist in your home.

1. Wool sprockets

These elegant stars of woolen threads can be sprinkled on the Christmas tree, chandelier or window. Or you can decorate with walls. Make such stars are very easy. You just need knitting wool of any color and thickness, glue, several nails and a cutting board.

2. Wreath of balls and old hangers

You can make a colorful wreath in half an hour. All you need is a set of inexpensive baubles (20-25 balls of different shapes and sizes) and an old hanger for clothes. If there is no, the durable wire is suitable. You can decorate a wreath with spruce branches and ribbons.

3. Tablecloth of snowflakes

You probably did snowflakes when they were children, so why not remember this exciting lesson, gathering them into a beautiful tablecloth. You can cut it along with other family members, or do it alone. Such a tablecloth is perfect for decorating a festive table if you are waiting for guests or plan a family dinner.

4. Multicolored hats

Make these cute caps can be from the remains of yarn. They will become an excellent decoration for the New Year tree, walls, windows or chandeliers. With this simple task, even children can handle 5 years old, so why not offer them this occupation? You will need a roll of toilet paper for rings (you can also use cardboard), scissors, multi-colored yarn and good mood.

5. Lamp "Snow City"

To make this charming lamp, you will need a piece of paper that should be wrapped around the jar. Then draw and cut the city or forest on it. Wrap the paper around the jar and insert the inside the candle. You will need a bank, thick paper of any color (even white suitable) and a candle. You can also decorate the jar with a special snow that is sold in every store with goods for creativity.

6. Decorations with photos

This is a great idea for Christmas decorations or a gift for your friends and relatives. Take a photo so that you can insert it inside the glass ball, and then scroll through it with a tweezers. You can use both small black and white rectangular images and a photo in the form of a circle.

You will need plastic or glass jewelry, photos and different things that can be fill in the balls (tinsel, light bulbs, similar to the snow salt).

7. New Year's lights

To make this miracle, you will need only 5 minutes. All you need to do is collect balls, fir branches and cones and fold them into a transparent vase (or a cute bank). You can add a garland to make the composition really beautiful.

8. Glowing coals

Glowing among cones and branches of lights create an impression of smoldering coal in the fireplace. It seems that they emit warmth! You will need a basket or a beautiful bowl, and the rest (with the exception of the garland, of course) can be found in the park.

9. Floating candles

This is a very simple ornament for the Christmas table or a pleasant evening in the company of friends during the holidays. Put candles into a container with water, bright berries and fir branches. You can also use cones, oranges, fresh flowers and leaves - almost everything that comes to mind. Use the bows, vases, jars and glasses as a candlesticks. The most important thing is that they should be transparent.

10. Snowman on the refrigerator or on the door

Children such a decoration will like it - to make it simple, fun and very fast. Even a 3-year-old child will be able to cut large parts. You need to cut circles, nose and scarf. To attach them to the door, use wrapping paper, color cardboard and adhesive tape.

11. Snowflakes on the window

These interesting snowflakes can be done with glue. To stick them to the glass, gently pressing them. You will need a snowflake pattern, baking sheets, glue gun and a little patience.

12. Candy-Christmas Falls

Make these colorful christmas trees can be done with children. They are ideal for a children's party or family dinner. Cut the triangles of colored paper or cardboard, attach them to the toothpick with a scotch, and then insert into candy. You will need any trifel candy in the form of a pyramid, toothpick, tape, colored paper or patterboard.

13. Christmas lights with photos

New Year and Christmas - Wonderful Family Holidays. For such a case, an ideal decoration made from garlands with photos and children's drawings. Attach them to the garland you can rinsers, decorated with hearts and snowflakes.

14. Origami Star

With these pretty origami stars, you can decorate the Christmas tree, a table or garland.

15. Decoration from spoons

Ordinary metal or wooden spoons can be easily turned into lovely Christmas decorations. The only thing you need is acrylic paints. Your children will like this idea. To hang such a decoration on the Christmas tree, it will be enough to bend the handle of the metal spoon. Wooden spoons can be decorated with a kitchen.

16. Sock Snowman

Use white socks to make these funny snowmen. Cut the tip of the sock and wrap the second end thread. Inside, put a little rice that the snowman becomes round, and wrap the rice ball. After that, pour rice again to make the second ball. With buttons or beads you can make your nose and eyes. Do not forget about the scarf. The part that you cut off at the very beginning can be used instead of a hat.

17. Volumetric snowflakes

You can hang these beautiful bulk snowflakes on the Christmas tree and windows. Make them a little harder than ordinary snowflakes, but everything you need is white paper, sharp scissors and stapler.

18. Decorations of old light bulbs

Stop throw away the used light bulbs! Of these, you can make good decorations, and your children will like this idea. Thanks to the light bulbs on your Christmas tree, grandfathers, snowmen and handmade penguins may appear. To make hats and scarves, you can use a fleece or any other warm fabric. You will need old light bulbs, acrylic paints (you can also use old nail polish), simple and color glue, buttons, tinsel, ribbons, beads and other small decorative items.

19. We are going for the Christmas tree!

This pretty bauble will decorate your chest, windowsill or table. You will need a toy machine, artificial snow, toy christmas tree, beautiful bank, red and white ribbon. If you do not have artificial snow, you can use a white napkin. Just brush it into pieces.

20. Brilliant memories, dreams and other things

A set of New Year's baubles can be turned into beautiful decorations with meaning. For example, you can make toys that will remind you of the best events of last year - the birth of a child or an excellent trip. Over time, the creation of such jewelry can be your family tradition that will help you plunge into pleasant memories. You can use not only those toys that symbolize your memories, but also wishes: for example, if you want to go to the sea, you can make a ball with shells and a note with your desire.

New Year's mood - a raining thing. We are waiting, wait, but it does not come ... We tell how to create a festive attitude and the atmosphere of the New Year's miracle, decorating the house. Call toys and tinsel rather: we start!

We liberate space

In the New Year - with new things
Bought a new blender, but can not get rid of the old broken? Only not this time: before the New Year, throw out the faulty things that do not use it for a long time. I recently abandoned three pairs of ripped jeans, which kept for several years "for giving or somewhere else." What for? I never took advantage of them. But now the regiment is free - and as if breathing easier.

If the whole year did not use the thing - give it
How many unnecessary baubles in a kitchen table box or cabinet: a yolk and protein separator, a speaking alarm clock, toys that have long been a child for a long time ... Why keep things that do not bring benefits? That's right - there is no need.

Give out
What to do with things that are not needed, and throw out a sorry? Give someone who needs them. It's great when the thing acquires the owner: the new family drinks from the grandmother's brewing, and a tablecloth that did not fit you in color, decorates someone's table.


When the apartment is free from unnecessary things, it's time to add comfort and festive mood. Here are some useful tips.

If there is little place

"I do not decorate the house. I have no place for me, "you will say sadly. Do not hurry to draw conclusions. Look at your apartment: there are many beautiful corners in it. For example, space under luminaires on the walls or place above door openings. Hang Christmas toys there - you will see how the room will be transformed.

Decorate the walls with long ribbons with New Year's ornament - so make designers. Add something your New Year greetings or photos, and hide fasteners for coniferous sprigs.


The secret of the magical festive atmosphere is the right light. American Decorator Albert Hadley advises: "I try to avoid ceiling light, because I think that any upper light is a tragedy." Let there be two light sources - chandelier and a soft muted luminescence of lamps, a scaven down or a table lamp.


Close your eyes and feel the aroma of the new year. Mandarins, needles, smell of fresh snow and new wrapping paper - what comes to mind immediately.

Add Magic Notes will help spicy combinations: ginger, cinnamon, carnation, rosemary and musk.

Light aromatic candles or buy jars with fragrant mixtures: put in the hallway, bathroom, on window sills and on the tables. If home does not have allergies, use aromamasla. The perfect Christmas recipe for aromalamps: a droplet of nutmeg oil, ylang-ylang, ginger and carnations.


  • Take paper with a pattern, old postcards, drawings, or simply print pictures that like. You can use felt balls or glass beads.
  • Do the holes in the figures and stripe on the thread or harness.
  • Garlands can be horizontal - suitable for curtains, windows, trees, doorway. Or vertical - they can be attached to the ceiling or chandelier.


A christmas wreath gradually moved to our culture. It is made from Christmas branches, cones and acorns. Collect twigs of 30 cm long, tie the twine or harness into small bundles and collect a wreath. Color silver paint or add artificial snow, let's dry and attach to the door.

Christmas tree

  • Color toys and garlands on a spiral. First attach the garland, and then the Christmas balls. Decorations can be one color or with a gradient effect - to move from one shade to another.
  • Let the garlands go in a circle, and toys - in any order. Do not overdo it with the number of decorations and pay attention to the size of the Christmas balls: big toys should be downstairs.
  • Garlands and decorations. Place vertically. To create a balance, in some places, make lush bows or add tinsel.
  • Decorate the Christmas tree with sweets and fruits. Apples, honey and gingerbread glands with icing, tangerines, cookies, nuts in gilded foil, candy in shiny wrappers - Everything will be delighted with "sweet" christmas trees!
  • Dilute the sweet dance cinnamon sticks, carnation inflorescences and in the oven slices of orange. Such a Christmas tree exudes a crazy spicy fragrance that will wake the sleeping festive mood.

Instead of christmas tree

If at home there is no place or run three cat-bandit, replace the traditional Christmas tree with other decorations.

  • Make a winter bouquet. Stick plasticine balls or balls from felt or wool on wooden sprigs. Spreads paint white paint or apply glue on them and cut in sparkles in salt or in artificial snow.
  • If you like minimalism, decorate simple items - and they will turn into New Year's characters. Decorate wooden branches by a couple of felt toys on a thread. Or dress the garland ladder from the tree. Simple and stylish.
  • Draw a Christmas tree on the wall. Use paints or make a contour with tinsel. Color to the imaginary ate toys or other decorations. The main thing is to depict three or four-five triangles. The rest will tell the imagination.

Every year I decorate the apartment in the last week before the new year. Therefore, the New Year's mood comes to me late: I do not have time to enjoy the winter landscapes, carefully think about where and how we will cope with the holiday, and write a long list of desires. But if the premonition of magic hides in garlands and fragrant Christmas branches, maybe you should not wait so long? You only need to get old christmas toys, buy tangerines, light candles - and become a little lucky.

Unlike personal or religious holidays, the new year is celebrated by the majority of people. Everything is filled with pre-holiday bustle, gifts are packaged, selected, and in the air hovers the feeling of the approaching fairy tale. Magic want to see everywhere: someone is looking for ways to decorate the workplace, someone is thinking about how to decorate the house for the new year.

In this article:

Little details of a big holiday

Home decoration for the New Year is the only case when decorative parts cannot be too much. Even if each piece of furniture in each room of the house will remind the upcoming holiday, it will only increase the feeling of an impending miracle. The main condition - all decorative elements must be sustained in one style or, at least in one color scheme. Only then will remind a fabulous gingerbread house, and not to demonstrate a miserable.

Prepare the premises for the holiday can be different methods:

  • To decorate the entire perimeter of the room, decorating windows, doors, as well as placing on the walls of the garlands and, possibly, fixing the decorative elements on the ceiling.
  • Use multiple "points", placing large of several elements.

As a garlands, not only traditional Christmas decorations can be used, but also the dried oranges, cinnamon, and even gingerbread gingerbreads. At the same time, the house literally for moments will be filled with a special New Year's aroma.

To create large compositions, it is customary to use natural materials or artificial products, imitating them: cones, fir branches, holly. In addition, candles are actively used. Given the fire safety requirements, preference should be given to modern LED candles that can be left even at night.

If the interior is decorated with the room and is so overloaded with small parts, adding additional, even if the festive, items can create a feeling of chaos and disorder. In this case, it is recommended to use the following decorators:

  • Decorate only window glass, and use only translucent or white elements.
  • Include in the interior one composition harmonizing with other objects. Place a similar decor can be even in the hallway, it is consistent with the part of the wall and the territory adjacent to it.
  • Do not use other elements of the holiday, except for the decorated Christmas tree. At the expense of a large number of toys and illumination, the tree will become the central element of the New Year's interior.

How to decorate the Christmas tree for the new year?

With a dressed Christmas tree - one of the symbols of New Year's celebrations - a lot of traditions are connected. The process of buying (or assembling) of the tree itself and its subsequent decoration for many families has become a ritual causing warm memories throughout life. However, with the general inviolability of tradition, there are many options for design: not only a tree, but also pine, fir, and even any, not necessarily coniferous, plant can be used as a decorated tree. You can dress a tree not only using suitable or, on the contrary, contrasting decorations.

If the "home" christmas tree is accepted not only by bought Christmas trees, but also various crafts, or made with their own hands, then Christmas trees, installed or other work premises, can be decorated with a large share of fantasy. The clothing store will decorate the composition in the form of a female dress, on the Christmas tree in the lobby of the holiday hotel will be organically looked, it would seem, not New Year's shells and sea attributes, and in the floral store indoors it is interesting to look like a fir with live flowers instead of traditional balls and rains.

Beautiful feast

When placing the table, which will be held the main New Year's dinner, it is necessary to use objects, harmoniously combined not only with dishes, but also suitable for food decoration. It is known that traditional New Year's red color excites appetite, and its cold blue, on the contrary, suppresses. At the same time, the table, decorated in silver-blue tones, will be perfectly complied with the interior in a cold, winter style, however, the choice of dishes for the festive feast should be made with regard to their compatibility with the overall concept of interior design.

The festive table can be decorated in several ways:

  • place a decorative composition in the center of the table;
  • emboss the table with textile paths (along or across), where to place New Year's decorations;
  • use individual decorative elements by placing them on the canteen devices or dishes of each guest.

Food products are actively used as components of desktop compositions: citrus fruits, fruits, spices. Preference should be given to natural materials: decorations of wood, fresh spruce branches and cones.

Window in the winter fairy tale

Traditionally, it is customary to decorate windows cut out of paper with filigree snowflakes or using one of the printed circuits, other silhouettes of christmas scenes on paper.

The other effect will be decorated, fixed on the cornily or window frame. Hanging Christmas toys or pictures, enshrined in the form of Christmas flags suspended to firing garlands, will create a feeling of weightless jewelry, easily soaring in the air, as if real snowflakes.

Fireplace and socks with a surprise

Fireplace with christmas socks (or shoes) for sweets - another recognizable symbol of the new year. It should be remembered that socks filled with candy are quite high, so the fireplace regiment must be equipped with hooks for their mounting. In the case when consolidating sweet scenery is impossible, you can decorate the shelf woven from natural or artificial firing branches with a garland with the New Year's decorations fixed on it.

Contrary to popular belief, admire a beautifully decorated Christmas fireplace not only owners of private houses. The boutoform fireplace, in the focus of which will burn the most real or LED candles, it is easy to do on their own. To do this, it is enough to use one of the instructions in the article.

How to decorate the staircase?

New Year 2020 Many families will determine country cottages and country houses. According to the Western tradition of decorating the New Year's interior, the decoration of the stairs is given not the last place. You can make a staircase not only with the help of spruce branches and snowflakes, but also in accordance with the general style of decorating at home. Use in the decoration of LED backlight or garland will allow the staircase look solemnly at any time of the day.

Door decoration

Contrary to the problem, the doors on Christmas holidays can be decorated not only. Skilly composed compositions fixed in a wooden frame, on a foam-based basis or wire frame, will bring the feeling of the holiday while entering the house or apartment. It is important to consider the options for fastening the scenery on the door leaf. Depending on the material from which the door is made, it is possible to mount the decorations on the brackets, hooks, adhesive tape or other special devices.

Exterior decor at home

Often, household owners pay attention only to the interior decoration, completely forgetting about the surrounding space. In order for each guest and the households to feel the approach of magic, it is important not only to decorate the house for the new year, but also festively arrange the courtyard of the house. You can take advantage of various ideas for designing the site, apply different decorator techniques and funny ideas. However, if everything is covered with snow, decorations may not be visible. In this case, only glowing garlands should be used in the design of the exterior.

Ecology of consumption. Interior Design: Thought about New Year's design? Do not know how to decorate the room for the new year 2017 do it yourself? It's time to make a collection of interesting ideas! The brighter and more diverse there will be the design of your room, the more accurate you can convey all the beauty of the holiday on New Year's Eve.

Thought about New Year's design? Do not know how to decorate the room for the new year 2017 do it yourself?

It's time to make a collection of interesting ideas! The brighter and more diverse there will be the design of your room, the more accurate you can convey all the beauty of the holiday on New Year's Eve.

New Year's decoration of the house should not be spontaneous and rampant: prepare all the materials in advance, design the layout, take care that for each accessory there is its place in the interior. The creation of a harmonious and pleasant design for Christmas topics is easy, but this process requires preparation.

How to decorate the house for the new year 2017? The brightest and stylish decorations can not only be purchased in the store, but also make with your own hands using braid materials. Let's create a fabulous setting together!

Materials for the New Year decor

New Year's decor of the apartment begins with the choice of materials suitable for creating a solemn environment. If we are talking about decorating the Christmas tree, then standard jewelry come to mind, which can be purchased in almost every store before the holiday: glass and plastic toys, garlands, rain, tinsel.

But is it possible to emphasize the stylish and bright New Year's interior 2017 with other materials? You can even need!

For decorating you can use:

    plastic bottles. Plastic - practical and convenient to use material for creating candle holders, elements for garlands, small figurines for decorating the Christmas tree and even mini-chips for decorating a festive table;

    textile. Since the fabric can be deformed, take care of a solid basis or use felt: from these materials you can sew christmas toys or garlands with elements on Christmas topics. From soft fabric you can sew volume toys;

    decoration. Who said that ordinary beads and earrings cannot be used as an element of decor? Small accessories perfectly suitable for decorating small artificial Christmas trees, and beads with unnecessary decorations can be applied in the design of the candle, candlesticks, figurines, christmas wreaths;

    shishki.- A fairly common option to create decorative accessories for the new year. Color them in bright or white color, sprinkle with sparkles or artificial snow - and use as a Christmas tree or element of the New Year's composition on the table;

    candy, cookies and fruits. With edible gear, you can make a festive table or garlands, raised around the room.

Any material can be used in decorative purposes. For example, from the threads and glue you can create volumetric compositions in the form of stars or snowflakes - and hang under the ceiling. And from ordinary paper or cardboard there will be excellent drawings for the design of walls and windows.

Categories fantasy and do not be afraid to implement the most bold ideas: the source of inspiration you will serve as a photo of New Year's decor 2017.

Tip: deciding how to decorate the house for the new year 2017 with your own hands, do not forget about the harmonious location of accessories.

The shade and shape of the jewelry also play an important role: everything should be in moderation, so you will disperse the room accessories, stick to a single style in design and try not to combine several catchy design elements at once.

So that you do not have to redo job work several times, plan in advance, in which place and how the New Year's atmosphere will be created. Take care that not only furniture, but different surfaces in the house were decorated festive: it applies to walls, windows, doors, ceilings, window sills, separate niches and protrusions, fireplace areas.

It is desirable that the home decoration for the new year 2017 is made in a single style and was not characterized by excessive abundance of contradictory shades: the most successful in such design is considered white, red, golden and green colors.

Table setting

Place where sob guests are driven - the central zone of the festive decor. Therefore, it is not necessary to save, drawing up the table only with dishes and dishes. Given that many accessories can be made personally, you do not have to spend money on a stylish serving.

Accessories used to decorate the table must match the New Year's decor at home. It is not necessary to make the table bright and catchy due to the corresponding shades: even in white and soft blue color, the serving will look stylish and exquisite, because light shades are associated with the winter holiday.

How to decorate the house in the year of the fiery rooster, it is easy to find out by contacting the symbolism of next year: the red color may be present in textile elements, food, decorations and toys; The topics of the fire can be supported with a candle or garlands with characteristic lanterns, choose statuettes, drawings and Christmas candles with a symbolism of the fiery rooster 2017.

The brightest decoration of the table will be a candle: you can choose ready-made options for Christmas topics and even flavored candles that will enjoy relax and enjoy the holiday.

If you wish to draw a table and interior in a single style, you can make candles to the new 2017 on your own.

To do this, lay the molds for future candles, melt wax, fill - and wait for it to harden. Do not forget to pre-insert wick. The finished wax figures are decorated with varnish, paint, sequins, beads, napkins (decoupage technique), cutting, ribbons and many other suitable accessories.

Candlesticks in the New Year table table 2017 will play not a last role. It is believed that the rooster loves everything bright and brilliant, so why not pick up metal or transparent candlesticks that are transfusing under fiery glare.

Glass candlesticks on a long leg will become a stylish addition to the classic decor of the table: they can be made using glasses - and place in the center of the table.

The decoration of the festive table will not be finished if you do not pick up textiles. The tablecloth can be white or have a bright shade, but it is better to use one-photon options without patterns.

If you do not plan to decorate the table tablecloth, take care of the availability of cloth napkins: they can have a standard square shape, be openwork or embroidered.

Simple cloth wipes can be decorated with stylish grips or bright tapes. It should not also forget that even the food laid out in an unusual form (for example, in the form of a Christmas tree) can be a spectacular decoration of the New Year's table.

Decorating the windows

Let's find out how to decorate the house in the year of the fiery rooster if you do not plan to stop on only the serving. Even the window zone can become space for creativity: here you can apply a few bright and interesting ideas.

The most common option to decorate the window is a sticking cut from paper plots on the glass. To emphasize the New Year's decor of the window, look for interesting pictures on this topic on the Internet, print on white paper and cut down the contour. It can be deer with sleigh, grandfathers frost, snow maiden, christmas trees, houses, blizzards, gifts, Christmas toys and other plots.

Tip: You can show fantasy - and cut different snowflakes: this process really likes children, so connect them to creativity. So that snowflakes are overflowed under highlights from candles and garlands, plunder their glossy film or pose into the usual file, cut along the contour.

If you do not want to spend time on cutting figures - Make one stencil, lean to the glass - and wake the slots of the toothpaste. As a result, there will be a slightly blurred drawings on your window, which will look pretty realistic.

To decorate the window, you can use conventional Christmas balls, fruits, toys. It is enough to fasten them on long ribbons - and tie to the eaves. Such decor will suit if your window is not closed with curtains.

To decorate the windowsill, you can also implement several interesting ideas. For example, to furnish the surface toys and statuettes for Christmas topics.

With the help of durable paper or cardboard, you can create a realistic composition across the entire width of the window: cut out the Christmas trees, houses, faucets, among which are riding a sleigh with deer - spread out several layers throughout the windowsill and divide the garlands that the flickering light will create in the evening.

For realistic, create a New Year decor from foam: it will imitate snow. With this material, you can also create some elements of a fabulous composition or toys for cornice, garlands, curtains or christmas trees.

Interior decoration for the new year 2017 can even be complemented by decorating curtains. Attach a bows, bumps, christmas toys on the fabric, rain or garlands - and your room will be perceived more festive.

Other zones of the room

Where else can you show your skills? Of course, the blowing materials will be useful for decorating the Christmas tree, because without it, it is not necessary for her New Year's Eve. In addition to the standard purchased jewelry, decorate it with candy, tangerines, homemade toys, ribbons and even thematic cookies. And do not forget about gifts!

For those who like the size and restraint in design, the idea of \u200b\u200bdecorating the Christmas tree decoration is attractive only with the help of garlands. Bright lanterns will replace multicolored balls, and in the evening, this room zone will become the most fabulous and mysterious.

As a material for handmade, you can use light bulbs, clips, puff pastry, cones and tangerines, fabric, plastic caps, berries, nuts and other elements. You can create Christmas toys from existing ones, but outdated: for example, to beat a few bright balls - and harvesting a brilliant powder for new jewelry.

Another zone that requires decoration is the door. Even if it is not the main in your home, you can apply several common decor options: rain rain and tinsel, draw a Christmas tree (or glue paper figures), create a festive wreath.

Attention! It is the wreaths are considered a trend for several New Year holidays. They can be made of fir branches, small Christmas balls, berries, mandarins, cones, toys, sweets, beads and other accessories. Wreath parameters Determine, focusing on the dimensions of the door.

With the fireplace in the apartment or house, do not forget to prepare New Year's socks or caps: you can attach small presents for guests. Also, the fireplace can be made by candles, garlands, rain, toys, fir branches. It is desirable that the decor of the fireplace corresponds to the decor of the New Year tree.

New Year's decor 2017 may assume the corresponding design of furniture. You can stick thematic pictures (like on windows), attach garlands or beads.

If there are chairs with backs, take care of the creation of stylish covers: they can portray sheds of frosts, deer, snow maiders. The best shades for covers on chairs - red, white, green and golden.

To decorate the ceiling and walls, use beads, rain, electric garlands. New Year's decorations with their own hands 2017 may include homemade chain garlands, compositions of Christmas balls, ribbons with toys, decorative snowflakes, bulk lanterns. The easiest way to decorate is the use of ready-made pictures on an adhesive basis.